Welcome to Becoming Catholic Articles, where we present in article form our defense (apologetic) of the Catholic Faith, as well as the treasures of the Great Tradition of Christendom, from the original sources themselves.
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General Topics
#2 | The “Big C” Catholic Church in the Church Fathers
#11 | Which “gospel”? Which “biblical”?
#12 | Why Acts 15 Led Me to the Catholic Church
#15 | “To be deep in history is to cease to be a Protestant”
#28 | Former Calvinist Theologian and Historian Set out to Disprove the Catholic Church, and Becomes Catholic—The Story of Dr. David Anders
Sola Scriptura (“Scripture Alone”) and the Canon
The Eucharist
Apostolic Succession
The Papacy
#35 | Victorian Protestant Scholar Praises the Papacy as the Most Enduring Institution in World History
#44 | Papal Snapshot: Origen Repents to St. Pope Fabian (mid 200s)
#40 | Papal Snapshot: Pagan Historian Acknowledges “the higher authority of the bishop of the Eternal City” (c. 355)
#41 | Papal Snapshot: St. Jerome, and the One True Church Built on the Rock of Peter and His Successors in Rome (c. 376/377)
#42 | Papal Snapshot: St. Peter Chrysologus Says the Pope is Required to Settle Doctrinal Disputes (448)
#43 | Papal Snapshot: Papal Authority Affirmed in Emperor Justinian’s Civil Code of Law (533-34)
#48 | St. Thomas Aquinas’s Brief Argument for the Papacy
The Blessed Virgin Mary
Coming soon
Where Is the True Church?
What Did the Ancient Church Believe?
The Jewish Roots of the Catholic Church
#19 | The Jewish Roots of Catholic Authority, Part 1: Moses and the Priesthood Speak for God
#20 | The Jewish Roots of Catholic Authority, Part 2: Urim and Thummim
#26 | The Jewish Roots of Catholic Authority, Part 3: “Apostolic Succession” in the Old Testament
#24 | Where is the True Church? A Typological Connection Between Ancient Israel and the Catholic Church
#34 | Jewish Roots of Catholic Authority, Part 4: The Jewish Understanding of “Binding and Loosing”
Faith, Works, and Justification
The Deuterocanonical (“Apocryphal”) Books of the Bible
St. Ignatius: The Red Pill
#3 | St. Ignatius the Red Pill, Part 1 (Letters to Philadelphia and Smyrna)
#5 | St. Ignatius the Red Pill, Part 2 (Letter to Ephesus)
#6 | St. Ignatius the Red Pill, Part 3 (Letter to Magnesia)
#8 | St. Ignatius the Red Pill, Part 4 (Letter to Tralles)
#10 | St. Ignatius the Red Pill, Part 5 (Letter to Rome)
Family Matters: Marriage and Sexuality
This Looks Familiar: Protestantism and Ancient Heresies
Judas Within: Enduring Evil Within the Church
Setting the Record Straight: The Truth vs. Anti-Catholic Myths
Angels and Demons, Signs and Wonders
A Great Mountain: The History, Philosophy, and Theology of Christendom
Coming soon
A New Thing Under the Sun: America in the Shadow of Christendom
Coming soon
The Foolishness of God: The End Times