(Updated January 24, 2025)
I’m frequently asked for recommendations of what to read in the writings of the Church Fathers, as well as which volumes are in my own library.
This “Ultimate Church Fathers Reading List” is intended to answer both questions, while also empowering others to find where they can read the works of the Fathers and other Ecclesiastical writers (i.e. ancient writers who are not recognized as Saints or Church Fathers). We’ll call it “Ultimate Church Fathers” for short.
Ultimate Church Fathers is thus intended to fulfill the following functions:
- Provide a comprehensive listing of books and resources in my own library containing the writings of the Fathers and other Ecclesiastical Writers that have been translated into English so others can find them more easily. They will cover roughly the first millennium of Church history.
- Provide a complete listing of the individual works of the Church Fathers and other Ecclesiastical Writers from the preceding books, as well as the status of whether I’ve read them or not (if I have not, they will be displayed in red font). Many don’t dig into the original sources nearly as much as they should, and this is part of my effort to provide “receipts” for my research into the Church Fathers.
Wherever possible, Ultimate Church Fathers will hyperlink to places where the physical books that are cited can be purchased, and/or to online versions of the books or particular works so they can be read for free.
Ultimate Church Fathers is still very much under construction. Not everything below is complete, or totally up to date. At the top, I will specify the date on which it has been most recently updated.
Outline of Ultimate Church Fathers
The outline for Ultimate Church Fathers is as follows:
- First, we will list all the individual books included in this resource, beginning with those that are primary sources (the vast majority), followed by other books we recommend that are secondary sources. We will begin with the various multi-volume sets of books.
- Second, we will list the names of all the Church Fathers and Ecclesiastical Writers contained in this resource, including the years of their lifespan, and whether they were from the East or the West. In some cases, we will include pagan authors who will be identified as such.
- Third and finally, we will list the individual works of the Church Fathers in one section, and Ecclesiastical Writers in another, listed by author in chronological order. If applicable, next to each work in a parenthetical will be included the number of books, or the number of chapters/sections it consists of to get a rough idea of its length. The number of sections, if applicable, will be provided as (§§X), where “X” is the number of sections.
The Fathers of the Church (Catholic University of America)
Short citations: CUA, Vol. X (pages)
- Volume 2 | St. Augustine, John J. Gavigan, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 2: Saint Augustine, Christian Instruction; Admonition and Grace; The Christian Combat; Faith, Hope, and Charity (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1947).
- Volume 3 | Salvian the Presbyter, Jeremiah F. O’Sullivan, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 3: The Writings of Salvian, the Presbyter (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1947).
- Volume 4 | St. Augustine, Ludwig Schopp, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 4: Saint Augustine, The Immortality of the Soul, The Magnitude of the Soul, On Music, The Advantage of Believing, On Faith in Things Unseen (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1947).
- Volume 5 | St. Augustine, Ludwig Schopp, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 5: Saint Augustine, The Happy Life, Answer to Skeptics, Divine Providence and the Problem of Evil, Soliloquies (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1948).
- Volume 7 | St. Nicetas, Sulpicius Severus, St. Vincent of Lerins, St. Prosper of Aquitaine, J. Reginald O’Donnell, CSB, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 7: Niceta of Remesiana, Writings; Supicius Severus, Writings; Vincent of Lerins, Commonitories; Prosper of Aquitaine, Grace and Free Will (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1949).
- Volume 9 | St. Basil, M. Monica Wagner, C.S.C., trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 9: Saint Basil, Ascetical Works (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1999).
- Volume 15 | Roy J. Deferrari, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 15: Early Christian Biographies (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1952).
- Volume 16 | St. Augustine, Mary Sarah Muldowney, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 16: Saint Augustine, Treatises on Various Subjects (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1952).
- Volume 17 | St. Peter Chrysologus and St. Valerian, George E. Ganss, S.J., trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 17: Saint Peter Chrysologus Selected Sermons; Saint Valerian Homilies (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2004).
- Volume 22 | St. Gregory Nazianzus, St. Ambrose of Milan, Leo P. McCauley, SJ, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 22: Funeral Orations by Saint Gregory Nazianzen and Saint Ambrose (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1968).
- Volume 23 | St. Clement of Alexandria, Simon P. Wood, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 23: Clement of Alexandria, Christ the Educator (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1954).
- Volume 26 | St. Ambrose, Mary Melchior Beyenka, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 26: Saint Ambrose, Letters (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1954).
- Volume 27 | St. Augustine, Charles T. Wilcox, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 27: Saint Augustine, Treatises on Marriage and Other Subjects (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1955).
- Volume 28 | St. Basil, Agnes Clare Way, CDP, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 28: Saint Basil, Letters, Vol. 2 (186-368) (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1955).
- Volume 30 | St. Augustine, Sister Wilfrid Parsons, SND, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 30: Saint Augustine, Letters, Vol. IV (165-203) (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1955).
- Volume 31 | St. Caesarius of Arles, Mary Magdaleine Mueller, O.S.F., trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 31: Saint Caesarius of Arles, Sermons, Vol. 1 (1-80) (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2004).
- Volume 34 | St. Pope Leo the Great, Brother Edmund Hunt, CSC, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 34: St. Leo the Great, Letters (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1957).
- Volume 35 | St. Augustine, Matthew A. Schumacher, CSC, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 35: Saint Augustine, Against Julian (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1957).
- Volume 36 | St. Cyprian of Carthage, Roy J. Deferrari, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 36: Saint Cyprian, Treatises (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1958).
- Volume 37 | St. John of Damascus, Frederic H. Chase, Jr., trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 37: Saint John of Damascus, Writings (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1958).
- Volume 38 | St. Augustine, Mary Sarah Muldowney, RSM, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 38: Saint Augustine, Sermons on the Liturgical Seasons (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1959).
- Volume 39 | St. Pope Gregory the Great, Odo John Zimmerman, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 39: St. Gregory the Great, Dialogues (Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 2002).
- Volume 42 | St. Ambrose, John J. Savage, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 42: Saint Ambrose, Hexameron, Paradise, and Cain and Abel (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1961).
- Volume 43 | Prudentius, Sister M. Clement Eagen, CCVI, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 43: The Poems of Prudentius, Volume 1 (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1962).
- Volume 44 | St. Ambrose, Roy J. Deferrari, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 44: Saint Ambrose, Theological and Dogmatic Works (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1963).
- Volume 46 | St. Basil, Agnes Clare Way, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 46: Saint Basil, Exegetic Homilies (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1963).
- Volume 47 | St. Caesarius of Arles, Sister Mary Magdeleine Mueller, O.S.F., trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 47: Saint Caesarius of Arles, Sermons, Vol. 2 (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1964).
- Volume 48 | St. Jerome, Marie Ligouri Ewald, IHM, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 48: The Homilies of Saint Jerome, Volume 1, 1-59 on the Psalms (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1964).
- Volume 49 | Lactantius, Sister Mary Francis McDonald, OP, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 49: Lactantius, The Divine Institutes, Books I-VII (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1964).
- Volume 50 | Paulus Orosius, Roy J. Deferrari, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 50: Paulus Orosius, The Seven Books of History Against the Pagans (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1964).
- Volume 52 | Prudentius, Sister M. Clement Eagan, CCVI, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 52: The Poems of Prudentius, Volume 2 (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1965).
- Volume 53 | St. Jerome, John N. Hritzu, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 53: Saint Jerome, Dogmatic and Polemical Works (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America, 1965).
- Volume 55 | Eugippius, Ludwig Bieler, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 55: Eugippius, The Life of Saint Severin (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1965).
- Volume 57 | St. Jerome, Sister Marie Ligouri Ewald, IHM, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 57: The Homilies of Saint Jerome, Volume 2, Homilies 60-96 (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1966).
- Volume 58 | St. Gregory of Nyssa, Virginia Woods Callahan, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 58: Saint Gregory of Nyssa, Ascetical Works (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1967).
- Volume 60 | St. Augustine, Sister Mary Inez Bogan, RSM, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 60: Saint Augustine, The Retractions (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1968).
- Volume 62 | St. Martin of Braga, St. Paschasius of Dumium, St. Leander of Seville, Claude W. Barlow, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 62: Iberian Fathers, Volume 1 (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Pres, 1969).
- Volume 63 | St. Braulio of Saragossa, St. Fructuosus of Braga, Claude W. Barlow, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 63: Iberian Fathers, Vol. 2 (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1969).
- Volume 64 | St. Cyril of Jerusalem, Leo P. McCauley, SJ, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 64: The Works of Saint Cyril of Jerusalem, Volume 2 (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1970).
- Volume 65 | St. Ambrose, Michael P. McHugh, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 65: Saint Ambrose, Seven Exegetical Works (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1972).
- Volume 66 | St. Caesarius of Arles, Sister Mary Magdeleine Mueller, OSF, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 66: Saint Caesarius of Arles, Sermons, Volume 3, 187-238 (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1973).
- Volume 67 | Novatian, Russell J. DeSimone, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 67: The Trinity, The Spectacles, Jewish Foods, In Praise or Purity, Letters (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1974).
- Volume 68 | St. John Chrysostom, Paul W. Harkins, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 68: Saint John Chrysostom, Discourses Against Judaizing Christians (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1979).
- Volume 69 | Marius Victorinus, Mary T. Clark, RSCJ, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 69: Marius Victorinus, Theological Treatises on the Trinity (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1981).
- Volume 70 | St. Augustine, David L. Mosher, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 70: Saint Augustine, Eighty-Three Different Questions (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1982).
- Volume 71 | Origen, Ronald E. Heine, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 71: Origen, Homilies on Genesis and Exodus (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1982).
- Volume 72 | St. John Chrysostom, Paul W. Harkins, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 72: St. John Chrysostom, On the Incomprehensible Nature of God (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1984).
- Volume 73 | St. John Chrysostom, Margaret A. Schatkin, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 73: Saint John Chrysostom, Apologist (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1985).
- Volume 74 | St. John Chrysostom, Robert C. Hill, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 74: Saint John Chrysostom, Homilies on Genesis 1-17 (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1986).
- Volume 75 | St. Gregory Nazianzus, Denis Molaise Meehan, OSB, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 75: Saint Gregory of Nazianzus, Three Poems, Concerning His Own Affairs, Concerning Himself and the Bishops, Concerning His Own Life (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1986).
- Volume 76 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, John I. McEnerney, The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 76: St. Cyril of Alexandria, Letters 1-50 (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1987).
- Volume 77 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, John I. McEnerney, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 77: St. Cyril of Alexandria, Letters 51-110 (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1987).
- Volume 80 | Origen, Ronald E. Heine, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 80: Origen, Commentary on the Gospel According to John, Books 1-10 (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1989).
- Volume 82 | St. John Chrysostom, Robert C. Hill, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 82: Saint John Chrysostom, Homilies on Genesis 18-45 (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1990).
- Volume 83 | Origen, Gary Wayne Barkley, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 83: Origen, Homilies on Leviticus 1-16 (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1990).
- Volume 84 | St. Augustine, Roland J. Teske, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 84: Saint Augustine, Two Books on Genesis Against the Manichees, On the Literal Interpretation of Genesis: An Unfinished Book (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1991).
- Volume 87 | St. John Chrysostom, Robert C. Hill, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 87: Saint John Chrysostom, Homilies on Genesis 46-67 (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1992).
- Volume 91 | St. Ephrem the Syrian, Edward G. Matthews, Jr., trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 91: St. Ephrem the Syrian, Selected Prose Works (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1994).
- Volume 94 | Origen, Joseph T. Lienhard, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 94: Origen, Homilies and Fragments on Luke (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1996).
- Volume 95 | St. Fulgentius of Ruspe, Robert B. Eno, SS, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 95: Fulgentius, Selected Works (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1997).
- Volume 96 | St. John Chrysostom, Gus George Christo, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 96: St. John Chrysostom, On Repentance and Almsgiving (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1998).
- Volume 97 | Origen, John Clark Smith, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 97: Origen, Homilies on Jeremiah, Homily on 1 Kings 28 (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press).
- Volume 99 | St. Pacian of Barcelona, Orosius of Braga, Craig L. Hanson, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 99: Iberian Fathers, Vol. 3, Pacian of Barcelona, Orosius of Braga (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1999).
- Volume 101 | Theodoret of Cyrus, Robert C. Hill, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 101: Theodoret of Cyrus, Commentary on the Psalms, Psalms 1-72 (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2000).
- Volume 102 | Theodoret of Cyrus, Robert C. Hill, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 102: Theodoret of Cyrus, Commentary on the Psalms, Psalms 73-150 (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2001).
- Volume 103 | Origen, Thomas P. Scheck, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 103: Origen, Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans, Books 1-5 (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2001).
- Volume 104 | Origen, Thomas P. Scheck, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 104: Origen, Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans, Books 6-10 (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2002).
- Volume 105 | Origen, Cynthia White, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 105: Origen, Homilies on Joshua (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2002).
- Volume 107 | St. Gregory Nazianzus, Martha Vinson, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 107: St. Gregory Nazianzus, Select Orations (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2003).
- Volume 108 | Theodore of Mopsuestia, Robert C. Hill, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 108: Theodore of Mopsuestia, Commentary on the Twelve Prophets (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2004).
- Volume 109 | St. Peter Chrysologus, William B. Palardy, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 109: St. Peter Chrysologus, Selected Sermons, Volume 2 (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2004).
- Volume 111 | St. Didymus the Blind, Robert C. Hill, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 111: Didymus the Blind, Commentary on Zechariah (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2006).
- Volume 112 | Oecumenius, John N. Suggit, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 112: Oecumenius, Commentary on the Apocalypse (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2006).
- Volume 113 | St. Barsanuphius and John, John Chryssavgis, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 114: Barsanuphius and John, Letters, Volume 1 (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2006).
- Volume 114 | St. Barsanuphius and John, John Chryssavgis, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 114: Barsanuphius and John, Letters, Volume 2 (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2007).
- Volume 115 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Robert C. Hill, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 115: St. Cyril of Alexandria, Commentary on the Twelve Prophets, Volume 1 (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2007).
- Volume 116 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Robert C. Hill, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 116: St. Cyril of Alexandria, Commentary on the Twelve Prophets, Volume 2 (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2008).
- Volume 117 | St. Jerome, Thomas P. Scheck, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 117: St. Jerome, Commentary on Matthew (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2008).
- Volume 118 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Philip R. Amidon, SJ, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 118: St. Cyril of Alexandria, Festal Letters 1-12 (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2009).
- Volume 119 | Origen, Elizabeth Ann Dively Lauro, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 119: Origen, Homilies on Judges (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2010).
- Volume 120 | St. Pamphilus of Caesarea, Thomas P. Scheck, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 120: St. Pamphilus, Apology for Origen, With the Letter of Rufinus on the Falsification of the Books of Origen (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2010).
- Volume 121 | St. Jerome, Andrew Cain, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 121: St. Jerome, Commentary on Galatians (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2010).
- Volume 122 | St. Basil, Mark DelCogliano and Andrew Radde-Gallwitz, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 122: St. Basil of Caesarea, Against Eunomius (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2011).
- Volume 123 | Andrew of Caesarea, Eugenia Scarvelis Constantinou, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 123: Andrew of Caesarea, Commentary on the Apocalypse (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2011).
- Volume 124 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Robert C. Hill, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 124: St. Cyril of Alexandria, Commentary on the Twelve Prophets, Volume 3 (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2012).
- Volume 125 | St. Hilary of Poitiers, D.H. Williams, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 125: St. Hilary of Poitiers, Commentary on Matthew (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2012).
- Volume 126 | St. Fulgentius of Ruspe, Rob Roy McGregor, Donald Fairbairn, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 126: Fulgentius of Ruspe and the Scythian Monks, Correspondence on Christology and Grace (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2013).
- Volume 127 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Philip R. Amidon, SJ, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 127: St. Cyril of Alexandria, Festal Letters 13-30 (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2013).
- Volume 128 | St. Epiphanius of Salamis, Young Richard Kim, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 128: St. Epiphanius of Cyrus, Ancoratus (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2014).
- Volume 129 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Daniel King, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 129: St. Cyril of Alexandria, Three Christological Treatises (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2014).
- Volume 130 | St. Ephrem the Syrian, Jeffrey T. Wickes, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 130: St. Ephrem the Syrian, The Hymns on Faith (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2015).
- Volume 131 | St. Gregory of Nyssa, Robin Orton, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 131: St. Gregory of Nyssa, Anti-Apollinarian Writings (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2015).
- Volume 132 | St. Didymus the Blind, Robert C. Hill, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 132: Didymus the Blind, Commentary on Genesis (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2016).
- Volume 133 | Rufinus of Aquileia, Philip R. Amidon, SJ, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 133: Rufinus of Aquileia, History of the Church (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2016).
- Volume 134 | Tyconius, Francis X. Gumerlock, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 134: Tyconius, Exposition of the Apocalypse (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2017).
- Volume 135 | Eusebius of Caesarea, Kelley McCarthy Spoerl and Markus Vinzent, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 135: Eusebius of Caesarea, Against Marcellus and On Ecclesiastical Theology (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2017).
- Volume 136 | St. Maximos the Confessor, Fr. Maximos Constas, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 136: St. Maximos the Confessor, On Difficulties in Sacred Scripture: The Responses to Thalassios (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2018).
- Volume 137 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Nicholas P. Lunn, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 137: St. Cyril of Alexandria, Glaphyra on the Pentateuch, Volume 1, Genesis (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2018).
- Volume 138 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Nicholas P. Lunn, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 138: St. Cyril of Alexandria, Glaphyra on the Pentateuch, Vol. 2: Exodus Through Deuteronomy (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2019).
- Volume 139 | Rufinus of Aquileia, Andrew Cain, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 139: Rufinus of Aquileia, Inquiry About the Monks in Egypt (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2019).
- Volume 140 | St. Ambrose, Brian P. Dunkle, SJ, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 140: St. Ambrose, Treatises on Noah and David (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2020).
- Volume 141 | Origen, Joseph W. Trigg, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 141: Origen, Homilies on the Psalms, Codex Monacensis Graecus 314 (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2020).
- Volume 142 | Origen, Elizabeth Ann Dively Lauro, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 142: Origen, Homilies on Isaiah (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2021).
- Volume 143 | Abraham Terian, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 143: Moralia Et Ascetica Armeniaca, The Oft-Repeated Discourses (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America, 2021).
- Volume 144 | Cassiodorus, St. Pope Gregory the Great, and Anonymous Greek Scholia, Francis X. Gumerlock, Mark DelCogliano, T.C. Schmidt, trans., Fathers of the Church, Vol. 144: Cassiodorus, St. Gregory the Great, and Anonymous Greek Scholia, Writings on the Apocalypse (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2022).
- Volume 145 | St. Ephrem the Syrian, Blake Hartung, Joshua Falconer, and J. Edward Walters, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 145: St. Ephrem the Syrian, Songs for the Fast and Pascha (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2022).
- Volume 146 | Origen, Michael Heintz, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 146: Origen, Homilies on Psalms 36-38 (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2023).
- Volume 147 | St. Jerome, Thomas P. Scheck, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 147: St. Jerome, Exegetical Epistles, Volume 1 (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2023).
- Volume 148 | St. Jerome, Thomas P. Scheck, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 148: St. Jerome, Exegetical Epistles, Volume 2 (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2024).
- Volume 149 | St. John Chrysostom, Robert G.T. Edwards, trans., The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 149: St. John Chrysostom, Consolation to Stagirius (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2024).
Popular Patristics (St. Vladimir’s Seminary)
Short citations: PPS, Vol. X (pages)
- Volume 1 | St. John Chrysostom, Graham Neville, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 1: Six Books on the Priesthood (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1977).
- Volume 4 | Mark G. Bilby, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 4: Behold the Thief with the Eyes of Faith: Greek and Latin Sermons on the Good Thief (Yonkers, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2024).
- Volume 6 | St. Theodore the Studite, Catherine P. Roth, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 6: On the Holy Icons (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1981).
- Volume 7 | St. John Chrysostom, Catherine P. Roth and David Anderson, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 7: On Marriage and Family Life (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press).
- Volume 8 | St. Germanus of Constantinople, Paul Meyendorff, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 8: On the Divine Liturgy (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1984).
- Volume 9 | St. John Chrysostom, Catherine P. Roth, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 9: On Wealth and Poverty (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2020).
- Volume 10 | St. Ephrem the Syrian, Sebastian Brock, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 10: Hymns on Paradise (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1990).
- Volume 11 | St. Isaac of Nineveh, Mary Hansbury, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 11: On Ascetical Life (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1989).
- Volume 12 | St. Gregory of Nyssa, Catherine P. Roth, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 12: On the Soul and the Resurrection (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1993).
- Volume 13 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, John Anthony McGuckin, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 13: On the Unity of Christ (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1995).
- Volume 14 | St. Symeon the New Theologian, Alexander Golitzin, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 14: On the Mystical Life, The Ethical Discourses, Volume 1: The Church and the Last Things (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1995).
- Volume 15 | St. Symeon the New Theologian, Alexander Golitzin, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 15: On the Mystical Life, The Ethical Discourses, Volume 2: On Virtue and Christian Life (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1996).
- Volume 16 | St. Symeon the New Theologian, Alexander Golitzin, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 16: On the Mystical Life, The Ethical Discourses, Volume 3: Life, Times, and Theology (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1997).
- Volume 17 | St. Irenaeus of Lyon, John Behr, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 17: On the Apostolic Preaching, St. Irenaeus of Lyons (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1997).
- Volume 18 | Brian E. Daley, SJ, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 18: On the Dormition of Mary, Early Patristic Homilies (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1998).
- Volume 19 | St. Jacob of Serug, Mary Hansbury, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 19: On the Mother of God, Jacob of Serug (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1998).
- Volume 21 | St. Gregory Nazianzus, Peter Gilbert, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 21: On God and Man, The Theological Poetry of St. Gregory of Nazianzus (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2001).
- Volume 23 | St. Gregory Nazianzus, Lionel Wickham, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 23: St. Gregory of Nazianzus, On God and Christ, The Five Theological Orations and Two Letters to Cledonius (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2002).
- Volume 24 | St. John of Damascus, Andrew Louth, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 24: St. John of Damascus, Three Treatises on the Divine Images (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2003).
- Volume 25 | St. Maximus the Confessor, Paul M. Blowers and Robert Louis Wilken, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 25: On the Cosmic Mystery of Jesus Christ, Selected Writings from St. Maximus the Confessor (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2003).
- Volume 26 | St. Barsanuphius and John, John Chryssavgis, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 26: Letters from the Desert, Barsanuphius and John, A Selection of Questions and Responses (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2003).
- Volume 27 | Pambo, Evagrius, Macarius of Egypt, Macarius of Alexandria, Tim Vivian, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 27: Four Desert Fathers, Pambo, Evagrius, Macarius of Egypt, and Macarius of Alexandria, Coptic Texts Relating to the Lausiac History of Palladius (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2004).
- Volume 28 | St. Macarius the Spirit Bearer, Tim Vivian, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 28: Saint Macarius the Spiritbearer, Coptic Texts Relating to Saint Macarius the Great (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2004).
- Volume 29 | Tertullian, St. Cyprian, Origen, Alistair Stewart-Sykes, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 29: Tertullian, Cyprian, Origen, On the Lord’s Prayer (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2004).
- Volume 30 | St. Basil, Nonna Verna Harrison, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 30: St. Basil the Great, On the Human Condition (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2005).
- Volume 31 | St. John Chrysostom, Wendy Mayer, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 31: St. John Chrysostom, The Cult of the Saints, Select Homilies and Letters (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2006).
- Volume 32 | St. Cyprian of Carthage, Allen Brent, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 32: St. Cyprian of Carthage, On the Church, Select Treatises (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2006).
- Volume 33 | St. Cyprian of Carthage, Allen Brent, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 33: St. Cyprian of Carthage, On the Church, Select Letters (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2006).
- Volume 34 | St. Pope Gregory the Great, George E. Demacopoulos, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 34: St. Gregory the Great, The Book of Pastoral Rule (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2007).
- Volume 35 | Mary B. Cunningham, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 35: Wider Than Heaven, Eighth-Century Homilies on the Mother of God (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2008).
- Volume 36 | St. Gregory Nazianzus, Nonna Verna Harrison, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 36: Festal Orations, St. Gregory of Nazianzus (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2008).
- Volume 37 | Mark the Monk, Tim Vivian and Augustine Casiday, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 37: Counsels on the Spirit Life, Mark the Monk (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2009).
- Volume 38 | St. Basil, C. Paul Schroeder, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 38: On Social Justice, St. Basil the Great (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2009).
- Volume 39 | Enzira Sebhat, John Anthony McGuckin, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 39: The Harp of Glory: Enzira Sebhat (Yonkers, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2010).
- Volume 40 | St. Symeon the New Theologian, Daniel K. Griggs, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 40: Divine Eros, Hymns of St. Symeon the New Theologians (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2010).
- Volume 41 | Alistair Stewart-Sykes, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 41: On the Two Ways, Life or Death, Light or Darkness: Foundational Texts in the Tradition (Yonkers, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2011).
- Volume 42 | St. Basil, Stephen Hildebrand, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 42: On the Holy Spirit, St. Basil the Great (Yonkers, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2011).
- Volume 44A | St. Athanasius, John Behr, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 44A: St. Athanasius the Great of Alexandria, On the Incarnation (Yonkers, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2011).
- Volume 45 | Sebastian Brock, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 45: Treasure-house of Mysteries, Explorations of the Sacred Text Through Poetry in the Syriac Tradition (Yonkers, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2012).
- Volume 46 | St. Gregory Nazianzus, Brian Dunkle, SJ, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 46: St. Gregory Nazianzus, Poems on Scripture (Yonkers, NY: St. Vladimir’s Press, 2012).
- Volume 47 | St. Basil, Mark DelCogliano, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 47: St. Basil the Great, On Christian Doctrine and Practice (Yonkers, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2012).
- Volume 48 | Brian E. Daley, SJ, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 48: Light on the Mountain, Greek Patristic and Byzantine Homilies on the Transfiguration of the Lord (Yonkers, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2013).
- Volume 49 | St. Ignatius of Antioch, Alistair Stewart, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 49: Ignatius of Antioch, The Letters (Yonkers, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2013).
- Volume 50 | St. Basil, Susan R. Holman, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 50: St. Basil the Great, On Fasting and Feasts (Yonkers, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2013).
- Volume 51 | St. Basil, Jacob N. Van Sickle, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 51: St. Basil the Great, On Christian Ethics (Yonkers, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2014).
- Volume 52 | John Wortley, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 52: Give Me a Word, The Alphabetical Sayings of the Desert Fathers (Yonkers, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2014).
- Volume 53 | St. Maximus the Confessor, Luis Joshua Sales, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 53: Saint Maximus the Confessor, Two Hundred Chapters on Theology (Yonkers, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2015).
- Volume 54 | St. Hippolytus of Rome, Alistair C. Stewart, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 54: Hippolytus, On the Apostolic Tradition, 2nd ed. (Yonkers, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2015).
- Volume 55 | St. Melito of Sardis, Alistair C. Stewart, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 55: Melito of Sardis, On Pascha, With Fragments of Melito and Other Material Related to the Quartodecimans (Yonkers, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2016).
- Volume 56 | St. John Chrysostom, David C. Ford, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 56: Saint John Chrysostom, Letters to Saint Olympia (Yonkers, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2016).
- Volume 57 | St. Cyril of Jerusalem, Maxwell E. Johnson, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 57: Lectures on the Christian Sacraments, The Procatechesis and the Five Mystagogical Catecheses Ascribed to St. Cyril of Jerusalem (Yonkers, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2017).
- Volume 58 | Alistair C. Stewart, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 58: The Testament of the Lord, An English Version (Yonkers, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2018).
- Volume 59 | St. Maximus the Confessor, Jonathan J. Armstrong, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 59: Saint Maximus the Confessor, On the Ecclesiastical Mystagogy (Yonkers, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2019).
- Volume 60 | St. Gregory of Nyssa, Ignatius Green, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 60: Saint Gregory of Nyssa, Catechetical Discourse, A Handbook for Catechists (Yonkers, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2019).
- Volume 61 | St. Romanos the Melodist, Andrew Mellas, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 61: Saint Romanos the Melodist, Hymns of Repentance (Yonkers, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2020).
- Volume 64 | St. Gregory of Nyssa, Brian E. Daley, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 64: St. Gregory of Nyssa, On Death and Eternal Life (Yonkers, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2022).
- Volume 65 | St. Serapion of Thmuis, Maxwell E. Johnson, trans., Popular Patristics, Vol. 65: The Prayers of Saint Sarapion, the Bishop of Thmuis (Yonkers, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2023).
Ancient Christian Writers (The Newman Press)
Short citations: ACW, Vol. X (pages)
- Volume 4 | Julianus Pomerius, Sister Mary Josephine Suelzer, trans., Ancient Christian Writers, Vol. 48: Julianus Pomerius, The Contemplative Life (New York: Newman Press, 1947).
- Volume 7 | Arnobius, George E. McCracken, trans., Ancient Christian Writers, Vol. 7: Arnobius of Sicca, The Case Against the Pagans, Volume 1 (New York: Newman Press, 1949).
- Volume 8 | Arnobius, George E. McCracken, trans., Ancient Christian Writers, Vol. 8: Arnobius of Sicca, The Case Against the Pagans, Volume 2 (New York: Newman Press, 1949).
- Volume 9 | St. Augustine, Joseph M. Colleran, CSSR, trans., Ancient Christian Writers, Vol. 9: St. Augustine, The Greatness of the Soul, The Teacher (New York: The Newman Press, 1950).
- Volume 12 | St. Augustine, John J. O’Meara, trans., Ancient Christian Writers, Vol. 12: St. Augustine, Against the Academics (New York: The Newman Press, 1951).
- Volume 14 | St. Prosper of Aquitaine, P. De Letter, SJ, trans., Ancient Christian Writers, Vol. 14: St. Prosper of Aquitaine, The Call of All Nations (New York: Newman Press, 1952).
- Volume 17 | St. Patrick, St. Secundinus, Ludwig Beiler, trans., Ancient Christian Writers, Vol. 17: The Works of St. Patrick, St. Secundinus, Hymn on St. Patrick (New York: Paulist Press, 1953).
- Volume 18 | St. Gregory of Nyssa, Hilda C. Graef, trans., Ancient Christian Writers, Vol. 18: St. Gregory of Nyssa, The Lord’s Prayer, The Beatitudes (New York: Paulist Press, 1954).
- Volume 19 | Origen, John J. O’Meara, trans., Ancient Christian Writers, Vol. 19: Origen, Prayer, Exhortation to Martyrdom (New York: The Newman Press, 1954).
- Volume 21 | St. Maximus the Confessor, Polycarp Sherwood, OSB, trans., Ancient Christian Writers, Vol. 21: St. Maximus the Confessor, The Ascetic Life, The Four Centuries on Charity (New York: The Newman Press, 1955).
- Volume 26 | Origen, R.P. Lawson, trans., Ancient Christian Writers, Vol. 26: Origen, The Song of Songs Commentary and Homilies (New York: The Newman Press, 1956).
- Volume 31 | St. John Chrysostom, Paul W. Harkins, trans., Ancient Christian Writers, Vol. 31: St. John Chrysostom, Baptismal Instructions (New York: Paulist Press, 1963).
- Volume 32 | St. Prosper of Aquitaine, P. DeLetter, SJ, trans., Ancient Christian Writers, Vol. 32: Prosper of Aquitaine, Defense of St. Augustine (New York: Newman Press, 1963).
- Volume 34 | Palladius, Robert T. Meyer, trans., Ancient Christian Writers, Vol. 34: Palladius, The Lausiac History (New York: Paulist Press, 1964).
- Volume 35 | St. Paulinus of Nola, P.G. Walsh, trans., Ancient Christian Writers, Vol. 35: Letters of St. Paulinus of Nola, Volume 1, Letters 1-22 (New York: Newman Press, 1966).
- Volume 36 | St. Paulinus of Nola, P.G. Walsh, trans., Ancient Christian Writers, Vol. 36: Letters of St. Paulinus of Nola, Volume 2, Letters 23-51 (New York: Newman Press, 1967).
- Volume 37 | Firmicus Maternus, Clarence A. Forbes, trans., Ancient Christian Writers, Vol. 37: Firmicus Maternus, The Error of the Pagan Religions (New York: Newman Press, 1970).
- Volume 38 | Egeria, George E. Gingras, trans., Ancient Christian Writers, Vol. 38: Egeria, Diary of a Pilgrimage (New York: The Newman Press, 1970).
- Volume 40 | St. Paulinus of Nola, P.G. Walsh, trans., Ancient Christian Writers, Vol. 40: The Poems of St. Paulinus of Nola (New York: Newman Press, 1975).
- Volume 41 | St. Augustine, John Hammond Taylor, SJ, trans., Ancient Christian Writers, Vol. 41: St. Augustine, The Literal Meaning of Genesis, Volume 1 (New York: Paulist Press, 1982).
- Volume 42 | St. Augustine, John Hammond Taylor, SJ, trans., Ancient Christian Writers, Vol. 42: St. Augustine, The Literal Meaning of Genesis, Volume 2 (New York: Newman Press, 1958).
- Volume 45 | Palladius, Robert T. Meyer, trans., Ancient Christian Writers, Vol. 45: Palladius, Dialogue on the Life of St. John Chrysostom (New York: Newman Press, 1985).
- Volume 48 | St. Augustine, Gregory J. Lombardo, trans., Ancient Christian Writers, Vol. 48: St. Augustine, On Faith and Works (New York: The Newman Press, 1988).
- Volume 49 | Theodoret of Cyrus, Thomas Halton, trans., Ancient Christian Writers, Vol. 49: Theodoret of Cyrus, On Divine Providence (New York: Newman Press, 1988).
- Volume 50 | St. Maximus of Turin, Boniface Ramsey, OP, trans., Ancient Christian Writers, Vol. 50: The Sermons of St. Maximus of Turin (New York: Newman Press, 1989).
- Volume 51 | Cassiodorus, P.G. Walsh, trans., Ancient Christian Writers, Vol. 51: Cassiodorus, Explanation of the Psalms, Volume 1 (New York: Paulist Press, 1990).
- Volume 52 | Cassiodorus, P.G. Walsh, trans., Ancient Christian Writers, Vol. 52: Cassiodorus, Explanation of the Psalms, Volume 2 (New York: Paulist Press, 1991).
- Volume 53 | Cassiodorus, P.G. Walsh, trans., Ancient Christian Writers, Vol. 53: Cassiodorus, Explanation of the Psalms, Volume 3 (New York: Paulist Press, 1991).
- Volume 54 | Origen, Robert J. Daly, SJ, trans., Ancient Christian Writers, Vol. 54: Origen, Treatise on the Passover, Dialogue of Origen with Heraclides and His Fellow Bishops on the Father, the Son, and the Soul (New York: Paulist Press, 1992).
- Volume 59 | Evagrius Ponticus, Jeremy Driscoll, OSB, trans., Ancient Christian Writers, Vol. 59: Evagrius Ponticus, Ad Monachos (New York: The Newman Press, 2003).
- Volume 60 | Quodvultdeus of Carthage, Thomas Macy Finn, trans., Ancient Christian Writers, Vol. 60: Quodvultdeus of Carthage, The Creedal Homilies (New York: The Newman Press, 2004).
- Volume 61 | St. Isidore of Seville, Rev. Thomas L. Knoebel, trans., Ancient Christian Writers, Vol. 61: Isidore of Seville, De Ecclesiasticis Officiis (New York: The Newman Press, 2008).
- Volume 62 | Origen, Thomas P. Scheck, trans., Ancient Christian Writers, Vol. 62: Origen, Homilies 1-14 on Ezekiel (New York: The Newman Press, 2010).
- Volume 63 | St. Julian of Toledo, Tommaso Stancati, OP, trans., Ancient Christian Writers, Vol. 63: Julian of Toledo, Prognosticum Futuri Saeculi, Foreknowledge of the World to Come (New York: The Newman Press, 2010).
- Volume 66 | St. Jerome, Richard J. Goodrich and David J.D. Miller, trans., Ancient Christian Writers, Vol. 66 (New York: The Newman Press, 2012).
- Volume 67 | Theodoret of Cyrus, Thomas Halton, trans., Ancient Christian Writers, Vol. 67: Theodoret of Cyrus, A Cure for Pagan Maladies (New York: The Newman Press, 2013).
- Volume 68 | St. Jerome, Thomas P. Scheck, trans., Ancient Christian Writers, Vol. 68: St. Jerome, Commentary on Isaiah (New York: The Newman Press, 2015).
- Volume 69 | St. Theodore the Studite, Thomas Cattoi, trans., Ancient Christian Writers, Vol. 69: Theodore the Studite, Writings on Iconoclasm (New York: The Newman Press, 2015).
- Volume 71 | St. Jerome, Thomas P. Scheck, trans., Ancient Christian Writers, Vol. 71: St. Jerome, Commentary on Ezekiel (New York: The Newman Press, 2017).
- Volume 73 | St. Isidore of Seville, Thomas L. Knoebel, trans., Ancient Christian Writers, Vol. 73: Isidore of Seville, Sententiae (New York: The Newman Press, 2018).
- Volume 75 | St. Chromatius of Aquileia, Thomas P. Scheck, trans., Ancient Christian Writers, Vol. 75: Chromatius of Aquileia, Sermons and Tractates on Matthew (New York: The Newman Press, 2018).
Ancient Christian Texts (IVP Academic)
Short citations listed after each book (since they are un-numbered volumes).
- Origen, Thomas P. Scheck, trans., Ancient Christian Texts: Homilies on Numbers, Origen (Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2009). | Short: ACT, Homilies on Numbers: Origen (pages)
- Ambrosiaster, Gerald L. Bray, trans., Ancient Christian Texts: Commentaries on Romans and 1-2 Corinthians, Ambrosiaster (Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2009). | Short: ACT, Commentaries on Romans, 1-2 Corinthians, Ambrosiaster (pages)
- Ambrosiaster, Gerald L. Bray, trans., Ancient Christian Texts: Commentaries on Galatians-Philemon, Ambrosiaster (Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2009). | Short: ACT, Commentaries on Galatians-Philemon, Ambrosiaster (pages)
- James A. Kellerman, trans., Ancient Christian Texts: Incomplete Commentary on Matthew (Opus Imperfectum), Vol. 1 (Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2010). | Short: ACT, Incomplete Commentary on Matthew, Vol. 1 (pages)
- James A. Kellerman, trans., Ancient Christian Texts: Incomplete Commentary on Matthew (Opus Imperfectum), Vol. 2 (Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2010). | Short: ACT, Incomplete Commentary on Matthew, Vol. 2 (pages)
- Theodore of Mopsuestia, Marco Conti, trans., Ancient Christian Texts: Commentary on the Gospel of John, Theodore of Mopsuestia (Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2010). | Short: ACT, Commentary on the Gospel of John, Theodore of Mopsuestia (pages)
- Severian of Gabala and St. Bede the Venerable, Michael Glerup, trans., Ancient Christian Texts: Commentaries on Genesis 1-3, Severian of Gabala and Bede the Venerable (Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic Press, 2010). | Short: ACT, Commentaries on Genesis 1-3, Severian of Gabala and Bede the Venerable (pages)
- St. Jerome, Michael Graves, trans., Ancient Christian Texts: Commentary on Jeremiah, Jerome (Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2011).
- Eusebius of Caesarea, Jonathan J. Armstrong, trans., Ancient Christian Texts: Commentary on Isaiah, Eusebius of Caesarea (Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2013). | Short: ACT, Commentary on Isaiah, Eusebius of Caesarea (pages)
- St. Cyril of Alexandria, David R. Maxwell, trans., Ancient Christian Texts: Commentary on John, Cyril of Alexandria, Vol. 1 (Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2013). | Short: ACT, Commentary on John, Cyril of Alexandria, Vol. 1 (pages)
- St. Cyril of Alexandria, David R. Maxwell, trans., Ancient Christian Texts: Commentary on John, Cyril of Alexandria, Vol. 2 (Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2015). | Short: ACT, Commentary on John, Cyril of Alexandria, Vol. 2 (pages)
- St. Jerome, Thomas P. Scheck, trans., Ancient Christian Texts: Commentaries on the Twelve Prophets, Vol. 1, Jerome (Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2016). | Short: ACT, Commentaries on the Twelve Prophets, Jerome, Vol. 1 (pages)
- St. Jerome, Thomas P. Scheck, trans., Ancient Christian Texts: Commentaries on the Twelve Prophets, Vol. 2 (Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2017). | Short: ACT, Commentaries on the Twelve Prophets, Jerome, Vol. 2 (pages)
- Julian of Eclanum, Thomas P. Scheck, trans., Ancient Christian Texts: Commentaries on Job, Hosea, Joel, and Amos, Julian of Eclanum (Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2021). | Short: ACT, Commentaries on Job, Hosea, Joel, and Amos, Julian of Eclanum (pages)
- St. Cyril of Alexandria, David R. Maxwell, trans., Ancient Christian Texts: Commentaries on Romans, 1-2 Corinthians, and Hebrews, Cyril of Alexandria (Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2022). | Short: ACT, Commentaries on Romans, 1-2 Corinthians, and Hebrews, Cyril of Alexandria (pages)
- St. Didymus the Blind, Jonathan Douglas Hicks, trans., Ancient Christian Texts: Lectures on the Psalms, Didymus the Blind (Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2024). | Short: ACT, Lectures on the Psalms, Didymus the Blind (pages)
- Victorinus of Petovium, Apringius of Beja, St. Caesarius of Arles, St. Bede the Venerable, William C. Weinrich, trans., Ancient Christian Texts: Ancient Latin Commentaries on Revelation (Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2011). | Short: ACT, Latin Commentaries on Revelation (pages)
Translated Texts for Historians (University of Liverpool)
Short citations: TTH, Vol. X (pages)
- Volume 1 | St. Gregory of Tours, Edward James, trans., Translated Texts for Historians, Vol. 1: Gregory of Tours: Life of the Fathers, 2nd ed. (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1991).
- Volume 6 | Raymond Davis, trans., Translated Texts for Historians, Vol. 6: The Book of Pontiffs (Liber Pontificalis) (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2010).
- Volume 7 | Michael Whitby and Mary Whitby, trans., Translated Texts for Historians, Vol. 7: Chronicon Paschale, 284-628 AD (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2007).
- Volume 13 | Raymond Davis, trans., Translated Texts for Historians, Vol. 13: The Lives of the Eighth-Century Popes (Liber Pontificalis) (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2007).
- Volume 18 | St. Bede the Venerable, Arthur G. Holder, trans., Translated Texts for Historians, Vol. 18: Bede: On the Tabernacle (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1994).
- Volume 19 | St. Caesarius of Arles, William E. Klingshirn, trans., Translated Texts for Historians, Vol. 19: Caesarius of Arles: Life, Testament, Letters (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1994).
- Volume 20 | Raymond Davis, trans., Translated Texts for Historians, Vol. 20: The Lives of the Ninth-Century Popes (Liber Pontificalis) (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1995).
- Volume 21 | St. Bede the Venerable, Seán Connolly, trans., Translated Texts for Historians, Vol. 21: Bede: On the Temple (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1995).
- Volume 27 | St. Optatus, Mark Edwards, trans., Translated Texts for Historians, Vol. 27: Against the Donatists (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1997).
- Volume 28 | St. Bede the Venerable, W. Trent Foley and Arthur G. Holder, trans., Translated Texts for Historians, Vol. 28: Bede: A Biblical Miscellany (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1999).
- Volume 33 | Evagrius Scholasticus, Michael Whitby, trans., Translated Texts for Historians, Vol. 33: The Ecclesiastical History of Evagrius Scholasticus (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2000).
- Volume 38 | Avitus of Vienne, Danuta Shanzer and Ian Wood, trans., Translated Texts for Historians, Vol. 38: Avitus of Vienne, Letters and Selected Prose (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2002).
- Volume 39 | Mark Edwards, trans., Translated Texts for Historians, Vol. 39: Constantine and Christendom, The Oration to the Saints, The Greek and Latin Accounts of the Discovery of the Cross, The Edict of Constantine to Pope Silvester (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2003).
- Volume 42 | Cassiodorus, James W. Halporn, trans., Translated Texts for Historians, Vol. 42: Cassiodorus, Institutions of Divine and Secular Learning, an On the Soul (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2004).
- Volume 43 | St. Ambrose, JHWG Liebeschuetz, trans., Translated Texts for Historians, Vol. 43: Ambrose of Milan, Political Letters and Speeches (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2005).
- Volume 45 (3 books) | Richard Price and Michael Gaddis, trans., Translated Texts for Historians, Vol. 45: The Acts of the Council of Chalcedon, Volumes 1-3 (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2007).
- Volume 47 | St. Bede the Venerable, Scott DeGregorio, trans., Translated Texts for Historians, Vol. 47: Bede, On Ezra and Nehemiah (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2006).
- Volume 48 | St. Bede the Venerable, Calvin B. Kendall, trans., Translated Texts for Historians, Vol. 48: On Genesis, Bede (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2008).
- Volume 49 | Nemesius, R.W. Sharples and P.J. Van Der Eijk, trans., Translated Texts for Historians, Vol. 49: Nemesius, On the Nature of Man (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2008).
- Volume 51 (2 Volumes) | Richard Price, trans., Translated Texts for Historians, Vol. 51: The Acts of the Council of Constantinople of 553, with Related Texts on the Three Chapters Controversy (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2012).
- Volume 52 | Agapetus, Paul the Silentiary, Peter N. Bell, trans., Translated Texts for Historians, Vol. 52: Three Political Voices from the Age of Justinian, Agapetus, Advice to the Emperor, Dialogue on Political Science, Paul the Silentiary, Description of Hagia Sophia (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2009).
- Volume 55 | Pseudo-Zachariah Rhetor, Robert R. Phenix and Cornelius B. Horn, trans., Translated Texts for Historians, Vol. 55: The Chronicle of Pseudo-Zachariah Rhetor, Church and War in Late Antiquity (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2011).
- Volume 56 | St. Bede the Venerable, Calvin B. Kendall and Faith Wallis, trans., Translated Texts for Historians, Vol. 56: Bede, On the Nature of Things, and On Times (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2010).
- Volume 58 | St. Bede the Venerable, Faith Wallis, trans., Translated Texts for Historians, Vol. 58: Bede: Commentary on Revelation (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2013).
- Volume 60 | Timothy D. Barnes and George Bevan, trans., Translated Texts for Historians, Vol. 60: The Funerary Speech for John Chrysostom (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2013).
- Volume 61 | Richard Price, trans., Translated Texts for Historians, Vol. 61: The Acts of the Lateran Synod of 649 (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2016).
- Volume 66 | St. Isidore of Seville, Calvin B. Kendall and Faith Wallis, trans., Translated Texts for Historians, Vol. 66: Isidore of Seville, On the Nature of Things (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2016).
- Volume 68 | Richard Price, trans., Translated Texts for Historians, Vol. 68: The Acts of the Second Council of Nicaea (787) (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2020).
- Volume 70 | St. Bede the Venerable, Scott DeGregorio and Rosalind Love, trans., Translated Texts for Historians, Vol. 70: Bede, On First Samuel (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2019).
- Volume 72 | Richard Price, trans., Translated Texts for Historians, Vol. 72: The Council of Ephesus of 431, Documents and Proceedings (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2022).
- Volume 73 | Arator, Richard Hillier, trans., Translated Texts for Historians, Vol. 73: Arator, Historia Apostolica (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2020).
- Volume 74 | Richard Price, trans., Translated Texts for Historians, Vol. 74: The Canons of the Quinisext Council (691/2) (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2020).
- Volume 77 | Rosamond McKitterick, Dorine Van Espello, Richard Pollard, Richard Price, trans., Translated Texts for Historians, Vol. 77: Codex Epistolaris Carolinus, Letters from the popes to the Frankish rulers, 739-791 (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2023).
- Volume 79 | Richard Price, trans., Translated Texts for Historians, Vol. 79: The Acts of the Council of Constantinople of 869-70 (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2024).
- Volume 81 | David Brakke and David M. Gwynn, trans., Translated Texts for Historians, Vol. 81: The Festal Letters of Athanasius of Alexandria, with the Festal Index and the Historia Acephala (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2024).
Cistercian Studies (Cistercian Publications)
Short citations: CS, Vol. X (pages)
- Volume 4 | Evagrius Ponticus, John Eudes Bamberger, OCSO, trans., Cistercian Studies, Vol. 4: Evagrius Ponticus, The Praktikos, Chapters on Prayer (Trappist, KY: Cistercian Publications, 1972).
- Volume 33 | Dorotheos of Gaza, Eric P. Wheeler, trans., Cistercian Studies, Vol. 33: Dorotheos of Gaza, Discourses and Sayings (Kalamazoo, MI: Cistercian Publications, 1977).
- Volume 34 | Normal Russell, trans., Cistercian Studies, Vol. 34: The Lives of the Desert Fathers, The Historia Monachorum in Aegypto (Trappist, KY: Cistercian Publications, 1980).
- Volume 41 | Symeon the New Theologian, Paul McGuckin, CP, trans., Cistercian Studies, Vol. 41: Symeon the New Theologian, The Practice and Theological Chapters, and The Three Theological Discourses (Kalamazoo, MI: Cistercian Publications, 1982).
- Volume 59 | Benedicta Ward, SLG, trans., Cistercian Studies, Vol. 59: The Sayings of the Desert Fathers, The Alphabetical Collection (Trappist, KY: Cistercian Publications, 1975).
- Volume 73 | Besa, David N. Bell, trans., Cistercian Studies, Vol. 73: Besa, The Life of Shenoute (Kalamazoo, MI: Cistercian Publications, 1983).
- Volume 82 | St. Bede the Venerable, Dom David Hurst, OSB, trans., Cistercian Studies, Vol. 82: The Commentary on the Seven Catholic Epistles of Bede the Venerable (Kalamazoo, MI: Cistercian Publications, 1985).
- Volume 88 | Theodoret of Cyrus, R.M. Price, trans., Cistercian Studies, Vol. 88: A History of the Monks of Syria, by Theodoret of Cyrrhus (Trappist, KY: Cistercian Publications, 1985).
- Volume 96 | St. Anselm of Canterbury, Walter Fröhlich, trans., Cistercian Studies, Vol. 96: The Letters of Saint Anselm of Canterbury, Volume 1 (Kalamazoo, MI: Cistercian Publications, 1990).
- Volume 97 | St. Anselm of Canterbury, Walter Fröhlich, trans., Cistercian Studies, Vol. 97: The Letters of Saint Anselm of Canterbury, Volume 2 (Athens, OH: Cistercian Publications, 1993).
- Volume 107 | Mena of Nikiou, David N. Bell, trans., Cistercian Studies, Vol. 107: Mena of Nikiou, The Life of Isaac of Alexandria and the Martyrdom of Saint Marcobius (Kalamazoo, MI: Cistercian Publications, 1988).
- Volume 110 | St. Bede the Venerable, Lawrence T. Martin and David Hurst, OSB, trans., Cistercian Studies, Vol. 110: Bede the Venerable, Homilies on the Gospels, Book 1, Advent to Lent (Athens, OH: Cistercian Publicans, 1991).
- Volume 111 | St. Bede the Venerable, Lawrence T. Martin and David Hurst, OSB, trans., Cistercian Studies, Vol. 111: Bede the Venerable, Homilies on the Gospels, Book 2, Lent to the Dedication of the Church (Kalamazoo, MI: Cistercian Publications, 1991).
- Volume 112 | Robert Dorna, trans., Cistercian Studies, Vol. 112: The Lives of Simeon Stylites (Cistercian Publications, 1992).
- Volume 114 | Cyril of Scythopolis, R.M. Price, trans., Cistercian Studies, Vol. 114: Lives of the Monks of Palestine by Cyril of Scythopolis (Athens, OH: Cistercian Publications, 1991).
- Volume 117 | St. Bede the Venerable, Lawrence T. Martin, trans., Cistercian Studies, Vol. 117: The Venerable Bede, Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles (Trappist, KY: Cistercian Publications, 1989).
- Volume 123 | St. Pope Gregory the Great, Dom David Hurst, trans., Cistercian Studies, Vol. 123: Gregory the Great, Forty Gospel Homilies (Kalamazoo, MI: Cistercian Publications, 1990).
- Volume 140 | Paphnutius, Pisentius of Coptos, Tim Vivian, trans., Cistercian Studies, Vol. 140: Histories of the Monks of Upper Egypt and the Life of Onnophrius by Paphnutius, with A Discourse on Saint Onnophrius by Pisentius of Coptos (Athens, OH: Cistercian Publications, 2008).
- Volume 142 | St. Anselm of Canterbury, Walter Fröhlich, trans., Cistercian Studies, Vol. 142: The Letters of Saint Anselm of Canterbury, Volume 3 (Kalamazoo, MI: Cistercian Publications, 1994).
- Volume 150 | Abba Isaiah of Scetis, John Chryssavgis and Pachomios (Robert) Penkett, trans., Cistercian Studies, Vol. 150: Abba Isaiah of Scetis, Ascetic Discourses (Kalamazoo, MI: Cistercian Publications, 2002).
- Volume 162 | Uinseann Ó Maidín, OCR, trans., Cistercian Studies, Vol. 162: The Celtic Monk, Rules and Writings of Early Irish Monks (Kalamazoo, MI: Cistercian Publications, 1996).
- Volume 183 | St. Bede the Venerable, David Hurst, trans., Cistercian Studies, Vol. 183: Bede the Venerable, Excerpts from the Works of Saint Augustine on the Letters of the Blessed Apostle Paul (Kalamazoo, MI: Cistercian Publications, 1999).
- Volume 200 | Grimlaicus, Andrew Thornton, OSB, trans., Cistercian Studies, Vol. 200: Grimlaicus, Rule for Solitaries (Trappist, KY: Cistercian Publications, 2011).
- Volume 212 | Smaragdus of Saint-Mihiel, David Barry, OSB, trans., Cistercian Studies, Vol. 212: Smaragdus of Saint-Mihiel, Commentary on the Rule of Saint Benedict (Cistercian Publications, 2007).
- Volume 215 | St. Gregory of Narek, Roberta R. Ervine, trans., Cisterican Studies, Vol. 215: The Blessing of Blessings, Gregory of Narek’s Commentary on the Song of Songs (Kalamazzo, MI: Cistercian Publications, 2007).
- Volume 219 | Abba Daniel of Scetis, Tim Vivian, ed., Cistercian Studies, Vol. 219: Witness to Holiness, Abba Daniel of Scetis, Translations of the Greek, Coptic, Ethiopic, Syriac, Armenian, Latin, Old Church Slavonic, and Arabic Accounts (Kalamazoo, MI: Cistercian Publications, 2008).
- Volume 220 | Benedict of Aniane, Allen Cabaniss, trans., Cistercian Studies, Vol. 220: Benedict of Aniane, The Emperor’s Monk, Ardo’s Life (Kalamazoo, MI: Cistercian Publications, 2008).
- Volume 223 | John B. Wickstrom, trans., Cistercian Studies, Vol. 223: The Life and Miracles of Saint Maurus, Disciple of Benedict, Apostle to France (Kalamazoo, MI: Cistercian Publications, 2008).
- Volume 229 | Evagrius of Pontus, David Brakke, trans., Cistercian Studies, Vol. 229: Evagrius of Pontus, Talking Back, A Monastic Handbook for Combating Demons (Trappist, KY: Cistercian Publications, 2009).
- Volume 232 | Anselm of Havelberg, Ambrose Criste, OPraem, trans., Cistercian Studies, Vol. 232: Anselm of Havelberg, Anticimenon: On the Unity of the Faith and the Controversies with the Greeks (Trappist, KY: Cistercian Publications, 2010).
- Volume 234 | Zacharias of Sakhā, Rowan A. Greer, Maged S.A. Mikhail, Tim Vivian, trans., Cistercian Studies, Vol. 234: The Holy Workshop of Virtue, The Life of John the Little by Zacharias of Sakhā (Trappist, KY: Cistercian Publications, 2010).
Volume 239 | Diadochus of Photikē, Cliff Ermatinger, trans., Cistercian Studies, Vol. 239: Following the Footsteps of the Invisible, The Complete Works of Diadochus of Photikē (Trappist, KY: Cistercian Publications, 2010). - Volume 240 | John Wortley, trans., Cistercian Studies, Vol. 240: The Book of the Elders, Sayings of the Desert Fathers, The Systematic Collection (Trappist, KY: Cistercian Publications, 2012).
- Volume 241 | Hildegard of Bingen, Beverly Mayne Kienzle, trans., Cistercian Studies, Vol. 241: Hildegard of Bingen, Homilies on the Gospels (Trappist, KY: Cistercian Publications, 2011).
- Volume 244 | St. Pope Gregory the Great, Mark DelCogliano, trans., Cistercian Studies, Vol. 244: Gregory the Great, On the Song of Songs (Trappist, KY: Cistercian Publications, 2012).
- Volume 245 | Smaragdus of Saint-Mihiel, David Barry, OSB, trans., Cistercian Studies, Vol. 245: Smaragdus of Saint-Mihiel, The Crown of Monks, Diadema monarchorum (Trappist, KY: Cistercian Publications, 2013).
- Volume 249 | St. Pope Gregory the Great, Brian Kerns, OCSO, trans., Cistercian Studies, Vol. 249: Gregory the Great, Moral Reflections on the Book of Job, Volume 1, Preface and Books 1-5 (Athens, OH: Cistercian Publications, 2014).
- Volume 253 | Hildegard of Bingen, Beverly Mayne Kienzle, trans., Cistercian Studies, Vol. 253: Hildegard of Bingen, Solutions to Thirty-Eight Questions (Athens, OH: Cistercian Publications, 2014).
- Volume 257 | St. Pope Gregory the Great, Brian Kerns, OCSO, trans., Cistercian Studies, Vol. 257: Gregory the Great, Moral Reflections on the Book of Job, Volume 2, Books 6-10, Parts of Book 2 (Athens, OH: Cistercian Publications, 2015).
- Volume 258 | St. Pope Gregory the Great, Brian Kerns, OCSO, trans., Cistercian Studies, Vol. 258: Gregory the Great, Moral Reflections on the Book of Job, Volume 3, Books 11-16 (Athens, OH: Cistercian Publications, 2016).
- Volume 259 | St. Pope Gregory the Great, Brian Kerns, OCSO, trans., Cistercian Studies, Vol. 259: Gregory the Great, Moral Reflections on the Book of Job, Volume 4, Books 17-22 (Athens, OH: Cistercian Publications, 2017).
- Volume 260 | St. Pope Gregory the Great, Brian Kerns, OCSO, trans., Cistercian Studies, Vol. 260: Gregory the Great, Moral Reflections on the Book of Job, Volume 5, Books 23-27 (Athens, OH: Cistercian Publications, 2019).
- Volume 261 | St. Pope Gregory the Great, Brian Kerns, OCSO, trans., Cistercian Studies, Vol. 261: Gregory the Great, Moral Reflections on the Book of Job, Volume 6, Books 28-35 (Athens, OH: Cistercian Publications, 2022).
- Volume 270 | Terrence G. Kardong, OSB, trans., Cistercian Studies, Vol. 270: Saint Columban, His Life, Rule, and Legacy (Athens, OH: Cistercian Publications, 2017).
Writings from the Greco-Roman World (Society of Biblical Literature)
Short citations: WGRW, Vol. X (pages)
- Volume 7 | Theodoret of Cyrus, Hill Robert C. Hill, trans., Commentary on Daniel (Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2006).
- Volume 23 | Philostorgius, Philip R. Amidon, SJ, trans., Writings from the Greco-Roman World, Vol. 23: Philostorgius, Church History (Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2007).
- Volume 26 | Theodore of Mopsuestia, Rowan A. Greer, trans., The Commentaries on the Minor Epistles of Paul (Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2010).
Holy Cross Orthodox Press
- St. Cyril of Alexandria, Robert Charles Hill, trans., Commentary on Isaiah, Vol. 1: Chapters 1-14 (Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2008). | Short: St Cyril of Alexandria, Hill, Commentary on Isaiah, Vol. 1 (pages)
- St. Cyril of Alexandria, Robert Charles Hill, trans., Commentary on Isaiah, Vol. 2: Chapters 15-39 (Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2008). | Short: St. Cyril of Alexandria, Hill, Commentary on Isaiah, Vol. 2 ()
- St. Cyril of Alexandria, Robert Charles Hill, trans., Commentary on Isaiah, Vol. 3: Chapters 40-50 (Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2008). | Short: St. Cyril of Alexandria, Hill, Commentary on Isaiah, Vol. 3 ()
Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library (Harvard)
Short citations: DOML, Vol. X (pages)
- Volume 14 | Pseudo-Methodius, Benjamin Garstad, trans., Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library, Vol. 14: Apocalypse, Pseudo-Methodius: An Alexandrian World Chronicle (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2012).
- Volume 28 | St. Maximus the Confessor, Nicholas Constas, trans., Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library, Vol. 28: On Difficulties in the Church Fathers, The Ambigua, Vol. 1 (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2014).
- Volume 29 | St. Maximus the Confessor, Nicholas Constas, trans., Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library, Vol. 29: On Difficulties in the Church Fathers, The Ambigua, Vol. 2 (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2014).
- Volume 35 | Amalar of Metz, Eric Knibbs, trans., Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library, Vol. 35: On the Liturgy, Amalar of Metz, Volume 1, Books 1-2 (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2014).
- Volume 36 | Amalar of Metz, Eric Knibbs, trans., Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library, Vol. 36: On the Liturgy, Amalar of Metz, Volume 2, Books 3-4 (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2014).
- Volume 39 | St. Gregory of Tours, Giselle de Nie, trans., Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library, Vol. 39: Lives and Miracles, Gregory of Tours (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2015).
Roman State & Christian Church (Wipf & Stock)
Short citations: Roman State & Christian Church, Vol. X (pages)
- P.R. Coleman-Norton, trans., Roman State & Christian Church, A Collection of Legal Documents to A.D. 535, Vol. 1: Documents 1-177, c. AD 113-381 (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 1966).
- P.R. Coleman-Norton, trans., Roman State & Christian Church, A Collection of Legal Documents to A.D. 535, Vol. 2: Documents 178-486, AD 381-453 (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 1966).
- P.R. Coleman-Norton, trans., Roman State & Christian Church, A Collection of Legal Documents to A.D. 535, Vol. 3: Documents 487-652, AD 453-534 (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 1966).
Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture (IVP)
Short citations: ACCS, Old Testament/New Testament, Vol. X (pages)
- Andrew Louth, ed., Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, Old Testament, Vol. 1: Genesis 1-11 (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2001).
- Mark Sheridan, ed., Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, Old Testament, Vol. 2: Genesis 12-50 (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2002).
- Joseph T. Lienhard, SJ, ed., Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, Old Testament, Vol. 3: Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2001).
- John R. Franke, ed., Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, Old Testament, Vol. 4: Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1-2 Samuel (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2005).
- Marco Conti, ed., Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, Old Testament, Vol. 5: 1-2 Kings, 1-2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2008).
- Manlio Simonetti and Marco Conti, eds., Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, Old Testament, Vol. 6: Job (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2006).
- Craig A. Blaising and Carmen S. Hardin, eds., Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, Old Testament, Vol. 7: Psalms 1-50 (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2008).
- Quentin F. Wesselschmidt, ed., Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, Old Testament, Vol. 8: Psalms 51-150 (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2007).
- Robert Wright, ed., Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, Old Testament, Vol. 9: Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2005).
- Steven A. McKinion, ed., Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, Old Testament, Vol. 10: Isaiah 1-39 (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2004).
- Mark W. Elliott, ed., Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, Old Testament, Vol. 11: Isaiah 40-66 (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2007).
- Dean O. Wenthe, ed., Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, Old Testament, Vol. 12: Jeremiah, Lamentations (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2009).
- Kenneth Stevenson and Michael Glerup, eds., Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, Old Testament, Vol. 13: Ezekiel, Daniel (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2008).
- Alberto Ferreiro, ed., Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, Old Testament, Vol. 14: The Twelve Prophets (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2003).
- Sever J. Voicu, ed., Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, Old Testament, Vol. 15: Apocrypha (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2010).
- Manlio Simonetti, ed., Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, New Testament, Vol. 1a: Matthew 1-13 (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2001).
- Manlio Simonetti, ed., Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, New Testament, Vol. 1b: Matthew 14-28 (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2002).
- Thomas C. Oden and Christopher A. Hall, eds., Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, New Testament, Vol. 2: Mark (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2005).
- Arthur A. Just, Jr., ed., Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, New Testament, Vol. 3: Luke (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2003).
- Joel C. Elowsky, ed., Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, New Testament, Vol. 4a: John 1-10 (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2006).
- Joel C. Elowsky, ed., Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, New Testament, Vol. 4b: John 11-21 (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2007).
- Francis Martin, ed., Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, New Testament, Vol. 5: Acts (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2006).
- Gerald Bray, ed., Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, New Testament, Vol. 6: Romans (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2005).
- Gerald Bray, ed., Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, New Testament, Vol. 7: 1-2 Corinthians (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2006).
- Mark J. Edwards, ed., Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, New Testament, Vol. 8: Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2005).
- Peter Gorday, ed., Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, New Testament, Vol. 9: Colossians, 1-2 Thessalonians, 1-2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2000).
- Erik M. Heen and Philip D.W. Krey, eds., Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, New Testament, Vol. 10: Hebrews (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2005).
- Gerald Bray, ed., Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, New Testament, Vol. 11: James, 1-2 Peter, 1-3 John, Jude (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2000).
- William C. Weinrich, ed., Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, New Testament, Vol. 12: Revelation (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2005).
The Classics of Western Spirituality (Paulist)
Short citations listed after each book (since they are un-numbered volumes).
- St. John Climacus, Colm Luibheid and Normal Russell, trans., The Classics of Western Spirituality: John Climacus, The Latter of Divine Ascent (Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 1982). Short: CWS, Climacus, Ladder of Divine Ascent (pages)
- St. Gregory of Nyssa, Abraham J. Malherbe and Everett Ferguson, trans., The Classics of Western Spirituality: Gregory of Nyssa, The Life of Moses (New York: Paulist Press, 1978). Short: CWS, St. Gregory of Nyssa, Life of Moses (pages)
- Pseudo-Dionysius, Colm Luibheid, trans., The Classics of Western Spirituality: Pseudo-Dionysius, The Complete Works (New York: Paulist Press, 1987). Short: CWS, Pseudo-Dionysius, Complete Works (pages)
- St. Maximus the Confessor, George C. Berthold, trans., The Classics of Western Spirituality: Maximus Confessor, Selected Writings (New York: Paulist Press, 1985). Short: CWS, Maximus the Confessor, Writings (pages)
The Faith of the Early Fathers (Jurgens)
Short citations: Jurgens, Faith of the Fathers, Vol. X (pages)
- Volume 1 | William A. Jurgens, ed., The Faith of the Early Fathers, Volume 1 (Collegeville, MN: The Liturgical Press, 1970).
- Volume 2 | William A. Jurgens, ed., The Faith of the Early Fathers, Volume 2 (Collegeville, MN: The Liturgical Press, 1979).
- Volume 3 | William A. Jurgens, ed., The Faith of the Early Fathers, Volume 3 (Collegeville, MN: The Liturgical Press, 1979).
The Library of Early Christianity (CUA)
Short citations: LEC, Vol. X (pages)
- Theodoret of Cyrus, Robert C. Hill, trans., The Library of Early Christianity, Vol. 1: Theodoret of Cyrus, The Questions on the Octateuch, Volume 1, On Genesis and Exodus (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2007).
- Theodoret of Cyrus, Robert C. Hill, trans., The Library of Early Christianity, Vol. 2: Theodoret of Cyrus, The Questions on the Octateuch, Volume 2, On Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, and Ruth (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2007).
Short citations listed after each book (since they are un-numbered volumes not part of sets).
- E. Giles, ed., Documents Illustrating Papal Authority, A.D. 96-454 (London: SPCK, 1952). Short: Giles, Documents Illustrating Papal Authority (pages)
- Jonas of Orleans, R.W. Dyson, trans., A Ninth-Century Political Tract: The De Institutione Regia of Jonas of Orleans (Smithtown, NY: Exposition Press, 1983). | Short: Jonas of Orleans, De Institutione Regia (pages)
- Deno John Geanakoplos, ed., Byzantium: Church, Society, and Civilization Seen through Contemporary Eyes (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1984). Short: Geanakoplos, Byzantium (pages)
- Niketas Choniatēs, Harry J. Magoulias, trans., O City of Byzantium: Annals of Niketas Choniatēs (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1984). Short: Niketas, Magoulias, Annals (pages)
- St. Augustine, Raymond Canning, OSA, trans., The Rule of Saint Augustine (New York: Image Books, 1986). Short: St. Augustine, Canning, Rules (pages)
- Tyconius, William S. Babcock, trans., The Book of Rules (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1989). Short: Tyconius, Babcock, Rules (pages)
- St. John Chrysostom, Robert Charles Hill, trans., St. John Chrysostom: Commentary on the Psalms, Vol. 1 (Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 1998). Short: St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 1 (pages)
- St. John Chrysostom, Robert Charles Hill, trans., St. John Chrysostom: Commentary on the Psalms, Vol. 2 (Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 1998). Short: St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 2 (pages)
- Luigi Gambero, SM, Thomas Buffer, trans., Mary and the Fathers of the Church: The Blessed Virgin Mary in Patristic Thought (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1999). Short: Gambero, Mary and the Fathers of the Church (pages)
- St. Boniface, Ephraim Emerton, trans., The Letters of Saint Boniface (New York: Columbia University Press, 2000). Short: St. Boniface, Letters (pages)
- St. Ambrose of Milan, Theodosia Tomkinson, trans., On Abraham (Etna, CA: Center for Traditionalist Orthodox Studies, 2000).
- Eusebius of Caesarea, W.J. Ferrar, trans., The Proof of the Gospel, Volumes 1-2 (Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2001).
- John R. Willis, SJ, ed., The Teachings of the Church Fathers (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2002). Short: Willis, Teachings of the Church Fathers (pages)
- St. John Chrysostom, Robert Charles Hill, trans., St. John Chrysostom: Old Testament Homilies, Vol. 1, Homilies on Hannah, David, and Saul (Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2003). Short: St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Old Testament Homilies, Vol. 1 (pages)
- St. John Chrysostom, Robert Charles Hill, trans., St. John Chrysostom: Old Testament Homilies, Vol. 2, Homilies on Isaiah and Jeremiah (Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2003). Short: St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Old Testament Homilies, Vol. 2 (pages)
- St. John Chrysostom, Robert Charles Hill, trans., St. John Chrysostom: Old Testament Homilies, Vol. 3, Homilies on the Obscurity of the Old Testament, Homilies on the Psalms (Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2003). Short: St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Old Testament Homilies, Vol. 3 (pages)
- St. John Chrysostom, Robert Charles Hill, trans., St. John Chrysostom: Eight Sermons on the Book of Genesis (Boston: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2004). Short: St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Eight Sermons on Genesis (pages)
- Michael W. Holmes, trans., The Apostolic Fathers in English, 3rd ed. (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2006). Short: Holmes, Apostolic Fathers (pages)
- James H. Charlesworth, trans., The Odes of Solomon, The Earliest Christian Hymnbook (Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2009). Short: Charlesworth, Odes of Solomon (pages)
- Francis X. Gumerlock, trans., The Steven Seals of the Apocalypse: Medieval Texts in Translation (Kalamazoo, MI: Medieval Institute Publications, 2009). Short: Gumerlock, Seven Seals of the Apocalypse (pages)
- Kenneth J. Howell, trans., Ignatius of Antioch & Polycarp of Smyrna: A New Translation and Theological Commentary (Zanesville, OH: CHResources, 2009). Short: Sts. Ignatius and Polycarp, Howell, Ignatius and Polycarp (pages)
- R. Hugh Connolly, trans., Didascalia Apostolorum: The Syriac Version, Translated and Accompanied by the Verona Latin Fragments (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2009).
- Theodore Mopsuestia, Frederick G. McLeod, ed., Theodore of Mopsuestia (London: Routledge, 2009). Short: Theodore Mopsuestia, McLeod, Theodore of Mopsuestia (pages)
- St. Epiphanius of Salamis, Frank Williams, trans., The Panarion of Epiphanius of Salamis: Book 1 (Sects 1-46), 2nd ed. (Atlanta: SBL Press, 2009). Short: St. Epiphanius, Panarion, Book 1 (pages)
- Jimmy Akin, The Fathers Know Best: Your Essential Guide to the Teachings of the Early Church (San Diego: Catholic Answers Press, 2010). Short: Akin, Fathers Know Best (pages)
- St. Maximus the Confessor, Despina D. Prassas, trans., St. Maximus the Confessor’s Questions and Doubts (DeKalb, IL: Northern Illinois University Press, 2010). Short: St. Maximus the Confessor, Prassas, Questions and Doubts (pages)
- St. Jerome, Thomas P. Scheck, trans., St. Jerome’s Commentaries on Galatians, Titus, and Philemon (Notre Dame, IN: Notre Dame University Press, 2010). Short: St. Jerome, Scheck, Commentaries on Galatians, Titus, and Philemon (pages)
- St. Isidore of Seville, Stephen A. Barney, W.J. Lewis, J.A. Beach, Oliver Berghof, trans., The Etymologies of Isidore of Seville (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011). Short: St. Isidore, Etymologies (pages)
- St. Maximus the Confessor, Stephen J. Shoemaker, trans., The Life of the Virgin, Maximus the Confessor (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2012). Short: St. Maximus the Confessor, Shoemaker, Life of the Virgin (pages)
- Kenneth J. Howell, trans., Clement of Rome & The Didache: A New Translation and Theological Commentary (Zanesville, OH: CHResources, 2012). Short: Howell, Clement and the Didache (pages)
- St. Epiphanius of Salamis, Frank Williams, trans., The Panarion of Epiphanius of Salamis: Books 2-3 (De Fide), 2nd ed. (Atlanta: SBL Press, 2013). Short: St. Epiphanius, Panarion, Books 2-3 (pages)
- St. Basil, Anna M. Silvas, trans., The Rule of St. Basil in Latin and English: A Revised Critical Edition (Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2013).
- St. Pope Gelasius I, Bronwen Neil and Pauline Allen, trans., The Letters of Gelasius I (492-496), Pastor and Micro-Manager of the Church of Rome (Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2014). Short: St. Pope Gelasius, Neil and Allen, Letters (pages)
- St. Maximus the Confessor, Joseph P. Farrell, trans., The Disputation with Pyrrhus of Our Father Among the Saints Maximus the Confessor (Waymart, PA: Saint Tikhon’s Monastery Press, 2014). Short: St. Maximus the Confessor, Farrell, Disputation with Pyrrhus (pages)
- Francis X. Gumerlock, ed., Early Latin Commentaries on the Apocalypse (Kalamazoo, MI: Medieval Institute Publications, 2016). Short: Gumerlock, Latin Commentaries on the Apocalypse (pages)
- St. Cyril of Alexandria, R. Payne Smith, trans., Commentary on the Gospel of St. Luke (Veritatis Splendor Publications, 2018). Short: St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (pages)
- Francis X. Gumerlock, ed., Carolingian Commentaries on the Apocalypse by Theodulf and Smaragdus (Kalamazoo, MI: Medieval Institute Publications, 2019). Short: Gumerlock, Carolingian Commentaries (pages)
- Francis X. Gumerlock, ed., Carolingian Commentaries on the Apocalypse by Theodulf and Smaragdus (Kalamazoo, MI: Medieval Institute Publications, 2019). Short: Gumerlock, Carolingian Commentaries (pages)
- St. Ephrem the Syrian, M.F. Toal and Henry Burgess, trans., Eschatological Hymns and Homilies (Florence, AZ: Sagom Press, 2019). Short: St. Ephrem the Syrian, Toal and Burgess, Eschatological Hymns and Homilies (pages)
- Bronwen Neil and Pauline Allen, trans., Conflict & Negotiation in the Early Church: Letters from Late Antiquity, Translated from the Greek, Latin, and Syriac (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2020). Short: Neil and Allen, Conflict and Negotiation (pages)
- Scott Butler, John Collorafi, Keys Over the Christian World: Evidence for Papal Authority (33 AD-800 AD) from Original Ancient Latin, G reek, Chaldean, Syriac, Armenian, Coptic, and Ethiopian Documents (State Line, PA: Catholic Apologetics International Publishing, Inc., 2021). Short: Butler and Collorafi, Keys Over the Christian World (pages)
- St. John Chrysostom, Monk Moses, trans., On the Providence of God (Platina, CA: St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood, 2021). Short: St. John Chrysostom, Moses, On the Providence of God (pages)
- St. Augustine, Chaucer House Scholars, trans., The Rules of St. Augustine, with Commentary by High of St. Victor (Chaucer House Press, 2021). Short: St. Augustine, Chaucer House, Rules (pages)
- St. John Chrysostom, Rev. Protopresbyter Jon Magoulias, trans., The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom (2021).
- Cassiodorus, M. Shane Bjornlie, trans., The Variae: The Complete Translation (Oakland: University of California Press, 2022). | Cassiodorus, The Variae (pages)
- Christian Cochini, SJ, Nelly Marans, trans., The Apostolic Origins of Priestly Celibacy (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1990).
- Servais Pinckaers, OP, Sr. Mary Thomas Noble, OP, trans., The Sources of Christian Ethics, 3rd ed. (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1995).
- Stefan Heid, Michael J. Miller, trans., Celibacy in the Early Church: The Beginnings of a Discipline of Obligatory Continence for Clerics in East and West (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2000).
- Gradon F. Snyder, Ante Pacem: Archaeological Evidence of Church Life Before Constantine (Macon, GA: Merce University Press, 2003).
- Stephen J. Shoemaker, Ancient Traditions of the Virgin Mary’s Dormition and Assumption (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020).
- Sean McDowell, The Fate of the Apostles: Examining the Martyrdom Accounts of the Closest Followers of Jesus (London: Routledge, 2015).
- Stephen J. Shoemaker, Mary in Early Christian Faith and Devotion (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2016).
- Edmon L. Gallagher and John D. Meade, The Biblical Canon Lists from Early Christianity: Texts and Analysis (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017).
- Robin M. Jensen, Mark D. Ellison, eds., The Routledge Handbook of Early Christian Art (London: Routledge, 2018).
- Vincent Twomey, Apostolikos Thronos: Rival Accounts of Roman Primacy in Eusebius and Athanasius (Steubenville, OH: Emmaus Academic, 2023).
- Lee Martin McDonald, Before There Was a Bible: Authorities in Early Christianity (London: T&T Clark, 2023).
Church Fathers (Saints)
- St. Barnabas (first century)
- St. Pope Clement I (died 99) | WEST
- St. Ignatius of Antioch (died c. 107) | EAST
- St. Quadratus of Athens (died 129) | EAST
- St. Papias of Hierapolis (c. 60-c. 130) | EAST
- St. Polycarp (69-155) | EAST
- St. Justin Martyr (c. 100-165) | EAST
- St. Hegesippus (c. 110-c. 180) | EAST
- St. Melito of Sardis (died c. 180) | EAST
- St. Theophilus of Antioch (died c. 183-85) | EAST
- St. Irenaeus of Lyon (c. 130-c. 202) | EAST/WEST
- St. Athenagoras of Athens (c. 133-c. 190) | EAST
- St. Apollinaris Claudius (late 100s) | EAST | St. Apollinaris Claudius (Wikipedia)
- St. Pantaenus of Alexandria (died c. 200) | EAST | St. Pantaenus of Alexandria (Wikipedia)
- St. Serapion of Antioch (died 211) | EAST | St. Serapion of Antioch (Wikipedia)
- St. Clement of Alexandria (c. 150-c. 215) | EAST
- St. Dionysius of Corinth (early to mid-100s) | EAST
- St. Hippolytus of Rome (c. 170-c. 235) | WEST
- St. Alexander of Cappadocia/Jerusalem (died 251) | EAST
- St. Pope Cornelius (died 253) | WEST
- St. Cyprian of Carthage (c. 210-258) | WEST
- St. Pontius of Carthage (early 200s-c. 262) | WEST
- St. Dionysius of Alexandria (died 264) | EAST
- St. Pope Dionysius of Rome (died 268) | WEST
- St. Gregory Thaumaturgus (c. 213-270) | EAST
- St. Anatolius of Laodicea (died 283) | EAST
- St. Theonas of Alexandria (died 300) | EAST
- St. Victorinus of Pettau/Petovium (died 303/304) | WEST | Victorinus of Pettau (Wikipedia)
- St. Phileas of Thmuis (died c. 306) | EAST
- St. Pamphilus of Caesarea (died 309) | EAST
- St. Peter of Alexandria (died 311) | EAST
- St. Methodius of Olympus (died c. 311) | EAST
- St. Pierius of Alexandria (died c. 312) | EAST
- St. Alexander of Alexandria (died 326/328) | EAST
- St. Aphrahat the Persian (c. 280-c. 345) | EAST
- St. Pope Julius I (280-352) | WEST | Pope Julius I (Wikipedia)
- St. Macarius of Egypt/the Great/the Spirit Bearer (c. 300-c. 391) | EAST
- St. Hilary of Poitiers (c. 310-c. 367) | WEST
- St. Didymus the Blind (c. 313-398) | EAST
- St. Serapion of Thmuis (died c. 360) | EAST
- St. Athanasius (c. 296/98-373) | EAST
- St. Optatus of Milevis (300s) | WEST
- St. Paphnutius of Thebes (300s) | EAST | Paphnutius of Thebes (Wikipedia)
- Desert Fathers (300s) | EAST
- St. Pope Damasus I (c. 305-384) | WEST | Pope Damasus I (Wikipedia)
- St. Ephrem the Syrian (c. 306-373) | EAST | Ephrem the Syrian (Wikipedia)
- St. Pacian of Barcelona (c. 310-391) | WEST
- St. Epiphanius of Cyprus/Salamis (c. 310/320-403) | EAST
- St. Cyril of Jerusalem (c. 313-386) | EAST
- St. Gregory Nazianzus (c. 329-390) | EAST | Gregory of Nazianzus (Wikipedia)
- St. Basil (330-379) | EAST
- St. Pope Siricius I (334-399) | WEST
- St. Gregory of Nyssa (c. 335-395) | EAST
- St. Nicetas of Remesiana (c. 335-414) | WEST
- St. Ambrose of Milan (c. 340-397) | WEST
- St. Jerome (c. 342/347-420) | EAST/WEST
- St. Pope Anastasius I (died 401) | WEST
- St. Chromatius of Aquileia (died c. 406/407) | WEST
- St. John Chrysostom (c. 347-407) | EAST
- St. Pope Innocent I (died 417) | WEST
- St. Shenoute (c. 348-465) | EAST | Shenoute (Wikipedia)
- St. Augustine (354-430) | WEST
- St. Paulinus of Nola (c. 354-431) | WEST
- St. John Cassian (c. 360-c. 435) | EAST
- St. Possidius (died c. 437) | WEST | Possidius (Wikipedia)
- St. Pope Celestine I (c. 376-432) | WEST | Pope Celestine I (Wikipedia)
- St. Cyril of Alexandria (c. 376-444) | EAST
- St. Valerian of Abbenza (377-457) | WEST
- St. Peter Chrysologus (c. 380-c. 450) | WEST
- St. Maximus of Turin (c. 380-c. 465) | WEST
- St. Proclus of Constantinople (c. 390-446) | EAST
- St. Prosper of Aquitaine (c. 390-c. 455) | WEST
- St. Simeon Stylites (c. 390-459) | EAST | Simeon Stylites (Wikipedia)
- St. Pope Leo the Great (c. 400-461) | WEST
- St. Hilary of Arles (c. 403-c. 449) | WEST
- St. Vincent of Lérins (died c. 445) | WEST
- St. Patrick of Ireland (400s) | WEST
- St. Mark the Monk/Eremita (400s) | EAST
- St. Sechnall of Ireland (died c. 447/448) | WEST | Secundinus (Wikipedia)
- St. Quodvultdeus of Carthage (died c. 450) | WEST
- St. Isaiah the Solitary (died 491) | EAST | Isaiah the Solitary (Wikipedia)
- St. Pope Gelasius I (died 496) | WEST
- St. Pope Symmachus (died 514) | WEST | Pope Symmachus (Wikipedia)
- St. Pope Hormisdas (c. 450-523) | WEST | Pope Hormisdas (Wikipedia)
- St. Jacob of Serug (c. 451-521) | EAST
- St. Ailbe (died 528) | WEST | Ailbe of Emly (Wikipedia)
- St. Caesarius of Arles (c. 468/470-542) | WEST
- St. Fulgentius of Ruspe (c. 472/467-527/533) | WEST | Fulgentius of Ruspe (Wikipedia)
- St. Magnus Felix Ennodius (c. 473/74-521) | WEST
- St. Benedict (480-547) | WEST | Benedict of Nursia (Wikipedia)
- St. Romanos the Melodist (late 400s-after 555) | EAST
- St. Dorotheus of Gaza (c. 505-c. 565) | EAST | Dorotheus of Gaza (Wikipedia)
- St. Comghall (c. 510-520-597/602) | WEST | Comgall (Wikipedia)
- St. Ciarán (c. 516-c. 549) | WEST | Ciarán of Clonmacnoise (Wikipedia)
- St. Martin of Braga (c. 520-580) | WEST
- St. Barsanuphius (died c. 545) | EAST
- St. Venantius Honorius Clementianus Fortunatus (c. 530-c. 600/609) | WEST
- St. Leander of Seville (c. 534-600/601) | WEST
- St. Gregory of Tours (c. 538-594) | WEST
- St. Pope Gregory the Great (c. 540-604) | WEST
- St. Columban (543-615) | WEST | Columbanus (Wikipedia)
- St. Modestus of Jerusalem (died 634) | EAST
- St. Anastasius I of Antioch (c. 558/559-70-c. 596-98) | EAST
- St. Isidore of Seville (c. 560-636) | WEST
- St. Pope Agatho (c. 577-681) | WEST
- St. John Climacus (c. 579-649) | EAST
- St. Maximus the Confessor (c. 580-662) | EAST
- St. Braulio of Saragossa/Zaragoza (585-651) | WEST
- St. Carthage (500s) | WEST | Carthage the Elder (Wikipedia)
- St. Pope Martin I (590 to 600-655) | WEST | Pope Martin I (Wikipedia)
- St. Pope Leo II (c. 611-683) | WEST | Pope Leo II (Wikipedia)
- St. Fructuosus of Braga (died 665) | WEST
- St. Isaac of Nineveh/Isaac the Syrian (c. 613-c. 700) | EAST
- St. Germanus of Constantinople (c. 634-733/40) | EAST
- St. Julian of Toledo (642-90) | WEST
- St. Anastasius of Sinai (died after 700) | EAST
- St. Andrew of Crete/Jerusalem (c. 650-712/726/740) | EAST
- St. Bede the Venerable (c. 672/73-735) | WEST
- St. Pope Gregory III (died 741) | WEST | Pope Gregory III (Wikipedia)
- St. John of Damascus (c. 675/76-749) | EAST
- St. Boniface (c. 675-754) | WEST | Saint Boniface (Wikipedia)
- St. Pope Zachary (679-752) | WEST | Pope Zachary (Wikipedia)
- St. John of Old Lavra/of the Ancient Caves of Palestine (700s) | EAST
- St. Benedict of Aniane (747-821) | WEST | Benedict of Aniane (Wikipedia)
- St. Nicephorus I of Constantinople (c. 758-828) | EAST | Nikephoros I of Constantinople (Wikipedia)
- St. Theodore the Studite (759-826) | EAST
- St. Gregory of Narek (c. 945-951-c. 1001-1011 | EAST | Gregory of Narek (Wikipedia)
- St. Symeon the New Theologian (949-1022) | EAST
- St. Anselm of Canterbury (1033/1034-1109 | WEST | Anselm of Canterbury (Wikipedia)
- St. Hildegard of Bingen (c. 1098-1179) | WEST | Hildegard of Bingen (Wikipedia)
Ecclesiastical Writers
- Mathetes (c. late first/early second century) | EAST/WEST?
- The Shepherd of Hermas (early to mid-100s) | EAST/WEST?
- Aristo of Pella (c. 100-c. 160) | EAST
- Tatian the Syrian (c. 120-c. 180) | EAST | Tatian (Wikipedia)
- Theophilus, Bishop of Caesarea Maritima (died 195) | EAST | Theophilus, Bishop of Caesarea Maritima (Wikipedia)
- Polycrates of Ephesus (c. 130-196) | EAST | Polycrates of Ephesus (Wikipedia)
- Rhodon (late 100s) | EAST
- Pseudo-Irenaeus (late 100s) | EAST/WEST?
- Maximus II, Bishop of Jerusalem (late 100s) | EAST | Maximus II, Bishop of Jerusalem (Wikipedia)
- Apollonius of Ephesus (late 100s to early 200s) | EAST | Apollonius of Ephesus (Wikipedia)
- Commodianus (mid 200s) | WEST? | Commodian (Wikipedia)
- Tertullian (c. 155-c. 220) | WEST
- Sextus Julius Africanus (c. 160-c. 240) | EAST
- Origen (c. 184-c. 253) | EAST
- Caius the Presbyter (200s) | WEST
- Asterius Urbanus (200s) | WEST/EAST?
- Theodotus (200s) | WEST/EAST?
- Minucius Felix (died c. 250) | WEST | Marcus Minucius Felix (Wikipedia)
- Novatian (c. 200-c. 258) | WEST
- Firmilian of Cappadocia (died c. 269) | WEST | Firmilian (Wikipedia)
- Theognostus of Alexandria (c. 210-c. 270) | EAST
- Malchion of Antioch (200s) | EAST
- Archelaus, Bishop of Carrhae (died late 200s) | EAST
- Alexander, Bishop of Lycopolis (died early 300s) | EAST
- Lactantius (c. 250-c. 325) | WEST
- Arnobius (died c. 330) | WEST
- Eusebius of Caesarea (c. 260/265-339) | EAST
- Emperor Constantine the Great (c. 272-337) | EAST/WEST | Constantine the Great (Wikipedia)
- Gaius Marius Victorinus (290-364) | WEST
- Firmicus Maternus (300s) | WEST
- Daniel of Scetis (300s) | EAST | Daniel of Scetis (Wikipedia)
- Pseudo-Clement (mid 300s) | EAST/WEST?
- Tyconius (died 390) | WEST
- Nemesius of Emesa (late 300s) | EAST | Nemesius of Emesa (Wikipedia)
- Ammianus Marcellinus (c. 330-c. 391-400) | PAGAN
- Paulinus the Deacon (died 400s) | WEST
- Rufinus of Aquileia (344/45-411) | WEST | Tyrannius Rufinus (Wikipedia)
- Evagrius Ponticus/the Solitary (345-99) | EAST
- Prudentius (348-c. 405-13) | WEST
- Theodore of Mopsuestia (c. 350-428) | EAST
- Severian of Gabala (355-408/425) | EAST | Severian of Gabala (Wikipedia)
- Palladius of Galatia (c. 363-420s) | EAST
- Sulpicius Severus (c. 363-c. 425) | WEST
- Ambrosiaster/Pseudo-Ambrose (wrote c. 366-384) | WEST | Ambrosiaster (Wikipedia)
- Philostorgius (368-c. 439) | EAST | Philostorgius (Wikipedia)
- Paulus Orosius of Braga (c. 375/85-c. 420) | WEST
- Socrates of Constantinople (c. 380-after 439) | EAST | Socrates of Constantinople (Wikipedia)
- Egeria (pilgrimage from c. 381/2-84) | WEST
- Julian of Eclanum (c. 386-c. 455) | WEST | Julian of Eclanum (Wikipedia)
- Theodoret of Cyrus (c. 393-c. 458/466) | EAST | Theodoret (Wikipedia)
- Leporius the Monk (late 300s/early 400s) | WEST
- Salvian the Presbyter (400s) | WEST
- Sozomen (c. 400-c. 450) | EAST
- Diadochus of Photikē (c. 400-c. 486) | EAST | Diadochus of Photiki (Wikipedia)
- Gennadius of Constantinople (died 471) | EAST
- Gennadius of Massilia (died c. 496) | WEST
- Pope Anastasius II (died 498) | WEST
- Julianus Pomerius (died c. 499-505) | WEST
- Avitus of Vienne (c. 450-517/518 or 519) | WEST | Avitus of Vienne (Wikipedia)
- Eugippius (c. 460-c. 535) | WEST
- Pope John II (c. 475-535) | WEST | Pope John II (Wikipedia)
- Emperor Justinian I (482-565) | EAST | Justinian I (Wikipedia)
- Leontius of Constantinople (c. 485-c. 545) | EAST
- Cassiodorus (c. 485-c. 585) | WEST
- Arator (c. 490-after 544) | WEST
- Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite (late 400s-early 500s) | EAST
- Pantoleon, Deacon (early 500s?) | EAST
- Timothy of Jerusalem (500s) | EAST
- Pseudo-Zachariah Rhetor (500s) | EAST | Pseudo-Zacharias Rhetor (Wikipedia)
- Agapetus (500s) | EAST | Agapetus (deacon) (Wikipedia)
- Apringius of Beja (500s) | WEST | Apringius (Wikipedia)
- Cyril of Scythopolis (c. 525-c. 559) | EAST
- Paul the Silentiary (died 575-580) | EAST | Paul the Silentiary (Wikipedia)
- Evagrius Scholasticus (c. 536-594) | EAST
- Paschasius of Dumium (mid 500s) | WEST
- Andrew of Caesarea (563-614) | EAST
- Pope John IV (died 642) | WEST | Pope John IV (Wikipedia)
- Pope Theodore II (died 649) | WEST | Pope Theodore I (Wikipedia)
- Oecumenius (600s?) | EAST
- John, Archbishop of Thessalonica (600s) | EAST
- Theoteknos, Bishop of Livias (600s) | EAST
- Pope Stephen II (714-757) | WEST | Pope Stephen II (Wikipedia)
- Antipope Constantine II (died c. 769) | WEST | Antipope Constantine II (Wikipedia)
- Pope Stephen III (720-772) | WEST | Pope Stephen III (Wikipedia)
- Pope Hadrian I (700-795) | WEST | Pope Adrian I (Wikipedia)
- Kosmas Vestitor (c. 730-c. 850) | EAST
- Alcuin of York (c. 735-804) | WEST | Alcuin (Wikipedia)
- Theodulf of Orleans (c. 750/60-821) | WEST
- Theodore Abū Qurrah (c. 750-c. 825) | EAST | Theodore Abū Qurrah (Wikipedia)
- Jonas of Orleans (c. 760-843) | WEST | Jonas of Orléans (Wikipedia)
- Smaragdus of Saint-Mihiel (c. 770-c. 840) | WEST
- Amalar of Metz (c. 775-c. 850) | WEST | Amalarius (Wikipedia)
- Mena of Nikiou (700s) | EAST
- Pisentius of Coptos (700s) | EAST
- Zacharias of Sakhā (700s) | EAST
- John of Euboea (mid 800s) | EAST
- Emperor Leo VI, “the Wise” (886-912) | EAST
- Odo of Glanfeuil (800s) | WEST | Odo of Glanfeuil (Wikipedia)
- Grimlaicus (800s or 900s) | WEST | Grimlaicus (Wikipedia)
- Cormac mac Cuilennáin (died 908) | WEST | Cormac mac Cuilennáin (Wikipedia)
- Anselm of Havelberg (c. 1100-1158) | WEST | Anselm of Havelberg (Wikipedia)
- Philagathus of Cerami (died after 1154) | EAST
- Nephytos the Recluse/of Cyprus (1134-1214) | EAST
- Joachim of Fiore (c. 1135-1202) | WEST | Joachim of Fiore (Wikipedia)
- Niketas Choniatēs (c. 1155-1217) | EAST | Niketas Choniatēs (Wikipedia)
- Hugh of Saint Cher (c. 1200-1263) | WEST | Hugh of Saint-Cher (Wikipedia)
- Nicholas of Gorran (1232-1295) | WEST | Nicholas of Gorran (Wikipedia)
- Theoleptos of Philadelphia (c. 1250-1322) | EAST
- Nikephoros Choumnos (c. 1250/55-1327) | EAST
- Vital du Four (1260-1327) | WEST | Vital du Four (Wikipedia)
- Gregory of Sinai/the Sinaite (c. 1260s-1346) | EAST
- Peter Auriol (c. 1280-1322) | WEST | Petrus Aureoli (Wikipedia)
- Gregory Palamas (c. 1296-1359) | EAST
- Giyorgis of Segla/Enzira Sebhat (c. 1365-1425) | EAST
- Giovanni Nanni (1437-1502) | WEST | Annius of Viterbo (Wikipedia)
- Timothy of Antioch/Jerusalem (500s-700s?) | EAST
Apostolic Era Documents
- The Didache (§§16) (c. 50) | Howell, Clement and the Didache (137-52) | Holmes, Apostolic Fathers (163-71)
- The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles, doubtful (§§16) (c. 120) | Howell, Clement and the Didache (79-135) | ANF, Vol. 7 (377-82) | New Advent
St. Barnabas (first century)
- Letter of Barnabas (§§21) (disputed authorship) | ANF, Vol. 1 (137-49) | Holmes, Apostolic Fathers (177-98) | New Advent
St. Pope Clement I (died 99) | WEST
- Letter to the Corinthians (§§65) | Howell, Clement and the Didache (79-135) | Holmes, Apostolic Fathers (42-72) | ANF, Vol. 1 (5-21) | New Advent
St. Ignatius of Antioch (died c. 107) | EAST
- Letter to the Ephesians (§§21) | PPS, Vol. 49 (27-41) | Howell, Ignatius and Polycarp (73-90) | Holmes, Apostolic Fathers (96-102) | ANF, Vol. 1 (49-58) | New Advent
- Letter to the Magnesians (§§15) | PPS, Vol. 49 (43-53) | Howell, Ignatius and Polycarp (91-100) | Holmes, Apostolic Fathers (103-107) | ANF, Vol. 1 (59-65) | New Advent
- Letter to the Trallians (§§13) | PPS, Vol. 49 (55-63) | Howell, Ignatius and Polycarp (101-10) | Holmes, Apostolic Fathers (108-11) | ANF, Vol. 1 (66-72) | New Advent
- Letter to the Romans (§§10) | PPS, Vol. 49 (65-75) | Howell, Ignatius and Polycarp (111-19) | Holmes, Apostolic Fathers (112-16) | ANF, Vol. 1 (73-78) | New Advent
- Letter to the Philadelphians (§§11) | PPS, Vol. 49 (77-85) | Howell, Ignatius and Polycarp (121-28) | Holmes, Apostolic Fathers (117-20) | ANF, Vol. 1 (79-85) | New Advent
- Letter to the Smyrnaeans (§§12) | PPS, Vol. 49 (87-97) | Howell, Ignatius and Polycarp (129-37) | Holmes, Apostolic Fathers (121-25) | ANF, Vol. 1 (86-92 | New Advent
- Letter to St. Polycarp (§§8) | PPS, Vol. 49 (99-107) | Howell, Ignatius and Polycarp (139-45) | Holmes, Apostolic Fathers (126-29) | ANF, Vol. 1 (93-96) | New Advent
- Syriac Letter to St. Polycarp (§§8) | ANF, Vol. 1 (99-100)
- Syriac Letter to the Ephesians (§§19) | ANF, Vol. 1 (101-102)
- Syriac Letter to the Romans (§§9) | ANF, Vol. 1 (103-04)
- Spurious Letter to the Tarsians (§§10) | PPS, Vol. 49 (161-66) | ANF, Vol. 1 (107-09) | New Advent
- Spurious Letter to the Antiochians (§§14) | PPS, Vol. 49 (199-205) | ANF, Vol. 1 (110-12) | New Advent
- Spurious Letter to Hero (§§9) | PPS, Vol. 49 (207-11) | ANF, Vol. 1 (113-15) | New Advent
- Spurious Letter to the Philippians (§§15) | PPS, Vol. 49 (167-75) | ANF, Vol. 1 (116-19) | New Advent
- Spurious Letter to the Trallians (§§12) | PPS, Vol. 49 (141-49)
- Spurious Letter to the Magnesians (§§15) | PPS, Vol. 49 (151-60)
- Spurious Letter to the Philadelphians (§§11) | PPS, Vol. 49 (177-86)
- Spurious Letter to the Smyrnaeans (§§13) | PPS, Vol. 49 (187-94)
- Spurious Letter to the Ephesians (§§21) | PPS, Vol. 49 (213-25)
- Spurious Letter to the Romans (§§10) | PPS, Vol. 49 (227-31)
- Spurious Letter of Maria the Proselyte to Ignatius (§§5) | PPS, Vol. 49 (135-38) | ANF, Vol. 1 (120-21) | New Advent
- Spurious Letter to Mary at Neapolis (§§5) | PPS, Vol. 49 (138-40) | ANF, Vol. 1 (122-23) | New Advent
- Spurious Letter to St. Polycarp (§§8) | PPS, Vol. 49 (195-98)
- Spurious Letter 1 to St. John the Apostle | ANF, Vol. 1 (124) | New Advent
- Spurious Letter 2 to St. John the Apostle | ANF, Vol. 1 (125) | New Advent
- Spurious Letter to the Virgin Mary | ANF, Vol. 1 (126) | New Advent
- Spurious Letter of the Virgin Mary to Ignatius | ANF, Vol. 1 (126) | New Advent
- Martyrdom of Ignatius of Antioch (§§7) | PPS, Vol. 49 (234-38) | ANF, Vol. 1 (129-31) | New Advent
St. Quadratus of Athens (died 129) | EAST
- Fragment from the Apology for the Christian Religion | ANF, Vol. 8 (749) | New Advent
St. Papias of Hierapolis (c. 60-c. 130) | EAST
- Fragments (§§10) | ANF, Vol. 1 (153-55) | Holmes, Apostolic Fathers (308-19) | New Advent
St. Polycarp (69-155) | EAST
- Letter to the Philippians (§§14) | Howell, Ignatius and Polycarp (147-58) | Holmes, Apostolic Fathers (135-41) | ANF, Vol. 1 (33-36) | New Advent
- The Martyrdom of St. Polycarp (§§22) | Howell, Ignatius and Polycarp (159-74) | Holmes, Apostolic Fathers (147-56) | ANF, Vol. 1 (39-44) | New Advent
St. Justin Martyr (c. 100-165) | EAST
- The First Apology (§§68) | ANF, Vol. 1 (163-87) | New Advent
- The Second Apology (§§15) | ANF, Vol. 1 (188-93) | New Advent
- Dialogue with Trypho, a Jew (§§142) | ANF, Vol. 1 (194-270) | New Advent
- The Discourse to the Greeks (§§5) | ANF, Vol. 1 (271-72) | New Advent
- Hortatory Address to the Greeks (§§38) | ANF, Vol. 1 (273-89) | New Advent
- On the Sole Government of God (§§6) | ANF, Vol. 1 (290-93) | New Advent
- On the Resurrection, Fragments (§§10) | ANF, Vol. 1 (294-99) | New Advent
- Other Fragments (§§19) | ANF, Vol. 1 (300-02) | New Advent
- Martyrdom of St. Justin (§§5) | ANF, Vol. 1 (305-06) | New Advent
St. Hegesippus (c. 110-c. 180) | EAST
- Fragments from Commentaries on the Acts of the Church (5 Books) | ANF, Vol. 8 (762-65)
St. Melito of Sardis (died c. 180) | EAST
- On Pascha (§§105) | PPS, Vol. 55 (50-83)
- Fragments (§§17) | PPS, Vol. 55 (85-100)
- A Discourse to Caesar, Exhorting Him to Acquaint Himself with God and Follow the Truth | ANF, Vol. 8 (751-56)
- Discourse on Soul and Body (fragment) | ANF, Vol. 8 (756)
- Discourse on the Cross (fragment) | ANF, Vol. 8 (756)
- On Faith (fragment) | ANF, Vol. 8 (756-58)
- Other Fragments | ANF, Vol. 8 (758-62)
St. Theophilus of Antioch (died c. 183-85) | EAST
- The Apology to Autolycus (3 Books) | ANF, Vol. 2 (89-121) | New Advent
St. Irenaeus of Lyon (c. 130-c. 202) | EAST/WEST
- Against Heresies (5 Books) | ANF, Vol. 1 (315-567) | New Advent
- On the Apostolic Preaching (§§98) | PPS, Vol. 17 (39-101)
- Fragments (§§55) | ANF, Vol. 1 (568-78) | New Advent
- Other Fragments (§§5) | Holmes, Apostolic Fathers (320-21)
St. Athenagoras of Athens (c. 133-c. 190) | EAST
- A Plea for the Christians (§§32) | ANF, Vol. 2 (129-48) | New Advent
- The Resurrection of the Dead (§§25) | ANF, Vol. 2 (149-62) | New Advent
St. Apollinaris Claudius (late 100s) | EAST
- Fragments from an Unknown Book | ANF, Vol. 8 (772)
- Fragments from a Book Concerning the Passover | ANF, Vol. 8 (772-73)
St. Pantaenus of Alexandria (died c. 200) | EAST
- Fragments | ANF, Vol. 8 (777)
St. Serapion of Antioch (died 211) | EAST
- Fragment from Letter to Caricus and Ponticus | ANF, Vol. 8 (775)
- Fragment from the Book Concerning the Gospel of Peter | ANF, Vol. 8 (775)
St. Clement of Alexandria (c. 150-c. 215) | EAST
- Exhortation to the Heathen (§§12) | ANF, Vol. 2 (171-206) | New Advent
- Christ the Educator/The Instructor (3 Books) | CUA, Vol. 23 (3-278) | ANF, Vol. 2 (209-96) | New Advent
- The Stromata, or Miscellanies (8 Books) | ANF, Vol. 2 (299-567) | New Advent
- Who is the Rich Man that Shall be Saved? (§§42) | ANF, Vol. 2 (591-604) | New Advent
- Fragments | ANF, Vol. 2 (571-87) | New Advent
St. Dionysius of Corinth (early to mid-100s) | EAST
- Letter to the Roman Church (fragments) (§§4) | ANF, Vol. 8 (765)
St. Hippolytus of Rome (c. 170-c. 235) | WEST
- On the Apostolic Tradition (§§43) | PPS, Vol. 54 (65-212)
- The Refutation of All Heresies | ANF, Vol. 5 (9-153) | New Advent
- Treatise on Christ and Antichrist | ANF, Vol. 5 (204-19) | New Advent
- Expository Treatise Against the Jews | ANF, Vol. 5 (219-21) | New Advent
- Against Plato, On the Cause of the Universe | ANF, Vol. 5 (221-23) | New Advent
- Against the Heresy of One Noetus | ANF, Vol. 5 (223-31) | New Advent
- Against Beron and Heli | ANF, Vol. 5 (231-34) | New Advent
- The Discourse on the Holy Theophany | ANF, Vol. 5 (234-37) | New Advent
- Fragments from Commentaries on Scripture | ANF, Vol. 5 (163-203) | New Advent
- Fragments of Discourses or Homilies | ANF, Vol. 5 (238-41) | New Advent
Doubtful Works
- Discourse on the End of the World (§§49) | ANF, Vol. 5 (242-54) | New Advent
- On the Twelve Apostles | ANF, Vol. 5 (254-58) | New Advent
St. Alexander of Cappadocia/Jerusalem (died 251) | EAST
- Fragments of Letters (§§4) | ANF, Vol. 6 (154)
St. Pope Cornelius (died 253) | WEST
St. Cyprian of Carthage (c. 210-258) | WEST
- Treatise 1: On the Unity of the Church (§§27) | PPS, Vol. 32 (145-81) | ANF, Vol. 5 (421-29) | New Advent
- Treatise 2: On the Dress of Virgins (§§24) | ANF, Vol. 5 (430-36) | New Advent
- Treatise 3: On the Lapsed (§§36) | PPS, Vol. 32 (99-143) | ANF, Vol. 5 (437-47) | New Advent
- Treatise 4: On the Lord’s Prayer (§§36) | PPS, Vol. 29 (65-93) | ANF, Vol. 5 (447-57) | New Advent
- Treatise 5: An Address to Demetrianus (§§25) | ANF, Vol. 5 (457-65) | New Advent
- Treatise 6: On the Vanity of Idols (§§15) | ANF, Vol. 5 (465-69) | New Advent
- Treatise 7: On the Mortality (§§26) | ANF, Vol. 5 (469-75) | New Advent
- Treatise 8: On Works and Alms (§§26) | ANF, Vol. 5 (475-84) | New Advent
- Treatise 9: On the Advantage of Patience (§§24) | ANF, Vol. 5 (484-91) | New Advent
- Treatise 10: On Jealousy and Envy (§§18) | ANF, Vol. 5 (91-96) | New Advent
- Treatise 11: Exhortation to Martyrdom, Addressed to Fortunatus (§§13) | ANF, Vol. 5 (496-507) | New Advent
- Treatise 12: Three Books of Testimonies Against the Jews (3 Books) | ANF, Vol. 5 (507-57) | New Advent
- On the Struggle with Paganism: To Donatus (§§16) | PPS, Vol. 32 (47-66)
- On the Struggle with Paganism: To Demetrian (§§26) | PPS, Vol. 32 (67-95)
Treatises (disputed)
- On the Public Shows (§§9) | ANF, Vol. 5 (575-78) | New Advent
- On the Glory of Martyrdom (§§30) | ANF, Vol. 5 (579-87) | New Advent
- On the Discipline and Advantage of Chastity (§§14) | ANF, Vol. 5 (587-92) | New Advent
- Exhortation to Repentance | ANF, Vol. 5 (592-95) | New Advent
Other Works
- Seventh Council of Carthage, Presided Over by St. Cyprian | ANF, Vol. 5 (565-72) | New Advent
Numbers in parentheses are those used in the PPS series.
- Letter 1: To Donatus (§§16) | ANF, Vol. 5 (275-80) | New Advent
- Letter 2 (8): From the Roman Clergy to the Carthaginian Clergy on the Retirement of St. Cyprian (§§3) | PPS, Vol. 33 (48-51) | ANF, Vol. 5 (280-81) | New Advent
- Letter 3: To the Roman Clergy (§§2) (250) | ANF, Vol. 5 (281-82) | New Advent
- Letter 4: To Carthaginian Clergy (§§2) | ANF, Vol. 5 (282) | New Advent
- Letter 5: To the Carthaginian Clergy (§§4) | ANF, Vol. 5 (282-83) | New Advent
- Letter 6 (13): To Rogatianus the Presbyter and the Other Confessors (§§6) (250) | PPS, Vol. 33 (54-58) | ANF, Vol. 5 (283-85) | New Advent
- Letter 7: To the Clergy, Concerning Prayer to God (§§8) | ANF, Vol. 5 (285-87) | New Advent
- Letter 8: To the Martyrs and Confessors | ANF, Vol. 5 (287-89) | New Advent
- Letter 9 (16): To the Clergy Concerning Certain Presbyters Who Rashly Granted Peace to the Lapsed (§§4) | PPS, Vol. 33 (65-69) | ANF, Vol. 5 (289-90) | New Advent
- Letter 10 (15): To the Martyrs and Confessors Who Sought Peace for the Lapsed (§§4) | PPS, Vol. 33 (60-64) | ANF, Vol. 5 (290-92) | New Advent
- Letter 11: To the People (§§3) | ANF, Vol. 5 (292) | New Advent
- Letter 12: To the Clergy, Concerning the Lapsed and Catechumens (§§2) | ANF, Vol. 5 (293) | New Advent
- Letter 13: To the Clergy, Concerning Those Who Are in Haste to Receive Peace (§§2) (250) | ANF, Vol. 5 (293-94) | New Advent
- Letter 14: To the Clergy in Rome (§§3) | ANF, Vol. 5 (294-95) | New Advent
- Letter 15: To Moyses and Maximus, and the Rest of the Confessors (§§4) | ANF, Vol. 5 (295-96) | New Advent
- Letter 16 (23): From the Confessors to St. Cyprian | PPS, Vol. 33 (81-82) | ANF, Vol. 5 (296) | New Advent
- Letter 17: To the Presbyters and Deacons | ANF, Vol. 5 (296-97)New Advent
- Letter 18 (24): From Caldonius to St. Cyprian | PPS, Vol. 33 (84) | ANF, Vol. 5 (297) | New Advent
- Letter 19: To Caldonius | ANF, Vol. 5 (297) | New Advent
- Letter 20 (21): From Celerinus to Lucian (§§4) | PPS, Vol. 33 (71-76) | ANF, Vol. 5 (298-99) | New Advent
- Letter 21 (22): From Lucian to Celerinus (§§3) | PPS, Vol. 33 (77-80) | ANF, Vol. 5 (299-300) | New Advent
- Letter 22 (27): To the Clergy in Rome (§§4) | PPS, Vol. 33 (85-89) | ANF, Vol. 5 (300-01) | New Advent
- Letter 23: To the Clergy on the Letters Sent to Rome | ANF, Vol. 5 (301) | New Advent
- Letter 24: To Moyses and Maximus and the Rest of the Confessors (§§2) | ANF, Vol. 5 (301-02) | New Advent
- Letter 25: From Moyses, Maximus, Nicostratus, and the Other Confessors to St. Cyprian (§§7) | ANF, Vol. 5 (302-05) | New Advent
- Letter 26 (33): To the Lapsed (§§2) | PPS, Vol. 33 (91-93) | ANF, Vol. 5 (305-06) | New Advent
- Letter 27: To the Presbyters and Deacons (§§3) | ANF, Vol. 5 (306) | New Advent
- Letter 28: To the Clergy in Rome | ANF, Vol. 5 (306-07) | New Advent
- Letter 29: From the Clergy in Rome to St. Cyprian (§§4) | ANF, Vol. 5 (307-08) | New Advent
- Letter 30: From the Roman Clergy to St. Cyprian (§§8) | ANF, Vol. 5 (308-11) | New Advent
- Letter 31: To the Carthaginian Clergy about the Letters Sent to Rome | ANF, Vol. 5 (311) | New Advent
- Letter 32 (38): To the Clergy and People of Carthage About the Ordination of Aurelius as Reader (§§2) | PPS, Vol. 33 (95-98) | ANF, Vol. 5 (311-12) | New Advent
- Letter 33 (39): To the Clergy and People of Carthage About the Ordination of Celerinus as Reader (§§5) | PPS, Vol. 33 (99-104) | ANF, Vol. 5 (312-14) | New Advent
- Letter 34: To the Clergy and People of Carthage About the Ordination of Numidicus as Presbyter | ANF, Vol. 5 (314) | New Advent
- Letter 35: To the Clergy, Concerning the Care of the Poor and Strangers | ANF, Vol. 5 (314) | New Advent
- Letter 36: To the Clergy, Bidding Them Show Every Kindness to the Confessors in Prison (§§2) | ANF, Vol. 5 (314-15) | New Advent
- Letter 37: To Caldonius, Herculanus, and Others, About the Excommunication of Felicissimus (§§2) | ANF, Vol. 5 (315-16) | New Advent
- Letter 38: From Caldonius, Herculanus, and Others, on the Excommunication of Felicissimus | ANF, Vol. 5 (316) | New Advent
- Letter 39 (43): To the People, Concerning Five Schismatic Presbyters of the Faction of Felicissimus (§§7) | PPS, Vol. 33 (106-13) | ANF, Vol. 5 (316-19) | New Advent
- Letter 40: To St. Pope Cornelius, on His Refusal to Receive Novatian’s Ordination (§§2) | ANF, Vol. 5 (319) | New Advent
- Letter 41: To St. Pope Cornelius, About Cyprian’s Approval of His ordination, and Concerning Felicissimus (§§4) | ANF, Vol. 5 (319-21) | New Advent
- Letter 42: To St. Pope Cornelius, on His Having Sent Letters to the Confessors Whom Novatian had Seduced | ANF, Vol. 5 (321) | New Advent
- Letter 43: To the Roman Confessors, That They Should Return to Unity | ANF, Vol. 5 (321-22) | New Advent
- Letter 44: To St. Pope Cornelius, Concerning Polycarp the Adrumetine (§§4) | ANF, Vol. 5 (322) | New Advent
- Letter 45: From St. Pope Cornelius to St. Cyprian, on the Return of the Confessors to Unity (§§3) | ANF, Vol. 5 (322-23) | New Advent
- Letter 46: To St. Pope Cornelius, Congratulating Him on the Return of the Confessors from Schism (§§2) | ANF, Vol. 5 (324) | New Advent
- Letter 47: From St. Pope Cornelius to St. Cyprian, Concerning the Faction of Novatian with His Party | ANF, Vol. 5 (324) | New Advent
- Letter 48: To St. Pope Cornelius, Concerning the Crimes of Novatus (§§4) | ANF, Vol. 5 (325-26) | New Advent
- Letter 49: From Maximus and Other Confessors to St. Cyprian, About Their Return from Schism | ANF, Vol. 5 (326) | New Advent
- Letter 50: To the Confessors, Congratulating Them on Their Return from Schism (§§4) | ANF, Vol. 5 (326-27) | New Advent
- Letter 51 (55): To Antonianus about St. Pope Cornelius and Novatian (§§30) | PPS, Vol. 33 (116-41) | ANF, Vol. 5 (327-35) | New Advent
- Letter 52: To Fortunatus and His Colleagues, Concerning Those Who had Been Overcome by Tortures (§§3) | ANF, Vol. 5 (335-36) | New Advent
- Letter 53: To St. Pope Cornelius, Concerning Granting Peace to the Lapsed (§§5) | ANF, Vol. 5 (336-38) | New Advent
- Letter 54 (59): To St. Pope Cornelius, Concerning Fortunatus and Felicissimus, or Against the Heretics (§§21) | PPS, Vol. 33 (144-69) | ANF, Vol. 5 (338-47) | New Advent
- Letter 55: To the People of Thibaris, Exhorting to Martyrdom (§§11) | ANF, Vol. 5 (347-50) | New Advent
- Letter 56: To St. Pope Cornelius in Exile, Concerning His Confession (§§5) | ANF, Vol. 5 (350-52) | New Advent
- Letter 57: To Pope Lucius, Returned from Banishment (§§4) | ANF, Vol. 5 (352-53) | New Advent
- Letter 58: To Fidus, on the Baptism of Infants (§§6) | ANF, Vol. 5 (353-54) | New Advent
- Letter 59: To Numidian Bishops, on the Redemption of Their Brethren from Captivity Among the Barbarians (§§4) | ANF, Vol. 5 (355-56) | New Advent
- Letter 60: To Euchratius, About an Actor (§§2) | ANF, Vol. 5 (356) | New Advent
- Letter 61: To Pomponius, Concerning Some Virgins (§§5) | ANF, Vol. 5 (356-58) | New Advent
- Letter 62 (63): To Caecilius, on the Sacrament of the Cup of the Lord (§§19) | PPS, Vol. 33 (173-87) | ANF, Vol. 5 (358-64) | New Advent
- Letter 63: To Epictetus, and to the Congregation of Assurae, Concerning Fortunatianus, Their Former Bishop (§§5) | ANF, Vol. 5 (364-65) | New Advent
- Letter 64: To Rogatianus, Concerning the Deacon Who Contended Against the Bishop (§§3) | ANF, Vol. 5 (365-66) | New Advent
- Letter 65: To the Clergy and People of Furni, About Victor, Who Had Made the Presbyter Faustinus a Guardian (§§2) | ANF, Vol. 5 (366-67) | New Advent
- Letter 66: To Father Stephanus, Concerning Marcianus of Arles, Who Had Joined Himself to Novatian (§§5) | ANF, Vol. 5 (367-69) | New Advent
- Letter 67: To the Clergy and People Abiding in Spain, Concerning Basilides and Martial (§§9) | ANF, Vol. 5 (369-72) | New Advent
- Letter 68: To Florentius Pupianus, on Calumniators (§§10) | ANF, Vol. 5 (372-75) | New Advent
- Letter 69: To Januarius and Other Numidian Bishops, on Baptizing Heretics, (§§3) | ANF, Vol. 5 (375-77) | New Advent
- Letter 70: To Quintus, Concerning the Baptism of Heretics (§§4) | ANF, Vol. 5 (377-78) | New Advent
- Letter 71 (72): To St. Pope Stephen, Concerning a Council (§§3) | PPS, Vol. 33 (189-92) | ANF, Vol. 5 (378-79) | New Advent
- Letter 72 (73): To Jubaianus, Concerning the Baptism of Heretics (§§26) | PPS, Vol. 33 (195-215) | ANF, Vol. 5 (379-86) | New Advent
- Letter 73: To Pompey, Against the Letter of St. Pope Stephen About the Baptism of Heretics (§§12) | ANF, Vol. 5 (386-90) | New Advent
- Letter 74 (75): From Firmilian, Bishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia, to St. Cyprian, Against the Letter of St. Pope Stephen (§§26) (256) | PPS, Vol. 33 (218-38) | ANF, Vol. 5 (390-97) | New Advent
- Letter 75: To Magnus, on Baptizing the Novatians, and Those who Obtain Grace on a Sickbed (§§17) | ANF, Vol. 5 (397-402) | New Advent
- Letter 76: To Nemesianus and Other Martyrs in the Mines (§§7) | ANF, Vol. 5 (402-04) | New Advent
- Letter 77: From Nemesianus, Dativus, Felix, and Victor, to St. Cyprian (§§3) | ANF, Vol. 5 (404-05) | New Advent
- Letter 78: From Lucius and the Rest of the Martyrs to St. Cyprian (§§3) | ANF, Vol. 5 (405-06) | New Advent
- Letter 79: From Felix, Jader, Polianus, and the Rest of the Martyrs, to St. Cyprian | ANF, Vol. 5 (406) | New Advent
- Letter 80: To Sergius, Rogatianus, and the Other Confessors in Prison (§§4) | ANF, Vol. 5 (406-08) | New Advent
- Letter 81 (80): To Successus on the News from Rome About the Persecution (§§2) | PPS, Vol. 33 (239-41) | ANF, Vol. 5 (408) | New Advent
- Letter 82 (81): To the Clergy and People Concerning His Retirement, Just Prior to Martyrdom (§§2) | PPS, Vol. 33 (243-44) | ANF, Vol. 5 (408-09) | New Advent
St. Pontius of Carthage (early 200s-c. 262) | WEST
- The Life and Passion of St. Cyprian (§§19) | CUA, Vol. 15 (5-24) | ANF, Vol. 5 (267-74) | New Advent
St. Dionysius of Alexandria (died 264) | EAST
- Fragment from the Two Books on the Promises | ANF, Vol. 6 (81-84) | New Advent
- Fragment from the Books of Nature | ANF, Vol. 6 (84-91) | New Advent
- From the Books Against Sabellius | ANF, Vol. 6 (91-94) | New Advent
- Exegetical Fragments on Scripture | ANF, Vol. 6 (111-20) | New Advent
- Letter to Bishop Basilides (§§4) | ANF, Vol. 6 (94-96) | New Advent
- Letter 1: To Domitius and Didymus (§§2) | ANF, Vol. 6 (96-97) | New Advent
- Letter 2: To Novatus | ANF, Vol. 6 (97) | New Advent
- Letter 3: To Fabius, Bishop of Antioch (§§11) | ANF, Vol. 6 (97-101) | New Advent
- Letter 4: To St. Pope Cornelius (omitted) | New Advent | ANF, Vol. 6 (101)
- Letter 5: To St. Pope Stephen | ANF, Vol. 6 (101-02) | New Advent
- Letter 6: To St. Pope Sixtus (§§3) | ANF, Vol. 6 (102) | New Advent
- Letter 7: To Philemon, the Priest | ANF, Vol. 6 (102-03) | New Advent
- Letter 8: To Dionysius | ANF, Vol. 6 (103) | New Advent
- Letter 9: To St. Pope Sixtus II | ANF, Vol. 6 (103) | New Advent
- Letter 10: Against Bishop Germanus (§§8) | ANF, Vol. 6 (103-06) | New Advent
- Letter 11: To Hermammon (§§6) | ANF, Vol. 6 (106-08) | New Advent
- Letter 12: To the Alexandrians (§§5) | ANF, Vol. 6 (108-09) | New Advent
- Letter 13: To Hierax, a Bishop in Egypt (§§2) | ANF, Vol. 6 (109-10) | New Advent
- Letter 14: Fourth Festival Letter, fragment | ANF, Vol. 6 (110) | New Advent
St. Pope Dionysius of Rome (died 268) | WEST
- Against the Sabellians (§§3) | ANF, Vol. 7 (365-66) | New Advent
St. Gregory Thaumaturgus (c. 213-270) | EAST
- A Declaration of Faith | ANF, Vol. 6 (7) | New Advent
- A Metaphrase of the Book of Ecclesiastes (§§12) | ANF, Vol. 6 (9-17) | New Advent
- Canonical Letter (§§11) | ANF, Vol. 6 (18-20) | New Advent
- The Oration and Panegyric Addressed to Origen (§§19) | ANF, Vol. 6 (21-39) | New Advent
- A Sectional Confession of Faith (§§23) | ANF, Vol. 6 (40-47) | New Advent
- On the Trinity | ANF, Vol. 6 (48-49) | New Advent
- Twelve Topics on the Faith (§§12) | ANF, Vol. 6 (50-53) | New Advent
- On the Subject of the Soul (§§7) | ANF, Vol. 6 (54-56) | New Advent
- Homily 1: On the Annunciation to the Holy Virgin Mary | ANF, Vol. 6 (58-60) | New Advent
- Homily 2: On the Annunciation to the Holy Virgin Mary | ANF, Vol. 6 (61-65) | New Advent
- Homily 3: On the Annunciation to the Holy Virgin Mary | ANF, Vol. 6 (65-67) | New Advent
- Homily 4: On the Holy Theophany, or on Christ’s Baptism | ANF, Vol. 6 (68-71) | New Advent
- On All the Saints | ANF, Vol. 6 (72-73) | New Advent
- On the Gospel According to Matthew | ANF, Vol. 6 (74) | New Advent
St. Anatolius of Laodicea (died 283) | EAST
- The Paschal Canon of Anatolius of Alexandria (§§17) | ANF, Vol. 6 (146-51) | New Advent
- Fragments of the Books on Arithmetic | ANF, Vol. 6 (152-53) | New Advent
St. Theonas of Alexandria (died 300) | EAST
- Letter to Lucianus, the Chief Chamberlain (§§9) | ANF, Vol. 6 (158-61) | New Advent
St. Victorinus of Pettau/Petovium (died 303/304) | WEST
- On the Creation of the World | ANF, Vol. 7 (341-43) | New Advent
- Commentary on the Apocalypse of the Blessed John (§§22) | ACT, Latin Commentaries on Revelation (1-22) | ANF, Vol. 7 (344-60) | New Advent
St. Phileas of Thmuis (died c. 306) | EAST
- Letter to the People of Thmuis (fragment) | ANF, Vol. 6 (162-63) | New Advent
- Letter to Meletius, Bishop of Lycopolis | ANF, Vol. 6 (163-64) | New Advent
St. Pamphilus of Caesarea (died 309) | EAST
- An Exposition of the Chapters of the Acts of the Apostles | ANF, Vol. 6 (166-68) | New Advent
- Apology for Origen (§§188) | CUA, Vol. 120 (39-120)
St. Peter of Alexandria (died 311) | EAST
- The Genuine Acts of Peter | ANF, Vol. 6 (261-68) | New Advent
- The Canonical Letter (§§15) | ANF, Vol. 6 (269-79) | New Advent
- Fragments from the Writings of Peter (§§9) | ANF, Vol. 6 (280-83) | New Advent
St. Methodius of Olympus (died c. 311) | EAST
- The Banquet of the Ten Virgins | ANF, Vol. 6 (309-55) | New Advent
- Concerning Free Will | ANF, Vol. 6 (356-63) | New Advent
- From the Discourse on the Resurrection | ANF, Vol. 6 (364-77) | New Advent
- Oration Concerning Simeon and Anna (§§14) | ANF, Vol. 6 (383-93) | New Advent
- Oration on the Palms (§§7) | ANF, Vol. 6 (394-98) | New Advent
- Three Fragments from the Homily on the Cross and Passion of Christ (§§3) | ANF, Vol. 6 (399-400) | New Advent
- Fragments | ANF, Vol. 6 (378-82) | New Advent
- Other Fragments | ANF, Vol. 6 (401-02) | New Advent
St. Pierius of Alexandria (died c. 312) | EAST
- Fragment of Work on the First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians | ANF, Vol. 6 (157) | New Advent
- Fragment on the Writings of Pierius | ANF, Vol. 6 (157) | New Advent
St. Alexander of Alexandria (died 326/328) | EAST
- On the Soul and Body and the Passion of the Lord (§§7) | ANF, Vol. 6 (299-302) | New Advent
- Letter to Alexander, Bishop of Constantinople (§§14) | ANF, Vol. 6 (291-96) | New Advent
- Letter to the Catholic Church (§§6) | ANF, Vol. 6 (296-99) | New Advent
- Letter to the Priests and Deacons of Alexandria and Mareotis | ANF, Vol. 6 (299) | New Advent
- Letter to Aeglon, Bishop of Cynopolis, Against the Arians | ANF, Vol. 6 (299) | New Advent
St. Aphrahat the Persian (c. 280-c. 345) | EAST
- Demonstration 1: Of Faith | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (345-52) | New Advent
- Demonstration 5: Of Wars | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (352-62) | New Advent
- Demonstration 6: Of Monks | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (362-75) | New Advent
- Demonstration 8: Of the Resurrection of the Dead | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (375-83) | New Advent
- Demonstration 10: Of Pastors | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (383-87) | New Advent
- Demonstration 17: Of Christ the Son of God | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (387-92) | New Advent
- Demonstration 21: Of Persecution | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (392-402) | New Advent
- Demonstration 22: Of Death and the Latter Times | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (402-12) | New Advent
St. Pope Julius I (280-352) | WEST
St. Macarius of Egypt/the Great/the Spirit Bearer (c. 300-c. 391) | EAST
- The Sayings of St. Macarius of Egypt (§§34) | PPS, Vol. 28 (49-79)
- The Virtues of St. Macarius of Egypt (§§83) | PPS, Vol. 28 (81-49)
- The Life of St. Macarius of Scetis (§§38) | PPS, Vol. 28 (151-98)
St. Hilary of Poitiers (c. 310-c. 367) | WEST
- Commentary on Matthew (§§33) | CUA, Vol. 125 (41-293)
- On the Councils, or the Faith of the Easterns (§§92) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 9 (4-29) | New Advent
- On the Trinity (12 Books) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 9 (40-233) | New Advent
- Homily on Psalm 1 (§§24) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 9 (236-43) | New Advent
- Homily on Psalm 53 (54) (§§14) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 9 (243-47) | New Advent
- Homily on Psalm 130 (131) (§§6) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 9 (247-48) | New Advent
St. Didymus the Blind (c. 313-398) | EAST
- On the Holy Spirit (§§277) | PPS, Vol. 43 (143-227)
Biblical Commentaries
- Commentary on Genesis (§§17) | CUA, Vol. 132 (25-222)
- Commentary on Zechariah (§§14) | CUA, Vol. 111 (27-358)
Lectures on the Psalms
- Lecture on Psalm 20/21 | ACT, Lectures on the Psalms, Didymus the Blind (1-20)
- Lecture on Psalm 21/22 | ACT, Lectures on the Psalms, Didymus the Blind (21-52)
- Lecture on Psalm 22/23 | ACT, Lectures on the Psalms, Didymus the Blind (53-60)
- Lecture on Psalm 23/24 | ACT, Lectures on the Psalms, Didymus the Blind (61-68)
- Lecture on Psalm 24/25 | ACT, Lectures on the Psalms, Didymus the Blind (69-85)
- Lecture on Psalm 25/26 | ACT, Lectures on the Psalms, Didymus the Blind (86-92)
- Lecture on Psalm 26/27 | ACT, Lectures on the Psalms, Didymus the Blind (93-109)
- Lecture on Psalm 27/28 | ACT, Lectures on the Psalms, Didymus the Blind (110-16)
- Lecture on Psalm28/29 | ACT, Lectures on the Psalms, Didymus the Blind (117-29)
- Lecture on Psalm 29/30 | ACT, Lectures on the Psalms, Didymus the Blind (130-40)
- Lecture on Psalm 30/31 | ACT, Lectures on the Psalms, Didymus the Blind (141-63)
- Lecture on Psalm 31/32 | ACT, Lectures on the Psalms, Didymus the Blind (164-68)
- Lecture on Psalm 32/33 | ACT, Lectures on the Psalms, Didymus the Blind (169-76)
- Lecture on Psalm 33/34 | ACT, Lectures on the Psalms, Didymus the Blind (177-200)
- Lecture on Psalm 34/35 | ACT, Lectures on the Psalms, Didymus the Blind (201-30)
- Lecture on Psalm 35/36 | ACT, Lectures on the Psalms, Didymus the Blind (231-45)
- Lecture on Psalm 36/37 | ACT, Lectures on the Psalms, Didymus the Blind (246-65)
- Lecture on Psalm 37/38 | ACT, Lectures on the Psalms, Didymus the Blind (266-85)
- Lecture on Psalm 38/39 | ACT, Lectures on the Psalms, Didymus the Blind (286-98)
- Lecture on Psalm 39/40 | ACT, Lectures on the Psalms, Didymus the Blind (299-310)
- Lecture on Psalm 40/41 | ACT, Lectures on the Psalms, Didymus the Blind (311-18)
- Lecture on Psalm 41/42 | ACT, Lectures on the Psalms, Didymus the Blind (319-27)
- Lecture on Psalm 42/43 | ACT, Lectures on the Psalms, Didymus the Blind (328-32)
- Lecture on Psalm 43/44 | ACT, Lectures on the Psalms, Didymus the Blind (333-51)
- Lecture on Psalm 44/45 | ACT, Lectures on the Psalms, Didymus the Blind (352-62)
St. Serapion of Thmuis (died c. 360) | EAST
- The Prayerbook (Euchologion) of St. Serapion (§§30) | PPS, Vol. 65 (1-24)
St. Athanasius (c. 296/98-373) | EAST
- Against the Heathen (§§47) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (4-30) | New Advent
- The Incarnation of the Word (§§57) | PPS, Vol. 44A (50-173) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (36-67) | New Advent
- Life of St. Anthony (§§94) | CUA, Vol. 15 (133-216) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (195-221) | New Advent
- Historia Acephala (§§19) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (496-99) | TTH, Vol. 81 (285-96) | New Advent
Anti-Arian Works
- Deposition of Arius, and Circular Letter (§§7) |
- Letter from Eusebius of Caesarea to the People of His Diocese (§§11) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (74-76) | New Advent
- Statement of Faith (§§4) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (84-85) | New Advent
- On Luke 10:22 (§§6) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (87-90) | New Advent
- Encyclical Letter to the Bishops Throughout the World (§§7) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (92-96) | New Advent
- Apology Against the Arians (§§90) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (100-47) | New Advent
- Defense of the Nicene Council (§§32) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (150-72) | New Advent
- Defense of Dionysius, Bishop of Alexandria (§§27) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (176-87) | New Advent
- Circular to the Bishops of Egypt and Libya (§§23) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (223-35) | New Advent
- Apology to the Emperor Constantius (§§35) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (238-53) | New Advent
- Defense of His Flight (Apologia de Fuga) (§§27) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (255-65) | New Advent
- History of the Arians (§§81) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (270-302) | New Advent
- Discourse 1 Against the Arians (§§64) (c. 356-60) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (306-43) | New Advent
- Discourse 2 Against the Arians (§§82) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (348-93) | New Advent
- Discourse 3 Against the Arians (§§67) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (393-431) | New Advent
- Discourse 4 Against the Arians (§§36) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (433-47) | New Advent
- On the Councils of Ariminum and Seleucia (§§55) (359, 361) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (451-80) | New Advent
- Synodal Letter to the People of Antioch (§§11) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (483-86) | New Advent
- Account of His Flight Under Emperor Julian to Ammonius, Bishop of Pachnemunis | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (486) | New Advent
- Synodal Letter to the Bishops of Africa (§§11) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (489-94) | New Advent
- Letter 1 to Serapion on the Holy Spirit | PPS, Vol. 43 (53-105)
- Letter 2 to Serapion on the Holy Spirit | PPS, Vol. 43 (106-27)
- Letter 3 to Serapion on the Holy Spirit | PPS, Vol. 43 (128-37)
- Festal Index (§§45) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (503-06) | TTH, Vol. 81 (256-71) | New Advent
- Festal Letter 1 (§§11) (329) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (506-10) | TTH, Vol. 81 (47-56) | New Advent
- Festal Letter 2 (§§8) (330/352) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (510-12) | TTH, Vol. 81 (174-81) | New Advent
- Festal Letter 3 (§§6) (331/342) NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (512-15) | TTH, Vol. 81 (144-51) | New Advent
- Festal Letter 4 (§§5) (332) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (515-17) | TTH, Vol. 81 (69-73) | New Advent
- Festal Letter 5 (§§6) (333) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (517-19) | TTH, Vol. 81 (74-79) | New Advent
- Festal Letter 6 (§§13) (334) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (519-23) | TTH, Vol. 81 (80-90) | New Advent
- Festal Letter 7 (§§11) (335) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (523-27) | TTH, Vol. 81 (91-101) | New Advent
- Festal Letter 10 (§§12) (338) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (527-32) | TTH, Vol. 81 (107-118) | New Advent
- Festal Letter 11 (§§15) (339) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (532-38) | TTH, Vol. 81 (119-34) | New Advent
- Festal Letter 12 (§§2) (340) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (538-39) | New Advent
- Letter to Serapion, in place of Festal Letter 12 in Syriac Manuscript (§§4) (c. 337 or c. 339/340) | TTH, Vol. 81 (135-36)
- Festal Letter 13 (§§8) (341) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (539-41 | TTH, Vol. 81 (137-43) | New Advent
- Festal Letter 14 (§§6) (342/332) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (541-44) | TTH, Vol. 81 (69-73) | New Advent
- Festal Letter 17 (345) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (544) | New Advent
- Note Concerning the Passover of 345 (345) | TTH, Vol. 81 (152)
- Festal Letter 18 (346) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (544) | New Advent
- Note Concerning the Passover of 346 (346) | TTH, Vol. 81 (153-54)
- Festal Letter 19 (§§10) (347) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (544-48) | TTH, Vol. 81 (159-69) | New Advent
- Festal Letter 20 (§§2) (348) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (548-49) | TTH, Vol. 81 (170-72) | New Advent
- Festal Letter 22 (350) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (549) | TTH, Vol. 81 (173) | New Advent
- Festal Letter 24 (352/330) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (549-50) | TTH, Vol. 81 (57-62) | New Advent
- Festal Letter 25 (§§9) (353) | TTH, Vol. 81 (182-84)
- Festal Letter 26 (§§5) (354) | TTH, Vol. 81 (185-86)
- Festal Letter 27 (§§10) (355) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (550) | TTH, Vol. 81 (187-90) | New Advent
- Festal Letter 28 (§§3) (356) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (550) | TTH, Vol. 81 (191-92) | New Advent
- Festal Letter 29 (§§9) (357) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (550-51) | TTH, Vol. 81 (198-201) | New Advent
- Note from Antioch or Festal Letter 36 (364) | TTH, Vol. 81 (202)
- Festal Letter 36 or 37 (364 or 365) | TTH, Vol. 81 (203-204)
- Festal Letter 38 (Fragments A and B) (366) | TTH, Vol. 81 (205-207)
- Festal Letter 39 (§§7) (367) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (551-52) | TTH, Vol. 81 (235-45) | New Advent
- Festal Letter 40 (§§7) (368) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (552) | TTH, Vol. 81 (208-10) | New Advent
- Festal Letter 41 (§§20) (369) | TTH, Vol. 81 (211-17)
- Festal Letter 42 (§§9) (370) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (552) | TTH, Vol. 81 (218-21) | New Advent
- Festal Letter 43 (§§17) (371) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (552-53) | TTH, Vol. 81 (222-27) | New Advent
- Festal Letter 44 (372) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (553) | TTH, Vol. 81 (229) | New Advent
- Festal Letter 45 (Fragments A and B) (373) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (553) | TTH, Vol. 81 (230) | New Advent
- Letter 46: To the Mareotis from Sardica (c. 343-44) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (554) | New Advent
- Letter 47: To the Church of Alexandria | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (555-56) | New Advent
- Letter 48: To Amun (before 354) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (556-57) | New Advent
- Letter 49: To Dracontius (§§10) (c. 354-55) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (557-60) | New Advent
- Letter 50: First Letter to Lucifer | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (561) | New Advent
- Letter 51: Second Letter to Lucifer | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (561-62) | New Advent
- Letter 52: First Letter to Monks (§§3) (c. 358-60) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (563-64) | New Advent
- Letter 53: Second Letter to Monks | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (564) | New Advent
- Letter 54: To Serapion, Concerning the Death of Arius (§§5) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (564-66) | New Advent
- Letter 55: To Rufinianus | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (566-67) | New Advent
- Letter 56: To Emperor Jovian (§§4) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (567-68) | New Advent
- Letter 57: First Letter to Orsisius | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (569) | New Advent
- Letter 58: Second Letter to Orsisius | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (569-70) | New Advent
- Letter 59: To Epictetus (§§12) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (570-74) | New Advent
- Letter 60: To Adelphius, Bishop and Confessor, Against the Arians (§§8) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (575-78) | New Advent
- Letter 61: To Maximus (§§5) (c. 371) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (578-79) | New Advent
- Letter 62: To John and Antiochus | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (579-80) | New Advent
- Letter 63: To Palladius, the Priest | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (580) | New Advent
- Letter 64: To Diodorus (fragment) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 4 (580) | New Advent
St. Optatus of Milevis (300s) | WEST
- Against the Donatists (7 Books) | TTH, Vol. 27 (1-149)
Documents Related to the Donatist Controversy
- Proceedings Before the Consular Zenoplitus (§§20) | TTH, Vol. 27 (150-69)
- The Acquittal Proceedings of Felix, Bishop of Abthugni (§§10) | TTH, Vol. 27 (170-80)
- Constantine Augustine to Aelafius | TTH, Vol. 27 (181-84)
- Letter from the Council of Bishops at Arles to St. Pope Silvester at Rome | TTH, Vol. 27 (185-88)
- Letter of Constantine to the Catholic Bishops | TTH, Vol. 27 (189-91)
- Constantine’s Letter to the Donatist Bishops | TTH, Vol. 27 (192)
- Constantine to Celsus | TTH, Vol. 27 (193-94)
- Petronius to Celsus | TTH, Vol. 27 (195)
- Constantine to the Catholics | TTH, Vol. 27 (196-97)
- Constantine to the Numidian Bishops | TTH, Vol. 27 (198-201)
St. Paphnutius of Thebes (300s) | EAST
- The Histories of the Monks of Upper Egypt (§§140) | CS, Vol. 140 (73-141)
Desert Fathers (300s) | EAST
- The Alphabetical Sayings of the Church Fathers | CS, Vol. 59 (1-248) | PPS, Vol. 52 (31-323)
- The Lives of the Desert Fathers (§§28) | CS, Vol. 34 (49-119)
- The Book of the Elders (§§21) | CS, Vol. 240 (3-382)
- The Life of Pambo | PPS, Vol. 27 (57-68)
- The Life of Evagrius | PPS, Vol. 27 (72-92)
- The Life of Macarius the Great | PPS, Vol. 27 (102-29)
- The Life of Macarius of Alexandria | PPS, Vol. 27 (139-62)
St. Pope Damasus I (c. 305-384) | WEST
St. Ephrem the Syrian (c. 306-373) | EAST
Nisibene Hymns
- Nisibene Hymn 1 (The Siege of Nisibis) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (167-68) | New Advent
- Nisibene Hymn 2 (The Siege of Nisibis) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (168-70) | New Advent
- Nisibene Hymn 3 (The Siege of Nisibis) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (170-72) | New Advent
- Nisibene Hymn 4 (The Persian Invasion) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (172-73) | New Advent
- Nisibene Hymn 5 (The Persian Invasion) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (173-74) | New Advent
- Nisibene Hymn 6 (The Persian Invasion) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (174-76) | New Advent
- Nisibene Hymn 7 (The Persian Invasion) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (176) | New Advent
- Nisibene Hymn 8 (The Persian Invasion) (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (176) | New Advent
- Nisibene Hymn 9 (The Persian Invasion) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (177) | New Advent
- Nisibene Hymn 10 (The Persian Invasion) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (178) | New Advent
- Nisibene Hymn 11 (The Persian Invasion) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (179) | New Advent
- Nisibene Hymn 12 (The Persian Invasion) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (180) | New Advent
- Nisibene Hymn 13 (The Bishops of Nisibis) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (180-81) | New Advent
- Nisibene Hymn 14 (The Bishops of Nisibis) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (182-83) | New Advent
- Nisibene Hymn 15 (The Bishops of Nisibis) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (183-84) | New Advent
- Nisibene Hymn 16 (The Bishops of Nisibis) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (185-86) | New Advent
- Nisibene Hymn 17 (Abraham Their Successor) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (186-87) | New Advent
- Nisibene Hymn 18 (Abraham Their Successor) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (187-88) | New Advent
- Nisibene Hymn 19 (Abraham Their Successor) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (188-90) | New Advent
- Nisibene Hymn 20 (Abraham Their Successor) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (190-91) | New Advent
- Nisibene Hymn 21 (Abraham Their Successor) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (191-93) | New Advent
- Nisibene Hymn 35 (Concerning Satan and Death) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (193-96) | New Advent
- Nisibene Hymn 36 (Concerning Satan and Death) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (196-98) | New Advent
- Nisibene Hymn 37 (Concerning Satan and Death) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (198-99) | New Advent
- Nisibene Hymn 38 (Concerning Satan and Death) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (199-200) | New Advent
- Nisibene Hymn 39 (Concerning Satan and Death) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (200-02) | New Advent
- Nisibene Hymn 40 (Concerning Satan and Death) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (202-03) | New Advent
- Nisibene Hymn 41 (Concerning Satan and Death) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (203-05) | PPS, Vol. 45 (231-37) | New Advent
- Nisibene Hymn 42 (Concerning Satan and Death) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (205-06) | New Advent
- Nisibene Hymn 52 (Concerning Satan and Death) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (206-07) | New Advent
- Nisibene Hymn 53 (Concerning Satan and Death) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (207-08) | New Advent
- Nisibene Hymn 54 (Concerning Satan and Death) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (208) | New Advent
- Nisibene Hymn 55 (Concerning Satan and Death) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (209) | New Advent
- Nisibene Hymn 56 (Concerning Satan and Death) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (209-10) | New Advent
- Nisibene Hymn 57 (Concerning Satan and Death) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (210-11) | New Advent
- Nisibene Hymn 58 (Concerning Satan and Death) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (211-12) | New Advent
- Nisibene Hymn 59 (Concerning Satan and Death) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (212) | New Advent
- Nisibene Hymn 60 (Concerning Satan and Death) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (212-13) | New Advent
- Nisibene Hymn 61 (Concerning Satan and Death) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (213-14) | New Advent
- Nisibene Hymn 62 (Concerning Satan and Death) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (214-15) | New Advent
- Nisibene Hymn 63 (Concerning Satan and Death) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (215-16) | New Advent
- Nisibene Hymn 64 (Concerning Satan and Death) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (216) | New Advent
- Nisibene Hymn 65 (Concerning Satan and Death) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (216-17) | New Advent
- Nisibene Hymn 66 (Concerning Satan and Death) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (217-18) | New Advent
- Nisibene Hymn 67 (Concerning Satan and Death) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (218) | New Advent
- Nisibene Hymn 68 (Concerning Satan and Death) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (218-19) | New Advent
Hymns on the Nativity
- Hymn on the Nativity 1 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (223-26) | New Advent
- Hymn on the Nativity 2 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (227-29) | New Advent
- Hymn on the Nativity 3 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (229-34) | New Advent
- Hymn on the Nativity 4 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (234-37) | New Advent
- Hymn on the Nativity 5 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (237-38) | New Advent
- Hymn on the Nativity 6 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (238-40) | New Advent
- Hymn on the Nativity 7 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (240-41) | New Advent
- Hymn on the Nativity 8 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (241-43) | New Advent
- Hymn on the Nativity 9 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (243-44) | New Advent
- Hymn on the Nativity 10 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (244-45) | New Advent
- Hymn on the Nativity 11 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (245-46) | New Advent
- Hymn on the Nativity 12 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (246-47) | New Advent
- Hymn on the Nativity 13 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (247-50) | New Advent
- Hymn on the Nativity 14 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (250-52) | New Advent
- Hymn on the Nativity 15 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (252-55) | New Advent
- Hymn on the Nativity 16 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (255-57) | New Advent
- Hymn on the Nativity 17 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (257-59) | PPS, Vol. 45 (245-48) | New Advent
- Hymn on the Nativity 18 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (259-61) | New Advent
- Hymn on the Nativity 19 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (261-62) | New Advent
Hymns for Epiphany
- Hymn for Epiphany 1 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (265-66) | New Advent
- Hymn for Epiphany 2 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (266-68) | New Advent
- Hymn for Epiphany 3 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (269-71) | New Advent
- Hymn for Epiphany 4 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (271-72) | New Advent
- Hymn for Epiphany 5 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (272-73) | New Advent
- Hymn for Epiphany 6 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (273-74) | PPS, Vol. 45 (249-53) | New Advent
- Hymn for Epiphany 7 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (274-76) | New Advent
- Hymn for Epiphany 8 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (276-78) | New Advent
- Hymn for Epiphany 9 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (279-80) | New Advent
- Hymn for Epiphany 10 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (280-81) | New Advent
- Hymn for Epiphany 11 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (281-82) | New Advent
- Hymn for Epiphany 12 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (282) | New Advent
- Hymn for Epiphany 13 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (283) | New Advent
- Hymn for Epiphany 14 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (284-86) | New Advent
- Hymn for Epiphany 15 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (287-89) | New Advent
Hymns on the Faith (including “The Pearl”)
- Hymn 1 (§§19) | CUA, Vol. 130 (57-62)
- Hymn 2 (§§24) | CUA, Vol. 130 (63-67)
- Hymn 3 (§§16) | CUA, Vol. 130 (68-70)
- Hymn 4 (§§18) | CUA, Vol. 130 (71-79)
- Hymn 5 (§§20) | CUA, Vol. 130 (80-89)
- Hymn 6 (§§17) | CUA, Vol. 130 (90-98)
- Hymn 7 (§§11) | CUA, Vol. 130 (99-104)
- Hymn 8 (§§16) | CUA, Vol. 130 (105-12) | PPS, Vol. 45 (111-16)
- Hymn 9 (§§16) | CUA, Vol. 130 (113-20)
- Hymn 10 (§§22) | CUA, Vol. 130 (121-25)
- Hymn 11 (§§22) | CUA, Vol. 130 (126-30)
- Hymn 12 (§§20) | CUA, Vol. 130 131-34()
- Hymn 13 (§§10) | CUA, Vol. 130 (135-37)
- Hymn 14 (§§10) | CUA, Vol. 130 (138-39)
- Hymn 15 (§§11) | CUA, Vol. 130 (140-41)
- Hymn 16 (§§13) | CUA, Vol. 130 (142-44)
- Hymn 17 (§§11) | CUA, Vol. 130 (145-47)
- Hymn 18 (§§16) | CUA, Vol. 130 (148-50)
- Hymn 19 (§§12) | CUA, Vol. 130 (151-53)
- Hymn 20 (§§17) | CUA, Vol. 130 (154-56)
- Hymn 21 (§§12) | CUA, Vol. 130 (157-59)
- Hymn 22 (§§12) | CUA, Vol. 130 (160-61)
- Hymn 23 (§§16) | CUA, Vol. 130 (162-64)
- Hymn 24 (§§11) | CUA, Vol. 130 (165-67)
- Hymn 25 (§§21) | CUA, Vol. 130 (168-71)
- Hymn 26 (§§15) | CUA, Vol. 130 (172-76)
- Hymn 27 (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 130 (177-79)
- Hymn 28 (§§16) | CUA, Vol. 130 (180-85)
- Hymn 29 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 130 (186-87)
- Hymn 30 (§§10) | CUA, Vol. 130 (188-91)
- Hymn 31 (§§11) | CUA, Vol. 130 (192-95)
- Hymn 32 (§§16) | CUA, Vol. 130 (196-98)
- Hymn 33 (§§15) | CUA, Vol. 130 (199-200)
- Hymn 34 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 130 (201-202)
- Hymn 35 (§§10) | CUA, Vol. 130 (203-207)
- Hymn 36 (§§20) | CUA, Vol. 130 (208-212)
- Hymn 37 (§§26) | CUA, Vol. 130 (213-17)
- Hymn 38 (§§20) | CUA, Vol. 130 (218-22)
- Hymn 39 (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 130 (223-24)
- Hymn 40 (§§12) | CUA, Vol. 130 (225-28)
- Hymn 41 (§§11) | CUA, Vol. 130 (229-32)
- Hymn 42 (§§13) | CUA, Vol. 130 (233-36)
- Hymn 43 (§§10) | CUA, Vol. 130 (237-39)
- Hymn 44 (§§12) | CUA, Vol. 130 (240-43)
- Hymn 45 (§§10) | CUA, Vol. 130 (244-47)
- Hymn 46 (§§12) | CUA, Vol. 130 (248-51)
- Hymn 47 (§§13) | CUA, Vol. 130 (252-55)
- Hymn 48 (§§10) | CUA, Vol. 130 (256-58)
- Hymn 49 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 130 (259-61) | PPS, Vol. 45 (61-62)
- Hymn 50 (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 130 (262-64)
- Hymn 51 (§§13) | CUA, Vol. 130 (265-68)
- Hymn 52 (§§15) | CUA, Vol. 130 (269-72)
- Hymn 53 (§§14) | CUA, Vol. 130 (273-76)
- Hymn 54 (§§13) | CUA, Vol. 130 (277-80)
- Hymn 55 (§§13) | CUA, Vol. 130 (281-84)
- Hymn 56 (§§12) | CUA, Vol. 130 (285-88)
- Hymn 57 (§§10) | CUA, Vol. 130 (289-91)
- Hymn 58 (§§13) | CUA, Vol. 130 (292-95)
- Hymn 59 (§§12) | CUA, Vol. 130 (296-99)
- Hymn 60 (§§13) | CUA, Vol. 130 (300-304)
- Hymn 61 (§§14) | CUA, Vol. 130 (305-309)
- Hymn 62 (§§15) | CUA, Vol. 130 (310-15)
- Hymn 63 (§§13) | CUA, Vol. 130 (316-20)
- Hymn 64 (§§12) | CUA, Vol. 130 (321-23)
- Hymn 65 (§§13) | CUA, Vol. 130 (324-27)
- Hymn 66 (§§24) | CUA, Vol. 130 (328-30)
- Hymn 67 (§§25) | CUA, Vol. 130 (331-33)
- Hymn 68 (§§23) | CUA, Vol. 130 (334-36)
- Hymn 69 (§§21) | CUA, Vol. 130 (337-39)
- Hymn 70 (§§21) | CUA, Vol. 130 (340-42)
- Hymn 71 (§§20) | CUA, Vol. 130 (343-45)
- Hymn 72 (§§26) | CUA, Vol. 130 (346-48)
- Hymn 73 (§§21) | CUA, Vol. 130 (349-51)
- Hymn 74 (§§27) | CUA, Vol. 130 (352-55)
- Hymn 75 (§§30) | CUA, Vol. 130 (356-58)
- Hymn 76 (§§16) | CUA, Vol. 130 (359-60)
- Hymn 77 (§§30) | CUA, Vol. 130 (361-64)
- Hymn 78 (§§29) | CUA, Vol. 130 (365-68)
- Hymn 79 (§§14) | CUA, Vol. 130 (369-73)
- Hymn 80 (§§10) | CUA, Vol. 130 (374-76)
- Hymn 81, Hymn 1 “On the Pearl” (§§16) | CUA, Vol. 130 (377-80) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (293-94) | New Advent
- Hymn 82, Hymn 2 “On the Pearl” (§§13) | CUA, Vol. 130 (381-83) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (294-95) | New Advent
- Hymn 83, Hymn 3 “On the Pearl” (§§15) | CUA, Vol. 130 (384-86) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (295-96) | New Advent
- Hymn 84, Hymn 4 “On the Pearl” (§§15) | CUA, Vol. 130 (387-89) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (296-97) | New Advent
- Hymn 85, Hymn 5 “On the Pearl” (§§13) | CUA, Vol. 130 (390-92) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (297-98) | New Advent
- Hymn 86 (§§22) | CUA, Vol. 130 (393-97) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (298-99) | New Advent
- Hymn 87 (§§23) | CUA, Vol. 130 (398-403) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (299-301) | New Advent
Hymns on Paradise
- Hymn 1 (§§17) | PPS, Vol. 10 (77-84)
- Hymn 2 (§§13) | PPS, Vol. 10 (84-89) | PPS, Vol. 45 (38-43)
- Hymn 3 (§§17) | PPS, Vol. 10 (90-96) | PPS, Vol. 45 (44-50)
- Hymn 4 (§§11) | PPS, Vol. 10 (97-101)
- Hymn 5 (§§15) | PPS, Vol. 10 (101-08)
- Hymn 6 (§§25) | PPS, Vol. 10 (108-18)
- Hymn 7 (§§31) | PPS, Vol. 10 (118-30)
- Hymn 8 (§§11) | PPS, Vol. 10 (131-35)
- Hymn 9 (§§29) | PPS, Vol. 10 (135-47)
- Hymn 10 (§§15) | PPS, Vol. 10 (147-53)
- Hymn 11 (§§15) | PPS, Vol. 10 (153-59)
- Hymn 12 (§§20) | PPS, Vol. 10 (159-68)
- Hymn 13 (§§16) | PPS, Vol. 10 (168-75)
- Hymn 14 (§§15) | PPS, Vol. 10 (175-81)
- Hymn 15 (§§17) | PPS, Vol. 10 (181-88)
Teaching Songs on the Holy Fast
- On the Holy Fast 1 (§§13) | CUA, Vol. 145 (51-60)
- On the Holy Fast 2 (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 145 (61-64)
- On the Holy Fast 3 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 145 (65-69)
- On the Holy Fast 4 (§§12) | CUA, Vol. 145 (70-78)
- On the Holy Fast 5 (§§10) | CUA, Vol. 145 (79-86)
- On the Holy Fast 6 (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 145 (87-90) | PPS, Vol. 45 (259-60)
- On the Holy Fast 7 (§§15) | CUA, Vol. 145 (91-97)
- On the Holy Fast 8 (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 145 (98-101)
- On the Holy Fast 9 (§§13) | CUA, Vol. 145 (102-108)
- On the Holy Fast 10 (§§11) | CUA, Vol. 145 (109-13)
Teaching Songs on the Crucifixion
- On the Crucifixion 1 (§§17) | CUA, Vol. 145 (117-24)
- On the Crucifixion 2 (§§10) | CUA, Vol. 145 (125-29)
- On the Crucifixion 3 (§§19) | CUA, Vol. 145 (130-38)
- On the Crucifixion 4 (§§18) | CUA, Vol. 145 (139-49)
- On the Crucifixion 5 (§§18) | CUA, Vol. 145 (150-60)
- On the Crucifixion 6 (§§20) | CUA, Vol. 145 (161-72)
- On the Crucifixion 7 (§§12) | CUA, Vol. 145 (173-77)
- On the Crucifixion 8 (§§16) | CUA, Vol. 145 (178-83)
- On the Crucifixion 9 (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 145 (184-85)
Teaching Songs on the Resurrection
- On the Resurrection 1 (§§22) | CUA, Vol. 145 (189-94)
- On the Resurrection 2 (§§12) | CUA, Vol. 145 (195-99)
- On the Resurrection 3 (§§17) | CUA, Vol. 145 (200-208)
- On the Resurrection 4 (§§15) | CUA, Vol. 145 (209-17)
- On the Resurrection 5 (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 145 (218-20)
Teaching Songs on the Unleavened Bread
- On the Unleavened Bread 1 (§§19) | CUA, Vol. 145 (223-27)
- On the Unleavened Bread 2 (§§16) | CUA, Vol. 145 (228-31)
- On the Unleavened Bread 3 (§§19) | CUA, Vol. 145 (232-35) | PPS, Vol. 45 (108-10)
- On the Unleavened Bread 4 (§§28) | CUA, Vol. 145 (236-40)
- On the Unleavened Bread 5 (§§23) | CUA, Vol. 145 (241-45)
- On the Unleavened Bread 6 (§§14) | CUA, Vol. 145 (246-48)
- On the Unleavened Bread 8? (§§17) | CUA, Vol. 145 (249-52)
- On the Unleavened Bread 9? (§§25) | CUA, Vol. 145 (253-57)
- On the Unleavened Bread 12 (§§12) | CUA, Vol. 145 (258-60)
- On the Unleavened Bread 13 (§§32) | CUA, Vol. 145 (261-67)
- On the Unleavened Bread 14 (§§24) | CUA, Vol. 145 (268-72)
- On the Unleavened Bread 15 (§§31) | CUA, Vol. 145 (273-78)
- On the Unleavened Bread 16 (§§35) | CUA, Vol. 145 (279-85)
- On the Unleavened Bread 17 (§§17) | CUA, Vol. 145 (286-89)
- On the Unleavened Bread 18 (§§17) | CUA, Vol. 145 (290-93)
- On the Unleavened Bread 19 (§§28) | CUA, Vol. 145 (294-98)
- On the Unleavened Bread 20 (§§21) | CUA, Vol. 145 (299-302)
- On the Unleavened Bread 21 (§§25) | CUA, Vol. 145 (303-07)
Thirty Hymns on Death, the Resurrection, and Eternal Life
- On the Death of Children: Their Blessedness | St. Ephrem the Syrian, Toal and Burgess, Eschatological Hymns and Homilies (25-26)
- On the Death of Children: The Sorrow it Produces—the Sources of Consolation | St. Ephrem the Syrian, Toal and Burgess, Eschatological Hymns and Homilies (27-28)
- On the Death of Youth | St. Ephrem the Syrian, Toal and Burgess, Eschatological Hymns and Homilies (28-29)
- On the Death of a Spiritual Son | St. Ephrem the Syrian, Toal and Burgess, Eschatological Hymns and Homilies (29-31)
- On the Death of Persons in All Walks of Life | St. Ephrem the Syrian, Toal and Burgess, Eschatological Hymns and Homilies (31-33)
- On Death and the Resurrection | St. Ephrem the Syrian, Toal and Burgess, Eschatological Hymns and Homilies (34-35)
- On the Death of a Servant of God | St. Ephrem the Syrian, Toal and Burgess, Eschatological Hymns and Homilies (36-38)
- On the Death of a Bishop | St. Ephrem the Syrian, Toal and Burgess, Eschatological Hymns and Homilies (38-40)
- On the Death of a Priestmonk | St. Ephrem the Syrian, Toal and Burgess, Eschatological Hymns and Homilies (40-41)
- A Prayer in the Prospect of Death | St. Ephrem the Syrian, Toal and Burgess, Eschatological Hymns and Homilies (42)
- On the Death of a Private Person | St. Ephrem the Syrian, Toal and Burgess, Eschatological Hymns and Homilies (42-44)
- The Parting of Body and Soul | St. Ephrem the Syrian, Toal and Burgess, Eschatological Hymns and Homilies (45-46)
- On the Death of a King and a Beggar | St. Ephrem the Syrian, Toal and Burgess, Eschatological Hymns and Homilies (46-51)
- Christ the Companion of the Disembodied Soul | St. Ephrem the Syrian, Toal and Burgess, Eschatological Hymns and Homilies (51-53)
- On the Death of a Monk | St. Ephrem the Syrian, Toal and Burgess, Eschatological Hymns and Homilies (53-55)
Biblical Commentaries
- Commentary on Genesis (§§44) | CUA, Vol. 91 (67-213) | PPS, Vol. 10 (197-224) [Section 2, on Gen. 2-3]
- Commentary on Exodus (§§32) | CUA, Vol. 91 (221-65)
- Homily 1: On Our Lord (§§59) | CUA, Vol. 91 (273-332) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (305-30) | New Advent
- Homily 2: On Admonition and Repentance | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (330-36) | New Advent
- Homily 3: On the Sinful Woman | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (336-41) | PPS, Vol. 45 (186-201) | New Advent
- On Repentance | St. Ephrem the Syrian, Toal and Burgess, Eschatological Hymns and Homilies (3-24)
- On Various Places of Torment and on the Judgment | St. Ephrem the Syrian, Toal and Burgess, Eschatological Hymns and Homilies (89-106)
- On the Second Coming and the Last Judgment | St. Ephrem the Syrian, Toal and Burgess, Eschatological Hymns and Homilies (107-15)
- On the Antichrist | St. Ephrem the Syrian, Toal and Burgess, Eschatological Hymns and Homilies (117-29)
- On the Antichrist and the Consummation | St. Ephrem the Syrian, Toal and Burgess, Eschatological Hymns and Homilies (131-42)
- How the Bandit Entered into Paradise Before the Resurrection | PPS, Vol. 4 (83-84)
Other Works
- Letter to Publius (§§25) | CUA, Vol. 91 (338-55)
- Prayer for the Future Life | St. Ephrem the Syrian, Toal and Burgess, Eschatological Hymns and Homilies (143-52)
St. Pacian of Barcelona (c. 310-391) | WEST
- On Penitents (§§12) | CUA, Vol. 99 (71-86)
- On Baptism (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 99 (87-94)
- Letter 1: To Sympronian (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 99 (17-26)
- Letter 2: To Sympronian (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 99 (27-37)
- Letter 3: To Sympronian (§§27) | CUA, Vol. 99 (38-70)
St. Epiphanius of Cyprus/Salamis (c. 310/320-403) | EAST
- Foreword | CUA, Vol. 128 (51)
- Letter from the Presbyters of Syedra (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 128 (53-54)
- Letter from Palladios (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 128 (55-56)
- Ancoratus (§§119) | CUA, Vol. 128 (57-227)
- Panarion (3 Books) | St. Epiphanius, Williams, Panarion, Book 1 (1-380) | St. Epiphanius, Williams, Panarion, Books 2-3 (1-682)
St. Cyril of Jerusalem (c. 313-386) | EAST
- Sermon on the Paralytic (§§20) | CUA, Vol. 64 (209-22)
- Letter to Constantius (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 64 (231-35)
- Fragments (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 64 (239-40)
Catechetical Lectures
- Procatechesis (Prologue) (§§17) | PPS, Vol. 57 (65-83) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (1-5) | New Advent
- Catechesis 1 (§§6) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (6-7) | New Advent
- Catechesis 2 (§§20) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (8-13) | New Advent
- Catechesis 3 (§§16) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (14-18) | New Advent
- Catechesis 4 (§§37) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (19-28) | New Advent
- Catechesis 5 (§§13) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (29-32) | New Advent
- Catechesis 6 (§§36) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (33-43) | New Advent
- Catechesis 7 (§§16) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (44-47) | New Advent
- Catechesis 8 (§§8) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (48-50) | New Advent
- Catechesis 9 (§§16) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (51-56) | New Advent
- Catechesis 10 (§§20) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (57-63) | New Advent
- Catechesis 11 (§§24) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (64-71) | New Advent
- Catechesis 12 (§§34) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (72-81) | New Advent
- Catechesis 13 (§§41) | CUA, Vol. 64 (4-31) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (82-93)
- Catechesis 14 (§§30) | CUA, Vol. 64 (32-52) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (94-103)
- Catechesis 15 (§§33) | CUA, Vol. 64 (53-75) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (104-14)
- Catechesis 16 (§§32) | CUA, Vol. 64 (76-95) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (115-23)
- Catechesis 17 (§§38) | CUA, Vol. 64 (96-119) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (124-33)
- Catechesis 18 (§§35) | CUA, Vol. 64 (120-40) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (134-43)
- Catechesis 19/Mystagogical Lecture 1: On the Pre-baptismal Rites (§§11) | CUA, Vol. 64 (153-59) | PPS, Vol. 57 (85-95) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (144-46)
- Catechesis 20/Mystagogical Lecture 2: On the Baptismal Rites (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 64 (161-67) | PPS, Vol. 57 (97-103) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (147-48)
- Catechesis 21/Mystagogical Lecture 3: On Chrismation (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 64 (168-73) | PPS, Vol. 57 (105-11) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (149-50)
- Catechesis 22/Mystagogical Lecture 4: On the Body and Blood of Christ (§§9) | CUA, Vol. 64 (181-86) | PPS, Vol. 57 (113-19) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (151-52)
- Catechesis 23/Mystagogical Lecture 5: On the Eucharistic Liturgy (§§22) | CUA, Vol. 64 (181-86) | PPS, Vol. 57 (121-37) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (151-52)
St. Gregory Nazianzus (c. 329-390) | EAST
Funeral Orations
- Funeral Oration: His Brother, St. Caesarius (§§2) | CUA, Vol. 22 (5-25)
- Funeral Oration: On St. Basil the Great (§§82) | CUA, Vol. 22 (27-99)
- Funeral Oration: On His Sister, St. Gorgonia (§§23) | CUA, Vol. 22 (101-118)
- Funeral Oration: On His Father (§§43) | CUA, Vol. 22 (119-56)
- Poem: Concerning His Own Affairs | CUA, Vol. 75 (25-45)
- Poem: Concerning Himself and the Bishops | CUA, Vol. 75 (49-74)
- Poem: Concerning His Own Life | CUA, Vol. 75 (77-130)
- On the Father | PPS, Vol. 21 (37-38)
- On the Son | PPS, Vol. 21 (39-42)
- On the Holy Spirit | PPS, Vol. 21 (43-47)
- Concerning the World | PPS, Vol. 21 (48-52)
- On Providence | PPS, Vol. 21 (53-56)
- Concerning Spiritual Beings | PPS, Vol. 21 (57-61)
- On The Soul | PPS, Vol. 21 (62-67)
- On the Two Covenants, and the Appearing of Christ | PPS, Vol. 21 (68-75)
- On Providence | PPS, Vol. 21 (76-80)
- Against Apollinarius | PPS, Vol. 21 (81-83)
- On the Incarnation of Christ | PPS, Vol. 21 (84)
- On the Incarnation of Christ | PPS, Vol. 21 (85-86)
- Another Prayer for a Safe Journey | PPS, Vol. 21 (87)
- In Praise of Virginity | PPS, Vol. 21 (88-118)
- A Comparison of Lives | PPS, Vol. 21 (119-28)
- Conversation with the World | PPS, Vol. 21 (129)
- On the Precariousness of Human Nature | PPS, Vol. 21 (130)
- On the Precariousness of Human Nature (II) | PPS, Vol. 21 (131)
- On Human Nature | PPS, Vol. 21 (132-37)
- On the Cheapness of the Outward Man | PPS, Vol. 21 (138-44)
- On the Different Walks of Life | PPS, Vol. 21 (145-46)
- Blessings of Various Lives | PPS, Vol. 21 (147-49)
- Concerning Human Life | PPS, Vol. 21 (150)
- To His Former Congregation, Anastasia | PPS, Vol. 21 (151)
- Against a Demon | PPS, Vol. 21 (152)
- On His Own Verses | PPS, Vol. 21 (153-56)
- Lamentation Concerning the Sorrows of His Own Soul | PPS, Vol. 21 (157-69)
- To His Own Soul | PPS, Vol. 21 (170)
- Epitaph on St. Basil | PPS, Vol. 21 (171)
- Poem: Invocation before the reading of Scripture | PPS, Vol. 46 (35)
- Poem: On the genuine books of divinely inspired Scripture | PPS, Vol. 46 (37-39)
- Poem: The Plagues of Egypt | PPS, Vol. 46 (39-41)
- Poem: The Decalogue of Moses | PPS, Vol. 46 (41)
- Poem: The Patriarchs, the Sons of Jacob | PPS, Vol. 46 (43)
- Poem: The Disciples of Christ | PPS, Vol. 46 (43)
- Poem: On the Genealogy of Christ | PPS, Vol. 46 (43-51)
- Poem: The Miracles of Christ According to Matthew | PPS, Vol. 46 (53-55)
- Poem: The Parables and Puzzles According to Matthew | PPS, Vol. 46 (57)
- Poem: The Miracles of Christ According to Mark | PPS, Vol. 46 (59)
- Poem: The Parables of Christ According to Mark | PPS, Vol. 46 (61)
- Poem: The Miracles According to Luke | PPS, Vol. 46 (61-63)
- Poem: Parables According to Luke | PPS, Vol. 46 (63-65)
- Poem: The Miracles of Christ According to John | PPS, Vol. 46 (65-67)
- Poem: The Parables of the Four Gospels | PPS, Vol. 46 (67-75)
- Poem: On the Miracles of Elijah and Elisha the Prophets | PPS, Vol. 46 (77-79)
- Poem: Epigram on the Martyrion of Elijah, Which is Called Cherios | PPS, Vol. 46 (79)
- Poem: The Storm Calmed by Christ | PPS, Vol. 46 (81)
- Poem: Against Anger | PPS, Vol. 46 (81-121)
- Poem: Thanksgiving | PPS, Vol. 46 (121-23)
- Poem: Thanksgiving | PPS, Vol. 46 (123-25)
- Poem: Prayer of a Sick Man to Christ | PPS, Vol. 46 (125)
- Poem: Supplication | PPS, Vol. 46 (127)
- Poem: Morning Prayer | PPS, Vol. 46 (129)
- Poem: Lament at Evening | PPS, Vol. 46 (129)
- Poem: Lament | PPS, Vol. 46 (129-31)
- Poem: Elegiac | PPS, Vol. 46 (131)
- Poem: Desire for Death | PPS, Vol. 46 (133)
- Poem: Lament About His Pains, and a Prayer to Christ About Release from Life | PPS, Vol. 46 (133-35)
- Poem: To Himself in the Form of Question and Answer | PPS, Vol. 46 (137-39)
- Poem: Lament | PPS, Vol. 46 (139)
- Poem: Against the Deceiver in Time of Sickness | PPS, Vol. 46 (139-47)
- Poem: Lament for His Soul | PPS, Vol. 46 (149-51)
- Poem: Lament | PPS, Vol. 46 (151)
- Poem: Another Lament | PPS, Vol. 46 (151)
- Poem: Against the Enemy | PPS, Vol. 46 (153)
- Poem: Repelling the Devil, and Invocation of Christ | PPS, Vol. 46 (155)
- Poem: Lament | PPS, Vol. 46 (157)
- Poem: Petitions to Christ | PPS, Vol. 46 (157)
- Poem: Lament to Christ | PPS, Vol. 46 (157)
- Oration 1: On Easter and His Reluctance (§§7) | PPS, Vol. 36 (57-60) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (203-04) | New Advent
- Oration 2: In Defense of His Escape to Pontus (§§117) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (204-27) | New Advent
- Oration 3: To Those Who Invited Him, and Did Not Receive Him (§§8) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (227-29) | New Advent
- Oration 6: First Oration on Peace, on the Occasion of the Reconciliation of the Monks After His Silence (§§22) | CUA, Vol. 107 (3-20)
- Oration 7: Panegyric on His Brother St. Caesarius (§§24) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (229-38) | New Advent
- Oration 8: On His Sister Gorgonia (§§23) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (238-45) | New Advent
- Oration 9: Apologia to his father Gregory, in the presence of Basil, when he was consecrated bishop of Sasima (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 107 (21-25)
- Oration 10: On himself and to his father and Basil the Great after the return from exile (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 107 (26-29)
- Oration 11: By the same to Gregory of Nyssa, the brother of Basil the Great, who arrived after the consecration (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 107 (30-35)
- Oration 12: To His Father After Entrusting to Him the Care of the Church of Nazianzus (§§6) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (245-47) | New Advent
- Oration 13: Delivered on the occasion of the consecration of Eulalius as Bishop of Doara (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 107 (36-38)
- Oration 14: On Love for the Poor (§§40) | CUA, Vol. 107 (39-71)
- Oration 15: In Praise of the Maccabees (§§12) | CUA, Vol. 107 (72-84)
- Oration 16: On His Father’s Silence Because of the Plague of Hail (§§20) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (247-54) | New Advent
- Oration 17: To the frightened citizens of Nazianzus and the irate prefect (§§13) | CUA, Vol. 107 (85-94)
- Oration 18: Funeral Oration on His Father, in the Presence of St. Basil (§§43) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (255-69) | New Advent
- Oration 19: On his sermons and to the tax adjuster Julian (§§17) | CUA, Vol. 107 (95-106)
- Oration 20: On theology and the office of bishops (§§12) | CUA, Vol. 107 (107-16)
- Oration 21: On the Great St. Athanasius (§§37) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (269-80) | New Advent
- Oration 22: Second Oration on Peace, delivered in Constantinople on the occasion of the strive that arose among the people regarding a quarrel among certain bishops (§§16) | CUA, Vol. 107 (117-30)
- Oration 23: Third Oration on Peace, on the accord that we of common faith have reached following our quarrel (§§14) | CUA, Vol. 107 (131-41)
- Oration 24: In Praise of Cyprian, the holy martyr and saint, when Gregory had returned from the country the day after the celebration (§§19) | CUA, Vol. 107 (142-56)
- Oration 25: In Praise of Hero the Philosopher (§§19) | CUA, Vol. 107 (157-74)
- Oration 26: On Himself Upon Returning from the Country After the Maximus Affair (§§19) | CUA, Vol. 107 (175-90)
- Oration 27: A Preliminary Discourse Against the Eunomians (§§10) | PPS, Vol. 23 (25-35) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (284-88) | New Advent
- Oration 28: Second Theological Oration (§§31) | PPS, Vol. 23 (37-67) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (288-301) | New Advent
- Oration 29: Third Theological Oration, On the Son (§§21) | PPS, Vol. 23 (69-92) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (301-309) | New Advent
- Oration 30: Fourth Theological Oration, Concerning the Son (§§21) | PPS, Vol. 23 (93-116) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (309-18) | New Advent
- Oration 31: Fifth Theological Oration, On the Holy Spirit (§§33) | PPS, Vol. 23 (117-47) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (318-28) | New Advent
- Oration 32: On Discipline in Theological Discourse and that discoursing about God is not for everyone or for every occasion (§§33) | CUA, Vol. 107 (191-215)
- Oration 33: Against the Arians, and Concerning Himself (§§17) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (328-34) | New Advent
- Oration 34: On the Arrival of the Egyptians (§§15) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (334-38) | New Advent
- Oration 35: On the Holy Martyrs and Against the Arians (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 107 (216-19)
- Oration 36: On Himself and to those who claim that it was he who wanted the see of Constantinople (§§12) | CUA, Vol. 107 (220-29)
- Oration 37: On the Words of the Gospel, “When Jesus Had Finished These Sayings” (Matt. 19:1) (§§24) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (338-44) | New Advent
- Oration 38: On the Theophany, or Birthday of Christ (§§18) | PPS, Vol. 36 (61-77) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (345-51) | New Advent
- Oration 39: Oration on the Holy Lights/On Holy Baptism (§§20) | PPS, Vol. 36 (79-97) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (352-59) | New Advent
- Oration 40: Oration on Holy Baptism (§§46) | PPS, Vol. 36 (99-142) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (360-77) | New Advent
- Oration 41: On Pentecost (§§18) | PPS, Vol. 36 (143-59) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (378-85) | New Advent
- Oration 42: “The Last Farewell” in the Presence of One Hundred and Fifty Bishops (§§27) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (385-95) | New Advent
- Oration 43: Funeral Oration on the Great St. Basil (§§82) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (395-422) | New Advent
- Oration 44: On New Sunday (§§12) | CUA, Vol. 107 (230-38)
- Oration 45: Second Oration on Easter (§§30) | PPS, Vol. 36 (161-90) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (422-34) | New Advent
- Letter 1: To St. Basil (c. 357-58) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (446) | New Advent
- Letter 2: To St. Basil (c. 357-58) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (446) | New Advent
- Letter 4: To St. Basil (c. 361) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (446-47) | New Advent
- Letter 5: To St. Basil (c. 361) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (447) | New Advent
- Letter 6: To St. Basil (c. 361) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (447-48) | New Advent
- Letter 7: To His Brother Caesarius | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (457-58) | New Advent
- Letter 8: To St. Basil (362) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (448) | New Advent
- Letter 9: To Amphilochius the Younger | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (466-67) | New Advent
- Letter 12: To Nicobulus (c. 365) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (476) | New Advent
- Letter 13: To Amphilochius the Younger | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (467) | New Advent
- Letter 14: To His Brother Caesarius | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (458) | New Advent
- Letter 16: To Eusebius, Bishop of Caesarea | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (448-49) | New Advent
- Letter 17: To Eusebius, Bishop of Caesarea | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (449) | New Advent
- Letter 18: To Eusebius, Bishop of Caesarea | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (449) | New Advent
- Letter 19: To St. Basil | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (448) | New Advent
- Letter 20: To His Brother Caesarius | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (459) | New Advent
- Letter (1): To St. Gregory of Nyssa | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (459-60) | New Advent
- Letter 21: To Sophronius, Prefect of Constantinople | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (464) | New Advent
- Letter 22: To Sophronius, Prefect of Constantinople | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (464) | New Advent
- Letter 23: To His Brother Caesarius | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (458) | New Advent
- Letter 25: To Amphilochius the Younger | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (467) | New Advent
- Letter 26: To Amphilochius the Younger | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (467) | New Advent
- Letter 27: To Amphilochius the Younger | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (467) | New Advent
- Letter 28: To Amphilochius the Younger | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (468) | New Advent
- Letter 29: To Sophronius, Prefect of Constantinople | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (464-65) | New Advent
- Letter 37: To Sophronius, Prefect of Constantinople | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (465) | New Advent
- Letter 39: To Sophronius, Prefect of Constantinople | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (465-66) | New Advent
- Letter 40: To St. Basil (c. 370) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (449-50) | New Advent
- Letter 41: To the People of Caesarea, in his Father’s Name | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (450-51) | New Advent
- Letter 42: To Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (451-52) | New Advent
- Letter 43: To the Bishops of Caesarea, in his Father’s Name | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (451) | New Advent
- Letter 44: To Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (462-63) | New Advent
- Letter 45: To St. Basil | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (452) | New Advent
- Letter 46: To St. Basil | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (452) | New Advent
- Letter 47: To St. Basil | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (452-53) | New Advent
- Letter 48: To St. Basil | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (453) | New Advent
- Letter 49: To St. Basil | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (453-54) | New Advent
- Letter 50: To St. Basil | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (454) | New Advent
- Letter 51: To Nicobulus | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (476-77) | New Advent
- Letter 52: To Nicobulus | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (477) | New Advent
- Letter 53: To Nicobulus | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (477) | New Advent
- Letter 54: To Nicobulus | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (477) | New Advent
- Letter 55: To Nicobulus | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (477) | New Advent
- Letter 58: To St. Basil | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (454-55) | New Advent
- Letter 59: To St. Basil | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (456) | New Advent
- Letter 60: To St. Basil | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (456) | New Advent
- Letter 62: To Amphilochius the Younger | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (468) | New Advent
- Letter 63: To Amphilochius the Elder | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (468) | New Advent
- Letter 64: To Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (463) | New Advent
- Letter 65: To Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (463-64) | New Advent
- Letter 66: To Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (464) | New Advent
- Letter 72: To St. Gregory of Nyssa | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (460) | New Advent
- Letter 73: To St. Gregory of Nyssa | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (460) | New Advent
- Letter 74: To St. Gregory of Nyssa | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (460) | New Advent
- Letter 76: To St. Gregory of Nyssa | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (460-61) | New Advent
- Letter 77: To Theodore, Bishop of Tyana | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (471-72) | New Advent
- Letter 81: To St. Gregory of Nyssa | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (461) | New Advent
- Letter 88: To Nectarius, Archbishop of Constantinople | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (469) | New Advent
- Letter 91: To Nectarius, Archbishop of Constantinople | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (469-70) | New Advent
- Letter 93: To Sophronius, Prefect of Constantinople | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (466) | New Advent
- Letter 101: To Cledonius, the Priest (§§16) | PPS, Vol. 23 (155-66)
- Letter 102: To Cledonius the Priest, Against Apollinaris (§§9) | PPS, Vol. 23 (167-72) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (443-45) | New Advent
- Letter 104: To Olympius | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (477) | New Advent
- Letter 105: To Olympius | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (477-78) | New Advent
- Letter 106: To Olympius | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (478) | New Advent
- Letter 115: To Theodore, Bishop of Tyana (c. 382) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (472) | New Advent
- Letter 121: To Theodore, Bishop of Tyana | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (472) | New Advent
- Letter 122: To Theodore, Bishop of Tyana | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (472) | New Advent
- Letter 123: To Theodore, Bishop of Tyana | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (472-73) | New Advent
- Letter 124: To Theodore, Bishop of Tyana | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (473) | New Advent
- Letter 125: To Olympus | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (445) | New Advent
- Letter 126: To Olympius | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (478) | New Advent
- Letter 131: To Olympius | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (478) | New Advent
- Letter 135: To Sophronius, Prefect of Constantinople | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (466) | New Advent
- Letter 139: To Theodore, Bishop of Tyana | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (475-76) | New Advent
- Letter 140: To Olympius | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (478-79) | New Advent
- Letter 141: To Olympius | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (479-80) | New Advent
- Letter 142: To Olympius | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (480) | New Advent
- Letter 143: To Olympius | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (480) | New Advent
- Letter 144: To Olympius | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (480) | New Advent
- Letter 145: To Verianus | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (481) | New Advent
- Letter 146: To Olympius | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (481) | New Advent
- Letter 151: To Nectarius, Archbishop of Constantinople | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (470) | New Advent
- Letter 152: To Theodore, Bishop of Tyana | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (473) | New Advent
- Letter 153: To Bosphorius, Bishop of Colonia | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (473) | New Advent
- Letter 154: To Olympius | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (481-82) | New Advent
- Letter 157: To Theodore, Bishop of Tyana | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (473-74) | New Advent
- Letter 163: To Theodore, Bishop of Tyana | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (474) | New Advent
- Letter 171: To Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (469) | New Advent
- Letter 182: To St. Gregory of Nyssa | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (461) | New Advent
- Letter 183: To Theodore, Bishop of Tyana | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (474-75) | New Advent
- Letter 184: To Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (469) | New Advent
- Letter 185: To Nectarius, Archbishop of Constantinople | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (470) | New Advent
- Letter 186: To Nectarius, Archbishop of Constantinople | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (470-71) | New Advent
- Letter 197: To St. Gregory of Nyssa, on the Death of His Sister, Theosebia | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (461-62) | New Advent
- Letter 202: To Nectarius, Bishop of Constantinople (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 7 (438-39) | New Advent
St. Basil (330-379) | EAST
- An Introduction to the Ascetical Life | CUA, Vol. 9 (9-13)
- An Ascetical Discourse and Exhortation on the Renunciation of the World and Spiritual Perfection | CUA, Vol. 9 (15-31)
- A Discourse on Ascetical Discipline | CUA, Vol. 9 (33-36)
- On the Judgment of God | PPS, Vol. 51 (39-67) | CUA, Vol. 9 (37-55)
- Concerning Faith | PPS, Vol. 51 (69-89) | CUA, Vol. 9 (57-69)
- Herewith Begins the Morals (§§79) | CUA, Vol. 9 (71-205)
- An Ascetical Discourse | CUA, Vol. 9 (207-15)
- An Ascetical Discourse (II) | CUA, Vol. 9 (217-22)
- The Long Rules (§§55) | PPS, Vol. 30 (111-23) [§§1-4, 7] | CUA, Vol. 9 (223-337) | St. Basil, Anna M. Silvas, trans., The Rule of St. Basil in Latin and English: A Revised Critical Edition (Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2013), 45-289.
- Concerning Baptism (2 Books) | CUA, Vol. 9 (339-430)
- On Mercy and Justice | CUA, Vol. 9 (507-12)
- The Holy Spirit (§§80) | PPS, Vol. 42 (27-122) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (2-50) | New Advent
- The Ethics (§§80) | PPS, Vol. 51 (103-327)
- On the Holy Birth of Christ (§§6) | PPS, Vol. 50 (27-40)
- On Baptism (§§8) | PPS, Vol. 50 (41-54)
- On Giving Thanks (§§7) | PPS, Vol. 50 (97-107)
- On the Martyr Julitta (and conclusion of “On Giving Thanks”) (§§9) | PPS, Vol. 50 (109-22)
- On the Holy Martyr Mamas (§§4) | PPS, Vol. 50 (123-30)
- On the Martyr Barlaam (§§3) | PPS, Vol. 50 (131-35)
- Against Eunomius (3 Books) | CUA, Vol. 122 (81-196)
- Homily: On the Words “Give heed to thyself” (§§8) | PPS, Vol. 30 (93-105) | CUA, Vol. 9 (431-46)
- Homily 10: Against Those Who Are Prone to Anger (§§7) | PPS, Vol. 30 (81-92) | CUA, Vol. 9 (447-61)
- Homily 11: Concerning Envy | CUA, Vol. 9 (463-74)
- Homily 20: Of Humility | CUA, Vol. 9 (475-86)
- Homily 21: On Detachment from Worldly Goods and Concerning the Conflagration Which Occurred in the Environs of the Church | CUA, Vol. 9 (487-505)
- On the Origin of Humanity, Homily 1 (§§20) | PPS, Vol. 30 (31-48)
- On the Origin of Humanity, Homily 2 (§§17) | PPS, Vol. 30 (49-64)
- Homily Explaining that God is Not the Cause of Evil (§§10) | PPS, Vol. 30 (65-80)
- To the Rich (§§9) | PPS, Vol. 38 (41-58)
- I Will Tear Down My Barns (§§8) | PPS, Vol. 38 (59-71)
- In Time of Famine and Drought (§§9) | PPS, Vol. 38 (73-88)
- Against Those Who Lend at Interest (§§5) | PPS, Vol. 38 (89-99)
- Pseudo Basil, Homily on Mercy and Justice | PPS, Vol. 38 (103-08)
- First Homily on Fasting (§§11) | PPS, Vol. 50 (55-71)
- Second Homily on Fasting (§§8) | PPS, Vol. 50 (73-81)
- Homily Against Drunkards (§§8) | PPS, Vol. 50 (83-95)
- Homily on the Beginning of Proverbs (Prov. 1:1-5) (§§17) | PPS, Vol. 47 (53-78)
- Homily 12: First Homily on Psalm 14 (Ps. 14:1-4) (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 46 (181-91) | PPS, Vol. 47 (92-101)
- Homily on Humility (§§7) | PPS, Vol. 47 (108-19)
- Homily on Envy (§§6) | PPS, Vol. 47 (132-44)
- Homily on Detachment from Worldly Things, and on the Fire that Occurred Outside the Church (§§11) | PPS, Vol. 47 (164-81)
- Homily Delivered on Lakizois (§§9) | PPS, Vol. 47 (195-210)
- Homily on Psalm 115 (Ps. 116:11-19 MT) (§§5) | PPS, Vol. 47 (218-26)
- Homily on Faith (§§3) | PPS, Vol. 47 (234-39)
- Homily on the Beginning of the Gospel of John (John 1:1-2) (§§4) | PPS, Vol. 47 (250-57)
- Homily on Not Three Gods, Against Those Who Calumniate Us, Claiming That We Say That There Are Three Gods (§§4) | PPS, Vol. 47 (269-76)
- Homily Against the Sabellians, Anomoians, and Pneamatomachians (§§7) | PPS, Vol. 47 (290-303)
- Homily 10 on Psalm 1: A Psalm of the Lot of the Just Man (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 46 (151-64)
- Homily 11 on Psalm 7: A Psalm of David which he sang to the Lord for the Words of Chusi, the Son of Jemini (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 46 (165-80)
- Homily 13 on Psalm 28: A Psalm of David at the Finishing of the Tabernacle (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 46 (193-211)
- Homily 14 on Psalm 29: A Psalm of a Canticle on the Dedication of the House of David (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 46 (213-25)
- Homily 15 on Psalm 32: A Psalm in Praise of the Power and Providence of God (§§10) | CUA, Vol. 46 (227-46)
- Homily 16 on Psalm 33: A Psalm of David When he Changed His Countenance before Abimelech and Being Dismissed by Him Went Away (§§14) | CUA, Vol. 46 (247-74)
- Homily 17 on Psalm 44: Unto the End for Those Who Shall be Changed, for the Sons of Core for Understanding (§§12) | CUA, Vol. 46 (275-95)
- Homily 18 on Psalm 45: A Psalm for the Sons of Core (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 46 (297-309)
- Homily 19 on Psalm 48: Unto the End, a Psalm for the Sons of Core on the Prosperity of the Wicked (§§11) | CUA, Vol. 46 (311-31)
- Homily 20 on Psalm 59: A Psalm of David on Hope in Defeat (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 46 (333-40)
- Homily 21 on Psalm 61: A Psalm of David for Idithun and a Body of Singers (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 46 (341-50)
- Homily 22 on Psalm 114: A Psalm of Thanksgiving for Deliverance from Death | CUA, Vol. 46 (351-59)
The Hexaemeron
- The Hexaemeron: Homily 1 (§§11) | CUA, Vol. 46 (3-19) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (52-58) | New Advent
- The Hexaemeron: Homily 2 (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 46 (21-36) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (58-65) | New Advent
- The Hexaemeron: Homily 3 (§§10) | CUA, Vol. 46 (37-54) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (65-71) | New Advent
- The Hexaemeron: Homily 4 (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 46 (55-65) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (72-76) | New Advent
- The Hexaemeron: Homily 5 (§§10) | CUA, Vol. 46 (67-82) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (76-81) | New Advent
- The Hexaemeron: Homily 6 (§§11) | CUA, Vol. 46 (83-103) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (81-89) | New Advent
- The Hexaemeron: Homily 7 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 46 (105-16) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (89-94) | New Advent
- The Hexaemeron: Homily 8 (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 46 (117-34) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (94-101) | New Advent
- The Hexaemeron: Homily 9 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 46 (135-50) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (101-07) | New Advent
Numbers in parentheses are from the older order of the letters, whereas the others are from the Benedictine order.
- Letter 1 (165): To Eustathius, the Philosopher | CUA, Vol. 13 (3-4) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (109-10) | New Advent
- Letter 2 (1): To Gregory | CUA, Vol. 13 (5-11) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (110-12) | New Advent
- Letter 3 (173): To Candidianus | CUA, Vol. 13 (12-13) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (112-13) | New Advent
- Letter 4 (169): To Olympius | CUA, Vol. 13 (13-14) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (113) | New Advent
- Letter 5 (188): A Letter of Condolence to Nectarius | CUA, Vol. 13 (14-17) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (113-14) | New Advent
- Letter 6 (189: A Letter of Condolence to the Wife of Nectarius) | CUA, Vol. 13 (17-19) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (114-15) | New Advent
- Letter 7 (2): To His Companion, Gregory | CUA, Vol. 13 (20) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (115) | New Advent
- Letter 8 (141): An Apology to the Caesareans for His Withdrawal, and a Defense of the Faith | CUA, Vol. 13 (21-40) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (115-22) | New Advent
- Letter 9 (41): To the Philosopher Maximus | CUA, Vol. 13 (40-43) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (122-23) | New Advent
- Letter 10 (175): To a Widow | CUA, Vol. 13 (44) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (123-24) | New Advent
- Letter 11 (239): Without Address, through Friendship | CUA, Vol. 13 (44-45) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (124) | New Advent
- Letter 12 (171): To Olympius | CUA, Vol. 13 (45) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (124) | New Advent
- Letter 13 (172): To Olympius | CUA, Vol. 13 (45) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (124) | New Advent
- Letter 14 (19): To Gregory, His Companion | CUA, Vol. 13 (46-48) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (124-25) | New Advent
- Letter 15 (415): To Arcadius, Imperial Administrator | CUA, Vol. 13 (48-49) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (125) | New Advent
- Letter 16 (168): Against Eunomius, the Heretic | CUA, Vol. 13 (49-50) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (125-26) | New Advent
- Letter 17 (384): To Origen | CUA, Vol. 13 (50-51) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (126) | New Advent
- Letter 18 (211): To Macarius and John | CUA, Vol. 13 (51-52) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (126) | New Advent
- Letter 19 (3): To Gregory, a Companion | CUA, Vol. 13 (52) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (126) | New Advent
- Letter 20 (83): To Leonitus, the Sophist | CUA, Vol. 13 (52-54) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (127) | New Advent
- Letter 21 (375): To Leonitus, the Sophist | CUA, Vol. 13 (54-55) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (127) | New Advent
- Letter 22 (411): Concerning the Perfection of the Monastic Life | CUA, Vol. 13 (55-60) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (127-29) | New Advent
- Letter 23 (283): Admonition to a Monk | CUA, Vol. 13 (61-62) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (129-30) | New Advent
- Letter 24 (54): To Athanasius, Father of Athanasius, Bishop of Ancyra | CUA, Vol. 13 (62-64) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (130) | New Advent
- Letter 25 (53): To Athanasius, Bishop of Ancrya | CUA, Vol. 13 (64-66) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (130-31) | New Advent
- Letter 26 (362): To Caesarius, Brother of Gregory | CUA, Vol. 13 (66-67) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (131) | New Advent
- Letter 27 (6): To Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata | CUA, Vol. 13 (68) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (131-32) | New Advent
- Letter 28 (62): A Letter of Condolence to the Church of Neocaesarea | CUA, Vol. 13 (68-73) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (132-33) | New Advent
- Letter 29 (67): A Letter of Condolence to the Church of Ancrya | CUA, Vol. 13 (73-74) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (133-34) | New Advent
- Letter 30 (7): To Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata | CUA, Vol. 13 (74-75) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (134) | New Advent
- Letter 31 (267): To Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata | CUA, Vol. 13 (75-7) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (134) | New Advent
- Letter 32 (84): To the Master Sophronius | CUA, Vol. 13 (76-78) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (134-35) | New Advent
- Letter 33 (358): To Aburgius | CUA, Vol. 13 (79) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (135) | New Advent
- Letter 34 (5): To Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata | CUA, Vol. 13 (79-81) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (135-36) | New Advent
- Letter 35 (236): Without an Address, in Behalf of Leonitus | CUA, Vol. 13 (81) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (136) | New Advent
- Letter 36 (228): Without an Address, for Assistance | CUA, Vol. 13 (82) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (136) | New Advent
- Letter 37 (248): Without an Address, for a Foster Brother | CUA, Vol. 13 (82-83) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (136-37) | New Advent
- Letter 38 (43): To His Brother Gregory, Concerning the Difference Between Substance and Person | CUA, Vol. 13 (84-96) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (137-41) | New Advent
- Letter 39 (206): From Julian to St. Basil | CUA, Vol. 13 (96-98) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (141-42) | New Advent
- Letter 40 (207): From Julian to St. Basil | CUA, Vol. 13 (98-99) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (142) | New Advent
- Letter 41 (208-209): To Julian, in Answer | CUA, Vol. 13 (100-101) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (142-43) | New Advent
- Letter 42 (1): To Chilo, His Pupil | CUA, Vol. 13 (102-11) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (143-46) | New Advent
- Letter 43 (2): Admonition to the Young | CUA, Vol. 13 (111) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (146) | New Advent
- Letter 44 (3): To a Fallen Monk | CUA, Vol. 13 (112-15) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (146-47) | New Advent
- Letter 45 (4): To a Fallen Monk | CUA, Vol. 13 (115-18) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (147-49) | New Advent
- Letter 46 (5): To a Fallen Virgin | CUA, Vol. 13 (118-28) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (149-52) | New Advent
- Letter 47 (4): To Gregory, His Companion | CUA, Vol. 13 (128-30) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (152-53) | New Advent
- Letter 48 (254): To Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata | CUA, Vol. 13 (130-31) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (153) | New Advent
- Letter 49 (408): To Arcadius, the Bishop | CUA, Vol. 13 (131-32) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (153) | New Advent
- Letter 50 (409): To Bishop Innocent | CUA, Vol. 13 (132-33) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (153-54) | New Advent
- Letter 51 (86): To Bishop Bosporius | CUA, Vol. 13 (133-35) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (154-55) | New Advent
- Letter 52 (300): To the Canonesses | CUA, Vol. 13 (135-39) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (155-56) | New Advent
- Letter 53 (76): To the Suffragan Bishops | CUA, Vol. 13 (140-41) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (156-57) | New Advent
- Letter 54 (181): To Paregorius, a Presbyter | CUA, Vol. 13 (142-44) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (157-58) | New Advent
- Letter 55 (198): To Paregorius, a Presbyter | CUA, Vol. 13 (144-45) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (158) | New Advent
- Letter 56 (354): To Pergamius | CUA, Vol. 13 (145-46) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (158-59) | New Advent
- Letter 57 (56): To Meletius, Bishop of Antioch | CUA, Vol. 13 (147-48) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (159) | New Advent
- Letter 58 (44): To Gregory, His Brother | CUA, Vol. 13 (148-49) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (159-60) | New Advent
- Letter 59 (46): To Gregory, His Uncle | CUA, Vol. 13 (150-52) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (160-61) | New Advent
- Letter 60 (45): To Gregory, His Uncle | CUA, Vol. 13 (153-54) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (161) | New Advent
- Letter 61 (47): To St. Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria | CUA, Vol. 13 (154-55) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (161-62) | New Advent
- Letter 62 (185): A Letter of Consolation to the Church of Parnassus | CUA, Vol. 13 (155-56) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (162) | New Advent
- Letter 63 (371): To the Governor of Neocaesarea | CUA, Vol. 13 (156-57) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (162) | New Advent
- Letter 64 (350): To Hesychius | CUA, Vol. 13 (157) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (162) | New Advent
- Letter 65 (363): To Atarbius | CUA, Vol. 13 (158-59) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (162-63) | New Advent
- Letter 66 (48): To St. Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria | CUA, Vol. 13 (159-62) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (163-64) | New Advent
- Letter 67 (50): To St. Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria | CUA, Vol. 13 (163) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (164) | New Advent
- Letter 68 (57): To Meletius, Bishop of Antioch | CUA, Vol. 13 (163-64) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (164-65) | New Advent
- Letter 69 (52): To St. Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria | CUA, Vol. 13 (164-68) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (165-66) | New Advent
- Letter 70 (220): Without Address, Concerning a Synod | CUA, Vol. 13 (168-70) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (166-67) | New Advent
- Letter 71 (33): To Gregory | CUA, Vol. 13 (170-73) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (167) | New Advent
- Letter 72 (351): To Hesychius | CUA, Vol. 13 (173-74) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (167-68) | New Advent
- Letter 73 (388): To Callisthenes | CUA, Vol. 13 (174-76) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (168) | New Advent
- Letter 74 (379): To Martinianus | CUA, Vol. 13 (176-80) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (168-70) | New Advent
- Letter 75 (361): To Aburgius | CUA, Vol. 13 (181-82) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (170) | New Advent
- Letter 76 (331): To the Master Sophronius | CUA, Vol. 13 (182-83) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (170-71) | New Advent
- Letter 77 (226): Without an Address, Concerning Therasius | CUA, Vol. 13 (183) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (171) | New Advent
- Letter 78 (215): Without an Address, in Behalf of Elpidius | CUA, Vol. 13 (184) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (171) | New Advent
- Letter 79 (308): To Eustathius, Bishop of Sebaste | CUA, Vol. 13 (184-85) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (171) | New Advent
- Letter 80 (49): To St. Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria | CUA, Vol. 13 (185-86) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (171-72) | New Advent
- Letter 81 (319): To Bishop Innocent | CUA, Vol. 13 (186-88) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (172) | New Advent
- Letter 82 (51): To St. Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria | CUA, Vol. 13 (189) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (172-73) | New Advent
- Letter 83 (427): To an Assessor | CUA, Vol. 13 (189-90) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (173) | New Advent
- Letter 84 (389): To an Official | CUA, Vol. 13 (191-93) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (173-74) | New Advent
- Letter 85 (305): Concerning the Fact That it is Unnecessary to Take an Oath | CUA, Vol. 13 (193-94) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (174) | New Advent
- Letter 86 (179): To an Official | CUA, Vol. 13 (194-95) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (174-75) | New Advent
- Letter 87 (390): Without Address, Concerning the Same Subject | CUA, Vol. 13 (195) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (175) | New Advent
- Letter 88 (243): Without Adress, for a Tax Collector | CUA, Vol. 13 (196) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (175) | New Advent
- Letter 89 (273): To Meletius, Bishop of Antioch | CUA, Vol. 13 (197-98) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (175-76) | New Advent
- Letter 90 (61): To the Most holy Brothers and Bishops of the West | CUA, Vol. 13 (198-200) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (176-77) | New Advent
- Letter 91 (324): To Valerian, Bishop of the Illyrians | CUA, Vol. 13 (201-202) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (177) | New Advent
- Letter 92 (69): To the Bishops of Italy and Gaul | CUA, Vol. 13 (202-207) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (177-79) | New Advent
- Letter 93 (289): To the Patrician, Caesaria, about Communion | CUA, Vol. 13 (208-209) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (179) | New Advent
- Letter 94 (372): To Elias, Governor of the Province | CUA, Vol. 13 (209-11) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (179-80) | New Advent
- Letter 95 (261): To Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata | CUA, Vol. 13 (212-13) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (180) | New Advent
- Letter 96 (332): To the Master Sophronius | CUA, Vol. 13 (213-14) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (180-81) | New Advent
- Letter 97 68): To the Senate of Tyana | CUA, Vol. 13 (214-16) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (181-82) | New Advent
- Letter 98 (259): To Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata | CUA, Vol. 13 (216-18) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (182) | New Advent
- Letter 99 (187): To Count Terentius | CUA, Vol. 13 (218-23) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (182-84) | New Advent
- Letter 100 (256): To Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata | CUA, Vol. 13 (223-24) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (184) | New Advent
- Letter 101 (202): A Letter of Consolation | CUA, Vol. 13 (224-26) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (184-85) | New Advent
- Letter 102 (183): To the Citizens of Satala | CUA, Vol. 13 (226-27) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (185) | New Advent
- Letter 103 (296): To the People of Satala | CUA, Vol. 13 (227) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (185) | New Advent
- Letter 104 (279): To the Prefect Modestus | CUA, Vol. 13 (228-29) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (185-86) | New Advent
- Letter 105 (301): To the Deaconesses, the Daughters of Count Terentius | CUA, Vol. 13 (229-30) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (186) | New Advent
- Letter 106 (407): To a Soldier | CUA, Vol. 13 (231) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (186) | New Advent
- Letter 107 (287): To the Widow Julitta | CUA, Vol. 13 (231-32) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (187) | New Advent
- Letter 108 (288): To the Guardian of the Heirs of Julitta | CUA, Vol. 13 (232-33) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (187) | New Advent
- Letter 109 (422): To Count Helladius | CUA, Vol. 13 (233-34) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (187-88) | New Advent
- Letter 110 (277): To the Prefect Modestus | CUA, Vol. 13 (234-35) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (188) | New Advent
- Letter 111 (276): To the Prefect Modestus | CUA, Vol. 13 (235-36) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (188) | New Advent
- Letter 112 (464): To the Leader Andronicus | CUA, Vol. 13 (236-39) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (188-89) | New Advent
- Letter 113 (203): To the Presbyters at Tarsus | CUA, Vol. 13 (239-40) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (189-90) | New Advent
- Letter 114 (204): To Cyriacus and His Followers in Tarsus | CUA, Vol. 13 (241-42) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (190) | New Advent
- Letter 115 (87): To the Heretic Simplicia | CUA, Vol. 13 (242-44) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (190-91) | New Advent
- Letter 116 (174): To Firminus | CUA, Vol. 13 (244-45) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (191) | New Advent
- Letter 117 (234): Without Address, on the Practice of Asceticism | CUA, Vol. 13 (245-46) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (191) | New Advent
- Letter 118 (318): To Jovinus, Bishop of Perrha | CUA, Vol. 13 (247) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (192) | New Advent
- Letter 119 (307): To Eustathius, Bishop of Sebaste | CUA, Vol. 13 (247-49) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (192) | New Advent
- Letter 120 (58): To Meletius, Bishop of Antioch | CUA, Vol. 13 (249-50) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (192-93) | New Advent
- Letter 121 195): To Theodotus, Bishop of Nicopolis | CUA, Vol. 13 (251) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (193) | New Advent
- Letter 122 (313): To Poemenius, Bishop of Satala | CUA, Vol. 13 (252-53) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (193) | New Advent
- Letter 123 (343): To the Monk Urbicius | CUA, Vol. 13 (253) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (193-94) | New Advent
- Letter 124 (328): To Theodorus | CUA, Vol. 13 (254) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (194) | New Advent
- Letter 125 (78): A Transcript of Faith Dictated by the Most Holy Basil, Which Eustathius, Bishop of Sebaste, Signed | CUA, Vol. 13 (255-60) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (194-96) | New Advent
- Letter 126 (364): To Atarbius | CUA, Vol. 13 261-62) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (196) | New Advent
- Letter 127 (253): To Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata | CUA, Vol. 13 (262-63) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (196) | New Advent
- Letter 128 (265): To Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata | CUA, Vol. 13 (263-65) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (196-97) | New Advent
- Letter 129 (59): To Meletius, Bishop of Antioch | CUA, Vol. 13 (266-68) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (197-98) | New Advent
- Letter 130 (196): To Theodotus, Bishop of Nicopolis | CUA, Vol. 13 (269-71) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (198-99) | New Advent
- Letter 131 (382): To Olympius | CUA, Vol. 13 (271-73) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (199) | New Advent
- Letter 132 (315): To Abramius, Bishop of Batnae | CUA, Vol. 13 (273-74) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (199-200) | New Advent
- Letter 133 (320): To Peter, Bishop of Alexandria | CUA, Vol. 13 (274) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (200) | New Advent
- Letter 134 (341): To the Presbyter Paeonius | CUA, Vol. 13 (275) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (200) | New Advent
- Letter 135 (167): To Diodorus, Presbyter of Antioch | CUA, Vol. 13 (276-78) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (200-01) | New Advent
- Letter 136 (257): To Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata | CUA, Vol. 13 (278-79) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (201) | New Advent
- Letter 137 (366): To Antipater | CUA, Vol. 13 (280-81) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (201-02) | New Advent
- Letter 138 (8): To Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata | CUA, Vol. 13 (281-83) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (202-03) | New Advent
- Letter 139 (71): To the Alexandrians | CUA, Vol. 13 (284-86) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (203) | New Advent
- Letter 140 (60): To the Church at Antioch | CUA, Vol. 13 (286-89) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (203-04) | New Advent
- Letter 141 (262): To Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata | CUA, Vol. 13 (289-91) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (204-05) | New Advent
- Letter 142 (418): To the Accountant of the Prefects | CUA, Vol. 13 (291-92) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (205) | New Advent
- Letter 143 (419): To the Second Accountant | CUA, Vol. 13 (292-93) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (205) | New Advent
- Letter 144 (420): To the Prefects’ Administrator | CUA, Vol. 13 (293) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (205) | New Advent
- Letter 145 (255): To Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata | CUA, Vol. 13 (293-94) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (208-06) | New Advent
- Letter 146 (268): To Antiochus | CUA, Vol. 13 (294-95) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (206) | New Advent
- Letter 147 (356): To Aburgius | CUA, Vol. 13 (295-96) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (206) | New Advent
- Letter 148 (376): To Trajan | CUA, Vol. 13 (296-97) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (206-07) | New Advent
- Letter 149 (377): To Trajan | CUA, Vol. 13 (297-98) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (207) | New Advent
- Letter 150 (392): To Amphilochius, in the Name of Heracleidas | CUA, Vol. 13 (298-302) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (207) | New Advent
- Letter 151 (81): To Eustathius, the Physician | CUA, Vol. 13 (302-303) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (207-09) | New Advent
- Letter 152 (374): To Victor, a Commander | CUA, Vol. 13 (304) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (209) | New Advent
- Letter 153 (428): To Victor, the Ex-Consul | CUA, Vol. 13 (304-305) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (209) | New Advent
- Letter 154 (337): To Ascholius, Bishop of Thessalonica | CUA, Vol. 13 (305-306) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (209-10) | New Advent
- Letter 155 (241): Without Address, in the Case of a Trainer | CUA, Vol. 13 (307-308) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (210) | New Advent
- Letter 156 (342): To Evagrius, a Presbyter | CUA, Vol. 13 (308-11) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (210-11) | New Advent
- Letter 157 (270): To Antiochus | CUA, Vol. 13 (311) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (211) | New Advent
- Letter 158 (271): To Antiochus | CUA, Vol. 13 (311-12) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (211-12) | New Advent
- Letter 159 (387): To Eupaterius and His Daughter | CUA, Vol. 13 (312-14) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (212) | New Advent
- Letter 160 (197): To Diodorus | CUA, Vol. 13 (314-19) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (212-14) | New Advent
- Letter 161 (393): To Amphilochius, on His Consecration as Bishop | CUA, Vol. 13 (319-21) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (214-15) | New Advent
- Letter 162 (258): To Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata | CUA, Vol. 13 321-22) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (215) | New Advent
- Letter 163 (378): To Count Jovinus | CUA, Vol. 13 (322-23) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (215) | New Advent
- Letter 164 (338): To Ascholius, Bishop of Thessalonica | CUA, Vol. 13 (323-26) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (215-16) | New Advent
- Letter 165 (339): To Ascholius, Bishop of Thessalonica | CUA, Vol. 13 (326-27) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (216-17) | New Advent
- Letter 166 (251): To Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata | CUA, Vol. 13 (327-28) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (217) | New Advent
- Letter 167 (252): To Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata | CUA, Vol. 13 (329) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (217) | New Advent
- Letter 168 (269): To Antiochus the Presbyter, a Nephew of Eusebius, Who Was Living with His Uncle in Exile | CUA, Vol. 13 (329-30) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (217) | New Advent
- Letter 169 (412): To Gregory | CUA, Vol. 13 (330-32) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (217-18) | New Advent
- Letter 170 (414): To Glycerius | CUA, Vol. 13 (332-33) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (218) | New Advent
- Letter 171 (413): To Gregory | CUA, Vol. 13 (333) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (218) | New Advent
- Letter 172 (335): To Bishop Sophronius | CUA, Vol. 13 (333-34) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (218-19) | New Advent
- Letter 173 (302): To the Canoness Theodora | CUA, Vol. 13 (335-36) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (219) | New Advent
- Letter 174 (283): To a Widow | CUA, Vol. 13 (336-37) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (219-20) | New Advent
- Letter 175 (410): To Count Magnenianus | CUA, Vol. 13 (337-38) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (220) | New Advent
- Letter 176 (394): To Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium | CUA, Vol. 13 (338-39) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (220-21) | New Advent
- Letter 177 (334): To the Master Sophronius | CUA, Vol. 13 (339-40) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (221) | New Advent
- Letter 178 (360): To Aburgius | CUA, Vol. 13 (340-41) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (221) | New Advent
- Letter 179 (380): To Arinthaeus | CUA, Vol. 13 (341) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (221) | New Advent
- Letter 180 (333): To the Master Sophronius, in Behalf of Eumathius | CUA, Vol. 13 (342) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (221) | New Advent
- Letter 181 (316): To Otreius of Meletine | CUA, Vol. 13 (342-43) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (222) | New Advent
- Letter 182 (266): To the Presbyters of Samosata | CUA, Vol. 13 (343) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (222) | New Advent
- Letter 183 (294): To the Senate of Samosata | CUA, Vol. 13 (343-44) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (222) | New Advent
- Letter 184 (306): To Eustathius, Bishop of Himmeria | CUA, Vol. 13 (344-45) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (222) | New Advent
- Letter 185 (310): To Theodotus, Bishop of Berrhoea | CUA, Vol. 13 (345) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (222-23) | New Advent
- Letter 186 | CUA, Vol. 28 (3) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (223) | New Advent
- Letter 187 | CUA, Vol. 28 (4) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (223) | New Advent
- Letter 188: To Amphilochius, Concerning the Canons (§§16) | CUA, Vol. 28 (4-24) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (223-28) | New Advent
- Letter 189: To Eustathius, the Court Physician | CUA, Vol. 28 (25-33) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (228-32) | New Advent
- Letter 190: To Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium | CUA, Vol. 28 (34-36) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (232-33) | New Advent
- Letter 191: To Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium | CUA, Vol. 28 (37-38) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (233) | New Advent
- Letter 192: To the Master Sophronius | CUA, Vol. 28 (38-39) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (233) | New Advent
- Letter 193: To Meletius, the Court Physician | CUA, Vol. 28 (39) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (233-34) | New Advent
- Letter 194: To Zoilus | CUA, Vol. 28 (40) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (234) | New Advent
- Letter 195: To Euphronius, Bishop of Colonia in Armenia | CUA, Vol. 28 (41) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (234) | New Advent
- Letter 196: To Aburgius | CUA, Vol. 28 (41-42) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (234) | New Advent
- Letter 197: To Ambrose, bishop of Milan | CUA, Vol. 28 (42-45) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (234-35) | New Advent
- Letter 198: To Eusebius, bishop of Samosata | CUA, Vol. 28 (45-46) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (235-36) | New Advent
- Letter 199: To Amphilochius, Concerning the Canons (§§50) | CUA, Vol. 28 (47-62) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (236-40) | New Advent
- Letter 200: To Amphilochius, bishop of Iconium | CUA, Vol. 28 (62-64) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (240) | New Advent
- Letter 201: To Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium | CUA, Vol. 28 (64) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (241) | New Advent
- Letter 202: To Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium | CUA, Vol. 28 (64-65) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (241) | New Advent
- Letter 203: To the Bishops of the Seacoast | CUA, Vol. 28 (65-70) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (241-42) | New Advent
- Letter 204: To the Neo-Caesareans | CUA, Vol. 28 (70-78) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (243-45) | New Advent
- Letter 205: To Bishop Elpidius | CUA, Vol. 28 (79) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (245-46) | New Advent
- Letter 206: A Letter of Condolence to Bishop Elpidius | CUA, Vol. 28 (80-81) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (246) | New Advent
- Letter 207: To the Clergy of Neo-Caesarea | CUA, Vol. 28 (81-86) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (246-48) | New Advent
- Letter 208: To Eulancius | CUA, Vol. 28 (86) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (248) | New Advent
- Letter 209: Without Address, in Self-Defense | CUA, Vol. 28 (86-87) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (248) | New Advent
- Letter 210: To the Most Eloquent Citizens of Neo-Caesarea | CUA, Vol. 28 (87-95) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (248-51) | New Advent
- Letter 211: To Olympius | CUA, Vol. 28 (95) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (251) | New Advent
- Letter 212: To Hilarius | CUA, Vol. 28 (95-97) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (252) | New Advent
- Letter 213: Without an Address, for a Pious Man | CUA, Vol. 28 (98-99) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (252-53) | New Advent
- Letter 214: To Count Terentius | CUA, Vol. 28 (99-103) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (253-54) | New Advent
- Letter 215: To Dortheus, Presbyter | CUA, Vol. 28 (103-104) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (254-55) | New Advent
- Letter 216: To Meletius, Bishop of Antioch | CUA, Vol. 28 (104-105) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (255) | New Advent
- Letter 217:To Amphilochius, on the Canons | CUA, Vol. 28 (105-17) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (255-59) | New Advent
- Letter 218: To Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium | CUA, Vol. 28 (117-19) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (259-60) | New Advent
- Letter 219: To the Clergy of Samosata | CUA, Vol. 28 (119-20) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (260) | New Advent
- Letter 220: To the People of Beroea | CUA, Vol. 28 (121-22) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (260-61) | New Advent
- Letter 221: To the People of Beroea | CUA, Vol. 28 (122-23) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (261) | New Advent
- Letter 222: To the Chalcidians | CUA, Vol. 28 (123-25) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (261-62) | New Advent
- Letter 223: Against Eustathius of Sebaste | CUA, Vol. 28 (125-35) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (262-65) | New Advent
- Letter 224: To Genethlius, the Presbyter | CUA, Vol. 28 (135-38) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (265-67) | New Advent
- Letter 225: To Demosthenes, in the Name of the Public | CUA, Vol. 28 (139-40) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (267) | New Advent
- Letter 226: To His Monks | CUA, Vol. 28 (141-47) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (267-69) | New Advent
- Letter 227: A Letter of Condolence to the Clergy in Colonia | CUA, Vol. 28 (147-49) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (270) | New Advent
- Letter 228: To the Magistrates of Colonia | CUA, Vol. 28 (150-51) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (270-71) | New Advent
- Letter 229: To the Clergy of Nicopolis | CUA, Vol. 28 (151-52) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (271) | New Advent
- Letter 230: To the Magistrates of Nicopolis | CUA, Vol. 28 (152-53) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (271-72) | New Advent
- Letter 231: To Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium | CUA, Vol. 28 (153-55) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (272) | New Advent
- Letter 232: To Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium | CUA, Vol. 28 (155-56) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (272-73) | New Advent
- Letter 233: To Amphilochius, in Reply to Certain Questions | CUA, Vol. 28 () | PPS, Vol. 30 (107-09) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (273) | New Advent
- Letter 234: To the Same, in Answer to Another Question | CUA, Vol. 28 (159-61) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (274) | New Advent
- Letter 235: To the Same, in Answer to Another Question | CUA, Vol. 28 (161-64) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (274-76) | New Advent
- Letter 236: To the Same Amphilochius | CUA, Vol. 28 (165-72) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (276-79) | New Advent
- Letter 237: To Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata | CUA, Vol. 28 (172-74) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (279) | New Advent
- Letter 238: To the Presbyters of Nicopolis | CUA, Vol. 28 (175-76) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (279-80) | New Advent
- Letter 239: To Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata | CUA, Vol. 28 (176-78) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (280-81) | New Advent
- Letter 240: To the Presbyters of Nicopolis | CUA, Vol. 28 (178-81) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (281-82) | New Advent
- Letter 241: To Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata | CUA, Vol. 28 (181) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (282) | New Advent
- Letter 242: To the Westerners | CUA, Vol. 28 (182-84) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (282-83) | New Advent
- Letter 243: To the Bishops of Italy and of Gaul, Concerning the Condition and Confusion of the Churches | CUA, Vol. 28 (184-89) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (283-85) | New Advent
- Letter 244: To Patrophilus, Bishop of the Church at Aegae | CUA, Vol. 28 (190-200) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (285-89) | New Advent
- Letter 245: To Bishop Theophilus | CUA, Vol. 28 (200-201) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (289) | New Advent
- Letter 246: To the Nicopolitans | CUA, Vol. 28 (201) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (289) | New Advent
- Letter 247: To the Nicopolitans | CUA, Vol. 28 (202) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (289) | New Advent
- Letter 248: To Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium | CUA, Vol. 28 (202-203) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (290) | New Advent
- Letter 249: Without an Address, for a Pious Man | CUA, Vol. 28 (204) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (290) | New Advent
- Letter 250: To Patrophilus, Bishop of the Church in Aegae | CUA, Vol. 28 (204-206) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (290-91) | New Advent
- Letter 251: To the People of Evaesae | CUA, Vol. 28 (206-10) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (291-92) | New Advent
- Letter 252: To the Bishops of the Diocese of Pontus | CUA, Vol. 28 (210) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (292) | New Advent
- Letter 253: To the Presbyters of Antioch | CUA, Vol. 28 (211) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (292-93) | New Advent
- Letter 254: To Pelagius, Bishop of Laodicea in Syria | CUA, Vol. 28 (211-12) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (293) | New Advent
- Letter 255: To Vitus, Bishop of Charrae | CUA, Vol. 28 (212-13) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (293) | New Advent
- Letter 256: To Our Most Beloved and Pious Brethren, Fellow Presbyters, Acacius, Aetius, Paulus, and Silvanus, and Deacons, Silvinus and Lucius, and the Rest of Our Brethren, the Monks, Basil the Bishop | CUA, Vol. 28 (213-14) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (293-94) | New Advent
- Letter 257: To the Monks Oppressed by the Arians | CUA, Vol. 28 (215-16) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (294) | New Advent
- Letter 258: To Bishop Epiphanius | CUA, Vol. 28 (217-21) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (294-96) | New Advent
- Letter 259: To the Monks, Palladius and Innocent | CUA, Vol. 28 (221-22) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (296) | New Advent
- Letter 260: To Bishop Optimus | CUA, Vol. 28 (222-32) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (296-99) | New Advent
- Letter 261: To the Citizens of Sozopolis | CUA, Vol. 28 (232-35) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (299-301) | New Advent
- Letter 262: To the Monk Urbicius | CUA, Vol. 28 (236-37) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (301) | New Advent
- Letter 263: To the Westerners | CUA, Vol. 28 (237-42) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (301-03) | New Advent
- Letter 264: To Barses, Bishop of Edessa, During His Exile | CUA, Vol. 28 (243-44) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (303) | New Advent
- Letter 265: To Eulogius, Alexander, and Harpocration, Bishops of Egypt in Exile | CUA, Vol. 28 (244-5) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (303-05) | New Advent
- Letter 266: To Peter, Bishop of Alexandria | CUA, Vol. 28 (250-53) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (305-06) | New Advent
- Letter 267: To Barses, Bishop of Edessa, in Exile | CUA, Vol. 28 (254-55) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (306-07) | New Advent
- Letter 268: To Eusebius in Exile | CUA, Vol. 28 (255-56) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (307) | New Advent
- Letter 269: A Letter of Condolence to the Wife of the Commander Arintheus | CUA, Vol. 28 (257-59) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (307-08) | New Advent
- Letter 270: Without an Address, Concerning an Abduction | CUA, Vol. 28 (259-60) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (308) | New Advent
- Letter 271: A Letter of Recommendation to Eusebius His Companion, in Behalf of the Presbyter Cyriacus | CUA, Vol. 28 (260-61) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (308-09) | New Advent
- Letter 272: To the Master Sophronius | CUA, Vol. 28 (262-64) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (309-10) | New Advent
- Letter 273: Without Address, in Behalf of Hera | CUA, Vol. 28 (264) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (310) | New Advent
- Letter 274: To the Master Himerius | CUA, Vol. 28 (265) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (310) | New Advent
- Letter 275: Without an Address, Concerning Hera | CUA, Vol. 28 (265-66) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (310) | New Advent
- Letter 276: To the Elder Harmatius | CUA, Vol. 28 (266-67) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (310) | New Advent
- Letter 277: To the Scholar Maxiumus | CUA, Vol. 28 (267-68) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (311) | New Advent
- Letter 278: To Valerian | CUA, Vol. 28 (269) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (311) | New Advent
- Letter 279: To the Prefect Modestus | CUA, Vol. 28 (269-70) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (311-12) | New Advent
- Letter 280: To the Prefect Modestus | CUA, Vol. 28 (270-71) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (312) | New Advent
- Letter 281: To the Prefect Modestus | CUA, Vol. 28 (271) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (312) | New Advent
- Letter 282: To a Bishop | CUA, Vol. 28 (271-72) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (312) | New Advent
- Letter 283: To a Widow | CUA, Vol. 28 (272-73) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (312) | New Advent
- Letter 284: To an Assessor, in Behalf of Monks | CUA, Vol. 28 (273) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (312-13) | New Advent
- Letter 285: Without an Address, for the Protection of the Church | CUA, Vol. 28 (274) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (313) | New Advent
- Letter 286: To a Prison Official | CUA, Vol. 28 (274-75) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (313) | New Advent
- Letter 287: Without an Address, Against Retaliators | CUA, Vol. 28 (275-76) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (313) | New Advent
- Letter 288: Without an Address, Against Retaliators | CUA, Vol. 28 (276) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (313-14) | New Advent
- Letter 289: Without an Address, Concerning an Afflicted Woman | CUA, Vol. 28 (277-79) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (314) | New Advent
- Letter 290: To Nectarius | CUA, Vol. 28 (279-80) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (315) | New Advent
- Letter 291: To the Suffragan Bishop Timotheus | CUA, Vol. 28 (281-82) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (315-16) | New Advent
- Letter 292: To Palladius | CUA, Vol. 28 (283) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (316) | New Advent
- Letter 293: To Julian | CUA, Vol. 28 (284-85) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (316) | New Advent
- Letter 294: To Festus and Magnus | CUA, Vol. 28 (285-86) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (317) | New Advent
- Letter 295: To Monks | CUA, Vol. 28 (286-87) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (317) | New Advent
- Letter 296: To a Widow | CUA, Vol. 28 (287-88)
- Letter 297: To a Widow | CUA, Vol. 28 (288-89)
- Letter 298: Without an Address, in Behalf of a Pious Man | CUA, Vol. 28 (289)
- Letter 299: To an Assessor | CUA, Vol. 28 (290-91) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (318) | New Advent
- Letter 300: A Letter of Condolence to the Father of a Scholar Who Had Died | CUA, Vol. 28 (291-93)
- Letter 301: A Letter of Condolence to Maximus | CUA, Vol. 28 (293-95)
- Letter 302: A Letter of Condolence to the Wife of Briso | CUA, Vol. 28 (295-97)
- Letter 303: To the Prefect of the Emperor’s Private Estate | CUA, Vol. 28 (297-98) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (318) | New Advent
- Letter 304: To Aburgius | CUA, Vol. 28 (298)
- Letter 305: Without an Address, for Some Virtuous Man | CUA, Vol. 28 (298-99)
- Letter 306: To the Commander at Sebaste | CUA, Vol. 28 (299-300) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (318-19) | New Advent
- Letter 307: Without an Address | CUA, Vol. 28 (300-301)
- Letter 308: Without an Address, for Patronage | CUA, Vol. 28 (301)
- Letter 309: Without an Address, for a Needy Person | CUA, Vol. 28 (302)
- Letter 310: Without an Address, in Behalf of Relatives | CUA, Vol. 28 (302-303)
- Letter 311: To an Official | CUA, Vol. 28 (303)
- Letter 312: To an Assessor | CUA, Vol. 28 (303)
- Letter 313: To an Assessor | CUA, Vol. 28 (304-305)
- Letter 314: Without an Address, in Behalf of a Servant | CUA, Vol. 28 (305)
- Letter 315: Without an Address, in Behalf of a Relavtive | CUA, Vol. 28 (306)
- Letter 316: Without an Address, in Behalf of an Oppressed Man | CUA, Vol. 28 (306)
- Letter 317: Without an Address, in Behalf of a Needy Person | CUA, Vol. 28 (307)
- Letter 318: Without an Address, in Behalf of a Countryman | CUA, Vol. 28 (307-308)
- Letter 319: Similarly, in Behalf of a Stranger | CUA, Vol. 28 (308)
- Letter 320: Without an Address, with a Friendly Greeting | CUA, Vol. 28 (308-309)
- Letter 321: To Thecla | CUA, Vol. 28 (309-10)
- Letter 322: Without an Address, on Celebrating Easter with a Friend | CUA, Vol. 28 (310-11)
- Letter 323: To Philagrius Arcenus | CUA, Vol. 28 (311-12)
- Letter 324: To Pasinicus, a Doctor | CUA, Vol. 28 (312-13)
- Letter 325: To Magninianus | CUA, Vol. 28 (313)
- Letter 326: Without an Address, for the Sake of Admonition | CUA, Vol. 28 (314)
- Letter 327: Without an Address, for Encouragement | CUA, Vol. 28 (314-15)
- Letter 328: To Hyperechius | CUA, Vol. 28 (315)
- Letter 329: To Phalerius | CUA, Vol. 28 (315)
- Letter 330: Without an Address | CUA, Vol. 28 (315-16)
- Letter 331: Without an Address | CUA, Vol. 28 (316)
- Letter 332: Another Without an Address | CUA, Vol. 28 (316)
- Letter 333: To a Scribe | CUA, Vol. 28 (316-17)
- Letter 334: To a Calligrapher | CUA, Vol. 28 (317) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (320) | New Advent
- Letter 335: To Libanius | CUA, Vol. 28 (318) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (320) | New Advent
- Letter 336: From Libanius to St. Basil | CUA, Vol. 28 (319-20) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (320-21) | New Advent
- Letter 337: To Libanius | CUA, Vol. 28 (321) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (321) | New Advent
- Letter 338: From Libanius to St. Basil | CUA, Vol. 28 (321-22) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (321-22) | New Advent
- Letter 339: To Libanius | CUA, Vol. 28 (323-24) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (322) | New Advent
- Letter 340: From Libanius to St. Basil | CUA, Vol. 28 (324-25) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (322) | New Advent
- Letter 341: From LIbanius to St. Basil | CUA, Vol. 28 (325) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (322-23) | New Advent
- Letter 342: To Libanius | CUA, Vol. 28 (326) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (323) | New Advent
- Letter 343: From Libanius to St. Basil | CUA, Vol. 28 (326) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (323) | New Advent
- Letter 344: To Libanius | CUA, Vol. 28 (327) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (323) | New Advent
- Letter 345: From Libanius to St. Basil | CUA, Vol. 28 (327-29) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (323-24) | New Advent
- Letter 346: From Libanius to St. Basil | CUA, Vol. 28 (329) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (324) | New Advent
- Letter 347: From Libanius to St. Basil | CUA, Vol. 28 (329) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (324) | New Advent
- Letter 348: To Libanius | CUA, Vol. 28 (330) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (324) | New Advent
- Letter 349: From Libanius to St. Basil | CUA, Vol. 28 (330-31) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (324) | New Advent
- Letter 350: To Libanius | CUA, Vol. 28 (331) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (324) | New Advent
- Letter 351: To Libanius | CUA, Vol. 28 (332) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (325) | New Advent
- Letter 352: From Libanius to St. Basil | CUA, Vol. 28 (332-33) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (325) | New Advent
- Letter 353: To Libanius | CUA, Vol. 28 (333) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (325) | New Advent
- Letter 354: From Libanius to St. Basil | CUA, Vol. 28 (333) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (325) | New Advent
- Letter 355: From Libanius to St. Basil | CUA, Vol. 28 (334) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (325) | New Advent
- Letter 356: To Libanius | CUA, Vol. 28 (334) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (325) | New Advent
- Letter 357: From Libanius to St. Basil | CUA, Vol. 28 (334-35) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (325) | New Advent
- Letter 358: From Libanius to St. Basil | CUA, Vol. 28 (335) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (325-26) | New Advent
- Letter 359: To Libanius | CUA, Vol. 28 (335-36) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (326) | New Advent
- Letter 360: From His Letter to Julian the Apostate | CUA, Vol. 28 (360) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (326) | New Advent
- Letter 361: To Apollinaris | CUA, Vol. 28 (337-38)
- Letter 362: From Apollinaris to St. Basil | CUA, Vol. 28 (339-41)
- Letter 363: To Apollinaris | CUA, Vol. 28 (341)
- Letter 364: From Apollinaris to St. Basil | CUA, Vol. 28 (342-43)
- Letter 365: To the Great Emperor Theodosius | CUA, Vol. 28 (343-45)
- Letter 366: To Urbicius, a Monk, Concerning Continence | CUA, Vol. 28 (345-47) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 8 (326-27) | New Advent
- Letter 367: St. Gregory to St. Basil | CUA, Vol. 28 (347)
- Letter 368: To Gregory | CUA, Vol. 28 (347)
- Letter 368 | CUA, Vol. 28 (347)
St. Pope Siricius I (334-399) | WEST
St. Gregory of Nyssa (c. 335-395) | EAST
- Refutation of the Views of Apollinarius (§§32) | CUA, Vol. 131 (91-258)
- To Theophilus, Against the Apollinarians | CUA, Vol. 131 (259-68)
- Against Eunomius (12 Books) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 5 (33-248) | New Advent
- Answer to Eunomius’ Second Book | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 5 (250-314) | New Advent
- On the Holy Spirit (Against the Followers of Macedonius) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 5 (315-25) | New Advent
- On the Holy Trinity, and of the Godhead of the Holy Spirit (To Eustathius) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 5 (326-30) | New Advent
- On “Not Three Gods” (To Ablabius) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 5 (331-36) | New Advent
- On the Faith (To Simplicius) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 5 (337-39) | New Advent
- On Virginity (§§24) | CUA, Vol. 58 (6-75) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 5 (343-71) | New Advent
- On What it Means to Call Oneself a Christian | CUA, Vol. 58 (81-89)
- On Perfection | CUA, Vol. 58 (95-122)
- On the Christian Mode of Life | CUA, Vol. 58 (127-58)
- The Life of St. Macrina | CUA, Vol. 58 (163-91)
- On Infants’ Early Deaths (§§20) | PPS, Vol. 64 (37-63) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 5 (374-81) | New Advent
- On Pilgrimages | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 5 (382-83) | New Advent
- On the Making of Man (§§30) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 5 (387-427) | New Advent
- On the Soul and the Resurrection (§§10) | CUA, Vol. 58 (198-272) | PPS, Vol. 12 (27-121) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 5 (428-68) | New Advent
- The Great Catechism (§§40) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 5 (471-509) | New Advent
- Funeral Oration on Meletius (§§9) | PPS, Vol. 64 (110-22) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 5 (513-17) | New Advent
- On the Baptism of Christ (Sermon for the Day of Lights) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 5 (518-24) | New Advent
- Catechetical Discourse (§§40) | PPS, Vol. 60 (60-157)
- A Discourse on the Dead (§§21) | PPS, Vol. 64 (1-36)
- On the “Final Subjection” to Christ (§§18) | PPS, Vol. 64 (65-85)
- An Oration on the Holy Pascha (In sanctum Pasha III) (§§21) | PPS, Vol. 64 (87-109)
- A Discourse of Consolation for the Princess Pulcheria (§§10) | PPS, Vol. 64 (124-35)
- A Funeral Oration for the Empress Flaccilla (§§12) | PPS, Vol. 64 (136-49)
- The Life of Moses (2 Books) | CWS, St. Gregory of Nyssa, Life of Moses (29-137)
Sermons on the Lord’s Prayer
- Sermon 1 | ACW, Vol. 18 (17-26)
- Sermon 2 | ACW, Vol. 18 (26-32)
- Sermon 3 | ACW, Vol. 18 (32-40)
- Sermon 4 | ACW, Vol. 18 (40-49)
- Sermon 5 | ACW, Vol. 18 (49-57)
Sermons on the Beatitudes
- Sermon 1 | ACW, Vol. 18 (58-65)
- Sermon 2 | ACW, Vol. 18 (65-71)
- Sermon 3 | ACW, Vol. 18 (71-78)
- Sermon 4 | ACW, Vol. 18 (78-87)
- Sermon 5 | ACW, Vol. 18 (87-95)
- Sermon 6 | ACW, Vol. 18 (95-102)
- Sermon 7 | ACW, Vol. 18 (102-10)
- Sermon 8 | ACW, Vol. 18 (110-16)
- Letter 1: To Eusebius | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 5 (527-28) | New Advent
- Letter 2: To the City of Sebasteia | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 5 (528-29) | New Advent
- Letter 3: To Alabius | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 5 (529-30) | New Advent
- Letter 4: To Cynegius | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 5 (530) | New Advent
- Letter 5: A Testimonial | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 5 (530-31) | New Advent
- Letter 6: To Stagirus | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 5 (531) | New Advent
- Letter 7: To a Friend | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 5 (531) | New Advent
- Letter 8: To a Student of the Classics | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 5 (531-32) | New Advent
- Letter 9: An Invitation | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 5 (532-33) | New Advent
- Letter 10: To Libanius | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 5 (533) | New Advent
- Letter 11: To Libanius | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 5 (533-34) | New Advent
- Letter 12: On His Work Against Eunomius | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 5 (534-35) | New Advent
- Letter 13: To the Church at Nicomedia | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 5 (535-38) | New Advent
- Letter 14: To the Bishop of Melitene | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 5 (538-39) | New Advent
- Letter 15: To Adelphius the Lawyer | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 5 (539-40) | New Advent
- Letter 16: To Amphilochius | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 5 (540-41) | New Advent
- Letter 17: To Eustathia, Ambrosia, and Basilissa | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 5 (542-45) | New Advent
- Letter 18: To Flavian | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 5 (545-48) | New Advent
St. Nicetas of Remesiana (c. 335-414) | WEST
- The Names and Titles of Our Savior | CUA, Vol. 7 (9-12)
- An Instruction on Faith (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 7 (13-21)
- The Power of the Holy Spirit (§§22) | CUA, Vol. 7 (23-41)
- An Explanation of the Creed (§§14) | CUA, Vol. 7 (43-53)
- The Vigils of the Saints (§§9) | CUA, Vol. 7 (55-64)
- Liturgical Singing (§§14) | CUA, Vol. 7 (65-76)
St. Ambrose of Milan (c. 340-397) | WEST
- Hexameron: Six Days of Creation (6 Books) | CUA, Vol. 42 (3-283)
- Paradise (§§77) | CUA, Vol. 42 (287-356)
- Cain and Abel (2 Books) | CUA, Vol. 42 (359-437)
- The Mysteries (§§59) | CUA, Vol. 44 (5-28) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 10 (317-25) | New Advent
- The Holy Spirit (3 Books) | CUA, Vol. 44 (35-214) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 10 (93-158) | New Advent
- The Sacrament of the Incarnation of Our Lord (§§116) | CUA, Vol. 44 (219-62)
- The Sacraments (6 Books) | CUA, Vol. 44 (269-328)
- Isaac, or the Soul (§§78) | CUA, Vol. 65 (10-65)
- Death as a Good (§§57) | CUA, Vol. 65 (70-113)
- Jacob and the Happy Life (2 Books) | CUA, Vol. 65 (119-84)
- Joseph (§§85) | CUA, Vol. 65 (189-237)
- The Patriarchs (§§59) | CUA, Vol. 65 (243-75)
- On Abraham (2 Books) | St. Ambrose of Milan, Theodosia Tomkinson, trans., On Abraham (Etna, CA: Center for Traditionalist Orthodox Studies, 2000).
- Flight from the World (§§58) | CUA, Vol. 65 (281-323)
- The Prayer of Job and David (4 Books) | CUA, Vol. 65 (329-420)
- On Noah (§§128) | CUA, Vol. 140 (29-104)
- A Defense of the Prophet David to Theodosius Augustus (§§85) | CUA, Vol. 140 (105-51)
- The Second Defense of David (§§75) | CUA, Vol. 140 (152-94)
- On the Duties of the Clergy (3 Books) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 10 (1-89) | New Advent
- On the Christian Faith (5 Books) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 10 (201-314) | New Advent
- On Repentance (2 Books) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 10 (329-59) | New Advent
- Concerning Virgins (3 Books) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 10 (363-87) | New Advent
- Concerning Widows (§§90) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 10 (391-407) | New Advent
- Memorial to Symmachus (§§18) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 10 (414-17) | New Advent
- Sermon Against Auxentius/Letter 75A (21A) (§§37) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 10 (430-36) | TTH, Vol. 43 (143-60)
Funeral Orations
- Funeral Oration: First Oration on the Death of Satyrus (§§80) | CUA, Vol. 22 (161-95) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 10 (161-73) | New Advent
- Funeral Oration: Second Oration on the Death of Satyrus: On Belief in the Resurrection (§§135) | CUA, Vol. 22 (197-259) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 10 (174-97) | New Advent
- Funeral Oration: On Emperor Valentinian (§§81) | CUA, Vol. 22 (265-99) | TTH, Vol. 43 (364-99)
- Funeral Oration: On Emperor Theodosius (§§56) (395) | CUA, Vol. 22 (307-32) | TTH, Vol. 43 (177-203)
Letters to Emperors
Two types of numbering are being used for St. Ambrose’s letters. The numbering that is not in parentheses is the new numbering (used in CUA, Vol. 26), whereas the second is the Benedictine numbering used in other volumes.
- From Emperor Gratian to St. Ambrose (§§3) | TTH, Vol. 43 (271)
- Letter 1 (1): To Emperor Gratian (March 380) | CUA, Vol. 26 (3-6) | TTH, Vol. 43 (274-77)
- Letter 2 (40): To Emperor Theodosius, on the Burning of a Synagogue (§§33) (December 388) | CUA, Vol. 26 (6-19) | TTH, Vol. 43 (96-111) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 10 (440-45) | New Advent
- Letter 3 (51): To Emperor Theodosius after the Massacre in Thessalonica (§§17) (390) | CUA, Vol. 26 (20-26) | TTH, Vol. 43 (263-69) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 10 (450-53) | New Advent
- Letter 4 (53): To Theodosius the Emperor (August 392) | CUA, Vol. 26 (26-28)
- Letter 5 (61): To Emperor Theodosius, After His Victory Over Eugenius (§§7) (September 394) | CUA, Vol. 26 (28-30) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 10 (455) | New Advent
- Letter 6 (62): To Emperor Theodosius, Urging Him to be Merciful (§§4) (September 394) | CUA, Vol. 26 (30-31) | TTH, Vol. 43 (219-20) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 10 (455-56) | New Advent
- Letter 7 (17): To Emperor Valentinian II (§§17) (Summer 384) | CUA, Vol. 26 (31-37) | TTH, Vol. 43 (63-69) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 10 (411-14) | New Advent
- Symmachus, Third Relatio to Emperor Valentinian II (384) | TTH, Vol. 43 (71-78)
- Letter 8 (18): To Emperor Valentinian II (§§39) (Autumn 384) | CUA, Vol. 26 (37-51) | TTH, Vol. 43 (80-94) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 10 (417-22) | New Advent
- Letter 9 (21): To Emperor Valentinian II (§§21) (February 386) | CUA, Vol. 26 (52-56) | TTH, Vol. 43 (136-42) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 10 (427-29) | New Advent
- Letter 10 (24): To Emperor Valentinian II (386) | CUA, Vol. 26 (57-62) | TTH, Vol. 43 (352-57)
- Letter 11 (57): To Emperor Eugenius, Reproving Him on His Policy Toward Heathen Worship (§§12) (Summer 393) | CUA, Vol. 26 (62-66) | TTH, Vol. 43 (256-61) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 10 (453-55) | New Advent
- Letter (67): To Emperor Theodosius (§§6) (394) | TTH, Vol. 43 (216-18)
Letters to Bishops
- Letter 12 (16): To Brother Anysius (383) | CUA, Vol. 26 (67-69)
- Letter 13 (91): To Brother Candidianus | CUA, Vol. 26 (70)
- Letter 14 (50): To Chromatius (c. 390) | CUA, Vol. 26 (70-76)
- Letter 15 (2): To Constantius (before Lent, 379) | CUA, Vol. 26 (76-90)
- Letter 16 (72): To Constantius | CUA, Vol. 26 (90-100)
- Letter 17 (87): To Fegadius and Delphinus, bishops | CUA, Vol. 26 (101)
- Letter 18 (3): To Felix (c. 380) | CUA, Vol. 26 (102)
- Letter 19 (4): To Felix (c. 380) | CUA, Vol. 26 (102-05)
- Letter 20 (7): To Justus (before 381) | CUA, Vol. 26 (105-15)
- Letter 21 (8): To Justus (c. 381) | CUA, Vol. 26 (115-19)
- Letter 22 (82): To Marcellus | CUA, Vol. 26 (120-24)
- Letter 23 (48): To Sabinus (c. 390) | CUA, Vol. 26 (124-27)
- Letter 24 (47): To Sabinus (c. 390) | CUA, Vol. 26 (127-29)
- Letter 25 (45): To Sabinus (spring 387) | CUA, Vol. 26 (129-34)
- Letter 26 (49): To Sabinus (c. 390) | CUA, Vol. 26 (134-36)
- Letter 27 (46): To Sabinus (c. 389) | CUA, Vol. 26 (136-43)
- Letter 28 (58): To Sabinus (c. 395) | CUA, Vol. 26 (144-49)
- Letter 29 (59): To Severus (c. 392) | CUA, Vol. 26 (149-50)
- Letter 30 (85): To Siricius | CUA, Vol. 26 (151)
- Letter 31 (86): To Siricius | CUA, Vol. 26 (152)
- Letter 32 (5): To Syagrius | CUA, Vol. 26 (152-63)
- Letter 33 (6): To Syagrius (c. 380) | CUA, Vol. 26 (163-171)
- Letter 34 (56): To Theophilus (392) | CUA, Vol. 26 (172-74) | TTH, Vol. 43 (54-56)
- Letter (56A): To the Bishops of Macedonia (§§7) (393) | TTH, Vol. 43 (58-60)
- Letter 35 (19): To Vigilius (385) | CUA, Vol. 26 (174-89)
- Letter 36 (23): To our Lords the Bishops, beloved brethren of Aemelia (386) | CUA, Vol. 26 (189-200) | TTH, Vol. 43 (281-91)
- Letter 37 (15): To Anatolius, Numerius, Severus, Philippus, Macedonius, Ammianus, Theodosius, Eutropius, Clarus, Eusebius, and Timotheus, priests of the Lord, and to all the beloved clergy and people of Thessalonica (383) | CUA, Vol. 26 (200-05)
- Letter (41): From St. Pope Siricius to a Number of Bishops (§§7) | TTH, Vol. 43 (337-39)
Synodal Letters
- Petition of a Roman Council to Emperors Gratian and Valentinian II (§§11) (378) | TTH, Vol. 43 (248-54)
- Letter 38 (9): From the Council of Aquileia to the Bishops of Vienne and Narbonne in Gaul (May 381) | CUA, Vol. 26 (207)
- Letter 39 (10): From the Council of Aquileia to Emperors Gratian, Valentinian, and Theodosius (May 381) | CUA, Vol. 26 (208-13) | TTH, Vol. 43 (222-27)
- Letter 40 (11): From the Council of Aquileia to Emperors Gratian, Valentinian, and Theodosius (May 381) | CUA, Vol. 26 (213-15) | TTH, Vol. 43 (228-30)
- Letter 41 (12): From the Council of Aquileia to Emperors Gratian, Valentinian, and Theodosius (June 381) | CUA, Vol. 26 (216-19) | TTH, Vol. 43 (234-36)
- Letter 42 (13): From Ambrose and the Bishops of Italy to Emperor Theodosius (Autumn 381) | CUA, Vol. 26 (219-22) | TTH, Vol. 43 (237-40)
- Letter 43 (14): From Ambrose and the Bishops of Italy to Emperor Theodosius (381) | CUA, Vol. 26 (223-25) | TTH, Vol. 43 (241-43)
- Letter 44 (42): From Ambrose, Sabinus, Bassianus, and others to St. Pope Siricius (c. 389) | CUA, Vol. 26 (225-30) | TTH, Vol. 43 (340-45)
Letters to Priests
- Letter 45 (70): To Horontianus (c. 387) | CUA, Vol. 26 (231-41)
- Letter 46 (71): To Horontianus | CUA, Vol. 26 (241-44)
- Letter 47 (77): To Horontianus | CUA, Vol. 26 (245-51)
- Letter 48 (78): To Horontianus | CUA, Vol. 26 (251-54)
- Letter 49 (43): To Horontianus (c. 387) | CUA, Vol. 26 (254-64)
- Letter 50 (44): To Horontianus (Spring 387) | CUA, Vol. 26 (264-72)
- Letter 51 (34): To Horontianus (c. 387) | CUA, Vol. 26 (272-76)
- Letter 52 (35): To Horontianus (c. 387) | CUA, Vol. 26 (277-83)
- Letter 53 (36): To Horontianus (c. 387) | CUA, Vol. 26 (283-85)
- Letter 54 (37): To Simplicianus (c. 386) | CUA, Vol. 26 (286-303)
- Letter 55 (38): To Simplicianus (c. 386) | CUA, Vol. 26 (303-07)
- Letter 56 (65): To Simplicianus | CUA, Vol. 26 (308-11)
- Letter 57 (67): To Simplicianus | CUA, Vol. 26 (311-16)
- Letter 58 (81): To His Clergy | CUA, Vol. 26 (317-20)
- Letter 59 (63): To the Church at Vercellae (§§113) | CUA, Vol. 26 (321-63) | TTH, Vol. 43 (296-36) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 10 (457-73) | New Advent
Letters to His Sister
- Letter 60 (20): To Marcellina, on the Arian Party (§§28) (Easter 386) | CUA, Vol. 26 (365-75) | TTH, Vol. 43 (161-73) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 10 (422-26) | New Advent
- Letter 61 (22): To Marcellina, On the Discovery of the Relics of Gervasius and Protasius (§§23) (June 20, 386) | CUA, Vol. 26 (376-84) | TTH, Vol. 43 (204-12) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 10 (436-40) | New Advent
- Letter 62 (41): To Marcellina, on the Burning of a Synagogue (§§28) (December 388) | CUA, Vol. 26 (385-97) | TTH, Vol. 43 (112-23) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 10 (445-50) | New Advent
Letters to Laymen
- Letter 63 (89): To Alypius | CUA, Vol. 26 (399)
- Letter 64 (90): To Antonius | CUA, Vol. 26 (399-400)
- Letter 65 (88): To Atticus | CUA, Vol. 26 (400)
- Letter 66 (79): To Bellicius | CUA, Vol. 26 (401-02)
- Letter 67 (80): To Bellicius | CUA, Vol. 26 (402-05)
- Letter 68 (74): To Clementianus | CUA, Vol. 26 (405-09)
- Letter 69 (75): To Clementianus | CUA, Vol. 26 (410-12)
- Letter 70 (84): To Cynegius | CUA, Vol. 26 (413)
- Letter 71 (54): To Eusebius (c. 392) | CUA, Vol. 26 (413-14)
- Letter 72 (55): To Eusebius (c. 395) | CUA, Vol. 26 (414-16)
- Letter 73 (39): To Faustinus (late 394) | CUA, Vol. 26 (416-19)
- Letter 74 (31): To Irenaeus (c. 387) | CUA, Vol. 26 (420-24)
- Letter 75 (32): To Irenaeus (c. 387) | CUA, Vol. 26 (425-28)
- Letter 76 (33): To Irenaeus (c. 387) | CUA, Vol. 26 (428-31)
- Letter 77 (64): To Irenaeus | CUA, Vol. 26 (432-35)
- Letter 78 (69): To Irenaeus | CUA, Vol. 26 (435-37)
- Letter 79 (29): To Irenaeus (Summer 393) | CUA, Vol. 26 (437-47)
- Letter 80 (30): To Irenaeus (c. 387) | CUA, Vol. 26 (448-54)
- Letter 81 (28): To Irenaeus (c. 387) | CUA, Vol. 26 (454-58)
- Letter 82 (27): To Irenaeus (c. 387) | CUA, Vol. 26 (458-63)
- Letter 83 (73): To Irenaeus | CUA, Vol. 26 (464-68)
- Letter 84 (26): To Irenaeus | CUA, Vol. 26 (468-74)
- Letter 85 (76): To Irenaeus | CUA, Vol. 26 (475-80)
- Letter 86 (60): To Paternus (early 393) | CUA, Vol. 26 (481-84)
- Letter 87 (66): To Romulus | CUA, Vol. 26 (484-87)
- Letter 88 (68): To Romulus | CUA, Vol. 26 (488)
- Letter 89 (83): To Sisinnius | CUA, Vol. 26 (489-92)
- Letter 90 (25): To Studius | CUA, Vol. 26 (492-94)
- Letter 91 (52): To Titianus (October 392) | CUA, Vol. 26 (494-95)
St. Jerome (c. 342/347-420) | EAST/WEST
- Preface to the Chronicle of Eusebius (§§3) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (483-84) | New Advent
- Preface to the Translation of Origen’s Two Homilies on the Song of Songs | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (485) | New Advent
- Preface to the Book on Hebrew Names | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (485) | New Advent
- Preface to the Book of the Sites and Names of Hebrew Places | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (485-86) | New Advent
- Preface to the Book of Hebrew Questions | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (486-87) | New Advent
- Preface to the Commentary on Ecclesiastes | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (487) | New Advent
- Preface to the Vulgate Four Gospels | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (487-88) | New Advent
- Preface to the Vulgate Genesis (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (488-89) | New Advent
- Preface to the Vulgate Joshua, Judges, and Ruth (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (489)
- Preface to the Vulgate Books of Samuel and Kings | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (489-90)
- Preface to the Vulgate Books of Chronicles (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (490)
- Preface to the Vulgate Ezra and Nehemiah (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (490)
- Preface to the Vulgate Esther (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (491)
- Preface to the Vulgate Job | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (491-92)
- Preface to the Vulgate Psalms (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (492)
- Preface to the Vulgate Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Songs | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (492)
- Preface to Origen’s Homilies on the Song of Songs, to St. Pope Damasus | ACW, Vol. 26 (265)
- Preface to the Vulgate Isaiah (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (492)
- Preface to the Vulgate Jeremiah and Ezekiel (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (492)
- Preface to the Vulgate Daniel | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (492-93)
- Preface to the Vulgate Twelve Minor Prophets (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (493)
- Preface to Chronicles (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (494)
- Preface to Job (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (494)
- Preface to Psalms | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (494)
- Preface to Books of Solomon (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (494)
- Preface to Books of Tobit and Judith (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (494)
- Preface to the Commentary on Matthew | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (495-96)
- Preface to Translation of Origen on St. Luke | CUA, Vol. 94 (3-4) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (496)
- Preface to the Commentary on Galatians | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (496-98)
- Preface to the Commentary on Ephesians (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (498)
- Preface to the Commentary on Philemon (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (498)
- Preface to the Commentary on Titus (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (498)
- Preface to the Commentary on Isaiah (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (498)
- Preface to the Commentary on Jeremiah | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (499)
- Preface to the Commentary on Ezekiel | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (499-500)
- Preface to Origen’s Homilies on Ezekiel (§§2) | ACW, Vol. 62 (23-24)
- Preface to the Commentary on Daniel (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (500)
- Preface to the Commentary on Hosea (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (501)
- Preface to the Commentary on Joel (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (501)
- Preface to the Commentary on Amos | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (501)
- Preface to the Commentary on Obadiah (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (501)
- Preface to the Commentary on Jonah (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (501)
- Preface to the Commentary on Micah (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (501)
- Preface to the Commentary on Nahum (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (501)
- Preface to the Commentary on Zephaniah (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (502)
- Preface to the Commentary on Haggai (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (502)
- Preface to the Commentary on Zechariah (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (502)
- Preface to the Commentary on Malachi (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (502)
- Preface to the Book of Didymus on the Holy Spirit | PPS, Vol. 43 (139-41)
Biblical Commentaries
- Commentary on Ecclesiastes (§§12) | ACW, Vol. 66 (33-134)
- Commentary on Isaiah (18 Books) | ACW, Vol. 68 (67-880)
- Commentary on Jeremiah | ACT, Commentary on Jeremiah, Jerome (1-218)
- Commentary on Ezekiel (14 Books) | ACW, Vol. 71 (15-588)
- Commentary on Daniel | St. Jerome, Gleason L. Archer, trans., Jerome’s Commentary on Daniel (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2009), 15-157.
- Commentary on Hosea | ACT, Commentaries on the Twelve Prophets, Jerome, Vol. 2 (148-261)
- Commentary on Joel | ACT, Commentaries on the Twelve Prophets, Jerome, Vol. 2 (262-300)
- Commentary on Amos | ACT, Commentaries on the Twelve Prophets, Jerome, Vol. 2 (301-97)
- Commentary on Obadiah | ACT, Commentaries on the Twelve Prophets, Jerome, Vol. 1 (276-94)
- Commentary on Jonah | ACT, Commentaries on the Twelve Prophets, Jerome, Vol. 1 (244-75)
- Commentary on Micah | ACT, Commentaries on the Twelve Prophets, Jerome, Vol. 1 (40-113)
- Commentary on Nahum | ACT, Commentaries on the Twelve Prophets, Jerome, Vol. 1 (1-39)
- Commentary on Habakkuk | ACT, Commentaries on the Twelve Prophets, Jerome, Vol. 1 (185-243)
- Commentary on Zephaniah | ACT, Commentaries on the Twelve Prophets, Jerome, Vol. 1 (114-58)
- Commentary on Haggai | ACT, Commentaries on the Twelve Prophets, Jerome, Vol. 1 (159-84)
- Commentary on Zechariah | ACT, Commentaries on the Twelve Prophets, Jerome, Vol. 2 (1-115)
- Commentary on Malachi | ACT, Commentaries on the Twelve Prophets, Jerome, Vol. 2 (116-47)
- Commentary on Matthew (4 Books) | CUA, Vol. 117 (51-328)
- Commentary on Galatians (3 Books) | CUA, Vol. 121 (55-268) | St. Jerome, Scheck, Commentaries on Galatians, Titus, and Philemon (47-275)
- Commentary on Titus | St. Jerome, Scheck, Commentaries on Galatians, Titus, and Philemon (277-349)
- Commentary on Philemon (§§25) | St. Jerome, Scheck, Commentaries on Galatians, Titus, and Philemon (351-82)
- Pseudo-Jerome, Handbook on the Apocalypse of the Apostle John | Gumerlock, Latin Commentaries on the Apocalypse (21-36) | Gumerlock, Seven Seals of the Apocalypse (51-52) [Apoc. 5-6]
- Lives of Illustrious Men (§§135) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (360-84) | New Advent
- The Life of St. Paul, the First Hermit ((§§18) | CUA, Vol. 15 (225-38)
- The Life of St. Hilarion of Gaza (§§47) | CUA, Vol. 15 (245-80) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (303-15) | New Advent
- The Life of Malchus, the Captive Monk (§§10) | CUA, Vol. 15 (287-97) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (315-18) | New Advent
- Homily 1: On Psalm 1 | CUA, Vol. 48 (3-14)
- Homily 2: On Psalm 5 | CUA, Vol. 48 (15-24)
- Homily 3: On Psalm 7 | CUA, Vol. 48 (25-34)
- Homily 4: On Psalm 9 (9A, 9B) | CUA, Vol. 48 (35-37)
- Homily 5: On Psalm 14 (15) | CUA, Vol. 48 (38-42)
- Homily 6: On Psalm 66 (67) | CUA, Vol. 48 (43-49)
- Homily 7: On Psalm 67 (68) | CUA, Vol. 48 (50-59)
- Homily 8: On Psalm 74 (75) | CUA, Vol. 48 (60-61)
- Homily 9: On Psalm 75 (76) | CUA, Vol. 48 (62-67)
- Homily 10: On Psalm 76 (77) | CUA, Vol. 48 (68-78)
- Homily 11: On Psalm 77 | CUA, Vol. 48 (79-89)
- Homily 12: On Psalm 78 | CUA, Vol. 48 (90-92)
- Homily 13: On Psalm 80 (81) | CUA, Vol. 48 (93-101)
- Homily 14: On Psalm 81 (82) | CUA, Vol. 48 (102-10)
- Homily 15: On Psalm 82 (83) | CUA, Vol. 48 (111-17)
- Homily 16: On Psalm 83 (84) | CUA, Vol. 48 (118-26)
- Homily 17: On Psalm 84 (85) | CUA, Vol. 48 (127-34)
- Homily 18: On Psalm 86 (87) | CUA, Vol. 48 (135-45)
- Homily 19: On Psalm 89 (90) | CUA, Vol. 48 (146-55)
- Homily 20: On Psalm 90 (91) | CUA, Vol. 48 (156-63)
- Homily 21: On Psalm 91 (92) | CUA, Vol. 48 (164-73)
- Homily 22: On Psalm 93 (94) | CUA, Vol. 48 (174-82)
- Homily 23: On Psalm 95 (96) | CUA, Vol. 48 (183-90)
- Homily 24: On Psalm 96 (97) | CUA, Vol. 48 (191-96)
- Homily 25: On Psalm 97 (98) | CUA, Vol. 48 (197-203)
- Homily 26: On Psalm 98 (99) | CUA, Vol. 48 (204-12)
- Homily 27: On Psalm 100 (101) | CUA, Vol. 48 (213-15)
- Homily 28: On Psalm 101 (102) | CUA, Vol. 48 (216-18)
- Homily 29: On Psalm 102 (103) | CUA, Vol. 48 (219-21)
- Homily 30: On Psalm 103 (104) | CUA, Vol. 48 (222-29)
- Homily 31: On Psalm 104 (105) | CUA, Vol. 48 (230-33)
- Homily 32: On Psalm 105 (106) | CUA, Vol. 48 (234-37)
- Homily 33: On Psalm 106 (107) | CUA, Vol. 48 (238-44)
- Homily 34: On Psalm 107 (108) | CUA, Vol. 48 (245-54)
- Homily 35: On Psalm 108 (109) | CUA, Vol. 48 (255-69)
- Homily 36: On Psalm 109 (110) | CUA, Vol. 48 (270-79)
- Homily 37: On Psalm 110 (111) | CUA, Vol. 48 (280)
- Homily 38: On Psalm 111 (112) | CUA, Vol. 48 (281-85)
- Homily 39: On Psalm 114 (116A) | CUA, Vol. 48 (286-92)
- Homily 40: On Psalm 115 (116B) | CUA, Vol. 48 (293-99)
- Homily 41: On Psalm 119 (120) | CUA, Vol. 48 (300-15)
- Homily 42: On Psalm 127 (128) | CUA, Vol. 48 (316-24)
- Homily 43: On Psalm 128 (129) | CUA, Vol. 48 (325-28)
- Homily 44: On Psalm 131 (132) | CUA, Vol. 48 (329-32)
- Homily 45: On Psalm 132 (133) | CUA, Vol. 48 (333-40)
- Homily 46: On Psalm 133 (134) | CUA, Vol. 48 (341-52)
- Homily 47: On Psalm 135 (136) | CUA, Vol. 48 (353-56)
- Homily 48: On Psalm 136 (137) | CUA, Vol. 48 (357-60)
- Homily 49: On Psalm 137 (138) | CUA, Vol. 48 (361-62)
- Homily 50: On Psalm 139 (140) | CUA, Vol. 48 (363-64)
- Homily 51: On Psalm 140 (141) | CUA, Vol. 48 (365-73)
- Homily 52: On Psalm 141 (142) | CUA, Vol. 48 (374-76)
- Homily 53: On Psalm 142 (143) | CUA, Vol. 48 (377-79)
- Homily 54: On Psalm 143 (144) | CUA, Vol. 48 (380-91)
- Homily 55: On Psalm 145 (146) | CUA, Vol. 48 (392-99)
- Homily 56: On Psalm 146 (147A) | CUA, Vol. 48 (400-07)
- Homily 57: On Psalm 147 (147B) | CUA, Vol. 48 (408-15)
- Homily 58: On Psalm 148 | CUA, Vol. 48 (416-23)
- Homily 59: On Psalm 149 | CUA, Vol. 48 (424-29)
- Homily 60: On Psalm 10 | CUA, Vol. 57 (3-13)
- Homily 61: On Psalm 15 | CUA, Vol. 57 (14-37)
- Homily 62: On Psalm 82 | CUA, Vol. 57 (38-43)
- Homily 63: On Psalm 83 | CUA, Vol. 57 (44-49)
- Homily 64: On Psalm 84 | CUA, Vol. 57 (50-55)
- Homily 65: On Psalm 87 | CUA, Vol. 57 (56-61)
- Homily 66: On Psalm 88 | CUA, Vol. 57 (62-74)
- Homily 67: On Psalm 89 | CUA, Vol. 57 (75-81)
- Homily 68: On Psalm 90 | CUA, Vol. 57 (82-87)
- Homily 69: On Psalm 91 | CUA, Vol. 57 (88-94)
- Homily 70: On Psalm 92 | CUA, Vol. 57 (95-99)
- Homily 71: On Psalm 93 | CUA, Vol. 57 (100-06)
- Homily 72: On Psalm 95 | CUA, Vol. 57 (107-08)
- Homily 73: On Psalm 96 | CUA, Vol. 57 (109-16)
- Homily 74: On Psalm 93 on Easter | CUA, Vol. 57 (117)
- Homily 75: On Mark 1:1-12 | CUA, Vol. 57 (121-31)
- Homily 76: On Mark 1:13-31 | CUA, Vol. 57 (132-47)
- Homily 77: On Mark 5:30-43 | CUA, Vol. 57 (148-51)
- Homily 78: On Mark 8:1-9 | CUA, Vol. 57 (152-53)
- Homily 79: On Mark 8:22-26 | CUA, Vol. 57 (154-58)
- Homily 80: On Mark 9:1-7 | CUA, Vol. 57 (159-68)
- Homily 81: On Mark 11:1-10 | CUA, Vol. 57 (169-72)
- Homily 82: On Mark 11:11-14 | CUA, Vol. 57 (173-78)
- Homily 83: On Mark 11:15-17 | CUA, Vol. 57 (179-85)
- Homily 84: On Mark 13:32-33 and 14:3-6 | CUA, Vol. 57 (186-92)
- Homily 85: On Matthew 18:7-9 | CUA, Vol. 57 (195-99)
- Homily 86: On Luke on Lazarus and Dives 16:19-31 | CUA, Vol. 57 (200-11)
- Homily 87: On John 1:1-14 | CUA, Vol. 57 (212-20)
- Homily 88: On the Nativity of the Lord | CUA, Vol. 57 (221-28)
- Homily 89: On the Epiphany, the Baptism of the Lord, and Psalm 28 | CUA, Vol. 57 (229-32)
- Homily 90: On Lent | CUA, Vol. 57 (233-35)
- Homily 91: On Exodus, the Vigil of the Pasch | CUA, Vol. 57 (236-42)
- Homily 92: On Psalm 41, to the Neophytes | CUA, Vol. 57 (243-46)
- Homily 93: On Easter Sunday | CUA, Vol. 57 (247-50)
- Homily 94: On Easter Sunday | CUA, Vol. 57 (251-54)
- Homily 95: On Obedience | CUA, Vol. 57 (255-59)
- Homily 96: On the Persecution of the Martyrs | CUA, Vol. 57 (260-64)
Other Works
- Apology Against Rufinus (3 Books) (402) | CUA, Vol. 53 (59-220) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (483-541) | New Advent
- Apology Against Rufinus (3 Books) (402) | CUA, Vol. 15 (225-38) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (299-303) | New Advent
- The Dialogue Against the Luciferians (§§28) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (320-34) | New Advent
- The Perpetual Virginity of Blessed Mary: Against Helvidius (§§24) | CUA, Vol. 53 (3-43) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (334-46) | New Advent
- Against Jovinianus (2 Books) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (346-416) | New Advent
- Against Vigilantius (§§17) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (417-23) | New Advent
- To Pammachius, Against John of Jerusalem (§§44) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (425-47) | New Advent
- Against the Pelagians: A Dialogue Between Atticus the Catholic, and Critobulus the Heretic (3 Books) | CUA, Vol. 53 (223-378) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (448-83) | New Advent
- Letter 1 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (1-4) | New Advent
- Letter 2 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (4) | New Advent
- Letter 3 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (4-6) | New Advent
- Letter 4 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (6-7) | New Advent
- Letter 5 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (7-8) | New Advent
- Letter 6 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (8) | New Advent
- Letter 7 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (8-10) | New Advent
- Letter 8 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (10) | New Advent
- Letter 9 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (10-11) | New Advent
- Letter 10 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (11-12) | New Advent
- Letter 11 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (12) | New Advent
- Letter 12 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (12-13) | New Advent
- Letter 13 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (13) | New Advent
- Letter 14 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (13-18) | New Advent
- Letter 15 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (18-20) | New Advent
- Letter 16 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (20) | New Advent
- Letter 17 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (20-21) | New Advent
- Letter 18: To St. Pope Damasus | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (22) | New Advent
- Letter 18A: To St. Pope Damasus (§§16) | CUA, Vol. 147 (60-81) | ACW, Vol. 68 (930-43)
- Letter 18B: To St. Pope Damasus (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 147 (81-86) | ACW, Vol. 68 (943-47)
- Letter 19: St. Pope Damasus to Jerome | CUA, Vol. 147 (88)
- Letter 20: To St. Pope Damasus (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 147 (90-94)
- Letter 21: To St. Pope Damasus (§§42) | CUA, Vol. 147 (97-123)
- Letter 22 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (22-41) | New Advent
- Letter 23 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (41-42) | New Advent
- Letter 24 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (42-43) | New Advent
- Letter 25: To Marcella (§§2) | CUA, Vol. 147 (126-27)
- Letter 26: To Marcella (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 147 (128-30)
- Letter 27: To Marcella (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 147 (133-35) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (43-44) | New Advent
- Letter 28: To Marcella (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 147 (137-40)
- Letter 29: To Marcella (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 147 (142-50)
- Letter 30: To Paula (§§14) | CUA, Vol. 147 (152-56)
- Letter 31 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (45) | New Advent
- Letter 32 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (45-46) | New Advent
- Letter 33 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (46) | New Advent
- Letter 34: To Marcella (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 147 (158-62) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (47) | New Advent
- Letter 35: From St. Pope Damasus to St. Jerome (§§2) | CUA, Vol. 147 (166-68)
- Letter 36: To St. Pope Damasus (§§17) | CUA, Vol. 147 (171-86)
- Letter 37: To Marcella (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 147 (188-91)
- Letter 38 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (47-49) | New Advent
- Letter 39 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (49-54) | New Advent
- Letter 40 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (54-55) | New Advent
- Letter 41 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (55-56) | New Advent
- Letter 42: To Marcella, On the unforgivable blasphemy against the Holy Spirit (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 147 (193-95) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (56-57) | New Advent
- Letter 43 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (57-58) | New Advent
- Letter 44 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (58) | New Advent
- Letter 45 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (58-60) | New Advent
- Letter 46 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (60-65) | New Advent
- Letter 47 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (65-66) | New Advent
- Letter 48 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (66-79) | New Advent
- Letter 49 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (79-80) | New Advent
- Letter 50 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (80-82) | New Advent
- Letter 51 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (83-89) | New Advent
- Letter 52 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (89-96) | New Advent
- Letter 53: To Paulinus (§§11) | CUA, Vol. 147 (197-216) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (96-102) | New Advent
- Letter 54 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (102-09) | New Advent
- Letter 55: To Amandus (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 147 (218-24) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (109-12) | New Advent
- Letter 56: From St. Augustine to St. Jerome (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 147 (226-32)
- Letter 57 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (112-19) | New Advent
- Letter 58 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (119-23) | New Advent
- Letter 59: To Marcella (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 147 (234-39)
- Letter 60 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (123-31) | New Advent
- Letter 61 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (131-33) | New Advent
- Letter 62 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (133-34) | New Advent
- Letter 63 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (134) | New Advent
- Letter 64: To Fabiola (§§22) | CUA, Vol. 147 (242-67)
- Letter 65: To the Virgin Principia, An Explanation of Psalm 44 (§§22) | CUA, Vol. 147 (270-98)
- Letter 66 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (134-40) | New Advent
- Letter 67 (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (140) | New Advent
- Letter 68 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (140-41) | New Advent
- Letter 69 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (141-48) | New Advent
- Letter 70 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (149-51) | New Advent
- Letter 71 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (151-54) | New Advent
- Letter 72: To Vitalis the Priest (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 147 (300-305)
- Letter 73: To Evangelus the Priest Concerning Melchizedek (§§10) | CUA, Vol. 147 (308-16)
- Letter 74: To Rufinus, Concerning the Judgment of Solomon (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 147 (318-24)
- Letter 75 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (154-56) | New Advent
- Letter 76 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (156-57) | New Advent
- Letter 77 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (157-63) | New Advent
- Letter 78: To Fabiola, On the Stages of the Sons of Israel Through the Desert (§§43) | CUA, Vol. 147 (329-76)
- Letter 79 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (163-68) | New Advent
- Letter 80 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (168-70) | New Advent
- Letter 81 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (170) | New Advent
- Letter 82 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (170-75) | New Advent
- Letter 83 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (175) | New Advent
- Letter 84 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (175-81) | New Advent
- Letter 85: To the Priest Paulinus (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 148 (4-7) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (181-82) | New Advent
- Letter 86 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (182-83) | New Advent
- Letter 87 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (183) | New Advent
- Letter 88 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (183) | New Advent
- Letter 89 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (183-84) | New Advent
- Letter 90 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (184 | New Advent
- Letter 91 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (184-85) | New Advent
- Letter 92 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (185-86) | New Advent
- Letter 93 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (186) | New Advent
- Letter 94 (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (186) | New Advent
- Letter 95 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (186) | New Advent
- Letter 96 (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (186) | New Advent
- Letter 97 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (186-88) | New Advent
- Letter 98 (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (188) | New Advent
- Letter 99 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (188) | New Advent
- Letter 100 (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (189) | New Advent
- Letter 101 (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (189) | New Advent
- Letter 102 (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (189) | New Advent
- Letter 103 (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (189) | New Advent
- Letter 104 (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (189) | New Advent
- Letter 105 (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (189) | New Advent
- Letter 106 To Sunnia and Fretela | CUA, Vol. 148 ()
- Letter 107 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (189-95) | New Advent
- Letter 108 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (195-12) | New Advent
- Letter 109 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (212-14) | New Advent
- Letter 110 (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (214) | New Advent
- Letter 111 (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (214) | New Advent
- Letter 112: To St. Augustine | CUA, Vol. 148 ()
- Letter 113 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (214) | New Advent
- Letter 114 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (214-15) | New Advent
- Letter 115 (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (215) | New Advent
- Letter 116 (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (215) | New Advent
- Letter 117 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (215-20) | New Advent
- Letter 118 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (220-24) | New Advent
- Letter 119 To Minervius and Alexander | CUA, Vol. 148 ()
- Letter 120: To Hedibia (§§10) | CUA, Vol. 148 (125-70) | ACW, Vol. 68 (949-53) | New Advent
- Letter 121: To Algasia, a Book Covering Eleven Question (§§11) | CUA, Vol. 148 (172-230)
- Letter 122 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (225-29) | New Advent
- Letter 123 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (230-38) | New Advent
- Letter 124 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (238-44) | New Advent
- Letter 125 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (244-52) | New Advent
- Letter 126 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (252-53) | New Advent
- Letter 127 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (253-58) | New Advent
- Letter 128 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (258-60) | New Advent
- Letter 129: To Dardanus Concerning the Promised Land (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 148 (232-43)
- Letter 130: To Demetrias (§§20) | CUA, Vol. 148 (247-82) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (260-72) | New Advent
- Letter 131 (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (272) | New Advent
- Letter 132 (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (272) | New Advent
- Letter 133 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (272-80) | New Advent
- Letter 134 (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (280) | New Advent
- Letter 135 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (280) | New Advent
- Letter 136 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (280-81) | New Advent
- Letter 137 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (281) | New Advent
- Letter 138 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (281-82) | New Advent
- Letter 139 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (282) | New Advent
- Letter 140: To Cyprian the Priest on Psalm 89 (90) (§§21) | CUA, Vol. 148 (284-303)
- Letter 141 (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (282) | New Advent
- Letter 142 (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (282) | New Advent
- Letter 143 (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (282) | New Advent
- Letter 144 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (283-87) | New Advent
- Letter 145 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (287-88) | New Advent
- Letter 146 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (288-89) | New Advent
- Letter 147 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (289-95) | New Advent
- Letter 148 (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (295) | New Advent
- Letter 149 (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (295) | New Advent
- Letter 150 (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 6 (295) | New Advent
St. Pope Anastasius I (died 401) | WEST
- Letter: To John, Bishop of Jerusalem, on Rufinus (§§6) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (432-33) | New Advent
St. Chromatius of Aquileia (died c. 406/407) | WEST
- Sermon 1: On the Healing of the Lame Man (Acts 3-4) (§§7) | ACW, Vol. 75 (17-20)
- Sermon 2: On Simon the Magician (Acts 8:9-18) and on the Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8:26-40) (§§8) | ACW, Vol. 75 (20-24)
- Sermon 3: On Cornelius the Centurion and Simon Peter (Acts 10) (§§8) | ACW, Vol. 75 (24-28)
- Sermon 4: On the Merchants Expelled from the Temple (Matt. 21:12-13; John 2:13-21) (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 75 (28-30)
- Sermon 5: On the Lord’s Words, “blessed are the poor in spirit” (Matt. 5:3; Luke 6:20) (§§5) | ACW, Vol. 75 (30-32)
- Sermon 6: On the Lord’s Words, “your eye is the lamp of your body” (Matt. 6:22-23) and “No one can serve two masters” (Matt. 6:24) (§§5) | ACW, Vol. 75 (33-35)
- Sermon 7: A Fragment of a Sermon for the Feast Day of the Martyrs Felix and Fortunatus | ACW, Vol. 75 (35)
- Sermon 8: On the Feast of the Lord’s Ascension (Acts 1:9-10) (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 75 (35-38)
- Sermon 9: On Psalm 14:1, 7; on “their throat is an open grave” (Ps. 5:9); on “the poison of asps” (Ps. 140:3) (§§6) | ACW, Vol. 75 (38-42)
- Sermon 10: On the Parable of the Marriage Feast (Matt. 22:1-13) (§§6) | ACW, Vol. 75 (42-44)
- Sermon 11: On the Woman Who Anointed the Lord’s Feet (John 12:1-8; Matt. 26:6-13) (§§5) | ACW, Vol. 75 (44-47)
- Sermon 12: On the Epistle to the Romans (Rom. 3:24; 5:9; 14:2) (§§8) | ACW, Vol. 75 (48-52)
- Sermon 13: A Fragment of a Sermon on the Lord’s Words: “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets” (Matt. 23:37) (§§2) | ACW, Vol. 75 (52-53)
- Sermon 14: On the Healing of the Paralytic (John 5:2-18) and on Baptism (§§5) | ACW, Vol. 75 (53-55)
- Sermon 15: On the Lord’s Washing the Feet of the Disciples (John 13:1-20) (§§6) | ACW, Vol. 75 (56-59)
- Sermon 16: First Sermon for the Great Night, the Lord’s Vigil (Ex. 12:42) (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 75 (59-61)
- Sermon 17: Second Sermon for the Great Night, the Lord’s Vigil (Deut. 28:66; Ex. 12:2) (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 75 (62-64)
- Sermon 17A: On the Passion of Christ and the Passover (Luke 22:15; 1 Cor. 5:7-8) (§§2) | ACW, Vol. 75 (64-65)
- Sermon 18: On Nicodemus and Baptism (John 3:1-15) (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 75 (65-67)
- Sermon 18A: A Fragment of a Sermon on Baptism and the Holy Spirit (John 3:5-6) | ACW, Vol. 75 (67-68)
- Sermon 19: On the Lord’s Passion (Matt. 27:27-34) (§§7) | ACW, Vol. 75 (68-72)
- Sermon 20: A Fragment of a Sermon on the Passion (Matt. 27:7) | ACW, Vol. 75 (72-73)
- Sermon 21: First Sermon on Saint John the Evangelist and Apostle (Apoc. 1:9-11; 10:9-11; John 21:22) (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 75 (73-75)
- Sermon 22: Second Sermon on Saint John the Evangelist (Mark 5:37; Matt. 17:1-8; John 19:26-27; 20:2-4) (§§5) | ACW, Vol. 75 (76-77)
- Sermon 23: On Cain and Abel (Gen. 4) (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 75 (77-80)
- Sermon 24: On the Holy Patriarch Joseph (Gen. 37-41) (§§5) | ACW, Vol. 75 (80-82)
- Sermon 25: On the Holy Prophet Elijah (1 Kings 17-18) (§§6) | ACW, Vol. 75 (83-86)
- Sermon 26: Sermon for the Dedication of the Church of Concordia; on the Relics of John the Baptist, John the Evangelist, Andrew, Thomas, and Luke (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 75 (87-90)
- Sermon 27: On the Resurrection of Lazarus (John 11) (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 75 (90-93)
- Sermon 28: On the Blessed Apostle Paul’s Words: “Do you not know that those who run in a race” (1 Cor. 9:24-25) (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 75 (93-95)
- Sermon 29: A Fragment of a Sermon on Peter’s Deliverance from Prison (Acts 12:1-17) (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 75 (95-97)
- Sermon 30: On the Beginning of the Newly Born Church (Acts 1:12-14) (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 75 (97-99)
- Sermon 31: On the Apostles Speaking in Tongues and Performing Miracles (Acts 2:1-13; 3:1-10; 4:32; 5:15-16; 9:31-43; Jer. 8:22) (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 75 (99-102)
- Sermon 32: On the Lord’s Birth (Luke 2:1-14) (§§5) | ACW, Vol. 75 (102-06)
- Sermon 33: On the Meaning of Hallelujah and of Living Faithful in the Church (§§5) | ACW, Vol. 75 (106-10)
- Sermon 34: A Fragment of a Sermon on the Lord’s Epiphany (Luke 3:22; Matt. 3:17; 17:5) (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 75 (110-11)
- Sermon 35: A Fragment of a Sermon on Susanna (Dan. 13) (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 75 (111-12)
- Sermon 36: A Fragment of a Sermon on Praising God (Ps. 113:1) | ACW, Vol. 75 (113)
- Sermon 37: A Fragment of a Sermon on the Stilling of the Storm (Matt. 8:23-27) (§§2) | ACW, Vol. 75 (113-14)
- Sermon 38: A Fragment of a Sermon on God’s Making Tunics of Skin for Adam and Eve (Gen. 3:21-23) (§§2) | ACW, Vol. 75 (114-15)
- Sermon 39: Fragments of a Sermon on the Beatitudes (Matt. 5:1-9) | ACW, Vol. 75 (115-16)
- Sermon 40: Preface to the Lord’s Prayer (Luke 11:1; Matt. 6:6, 9, 9-13) (§§2) | ACW, Vol. 75 (117-18)
- Sermon 41: On the Eight Beatitudes (Matt. 5:1-12) (§§10) | ACW, Vol. 75 (118-23)
- Sermon 42: A Doubtful Fragment of a Sermon on the Suffering of Saint Peter (John 21:15-19) | ACW, Vol. 75 (123-24)
Tractates on Matthew
- Preface: On the Prefiguration of the Four Gospels in Scripture (Luke 1:2; Ezek. 1:10; Apoc. 4:7; Zech. 6:1-8) (§§12) | ACW, Vol. 75 (125-31)
- Tractate 1: On Matt. 1:1-17 (§§6) | ACW, Vol. 75 (131-36)
- Tractate 2: On Matt. 1:18-23 (§§6) | ACW, Vol. 75 (136-41)
- Tractate 3: On Matt. 1:24-25 (§§2) | ACW, Vol. 75 (141-43)
- Tractate 4: On Matt. 2:1-9 (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 75 (143-46)
- Tractate 5: On Matt. 2:10-12 (§§2) | ACW, Vol. 75 (147-49)
- Tractate 6: On Matt. 2:13-18 (§§2) | ACW, Vol. 75 (149-51)
- Tractate 7: On Matt. 2:19-23 (§§2) | ACW, Vol. 75 (151-53)
- Tractate 8: On Matt. 3:1-3 | ACW, Vol. 75 (153-54)
- Tractate 9: On Matt. 3:4 (§§2) | ACW, Vol. 75 (154-57)
- Tractate 10: On Matt. 3:5-9 (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 75 (157-59)
- Tractate 11: On Matt. 3:10-12 (§§6) | ACW, Vol. 75 (159-63)
- Tractate 12: On Matt. 3:13-15 (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 75 (163-65)
- Tractate 13: On Matt. 3:16-17 (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 75 (165-66)
- Tractate 14: On Matt. 4:1-11 (§§7) | ACW, Vol. 75 (166-73)
- Tractate 15: On Matt. 4:12-17 (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 75 (173-75)
- Tractate 16: On Matt. 4:18-25 (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 75 (175-78)
- Tractate 17: On Matt. 5:1-12 (§§9) | ACW, Vol. 75 (178-85)
- Tractate 18: On Matt. 5:13 (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 75 (185-89)
- Tractate 19: On Matt. 5:14-16 (§§5) | ACW, Vol. 75 (189-93)
- Tractate 20: On Matt. 5:17-20 (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 75 (193-95)
- Tractate 21: On Matt. 5:21-24 (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 75 (195-97)
- Tractate 22: On Matt. 5:25-26 (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 75 (197-99)
- Tractate 23: On Matt. 5:27-30 (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 75 (199-202)
- Tractate 24: On Matt. 5:31-37 (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 75 (202-05)
- Tractate 25: On Matt. 5:38-42 (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 75 (205-07)
- Tractate 26: On Matt. 5:43-6:4 (§§5) | ACW, Vol. 75 (208-10)
- Tractate 27: On Matt. 6:5-8 (§§2) | ACW, Vol. 75 (210-12)
- Tractate 28: On Matt. 6:9-15 (§§6) | ACW, Vol. 75 (212-17)
- Tractate 29: On Matt. 6:16-18 (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 75 (217-19)
- Tractate 30: On Matt. 6:19-21 (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 75 (220-21)
- Tractate 31: On Matt. 6:22-24 (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 75 (221-24)
- Tractate 32: On Matt. 6:25-34 (§§8) | ACW, Vol. 75 (224-30)
- Tractate 33: On Matt. 7:1-12 (§§8) | ACW, Vol. 75 (230-35)
- Tractate 34: On Matt. 7:13-14 (§§2) | ACW, Vol. 75 (235-36)
- Tractate 35: On Matt. 7:15-20 (§§8) | ACW, Vol. 75 (236-41)
- Tractate 36: On Matt. 7:21-23 | ACW, Vol. 75 (241)
- Tractate 37: (critical edition skips from 36 to 38) | ACW, Vol. 75 (241)
- Tractate 38: On Matt. 8:2-24 (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 75 (241-44)
- Tractate 39: On Matt. 8:5-13 (§§2) | ACW, Vol. 75 (244-47)
- Tractate 40: On Matt. 8:14-17 (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 75 (247-49)
- Tractate 41: On Matt. 8:18-22 (§§10) | ACW, Vol. 75 (249-56)
- Tractate 42: On Matt. 8:23-27 (§§6) | ACW, Vol. 75 (256-60)
- Tractate 43: On Matt. 8:28-34 (§§8) | ACW, Vol. 75 (260-64)
- Tractate 44: On Matt. 9:1-8 (§§5) | ACW, Vol. 75 (265-67)
- Tractate 45: On Matt. 9:9-13 (§§5) | ACW, Vol. 75 (267-70)
- Tractate 46: On Matt. 9:14-17 (§§6) | ACW, Vol. 75 (271-74)
- Tractate 47: On Matt. 9:18-26 (§§7) | ACW, Vol. 75 (274-80)
- Tractate 48: On Matt. 9:27-31 (§§2) | ACW, Vol. 75 (280-82)
- Tractate 49: On Matt. 12:22-28 (§§5) | ACW, Vol. 75 (283-86)
- Tractate 50: On Matt. 12:29-32 (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 75 (287-90)
- Tractate 51: On Matt. 13:36-43 (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 75 (290-93)
- Tractate 52: On Matt. 14:22-23 (§§8) | ACW, Vol. 75 (293-99)
- Tractate 53: On Matt. 15:1-16 (§§8) | ACW, Vol. 75 (299-305)
- Tractate 54: On Matt. 16:4 (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 75 (306-07)
- Tractate 55: On Matt. 18:1-6 (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 75 (307-10)
- Tractate 56: On Matt. 18:8-9 (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 75 (311-13)
- Tractate 57: On Matt. 18:10-11 (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 75 (313-17)
- Tractate 58: On Matt. 18:15-18 (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 75 (317-19)
- Tractate 59: Matt. 18:19-35 (§§7) | ACW, Vol. 75 (320-25)
St. John Chrysostom (c. 347-407) | EAST
- On the Priesthood (6 Books) | PPS, Vol. 1 (37-160) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 9 (33-83) | New Advent
- Discourse on Blessed Babylas and Against the Greeks (§§127) | CUA, Vol. 73 (75-152)
- Demonstration Against the Pagans that Christ is God (§§17) | CUA, Vol. 73 (187-262)
- On the Providence of God (§§24) | St. John Chrysostom, Moses, On the Providence of God (31-150)
- Treatise to Prove that No One Can Harm the Man Who Does Not Injure Himself (§§17) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 9 (271-84) | New Advent
Commentary on the Psalms
- Commentary on Psalm 4 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 1 (45-72)
- Commentary on Psalm 5 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 1 (78-92)
- Commentary on Psalm 6 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 1 (95-107)
- Commentary on Psalm 7 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 1 (111-47)
- Commentary on Psalm 8 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 1 (154-73)
- Commentary on Psalm 9 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 1 (178-96)
- Commentary on Psalm 10 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 1 (200-207)
- Commentary on Psalm 11 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 1 (209-14)
- Commentary on Psalm 12 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 1 (216-22)
- Commentary on Psalm 13 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 1 (224-30)
- Commentary on Psalm 44 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 1 (231-51)
- Commentary on Psalm 45 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 1 (257-84)
- Commentary on Psalm 46 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 1 (291-96)
- Commentary on Psalm 47 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 1 (298-309)
- Commentary on Psalm 48 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 1 (312-19)
- Commentary on Psalm 49 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 1 (321-45)
- Commentary on Psalm 50 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 1 (349-72)
- Commentary on Psalm 109 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 2 (1-9)
- Commentary on Psalm 110 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 2 (12-31)
- Commentary on Psalm 111 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 2 (36-50)
- Commentary on Psalm 112 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 2 (54-66)
- Commentary on Psalm 113 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 2 (68-74)
- Commentary on Psalm 114 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 2 (75-80)
- Commentary on Psalm 115 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 2 (82-90)
- Commentary on Psalm 116 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 2 (93-109)
- Commentary on Psalm 117 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 2 (113)
- Commentary on Psalm 118 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 2 (115-28)
- Commentary on Psalm 120 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 2 (132-38)
- Commentary on Psalm 121 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 2 (141-45)
- Commentary on Psalm 122 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 2 (146-50)
- Commentary on Psalm 123 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 2 (153-55)
- Commentary on Psalm 124 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 2 (157-61)
- Commentary on Psalm 125 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 2 (163-67)
- Commentary on Psalm 126 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 2 (168-71)
- Commentary on Psalm 127 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 2 (172-75)
- Commentary on Psalm 128 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 2 (177-85)
- Commentary on Psalm 129 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 2 (188-90)
- Commentary on Psalm 130 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 2 (191-96)
- Commentary on Psalm 131 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 2 (198-200)
- Commentary on Psalm 132 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 2 (202-208)
- Commentary on Psalm 133 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 2 (210-11)
- Commentary on Psalm 134 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 2 (213-15)
- Commentary on Psalm 135 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 2 (216-31)
- Commentary on Psalm 136 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 2 (234-40)
- Commentary on Psalm 137 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 2 (137-45)
- Commentary on Psalm 138 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 2 (246-50)
- Commentary on Psalm 139 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 2 (252-62)
- Commentary on Psalm 140 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 2 (264-73)
- Commentary on Psalm 141 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 2 (275-93)
- Commentary on Psalm 142 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 2 (298-303)
- Commentary on Psalm 143 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 2 (305-17)
- Commentary on Psalm 144 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 2 (321-30)
- Commentary on Psalm 145 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 2 (333-43)
- Commentary on Psalm 146 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 2 (345-48)
- Commentary on Psalm 147 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 2 (350-61)
- Commentary on Psalm 148 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 2 (364-74)
- Commentary on Psalm 149 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 2 (376-79)
- Commentary on Psalm 150 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Commentary on Psalms, Vol. 2 (381-83)
Commentary on Galatians
- Commentary: Gal. 1 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (1-13) | New Advent
- Commentary: Gal. 2 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (14-23) | New Advent
- Commentary: Gal. 3 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (23-30) | New Advent
- Commentary: Gal. 4 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (30-35) | New Advent
- Commentary: Gal. 5 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (36-42) | New Advent
- Commentary: Gal. 6 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (43-48) | New Advent
Baptismal Instruction
- First Baptismal Instruction (§§46) | ACW, Vol. 31 (19-34)
- Second Baptismal Instruction (§31) | ACW, Vol. 31 (35-45)
- Third Baptismal Instruction (§27) | ACW, Vol. 31 (46-53)
- Fourth Baptismal Instruction (§33) | ACW, Vol. 31 (54-64)
- Fifth Baptismal Instruction (§28) | ACW, Vol. 31 (65-75)
- Sixth Baptismal Instruction (§§25) | ACW, Vol. 31 (76-84)
- Seventh Baptismal Instruction (§§33) | ACW, Vol. 31 (85-96)
- Eighth Baptismal Instruction (§§25) | ACW, Vol. 31 (97-106)
- Ninth Baptismal Instruction (§§47) | ACW, Vol. 31 (107-20)
- Tenth Baptismal Instruction (§§30) | ACW, Vol. 31 (121-31)
- Eleventh Baptismal Instruction (§§35) | ACW, Vol. 31 (132-41)
- Twelfth Baptismal Instruction (§§61) | ACW, Vol. 31 (142-57)
- First Instruction for Catechumens (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 9 (159-64) | New Advent
- Second Instruction for Catechumens (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 9 (165-71) | New Advent
Discourses Against Judaizing Christians
- Discourse 1 (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 68 (1-34)
- Discourse 2 (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 68 (35-46)
- Discourse 3 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 68 (47-70)
- Discourse 4 (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 68 (71-95)
- Discourse 5 (§§12) | CUA, Vol. 68 (97-145)
- Discourse 6 (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 68 (147-76)
- Discourse 7 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 68 (177-204)
- Discourse 8 (§§9) | CUA, Vol. 68 (205-41)
Homilies Concerning the Statues
- Homily 1: Concerning the Statues (§§33) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 9 (331-44) | New Advent
- Homily 2: Concerning the Statues (§§26) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 9 (344-54) | New Advent
- Homily 3: Concerning the Statues (§§21) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 9 (354-63) | New Advent
- Homily 4: Concerning the Statues (§§12) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 9 (364-70) | New Advent
- Homily 5: Concerning the Statues (§§23) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 9 (371-80) | New Advent
- Homily 6: Concerning the Statues (§§19) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 9 (381-90) | New Advent
- Homily 7: Concerning the Statues (§§10) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 9 (390-95) | New Advent
- Homily 8: Concerning the Statues (§§7) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 9 (395-99) | New Advent
- Homily 9: Concerning the Statues (§§11) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 9 (399-405) | New Advent
- Homily 10: Concerning the Statues (§§12) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 9 (406-12) | New Advent
- Homily 11: Concerning the Statues (§§15) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 9 (412-18) | New Advent
- Homily 12: Concerning the Statues (§§17) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 9 (418-25) | New Advent
- Homily 13: Concerning the Statues (§§14) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 9 (425-31) | New Advent
- Homily 14: Concerning the Statues (§§16) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 9 (431-38) | New Advent
- Homily 15: Concerning the Statues (§§16) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 9 (438-45) | New Advent
- Homily 16: Concerning the Statues (§§17) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 9 (445-52) | New Advent
- Homily 17: Concerning the Statues (§§15) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 9 (452-58) | New Advent
- Homily 18: Concerning the Statues (§§13) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 9 (458-64) | New Advent
- Homily 19: Concerning the Statues (§§15) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 9 (464-71) | New Advent
- Homily 20: Concerning the Statues (§§23) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 9 (471-81) | New Advent
- Homily 21: Concerning the Statues (§§20) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 9 (482-89) | New Advent
Homilies on Repentance and Almsgiving
- Homily 1: When He Returned from the Countryside (§§31) | CUA, Vol. 96 (1-15)
- Homily 2: On Repentance, on the Melancholy of King Ahab, and on Jonah the Prophet (§§27) | CUA, Vol. 96 (16-27)
- Homily 3: Concerning Almsgiving and the Ten Virgins (§§23) | CUA, Vol. 96 (28-42)
- Homily 4: On Repentance and Prayer (§§24) | CUA, Vol. 96 (43-55)
- Homily 5: On Fasting and the Prophet Jonah, the Prophet Daniel, and the Three Youths, Delivered on the Threshold of the Holy Fast (§§13) | CUA, Vol. 96 (56-68)
- Homily 6: On Fasting, Preached During the Sixth Week of the Holy Forty-Day Fast (§§22) | CUA, Vol. 96 (69-85)
- Homily 7: On Repentance and Compunction (§§29) | CUA, Vol. 96 (86-110)
- Homily 8: On Repentance and the Church (§§18) | CUA, Vol. 96 (111-25)
- Homily 9: On Repentance and About Those Who Have Forsaken the Assemblies, and About the Sacred Table and Judgment (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 96 (126-30)
- Homily 10: A Sermon on Almsgiving (§§26) | CUA, Vol. 96 (131-49)
Homilies on the Incomprehensible Nature of God
- Homily 1 (§§49) | CUA, Vol. 72 (51-70)
- Homily 2 (§§55) | CUA, Vol. 72 (71-94)
- Homily 3 (§§44) | CUA, Vol. 72 (95-114)
- Homily 4 (§§50) | CUA, Vol. 72 (115-36)
- Homily 5 (§§63) | CUA, Vol. 72 (137-63)
- Homily 6 (§§41) | CUA, Vol. 72 (164-83)
- Homily 7 (§§64) | CUA, Vol. 72 (184-211)
- Homily 8 (§§48) | CUA, Vol. 72 (212-32)
- Homily 9 (§§23) | CUA, Vol. 72 (233-43)
- Homily 10 (§§68) | CUA, Vol. 72 (244-69)
- Homily 11 (§§42) | CUA, Vol. 72 (270-85)
- Homily 12 (§§59) | CUA, Vol. 72 (286-307)
Homilies on Lazarus and the Rich Man
- Sermon 1 | PPS, Vol. 9 (21-38)
- Sermon 2 | PPS, Vol. 9 (39-53)
- Sermon 3 | PPS, Vol. 9 (55-73)
- Sermon 4 | PPS, Vol. 9 (75-90)
- Sermon 6 | PPS, Vol. 9 (91-115)
- Sermon 7 | PPS, Vol. 9 (117-30)
Homilies on the Saints and Martyrs
- On St. Meletius (§§10) | PPS, Vol. 31 (39-48)
- On St. Eustathius (§§10) | PPS, Vol. 31 (49-62)
- On St. Lucian (§§9) | PPS, Vol. 31 (63-73)
- On St. Phocas (§§12) | PPS, Vol. 31 (75-87)
- On Sts. Juventinus and Maximinus (§§10) | PPS, Vol. 31 (89-99)
- On the Holy Martyr Ignatius (§§18) | PPS, Vol. 31 (101-17)
- On Eleazar and the Seven Boys (§§16) | PPS, Vol. 31 (119-34)
- Homily 1 on the Maccabees (§§11) | PPS, Vol. 31 (135-45)
- Homily 2 on the Maccabees (§§6) | PPS, Vol. 31 (147-53)
- On Sts. Bernike, Prosdoke, and Domnina (§§24) | PPS, Vol. 31 (155-76)
- On St. Barlaam (§§12) | PPS, Vol. 31 (177-89)
- On St. Drosis (§§15) | PPS, Vol. 31 (191-207)
- An Encomium on Egyptian Martyrs (§§5) | PPS, Vol. 31 (209-16)
- On the Holy Martyrs (§§8) | PPS, Vol. 31 (217-26)
- On St. Romanus (§§12) | PPS, Vol. 31 (227-37)
- On All the Martyrs (§§17) | PPS, Vol. 31 (239-55)
Homilies on the Obscurity of the Old Testament
- Homily 1: Proof of the Obscurity of Old Testament References to Christ, The Nations, and the Rejection of the Jews | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Old Testament Homilies, Vol. 3 (8-25)
- Homily 2: More on the Obscurity of the Old Testament, on God’s Lovingkindness, and About Not Accusing One Another | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Old Testament Homilies, Vol. 3 (25-51)
Homilies on Genesis
- Homily 1: On the Beginning of the Holy Season of Lent (§§12) | CUA, Vol. 74 (20-28) | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Eight Sermons on Genesis (21-39)
- Homily 2: On the Beginning of Creation, “In the beginning God created heaven and earth” (§§15) | CUA, Vol. 74 (29-38) | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Eight Sermons on Genesis (40-50)
- Homily 3: Further Comment on the Verse, “In the beginning…” up to “Evening came and morning came: one day” (§§22) | CUA, Vol. 74 (39-50) | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Eight Sermons on Genesis (51-60)
- Homily 4: On the Verse, “God said, “let a firmament be made in the middle of the water…’” (§§20) | CUA, Vol. 74 (51-65) | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Eight Sermons on Genesis (61-78)
- Homily 5: On the Verse, “God said: ‘Let the water under heaven be gathered together…’” (§§17) | CUA, Vol. 74 (66-76) | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Eight Sermons on Genesis (79-96)
- Homily 6: On the Verse, “God said: ‘Let lights be made in the firmament of heaven…’” (§§22) | CUA, Vol. 74 (77-90) | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Eight Sermons on Genesis (97-106)
- Homily 7: On the Verse, “God said: ‘Let the waters produce reptiles…'” (§§21) | CUA, Vol. 74 (91-104) |PPS, Vol. 4 (5-23) | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Eight Sermons on Genesis (107-33)
- Homily 8: On the Verse, “God said: ‘Let us make a human being in our image…’” (§§19) | CUA, Vol. 74 (105-16) | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Eight Sermons on Genesis (134-44)
- Homily 9: On the Verse, “‘Let us make a human being in our image,’” Against Those Who Ask Various Questions (§§15) | CUA, Vol. 74 (117-26)
- Homily 10: An Exhortation to Those ashamed to Attend the Evening Congregation (§§20) | CUA, Vol. 74 (127-42)
- Homily 11: On the Theme That is Necessary to Place Great Store by Virtue and to Imitate the saints (§§17) | CUA, Vol. 74 (143-55)
- Homily 12: On the Sequel to Creation: “This is the book about the origins of heaven and earth…” (§§18) | CUA, Vol. 74 (156-68)
- Homily 13: On the Verse, “The Lord God planted a garden in Eden in the east…” (§§18) | CUA, Vol. 74 (169-79)
- Homily 14: On the Verse, “The Lord God took the human being that he had formed…” (§§23) | CUA, Vol. 74 (180-93)
- Homily 15: On the Verse, “For Adam, however, there proved to be no helpmate of his kind…” (§§18) | CUA, Vol. 74 (194-206)
- Homily 16: On the Fall of the First Human Beings (§§20) | CUA, Vol. 74 (207-21)
- Homily 17: On the Verse, “They heard the sound of the Lord God as he strolled in the garden in the evening” (§§44) | CUA, Vol. 74 (222-46)
- Homily 18 (§§26) | CUA, Vol. 82 (3-20)
- Homily 19 (§§22) | CUA, Vol. 82 (21-34)
- Homily 20 (§§20) | CUA, Vol. 82 (35-49)
- Homily 21 (§§24) | CUA, Vol. 82 (50-67)
- Homily 22 (§§23) | CUA, Vol. 82 (68-86)
- Homily 23 (§§20) | CUA, Vol. 82 (87-103)
- Homily 24 (§§23) | CUA, Vol. 82 (104-123)
- Homily 25 (§§24) | CUA, Vol. 82 (124-43)
- Homily 26 (§§21) | CUA, Vol. 82 (144-61)
- Homily 27 (§§27) | CUA, Vol. 82 (162-82)
- Homily 28 (§§17) | CUA, Vol. 82 (183-97)
- Homily 29 (§§31) | CUA, Vol. 82 (198-219)
- Homily 30 (§§19) | CUA, Vol. 82 (220-36)
- Homily 31 (§§23) | CUA, Vol. 82 (237-53)
- Homily 32 (§§26) | CUA, Vol. 82 (254-75)
- Homily 33 (§§17) | CUA, Vol. 82 (276-88)
- Homily 34 (§§19) | CUA, Vol. 82 (289-303)
- Homily 35 (§§23) | CUA, Vol. 82 (304-23)
- Homily 36 (§§17) | CUA, Vol. 82 (324-39)
- Homily 37 (§§19) | CUA, Vol. 82 (340-54)
- Homily 38 (§§23) | CUA, Vol. 82 (355-73)
- Homily 39 (§§20) | CUA, Vol. 82 (374-88)
- Homily 40 (§§18) | CUA, Vol. 82 (389-99)
- Homily 41 (§§27) | CUA, Vol. 82 (400-417)
- Homily 42 (§§33) | CUA, Vol. 82 (418-35)
- Homily 43 (§§32) | CUA, Vol. 82 (436-54)
- Homily 44 (§§26) | CUA, Vol. 82 (455-68)
- Homily 45 (§§28) | CUA, Vol. 82 (469-83)
- Homily 46 (§§17) | CUA, Vol. 87 (3-13)
- Homily 47 (§§18) | CUA, Vol. 87 (14-24)
- Homily 48 (§§31) | CUA, Vol. 87 (25-41)
- Homily 49 (§§13) | CUA, Vol. 87 (42-49)
- Homily 50 (§§11) | CUA, Vol. 87 (50-55)
- Homily 51 (§§18) | CUA, Vol. 87 (56-65)
- Homily 52 (§§26) | CUA, Vol. 87 (66-78)
- Homily 53 (§§23) | CUA, Vol. 87 (79-91)
- Homily 54 (§§29) | CUA, Vol. 87 (92-106)
- Homily 55 (§§21) | CUA, Vol. 87 (107-18)
- Homily 56 (§§27) | CUA, Vol. 87 (119-32)
- Homily 57 (§§40) | CUA, Vol. 87 (133-53)
- Homily 58 (§§21) | CUA, Vol. 87 (154-65)
- Homily 59 (§§21) | CUA, Vol. 87 (166-76)
- Homily 60 (§§17) | CUA, Vol. 87 (177-85)
- Homily 61 (§§21) | CUA, Vol. 87 (186-97)
- Homily 62 (§§25) | CUA, Vol. 87 (198-211)
- Homily 63 (§§22) | CUA, Vol. 87 (212-23)
- Homily 64 (§§33) | CUA, Vol. 87 (224-42)
- Homily 65 (§§19) | CUA, Vol. 87 (243-54)
- Homily 66 (§§16) | CUA, Vol. 87 (255-64)
- Homily 67 (§§23) | CUA, Vol. 87 (265-78)
Homilies on David and Saul
- Homily 1: On the Story of David and Saul, On Forbearance, the Need to Spare Enemies, and Not Speak Badly of the Absent | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Old Testament Homilies, Vol. 1 (9-25)
- Homily 2: On the Theme That it is a Great Good Not only to Practice Virtue, But Also Praise Virtue | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Old Testament Homilies, Vol. 1 (25-38)
- Homily 3: On the Fact that Attendance at Spectacles is Dangerous | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Old Testament Homilies, Vol. 1 (38-59)
Homilies on Hannah
- Homily 1: On the Need to Remember Fasting at Pentecost and at All Times | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Old Testament Homilies, Vol. 1 (65-81)
- Homily 2: On the Faith of Hannah | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Old Testament Homilies, Vol. 1 (82-96)
- Homily 3: On Hannah and the Rearing of Samuel | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Old Testament Homilies, Vol. 1 (96-107)
- Homily 4: Against Those Who Absent Themselves from the Assembles and Go to Spectacles | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Old Testament Homilies, Vol. 1 (107-21)
- Homily 5: Against Those Who Come Together Only on Feast Days | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Old Testament Homilies, Vol. 1 (121-32)
Homilies on the Psalms
- Homily on Psalm 42 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Old Testament Homilies, Vol. 3 (68-85)
- First Homily on Psalm 49:16 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Old Testament Homilies, Vol. 3 (85-105)
- Second Homily on Psalm 49:16 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Old Testament Homilies, Vol. 3 (105-13)
- Homily on Psalm 146:1 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Old Testament Homilies, Vol. 3 (113-26)
Homilies on Jeremiah
- Homily on Jeremiah 10:23 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Old Testament Homilies, Vol. 2 (6-19)
Homilies on Isaiah
- Homily 1 on Isaiah 6: Of Those Attending Church, and On Orderliness in the Divine Praises | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Old Testament Homilies, Vol. 2 (46-61)
- Homily 2 on Isaiah 6 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Old Testament Homilies, Vol. 2 (61-68)
- Homily 3 on Isaiah 6: On the Passage in Chronicles which says, “Uzziah’s heart was lifted up” | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Old Testament Homilies, Vol. 2 (68-79)
- Homily 4 on Isaiah 6 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Old Testament Homilies, Vol. 2 (80-94)
- Homily 5 on Isaiah 6 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Old Testament Homilies, Vol. 2 (95-103)
- Homily 6 on Isaiah 6 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Old Testament Homilies, Vol. 2 (103-13)
- Homily on Isaiah 45:6-7 | St. John Chrysostom, Hill, Old Testament Homilies, Vol. 2 (24-40)
Homilies on Matthew
- Homily 1 (§§17) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (1-8) | New Advent
- Homily 2: Matt. 1:1 (§§11) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (8-14) | New Advent
- Homily 3: Matt. 1:1 (§§9) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (14-20) | New Advent
- Homily 4: Matt. 1:17 (§§19) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (20-30) | New Advent
- Homily 5: Matt. 1:22-23 (§§9) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (31-36) | New Advent
- Homily 6: Matt. 2:1-2 (§§10) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (36-43) | New Advent
- Homily 7: Matt. 2:4-5 (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (43-50) | New Advent
- Homily 8: Matt. 2:2 (§§7) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (50-55) | New Advent
- Homily 9: Matt. 2:16 (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (55-61) | New Advent
- Homily 10: Matt. 3:1-2 (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (61-67) | New Advent
- Homily 11: Matt. 3:7 (§§10) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (67-75) | New Advent
- Homily 12: Matt. 3:13 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (75-79) | New Advent
- Homily 13: Matt. 4:1 (§§9) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (80-86) | New Advent
- Homily 14: Matt. 4:12 (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (86-90) | New Advent
- Homily 15: Matt. 5:1-2 (§§16) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (91-102) | New Advent
- Homily 16: Matt. 5:17 (§§14) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (103-15) | New Advent
- Homily 17: Matt. 5:27-28 (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (115-23) | New Advent
- Homily 18: Matt. 5:38-40 (§§11) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (123-30) | New Advent
- Homily 19: Matt. 6:1 (§§12) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (130-40) | New Advent
- Homily 20: Matt. 6:16 (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (140-46) | New Advent
- Homily 21: Matt. 6:24 (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (146-50) | New Advent
- Homily 22: Matt. 6:28-29 (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (150-56) | New Advent
- Homily 23: Matt. 7:1 (§§12) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (157-66) | New Advent
- Homily 24: Matt. 7:21 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (167-71) | New Advent
- Homily 25: Matt. 7:28 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (171-76) | New Advent
- Homily 26: Matt. 8:5 (§§10) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (176-84) | New Advent
- Homily 27: Matt. 8:14-15 (§§7) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (184-89) | New Advent
- Homily 28: Matt. 8:23-24 (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (189-95) | New Advent
- Homily 29: Matt. 9:1-2 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (195-98) | New Advent
- Homily 30: Matt. 9:9 (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (198-205) | New Advent
- Homily 31: Matt. 9:18 (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (205-10) | New Advent
- Homily 32: Matt. 9:27-30 (§§11) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (210-19) | New Advent
- Homily 33: Matt. 10:16 (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (219-26) | New Advent
- Homily 34: Matt. 10:23 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (226-31) | New Advent
- Homily 35: Matt. 10:34 (§§7) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (231-38) | New Advent
- Homily 36: Matt. 11:1 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (238-42) | New Advent
- Homily 37: Matt. 10:7-9 (§§9) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (243-50) | New Advent
- Homily 38: Matt. 11:25-26 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (250-54) | New Advent
- Homily 39: Matt. 12:1 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (255-58) | New Advent
- Homily 40: Matt. 12:9-10 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (259-63) | New Advent
- Homily 41: Matt. 12:25-26 (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (264-68) | New Advent
- Homily 42: Matt. 12:33 (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (268-72) | New Advent
- Homily 43: Matt. 12:38-39 (§§7) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (272-78) | New Advent
- Homily 44: Matt. 12:46-49 (§§7) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (278-84) | New Advent
- Homily 45: Matt. 13:10-11 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (284-87) | New Advent
- Homily 46: Matt. 13:24-30 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (287-91) | New Advent
- Homily 47: Matt. 13:34-35 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (292-96) | New Advent
- Homily 48: Matt. 13:53 (§§10) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (296-303) | New Advent
- Homily 49: Matt. 14:13 (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (303-09) | New Advent
- Homily 50: Matt. 14:23-24 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (310-14) | New Advent
- Homily 51: Matt. 15:1 (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (314-20) | New Advent
- Homily 52: Matt. 15:21-22 (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (321-26) | New Advent
- Homily 53: Matt. 15:32 (§§7) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (326-32)* | New Advent
- Homily 54: Matt. 14:13 (§§9) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (332-38)* | New Advent
- Homily 55: Matt. 16:24 (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (338-44) | New Advent
- Homily 56: Matt. 16:28 (§§9) | PPS, Vol. 48 (69-86) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (345-51) | New Advent
- Homily 57: Matt. 17:10 (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (352-57) | New Advent
- Homily 58: Matt. 17:22-23 (§§7) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (358-63)* | New Advent
- Homily 59: Matt. 18:7 (§§7) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (364-71) | New Advent
- Homily 60: Matt. 18:15 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (372-75) | New Advent
- Homily 61: Matt. 18:21 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (375-81) | New Advent
- Homily 62: Matt. 19:1 (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (381-86) | New Advent
- Homily 63: Matt. 19:16 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (387-91) | New Advent
- Homily 64: Matt. 19:27 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (391-97) | New Advent
- Homily 65: Matt. 20:17-19 (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (397-403) | New Advent
- Homily 66: Matt. 20:29-30 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (404-09) | New Advent
- Homily 67: Matt. 21:12-13 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (409-14) | New Advent
- Homily 68: Matt. 21:33-44 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (414-20) | New Advent
- Homily 69: Matt. 22:1-14 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (420-26) | New Advent
- Homily 70: Matt. 22:15 (§§2) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (426-31) | New Advent
- Homily 71: Matt. 22:34-36 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (431-35) | New Advent
- Homily 72: Matt. 23:1-3 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (435-39) | New Advent
- Homily 73: Matt. 23:14 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (440-44) | New Advent
- Homily 74: Matt. 23:29-30 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (445-50) | New Advent
- Homily 75: Matt. 24:1-2 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (450-56) | New Advent
- Homily 76: Matt. 24:16-18 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (456-62) | New Advent
- Homily 77: Matt. 24:32-33 (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (462-69) | New Advent
- Homily 78: Matt. 25:1-30 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (469-74) | New Advent
- Homily 79: Matt. 25:31-41 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (474-79)* | New Advent
- Homily 80: Matt. 26:6-7 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (480-84) | New Advent
- Homily 81: Matt. 26:17-18 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (485-90) | New Advent
- Homily 82: Matt. 26:26-28 (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (491-97) | New Advent
- Homily 83: Matt. 26:36-38 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (497-501) | New Advent
- Homily 84: Matt. 26:51-54 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (501-06) | New Advent
- Homily 85: Matt. 26:67-68 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (506-10) | New Advent
- Homily 86: Matt. 27:11-12 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (511-15) | New Advent
- Homily 87: Matt. 27:27-29 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (515-19) | New Advent
- Homily 88: Matt. 27:45-48 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (520-24) | New Advent
- Homily 89: Matt. 27:62-64 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (525-29) | New Advent
- Homily 90: Matt. 28:11-14 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 10 (530-34) | New Advent
Homilies on John
- Homily 1: Preface (§§7) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (1-4) | New Advent
- Homily 2: John 1:1 (§§11) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (4-9) | New Advent
- Homily 3: John 1:1 (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (10-16) | New Advent
- Homily 4: John 1:1 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (16-20) | New Advent
- Homily 5: John 1:3 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (21-25) | New Advent
- Homily 6: John 1:6 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (25-27) | New Advent
- Homily 7: John 1:9 (§§2) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (27-29) | New Advent
- Homily 8: John 1:9 (§§2) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (29-31) | New Advent
- Homily 9: John 1:11 (§§2) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (32-34) | New Advent
- Homily 10: John 1:11 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (35-37) | New Advent
- Homily 11: John 1:14 (§§2) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (38-40) | New Advent
- Homily 12: John 1:14 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (40-43) | New Advent
- Homily 13: John 1:15 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (43-47) | New Advent
- Homily 14: John 1:16 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (47-51) | New Advent
- Homily 15: John 1:18 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (51-54) | New Advent
- Homily 16: John 1:19 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (54-58) | New Advent
- Homily 17: John 1:28-29 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (58-62) | New Advent
- Homily 18: John 1:35-37 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (62-66) | New Advent
- Homily 19: John 1:41-42 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (67-69) | New Advent
- Homily 20: John 1:43-44 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (69-72) | New Advent
- Homily 21: John 1:49-50 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (72-76) | New Advent
- Homily 22: John 2:4 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (76-79) | New Advent
- Homily 23: John 2:11 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (79-83) | New Advent
- Homily 24: John 2:23 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (83-86) | New Advent
- Homily 25: John 3:5 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (87-90) | New Advent
- Homily 26: John 3:6 (§§3) |
- NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (90-93) | New Advent
- Homily 27: John 3:12-13 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (93-96) | New Advent
- Homily 28: John 3:17 (§§2) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (96-99) | New Advent
- Homily 29: John 3:22 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (99-103) | New Advent
- Homily 30: John 3:31 (§§2) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (103-05) | New Advent
- Homily 31: John 3:35-36 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (106-11) | New Advent
- Homily 32: John 4:13-14 (§§2) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (111-15) | New Advent
- Homily 33: John 4:21-22 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (115-18) | New Advent
- Homily 34: John 4:28-29 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (118-22) | New Advent
- Homily 35: John 4:40-43 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (122-25) | New Advent
- Homily 36: John 4:54, 5:1 (§§2) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (125-28) | New Advent
- Homily 37: John 5:6-7 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (128-31) | New Advent
- Homily 38: John 5:14 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (131-36) | New Advent
- Homily 39: John 5:23-24 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (137-43) | New Advent
- Homily 40: John 5:31-32 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (143-47) | New Advent
- Homily 41: John 5:39-40 (§§2) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (147-50) | New Advent
- Homily 42: John 6:1, 4 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (150-55) | New Advent
- Homily 43: John 6:16-18 (§§2) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (155-57) | New Advent
- Homily 44: John 6:26-27 (§§2) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (157-59) | New Advent
- Homily 45: John 6:28-30 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (159-64) | New Advent
- Homily 46: John 6:41-42 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (164-67) | New Advent
- Homily 47: John 6:53-54 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (168-72) | New Advent
- Homily 48: John 7:1-2 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (173-75) | New Advent
- Homily 49: John 7:9-10 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (176-79) | New Advent
- Homily 50: John 7:25-27 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (180-83) | New Advent
- Homily 51: John 7:37-38 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (183-86) | New Advent
- Homily 52: John 7:45-46 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (186-90) | New Advent
- Homily 53: John 8:20 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (190-93) | New Advent
- Homily 54: John 8:31-32 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (193-97) | New Advent
- Homily 55: John 8:48-49 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (197-200) | New Advent
- Homily 56: John 9:1-2 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (200-03) | New Advent
- Homily 57: John 9:6-7 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (204-07) | New Advent
- Homily 58: John 9:17-18 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (207-12) | New Advent
- Homily 59: John 9:34-36 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (212-16) | New Advent
- Homily 60: John 10:14-15 (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (216-22) | New Advent
- Homily 61: John 10:22-24 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (222-26) | New Advent
- Homily 62: John 11:1-2 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (227-31) | New Advent
- Homily 63: John 11:30-31 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (232-35) | New Advent
- Homily 64: John 11:41-42 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (236-40) | New Advent
- Homily 65: John 11:49-50 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (241-44) | New Advent
- Homily 66: John 12:8 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (244-47) | New Advent
- Homily 67: John 12:25-26 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (248-50) | New Advent
- Homily 68: John 12:34 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (251-53) | New Advent
- Homily 69: John 12:42-43 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (254-56) | New Advent
- Homily 70: John 13:1 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (256-59) | New Advent
- Homily 71: John 13 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (260-62) | New Advent
- Homily 72: John 13:20 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (263-67) | New Advent
- Homily 73: John 13:36 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (267-70) | New Advent
- Homily 74: John 14:8-9 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (271-73) | New Advent
- Homily 75: John 14:15-17 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (273-78) | New Advent
- Homily 76: John 14:31, 15:1 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (278-81) | New Advent
- Homily 77: John 15:11-12 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (281-86) | New Advent
- Homily 78: John 16:4-6 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (286-90) | New Advent
- Homily 79: John 16:16-17 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (291-95) | New Advent
- Homily 80 : John 17:1 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (296-99) | New Advent
- Homily 81: John 17:6 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (299-302) | New Advent
- Homily 82: John 17:14 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (302-06) | New Advent
- Homily 83: John 18:1 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (306-12) | New Advent
- Homily 84: John 18:37 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (313-16) | New Advent
- Homily 85: John 19:16-18 (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (316-22) | New Advent
- Homily 86: John 20:10-11 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (323-27) | New Advent
- Homily 87: John 20:24-25 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (327-31) | New Advent
- Homily 88: John 21:15 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (331-34) | New Advent
Homilies on Acts
- Homily 1: Acts 1:1-2 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (1-10) | New Advent
- Homily 2: Acts 1:6 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (11-17) | New Advent
- Homily 3: Acts 1:12 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (17-25) | New Advent
- Homily 4: Acts 2:1-2 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (25-31) | New Advent
- Homily 5: Acts 2:14 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (31-37) | New Advent
- Homily 6: Acts 2:22 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (37-44) | New Advent
- Homily 7: Acts 2:37 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (44-50) | New Advent
- Homily 8: Acts 3:1 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (50-54) | New Advent
- Homily 9: Acts 3:12 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (54-63) | New Advent
- Homily 10: Acts 4:1 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (63-70) | New Advent
- Homily 11: Acts 4:23 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (70-75) | New Advent
- Homily 12: Acts 4:36-37 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (76-80) | New Advent
- Homily 13: Acts 5:17-18 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (80-87) | New Advent
- Homily 14: Acts 5:34 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (87-94) | New Advent
- Homily 15: Acts 6:8 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (94-100) | New Advent
- Homily 16: Acts 7:6-7 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (100-06) | New Advent
- Homily 17: Acts 7:35 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (106-12) | New Advent
- Homily 18: Acts 7:54 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (112-20) | New Advent
- Homily 19: Acts 8:26-27 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (120-28) | New Advent
- Homily 20: Acts 9:10, 12 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (129-34) | New Advent
- Homily 21: Acts 9:26-27 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (134-41) | New Advent
- Homily 22: Acts 10:1-4 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (141-48) | New Advent
- Homily 23: Acts 10:23-24 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (148-55) | New Advent
- Homily 24: Acts 10:44, 46 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (155-61) | New Advent
- Homily 25: Acts 11:19 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (162-67) | New Advent
- Homily 26: Acts 12:1-2 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (168-73) | New Advent
- Homily 27: Acts 12:18-19 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (173-78) | New Advent
- Homily 28: Acts 13:4-5 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (178-81) | New Advent
- Homily 29: Acts 13:16-17 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (182-88) | New Advent
- Homily 30: Acts 13:42 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (188-94) | New Advent
- Homily 31: Acts 14:14-15 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (195-201) | New Advent
- Homily 32: Acts 15:1 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (201-05) | New Advent
- Homily 33: Acts 15:13, 15 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (205-12) | New Advent
- Homily 34: Acts 15:35 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (212-19) | New Advent
- Homily 35: Acts 16:13-14 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (219-23) | New Advent
- Homily 36: Acts 16:25-26 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (223-27) | New Advent
- Homily 37: Acts 17:1-3 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (228-32) | New Advent
- Homily 38: Acts 17:16-17 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (232-39) | New Advent
- Homily 39: Acts 17:32-34, 18:1 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (239-44) | New Advent
- Homily 40: Acts 18:18 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (245-50) | New Advent
- Homily 41: Acts 19:8-9 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (250-57) | New Advent
- Homily 42: Acts 19:21, 23 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (257-63) | New Advent
- Homily 43: Acts 20:1 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (263-67) | New Advent
- Homily 44: Acts 20:17-21 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (267-72) | New Advent
- Homily 45: Acts 20:32 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (272-77) | New Advent
- Homily 46: Acts 21:18-19 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (278-82) | New Advent
- Homily 47: Acts 21:39-40 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (282-86) | New Advent
- Homily 48: Acts 22:17-20 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (287-91) | New Advent
- Homily 49: Acts 23:6-8 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (292-96) | New Advent
- Homily 50: Acts 23:31-33 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (296-302) | New Advent
- Homily 51: Acts 24:22-23 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (302-07) | New Advent
- Homily 52: Acts 25:23 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (308-14) | New Advent
- Homily 53: Acts 26:30-32 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (314-19) | New Advent
- Homily 54: Acts 20:1 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (319-23) | New Advent
- Homily 55: Acts 28:17-20 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (324-28) | New Advent
Homilies on Romans
- Homilies: The Argument | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (335-38) | New Advent
- Homily 1: Rom. 1:1-2 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (338-42) | New Advent
- Homily 2: Rom. 1:8 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (343-50) | New Advent
- Homily 3: Rom. 1:18 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (350-55) | New Advent
- Homily 4: Rom. 1:26-27 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (355-59) | New Advent
- Homily 5: Rom. 1:28 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (359-67) | New Advent
- Homily 6: Rom. 2:17-18 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (368-75) | New Advent
- Homily 7: Rom. 3:9-18 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (375-85) | New Advent
- Homily 8: Rom. 4:1-2 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (385-95) | New Advent
- Homily 9: Rom. 4:23 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (395-401) | New Advent
- Homily 10: Rom. 5:12 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (401-08) | New Advent
- Homily 11: Rom. 6:5 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (408-16) | New Advent
- Homily 12: Rom. 6:19 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (416-27) | New Advent
- Homily 13: Rom. 7:14 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (427-39) | New Advent
- Homily 14: Rom. 8:12-13 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (439-52) | New Advent
- Homily 15: Rom. 8:28 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (452-58) | New Advent
- Homily 16: Rom. 9:1 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (459-71) | New Advent
- Homily 17: Rom. 10:1 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (471-77) | New Advent
- Homily 18: Rom. 10:14-15 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (478-86) | New Advent
- Homily 19: Rom. 11:7 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (486-95) | New Advent
- Homily 20: Rom. 12:1 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (496-500) | New Advent
- Homily 21: Rom. 12:4-5 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (501-06) | New Advent
- Homily 22: Rom. 12:14 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (506-10) | New Advent
- Homily 23: Rom. 13:1 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (511-16) | New Advent
- Homily 24: Rom. 13:11 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (517-21) | New Advent
- Homily 25: Rom. 14:1-2 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (521-29) | New Advent
- Homily 26: Rom. 14:14 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (529-33) | New Advent
- Homily 27: Rom. 16:25-27 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (534-38) | New Advent
- Homily 28: Rom. 15:8 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (538-41) | New Advent
- Homily 29: Rom. 15:14 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (542-47) | New Advent
- Homily 30: Rom. 15:25-27 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (547-52) | New Advent
- Homily 31: Rom. 16:5 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (553-59) | New Advent
- Homily 32: Rom. 16:17-18 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 11 (559-64) | New Advent
Homilies on 1 Corinthians
- Homilies: Argument | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (1-2) | New Advent
- Homily 1: 1 Cor. 1:1-3 (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (3-5) | New Advent
- Homily 2: 1 Cor. 1:4-5 (§§11) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (6-10) | New Advent
- Homily 3: 1 Cor. 1:10 (§§9) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (10-15) | New Advent
- Homily 4: 1 Cor. 1:18-20 (§§11) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (16-22) | New Advent
- Homily 5: 1 Cor. 1:26-27 (§§11) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (22-28) | New Advent
- Homily 6: 1 Cor. 2:1-2 (§§9) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (29-33) | New Advent
- Homily 7: 1 Cor. 2:6-7 (§§20) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (33-43) | New Advent
- Homily 8: 1 Cor. 3:1-3 (§§9) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (43-48) | New Advent
- Homily 9: 1 Cor. 3:12-15 (§§10) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (49-53) | New Advent
- Homily 10: 1 Cor. 3:18-19 (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (54-58) | New Advent
- Homily 11: 1 Cor. 4:3-4 (§§10) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (58-64) | New Advent
- Homily 12: 1 Cor. 4:6 (§§15) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (64-72) | New Advent
- Homily 13: 1 Cor. 4:10 (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (72-77) | New Advent
- Homily 14: 1 Cor. 4:17 (§§9) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (77-82) | New Advent
- Homily 15: 1 Cor. 5:1-2 (§§15) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (83-89) | New Advent
- Homily 16: 1 Cor. 5:9-11 (§§11) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (89-96) | New Advent
- Homily 17: 1 Cor. 6:12 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (96-100) | New Advent
- Homily 18: 1 Cor. 6:15 (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (100-04) | New Advent
- Homily 19: 1 Cor. 7:1-2 (§§7) | PPS, Vol. 7 (25-42) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (105-11) | New Advent
- Homily 20: 1 Cor. 8:1 (§§12) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (111-18) | New Advent
- Homily 21: 1 Cor. 11:1 (§§11) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (118-25) | New Advent
- Homily 22: 1 Cor. 9:13-14 (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (126-31) | New Advent
- Homily 23: 1 Cor. 9:24 (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (131-38) | New Advent
- Homily 24: 1 Cor. 10:13 (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (138-43) | New Advent
- Homily 25: 1 Cor. 10:25 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (144-48) | New Advent
- Homily 26: 1 Cor. 11:2 (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (148-57) | New Advent
- Homily 27: 1 Cor. 11:17 (§§7) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (157-63) | New Advent
- Homily 28: 1 Cor. 11:28 (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (163-68) | New Advent
- Homily 29: 1 Cor. 12:1-2 (§§9) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (168-75) | New Advent
- Homily 30: 1 Cor. 12:12 (§§9) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (175-80) | New Advent
- Homily 31: 1 Cor. 12:21 (§§7) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (181-85) | New Advent
- Homily 32: 1 Cor. 12:27 (§§14) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (186-94) | New Advent
- Homily 33: 1 Cor. 13:4 (§§9) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (194-201) | New Advent
- Homily 34: 1 Cor. 13:8 (§§10) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (201-08) | New Advent
- Homily 35: 1 Cor. 14:1 (§§14) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (208-15) | New Advent
- Homily 36: 1 Cor. 14:20 (§§10) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (215-22) | New Advent
- Homily 37: 1 Cor. 14:34 (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (222-25) | New Advent
- Homily 38: 1 Cor. 15:1-2 (§§10) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (226-33) | New Advent
- Homily 39: 1 Cor. 15:11 (§§18) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (233-43) | New Advent
- Homily 40: 1 Cor. 15:29 (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (244-49) | New Advent
- Homily 41: 1 Cor. 15:35-36 (§§9) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (249-54) | New Advent
- Homily 42: 1 Cor. 15:47 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (255-58) | New Advent
- Homily 43: 1 Cor. 16:1 (§§7) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (258-62) | New Advent
- Homily 44: 1 Cor. 16:10 (§§7) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (263-69) | New Advent
Homilies on 2 Corinthians
- Homily 1: 2 Cor. 1:1, 4 (§§7) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (271-76) | New Advent
- Homily 2: 2 Cor. 1:6-7 (§§10) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (277-85) | New Advent
- Homily 3: 2 Cor. 1:12 (§§7) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (286-93) | New Advent
- Homily 4: 2 Cor. 1:23 (§§7) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (294-300) | New Advent
- Homily 5: 2 Cor. 2:12-13 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (300-05) | New Advent
- Homily 6: 2 Cor. 3:1 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (305-09) | New Advent
- Homily 7: 2 Cor. 3:7-8 (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (309-17) | New Advent
- Homily 8: 2 Cor. 4:1-2 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (317-21) | New Advent
- Homily 9: 2 Cor. 4:8-9 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (321-25) | New Advent
- Homily 10: 2 Cor. 5:1 (§§7) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (326-30) | New Advent
- Homily 11: 2 Cor. 5:11 (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (331-35) | New Advent
- Homily 12: 2 Cor. 6:1-2 (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (336-41) | New Advent
- Homily 13: 2 Cor. 6:11-12 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (342-46) | New Advent
- Homily 14: 2 Cor. 7:2-3 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (346-49) | New Advent
- Homily 15: 2 Cor. 7:8 (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (350-55) | New Advent
- Homily 16: 2 Cor. 7:13 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (355-59) | New Advent
- Homily 17: 2 Cor. 8:7 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (359-63) | New Advent
- Homily 18: 2 Cor. 8:16 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (363-67) | New Advent
- Homily 19: 2 Cor. 9:1 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (367-71) | New Advent
- Homily 20: 2 Cor. 9:10 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (372-74) | New Advent
- Homily 21: 2 Cor. 10:1-2 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (375-78) | New Advent
- Homily 22: 2 Cor. 10:7 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (379-82) | New Advent
- Homily 23: 2 Cor. 11:1 (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (383-90) | New Advent
- Homily 24: 2 Cor. 11:13 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (390-94) | New Advent
- Homily 25: 2 Cor. 11:21 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (394-97) | New Advent
- Homily 26: 2 Cor. 12:1 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (398-403) | New Advent
- Homily 27: 2 Cor. 12:11 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (403-07) | New Advent
- Homily 28: 2 Cor. 12:16-18 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (407-11) | New Advent
- Homily 29: 2 Cor. 13:1 (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (411-17) | New Advent
- Homily 30: 2 Cor. 13:10 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 12 (417-20) | New Advent
Homilies on Ephesians
- Homilies: Argument | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (49) | New Advent
- Homily 1: Eph. 1:1-2 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (50-55) | New Advent
- Homily 2: Eph. 1:11-14 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (55-59) | New Advent
- Homily 3: Eph. 1:15-20 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (59-65) | New Advent
- Homily 4: Eph. 2:1-3 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (65-70) | New Advent
- Homily 5: Eph. 2:11-12 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (70-74) | New Advent
- Homily 6: Eph. 2:17-22 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (74-79) | New Advent
- Homily 7: Eph. 3:8-11 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (79-84) | New Advent
- Homily 8: Eph. 4:1-2 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (84-94) | New Advent
- Homily 9: Eph. 4:1-3 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (94-98) | New Advent
- Homily 10: Eph. 4:4 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (99-102) | New Advent
- Homily 11: Eph. 4:4-7 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (102-08) | New Advent
- Homily 12: Eph. 4:17 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (109-12) | New Advent
- Homily 13: Eph. 4:17-19 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (112-17) | New Advent
- Homily 14: Eph. 4:25-27 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (117-21) | New Advent
- Homily 15: Eph. 4:31 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (121-25) | New Advent
- Homily 16: Eph. 4:31-32 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (125-28) | New Advent
- Homily 17: Eph. 4:32, 5:1-2 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (128-32) | New Advent
- Homily 18: Eph. 5:5-6 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (132-36) | New Advent
- Homily 19: Eph. 5:15-17 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (137-42) | New Advent
- Homily 20: Eph. 5:22-24 | PPS, Vol. 7 (43-64) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (143-52) | New Advent
- Homily 21: Eph. 6:1-3 | PPS, Vol. 7 (65-72) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (153-57) | New Advent
- Homily 22: Eph. 6:5-8 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (157-63) | New Advent
- Homily 23: Eph. 6:14 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (163-66) | New Advent
- Homily 24: Eph. 6:14-17 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (167-72) | New Advent
Homilies on Philippians
- Introductory Discourse on Philippians (§§4) |
- NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (181-83) | New Advent
- Homily 1: Phil. 1:1-2 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (184-88) | New Advent
- Homily 2: Phil. 1:8-11 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (188-93) | New Advent
- Homily 3: Phil. 1:18-20 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (193-97) | New Advent
- Homily 4: Phil. 1:22-26 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (198-202) | New Advent
- Homily 5: Phil. 2:1-4 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (203-06) | New Advent
- Homily 6: Phil. 2:5-8 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (206-12) | New Advent
- Homily 7: Phil. 2:5-11 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (212-18) | New Advent
- Homily 8: Phil. 2:12-16 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (219-23) | New Advent
- Homily 9: Phil. 2:19-21 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (223-29) | New Advent
- Homily 10: Phil. 3:1-3 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (229-34) | New Advent
- Homily 11: Phil. 3:7-10 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (234-38) | New Advent
- Homily 12: Phil. 3:13-14 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (238-42) | New Advent
- Homily 13: Phil. 3:18-21 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (242-46) | New Advent
- Homily 14: Phil. 4:4-7 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (246-49) | New Advent
- Homily 15: Phil. 4:10-14 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (249-55) | New Advent
Homilies on Colossians
- Homily 1: Col. 1:1-2 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (257-63) | New Advent
- Homily 2: Col. 1:9-10 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (264-70) | New Advent
- Homily 3: Col. 1:15-18 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (270-75) | New Advent
- Homily 4: Col. 1:21-22 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (275-79) | New Advent
- Homily 5: Col. 1:26-28 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (279-84) | New Advent
- Homily 6: Col. 2:6-7 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (284-88) | New Advent
- Homily 7: Col. 2:16-19 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (288-93) | New Advent
- Homily 8: Col. 3:5-7 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (293-300) | New Advent
- Homily 9: Col. 3:16-17 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (300-03) | New Advent
- Homily 10: Col. 3:18-25 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (303-09) | New Advent
- Homily 11: Col. 4:5-6 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (309-13) | New Advent
- Homily 12: Col. 4:12-13 | PPS, Vol. 7 (73-80) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (314-21) | New Advent
Homilies on 1 Thessalonians
- Homily 1: 1 Thess. 1:1-3 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (323-27) | New Advent
- Homily 2: 1 Thess. 1:8-10 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (327-32) | New Advent
- Homily 3: 1 Thess. 2:9-12 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (332-38) | New Advent
- Homily 4: 1 Thess. 3:5-8 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (339-43) | New Advent
- Homily 5: 1 Thess. 4:1-3 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (344-47) | New Advent
- Homily 6: 1 Thess. 4:9-10 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (348-52) | New Advent
- Homily 7: 1 Thess. 4:13 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (352-55) | New Advent
- Homily 8: 1 Thess. 4:15-17 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (355-60) | New Advent
- Homily 9: 1 Thess. 5:1-2 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (360-65) | New Advent
- Homily 10: 1 Thess. 5:12-13 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (366-70) | New Advent
- Homily 11: 1 Thess. 5:19-22 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (370-75) | New Advent
Homilies on 2 Thessalonians
- Homily 1: Argument on 2 Thessalonians | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (377-79) | New Advent
- Homily 2: 2 Thess. 1:1-2 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (380-84) | New Advent
- Homily 3: 2 Thess. 1:9-10 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (384-88) | New Advent
- Homily 4: 2 Thess. 2:6-9 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (388-92) | New Advent
- Homily 5: 2 Thess. 3:3-5 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (393-98) | New Advent
Homilies on 1 Timothy
- Homilies: Argument | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (407-08) | New Advent
- Homily 1: 1 Tim. 1:1-2 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (408-12) | New Advent
- Homily 2: 1 Tim. 1:5-7 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (412-16) | New Advent
- Homily 3: 1 Tim. 1:12-14 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (416-19) | New Advent
- Homily 4: 1 Tim. 1:15-16 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (419-23) | New Advent
- Homily 5: 1 Tim. 1:18-19 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (423-26) | New Advent
- Homily 6: 1 Tim. 2:1-4 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (426-29) | New Advent
- Homily 7: 1 Tim. 2:2-4 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (429-32) | New Advent
- Homily 8: 1 Tim. 2:8-10 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (432-35) | New Advent
- Homily 9: 1 Tim. 2:11-15 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (435-37) | New Advent
- Homily 10: 1 Tim. 3:1-4 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (437-41) | New Advent
- Homily 11: 1 Tim. 3:8-10 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (441-44) | New Advent
- Homily 12: 1 Tim. 4:1-3 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (444-48) | New Advent
- Homily 13: 1 Tim. 4:11-14 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (449-53) | New Advent
- Homily 14: 1 Tim. 5:8 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (453-58) | New Advent
- Homily 15: 1 Tim. 5:11-15 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (459-64) | New Advent
- Homily 16: 1 Tim. 5:21-23 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (464-67) | New Advent
- Homily 17: 1 Tim. 6:2-7 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (467-70) | New Advent
- Homily 18: 1 Tim. 6:13-16 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (471-73) | New Advent
Homilies on 2 Timothy
- Homily 1: 2 Tim. 1:1-2 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (475-79) | New Advent
- Homily 2: 2 Tim. 1:8-10 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (479-83) | New Advent
- Homily 3: 2 Tim. 1:13-18 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (484-87) | New Advent
- Homily 4: 2 Tim. 2:1-7 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (487-91) | New Advent
- Homily 5: 2 Tim. 2:11-14 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (492-95) | New Advent
- Homily 6: 2 Tim. 2:20-21 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (496-500) | New Advent
- Homily 7: 2 Tim. 3:1-7 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (500-04) | New Advent
- Homily 8: 2 Tim. 3:1-4 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (504-09) | New Advent
- Homily 9: 2 Tim. 3:16-17 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (509-13) | New Advent
- Homily 10: 2 Tim. 4:9-13 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (513-18) | New Advent
Homilies on Titus
- Homily 1: Tit. 1:1-4 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (519-23) | New Advent
- Homily 2: Tit. 1:5-6 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (524-27) | New Advent
- Homily 3: Tit. 1:12-14 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (528-31) | New Advent
- Homily 4: Tit. 2:2-5 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (531-35) | New Advent
- Homily 5: Tit. 2:11-14 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (535-40) | New Advent
- Homily 6: Tit. 3:8-11 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (540-43) | New Advent
Homilies on Philemon
- Homilies: Argument | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (545-46) | New Advent
- Homily 1: Philemon 1:1-3 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (547-49) | New Advent
- Homily 2: Philemon 1:4-6 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (550-54) | New Advent
- Homily 3: Philemon 1:17-19 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 13 (554-57) | New Advent
Homilies on Hebrews
- Homilies: Argument | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (363-65) | New Advent
- Homily 1: Heb. 1:1-2 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (366-69) | New Advent
- Homily 2: Heb. 1:3 (§§2) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (370-75) | New Advent
- Homily 3: Heb. 1:6-8 (§§11) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (375-81) | New Advent
- Homily 4: Heb. 2:5-7 (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (382-88) | New Advent
- Homily 5: Heb. 2:16-17 (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (388-93) | New Advent
- Homily 6: Heb. 3:7-11 (§§11) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (393-97) | New Advent
- Homily 7: Heb. 4:11-13 (§§11) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (398-402) | New Advent
- Homily 8: Heb. 5:1-3 (§§10) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (403-08) | New Advent
- Homily 9: Heb. 6:1-3 (§§10) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (408-13) | New Advent
- Homily 10: Heb. 6:7-8 (§§9) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (413-17) | New Advent
- Homily 11: Heb. 6:13-16 (§§10) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (418-22) | New Advent
- Homily 12: Heb. 7:1-3 (§§7) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (423-26) | New Advent
- Homily 13: Heb. 7:11-14 (§§11) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (427-32) | New Advent
- Homily 14: Heb. 8:1-2 (§§10) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (433-38) | New Advent
- Homily 15: Heb. 9:1-5 (§§9) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (438-42) | New Advent
- Homily 16: Heb. 9:15-18 (§§10) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (443-46) | New Advent
- Homily 17: Heb. 9:24-26 (§§9) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (446-50) | New Advent
- Homily 18: Heb. 10:8-13 (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (451-54) | New Advent
- Homily 19: Heb. 10:19-23 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (454-57) | New Advent
- Homily 20: Heb. 10:26-27 (§§9) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (457-60) | New Advent
- Homily 21: Heb. 10:32-34 (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (461-64) | New Advent
- Homily 22: Heb. 11:3-4 (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (465-69) | New Advent
- Homily 23: Heb. 11:7 (§§9) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (469-73) | New Advent
- Homily 24: Heb. 11:13-16 (§§9) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (473-77) | New Advent
- Homily 25: Heb. 11:17-19 (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (477-81) | New Advent
- Homily 26: Heb. 11:20-22 (§§9) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (481-86) | New Advent
- Homily 27: Heb. 11:28-31 (§§10) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (487-91) | New Advent
- Homily 28: Heb. 11:37-38 (§§16) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (491-98) | New Advent
- Homily 29: Heb. 12:4-6 (§§7) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (499-502) | New Advent
- Homily 30: Heb. 12:11-13 (§§7) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (503-05) | New Advent
- Homily 31: Heb. 12:14 (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (506-09) | New Advent
- Homily 32: Heb. 12:18-24 (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (510-14) | New Advent
- Homily 33: Heb. 12:28-29 (§§9) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (514-18) | New Advent
- Homily 34: Heb. 13:17 (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 14 (518-22) | New Advent
Other Homilies
- Sermon on Marriage | PPS, Vol. 7 (81-88)
- How to Choose a Wife | PPS, Vol. 7 (89-114)
- Homily on St. Ignatius (§§5) | PPS, Vol. 49 (239-53) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 9 (137-40) | New Advent
- Homily on St. Babylas (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 9 (141-43) | New Advent
- Homily: Demons Do Not Govern the World (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 9 (178-86) | New Advent
- Homily: Concerning the Power of the Tempter, No. 1 (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 9 (186-90) | New Advent
- Homily: Concerning the Power of the Tempter, No. 2 (§§7) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 9 (191-97) | New Advent
- Homily: Against Marcionists and Manichaeans (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 9 (201-07) | New Advent
- Homily: On the Paralytic Left Down Through the Roof (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 9 (211-20) | New Advent
- Homily: To Those Who Had Not Attended the Assembly (§§7) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 9 (223-32) | New Advent
- Homily Against Publishing the Errors of the Brethren (§§12) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 9 (235-42) | New Advent
- Homily 1 on Eutropius (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 9 (249-52) | New Advent
- Homily 2 on Eutropius (§§17) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 9 (252-65) | New Advent
- Homily Concerning “Lowliness of Mind” (§§13) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 9 (147-55) | New Advent
- On the Cross and the Bandit, No. 1 (§§5) | PPS, Vol. 4 (31-48)
- On the Cross and the Bandit, No. 2 (§§5) | PPS, Vol. 4 (49-70)
- Pseudo-Chrysostom, On the Cross and the Passion (§§11) | PPS, Vol. 4 (73-79)
Other Works
- Unknown Author, The Funerary Speech for John Chrysostom (§§144) | TTH, Vol. 60 (37-117)
- The Council of the Oak | TTH, Vol. 60 (153-59)
- Theodoret’s Lost Orations on John | TTH, Vol. 60 (160-63)
- Consolation to Stagirius (3 Books) | CUA, Vol. 149 (29-147)
- The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom | St. John Chrysostom, Rev. Protopresbyter Jon Magoulias, trans., The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom (2021), 1-50.
Letters to Theodore After His Fall
- An Exhortation to Theodore After His Fall: Letter 1 (§§19) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 9 (91-111) | New Advent
- An Exhortation to Theodore After His Fall: Letter 2 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 9 (111-16) | New Advent
Letters from Exile
- Letter 1: To Gemellus (early September 404) | TTH, Vol. 60 (135)
- Letter 2: To Leontius (early September 404) | TTH, Vol. 60 (135-36)
- Letter 3: To the Governor Carterius (early September 404) | TTH, Vol. 60 (136)
- Letter 4: To Paeanius (early September 404) | TTH, Vol. 60 (136-37)
- Letter 5: To Marcellinus (September 404) | TTH, Vol. 60 (137)
- Letter 6: To Antiochus (September 404) | TTH, Vol. 60 (137-38)
- Letter 7: To Aetius (September 404) | TTH, Vol. 60 (138)
- Letter 8: To Paeanius (late September/early October 404) | TTH, Vol. 60 (138-39)
- Letter 9: To Paeanius (October 404) | TTH, Vol. 60 (139)
- Letter 10: To Studius (between September and December 404) | TTH, Vol. 60 (140)
- Letter 11: To Briso (Autumn 404) | TTH, Vol. 60 (140-41)
- Letter 12: To Anatolius the praefectianus (second half of November 404) | TTH, Vol. 60 (141)
- Letter 13: To Paeanius (end of November 404) | TTH, Vol. 60 (141-43)
- Letter 14: To Marcianus (beginning of winter 404/405) | TTH, Vol. 60 (143-44)
- Letter 15: To Palladius the bishop (end of 404) | TTH, Vol. 60 (144)
- Letter 16: To Herculius (late 404 or 405?) | TTH, Vol. 60 (144-45)
- Letter 17: To Marcellinus (405) | TTH, Vol. 60 (145)
- Letter 18: To Anthemius (early 405) | TTH, Vol. 60 (145)
- Letter 19: To Gemellus (summer 405, after mid-July) | TTH, Vol. 60 (146)
- Letter 20: To the former dux Theodosius (405 or 406) | TTH, Vol. 60 (146-47)
- Letter 21: To Theodotus, former consularis (early 406) | TTH, Vol. 60 (147)
- Letter 22: To Aurelius, bishop of Carthage (spring 406) | TTH, Vol. 60 (148)
- Letter 23: To Chromatius, bishop of Aquileia (spring 406) | TTH, Vol. 60 (148)
- Letter 24: To Venerius, bishop of Milan (spring 406) | TTH, Vol. 60 (149)
- Letter 25: To Gemellus (spring 406) | TTH, Vol. 60 (149-50)
- Letter 26: To Marinianus (spring 406) | TTH, Vol. 60 (150)
- Letter 27: To the lady Proba in Rome (spring 406) | TTH, Vol. 60 (151)
- Letter 28: To Juliana and those with her (spring 406) | TTH, Vol. 60 (151)
- Letter 29: To Italica (spring 406) | TTH, Vol. 60 (151-52)
- Letter 30: To Gemellus (summer 406) | TTH, Vol. 60 (152)
Letters to Olympias
Letters numbered in parentheses are from NPNF, 1st, Vol. 9.
- Letter 1 to Olympias | PPS, Vol. 56 (31-32)
- Letter 2 to Olympias | PPS, Vol. 56 (33)
- Letter 3 to Olympias | PPS, Vol. 56 (35-36)
- Letter 4 to Olympias | PPS, Vol. 56 (37-38)
- Letter 5 to Olympias | PPS, Vol. 56 (39-40)
- Letter 6 to Olympias | PPS, Vol. 56 (41-43)
- Letter 7 (1) to Olympias (§§5) | PPS, Vol. 56 (45-56) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 9 (289-93) | New Advent
- Letter 8 to Olympias | PPS, Vol. 56 (57-83)
- Letter 9 (4) to Olympias (§§5) | PPS, Vol. 56 (85-95) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 9 (298-303) | New Advent
- Letter 10 to Olympias | PPS, Vol. 56 (97-125)
- Letter 11 to Olympias | PPS, Vol. 56 (127-30)
- Letter 12 (3) to Olympias | PPS, Vol. 56 (131-35) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 9 (297-98) | New Advent
- Letter 13 to Olympias | PPS, Vol. 56 (137-46)
- Letter 14 to Olympias | PPS, Vol. 56 (147-49)
- Letter 15 to Olympias | PPS, Vol. 56 (151-53)
- Letter 16 (5) to Olympias | PPS, Vol. 56 (155-57) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 9 (303) | New Advent
- Letter 17 (2) to Olympias (§§4) | PPS, Vol. 56 (159-68) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 9 (293-96) | New Advent
Other Letters
- To Castus, Valerius, Diophantus, Cyriacus, Presbyters of Antioch | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 9 (304) | New Advent
- To St. Pope Innocent (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 9 (309-12) | New Advent
- To St. Pope Innocent | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 9 (312-13) | New Advent
- Letter to a Young Widow (§§7) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 9 (122-28) | New Advent
- Letter 126: To the Presbyter, Rufinus (§§4) | PPS, Vol. 31 (261-63)
- Vigilius, To St. John Chrysostom (§§11) | PPS, Vol. 31 (265-80)
St. Pope Innocent I (died 417) | WEST
- To St. John Chrysostom | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 9 (313) | New Advent
- To the Faithful of Constantinople | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 9 (313-14) | New Advent
St. Shenoute (c. 348-465) | EAST
- Besa, The Life of Shenoute (§§190) | CS, Vol. 73 (41-92)
St. Augustine (354-430) | WEST
Works and Treatises
- Confessions (13 Books) | NPNF 1st , Vol. 1 (45-207) | New Advent
- City of God (22 Books) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 2 (1-511) | New Advent
- On the Holy Trinity (15 Books) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 3 (17-228) | New Advent
- The Enchiridion (§§122) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 3 (237-76) | New Advent
- On the Catechizing of the Uninstructed (§§55) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 3 (283-314) | New Advent
- The Teacher (§§14) | ACW, Vol. 9 (129-186)
- Against the Academics (3 Books) | ACW, Vol. 12 (35-151)
- The Rule of St. Augustine, Masculine and Feminine Forms | St. Augustine, Canning, Rules (9-38) | St. Augustine, Chaucer House, Rules (7-131)
- Our Lord’s Sermon on the Mount (2 Books) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (3-63) | New Advent
- The Harmony of the Gospels (4 Books) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (77-236) | New Advent
- On Faith and Good Works (§§49) | ACW, Vol. 48 (7-56)
- The Christian Combat (§§35) | CUA, Vol. 2 (315-53)
- Faith, Hope, and Charity (§§122) | CUA, Vol. 2 (369-472)
- On Christian Doctrine/Christian Instruction (4 Books) | CUA, Vol. 2 (19-235) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 2 (519-97) | New Advent
- The Happy Life (§§36) | CUA, Vol. 5 (43-84)
- Answer to Skeptics (3 Books) | CUA, Vol. 5 (103-222)
- Divine Providence and the Problem of Evil (2 Books) | CUA, Vol. 5 (239-331)
- Soliloquies (2 Books) | CUA, Vol. 5 (343-425) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (537-60) | New Advent
- Concerning Faith of Things Not Seen/On Faith in Things Unseen (§§11) | CUA, Vol. 4 (451-69) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 3 (337-43) | New Advent
- On the Profit/Advantage of Believing (§§36) | CUA, Vol. 4 (391-442) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 3 (347-66) | New Advent
- The Immortality of the Soul (§§25) | CUA, Vol. 4 (15-47)
- The Magnitude of the Soul (§§81) | CUA, Vol. 4 (59-149) | ACW, Vol. 9 (13-112)
- On Music (6 Books) | CUA, Vol. 4 (169-379)
- The Christian Life (§§15) | CUA, Vol. 16 (9-43)
- On Lying (§§43) | CUA, Vol. 16 (53-110) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 3 (457-77) | New Advent
- To Consentius: Against Lying (§§41) | CUA, Vol. 16 (125-79) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 3 (481-500) | New Advent
- Of Continence (§§32) | CUA, Vol. 16 (189-231) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 3 (379-93) | New Advent
- On Patience (§§26) | CUA, Vol. 16 (237-64) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 3 (527-36) | New Advent
- On the Good/Excellence of Widowhood (§§29) | CUA, Vol. 16 (279-319)NPNF, 1st, Vol. 3 (441-54) | New Advent
- Of the Work of Monks (§§41) | CUA, Vol. 16 (331-94) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 3 (503-24) | New Advent
- The Usefulness of Fasting (§§11) | CUA, Vol. 16 (403-422)
- The Eight Questions of Dulcitius (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 16 (427-66)
- On the Good of Marriage (§§35) | CUA, Vol. 27 (9-51) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 3 (399-413) | New Advent
- Adulterous Marriages (§§22) | CUA, Vol. 27 (61-132)
- Of Holy Virginity (§§57) | CUA, Vol. 27 (143-212) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 3 (417-38) | New Advent
- Faith and Works (§§49) | CUA, Vol. 27 (221-82)
- On Care to Be Had for the Dead (§§23) | CUA, Vol. 27 (351-84) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 3 (539-51) | New Advent
- In Answer to the Jews (§§15) | CUA, Vol. 27 (391-414)
- The Divination of Demons (§§14) | CUA, Vol. 27 (421-40)
- On Faith and the Creed (§§25) | CUA, Vol. 27 (315-45) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 3 (321-33) | New Advent
- Against Julian (6 Books) | CUA, Vol. 35 (3-396)
- Retractions (2 Books) | CUA, Vol. 60 (3-271)
- Eighty-Three Different Questions (§§83) | CUA, Vol. 70 (37-220)
Anti-Manichaean Works
- On the Morals of the Catholic Church (§§80) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 4 (41-63) | New Advent
- On the Morals of the Manichaeans (§§75) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 4 (69-89) | New Advent
- On Two Souls, Against the Manichaeans | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 4 (95-107) | New Advent
- Acts or Disputation Against Fortunatus the Manichaean (§§37) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 4 (113-24) | New Advent
- Against the Letter of Manichaeus Called Fundamental (§§49) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 4 (129-50) | New Advent
- Reply to Faustus the Manichaean (33 Books) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 4 (155-345) | New Advent
- Concerning the Nature of Good, Against the Manichaeans (§§48) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 4 (351-65) | New Advent
- Two Books on Genesis Against the Manichees (2 Books) | CUA, Vol. 84 (47-141)
Anti-Donatist Works
- On Baptism, Against the Donatists (7 Books) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 4 (411-514) | New Advent
- Answer to Letters of Petilian, Bishop of Cirta (3 Books) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 4 (519-628) | New Advent
- The Correction of the Donatists/Letter 185 (§§51) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 4 (633-51) | New Advent
Anti-Pelagian Works
- On the Merits and Remission of Sins, and on the Baptism of Infants (3 Books) (412) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 5 (15-78) | New Advent
- On the Spirit and the Letter (§§66) (412) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 5 (83-114) | New Advent
- On Nature and Grace (§§84) (415) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 5 (121-51) | New Advent
- On Man’s Perfection in Righteousness (§§44) (415) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 5 (159-76) | New Advent
- On the Proceedings of Pelagius (§§66) (417) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 5 (183-212) | New Advent
- On the Grace of Christ, and on Original Sin (2 Books) (418) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 5 (217-55) | New Advent
- On Marriage and Concupiscence (2 Books) (419-20) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 5 (263-308) | New Advent
- On the Soul and Its Origin (4 Books) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 5 (315-71) | New Advent
- Against Two Letters of the Pelagians (4 Books) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 5 (377-434) | New Advent
- On Grace and Free Will (§§46) (c. 426-27) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 5 (443-65) | New Advent
- On Rebuke/Admonition and Grace (§§49) (c. 426-27) | CUA, Vol. 2 (245-305) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 5 (472-91) | New Advent
- On the Predestination of the Saints (§§43) (c. 428-29) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 5 (498-519) | New Advent
- On the Gift of Perseverance (§§68) (c. 428-29) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 5 (526-52) | New Advent
Biblical Commentaries
- The Literal Meaning of Genesis (12 Books) | ACW, Vol. 41 (19-207) (Books 1-6) | ACW, Vol. 42 (3-201) (Books 7-12)
- On the Literal Interpretation of Genesis: An Unfinished Book (§§62) | CUA, Vol. 84 (145-88)
Expositions of the Psalms
- Psalm 1 (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (1-2) | New Advent
- Psalm 2 (§§11) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (2-4) | New Advent
- Psalm 3 (§§10) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (4-8) | New Advent
- Psalm 4 (§§10) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (8-11) | New Advent
- Psalm 5 (§§18) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (11-15) | New Advent
- Psalm 6 (§§13) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (15-20) | New Advent
- Psalm 7 (§§20) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (20-27) | New Advent
- Psalm 8 (§§13) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (27-32) | New Advent
- Psalm 9 (§§20) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (32-37) | New Advent
- Psalm 10 (§§15) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (37-40) | New Advent
- Psalm 11 (§§12) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (41-44) | New Advent
- Psalm 12 (§§9) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (44-45) | New Advent
- Psalm 13 (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (45-46) | New Advent
- Psalm 14 (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (46-47) | New Advent
- Psalm 15 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (47-48) | New Advent
- Psalm 16 (§§10) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (48-49) | New Advent
- Psalm 17 (§§14) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (49-50) | New Advent
- Psalm 18 (§§51) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (50-54) | New Advent
- Psalm 19 (§§15) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (54-56) | New Advent
- Psalm 20 (§§10) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (56-57) | New Advent
- Psalm 21 (§§58) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (57-58) | New Advent
- Psalm 22 (§§32) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (58-60) | New Advent
- Psalm 23 (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (60-61) | New Advent
- Psalm 24 (§§10) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (61) | New Advent
- Psalm 25 (§§22) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (62-63) | New Advent
- Psalm 26 (§§12) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (63-64) | New Advent
- Psalm 27 (§§14) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (64-65) | New Advent
- Psalm 28 (§§9) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (65-66) | New Advent
- Psalm 29 (§§11) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (66-67) | New Advent
- Psalm 30 (§§13) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (67-68) | New Advent
- Psalm 31 (§§25) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (68-70) | New Advent
- Psalm 32 (§§11) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (70-71) | New Advent
- Psalm 33 (§§22) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (71-72) | New Advent
- Psalm 34 (§§25) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (72-79) | New Advent
- Psalm 35 (§§27) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (79-86) | New Advent
- Psalm 36 (§§16) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (86-91) | New Advent
- Psalm 37 (§§16) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (91-103) | New Advent
- Psalm 38 (§§27) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (103-111) | New Advent
- Psalm 39 (§§22) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (112-19) | New Advent
- Psalm 40 (§§25) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (119-28) | New Advent
- Psalm 41 (§§13) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (128-32) | New Advent
- Psalm 42 (§§18) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (132-38) | New Advent
- Psalm 43 (§§7) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (138-40) | New Advent
- Psalm 44 (§§21) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (140-45) | New Advent
- Psalm 45 (§§30) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (145-55) | New Advent
- Psalm 46 (§§13) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (155-60) | New Advent
- Psalm 47 (§§11) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (160-64) | New Advent
- Psalm 48 (§§14) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (164-68) | New Advent
- Psalm 49 (§§9) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (169-77) | New Advent
- Psalm 50 (§§31) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (177-89) | New Advent
- Psalm 51 (§§23) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (189-97) | New Advent
- Psalm 52 (§§13) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (197-202) | New Advent
- Psalm 53 (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (202-05) | New Advent
- Psalm 54 (§§11) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (205-09) | New Advent
- Psalm 55 (§§26) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (209-18) | New Advent
- Psalm 56 (§§18) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (218-25) | New Advent
- Psalm 57 (§§15) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (225-29) | New Advent
- Psalm 58 (§§17) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (229-36) | New Advent
- Psalm 59 (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (236-44) | New Advent
- Psalm 60 (§§14) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (244-48) | New Advent
- Psalm 61 (§§9) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (248-51) | New Advent
- Psalm 62 (§§15) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (251-58) | New Advent
- Psalm 63 (§§15) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (258-63) | New Advent
- Psalm 64 (§§17) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (263-67) | New Advent
- Psalm 65 (§§17) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (267-73) | New Advent
- Psalm 66 (§§21) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (274-81) | New Advent
- Psalm 67 (§§10) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (281-85) | New Advent
- Psalm 68 (§§40) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (285-99) | New Advent
- Psalm 69 (§§33) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (299-311) | New Advent
- Psalm 70 (§§9) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (311-15) | New Advent
- Psalm 71 (§§29) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (315-26) | New Advent
- Psalm 72 (§§20) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (326-33) | New Advent
- Psalm 73 (§§26) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (333-42) | New Advent
- Psalm 74 (§§23) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (342-50) | New Advent
- Psalm 75 (§§12) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (350-55) | New Advent
- Psalm 76 (§§13) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (355-60) | New Advent
- Psalm 77 (§§20) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (360-66) | New Advent
- Psalm 78 (§§38) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (366-80) | New Advent
- Psalm 79 (§§17) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (380-86) | New Advent
- Psalm 80 (§§11) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (386-90) | New Advent
- Psalm 81 (§§21) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (390-95) | New Advent
- Psalm 82 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (395-97) | New Advent
- Psalm 83 (§§12) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (397-400) | New Advent
- Psalm 84 (§§17) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (400-405) | New Advent
- Psalm 85 (§§13) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (405-409) | New Advent
- Psalm 86 (§§23) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (409-19) | New Advent
- Psalm 87 (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (419-23) | New Advent
- Psalm 88 (§§13) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (423-29) | New Advent
- Psalm 89 (§§41) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (429-41) | New Advent
- Psalm 90 (§§17) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (441-46) | New Advent
- Psalm 91 (§§20) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (446-52) | New Advent
- Psalm 92 (§§14) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (452-56) | New Advent
- Psalm 93 (§§7) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (456-59) | New Advent
- Psalm 94 (§§25) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (459-67) | New Advent
- Psalm 95 (§§13) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (467-70) | New Advent
- Psalm 96 (§§15) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (470-75) | New Advent
- Psalm 97 (§§17) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (475-80) | New Advent
- Psalm 98 (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (480-83) | New Advent
- Psalm 99 (§§11) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (483-87) | New Advent
- Psalm 100 (§§13) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (487-91) | New Advent
- Psalm 101 (§§12) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (491-94) | New Advent
- Psalm 102 (§§32) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (494-503) | New Advent
- Psalm 103 (§§26) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (503-10) | New Advent
- Psalm 104 (§§46) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (510-20) | New Advent
- Psalm 105 (§§33) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (520-25) | New Advent
- Psalm 106 (§§33) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (525-32) | New Advent
- Psalm 107 (§§10) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (532-36) | New Advent
- Psalm 108 (§§2) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (536) | New Advent
- Psalm 109 (§§30) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (536-41) | New Advent
- Psalm 110 (§§14) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (541-44) | New Advent
- Psalm 111 (§§7) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (545-46) | New Advent
- Psalm 112 (§§7) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (546-48) | New Advent
- Psalm 113 (§§7) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (548-49) | New Advent
- Psalm 114 (§§9) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (549-51) | New Advent
- Psalm 115 (§§12) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (551-54) | New Advent
- Psalm 116 (§§14) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (554-56) | New Advent
- Psalm 117 | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (556-57) | New Advent
- Psalm 118 (§§22) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (557-60) | New Advent
- Psalm 119 (§§172) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (560-89) | New Advent
- Psalm 120 (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (589-91) | New Advent
- Psalm 121 (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (591-93) | New Advent
- Psalm 122 (§§14) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (593-96) | New Advent
- Psalm 123 (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (596-98) | New Advent
- Psalm 124 (§§10) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (598-600) | New Advent
- Psalm 125 (§§10) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (600-603) | New Advent
- Psalm 126 (§§11) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (603-606) | New Advent
- Psalm 127 (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (606-608) | New Advent
- Psalm 128 (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (609-10) | New Advent
- Psalm 129 (§§10) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (610-13) | New Advent
- Psalm 130 (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (613-14) | New Advent
- Psalm 131 (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (614-16) | New Advent
- Psalm 132 (§§21) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (616-22) | New Advent
- Psalm 133 (§§9) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (622-24) | New Advent
- Psalm 134 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (624) | New Advent
- Psalm 135 (§§16) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (624-27) | New Advent
- Psalm 136 (§§9) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (627-30) | New Advent
- Psalm 137 (§§13) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (630-32) | New Advent
- Psalm 138 (§§13) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (632-35) | New Advent
- Psalm 139 (§§21) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (635-41) | New Advent
- Psalm 140 (§§16) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (641-44) | New Advent
- Psalm 141 (§§14) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (644-48) | New Advent
- Psalm 142 (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (648-51) | New Advent
- Psalm 143 (§§13) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (651-54) | New Advent
- Psalm 144 (§§10) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (654-57) | New Advent
- Psalm 145 (§§18) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (657-61) | New Advent
- Psalm 146 (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (661-65) | New Advent
- Psalm 147 (§§29) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (665-73) | New Advent
- Psalm 148 (§§11) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (673-77) | New Advent
- Psalm 149 (§§11) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (677-81) | New Advent
- Psalm 150 (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 8 (681-83) | New Advent
Tractates on the Gospel of John
- Tractate 1: John 1:1-5 (§§19) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (7-13) | New Advent
- Tractate 2: John 1:6-14 (§§16) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (13-18) | New Advent
- Tractate 3: John 1:15-18 (§§21) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (19-25) | New Advent
- Tractate 4: John 1:19-33 (§§16) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (25-31) | New Advent
- Tractate 5: John 1:33 (§§20) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (31-39) | New Advent
- Tractate 6: John 1:32-33 (§§26) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (39-48) | New Advent
- Tractate 7: John 1:34-51 (§§24) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (48-57) | New Advent
- Tractate 8: John 2:1-4 (§§13) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (57-63) | New Advent
- Tractate 9: John 2:1-11 (§§17) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (63-68) | New Advent
- Tractate 10: John 2:12-21 (§§13) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (69-74) | New Advent
- Tractate 11: John 2:23-25, 3:1-5 (§§15) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (74-81) | New Advent
- Tractate 12: John 3:6-21 (§§14) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (81-86) | New Advent
- Tractate 13: John 3:22-29 (§§18) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (86-93) | New Advent
- Tractate 14: John 3:29-36 (§§13) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (93-99) | New Advent
- Tractate 15: John 4:1-42 (§§33) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (99-107) | New Advent
- Tractate 16: John 4:43-54 (§§7) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (108-10) | New Advent
- Tractate 17: John 5:1-18 (§§16) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (111-16) | New Advent
- Tractate 18: John 5:19 (§§12) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (117-22) | New Advent
- Tractate 19: John 5:19-30 (§§20) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (122-31) | New Advent
- Tractate 20: John 5:19 (§§13) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (131-37) | New Advent
- Tractate 21: John 5:20-23 (§§17) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (137-44) | New Advent
- Tractate 22: John 5:24-30 (§§15) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (144-50) | New Advent
- Tractate 23: John 5:19-40 (§§15) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (150-57) | New Advent
- Tractate 24: John 6:1-14 (§§7) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (158-60) | New Advent
- Tractate 25: John 6:15-44 (§§19) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (160-67) | New Advent
- Tractate 26: John 6:41-59 (§§20) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (168-74) | New Advent
- Tractate 27: John 6:60-72 (§§12) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (174-78) | New Advent
- Tractate 28: John 7:1-13 (§§12) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (178-83) | New Advent
- Tractate 29: John 7:14-18 (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (183-86) | New Advent
- Tractate 30: John 7:19-24 (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (186-88) | New Advent
- Tractate 31: John 7:25-36 (§§11) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (189-93) | New Advent
- Tractate 32: John 7:37-39 (§§9) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (193-96) | New Advent
- Tractate 33: John 7:40-53, 8:1-11 (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (197-200) | New Advent
- Tractate 34: John 8:12 (§§10) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (200-204) | New Advent
- Tractate 35: John 8:13-14 (§§9) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (204-207) | New Advent
- Tractate 36: John 8:15-18 (§§13) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (208-13) | New Advent
- Tractate 37: John 8:19-20 (§§10) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (213-17) | New Advent
- Tractate 38: John 8:21-25 (§§11) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (217-21) | New Advent
- Tractate 39: John 8:26-27 (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (222-24) | New Advent
- Tractate 40: John 8:28-32 (§§11) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (225-29) | New Advent
- Tractate 41: John 8:31-36 (§§13) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (229-35) | New Advent
- Tractate 42: John 8:37-47 (§§16) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (235-40) | New Advent
- Tractate 43: John 8:48-59 (§§18) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (240-45) | New Advent
- Tractate 44: John 9 (§§17) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (245-49) | New Advent
- Tractate 45: John 10:1-10 (§§15) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (249-55) | New Advent
- Tractate 46: John 10:11-13 (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (256-59) | New Advent
- Tractate 47: John 10:14-21 (§§14) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (259-65) | New Advent
- Tractate 48: John 10:22-42 (§§12) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (266-69) | New Advent
- Tractate 49: John 11:1-54 (§§28) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (270-78) | New Advent
- Tractate 50: John 11:55-57, 12:1-11 (§§14) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (279-83) | New Advent
- Tractate 51: John 12:12-26 (§§13) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (283-87) | New Advent
- Tractate 52: John 12:27-36 (§§14) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (287-91) | New Advent
- Tractate 53: John 12:37-43 (§§13) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (291-95) | New Advent
- Tractate 54: John 12:44-50 (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (295-99) | New Advent
- Tractate 55: John 13:1-5 (§§7) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (299-301) | New Advent
- Tractate 56: John 13:6-10 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (301-303) | New Advent
- Tractate 57: John 13:6-10, Song of Songs 5:2-3 (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (303-305) | New Advent
- Tractate 58: John 13:10-15 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (305-307) | New Advent
- Tractate 59: John 13:16-20 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (307-308) | New Advent
- Tractate 60: John 13:21 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (309-10) | New Advent
- Tractate 61: John 13:21-26 (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (310-12) | New Advent
- Tractate 62: John 13:26-31 (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (312-14) | New Advent
- Tractate 63: John 13:31-32 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (314-16) | New Advent
- Tractate 64: John 13:33 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (316-17) | New Advent
- Tractate 65: John 13:34-35 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (317-19) | New Advent
- Tractate 66: John 13:36-38 (§§2) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (319-20) | New Advent
- Tractate 67: John 14:1-3 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (321-22) | New Advent
- Tractate 68: John 14:1-3 cont. (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (322-24) | New Advent
- Tractate 69: John 14:4-6 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (324-26) | New Advent
- Tractate 70: John 14:7-10 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (326-28) | New Advent
- Tractate 71: John 14:10-14 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (328-29) | New Advent
- Tractate 72: John 14:10-15 cont. (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (329-31) | New Advent
- Tractate 73: John 14:10-15 cont. (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (331-33) | New Advent
- Tractate 74: John 14:15-17 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (333-35) | New Advent
- Tractate 75: John 14:18-21 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (335-36) | New Advent
- Tractate 76: John 14:22-24 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (337-38) | New Advent
- Tractate 77: John 14:25-27 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (338-40) | New Advent
- Tractate 78: John 14:27-28 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (340-42) | New Advent
- Tractate 79: John 14:29-31 (§§2) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (342-43) | New Advent
- Tractate 80: John 15:1-3 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (343-45) | New Advent
- Tractate 81: John 15:4-7 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (345-46) | New Advent
- Tractate 82: John 15:8-10 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (346-48) | New Advent
- Tractate 83: John 15:11-12 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (348-49) | New Advent
- Tractate 84: John 15:13 (§§2) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (349-51) | New Advent
- Tractate 85: John 15:14-15 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (351-52) | New Advent
- Tractate 86: John 15:15-16 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (352-54) | New Advent
- Tractate 87: John 15:17-19 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (354-55) | New Advent
- Tractate 88: John 15:20-21 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (356-57) | New Advent
- Tractate 89: John 15:22-23 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (357-59) | New Advent
- Tractate 90: John 15:23 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (359-60 | New Advent
- Tractate 91: John 15:24-25 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (361-62) | New Advent
- Tractate 92: John 15:26-27 (§§2) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (362-64) | New Advent
- Tractate 93: John 16:1-4 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (364-66) | New Advent
- Tractate 94: John 16:4-7 (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (366-68) | New Advent
- Tractate 95: John 16:8-11 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (368-71) | New Advent
- Tractate 96: John 16:12-13 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (371-73) | New Advent
- Tractate 97: John 16:12-13 cont. (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (374-76) | New Advent
- Tractate 98: John 16:12-13 cont. (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (376-80) | New Advent
- Tractate 99: John 16:13 (§§9) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (380-84) | New Advent
- Tractate 100: John 16:13-15 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (385-87) | New Advent
- Tractate 101: John 16:16-23 (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (387-89) | New Advent
- Tractate 102: John 16:23-28 (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (389-91) | New Advent
- Tractate 103: John 16:29-33 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (391-93) | New Advent
- Tractate 104: John 17:1 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (393-95) | New Advent
- Tractate 105: John 17:1-5 (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (395-98) | New Advent
- Tractate 106: John 17:6-8 (§§7) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (399-402) | New Advent
- Tractate 107: John 17:9-13 (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (402-404) | New Advent
- Tractate 108: John 17:14-19 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (404-405) | New Advent
- Tractate 109: John 17:20 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (406-408) | New Advent
- Tractate 110: John 17:21-23 (§§7) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (408-12) | New Advent
- Tractate 111: John 17:24-26 (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (412-15) | New Advent
- Tractate 112: John 18:1-12 (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (416-18) | New Advent
- Tractate 113: John 18:13-27 (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (418-20) | New Advent
- Tractate 114: John 18:28-32 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (421-22) | New Advent
- Tractate 115: John 18:33-40 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (423-25) | New Advent
- Tractate 116: John 19:1-16 (§§9) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (425-27) | New Advent
- Tractate 117: John 19:17-22 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (428-30) | New Advent
- Tractate 118: John 19:23-24 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (430-32) | New Advent
- Tractate 119: John 19:24-30 (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (432-34) | New Advent
- Tractate 120: John 19:31-42, 20:1-9 (§§9) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (434-36) | New Advent
- Tractate 121: John 20:10-29 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (436-39) | New Advent
- Tractate 122: John 20:30-31, 21:1-11 (§§9) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (439-43) | New Advent
- Tractate 123: John 21:12-19 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (444-47) | New Advent
- Tractate 124: John 21:19-25 (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (447-52) | New Advent
Numbers in parentheses are from the Benedictine Edition.
- Sermon 1 (51) (§§35) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (245-59) | New Advent
- Sermon 2 (52) (§§23) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (259-66) | New Advent
- Sermon 3 (53) (§§16) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (266-71) | New Advent
- Sermon 4 (54) (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (271-72) | New Advent
- Sermon 5 (55) (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (272-74) | New Advent
- Sermon 6 (56) (§§19) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (274-80) | New Advent
- Sermon 7 (57) (§§13) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (280-84) | New Advent
- Sermon 8 (58) (§§13) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (284-88) | New Advent
- Sermon 9 (59) (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (288-89) | New Advent
- Sermon 10 (60) (§§12) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (290-94) | New Advent
- Sermon 11 (61) (§§13) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (294-98) | New Advent
- Sermon 12 (62) (§§18) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (298-304) | New Advent
- Sermon 13 (63) (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (304-305) | New Advent
- Sermon 14 (64) (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (305-306) | New Advent
- Sermon 15 (65) (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (306-308) | New Advent
- Sermon 16 (66) (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (309-10) | New Advent
- Sermon 17 (67) (§§9) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (310-13) | New Advent
- Sermon 18 (68) (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (313-15) | New Advent
- Sermon 19 (69) (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (315-16) | New Advent
- Sermon 20 (70) (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (317-18) | New Advent
- Sermon 21 (71) (§§38) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (318-32) | New Advent
- Sermon 22 (72) (§§7) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (332-34) | New Advent
- Sermon 23 (73) (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (334-35) | New Advent
- Sermon 24 (24) (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (335-37) | New Advent
- Sermon 25 (75) (§§10) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (337-39) | New Advent
- Sermon 26 (76) (§§9) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (340-42) | New Advent
- Sermon 27 (77) (§§15) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (342-47) | New Advent
- Sermon 28 (78) (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (347-48) | New Advent
- Sermon 29 (79) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (349) | New Advent
- Sermon 30 (80) (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (349-52) | New Advent
- Sermon 31 (81) (§§9) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (352-57) | New Advent
- Sermon 32 (82) (§§15) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (357-62) | New Advent
- Sermon 33 (83) (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (362-65) | New Advent
- Sermon 34 (84) (§§2) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (365-66) | New Advent
- Sermon 35 (85) (§§7) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (366-68) | New Advent
- Sermon 36 (86) (§§17) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (368-73) | New Advent
- Sermon 37 (87) (§§15) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (373-78) | New Advent
- Sermon 38 (88) (§§25) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (378-88) | New Advent
- Sermon 39 (89) (§§7) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (388-92) | New Advent
- Sermon 40 (90) (§§10) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (392-97) | New Advent
- Sermon 41 (91) (§§9) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (397-400) | New Advent
- Sermon 42 (92) (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (400-401) | New Advent
- Sermon 43 (93) (§§17) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (401-405) | New Advent
- Sermon 44 (94) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (405-406) | New Advent
- Sermon 45 (95) (§§7) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (406-408) | New Advent
- Sermon 46 (96) (§§10) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (408-11) | New Advent
- Sermon 47 (97) (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (411-13) | New Advent
- Sermon 48 (98) (§§7) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (413-15) | New Advent
- Sermon 49 (99) (§§13) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (415-20) | New Advent
- Sermon 50 (100) (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (420-22) | New Advent
- Sermon 51 (101) (§§11) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (422-25) | New Advent
- Sermon 52 (102) (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (425-27) | New Advent
- Sermon 53 (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (427-29) | New Advent
- Sermon 54 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (429-30) | New Advent
- Sermon 55 (§§13) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (430-35) | New Advent
- Sermon 56 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (435-36) | New Advent
- Sermon 57 (§§10) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (436-40) | New Advent
- Sermon 58 (§§7) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (440-42) | New Advent
- Sermon 59 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (442-43) | New Advent
- Sermon 60 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (443-45) | New Advent
- Sermon 61 (§§2) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (445-46) | New Advent
- Sermon 62 (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (446-49) | New Advent
- Sermon 63 (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (449-52) | New Advent
- Sermon 64 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (452-54) | New Advent
- Sermon 65 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (454-56) | New Advent
- Sermon 66 (§§7) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (456-58) | New Advent
- Sermon 67 (§§17) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (458-65) | New Advent
- Sermon 68 (§§2) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (465-66) | New Advent
- Sermon 69 (§§7) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (466-67) | New Advent
- Sermon 70 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (467-69) | New Advent
- Sermon 71 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (469-70) | New Advent
- Sermon 72 (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (470-72) | New Advent
- Sermon 73 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (472-74) | New Advent
- Sermon 74 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (474-75) | New Advent
- Sermon 75 (§§11) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (475-81) | New Advent
- Sermon 76 (§§15) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (481-86) | New Advent
- Sermon 77 (§§15) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (486-91) | New Advent
- Sermon 78 (§§14) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (491-95) | New Advent
- Sermon 79 (§§9) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (496-98) | New Advent
- Sermon 80 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (498-501) | New Advent
- Sermon 81 (§§10) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (501-504) | New Advent
- Sermon 82 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (504-506) | New Advent
- Sermon 83 (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (506-509) | New Advent
- Sermon 84 (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (509-11) | New Advent
- Sermon 85 (§§8) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (512-14) | New Advent
- Sermon 86 (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (514-17) | New Advent
- Sermon 87 (§§15) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (517-23) | New Advent
- Sermon 88 (§§10) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (523-27) | New Advent
- Sermon 89 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (527-29) | New Advent
- Sermon 90 (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (529-31) | New Advent
- Sermon 91 (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (531-32) | New Advent
- Sermon 92 (§§10) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (532-36) | New Advent
- Sermon 93 (§§5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (536-38) | New Advent
- Sermon 94 (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (538-40) | New Advent
- Sermon 95 (§§6) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (540-43) | New Advent
- Sermon 96 (§§2) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (543-44) | New Advent
- Sermon 97 (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 6 (544-45) | New Advent
- Sermon 184: For the Feast of the Nativity (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 38 (3-6)
- Sermon 185: For the Feast of the Nativity (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 38 (6-9)
- Sermon 186: For the Feast of the Nativity (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 38 (9-12)
- Sermon 187: For the Feast of the Nativity (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 38 (13-17)
- Sermon 188: For the Feast of the Nativity (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 38 (17-20)
- Sermon 189: For the Feast of the Nativity (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 38 (20-23)
- Sermon 190: For the Feast of the Nativity (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 38 (23-27)
- Sermon 191: For the Feast of the Nativity (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 38 (27-31)
- Sermon 192: For the Feast of the Nativity (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 38 (31-34)
- Sermon 193: For the Feast of the Nativity (§§2) | CUA, Vol. 38 (35-37)
- Sermon 194: For the Feast of the Nativity (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 38 (37-41)
- Sermon 195: For the Feast of the Nativity (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 38 (41-43)
- Sermon 196: For the Feast of the Nativity (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 38 (43-47)
- Sermon 197: Against the Pagans, on the First of January | CUA, Vol. 38 (49-54)
- Sermon 198: For New Years (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 38 (55-58)
- Sermon 199: For Epiphany (§§2) | CUA, Vol. 38 (59-63)
- Sermon 200: For Epiphany (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 38 (63-67)
- Sermon 201: For Epiphany (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 38 (67-71)
- Sermon 202: For Epiphany (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 38 (71-74)
- Sermon 203: For Epiphany (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 38 (75-77)
- Sermon 204: For Epiphany (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 38 (77-81)
- Sermon 205: For Lent (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 38 (83-86)
- Sermon 206: For Lent (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 38 (86-89)
- Sermon 207: For Lent (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 38 (89-92)
- Sermon 208: For Lent (§§2) | CUA, Vol. 38 (92-95)
- Sermon 209: For Lent (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 38 (95-97)
- Sermon 210: For Lent (§§10) | CUA, Vol. 38 (97-108)
- Sermon 211: For Lent (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 38 (108-15)
- Sermon 212: For Recent Converts (§§2) | CUA, Vol. 38 (117-21)
- Sermon 213: For Recent Converts (§§9) | CUA, Vol. 38 (121-30)
- Sermon 214: For Recent Converts (§§12) | CUA, Vol. 38 (130-42)
- Sermon 215: For Recent Converts (§§9) | CUA, Vol. 38 (142-50)
- Sermon 216: For Recent Converts (§§11) | CUA, Vol. 38 (150-61)
- Sermon 217: For Recent Converts (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 38 (161-63)
- Sermon 218: For Recent Converts (§§15) | CUA, Vol. 38 (164-69)
- Sermon 219: For the Easter Vigil | CUA, Vol. 38 (171-73)
- Sermon 220: For the Easter Vigil | CUA, Vol. 38 (173-74)
- Sermon 221: For the Easter Vigil (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 38 (175-79)
- Sermon 222: For the Easter Vigil | CUA, Vol. 38 (179-81)
- Sermon 223: For the Easter Vigil | CUA, Vol. 38 (181-84)
- Sermon 224: For Easter Sunday (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 38 (185-88)
- Sermon 225: For Easter Sunday (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 38 (189-94)
- Sermon 226: For Easter Sunday | CUA, Vol. 38 (194-95)
- Sermon 227: For Easter Sunday | CUA, Vol. 38 (195-98)
- Sermon 228: For Easter Sunday (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 38 (198-200)
- Sermon 229: On the Sacraments of the Faith | CUA, Vol. 38 (201-202)
- Sermon 230: On the Verse “This is the day which the Lord hath made” | CUA, Vol. 38 (202-203)
- Sermon 231: On the Resurrection According to St. Mark (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 38 (203-209)
- Sermon 232: On the Resurrection According to St. Luke (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 38 (209-17)
- Sermon 233: On the Resurrection According to St. Mark (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 38 (217-22)
- Sermon 234: On the Resurrection According to St. Luke (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 38 (222-27)
- Sermon 235: On Luke 24:13-31 (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 38 (227-31)
- Sermon 236 (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 38 (231-34)
- Sermon 237 On the Last Reading from the Gospel of St. Luke 24:37-39 (§§) | CUA, Vol. 38 (235-40)
- Sermon 238: On Luke 24:38-47 (§§) | CUA, Vol. 38 (240-43)
- Sermon 239: On the Resurrection of Christ According to St. Mark and St. Luke (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 38 (244-50)
- Sermon 240: On the Resurrection of the Body, Against the Pagans (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 38 (250-55)
- Sermon 241 (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 38 (255-64)
- Sermon 242 (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 38 (264-72)
- Sermon 243: On the Resurrection of the Lord According to John 20:17 (§§9) | CUA, Vol. 38 (272-79)
- Sermon 244: On John 20:1-18 (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 38 (279-86)
- Sermon 245 (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 38 (287-91)
- Sermon 246 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 38 (291-96)
- Sermon 247: On John 20:19-31 (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 38 (297-300)
- Sermon 248: On John 21:1-14 (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 38 (300-304)
- Sermon 249 (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 38 (305-309)
- Sermon 250 (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 38 (309-16)
- Sermon 251 (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 38 (316-23)
- Sermon 252 (§§12) | CUA, Vol. 38 (324-37)
- Sermon 253 (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 38 (338-42)
- Sermon 254 (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 38 (342-49)
- Sermon 255 (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 38 (349-57)
- Sermon 256 (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 38 (357-62)
- Sermon 257 (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 38 (362-64)
- Sermon 258 (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 38 (364-67)
- Sermon 259: For the Octave of Easter (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 38 (368-77)
- Sermon 260 | CUA, Vol. 38 (377-78)
- Sermon 261: For the Feast of the Ascension (§§11) | CUA, Vol. 38 (379-88)
- Sermon 262: For the Feast of the Ascension (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 38 (388-91)
- Sermon 263: For the Feast of the Ascension (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 38 (391-96)
- Sermon 264: For the Feast of the Ascension (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 38 (396-408)
- Sermon 265: For the Feast of the Ascension (§§) | CUA, Vol. 38 (408-10)
- Pseudo-Augustine, On the Festival of the Passion (§§3) | PPS, Vol. 4 (165-69)
- Pseudo-Augustine, On the Holy Sabbath (§§3) | PPS, Vol. 4 (170-75)
- Pseudo-Augustine, On the Lord’s Passion and the Two Bandits (§§3) | PPS, Vol. 4 (176-78)
Ten Homilies on 1 John
- Prologue to the Homilies | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (459-60) | New Advent
- Homily 1: 1 John 1:1-11 (§§12) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (460-68) | New Advent
- Homily 2: 1 John 2:12-17 (§§14) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (468-75) | New Advent
- Homily 3: 1 John 2:18-27 (§§13) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (475-81) | New Advent
- Homily 4: 1 John 2:27, 3:8 (§§12) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (481-87) | New Advent
- Homily 5: 1 John 3:9-18 (§§13) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (487-93) | New Advent
- Homily 6: 1 John 3:19-4:3 (§§14) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (493-501) | New Advent
- Homily 7: 1 John 4:4-12 (§§11) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (501-505) | New Advent
- Homily 8: 1 John 4:12-16 (§§14) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (506-13) | New Advent
- Homily 9: 1 John 4:17-21 (§§11) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (513-19) | New Advent
- Homily 10: 1 John 5:1-3 (§§10) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 7 (520-29) | New Advent
Other Sermons
- The Creed: A Sermon to the Catechumens (§§17) | CUA, Vol. 27 (289-307) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 3 (369-75) | New Advent
- Letter 1: To Hermogenianus (§§3) (386) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (219-20) | New Advent
- Letter 2: To Zenobius (§§1) (386) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (220) | New Advent
- Letter 3: To Nebridius (§§5) (387) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (220-22) | New Advent
- Letter 4: To Nebridius (§§2) (387) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (222-23) | New Advent
- Letter 5: To Nebridius (§§1) (388) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (223) | New Advent
- Letter 6: To Nebridius (§§2) (389) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (223) | New Advent
- Letter 7: To Nebridius (§§7) (389) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (224-26) | New Advent
- Letter 8: To Nebridius (§§1) (389) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (226) | New Advent
- Letter 9: To Nebridius (§§5) (389) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (227-28) | New Advent
- Letter 10: To Nebridius (§§3) (389) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (228) | New Advent
- Letter 11: To Nebridius (§§4) (389) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (228-30) | New Advent
- Letter 12: To Unknown (§§1) (389) (small fragment) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (230) | New Advent
- Letter 13: To Nebridius (§§4) (389) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (230-31) | New Advent
- Letter 14: To Nebridius (§§4) (389) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (231-32) | New Advent
- Letter 15: To Romanianus (§§2) (390) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (232-33) | New Advent
- Letter 16: From Maximus of Madaura to St. Augustine (§§4) (390) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (233-34) | New Advent
- Letter 17: To Maximus of Madaura (§§5) (390) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (234-35) | New Advent
- Letter 18: To Coelestinus (§§2) (390) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (235-36) | New Advent
- Letter 19: To Gaius (§§1) (390) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (236) | New Advent
- Letter 20: To Antoninus (§§3) (390) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (236-37) | New Advent
- Letter 21: To Bishop Valerius (§§6) (391) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (237-39) | New Advent
- Letter 22: To Bishop Aurelius (§§9) (392) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (239-41) | New Advent
- Letter 23: To Maximin (§§8) (392) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (242-45) | New Advent
- Letter 24: From Alypius to Paulinus (394) (omitted) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (245) | New Advent
- Letter 25: From Paulinus and Therasia to St. Augustine (§§5) (394) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (245-46) | New Advent
- Letter 26: To Licentius (§§6) (395) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (246-48) | New Advent
- Letter 27: To Paulinus (§§6) (395) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (248-50) | New Advent
- Letter 28 (§§6) (394/395) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (251-53) | New Advent
- Letter 29 (§§12) (395) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (253-57) | New Advent
- Letter 30 (§§3) (396) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (257) | New Advent
- Letter 31: To Paulinus and Therasia (§§9) (396) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (258-60) | New Advent
- Letter 32: From Paulinus to Romanianus and Licentius (omitted) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (260) | New Advent
- Letter 33 (§§6) (396) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (260-62) | New Advent
- Letter 34: To Eusebius (§§6) (396) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (262-63) | New Advent
- Letter 35: To Eusebius (§§) (396) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (263-65) | New Advent
- Letter 36: To Casulanus, the Priest (§§32) (396) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (265-70) | New Advent
- Letter 37: To Simplicianus (§§3) (397) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (270-71) | New Advent
- Letter 38: To Profuturus (§§3) (397) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (271-72) | New Advent
- Letter 39: From St. Jerome to St. Augustine (§§2) (397) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (272) | New Advent
- Letter 40: To St. Jerome (§§9) (397) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (272-75) | New Advent
- Letter 41: To Aurelius (§§2) (397) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (275) | New Advent
- Letter 42: To Paulinus and Therasia (§§1) (397) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (275-76) | New Advent
- Letter 43: To Glorius, Eleusius, the Two Felixes, Grammaticus, and Others (§§27) (397) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (276-85) | New Advent
- Letter 44: To Eleusius, Glorius, and the Two Felixes (§§14) (398) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (285-90) | New Advent
- Letter 45: To Paulinus and Therasia (omitted) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (290) | New Advent
- Letter 46: From Publicola to St. Augustine (§§18) (398) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (290-91) | New Advent
- Letter 47: To Publicola (§§6) (398) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (292-94) | New Advent
- Letter 48: To Eudoxius, the Priest, and the Brethren with Him (§§4) (398) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (294-95) | New Advent
- Letter 49: To Honoratus, a Donatist Bishop (omitted) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (295) | New Advent
- Letter 50: To the Magistrates and Leading Men of the Colony of Suffectum (§§1) (399) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (295) | New Advent
- Letter 51: To Crispinus, the Donatist Bishop of Calama (§§5) (399/400) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (296-97) | New Advent
- Letter 52: To Severinus (omitted) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (298) | New Advent
- Letter 53: To Generosus (§§7) (400) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (298-300) | New Advent
- Letter 54: To Januarius (§§9) (400) (also “Book 1 of Replies to Januarius”) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (300-303) | New Advent
- Letter 55: To Januarius (§§39) (400) (also “Book 2 of Replies to Januarius”) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (303-16) | New Advent
- Letter 56: To Celer, Exhorting Him to Forsake the Donatist Schism (400) (omitted) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (316) | New Advent
- Letter 57: To Celer, Exhorting Him to Forsake the Donatist Schism (400) (omitted) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (316) | New Advent
- Letter 58: To Pammachius (§§3) (401) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (316-17) | New Advent
- Letter 59: To Victorinus, the Priest (§§2) (401) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (317) | New Advent
- Letter 60: To Aurelius, the Priest (§§2) (401) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (317-18) | New Advent
- Letter 61: To Theodorus, the Bishop (§§) (401) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (318-19) | New Advent
- Letter 62: To Samsucius, the Bishop (§§2) (401) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (319) | New Advent
- Letter 63: To Severus, the Priest (§§4) (401) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (319-21) | New Advent
- Letter 64: To Quintianus, the Priest (§§4) (401) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (321-22) | New Advent
- Letter 65: To Xantippus, the Priest (§§2) (402) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (322-23) | New Advent
- Letter 66: To Crispinus, the Donatist Bishop of Calama (§§2) (402) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (323-24) | New Advent
- Letter 67: To St. Jerome (§§) (402) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (324) | New Advent
- Letter 68: From St. Jerome to St. Augustine (§§2) (402) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (324-25) | New Advent
- Letter 69: To Castorius (§§2) (402) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (325-26) | New Advent
- Letter 70: To Naucelio (§§) (402) (omitted) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (326) | New Advent
- Letter 71: To St. Jerome (§§6) (403) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (326-28) | New Advent
- Letter 72: From St. Jerome to St. Augustine (§§) (404) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (328-29) | New Advent
- Letter 73: To St. Jerome (§§10) (404) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (329-33) | New Advent
- Letter 74: To Praesidius, the Priest (§§1) (404) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (333) | New Advent
- Letter 75: From St. Jerome to St. Augustine (§§22) (404) (responding to St. Augustine’s Letters 28, 40, and 71) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (333-43) | New Advent
- Letter 76: To Unknown Donatists (§§4) (402) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (343-44) | New Advent
- Letter 77: To Felix and Hilarinus (§§2) (404) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (344-45) | New Advent
- Letter 78: To the Clergy and People of the Church of Hippo (§§8) (404) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (345-48) | New Advent
- Letter 79: To Unknown Manichaean (§§1) (404) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (349) | New Advent
- Letter 80: To Paulinus (404) (omitted) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (349) | New Advent
- Letter 81: From St. Jerome to St. Augustine (§§) (405) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (349) | New Advent
- Letter 82: To St. Jerome (§§36) (405) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (349-61) | New Advent
- Letter 83: To Alypius (§§6) (405) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (361-63) | New Advent
- Letter 84: To Novatus, the Priest (§§2) (405) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (363-64) | New Advent
- Letter 85: To Paulus, the Priest (§§2) (405) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (364-65) | New Advent
- Letter 86: To Caecilianus (§§) (405) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (365) | New Advent
- Letter 87: To Emeritus (§§10) (405) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (365-69) | New Advent
- Letter 88: To Januarius (§§) (406) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (369-73) | New Advent
- Letter 89: To Festus (§§8) (406) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (373-76) | New Advent
- Letter 90: From Nectarius to St. Augustine (§§1) (408) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (376) | New Advent
- Letter 91: To Nectarius (§§10) (408) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (376-80) | New Advent
- Letter 92: To Lady Italica (§§6) (408) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (380-82) | New Advent
- Letter 93: To Vincentius (§§53) (408) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (382-401) | New Advent
- Letter 94: From Paulinus and Therasia to St. Augustine (408) (omitted) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (401) | New Advent
- Letter 95: To Paulinus and Therasia (§§9) (408) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (401-404) | New Advent
- Letter 96: To Olympius (§§3) (408) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (404-405) | New Advent
- Letter 97: To Olympius (§§4) (408) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (405-406) | New Advent
- Letter 98: To Boniface, the Bishop (§§10) (408) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (406-10) | New Advent
- Letter 99: To Lady Italica (§§3) (408/409) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (410-11) | New Advent
- Letter 100: To Donatus (§§2) (409) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (411-12) | New Advent
- Letter 101: To Memor (§§3) (409) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (412-14) | New Advent
- Letter 102: To Deogratias, the Priest (§§38) (409) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (414-25) | New Advent
- Letter 103: From Nectarius to St. Augustine (§§4) (409) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (425-27) | New Advent
- Letter 104: To Nectarius (§§17) (409) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (427-33) | New Advent
- Letter 111: To Victorianus, the Priest (§§9) (November 409) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (433-36) | New Advent
- Letter 115: To Fortunatus, the Priest (§§1) (410) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (436-37) | New Advent
- Letter 116: To Generosus (§§1) (410) (enclosed in Letter 115) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (437) | New Advent
- Letter 117: From Dioscorus to St. Augustine (§§1) (410) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (437-38) | New Advent
- Letter 118: To Dioscorus (§§34) (410) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (438-50) | New Advent
- Letter 122: To the Clergy and People of Hippo (§§2) (410) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (450-51) | New Advent
- Letter 123: From St. Jerome to St. Augustine (§§1) (410) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (451) | New Advent
- Letter 124: To Albina, Pinianus, and Melania (§§2) (411) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (452) | New Advent
- Letter 125: To Alypius, the Priest (§§5) (411) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (453-54) | New Advent
- Letter 126: To Albina (§§14) (411) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (455-59) | New Advent
- Letter 130: To Proba (§§31) (412) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (459-69) | New Advent
- Letter 131: To Proba (§§1) (412) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (469-70) | New Advent
- Letter 132: To Volusianus (§§1) (412) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (470) | New Advent
- Letter 133: To Marcellinus (§§3) (412) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (470-71) | New Advent
- Letter 135: To Volusianus (§§2) (412) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (471-72) | New Advent
- Letter 136: From Marcellinus to St. Augustine (§§3) (412) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (472-73) | New Advent
- Letter 137: To Volusianus (§§20) (412) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (473-81) | New Advent
- Letter 138: To Marcellinus (§§20) (412) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (481-88) | New Advent
- Letter 139: To Marcellinus (§§4) (412) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (488-90) | New Advent
- Letter 143: To Marcellinus (§§12) (412) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (490-94) | New Advent
- Letter 144: To the Lords and Inhabitants of Cirta (§§3) (412) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (494-95) | New Advent
- Letter 145: To Anastasius (§§8) (412 or 413) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (495-98) | New Advent
- Letter 146: To Pelagius (§§1) (413) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (498) | New Advent
- Letter 148: A Letter of Instructions to Fortunatianus (§§18) (413) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (498-503) | New Advent
- Letter 150: To Proba and Juliana (§§1) (413) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (503-504) | New Advent
- Letter 151: To Caecilianus (§§13) (413 or 414) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (504-509) | New Advent
- Letter 153: From Evodius, the Priest, to St. Augustine (§§12) (414) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (509-13) | New Advent
- Letter 159: To Evodius, the Priest (§§) (415) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (513-15) | New Advent
- Letter 163: Evodius, the Bishop, to St. Augustine (§§1) (414) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (515) | New Advent
- Letter 164: To Evodius, the Bishop (§§22) (414) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (515-21) | New Advent
- Letter 165: From St. Jerome to Marcellinus and Anapsychia (§§3) (410) | CUA, Vol. 30 (3-5) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (522) | New Advent
- Letter 166: To St. Jerome, A Treatise on the Origin of the Human Soul (§§28) (415) | CUA, Vol. 30 (6-31) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (523-32) | New Advent
- Letter 167: To St. Jerome, on James 2:10 (§§21) (415) | CUA, Vol. 30 (32-49) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (532-39) | New Advent
- Letter 168: From Timasius and James to St. Augustine (415) | CUA, Vol. 30 (50)
- Letter 169: To Evodius, the Bishop (§§13) (415) | CUA, Vol. 30 (51-61) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (539-43) | New Advent
- Letter 170: From Alypius and St. Augustine to Maximus (c. 415) | CUA, Vol. 30 (61-68)
- Letter 171: From Alypius and St. Augustine to Fellow Bishop, Peregrinus (c. 415) | CUA, Vol. 30 (68-69)
- Letter 171A: To Maximus (c. 415) | CUA, Vol. 30 (69-71)
- Letter 172: From St. Jerome to St. Augustine (§§2) (416) | CUA, Vol. 30 (72-73) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (543-44) | New Advent
- Letter 173: To Donatus, a Donatist Priest (§§10) (416) | CUA, Vol. 30 (73-81) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (544-47) | New Advent
- Letter 173A: To Deogratis, Theodore, and Titianus (c. 416)| CUA, Vol. 30 (81-83)
- Letter 174: To Aurelius, Bishop of Carthage (c. 416) | CUA, Vol. 30 (83-84)
- Letter 175: From the Council of Carthage to St. Pope Innocent I (c. 416) | CUA, Vol. 30 (85-90)
- Letter 176: From the Council of Numidia to St. Pope Innocent I (c. 416) | CUA, Vol. 30 (91-94)
- Letter 177: From Auelius, Alypius, St. Augustine, Evodius, and Possidius to St. Pope Innocent I (c. 416) | CUA, Vol. 30 (94-108)
- Letter 178: To Hilar of Narbonne (c. 416 | CUA, Vol. 30 (108-10)
- Letter 179: To Bishop John of Jerusalem (c. 416) | CUA, Vol. 30 (110-17)
- Letter 180: To Oceanus (§§5) (416) | CUA, Vol. 30 (117-20) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (547-48) | New Advent
- Letter 181: From St. Pope Innocent I to the Council of Carthage (January 27, 417) | CUA, Vol. 30 (121-27)
- Letter 182: From St. Pope Innocent I to the Synod of Milevis (January 417) | CUA, Vol. 30 (127-32)
- Letter 183: From St. Pope Innocent I to Bishops Aurelius, Alypius, St. Augustine, Evodius, and Possidius (January 417) | CUA, Vol. 30 (132-36)
- Letter 184: From St. Pope Innocent I to Bishops Aurelius and St. Augustine (417) | CUA, Vol. 30 (136)
- Letter 184A: To the Monks Peter and Abraham (417) | CUA, Vol. 30 (136-41)
- Letter 185: To Governor Boniface (§§51) (417) | CUA, Vol. 30 (141-90)
- Letter 185A: To Count Boniface | CUA, Vol. 30 (190)
- Letter 186: From St. Augustine and Alypius to Bishop Paulinus (mid 417) | CUA, Vol. 30 (191-221)
- Letter 187: To Dardanus, Prefect of the Province of Gaul (§§41) (mid 417) | CUA, Vol. 30 (221-55)
- Letter 188: To Lady Juliana (§§14) (end of 417/beginning of 418) | CUA, Vol. 30 (255-65) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (548-52) | New Advent
- Letter 189: To Boniface (§§8) (418) | CUA, Vol. 30 (266-71) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (552-54) | New Advent
- Letter 190: To Bishop Optatus (418) | CUA, Vol. 30 (271-88)
- Letter 191: To St. Pope Sixtus (§§2) (418) | CUA, Vol. 30 (289-90) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (554-55) | New Advent
- Letter 192: To Caelestine, a Roman Deacon (§§2) (418) | CUA, Vol. 30 (291-92) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (555-56) | New Advent
- Letter 193: To Mercator (418) | CUA, Vol. 30 (292-301)
- Letter 194: To St. Pope Sixtus (418) | CUA, Vol. 30 (301-32)
- Letter 195: From St. Jerome to St. Augustine (§§1) (418) | CUA, Vol. 30 (332-33) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (556) | New Advent
- Letter 196: To Bishop Asellicus (end of 418) | CUA, Vol. 30 (333-46)
- Letter 197: To Bishop Hesychius, On the End of the World (end of 418) | CUA, Vol. 30 (347-50)
- Letter 198: From Hesychius to St. Augustine (end of 418) | CUA, Vol. 30 (350-56)
- Letter 199: To Bishop Hesychius, On the End of the World (§§54) (c. 419) | CUA, Vol. 30 (356-401)
- Letter 200: To Valerius (end of 418/beginning of 419) | CUA, Vol. 30 (401-403)
- Letter 201: From the Emperors Honorius and Theodosius to St. Augustine (§§2) (419) | CUA, Vol. 30 (403-404) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (556-57) | New Advent
- Letter 202: From St. Jerome to Alypius and St. Augustine (§§2) (419) | CUA, Vol. 30 (405-406) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (557) | New Advent
- Letter 202A: To Bishop Optatus (beginning of 420) | CUA, Vol. 30 (407-20)
- Letter 203: To Largus (§§1) (420) | CUA, Vol. 30 (420-21) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (557-58) | New Advent
- Letter 208: To Lady Felicia (§§7) (423) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (558-60) | New Advent
- Letter 209: To St. Pope Celestine (§§10) (423) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (560-62) | New Advent
- Letter 210: To Mother Felicitas (§§2) (423) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (562-63) | New Advent
- Letter 211: To Nuns (§§16) (423) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (563-68) | New Advent
- Letter 212: To Quintilianus, the Bishop (§§1) (423) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (568) | New Advent
- Letter 213: Record of Proceedings Between St. Augustine and Eraclius, His Designated Successor (§§7) (September 26, 426) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (568-70) | New Advent
- Letter 214: To Valentinus and the Monks of Adrumetum (preceding “On Grace and Free Will”) (§§) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 5 (437-38) | New Advent
- Letter 215: To Valentinus and the Monks of Adrumetum (preceding “On Grace and Free Will”) (§§) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 5 (439-40) | New Advent
- Letter 218: To Palatinus (§§4) (426) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (571-72) | New Advent
- Letter 219: To Proculus and Cylinus, the Priests (§§3) (426) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (572) | New Advent
- Letter 220: To Boniface (§§12) (427) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (573-76) | New Advent
- Letter 227: To Alypius (§§1) (428 or 429) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (576-77) | New Advent
- Letter 228: To Honoratus, the Bishop (§§14) (428 or 429) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (577-81) | New Advent
- Letter 229: To Darius (§§2) (429) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (581-82) | New Advent
- Letter 231: To Darius (§§7) (429) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (582-84) | New Advent
- Letter 232: To the People of Madaura (§§7) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (585-87) | New Advent
- Letter 237: To Ceretius, the Bishop (omitted) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (587) | New Advent
- Letter 245: To Possidius, the Priest (§§2) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (587-88) | New Advent
- Letter 246: To Lampadius (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (588-59) | New Advent
- Letter 250: To Auxilius, the Priest (§§3) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (589-90) | New Advent
- Letter 254: To Benenatus, the Priest | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (591) | New Advent
- Letter 263: To Sapida (§§4) | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (591-93) | New Advent
- Letter 269: To Nobilius, the Priest | NPNF, 1st, Vol. 1 (593) | New Advent
St. Paulinus of Nola (c. 354-431) | WEST
- Poem 1: To Gestidius | ACW, Vol. 40 (31)
- Poem 2 | ACW, Vol. 40 (32)
- Poem 3 | ACW, Vol. 40 (33)
- Poem 4: A Prayer | ACW, Vol. 40 (34)
- Poem 5: A Prayer | ACW, Vol. 40 (35-38)
- Poem 6: In Praise of St. John | ACW, Vol. 40 (39-50)
- Poem 7 | ACW, Vol. 40 (51-52)
- Poem 8 | ACW, Vol. 40 (53-54)
- Poem 9 | ACW, Vol. 40 (55-57)
- Poem 10: To Ausonius | ACW, Vol. 40 (58-69)
- Poem 11: To Ausonius | ACW, Vol. 40 (70-72)
- Poem 12 | ACW, Vol. 40 (73-74)
- Poem 13 | ACW, Vol. 40 (75-76)
- Poem 14 | ACW, Vol. 40 (77-81)
- Poem 15 | ACW, Vol. 40 (82-94)
- Poem 16 | ACW, Vol. 40 (95-105)
- Poem 17 | ACW, Vol. 40 (106-13)
- Poem 18 | ACW, Vol. 40 (114-30)
- Poem 19 | ACW, Vol. 40 (131-56)
- Poem 20 | ACW, Vol. 40 (157-72)
- Poem 21 | ACW, Vol. 40 (173-201)
- Poem 22 | ACW, Vol. 40 (202-08)
- Poem 23 | ACW, Vol. 40 (209-20)
- Poem 24: To Cytherius | ACW, Vol. 40 (221-44)
- Poem 25 | ACW, Vol. 40 (245-53)
- Poem 26 | ACW, Vol. 40 (254-69)
- Poem 27 | ACW, Vol. 40 (270-93)
- Poem 28 | ACW, Vol. 40 (294-305)
- Poem 29 | ACW, Vol. 40 (306-07)
- Poem 30 | ACW, Vol. 40 (308)
- Poem 31 | ACW, Vol. 40 (309-29)
- Poem 32 | ACW, Vol. 40 (330-39)
- Poem 33 | ACW, Vol. 40 (340-44)
- Epitaph | ACW, Vol. 40 (345)
- Letter 1: To Severus (§§11) | ACW, Vol. 35 (29-38)
- Letter 2: To Amandus (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 35 (39-42)
- Letter 3: To Alypius (§§6) | ACW, Vol. 35 (43-47)
- Letter 4: To Augustine (§§5) | ACW, Vol. 35 (48-52)
- Letter 5: To Severus (§§22) | ACW, Vol. 35 (53-69)
- Letter 6: To Augustine (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 35 (70-72)
- Letter 7: To Romanianus (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 35 (73-75)
- Letter 8: To Licentius (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 35 (76-81)
- Letter 9: To Amandus (§§5) | ACW, Vol. 35 (82-86)
- Letter 10: To Delphinus (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 35 (87-89)
- Letter 11: To Severus (§§14) | ACW, Vol. 35 (90-104)
- Letter 12: To Amandus (§§12) | ACW, Vol. 35 (105-16)
- Letter 13: To Pammachius (§§28) | ACW, Vol. 35 (117-43)
- Letter 14: To Delphinus (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 35 (144-46)
- Letter 15: To Amandus (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 35 (147-50)
- Letter 16: To Jovius (§§11) | ACW, Vol. 35 (151-62)
- Letter 17: To Severus (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 35 (163-66)
- Letter 18: To Victricius (§§10) | ACW, Vol. 35 (167-77)
- Letter 19: To Delphinus (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 35 (178-83)
- Letter 20: To Delphinus (§§7) | ACW, Vol. 35 (184-90)
- Letter 21: To Amandus (§§6) | ACW, Vol. 35 (191-96)
- Letter 22: To Severus (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 35 (197-99)
- Letter 23: To Severus (§§47) | ACW, Vol. 36 (1-49)
- Letter 24: To Severus (§§23) | ACW, Vol. 36 (50-72)
- Letter 25: To Crispinianus (§§8) | ACW, Vol. 36 (73-78)
- Letter 25 (alternative): To Crispinianus (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 36 (79-84)
- Letter 26: To Sebastianus (§§5) | ACW, Vol. 36 (85-88)
- Letter 27: To Severus (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 36 (89-92)
- Letter 28: To Severus (§§6) | ACW, Vol. 36 (93-100)
- Letter 29: To Severus (§§14) | ACW, Vol. 36 (101-18)
- Letter 30: To Severus (§§6) | ACW, Vol. 36 (119-24)
- Letter 31: To Severus (§§6) | ACW, Vol. 36 (125-33)
- Letter 32: To Severus (§§25) | ACW, Vol. 36 (134-59)
- Letter 33: To Alethius (§§2) | ACW, Vol. 36 (160-61)
- Letter 34: On the Alms Table (§§10) | ACW, Vol. 36 (162-71)
- Letter 35: To Delphinus | ACW, Vol. 36 (172-73)
- Letter 36: To Amandus (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 36 (174-76)
- Letter 37: To Victricius (§§7) | ACW, Vol. 36 (177-83)
- Letter 38: To Aper (§§11) | ACW, Vol. 36 (184-95)
- Letter 39: To Aper and Amanda (§§8) | ACW, Vol. 36 (196-201)
- Letter 40: To Sanctus and Amandus (§§12) | ACW, Vol. 36 (202-17)
- Letter 41: To Sanctus (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 36 (218-21)
- Letter 42: To Florentius (§§5) | ACW, Vol. 36 (222-26)
- Letter 43: To Desiderius (§§7) | ACW, Vol. 36 (227-33)
- Letter 44: To Aper and Amanda (§§7) | ACW, Vol. 36 (234-43)
- Letter 45: To Augustine (§§8) | ACW, Vol. 36 (244-52)
- Letter 46: Rufinus (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 36 (253-54)
- Letter 47: To Rufinus (§§2) | ACW, Vol. 36 (255-56)
- Letter 48: A fragment | ACW, Vol. 36 (257)
- Letter 49: To Macarius (§§15) | ACW, Vol. 36 (258-75)
- Letter 50: To Augustine (§§18) | ACW, Vol. 36 (276-92)
St. John Cassian (c. 360-c. 435) | EAST
- The Institutes (12 Books) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 11 (201-90) | New Advent
- The Conferences (24 Books) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 11 (295-545) | New Advent
- On the Incarnation of the Lord, Against Nestorius (7 Books) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 11 (549-621) | New Advent
St. Possidius (died c. 437) | WEST
- Life of St. Augustine (§§31) | CUA, Vol. 15 (73-124)
St. Pope Celestine I (c. 376-432) | WEST
St. Cyril of Alexandria (c. 376-444) | EAST
- On the Unity of Christ | PPS, Vol. 13 (49-133)
- On Orthodoxy, to Theodosius (§§45) | CUA, Vol. 129 (35-82)
- A Defense of the Twelve Anathemas Against Theodoret (§§12) | CUA, Vol. 129 (83-130)
- A Defense of the Twelve Anathemas Against the Bishops of the Diocese of Oriens (§§12) | CUA, Vol. 129 (131-82)
Biblical Commentaries
- Glaphyra on the Pentateuch: Genesis (7 Books) | CUA, Vol. 137 (49-354)
- Glaphyra on the Pentateuch: Exodus (3 Books) | CUA, Vol. 138 (3-127)
- Glaphyra on the Pentateuch: Leviticus (§§49) | CUA, Vol. 138 (128-67)
- Glaphyra on the Pentateuch: Numbers (§§49) | CUA, Vol. 138 (168-209)
- Glaphyra on the Pentateuch: Deuteronomy (§§33) | CUA, Vol. 138 (210-37)
- Commentary on Isaiah (§§50) | St Cyril of Alexandria, Hill, Commentary on Isaiah, Vol. 1 (17-317) | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Hill, Commentary on Isaiah, Vol. 2 (1-305) | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Hill, Commentary on Isaiah, Vol. 3 (1-232)
- Commentary on the Prophet Hosea (§§14) | CUA, Vol. 115 (27-256)
- Commentary on the Prophet Joel (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 115 (259-317)
- Commentary on the Prophet Amos (§§9) | CUA, Vol. 1116 (5-131)
- Commentary on the Prophet Obadiah | CUA, Vol. 1116 (135-44)
- Commentary on the Prophet Jonah (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 1116 (147-77)
- Commentary on the Prophet Micah (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 1116 (181-278)
- Commentary on the Prophet Nahum (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 1116 (281-328)
- Commentary on the Prophet Habakkuk (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 1116 (331-99)
- Commentary on the Prophet Zephaniah (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 124 (5-57)
- Commentary on the Prophet Haggai (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 124 (61-89)
- Commentary on the Prophet Zechariah (§§14) | CUA, Vol. 124 (93-279)
- Commentary on the Prophet Malachi (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 124 (283-344)
- Commentary on John (12 Books) | ACT, Commentary on John, Cyril of Alexandria, Vol. 1 (1-367) [Books 1-5]; ACT, Commentary on John, Cyril of Alexandria, Vol. 2 (1-386) [Books 6-12]
- Commentary on Romans (Fragments) | ACT, Commentaries on Romans, 1-2 Corinthians, and Hebrews, Cyril of Alexandria (1–37)
- Commentary on 1 Corinthians (Fragments) | ACT, Commentaries on Romans, 1-2 Corinthians, and Hebrews, Cyril of Alexandria (38-84)
- Commentary on 2 Corinthians (Fragments) | ACT, Commentaries on Romans, 1-2 Corinthians, and Hebrews, Cyril of Alexandria (85-103)
- Commentary on Hebrews (Fragments) | ACT, Commentaries on Romans, 1-2 Corinthians, and Hebrews, Cyril of Alexandria (104-36)
Sermons on Luke
- Sermon 1 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (30-34)
- Sermon 2 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (34-39)
- Sermon 3 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (39-43)
- Sermon 4 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (43-47)
- Sermon 5 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (47-49)
- Sermon 6 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (50-51)
- Sermon 7 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (51-54)
- Sermons 8-9 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (54)
- Sermon 10: Upon John the Baptist | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (54-58)
- Sermon 11: Upon the Manifestation of Our Lord | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (58-76)
- Sermon 12: Upon the Fast of Our Lord in the Flesh | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (76-108)
- Sermon 21 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (108-13)
- Sermon 22 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (113-15)
- Sermon 23 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (115-21)
- Sermon 25 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (121-28)
- Sermon 27 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (128-31)
- Sermon 33 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (140-44)
- Sermon 34 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (144-49)
- Sermon 35 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (149-53)
- Sermon 36 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (154-57)
- Sermon 37 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (157-63)
- Sermon 38 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (163-74)
- Sermon 39 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (174-80)
- Sermon 40 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (180-85)
- Sermon 41 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (185-91)
- Sermon 42 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (191-96)
- Sermon 43 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (196-201)
- Sermon 44 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (201-206)
- Sermon 45 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (206-13)
- Sermon 46 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (214-22)
- Sermon 47 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (222-30)
- Sermon 48 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (230-35)
- Sermon 49 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (235-42)
- Sermon 50: Fit to be Read at a Time of Persecution | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (242-46)
- Sermon 51 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (246-50)
- Sermon 52 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (250-55)
- Sermon 53 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (255-59)
- Sermon 54 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (259-64)
- Sermon 55 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (264-68)
- Sermon 56 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (268-78)
- Sermon 57 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (278-82)
- Sermon 58 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (282-87)
- Sermon 59: Fit to be Read When Anyone Receives the Tonsure | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (288-91)
- Sermon 60 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (291-94)
- Sermon 61: Fit to be Read at the Commemorations of the Apostles | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (295-98)
- Sermon 62: Fit to be Read at the Commemorations of the Apostles | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (298-303)
- Sermon 63 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (303-306)
- Sermon 64 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (306-11)
- Sermon 65 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (311-20)
- Sermon 66 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (320-24)
- Sermon 67 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (324-28)
- Sermon 68 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (329-33)
- Sermon 69 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (333-37)
- Sermon 70 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (337-40)
- Sermon 71 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (340-43)
- Sermon 72 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (344-47)
- Sermon 73 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (347-50)
- Sermon 74 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (341-54)
- Sermon 75 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (354-57)
- Sermon 76 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (357-62)
- Sermon 77 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (362-66)
- Sermon 78 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (366-70)
- Sermon 79 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (370-73)
- Sermon 80 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (374-77)
- Sermon 81 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (378-82)
- Sermon 82 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (382-86)
- Sermon 83 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (386-90)
- Sermon 84 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (391-95)
- Sermon 85 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (395-98)
- Sermon 86 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (399-403)
- Sermon 87: Fit to be Read in a Time of Struggle and Persecution for Faith in God | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (403-406)
- Sermon 88: Fit to be Read in a Time of Struggle and Persecution for Faith in God | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (407-11)
- Sermon 89 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (412-16)
- Sermon 90 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (416-20)
- Sermon 91 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (420-25)
- Sermon 92 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (425-29)
- Sermon 93 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (429-34)
- Sermon 94 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (434-39)
- Sermon 95 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (439-43)
- Sermon 96 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (443-57)
- Sermon 99 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (457-62)
- Sermon 100 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (462-67)
- Sermon 101 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (467-71)
- Sermon 102 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (471-74)
- Sermon 103 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (475-78)
- Sermon 104 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (478-84)
- Sermon 105 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (485-89)
- Sermon 106 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (489-93)
- Sermon 107 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (493-99)
- Sermon 108 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (499-503)
- Sermon 109 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (503-508)
- Sermon 110 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (508-14)
- Sermon 111 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (515-19)
- Sermon 112 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (519-23)
- Sermon 113-14 (fragments) | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (523-30)
- Sermon 117 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (530-35)
- Sermon 118 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (535-40)
- Sermon 119 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (540-44)
- Sermon 120 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (544-49)
- Sermon 121 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (549-52)
- Sermon 122 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (552-56)
- Sermon 123 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (556-61)
- Sermon 124 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (561-65)
- Sermon 125 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (565-69)
- Sermon 126 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (569-73)
- Sermon 127 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (573-76)
- Sermon 128 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (576-80)
- Sermon 129 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (580-85)
- Sermon 130: Fit to be Read on the Holy Day of Hosannas | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (585-90)
- Sermon 131 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (590-95)
- Sermon 132 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (595-99)
- Sermon 133 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (600-604)
- Sermon 134 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (604-11)
- Sermon 135 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (611-15)
- Sermon 136 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (615-19)
- Sermon 137 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (619-24)
- Sermon 138 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (624-28)
- Sermon 139 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (628-32)
- Sermon 140: Fit to be Read on the Thursday of the Mystery | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (632-36)
- Sermon 141 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (636-40)
- Sermon 142 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (640-46)
- Sermon 143 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (646-50)
- Sermon 144 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (650-54)
- Sermon 145 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (654-60)
- Sermon 146 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (660-64)
- Sermon 147 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (664-68)
- Sermon 148 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (668-72)
- Sermon 149 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (673-76)
- Sermon 150 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (677-82)
- Sermon 151 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (682-86)
- Sermon 152 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (686-91)
- Sermon 153 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (691-95)
- Sermons 154-56 (fragments) | St. Cyril of Alexandria, Smith, Commentary on Luke (695-703)
- Homily 51 on Luke 9:27-36 (§§) | PPS, Vol. 48 (99-104)
Festal Letters
- Festal Letter 1 (§§6) (414) | CUA, Vol. 118 (35-51)
- Festal Letter 2 (§§9) (415) | CUA, Vol. 118 (52-67)
- Festal Letter 3 (scribal error numbering) | CUA, Vol. 118 (68)
- Festal Letter 4 (§§6) (416) | CUA, Vol. 118 (69-82)
- Festal Letter 5 (§§8) (417) | CUA, Vol. 118 (83-100)
- Festal Letter 6 (§§12) (418) | CUA, Vol. 118 (101-24)
- Festal Letter 7 (§§2) (419) | CUA, Vol. 118 (125-36)
- Festal Letter 8 (§§6) (420) | CUA, Vol. 118 (137-54)
- Festal Letter 9 (§§6) (421) | CUA, Vol. 118 (155-74)
- Festal Letter 10 (§§4) (422) | CUA, Vol. 118 (175-94)
- Festal Letter 11 (§§8) (423) | CUA, Vol. 118 (195-15)
- Festal Letter 12 (§§6) (424) | CUA, Vol. 118 (216-34)
- Festal Letter 13 (§§4) (425) | CUA, Vol. 127 (3-14)
- Festal Letter 14 (§§2) (426) | CUA, Vol. 127 (15-28)
- Festal Letter 15 (§§4) (427) | CUA, Vol. 127 (29-42)
- Festal Letter 16 (§§6) (428) | CUA, Vol. 127 (43-57)
- Festal Letter 17 (§§5) (429) | CUA, Vol. 127 (58-73)
- Festal Letter 18 (§§5) (430) | CUA, Vol. 127 (74-87)
- Festal Letter 19 (§§4) (431) | CUA, Vol. 127 (88-99)
- Festal Letter 20 (§§4) (432) | CUA, Vol. 127 (100-08)
- Festal Letter 21 (§§4) (433) | CUA, Vol. 127 (109-14)
- Festal Letter 22 (§§4) (434) | CUA, Vol. 127 (115-125)
- Festal Letter 23 (§§4) (435) | CUA, Vol. 127 (126-34)
- Festal Letter 24 (§§4) (436) | CUA, Vol. 127 (135-45)
- Festal Letter 25 (§§4) (437) | CUA, Vol. 127 (146-53)
- Festal Letter 26 (§§4) (438) | CUA, Vol. 127 (154-65)
- Festal Letter 27 (§§5) (439) | CUA, Vol. 127 (166-75)
- Festal Letter 28 (§§4) (440) | CUA, Vol. 127 (176-86)
- Festal Letter 29 (§§3) (441) | CUA, Vol. 127 (187-95)
- Festal Letter 30 (§§5) (444) | CUA, Vol. 127 (196-205)
- Letter 1: To Monks in Egypt (§§40) | CUA, Vol. 76 (13-33)
- Letter 2: To Nestorius (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 76 (34-36)
- Letter 3: From Nestorius to St. Cyril (§§2) | CUA, Vol. 76 (37)
- Letter 4: To Nestorius (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 76 (38-42)
- Letter 5: From Nestorius to St. Cyril (§§11) | CUA, Vol. 76 (43-48)
- Letter 6-7: To Nestorius (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 76 (49-50)
- Letter 8: To Certain Accusers (§§2) | CUA, Vol. 76 (51-52)
- Letter 9: To a Devotee of Nestorius (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 76 (53-54)
- Letter 10: To Clerics at Constantinople (§§11) | CUA, Vol. 76 (55-59)
- Letter 11: To St. Pope Celestine (§§9) | CUA, Vol. 76 (60-64)
- Letter 11A: Memorandum to Posidonius, the Deacon (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 76 (65-66)
- Letter 12: From St. Pope Celestine to St. Cyril (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 76 (67-70)
- Letter 13: To John of Antioch (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 76 (71-72)
- Letter 14: To Acacius of Beroea (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 76 (73-74)
- Letter 15: From Acacius of Beroea to St. Cyril (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 76 (75-77)
- Letter 16: To Juvenal of Jerusalem (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 76 (78-79)
- Letter 17: St. Cyril and His Synod to Nestorius (§§12) | CUA, Vol. 76 (80-92)
- Letter 18: St. Cyril and His Synod to the Clergy and People of Constantinople (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 76 (93-95)
- Letter 19: St. Cyril and His Synod to the Monks in Constantinople (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 76 (96-97)
- Letter 20: To the Clergy and Laity of Alexandria (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 76 (98-99)
- Letter 21: To the Clergy and Laity of Alexandria (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 76 (100-01)
- Letter 22: From John of Antioch to St. Cyril (§§2) | CUA, Vol. 76 (102)
- Letter 23: To Komarius, Potamon, and others (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 76 (103-06)
- Letter 24: To the Clergy and Laity of Alexandria (§§2) | CUA, Vol. 76 (107)
- Letter 25: To the Clergy and Laity of Alexandria (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 76 (108-09)
- Letter 26: To the Fathers of Monks (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 76 (110-11)
- Letter 27: To the Clergy and Laity of Constantinople (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 76 (112-14)
- Letter 28: To Theopemptus, Potamon, and Daniel (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 76 (115-16)
- Letter 29: From Alypius to St. Cyril (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 76 (117-18)
- Letter 30: From Maximian to St. Cyril (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 76 (119-20)
- Letter 31: To Maximian (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 76 (121-25)
- Letter 32: To Juvenal and Other Legates of the Council Sent to Constantinople (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 76 (126-27)
- Letter 33: To Acacius of Beroea (§§12) | CUA, Vol. 76 (128-35)
- Letter 34: To Rabbula of Edessa (§§2) | CUA, Vol. 76 (136-37)
- Letter 35: From John of Antioch to Sixtus, Cyril, and Maximian (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 76 (138-39)
- Letter 36: From Paul of Emesa to St. Cyril (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 76 (140-41)
- Letter 37: To Theognostus and Charmosynus, priests; and Leontius, deacon (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 76 (142-43)
- Letter 38: From John of Antioch to St. Cyril (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 76 (144-46)
- Letter 39: To John of Antioch (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 76 (147-52)
- Letter 40: To Acacius of Melitene (§§28) | CUA, Vol. 76 (153-67)
- Letter 41: To Acacius, Bishop of Scythopolis (§§25) | CUA, Vol. 76 (168-82)
- Letter 42: To Rufus of Thessalonica (§§2) | CUA, Vol. 76 (183)
- Letter 43: To Rufus of Thessalonica (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 76 (184-85)
- Letter 44: To Eulogius, a priest (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 76 (186-89)
- Letter 45: To Succensus, Bishop of Diocaesarea (§§15) | CUA, Vol. 76 (190-97)
- Letter 46: To Succensus, Bishop of Diocaesarea (§§13) | CUA, Vol. 76 (198-204)
- Letter 47: From John of Antioch to St. Cyril (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 76 (205-06)
- Letter 48: To Dynatus of Nikopolis (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 76 (207-09)
- Letter 49: To Maximian of Constantinople (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 76 (210-11)
- Letter 50: To Valerian, Bishop of Iconium (§§32) | CUA, Vol. 76 (212-27)
- Letter 51: From St. Pope Sixtus to St. Cyril (§§9) | CUA, Vol. 77 (3-6)
- Letter 52: From St. Pope Sixtus to St. Cyril (§§9) | CUA, Vol. 77 (7-10)
- Letter 53: From St. Pope Sixtus to St. Cyril (§§2) | CUA, Vol. 77 (11)
- Letter 54: To Eusebius, a priest at Antioch (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 77 (12-14)
- Letter 55: To Anastasius, Alexander, Martinian, John, Paregorius, the priest; Maximus the deacon and other orthodox fathers of monks (§§43) | CUA, Vol. 77 (15-36)
- Letter 56: To Gennadius, priest and archimandrite (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 77 (37-38)
- Letter 57: To Maximus, a deacon at Antioch (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 77 (39-40)
- Letter 58: To Maximus, a deacon at Antioch (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 77 (41-42)
- Letter 59: To Aristolaus, the tribune (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 77 (43-44)
- Letter 60: To Aristolaus, the tribune (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 77 (45-47)
- Letter 61: To John of Antioch (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 77 (48-49)
- Letter 62: To John of Antioch (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 77 (50)
- Letter 63: To John of Antioch (§§2) | CUA, Vol. 77 (51)
- Letter 64: To Maximus, John and Thalassius, priests and archimandrites (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 77 (52-53)
- Letter 65: To Mosaeus of Arcadus and Antaradus (§§2) | CUA, Vol. 77 (54)
- Letter 66: From John of Antioch to St. Cyril (§§12) | CUA, Vol. 77 (55-60)
- Letter 67: To John of Antioch and His Synod (§§11) | CUA, Vol. 77 (61-64)
- Letter 68: To Acacius of Melitene (§§2) | CUA, Vol. 77 (65)
- Letter 69: To Acacius of Melitene (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 77 (66-67)
- Letter 70: To Lampon, a priest of Alexandria (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 77 (68-69)
- Letter 71: To Emperor Theodosius (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 77 (70-71)
- Letter 72: To Proclus of Constantinople (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 77 (72-74)
- Letter 73: From Rabbula of Edessa to St. Cyril (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 77 (75-76)
- Letter 74: To Rabbula of Edessa, with alternative version (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 77 (77-82)
- Letter 75: From Atticus of Constantinople to St. Cyril (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 77 (83-85)
- Letter 76: To Atticus of Constantinople (§§12) | CUA, Vol. 77 (86-91)
- Letter 77: To Domnus, Bishop of Antioch (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 77 (92-93)
- Letter 78: Canonical Letter: To Domnus (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 77 (94-96)
- Letter 79: To the Bishops Who are in Libya and Pentapolis (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 77 (97-98)
- Letter 80: To Optimus, the bishop (§§12) | CUA, Vol. 77 (99-104)
- Letter 81: To the Monks at Scitis (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 77 (105-06)
- Letter 82: To Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 77 (107-08)
- Letter 83: To Calosyrius, Bishop of Arsinoe (§§11) | CUA, Vol. 77 (109-12)
- Letter 84: To Euoptius, Bishop of Ptolemais (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 77 (113-15)
- Letter 85: To the Synod at Carthage (§§2) | CUA, Vol. 77 (116-17)
- Letter 86: To St. Pope Leo the Great (spurious) (§§11) | CUA, Vol. 77 (118-21)
- Letter 87: The Prologue Concerning the Calculation of Easter (spurious) (§§19) | CUA, Vol. 77 (122-29)
- Letter 88: From Hypatia to St. Cyril (spurious) (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 77 (130-31)
- Letter 89: To John of Antioch (§§2) | CUA, Vol. 77 (132)
- Letter 90: To John of Antioch (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 77 (133-34)
- Letter 91: To John of Antioch, on behalf of Theodore, with alternative version (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 77 (135-40)
- Letter 92: To Acacius of Beroea (§§12) | CUA, Vol. 77 (141-44)
- Letter 93: To Maximian of Constantinople (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 77 (145-46)
- Letter 94: To Maximian, fragment (§§2) | CUA, Vol. 77 (147)
- Letter 95: From St. Cyril and Memnon, Bishop of Ephesus, to the Council of Ephesus (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 77 (148-50)
- Letter 96: List of Gifts Sent to Those at Constantinople (§§14) | CUA, Vol. 77 (151-53)
- Letter 97: To Emperor Theodosius, fragments (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 77 (154)
- Letter 98: To Photius, a priest, fragment | CUA, Vol. 77 (155)
- Letter 99: To the Monks at Constantinople, fragment | CUA, Vol. 77 (155)
- Letter 100: First Letter to the Monks at Constantinople on the Faith (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 77 (157-59)
- Letter 101: To Rabbula of Edessa (§§9) | CUA, Vol. 77 (160-63)
- Letter 102: To John of Antioch, fragments (§§2) | CUA, Vol. 77 (164-65)
- Letter 103: To John of Antioch, fragments | CUA, Vol. 77 (166)
- Letter 104: To John of Antioch, fragments (§§2) | CUA, Vol. 77 (167)
- Letter 105: To Dalmatius, a priest and abbot, fragment | CUA, Vol. 77 (168)
- Letter 106: To Victor, the monk, fragment | CUA, Vol. 77 (169)
- Letter 107: Memorandum to Victor, the monk (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 77 (170-71)
- Letter 108: To Komarius and Potamon, bishops, and to Victor, the monk (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 77 (172-74)
- Letter 109: To Komarius and Potamon, bishops, and to Victor, the monk (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 77 (175)
- Letter 110: To Sinuthius, fragments | CUA, Vol. 77 (176-77)
- Appendix 1: From St. Pope Sixtus to St. Cyril (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 77 (181-82)
- Appendix 2: Proposal of Acacius of Beroea and John of Antioch sent to St. Cyril (§§2) | CUA, Vol. 77 (183)
- Appendix 3: From John of Antioch to St. Cyril (§§9) | CUA, Vol. 77 (184-87)
- Appendix 4: From Epiphanius to Maximian of Constantinople (§§9) | CUA, Vol. 77 (188-92)
- Appendix 5: To the Synod at Carthage, alternation version of Letter 85 (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 77 (193)
St. Valerian of Abbenza (377-457) | WEST
- Homily 1: Discipline, on Prov. 3:11-12 (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 17 (299-308)
- Homily 2: The Narrow Way, on Matt. 7:13-14 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 17 (308-15)
- Homily 3: The Narrow Way, on Matt. 7:13-14 (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 17 (316-21)
- Homily 4: Unkept Vows, on Ps. 60:9 (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 17 (321-28)
- Homily 5: Insolence of the Tongue, on Ecclesiastes 28:13-30 (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 17 (328-35)
- Homily 6: On Idle Words, on Matt. 12:22-37 (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 17 (336-42)
- Homily 7: Mercy, on Matt. 25:31-46 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 17 (343-50)
- Homily 8: Mercy, on Matt. 25:31-46 (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 17 (351-56)
- Homily 9: Mercy, on Matt. 25:31-46 (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 17 (357-63)
- Homily 10: Parasites (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 17 (364-69)
- Homily 11: The Attribution of All Our Good Works to God, on 1 Cor. 1:26-31 (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 17 (369-76)
- Homily 12: The Preservation of Peace, on Matt. 5:38-48 (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 17 (376-82)
- Homily 13: The New Law as the Complement of the Old, on Matt. 5:38-48 (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 17 (383-90)
- Homily 14: Humility, on Jas. 4:6 (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 17 (390-97)
- Homily 15: The Excellence of Martyrdom (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 17 (397-403)
- Homily 16: The Excellence of Martyrdom (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 17 (403-09)
- Homily 17: The Excellence of Martyrdom (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 17 (409-15)
- Homily 18: The Martyrdom of the Mother and Her Seven Sons, on 2 Macc. 7:1-42 (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 17 (415-20)
- Homily 19: The Termination of Lent, a Sermon for Easter Sunday (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 17 (421-26)
- Homily 20: Covetousness, on 1 Tim. 6:3-10 (§§10) | CUA, Vol. 17 (426-35)
- Letter to the Monks, on the Virtues and Order of the Apostolic Doctrine | CUA, Vol. 17 (437-40)
St. Peter Chrysologus (c. 380-c. 450) | WEST
- Sermon 1: The Prodigal Son and His Brother, the Prodigal’s Departure, on Luke 15:11-16 | CUA, Vol. 17 (25-29)
- Sermon 2: The Son’s Return to His Father, on Luke 15:17-19 | CUA, Vol. 17 (30-34)
- Sermon 3: The Father’s Welcome to the Son, on Luke 15:20-24 | CUA, Vol. 17 (35-39)
- Sermon 4: The Elder Brother’s Jealousy, on Luke 15:25-32 | CUA, Vol. 17 (39-43)
- Sermon 5: The Two Sons as Types of the Gentiles and the Jews, the Allegorical Interpretation | CUA, Vol. 17 (43-51)
- Sermon 6: On Joy Over the Call of the Gentiles to the Faith and to Grace, on Ps. 99:1-5 | CUA, Vol. 17 (52-56)
- Homily 7: On Quinquagesima (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 109 (35-39)
- Homily 7a: On the Fast of Quinquagesima (§§2) | CUA, Vol. 109 (40-41)
- Homily 8: A Second on the Same (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 109 (446)
- Homily 9: A Third on the Same, and on the Gospel: “See to it that you do not perform your righteousness before human beings” (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 109 (47-51)
- Homily 10: On Psalm 28/29 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 109 (52-56)
- Sermon 11: The Fast and Temptation of Christ, on Matt. 4:1-4 | CUA, Vol. 17 (56-60)
- Homily 12: A Second on Lent and on the Gospel: “Jesus was led into the desert” (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 109 (57-60)
- Homily 13: A Third on Lent and on the Gospel: “Jesus was led into the desert” (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 109 (61-65)
- Homily 14: On Psalm 40 (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 109 (66-69)
- Homily 15: On the Centurion (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 109 (70-74)
- Homily 16: When Jesus Came to the Region of the Gerasenes (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 109 (75-78)
- Homily 17: A Second on the Same (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 109 (79-82)
- Homily 18: On Simon Peter’s Mother-in-law (§§9) | CUA, Vol. 109 (83-86)
- Homily 19: A Second on the Same, or About the One Who Promised to Follow Christ Wherever He Would Go (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 109 (87-90)
- Sermon 20: The Calming of the Storm at Sea, on Matt. 8:23-27 | CUA, Vol. 17 (61-65)
- Homily 21: When Christ Was Asleep in the Boat (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 109 (91-95)
- Sermon 22: Contempt of Earthly Goods, the Watchful Servants, on Luke 12:32-38 | CUA, Vol. 17 (65-69)
- Homily 23: A Second on Tricesima and on the Text: “Do not fear, little flock” (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 109 (96-100)
- Homily 24: A Third on the Same, or on the Scripture Text: “Let your loins be girt” (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 109 (101-105)
- Homily 25: A Fourth on the Same, or On the Words: “Do not fear, little flock” (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 109 (106-109)
- Homily 26: A Fifth on the Same, or On What Follows: “And Peter asked, ‘Lord, are you speaking this parable to us?’” (§§83) | CUA, Vol. 109 (110-14)
- Sermon 27: On Scandal, on Luke 17:1-2 | CUA, Vol. 17 (70-75)
- Homily 28: On Matthew Sitting at His Tax Booth (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 109 (115-19)
- Homily 29: A Second on Matthew, or On Avarice (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 109 (120-24)
- Homily 30: A Third on Matthew (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 109 (125-29)
- Homily 31: A Fourth on Matthew, or On What John’s Disciples Said to Jesus: “Why do we fast but your disciples do not?” (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 109 (130-33)
- Homily 32: On the Withered Hand (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 109 (134-37)
- Homily 33: On the Ruler of a Synagogue Whose Daughter Was Ill (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 109 (138-43)
- Homily 34: On the Woman Healed of Her Flow of Blood (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 109 (144-48)
- Homily 35: A Second on the Same, When the Most Blessed Bishop Peter of Ravenna Lost His Voice (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 109 (149-52)
- Sermon 36: The Daughter of Jairus and the Woman with the Hemorrhage as Types of the Synagogue and the Church, on Mark 5:22-34 | CUA, Vol. 17 (75-80)
- Homily 37: On the Gospel Where it Says: “A wicked and adulterous generation seeks a sign” (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 109 (153-57)
- Sermon 38: The Patient Endurance of Injuries, on M att. 5:38-41 | CUA, Vol. 17 (81-85)
- Homily 39: A Sermon on the Gospel Where it Says: “Who among you has a friend and will go to him at midnight” (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 109 (158-62)
- Sermon 40: The Good Shepherd, on John 10:1-18 | CUA, Vol. 17 (85-89)
- Homily 41: On Fasting (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 109 (163-67)
- Homily 42: A Second on Fasting (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 109 (168-72)
- Sermon 43: Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving | CUA, Vol. 17 (90-94)
- Sermon 44: The Counsel of the Ungodly, the Way of Sinners, and the Chair of Pestilence, on Ps. 1 | CUA, Vol. 17 (94-99)
- Homily 45: On Psalm 6 (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 109 (173-77)
- Homily 46: On Psalm 94/95 (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 109 (178-82)
- Sermon 47: The Parables of the Pearl and the Net Cast into the Sea, on Matt. 13:45-50 | CUA, Vol. 17 (99-103)
- Homily 48: When Jesus Came to His Homeland (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 109 (183-87)
- Homily 49: A Second on When Jesus Came to His Homeland (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 109 (188-92)
- Homily 50: On the Paralytic (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 109 (193-97)
- Homily 51: On a Deaf and Dumb Spirit (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 109 (198-201)
- Homily 52: A Second on a Deaf and Dumb Spirit (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 109 (202-205)
- Homily 54: On Zacchaeus the Tax Collector (§§9) | CUA, Vol. 109 (206-12)
- Homily 55: On the Gospel in the Creed, Where it Says: “If one asks his father for bread, will he give him a stone?” (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 109 (213-16)
- Homily 56: On the Creed (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 109 (217-20)
- Sermon 57: On the Apostles’ Creed, to the Catechumens | CUA, Vol. 17 (103-10)
- Homily 58: A Third on the Creed (§§15) | CUA, Vol. 109 (221-24)
- Homily 59: A Fourth on the Creed (§§19) | CUA, Vol. 109 (225-30)
- Homily 60: A Fifth on the Creed (§§18) | CUA, Vol. 109 (231-37)
- Sermon 61: On the Apostles’ Creed, to the Catechumens | CUA, Vol. 17 (110-14)
- Homily 62: A Seventh on the Creed (§§18) | CUA, Vol. 109 (238-45)
- Homily 62a: An Eighth on the Creed (§§14) | CUA, Vol. 109 (246-48)
- Homily 63: On the Resurrection of Lazarus (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 109 (249-54)
- Homily 64: A Second on the Resurrection of Lazarus (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 109 (255-59)
- Homily 65: A Third on the Resurrection of Lazarus (§§9) | CUA, Vol. 109 (260-66)
- Homily 66: On Lazarus and Eleazar (§§9) | CUA, Vol. 109 (267-73)
- Sermon 67: The Lord’s Prayer, to the Catechumens, on Matt. 6:9-13 | CUA, Vol. 17 (115-19)
- Homily 68: A Second on the Lord’s Prayer (§§11) | CUA, Vol. 109 (274-79)
- Homily 69: A Third on the Lord’s Prayer (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 109 (280-84)
- Sermon 70: The Lord’s Prayer, to the Catechumens, on M att. 6:9-13 | CUA, Vol. 17 (119-23)
- Homily 71: A Fifth on the Lord’s Prayer (§§11) | CUA, Vol. 109 (285-91)
- Homily 72: A Sixth on the Lord’s Prayer (§§10) | CUA, Vol. 109 (292-96)
- Sermon 74: Christ’s Resurrection, on Matt. 28:1-4 | CUA, Vol. 17 (123-27)
- Sermon 80: Christ Appears to the Women Returning from the Temple, on Matt. 28:5-20 | CUA, Vol. 17 (128-32)
- Sermon 83: Christ Appears to the Eleven Disciples at Table, on Mark 16:14-20 | CUA, Vol. 17 (133-37)
- Sermon 88: The Angel Announces the Birth of John the Baptist, on Luke 1:5-17 | CUA, Vol. 17 (137-43)
- Sermon 93: The Conversion of Magdalen, on Luke 7:36-38 | CUA, Vol. 17 (143-47)
- Sermon 95: The Conversion of Magdalen Allegorically Interpreted, on Luke 7:36-50 | CUA, Vol. 17 (147-51)
- Sermon 96: The Parable of the Cockle, on Matt. 13:24-30 | CUA, Vol. 17 (152-56)
- Sermon 98: The Parable of the Grain of Mustard Seed, on Luke 13:18-19 | CUA, Vol. 17 (156-60)
- Sermon 101: Christian Fearlessness of Death, on Luke 12:4-6 | CUA, Vol. 17 (161-66)
- Sermon 108: Man as Both a Priest and a Sacrifice to God, on Rom. 12:1 | CUA, Vol. 17 (166-70)
- Sermon 109: The Whole Man, Body and Soul, as a Reasonable Sacrifice to God, on Rom. 12:1 | CUA, Vol. 17 (171-75)
- Sermon 111: Original Sin, on Rom. 5:12-14 | CUA, Vol. 17 (175-80)
- Sermon 112: Death Through Adam, Life and Grace Through Christ, on Rom. 5:15-21 | CUA, Vol. 17 (180-84)
- Sermon 114: Slaves to the Law and to Grace, on Rom. 6:15-21 | CUA, Vol. 17 (184-89)
- Sermon 115: The Abrogation of the Law in Favor of the New Covenant of Grace, on Rom. 7:1-6 | CUA, Vol. 17 (189-94)
- Sermon 116: The Law as an Occasion of Sin, on Rom. 7:7-12 | CUA, Vol. 17 (194-98)
- Sermon 117: The First Adam and the Last Adam Born of a Virgin, on 1 Cor. 15:45-50 | CUA, Vol. 17 (199-202)
- Sermon 120: Two Patterns: Worldly Life and Christ’s Life, on Rom. 2:2-21 | CUA, Vol. 17 (203-08)
- Sermon 122: The Rich Man and Lazarus, on Luke 16:23-24 | CUA, Vol. 17 (208-13)
- Sermon 129: St. Cyprian, Martyr | CUA, Vol. 17 (213-14)
- Sermon 132: The Unity of the Faithful in Prayer, on Matt. 18:19-20 | CUA, Vol. 17 (215-19)
- Sermon 133: St. Andrew the Apostle | CUA, Vol. 17 (219-20)
- Sermon 134: St. Felicitas, Martyr | CUA, Vol. 17 (221-22)
- Sermon 135: St. Lawrence | CUA, Vol. 17 (222-24)
- Sermon 138: Peace | CUA, Vol. 17 (225-26)
- Sermon 140: The Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary, on Luke 1:26-29 | CUA, Vol. 17 (226-29)
- Sermon 141: The Incarnation of Christ | CUA, Vol. 17 (229-32)
- Sermon 145: The Birth of Christ, and Joseph’s Desire to Put Mary Away, on Matt. 1:18-23 | CUA, Vol. 17 (232-37)
- Sermon 146: The Birth of Christ, Joseph the Affianced Husband, and Mary the Betrothed Mother, on Matt. 1:18 | CUA, Vol. 17 (238-43)
- Sermon 147: The Mystery of the Incarnation | CUA, Vol. 17 (243-47)
- Sermon 148: The Mystery of the Incarnation | CUA, Vol. 17 (247-51)
- Sermon 149: The Birth of Christ and the Peace of Christians, on Luke 2:8-14 | CUA, Vol. 17 (251-54)
- Sermon 152: The Slaughter of the Holy Innocents, on Matt. 2:16-18 | CUA, Vol. 17 (254-59)
- Sermon 154: St. Stephen, the First Martyr | CUA, Vol. 17 (259-61)
- Sermon 155: The Desecration of New Year’s Day by Pagan Practices | CUA, Vol. 17 (261-64)
- Sermon 156: Epiphany and the Magi, on Matt. 2:1-12 | CUA, Vol. 17 (265-70)
- Sermon 165: On the Consecration of Projectus, Bishop of Forum Cornelium | CUA, Vol. 17 (270-71)
- Sermon 166: The Lenten Fast | CUA, Vol. 17 (272-76)
- Sermon 170: Christ, Our Example in Manifold Ways; The Vocation of the Apostles; The Counsel of Poverty, on Mark 6:7-13 | CUA, Vol. 17 (276-82)
- Letter to Eutyches (§§2) | CUA, Vol. 17 (285-87)
St. Maximus of Turin (c. 380-c. 465) | WEST
- Sermon 1: On the Anniversary of Saints Peter and Paul (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 50 (15-16)
- Sermon 2: On the Anniversary of Saints Peter and Paul (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 50 (17-19)
- Sermon 3: On the Gospel Pearl (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 50 (19-20)
- Sermon 4: On the Anniversary of Saint Lawrence (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 50 (20-22)
- Sermon 5: On the Birthday of Saint John the Baptist (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 50 (22-24)
- Sermon 6: Another Sermon on the Birthday of Saint John the Baptist (§§2) | ACW, Vol. 50 (24-26)
- Appendix, Sermon 7: On the Anniversary of Saint Eusebius, Bishop of Vercelli (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 50 (243-45)
- Appendix, Sermon 8: On the Deposition or Anniversary of the Same Saint Eusebius (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 50 (245-47)
- Sermon 9: On the Anniversary of Saints Peter and Paul (§§2) | ACW, Vol. 50 (26-28)
- Sermon 10: On the Anniversary of Saint Cyprian (§§2) | ACW, Vol. 50 (28-30)
- Sermon 11: A Sequel (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 50 (30-31)
- Sermon 12: On the Suffering or Anniversary of Saints Octavus, Adventus, and Solutor or Turin (§§2) | ACW, Vol. 50 (31-33)
- Sermon 13A: On Holy Epiphany (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 50 (33-35)
- Sermon 13B: A Sequel (§§2) | ACW, Vol. 50 (35-37)
- Sermon 13: On the Grace of Baptism (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 50 (37-39)
- Appendix, Sermon 14: On the Anniversary of the Martyrs (§§2) | ACW, Vol. 50 (247-48)
- Sermon 15: On the Anniversary of Saints Cantus, Cantianus, and Cantianilla (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 50 (39-40)
- Sermon 16: On the Anniversary of the Saints (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 50 (40-42)
- Sermon 17: On What is Written in the Acts of the Apostles, “all things were in common among them,” and on Cain and Ananias (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 50 (42-44)
- Sermon 18: A Sequel on Avarice and on Ananias (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 50 (44-46)
- Sermon 19: Exhortation to the People, and on What is Written in the Gospel: “like a flash of lightning from heaven, so also will be the coming of the son of man,” and on the Two Men in One Bed (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 50 (46-49)
- Sermon 20: A Sequel (§§5) | ACW, Vol. 50 (49-51)
- Sermon 21: On Hospitality (§§2) | ACW, Vol. 50 (51-53)
- Sermon 22: On Almsgiving, and On When the Lord Jesus Sat by the Well of Samaria (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 50 (53-55)
- Sermon 22A: On Almsgiving (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 50 (55-57)
- Sermon 23: Opening Words and a Rebuke to the Congregation | ACW, Vol. 50 (58)
- Sermon 24: On the Mustard Seed, and on the Martyr Saint Laurence (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 50 (58-60)
- Sermon 25: A Sequel on the Mustard Seed (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 50 (60-62)
- Sermon 26: On What is Written, “give the things that are God’s to God,” and on Soldiers (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 50 (63-65)
- Sermon 27: A Sequel (§§2) | ACW, Vol. 50 (65-67)
- Sermon 28: On What the Prophet Says to the Children of Israel, “your innkeepers mix water with their wine” (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 50 (67-69)
- Sermon 29: On Psalm 21 and on the Passion of the Lord (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 50 (69-72)
- Sermon 30: On the Eclipse of the Moon (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 50 (73-75)
- Sermon 31: A Sequel (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 50 (75-77)
- Sermon 32: On What is Written in the Gospel when the Lord says, “it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven” (§§2) | ACW, Vol. 50 (77-79)
- Sermon 33: On what is Written, “the kingdom of God is like leaven” (§§6) | ACW, Vol. 50 (79-82)
- Sermon 34: On Hospitality in the Gospel (§§2) | ACW, Vol. 50 (82-83)
- Sermon 35: On the Fast at the Beginning of Quadragesima (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 50 (83-86)
- Sermon 36: A Sequel: That There Should be No Wantonness during the Time of the Fast (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 50 (86-89)
- Sermon 37: On the Day of the Holy Pasch, and on the Cross of the Lord (§§5) | ACW, Vol. 50 (89-92)
- Sermon 38: A Sequel on the Cross and on the Lord’s Resurrection (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 50 (92-94)
- Sermon 39: A Sequel on the Sepulcher of the Lord, the Savior (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 50 (94-96)
- Sermon 39A: On Mary Magdalene (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 50 (96-98)
- Sermon 40: On Pentecost, and on the Psalm, “the Lord said to my lord” (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 50 (99-101)
- Sermon 41: On What the Lord Says in the Gospel, “the foxes have holes,” and so forth (§§5) | ACW, Vol. 50 (101-04)
- Sermon 42: A Rebuke to the People, and on What is Written in the Gospel, “to the one who has will be given,” and “we sang for you and you did not dance” (§§5) | ACW, Vol. 50 (104-07)
- Sermon 43: Where the Lord Healed a Withered Hand on the Sabbath (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 50 (107-09)
- Sermon 44: On Pentecost (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 50 (109-11)
- Appendix, Sermon 45: On the Day of Holy Epiphany (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 50 (249-50)
- Appendix, Sermon 46: Again, on the Day of Epiphany, and on the Gospel Where the Lord Was Baptized, and on Psalm 28 (missing) | ACW, Vol. 50 (250)
- Appendix, Sermon 47: On What is Written in the Gospel, “the land of a certain rich man brought forth abundant fruit” (missing) | ACW, Vol. 50 (250)
- Sermon 48: On What is Written, “who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 50 (112-14)
- Sermon 49: On the Two Boats in the Gospel (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 50 (115-17)
- Sermon 50: On the Fasts, and on Holy Quadragesima (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 50 (117-21)
- Sermon 50A: A Sequel Quadragesima (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 50 (121-23)
- Sermon 51: On the Lord’s Fasting in the Desert, and that One Does Not Live on Bread Alone (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 50 (123-26)
- Sermon 52: A Sequel on the Fasts of Quadragesima (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 50 (126-28)
- Sermon 53: On the Pasch (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 50 (128-31)
- Sermon 54: A Sequel on the Holy Pasch (§§2) | ACW, Vol. 50 (131-32)
- Sermon 55: A Sequel (§§2) | ACW, Vol. 50 (133-34)
- Sermon 56: On Pentecost (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 50 (134-37)
- Sermon 57: On the Lord Accused before Pilate, and on Susanna (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 50 (137-39)
- Sermon 58: A Sequel (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 50 (139-41)
- Sermon 59: A Sequel (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 50 (141-44)
- Sermon 60: To be Given Before the Birthday of the Lord (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 50 (144-47)
- Sermon 61: A Sequel on the Coming Birthday of the Lord (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 50 (147-50)
- Sermon 61A: Given Before the Birthday of the Lord (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 50 (150-52)
- Appendix, Sermon 61B: On the Birthday of the Lord, the Savior (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 50 (250-53)
- Appendix, Sermon 61C: Given After the Birthday of the Lord, the Savior (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 50 (253-55)
- Sermon 62: On the Birthday of Our Lord Jesus Christ (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 50 (152-55)
- Sermon 63: On the Kalends of January (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 50 (155-56)
- Sermon 64: On Epiphany (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 50 (157-59)
- Sermon 65: Given After Epiphany (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 50 (159-61)
- Sermon 66: On Holy Quadragesima (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 50 (161-63)
- Sermon 67: A Sequel on Quadragesima (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 50 (163-65)
- Sermon 68: A Sequel (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 50 (166-68)
- Sermon 69: A Sequel (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 50 (168-71)
- Sermon 70: A Sequel (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 50 (171-73)
- Sermon 71: On Fasting and Almsgiving (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 50 (173-75)
- Sermon 72: That Spiritual Enemies are More to be Feared than Fleshly Ones, and that Thanksgiving is to be Made to God After Eating (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 50 (175-77)
- Sermon 73: A Sequel (§§5) | ACW, Vol. 50 (178-80)
- Sermon 74: On the Thief (§§3) | PPS, Vol. 4 (153-56) | ACW, Vol. 50 (181-83)
- Sermon 75: A Sequel (§§3) | PPS, Vol. 4 (157-60) | ACW, Vol. 50 (183-85)
- Sermon 76: A Sequel (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 50 (185-87)
- Sermon 77: A Sequel (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 50 (187-89)
- Sermon 78: A Preface, and on the Lord’s Body (§§2) | ACW, Vol. 50 (189-90)
- Sermon 79: A Rebuke to the People | ACW, Vol. 50 (191-92)
- Sermon 80: A Discourse After the Rebuke (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 50 (192-93)
- Sermon 81: On the Fast of the Ninevites (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 50 (194-96)
- Sermon 82: A Sequel (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 50 (196-98)
- Sermon 83: That One Who Fears God Should Not Fear the Barbarians, and on Holy Elisha (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 50 (198-200)
- Sermon 84: A Sequel (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 50 (200-03)
- Sermon 85: On Warlike Disturbances (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 50 (203-05)
- Sermon 86: A Sequel (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 50 (205-07)
- Appendix, Sermon 87: On the Centurion’s Slave in the Gospel on the Occasion of the Dedication of a Basilica (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 50 (255-57)
- Sermon 88: On John the Baptist (§§6) | ACW, Vol. 50 (208-11)
- Sermon 89: A Consoling Discourse to the People | ACW, Vol. 50 (211)
- Appendix, Sermon 90: On the Heretics Who Deal in Sins (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 50 (257-59)
- Sermon 91: A Warning that the End of the World is at Hand, and that Idols Should be Removed (§§2) | ACW, Vol. 50 (211-12)
- Sermon 92: On the Watchman Who is Set over the Children of Israel (§§2) | ACW, Vol. 50 (213-15)
- Sermon 93: On What is Written, “lift up your voice like a trumpet and tell my people of their sins” (§§2) | ACW, Vol. 50 (215-16)
- Sermon 94: A Sequel (§§2) | ACW, Vol. 50 (216-18)
- Sermon 95: On Zacchaeus | ACW, Vol. 50 (218-20)
- Sermon 96: A Sequel | ACW, Vol. 50 (220-21)
- Appendix, Sermon 97: On the Birthday of the Lord (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 50 (259-61)
- Sermon 98: On the Kalends of January (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 50 (221-23)
- Sermon 99: On the Birth of the Lord, the Savior (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 50 (223-25)
- Sermon 100: On Holy Epiphany (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 50 (225-27)
- Sermon 101: A Sequel on the Epiphany (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 50 (227-29)
- Sermon 102: A Sequel on the Epiphany (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 50 (230-31)
- Sermon 103: A Sequel on the Epiphany (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 50 (231-32)
- Appendix, Sermon 104: On the Canaanite Woman | ACW, Vol. 50 (262)
- Sermon 105: On the Feast of Saint Alexander (§§2) | ACW, Vol. 50 (232-34)
- Sermon 106: A Sequel (§§2) | ACW, Vol. 50 (234-35)
- Sermon 107: On Removing Idols from One’s Possessions (§§2) | ACW, Vol. 50 (236-37)
- Sermon 108: A Sequel | ACW, Vol. 50 (237-38)
- Appendix, Sermon 109 | ACW, Vol. 50 (262)
- Sermon 110: On the Anniversary of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul (§§2) | ACW, Vol. 50 (238-40)
- Sermon 111: On Holy Quadragesima (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 50 (240-42)
St. Proclus of Constantinople (c. 390-446) | EAST
- Homily 8: On the Transfiguration of the Savior | PPS, Vol. 48 (89-96)
- Homily 29: On the Crucifixion (§§7) | PPS, Vol. 4 (117-23)
- On the Bandit and the Betrayal of Our Savior Jesus Christ (§§2) | PPS, Vol. 4 (127-33)
- On Holy Friday, the Cross and the Bandit | PPS, Vol. 4 (137-48)
St. Prosper of Aquitaine (c. 390-c. 455) | WEST
- The Call of All Nations (2 Books) | ACW, Vol. 14 (26-153)
- Answers to the Extracts of the Genoese (§§9) | ACW, Vol. 32 (49-69)
- On Grace and Free Will, Against Cassian the Lecturer (§§22) | CUA, Vol. 7 (343-418) | ACW, Vol. 32 (70-138)
- Answers to the Objections of the Gauls (§§15) | ACW, Vol. 32 (139-62)
- Answers to the Vincentian Articles (§§16) | ACW, Vol. 32 (163-77)
- Official Pronouncements of the Apostolic See on Divine Grace and Free Will (§§10) | ACW, Vol. 32 (178-85)
- Letter to Rufinus (§§18) | ACW, Vol. 32 (21-37)
- Letter to Augustine (§§9) | ACW, Vol. 32 (38-48)
St. Simeon Stylites (c. 390-459) | EAST
Lives of St. Simeon Stylites
- Theodoret of Cyrus, The Life of Saint Simeon Stylites (§§28) | CS, Vol. 112 (69-84)
- Antonius, The Life and Daily Mode of Living of Blessed Simeon the Stylite (§§34) | CS, Vol. 112 (87-100)
- The Syriac Life of Saint Simeon Stylites (§§137) | CS, Vol. 112 (103-98)
St. Pope Leo the Great (c. 400-461) | WEST
- Sermon 1 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (115) | New Advent
- Sermon 2 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (115-16) | New Advent
- Sermon 3 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (116-18) | New Advent
- Sermon 9 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (118-20) | New Advent
- Sermon 10 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (120-21) | New Advent
- Sermon 12 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (121-23) | New Advent
- Sermon 16 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (123-25) | New Advent
- Sermon 17 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (125-27) | New Advent
- Sermon 19 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (127-28) | New Advent
- Sermon 21 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (128-29) | New Advent
- Sermon 22 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (129-32) | New Advent
- Sermon 23 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (132-34) | New Advent
- Sermon 24 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (134-36) | New Advent
- Sermon 26 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (136-39) | New Advent
- Sermon 27 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (139-41) | New Advent
- Sermon 28 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (141-44) | New Advent
- Sermon 31 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (144-45) | New Advent
- Sermon 33 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (145-47) | New Advent
- Sermon 34 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (147-50) | New Advent
- Sermon 36 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (150-52) | New Advent
- Sermon 39 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (152-54) | New Advent
- Sermon 40 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (154-56) | New Advent
- Sermon 42 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (156-58) | New Advent
- Sermon 46 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (158-60) | New Advent
- Sermon 49 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (160-62) | New Advent
- Sermon 51 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (162-65) | New Advent
- Sermon 54 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (165-67) | New Advent
- Sermon 55 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (167-68) | New Advent
- Sermon 58 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (168-71) | New Advent
- Sermon 59 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (171-73) | New Advent
- Sermon 62 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (173-75) | New Advent
- Sermon 63 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (175-77) | New Advent
- Sermon 67 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (177-80) | New Advent
- Sermon 68 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (180-81) | New Advent
- Sermon 71 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (181-84) | New Advent
- Sermon 72 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (184-86) | New Advent
- Sermon 73 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (186-87) | New Advent
- Sermon 74 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (187-89) | New Advent
- Sermon 75 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (189-91) | New Advent
- Sermon 77 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (191-93) | New Advent
- Sermon 78 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (193-94) | New Advent
- Sermon 82 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (194-96) | New Advent
- Sermon 84 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (196-97) | New Advent
- Sermon 85 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (197-98) | New Advent
- Sermon 88 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (198-99) | New Advent
- Sermon 90 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (199-201) | New Advent
- Sermon 91 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (201-02) | New Advent
- Sermon 95 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (202-05) | New Advent
- Letter 1: To the Bishop of Aquileia [Januarius?] | CUA, Vol. 34 (19-23) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (1-2) | New Advent
- Letter 4: To the bishops presiding in Campania, Piceno, Etruria, and all provinces | CUA, Vol. 34 (23-27) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (2-4) | New Advent
- Letter 6: To Anastasias, Bishop of Thessalonica | CUA, Vol. 34 (27-32) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (4-6) | New Advent
- Letter 7 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (6-7) | New Advent
- Letter 9: To Dioscorus, Bishop of Alexandria | CUA, Vol. 34 (33-36) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (7-8) | New Advent
- Letter 10: To the bishops in the province of Vienne | CUA, Vol. 34 (37-48) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (8-12) | New Advent
- Letter 12: To the bishops in the sees of Caesarea Mauritania | CUA, Vol. 34 (48-57) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (12-16) | New Advent
- Letter 14: To the Bishop Anastasius | CUA, Vol. 34 (58-67) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (16-20) | New Advent
- Letter 15 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (20-26) | New Advent
- Letter 16: To the bishops in Sicily | CUA, Vol. 34 (68-77) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (26-30) | New Advent
- Letter 17 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (30) | New Advent
- Letter 18 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (30-31) | New Advent
- Letter 19: To Dorus, Bishop of Beneventum | CUA, Vol. 34 (77-80) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (31-32) | New Advent
- Letter 20: To Eutyches, abbot at Constantinople | CUA, Vol. 34 (81) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (32) | New Advent
- Letter 21: From Eutyches, to St. Pope Leo the Great | CUA, Vol. 34 (82-86) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (32-34) | New Advent
- Letter 22 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (34-35) | New Advent
- Letter 23: To Flavian, Bishop of Constantinople | CUA, Vol. 34 (87-89) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (35-36) | New Advent
- Letter 24: To Emperor Theodosius II | CUA, Vol. 34 (89-90) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (36) | New Advent
- Letter 25 (missing) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (36) | New Advent
- Letter 26 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (36-38) | New Advent
- Letter 27 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (38) | New Advent
- Letter 28: To Bishop Flavian | CUA, Vol. 34 (92-105) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (38-43) | New Advent
- Letter 29: To Emperor Theodosius | CUA, Vol. 34 (106-07) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (43-44) | New Advent
- Letter 30 (missing) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (44) | New Advent
- Letter 31 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (44-46) | New Advent
- Letter 32 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (46) | New Advent
- Letter 33: To the bishops assembled at Ephesus | CUA, Vol. 34 (108-10) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (46-47) | New Advent
- Letter 34 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (47-48) | New Advent
- Letter 35: To Julian, Bishop of Cos | CUA, Vol. 34 (111-15) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (48-50) | New Advent
- Letter 36 (missing) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (50) | New Advent
- Letter 37: To Emperor Theodosius | CUA, Vol. 34 (116-17) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (50) | New Advent
- Letter 38: To Bishop Flavian | CUA, Vol. 34 (118-19) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (50-51) | New Advent
- Letter 39 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (51) | New Advent
- Letter 40: To the bishops in the province of Arles | CUA, Vol. 34 (120-21) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (51) | New Advent
- Letter 41 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (51) | New Advent
- Letter 42: To Ravennius, Bishop of Arles | CUA, Vol. 34 (121-22) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (51-52) | New Advent
- Letter 43 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (52-53) | New Advent
- Letter 44: To Emperor Theodosius | CUA, Vol. 34 (122-26) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (53-54) | New Advent
- Letter 45 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (54-55) | New Advent
- Letter 49: To Bishop Flavian | CUA, Vol. 34 (128)
- Letter 50: To the Church at Constantinople | CUA, Vol. 34 (129)
- Letter 52 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (55-57) | New Advent
- Letter 56 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (57-58) | New Advent
- Letter 59 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (58-61) | New Advent
- Letter 60: To Pulcheria, sister of Theodosius II | CUA, Vol. 34 (132-33)
- Letter 66: To the bishops presiding in Gaul | CUA, Vol. 34 (134-35) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (61) | New Advent
- Letter 67: To Bishop Ravennius | CUA, Vol. 34 (136-37) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (61-62) | New Advent
- Letter 68 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (62-63) | New Advent
- Letter 69: To Emperor Theodosius | CUA, Vol. 34 (137-40) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (63-64) | New Advent
- Letter 75: To Faustus and Martin, priests and abbots at Constantinople | CUA, Vol. 34 (142-43)
- Letter 79: To Pulcheria | CUA, Vol. 34 (144-47) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (64-65) | New Advent
- Letter 80: To Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople | CUA, Vol. 34 (147-50) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (65-66) | New Advent
- Letter 81: To Bishop Julian | CUA, Vol. 34 (151-52)
- Letter 82 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (66-67) | New Advent
- Letter 83: To Emperor Marcian | CUA, Vol. 34 (153-55)
- Letter 85: To Bishop Anatolius | CUA, Vol. 34 (156-58) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (67-68) | New Advent
- Letter 88: To Paschasinus, papal legate | CUA, Vol. 34 (159-62) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (68-69) | New Advent
- Letter 89: To Emperor Marcian | CUA, Vol. 34 (162-63)
- Letter 93: To the Synod at Nicaea | CUA, Vol. 34 (165-67) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (70) | New Advent
- Letter 95: To Pulcheria | CUA, Vol. 34 (168-70) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (70-71) | New Advent
- Letter 98 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (72-73) | New Advent
- Letter 101 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (74) | New Advent
- Letter 102: To the bishops presiding in Gaul | CUA, Vol. 34 (172-76)
- Letter 104: To Emperor Marcian | CUA, Vol. 34 (177-82) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (74-76) | New Advent
- Letter 105 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (76-77) | New Advent
- Letter 106: To Bishop Anatolius | CUA, Vol. 34 (182-88) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (77-79) | New Advent
- Letter 107: To Bishop Julian | CUA, Vol. 34 (189-90)
- Letter 108: To Theodore, Bishop of Forum Julii | CUA, Vol. 34 (190-93) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (79-81) | New Advent
- Letter 109: To Bishop Julian | CUA, Vol. 34 (194-97) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (81-82) | New Advent
- Letter 113 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (82-83) | New Advent
- Letter 117: To Bishop Julian | CUA, Vol. 34 (199-202) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (84-85) | New Advent
- Letter 119: To Maximus, Bishop of Antioch | CUA, Vol. 34 (203-08) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (85-87) | New Advent
- Letter 120 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (87-90) | New Advent
- Letter 123 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (90-91) | New Advent
- Letter 124 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (91-95) | New Advent
- Letter 126: To Emperor Marcian | CUA, Vol. 34 (210-11)
- Letter 127: To Bishop Julian | CUA, Vol. 34 (211-13)
- Letter 129: To Proterius, Bishop of Alexandria | CUA, Vol. 34 (214-17) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (95-97) | New Advent
- Letter 130: To Emperor Marcian | CUA, Vol. 34 (218-20)
- Letter 131: To Bishop Julian | CUA, Vol. 34 (220-21)
- Letter 136: To Emperor Marcian | CUA, Vol. 34 (223-25)
- Letter 138: To the bishops presiding in Gaul and Spain | CUA, Vol. 34 (226-27)
- Letter 139: To Juvenal, Bishop of Jerusalem | CUA, Vol. 34 (227-31) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (97-98) | New Advent
- Letter 143: To Bishop Anatolius | CUA, Vol. 34 (232)
- Letter 144: To Bishop Julian | CUA, Vol. 34 (232-33)
- Letter 145: To Emperor Leo I | CUA, Vol. 34 (234-35)
- Letter 149-50: To Bishops Basil, Juvenal, Euxitheus, Peter, and Luke | CUA, Vol. 34 (236-38)
- Letter 152:To Bishop Julian | CUA, Vol. 34 (239-40)
- Letter 153: To Aetius, priest | CUA, Vol. 34 (240-41)
- Letter 156: To Emperor Leo | CUA, Vol. 34 (242-47) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (99-101) | New Advent
- Letter 158 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (102) | New Advent
- Letter 159: To Nicetas, Bishop of Aquileia | CUA, Vol. 34 (248-51) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (102-04) | New Advent
- Letter 162: To Emperor Leo | CUA, Vol. 34 (252-56) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (104-05) | New Advent
- Letter 164: To Emperor Leo | CUA, Vol. 34 (257-62) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (105-07) | New Advent
- Letter 165: To Emperor Leo (the Tome) | CUA, Vol. 34 (262-88) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (107-08) | New Advent
- Letter 166 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (108) | New Advent
- Letter 167: To Rusticus, Bishop of Narbonne | CUA, Vol. 34 (289-97) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (108-12) | New Advent
- Letter 169: To Emperor Leo (§§2) | CUA, Vol. 34 (297-99) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (112-13) | New Advent
- Letter 171 (§§2) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (113-14) | New Advent
- Letter 173: To the bishops in Egypt | CUA, Vol. 34 (300-01)
St. Hilary of Arles (c. 403-c. 449) | WEST
- The Life of St. Honoratus (§§39) | CUA, Vol. 15 (361-94)
St. Vincent of Lérins (died c. 445) | WEST
- The Commonitory (§§87) | CUA, Vol. 7 (267-332) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 11 (131-56) | New Advent
St. Patrick of Ireland (400s) | WEST
- The Confession of St. Patrick (§§62) | ACW, Vol. 17 (21-40) | St. Patrick, The Confession of St. Patrick, Letter to Coroticus, Tripartite Life (Aziloth Books, 2012), 8-26.
- Letter to the Soldiers of Coroticus (§§21) | ACW, Vol. 17 (41-47) | St. Patrick, The Confession of St. Patrick, Letter to Coroticus, Tripartite Life (Aziloth Books, 2012), 28-33.
- Fragments (§§2) | ACW, Vol. 17 (48)
- Sayings of St. Patrick (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 17 (49)
- Canons (§§34) | ACW, Vol. 17 (50-54)
- Lorica (possible) | ACW, Vol. 17 (68-72)
- The Tripartite Life of St. Patrick (§§3) | St. Patrick, The Confession of St. Patrick, Letter to Coroticus, Tripartite Life (Aziloth Books, 2012), 34-140.
St. Mark the Monk/Eremita (400s) | EAST
- On the Spiritual Law (§§201) | PPS, Vol. 37 (92-111)
- Concerning Those Who Imagine That They Are Justified by Works (§§211) | PPS, Vol. 37 (113-39)
- On Repentance (§§13) | PPS, Vol. 37 (145-64)
- Concerning Fasting (§§4) | PPS, Vol. 37 (167-71)
- The Mind’s Advice to its Own Souls (§§5) | PPS, Vol. 37 (176-82)
- On Melchizedek (§§11) | PPS, Vol. 37 (197-215)
- A Monastic Superior’s Disputation with an Attorney and Discussion with His Fellow Monks (2 Parts) | PPS, Vol. 37 (221-50)
- On the Incarnation (§§52) | PPS, Vol. 37 (254-85)
- Concerning Holy Baptism (§§17) | PPS, Vol. 37 (290-327)
- Jerome the Greek, “Works Useful to Every Christian” (§§5) | PPS, Vol. 37 (331-35)
- A Letter to Nicholas (§§13) | PPS, Vol. 37 (58-78)
- Nicholas’s Response to Mark (§§4) | PPS, Vol. 37 (81-83)
St. Sechnall of Ireland (died c. 447/448) | WEST
- Hymn on St. Patrick | ACW, Vol. 17 (61-65)
St. Quodvultdeus of Carthage (died c. 450) | WEST
- Homily 1 on the Creed (§§13) | ACW, Vol. 60 (23-50)
- Homily 2 on the Creed (§§12) | ACW, Vol. 60 (51-66)
- Homily 3 on the Creed (§§13) | ACW, Vol. 60 (67-82)
St. Isaiah the Solitary (died 491) | EAST
Ascetic Discourses
- Discourse 1: Rules for the Brothers Who Live with Him | CS, Vol. 150 (39-42)
- Discourse 2: On the Natural State of the Intellect | CS, Vol. 150 (43-45)
- Discourse 3: On the Condition of Beginners and Anchorites | CS, Vol. 150 (47-52)
- Discourse 4: On the Conscience of Those Who Stay in Their Cells | CS, Vol. 150 (53-68)
- Discourse 5: Faithful Commandments for the Edification of Those Who Wish to Live Peacefully Together | CS, Vol. 150 (69-76)
- Discourse 6: On Those Who Desire to Lead a Life of Good Silence | CS, Vol. 150 (77-79)
- Discourse 7: On Virtues | CS, Vol. 150 (81-86)
- Discourse 8: Sayings | CS, Vol. 150 (87-94)
- Discourse 9: Commands for Those Who Have Renounced [the World] | CS, Vol. 150 (95-97)
- Discourse 10: Another Discourse | CS, Vol. 150 (99-100)
- Discourse 11: On the Grain of Mustard Seed | CS, Vol. 150 (101-102)
- Discourse 12: On Wine | CS, Vol. 150 (103-104)
- Discourse 13: On Those Who Have Struggled and Reached Perfection | CS, Vol. 150 (105-109)
- Discourse 14: Acts of Mourning | CS, Vol. 150 (111-13)
- Discourse 15: On Detachment | CS, Vol. 150 (115-17)
- Discourse 16: On the Joy That Comes to the Soul That Desires to Serve God | CS, Vol. 150 (119-30)
- Discourse 17: On Thoughts About Renunciation and Exile | CS, Vol. 150 (131-37)
- Discourse 18: On Forgiveness | CS, Vol. 150 (139-42)
- Discourse 19: On Passions | CS, Vol. 150 (143-46)
- Discourse 20: On Humility | CS, Vol. 150 (147)
- Discourse 21: On Repentance | CS, Vol. 150 (149-61)
- Discourse 22: On the Conduct of the New Person | CS, Vol. 150 (163-71)
- Discourse 23: On Perfection | CS, Vol. 150 (173-79)
- Discourse 24: On Tranquility | CS, Vol. 150 (181)
- Discourse 25: To Abba Peter, His Disciple | CS, Vol. 150 (183-209)
- Discourse 26: Recorded by Isaiah’s Disciple, Abba Peter, Who Had Heard it Spoken by His Master | CS, Vol. 150 (211-18)
- Discourse 27: In Which He Says, “Attend Diligently” | CS, Vol. 150 (219-25)
- Discourse 28: The Branches of Malice | CS, Vol. 150 (227-33)
- Discourse 29: Lamentations | CS, Vol. 150 (235-45)
St. Pope Gelasius I (died 496) | WEST
- Tract 6: Against Andromachus (§§32) | St. Pope Gelasius, Neil and Allen, Letters (211-21)
- Letter 1: To the Bishops of the East (§§43) | St. Pope Gelasius, Neil and Allen, Letters (83-109)
- Letter 3: To Bishops Justus and Probus | St. Pope Gelasius, Neil and Allen, Letters (174-75)
- Letter 4: To Bishop Felix | St. Pope Gelasius, Neil and Allen, Letters (197)
- Letter 5: To Bishops Justus and Constantine | St. Pope Gelasius, Neil and Allen, Letters (181)
- Letter 7: To Bishop Geruntius of Valva | St. Pope Gelasius, Neil and Allen, Letters (175)
- Letter 8: To Bishops Respectus and Geruntius | St. Pope Gelasius, Neil and Allen, Letters (176)
- Letter 9: To the comes (teia) | St. Pope Gelasius, Neil and Allen, Letters (182-83)
- Letter 9A:To Bishop Succonius of Africa (§§4) | St. Pope Gelasius, Neil and Allen, Letters (203-205)
- Letter 10: To Faustus, the Magister (§§10) | St. Pope Gelasius, Neil and Allen, Letters (109-15)
- Letter 12: To Anastasius Augustus (§§12) | St. Pope Gelasius, Neil and Allen, Letters (73-80)
- Letter 13: To his most beloved brother Rusticus (§§2) | St. Pope Gelasius, Neil and Allen, Letters (205-206)
- Letter 14: General Decree (§§28) | St. Pope Gelasius, Neil and Allen, Letters (143-57)
- Letter 14A: To Bishop Bellator | St. Pope Gelasius, Neil and Allen, Letters (175-76)
- 16: To Mercurius | St. Pope Gelasius, Neil and Allen, Letters (181-82)
- Letter 17: To the Bishops of Sicily (§§2) | St. Pope Gelasius, Neil and Allen, Letters (172-73)
- Letter 20: To Bishops Cresconius, John, and Messala | St. Pope Gelasius, Neil and Allen, Letters (177)
- Letter 20A: To Bishops Martyrius and Justus | St. Pope Gelasius, Neil and Allen, Letters (193)
- Letter 21: To Bishop Siracusius | St. Pope Gelasius, Neil and Allen, Letters (182)
- Letter 21A: To Bishops Herculentius, Stephen, and Justus | St. Pope Gelasius, Neil and Allen, Letters (194)
- Letter 22: Synodal Statement on the Dispute Between Faustus and Eucharistus | St. Pope Gelasius, Neil and Allen, Letters (177-78)
- Letter 22A: To Bishops Rufinus and Aprilis | St. Pope Gelasius, Neil and Allen, Letters (195)
- Letter 23: To Bishops Crispinus and Sabinus | St. Pope Gelasius, Neil and Allen, Letters (195-96)
- Letter 27: To the Bishops of the East (§§12) | St. Pope Gelasius, Neil and Allen, Letters (115-26)
- Letter 30: Copy of the Proceedings Regarding the Absolution of Misenus (§§15) | St. Pope Gelasius, Neil and Allen, Letters (128-38)
- Letter 31: To the Managers of the City | St. Pope Gelasius, Neil and Allen, Letters (139)
- Letter 32: To Vincomalus | St. Pope Gelasius, Neil and Allen, Letters (139)
- Letter 33: To Bishop John of Sora | St. Pope Gelasius, Neil and Allen, Letters (197-98)
- Letter 34: To Bishop Senecio | St. Pope Gelasius, Neil and Allen, Letters (198)
- Letter 35: To Herculentius, bishop of Potentia | St. Pope Gelasius, Neil and Allen, Letters (198-99)
- Letter 36: To Bishop John | St. Pope Gelasius, Neil and Allen, Letters (187-88)
- Letter 37: To Bishops Majoricus and John (§§2) | St. Pope Gelasius, Neil and Allen, Letters (188-89)
- Letter 38: To Philip and Cassiodorus | St. Pope Gelasius, Neil and Allen, Letters (189-90)
- Letter 39: To Bishops Majoricus, Serenus, and John (§§3) | b
- Letter 40: To John of Spoleto | St. Pope Gelasius, Neil and Allen, Letters (173)
- Letter 42: Decretal on the Subject of Accepting and Not Accepting Books (§§9) | St. Pope Gelasius, Neil and Allen, Letters (157-69)
- Fragment 16 | St. Pope Gelasius, Neil and Allen, Letters (173-74)
- Fragment 35 | St. Pope Gelasius, Neil and Allen, Letters (206-207)
- Fragment 36 | St. Pope Gelasius, Neil and Allen, Letters (199)
- Fragment 43 | St. Pope Gelasius, Neil and Allen, Letters (207)
St. Pope Symmachus (died 514) | WEST
- Letter to the Eastern Bishops (§§8) (October 8, 512) | Neil and Allen, Conflict and Negotiation (54-59)
St. Pope Hormisdas (c. 450-523) | WEST
Documents Related to the Acacian Schism
- Dioscorus and Chaeremon to the Roman Legates (497) | Neil and Allen, Conflict and Negotiation (49-54)
- Letter to Bishops Ennodius and Fortunatus (August 11, 515) | Neil and Allen, Conflict and Negotiation (59-66)
- Libellus of Hormisdas (sent with previous letter) (August 11, 515) | Neil and Allen, Conflict and Negotiation (67-68)
- Letter to Emperor Anastasius (April 3, 517) | Neil and Allen, Conflict and Negotiation (68-72)
- From Emperor Justin to St. Pope Hormisdas (September 7, 518) | Neil and Allen, Conflict and Negotiation (73)
- From Justin the Comes to St. Pope Hormisdas (September 7, 518) | Neil and Allen, Conflict and Negotiation (74-75)
- From John II of Constantinople to St. Pope Hormisdas (September 7, 518) | Neil and Allen, Conflict and Negotiation (75-76)
- Letter to Emperor Justin (late 518/early 519) | Neil and Allen, Conflict and Negotiation (76-77)
- Second Libellus to Our Ambassadors (January 519) Neil and Allen, Conflict and Negotiation (77-79)
- Letter to Justinian the Illustrious (mid-February 519) | Neil and Allen, Conflict and Negotiation (79-80)
- Report to Hormisdas from Dioscorus the Deacon (April 22, 519) | Neil and Allen, Conflict and Negotiation (81-84)
- From Justinian the Illustrious to St. Pope Hormisdas (September 17, 520) | Neil and Allen, Conflict and Negotiation (85-87)
- Copy of a Report of Epiphanius, Bishop of Constantinople | Neil and Allen, Conflict and Negotiation (87-89)
St. Jacob of Serug (c. 451-521) | EAST
- Homily 1: Concerning the Blessed Virgin Mother of God, Mary | PPS, Vol. 19 (17-42)
- Homily 2: Concerning the Annunciation of the Mother of God | PPS, Vol. 19 (43-64)
- Homily 3: Concerning the Holy Mother of God, Mary, When She Went to Elizabeth to See the Truth Which was Told to Her by Gabriel | PPS, Vol. 19 (65-88)
- Homily 5: Concerning the Burial, that is to say, the Death of the Holy Virgin Mother of God, Mary, and How She Was Buried by the Apostles | PPS, Vol. 19 (89-100)
- Verse Homily: Tamar and Judah (Gen. 38) | PPS, Vol. 45 (86-104)
- Resurrection (§§16) | PPS, Vol. 45 (261-64)
- Salvation History, Hymn on the Soul (§§22) | PPS, Vol. 45 (267-70)
Other Works
- Life of St. Jacob of Serug | PPS, Vol. 19 (15-16)
St. Ailbe (died 528) | WEST
- The Rule of Ailbe (§§56) | CS, Vol. 162 (19-27)
St. Caesarius of Arles (c. 468/470-542) | WEST
- The Life of Caesarius (2 Books) | TTH, Vol. 19 (9-65)
- The Testament of Caesarius (§§11) | TTH, Vol. 19 (71-76)
Exposition of the Apocalypse
- Homily 1 | ACT, Latin Commentaries on Revelation (63-65)
- Homily 2 | ACT, Latin Commentaries on Revelation (65-68)
- Homily 3 | ACT, Latin Commentaries on Revelation (68-70)
- Homily 4 | ACT, Latin Commentaries on Revelation (70-72) | Gumerlock, Seven Seals of the Apocalypse (41-43)
- Homily 5 | ACT, Latin Commentaries on Revelation (72-73) | Gumerlock, Seven Seals of the Apocalypse (43-45)
- Homily 6 | ACT, Latin Commentaries on Revelation (73-78) | Gumerlock, Seven Seals of the Apocalypse (45-48)
- Homily 7 | ACT, Latin Commentaries on Revelation (78-81)
- Homily 8 | ACT, Latin Commentaries on Revelation (82-84)
- Homily 9 | ACT, Latin Commentaries on Revelation (84-86)
- Homily 10 | ACT, Latin Commentaries on Revelation (86-88)
- Homily 11 | ACT, Latin Commentaries on Revelation (88-90)
- Homily 12 | ACT, Latin Commentaries on Revelation (90-92)
- Homily 13 | ACT, Latin Commentaries on Revelation (92-95)
- Homily 14 | ACT, Latin Commentaries on Revelation (95-96)
- Homily 15 | ACT, Latin Commentaries on Revelation (96-97)
- Homily 16 | ACT, Latin Commentaries on Revelation (97-100)
- Homily 17 | ACT, Latin Commentaries on Revelation (100-102)
- Homily 18 | ACT, Latin Commentaries on Revelation (103-106)
- Homily 19 | ACT, Latin Commentaries on Revelation (106-109)
- Sermon 1: The Humble Advice of a Sinner (§§21) | CUA, Vol. 31 (3-24)
- Sermon 2: A Suggestion About Reading | CUA, Vol. 31 (24-26)
- Sermon 3: The Athanasian Creed | CUA, Vol. 31 (26-28)
- Sermon 4: How the Word of God Should be Desired(§§4) | CUA, Vol. 31 (28-32)
- Sermon 5: Severity in Preaching Should be Longed For (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 31 (32-37)
- Sermon 6: People Should be Eager to Hear Divine Lessons (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 31 (38-45)
- Sermon 7: How Good It is to Read the Scriptures (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 31 (45-49)
- Sermon 8: On Perseverance in Reading | CUA, Vol. 31 (49-54)
- Sermon 9: On Instruction on the Creed | CUA, Vol. 31 (54-59)
- Sermon 10: On the Catholic Faith (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 31 (59-61)
- Sermon 11: Why Christ Redeemed Man Through His Passion (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 31 (62-66)
- Sermon 12: An Exposition of Faith (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 31 (67-74)
- Sermon 13: On the Full Practice of a Christian Life (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 31 (74-79)
- Sermon 14: On the Same (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 31 (79-83)
- Sermon 15: It is Not Enough for Eternal Welfare Merely to Avoid Evil (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 31 (83-87)
- Sermon 16: The Qualities of Good and Bad Christians (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 31 (57-90)
- Sermon 17: St. Augustine’s Sermons on Charity (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 31 (90-93)
- Sermon 18: His Sermon on Good Works, Despair, and the Crow’s Voice (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 31 (93-98)
- Sermon 19: His Sermon on the Christian Life and the Sacraments (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 31 (98-102)
- Sermon 20: A Letter of St. Fatalis on Christian Life (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 31 (103-06)
- Sermon 21: St. Augustine on the Many Steps in Perfect Charity (§§9) | CUA, Vol. 31 (106-14)
- Sermon 22: On Charity (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 31 (114-18)
- Sermon 23: On the Same (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 31 (118-23)
- Sermon 24: A Selection from St. Augustine on Charity (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 31 (123-27)
- Homily 24 (different collection): On the Good Bandit (§§9) | PPS, Vol. 4 (189-200)
- Sermon 25: On Divine and Human Mercy (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 31 (127-31)
- Sermon 26: On Almsgiving and Heavenly Mercy (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 31 (131-35)
- Sermon 27: On the Parable of the Elm and the Vine (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 31 (135-39)
- Sermon 28: On Works of Mercy (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 31 (140-44)
- Sermon 29: On Love of One’s Neighbor and of Enemies (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 31 (144-47)
- Sermon 30: Three Kinds of Alms by Which Sins Can be Redeemed (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 31 (148-52)
- Sermon 31: St. Salvian on Almsgiving (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 31 (152-58)
- Sermon 32: On Almsgivers Who Persist in Sinning (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 31 (158-62)
- Sermon 33: On Tithes (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 31 (162-67)
- Sermon 34: On Love of Parents and on Giving Tithes (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 31 (167-71)
- Sermon 35: : On the Lord’s Prayer and Love of Enemies (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 31 (171-75)
- Sermon 36: On Love of Enemies (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 31 (176-82)
- Sermon 37: On the Same (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 31 (182-89)
- Sermon 38: St. Augustine on Love of Enemies (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 31 (189-94)
- Sermon 39: On the Criteria by Which We Shall Be Judged and on Love of Enemies (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 31 (194-200)
- Sermon 40: Why Just and Holy Men Have Punished Sinners (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 31 (200-03)
- Sermon 41: On Lust and on Martyrdom (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 31 (203-08)
- Sermon 42: A Reproof of Adultery and of Concubinage (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 31 (208-13)
- Sermon 43: On Conjugal Chastity (§§9) | CUA, Vol. 31 (214-20)
- Sermon 44: On Chastity, Abortion, and Abstinence before the Celebration of Church Feasts (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 31 (220-26)
- Sermon 45: On the Avoidance of Shameful Thoughts (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 31 (226-31)
- Sermon 46: On Avoiding the Vice of Drunkenness (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 31 (231-37)
- Sermon 47: On the Same (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 31 (238-43)
- Sermon 48: The Scriptures Have Always Blessed the Humble, but Cursed the Proud (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 31 (243-50)
- Sermon 49: How the Widows, Orphans, and the Poor in Scripture Are to be Interpreted (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 31 (250-53)
- Sermon 50: On Seeking Health of Soul and on Soothsayers (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 31 (253-56)
- Sermon 51: On Accepting Barrenness (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 31 (256-59)
- Sermon 52: On Martyrs, Eclipses, Abortions, and Phylacteries (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 31 (259-62)
- Sermon 53: The Shrines of Idols Should be Destroyed (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 31 (263-65)
- Sermon 54: On Omens, Seers, and Fortune-Tellers (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 31 (265-70)
- Sermon 55: On Sins Resulting from Drunkenness and on Bribery (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 31 (271-75)
- Sermon 55A: St. Augustine on Injustice and Bribery among Judges (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 31 (275-78)
- Sermon 56: St. Faustus on Judgment Day and on Penance (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 31 (279-81)
- Sermon 57: On Remaining Aware of the Judgment (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 31 (281-85)
- Sermon 58: St. Faustus on Remaining Aware of Our Sins, the Judgment, and Eternal Happiness (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 31 (285-89)
- Sermon 59: St. Augustine on the Confession of Sins (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 31 (290-95)
- Sermon 60: The Difference Between Penance Performed Continually and That Accepted in Sickness or at Death(§§4) | CUA, Vol. 31 (295-99)
- Sermon 61: A Man Should Constantly Do Penance for His Sins and Not Defer This to the End of His Life (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 31 (299-303)
- Sermon 62: On Repentance | CUA, Vol. 31 (303-04)
- Sermon 63: St. Augustine on Repentance (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 31 (305-07)
- Sermon 64: On Repentance (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 31 (307-11)
- Sermon 65: On the Same (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 31 (311-15)
- Sermon 66: The Saints and the Ancient Fathers on Repentance | CUA, Vol. 31 (316-18)
- Sermon 67: Advice to Those Who Do Public Penance (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 31 (318-22)
- Sermon 68: A Reproof of Penitents (§§2) | CUA, Vol. 31 (322-24)
- Sermon 69: The Times of the Christians Were Foretold in Scripture; on Brazen Serpent and on the Ten Virgins (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 31 (324-29)
- Sermon 70: Our Tribulations Ought to be Imputed to Our Sins (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 31 (330-34)
- Sermon 71: On the Same, with Something About Ananias (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 31 (334-37)
- Sermon 72: Ephrem’s Admonition on Prayer and Idle Gossip (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 31 (338-41)
- Sermon 73: On Remaining in Church until the Completion of Mass (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 31 (342-45)
- Sermon 74: On the Same (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 31 (346-49)
- Sermon 75: In Praise of Chanting the Psalms (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 31 (349-52)
- Sermon 76: On Genuflecting or Bowing the Head at the Blessing (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 31 (352-54)
- Sermon 77: Ephrem’s Admonition on the Same (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 31 (355-60)
- Sermon 78: On Observing Silence in Church (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 31 (360-63)
- Sermon 79: On a Man Possessed by the Devil (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 31 (363-66)
- Sermon 80: On Making Greater Efforts to Pray in Church (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 31 (366-68)
- Sermon 81: On the Call of Blessed Abraham (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 47 (3-6)
- Sermon 82: On the Heifer, the Ram, and the She-goat of Three Years; Also the Turtledove and the Pigeon (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 47 (6-10)
- Sermon 83: On the Three Men Who Appeared to Blessed Abraham (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 47 (11-16)
- Sermon 84: On Abraham and His Son Isaac (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 47 (16-19)
- Sermon 85: On the Servant of Abraham Who Was Sent to Rebecca (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 47 (20-24)
- Sermon 86: On the Conception of Holy Rebecca (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 47 (24-29)
- Sermon 87: On Jacob’s Ladder (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 47 (29-34)
- Sermon 88: On Blessed Jacob and Laban (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 47 (34-38)
- Sermon 89: On Jacob, His Son Joseph, and His Brothers (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 47 (38-42)
- Sermon 90: On Blessed Joseph (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 47 (43-49)
- Sermon 91: Likewise on Holy Joseph (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 47 (49-53)
- Sermon 92: Again on Holy Joseph (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 47 (53-57)
- Sermon 93: On the Blessed Patriarch Joseph (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 47 (57-60)
- Sermon 94: On What is Written: “Joseph died and the children of Israel increased” (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 47 (61-64)
- Sermon 95: On the Birth of Moses and the Bush (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 47 (65-69)
- Sermon 96: On the Bush and the Lace of the Shoe (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 47 (69-74)
- Sermon 97: On the Three Days’ Journey in the Desert (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 47 (74-78)
- Sermon 98: On the Spiritual Struggle of the Israelites and Egyptians which can be Inferred when We Read of the Chaff (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 47 (78-81)
- Sermon 99: On the Ten Plagues (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 47 (81-85)
- Sermon 100: St. Augustine on the Ten Words of the Law and the Ten Plagues (§§12) | CUA, Vol. 47 (85-92)
- Sermon 100A: On the Agreement between the Ten Plagues of Egypt and the Ten Commandments of the Law (§§13) | CUA, Vol. 47 (92-98)
- Sermon 101: On the Words: “The Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh” (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 47 (98-103)
- Sermon 102: On the Manna and the Bitter Water (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 47 (102-08)
- Sermon 103: On Raphidim, Amalek, and the Rock Struck in the Desert (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 47 (108-12)
- Sermon 104: A Comparison of the Church and the Synagogue when there was a Text in Exodus About the First and Later Tablets (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 47 (113-18)
- Sermon 105: On Spiritual Blessings (§§12) | CUA, Vol. 47 (119-25)
- Sermon 106: On What the Lord Said to Moses: “Send men to reconnaissance the land” (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 47 (125-31)
- Sermon 107: On the Spies and the Cluster of Grapes (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 47 (131-35)
- Sermon 108: On the Twelve Scouts (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 47 (135-39)
- Sermon 109: On the Spies and the Forty Years Spent in the Desert (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 47 (139-44)
- Sermon 110: St. Jerome on the Censers of Korah and Dathan (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 47 (144-47)
- Sermon 111: On the Rod of Aaron (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 47 (147-51)
- Sermon 112: On the Brazen Serpent and the Rod of Moses (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 47 (151-55)
- Sermon 113: St. Jerome in the Middle of Lent on Balaam and Balak (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 47 (155-61)
- Sermon 114: That the Canaanites were Driven from the Promised Land Through the Just Judgment of God (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 47 (161-66)
- Sermon 115: Joshua Bids the People to be Ready to Cross the Jordan; also Something Concerning Rahab the Harlot and the Destruction of Jericho (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 47 (167-71)
- Sermon 116: On Rahab the Harlot and the Two Messengers (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 47 (171-74)
- Sermon 116A: On the People of Canaan (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 47 (175-77)
- Sermon 117: St. Ambrose, the Bishop, on Holy Gideon (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 47 (177-82)
- Sermon 118: St. Augustine, the Bishop, on Samson (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 47 (182-89)
- Sermon 119: On Samson (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 47 (189-93)
- Sermon 120: On the Woman Who Deceived Samson (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 47 (193-98)
- Sermon 121: St. Augustine on David, Isai His Father, and the Unnatural Goliath (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 47 (198-203)
- Sermon 122: St. Augustine, Bishop, on the Plague of God (§§2) | CUA, Vol. 47 (203-06)
- Sermon 123: St. Augustine, the Bishop, on the Judgment of Solomon and the Two Harlots (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 47 (206-08)
- Sermon 124: St. Augustine, the Bishop, on Blessed Elias and the Widow Gathering Two Sticks of Wood (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 47 (209-13)
- Sermon 125: On Holy Elias and the Two Captains (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 47 (214-16)
- Sermon 126: On Holy Eliseus and the Spring Which was Changed into Sweetness (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 47 (216-19)
- Sermon 127: On What is Written Concerning Holy Eliseus: “Go up, thou bald head” (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 47 (220-23)
- Sermon 128: On Blessed Eliseus (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 47 (223-28)
- Sermon 129: On Blessed Eliseus and His Servant Giezi (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 47 (228-32)
- Sermon 130: On Eliseus and the Axe Which Fell into the Water; This Ought to be Read as Instruction on the Creed (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 47 (233-36)
- Sermon 131: On Holy Job (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 47 (237-40)
- Sermon 132: The Bishop St. Augustine on Blessed Job the Prophet and on the Verse of a Psalm: “Break into song, sing praise” (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 47 (241-44)
- Sermon 133: On the Verse of Psalm 49 which says: “You sit speaking against your brother” (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 47 (244-50)
- Sermon 134: On a Section of Psalm 50 that is on the Sin of David (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 47 (250-57)
- Sermon 135: On a Verse from Psalm 75: “Make vows to the Lord your God and fulfill them” (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 47 (257-63)
- Sermon 136: Concerning What is Written: “The sun knows the hour of its setting” (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 47 (264-69)
- Sermon 137: On a Verse of Psalm 118: “I see that all fulfillment has its limits” (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 47 (269-74)
- Sermon 138: An Admonition to the People on the Valiant Woman and the Church (§§2) | CUA, Vol. 47 (274-76)
- Sermon 139: That the Church was Pointed Out Before the Coming of Our Lord as Well as After it (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 47 (276-82)
- Sermon 140: St. Augustine on the Word: “Happy the rich man who turns not aside after gain” (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 47 (282-87)
- Sermon 141: Another Homily on the Words: “Happy the rich man who turns not aside after gain,” and so forth (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 47 (287-91)
- Sermon 142: On What is Written Concerning Our Lord and Savior: “He grew up like a sapling, like a shoot from the parched earth” (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 47 (291-97)
- Sermon 143: On the Repentance of the Ninevites (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 47 (298-300)
- Sermon 144: On Prayer, Repentance, and the Ninevites (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 47 (300-03)
- Sermon 145: An Admonition of St. Augustine on What is Written: “Come to terms with they opponent while thou art with him on the way” (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 47 (304-08)
- Sermon 146: On the Excerpt of the Gospel Where it Says: “Do not let thy left hand know what thy right hand is doing”; also on Prayer (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 47 (308-11)
- Sermon 147: An Explanation of the Lord’s Prayer (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 47 (311-15)
- Sermon 148: On Prayer; On What is Written in the Gospel According to Matthew: “Do not judge, that you may not be judged,” and so forth (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 47 (315-19)
- Sermon 149: On the Two Paths, the One to be Desired, and the Other to be Feared (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 47 (319-23)
- Sermon 150: This Admonition Explains How We Were Cast into the Hell of this World Because of the Sin of the First Man (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 47 (323-27)
- Sermon 151: On the Earthly Sojourn of Christians (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 47 (327-32)
- Sermon 152: On What is Written in the Gospel: “Where two or three are gathered together for My sake” (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 47 (333-36)
- Sermon 153: St. Augustine on the Gospel where it says: “If thou will enter into life, keep the commandments” (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 47 (337-39)
- Sermon 154: On What is Said in the Gospel: “Woe to those who are with child, or have infants at the breast” (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 47 (339-44)
- Sermon 155: On the Ten Virgins (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 47 (344-47)
- Sermon 156: Likewise a Sermon on the Ten Virgins (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 47 (348-54)
- Sermon 157: On the Gospel Passage Where it Says: “Come, Blessed, receive the kingdom”; on the Third Rogation Day (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 47 (354-59)
- Sermon 158: On What is Said in the Gospel: “Come, blessed”; also on Almsgiving (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 47 (359-63)
- Sermon 158A: A Sermon of Admonition on the Last Judgment | CUA, Vol. 47 (363-65)
- Sermon 159: On What is Written: “If anyone wishes to come after me, let him take up his cross” (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 47 (365-70)
- Sermon 160: On What is Written in the Gospel: “The good man from the good treasure of His heart brings forth that which is good” (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 47 (370-73)
- Sermon 160B: On What is Written: “The good man from the good treasure of his heart brings forth that which is good” (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 47 (374-75)
- Sermon 161: On What is Written: “A certain man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho” (§§2) | CUA, Vol. 47 (376-79)
- Sermon 162: Homily of St. Augustine on the Fig Tree Which Did Not Bear Fruit (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 47 (379-84)
- Sermon 163: On the Prodigal Son and the One Who Always Remained with His Father (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 47 (384-89)
- Sermon 164: On the Rich Man and Lazarus (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 47 (389-93)
- Sermon 165: Likewise on the Rich Man and Lazarus (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 47 (393-97)
- Sermon 166: On What is Written in the Gospel: “The kingdom of God is within you” (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 47 (397-402)
- Sermon 167: From the Gospel According to John Where it Says that on the Third Day a Marriage Took Place at Cana of Galilee (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 47 (402-09)
- Sermon 168: ON the Words of the Gospel According to John: “On the third day a marriage took place,” and so forth (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 47 (409-13)
- Sermon 169: On the Fact That Our Lord Changed Water Into Wine (§§9) | CUA, Vol. 47 (413-19)
- Sermon 170: On the Samaritan Woman, and on Not Postponing Baptism (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 47 (419-22)
- Sermon 171: On the Pool of Siloam (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 47 (422-24)
- Sermon 172: On the Man Born Blind (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 47 (424-27)
- Sermon 173: The Bishop, Augustine, on What is Written: “He who loves his life loses it” (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 47 (427-32)
- Sermon 174: On the Blessing of Peace, from the Gospel of John (§§2) | CUA, Vol. 47 (432-33)
- Sermon 175: On the Gospel Lesson Where the Lord Appeared to His Disciples When the Doors Were Closed; also against Heretics Who Baptize a Second Time (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 47 (433-37)
- Sermon 176: A Homily Taken from a Work of the Bishop, St. Augustine, on the Vision of Blessed Peter, the Apostle, and Cornelius, the Centurion (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 47 (437-42)
- Sermon 177: St. Augustine on Original Sin (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 47 (442-47)
- Sermon 178: A Homily on a Thought of Peter; also on Judgment Day, and on what the Apostle says: “Laying aside the works of darkness, put on the armor of light” (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 47 (447-49)
- Sermon 179: An Admonition on the Gospel Text Where it Says: “If man’s work abides he will receive reward; if his work burns he will lose his reward” (§§9) | CUA, Vol. 47 (449-56)
- Sermon 180: On What is Written: “Put away lying” (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 47 (456-61)
- Sermon 181: On the Lesson of the Apostle where it says: “Making the most of your time, because the days are evil”; and also: “You give coins to buy bread for yourself, forgive a wicked man something, in order that you may buy rest for yourself” (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 47 (461-67)
- Sermon 182: An Admonition of St. Augustine on the Love of Charity and Hatred of Carnal Desires (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 47 (467-72)
- Sermon 183: A Homily of St. Augustine on the Peril of a Priest (§§9) | CUA, Vol. 47 (473-79)
- Sermon 184: On the Martyrs, on Phylacteries, and on a Passage from Hebrews 11 (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 47 (479-84)
- Sermon 185: On Harmony Between Brothers (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 47 (484-89)
- Sermon 186: An Exhortation to the People on the Words of Blessed John the Evangelist: “Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God” (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 47 (489-94)
- Sermon 187: A Homily to be Delivered Ten or Fifteen Days Before the Birthday of Our Lord (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 66 (7-11)
- Sermon 188: A Homily to be Delivered Before the Lord’s Birthday (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 66 (11-15)
- Sermon 189: On the Coming of Our Lord (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 66 (15-20)
- Sermon 190: On the Birth of Our Lord (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 66 (21-24)
- Sermon 191: On the Circumcision of Our Lord (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 66 (25-26)
- Sermon 192: On the Calends of January (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 66 (26-30)
- Sermon 193: A Sermon of the Holy Bishop, Sedatus, on the Calends of January (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 66 (30-34)
- Sermon 194: A Sermon of Bishop Faustinus on the Epiphany of Our Lord, or for Tomorrow’s Mass on the Birthday of the Marty, St. Lucian (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 66 (35-37)
- Sermon 195: On the Epiphany of Our Lord Jesus Christ (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 66 (38-41)
- Sermon 196: On the Beginning of Lent (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 66 (41-44)
- Sermon 197: A Homily of St. Faustus on the Lenten Fast (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 66 (44-48)
- Sermon 198: A Homily of St. Faustus on the Sunday Before the Beginning of Lent (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 66 (48-52)
- Sermon 199: On the Discourse in Which it is Said: “Share your bread with the hungry”; also that Almsgiving is Better than Fasting, that Strangers Should be Received in Some Corner of the House, and on Clothing Which has been Eaten Away (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 66 (53-58)
- Sermon 200: A Homily to the Catechumens (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 66 (58-63)
- Sermon 201: A Reproof for the People to be Read at the Recitation of the Creed (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 66 (201-64)
- Sermon 202: On the Lord’s Supper (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 66 (65-69)
- Sermon 203: A Homily on the Pasch (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 66 (69-71)
- Sermon 204: On the Lord’s Pasch (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 66 (71-74)
- Sermon 205: A Homily of St. Augustine on the Pasch (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 66 (75-77)
- Sermon 206: An Admonition of St. Augustine; the Punishments of Purgatory and on the Abyss of Hell (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 66 (78-82)
- Sermon 207: On the Rogation Days (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 66 (82-87)
- Sermon 208: On the Rogation Days (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 66 (87-89)
- Sermon 209: Concerning the Rogation Days (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 66 (89-93)
- Sermon 210: On the Lord’s Ascension (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 66 (93-98)
- Sermon 211: On Pentecost (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 66 (98-101)
- Sermon 212: On the Mystery of the Holy Trinity, and the Divine Nature of the Holy Spirit (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 66 (102-06)
- Sermon 213: On the Divine Nature of the Holy Spirit (II) (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 66 (106-10)
- Sermon 214: A Sermon on the Anniversary of the Burial of St. Honoratus (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 66 (111-12)
- Sermon 215: On the Anniversary of St. Felix (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 66 (113-16)
- Sermon 216: A Homily of St. Augustine on the Nativity of St. John the Baptist (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 66 (117-20)
- Sermon 217: On the Nativity of St. John the Baptist (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 66 (120-24)
- Sermon 218: On the Martyrdom of Blessed John the Baptist (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 66 (124-27)
- Sermon 219: On the Feast of St. Stephen (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 66 (127-32)
- Sermon 220: For the Feast of St. Stephen (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 66 (132-34)
- Sermon 221: A Homily of the Bishop St. Augustine on the Feast of the Apostles James and John (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 66 (134-38)
- Sermon 222: On the Feast of the Holy Innocents (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 66 (139-44)
- Sermon 223: On a Feast of Holy Martyrs (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 66 (144-48)
- Sermon 224: On Feasts of Holy Martyrs: That the Soul Should be Adorned with Good Works Just as the Body is Adorned with Expensive Clothing (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 66 (148-51)
- Sermon 225: On Feasts of Holy Martyrs (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 66 (151-56)
- Sermon 226: A Sermon of St. Augustine on the Martyrs and on Grace (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 66 (156-63)
- Sermon 227: On the Feast of a Church (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 66 (164-68)
- Sermon 228: On a Church, or on the Consecration of an Altar (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 66 (168-73)
- Sermon 229: On the Feast of a Church (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 66 (173-79)
- Sermon 230: On the Consecration of a Bishop (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 66 (179-83)
- Sermon 231: A Sermon of St. Augustine on His Birthday (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 66 (184-89)
- Sermon 232: A Homily of the Bishop, St. Augustine, on His Birthday (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 66 (189-92)
- Sermon 233: To the Holy Monks, Beloved Brothers in Christ, Who are Located at the Monastery in Blanzac (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 66 (192-99)
- Sermon 234: Another Sermon of St. Caesarius to Monks (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 66 (199-204)
- Sermon 235: To Monks (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 66 (204-09)
- Sermon 236: A Sermon to God’s Servants or Handmaids on Giving a Good Example (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 66 (209-14)
- Sermon 237: A Sermon to God’s Servants or Handmaids on Giving a Good Example (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 66 (214-19)
- Sermon 238: A Sermon to be Read to Monks During the Days of Lent (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 66 (220-24)
- Additional Sermon: A Sermon of St. Augustine on the Gospel Text Which Says: “Ask and it shall be given to you” (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 66 (225-28)
- Letter 1: From Ennodius to Bishop Caesarius (513) | TTH, Vol. 19 (79-80)
- Letter 2: From Bishop Avitus to Bishop Caesarius (502/18) | TTH, Vol. 19 (81-82)
- Letter 3: To Bishop Ruricius of Limoges (506) | TTH, Vol. 19 (83-84)
- Letter 4: From Bishop Ruricius of Limoges to Caesarius (506/7) | TTH, Vol. 19 (84-85)
- Letter 5: From Bishop Ruricius of Limoges to Caesarius (502/7) | TTH, Vol. 19 (86)
- Letter 6: Pope Symmachus to the Bishops of Gaul (November 6, 513) | TTH, Vol. 19 (88-89)
- Letter 7a: To Pope Symmachus (513) | TTH, Vol. 19 (90-91)
- Letter 7b: From Pope Symmachus to Caesarius (November 6, 513) | TTH, Vol. 19 (91-93)
- Letter 8a: To Pope Symmachus (513/14) | TTH, Vol. 19 (94)
- Letter 8b: From Pope Symmachus to Caesarius (§§4) (June 11, 514) | TTH, Vol. 19 (95-96)
- Letter 9: From Pope Hormisdas to Caesarius (514/23) | TTH, Vol. 19 (97)
- Letter 10: From Pope Hormisdas to Caesarius (§§4) (September 11, 515) | TTH, Vol. 19 (98-100)
- Letter 11: From Pope Felix IV to Caesarius (February 3, 528) | TTH, Vol. 19 (101-02)
- Letter 12: From Pope John II to the Bishops of Gaul (April 7, 534) | TTH, Vol. 19 (103)
- Letter 13: From Pope John to the Clergy of the Church at Riez (April 6, 534) | TTH, Vol. 19 (103-04)
- Letter 14a: From Pope John to Caesarius (§§6) (April 534) | TTH, Vol. 19 (104-07)
- Letter 14b: To the Bishops of Gaul (§§2) (April 534) | TTH, Vol. 19 (107-13)
- Letter 15: From Pope Agapitus to Caesarius (July 18, 535) | TTH, Vol. 19 (114-16)
- Letter 16: From Pope Agapitus to Caesarius (July 18, 535) | TTH, Vol. 19 (116-18)
- Letter 17: From Pope Vigilius to Caesarius (May 6, 538) | TTH, Vol. 19 (118-19)
- Letter 18: From Pope Hormisdas to Caesarius (§§3) (514/23) | TTH, Vol. 19 (120-22)
- Letter 19: To Bishop Agroecius of Antibes (November 6, 527) | TTH, Vol. 19 (122-23)
- Letter 20: From Pope Boniface to Caesarius (§§4) (January 25, 531) | TTH, Vol. 19 (124-27)
- Letter 21: To Caesaria the Elder (§§10) (506/508) | TTH, Vol. 19 (129-39)
St. Fulgentius of Ruspe (c. 472/467-527/533) | WEST
- The Life of the Blessed Bishop Fulgentius (§§29) | CUA, Vol. 95 (4-56)
- To Peter on the Faith (§§87) | CUA, Vol. 95 (59-107)
- On the Forgiveness of Sins | CUA, Vol. 95 (111-83)
- To Monimus (3 Books) | CUA, Vol. 95 (187-275)
- Letter from the Scythian Monks to the Bishops (§§28) | CUA, Vol. 126 (25-42)
- First Letter to the Scythian Monks (§§67) | CUA, Vol. 126 (43-107)
- Second Letter to the Scythian Monks (§§20) | CUA, Vol. 126 (108-20)
- The Truth About Predestination and Grace (3 Books) | CUA, Vol. 126 (121-231)
- Homily: On the Bandit (§§3) | PPS, Vol. 4 (181-84)
- Letter 1: To Optatus (§§22) | CUA, Vol. 95 (280-91)
- Letter 2: To the Widow Galla (§§38) | CUA, Vol. 95 (291-310)
- Letter 3: To Proba (§§38) | CUA, Vol. 95 (310-33)
- Letter 4: To Proba (§§14) | CUA, Vol. 95 (333-40)
- Letter 5: To Abbott Eugippius (§§12) | CUA, Vol. 95 (341-47)
- Letter 6: To Theodore the Senator (§§13) | CUA, Vol. 95 (347-53)
- Letter 7: To Venantia (§§22) | CUA, Vol. 95 (354-65)
- Letter 8: To Donatus (§§29) | CUA, Vol. 95 (366-83)
- Letter 9: The Letter of Victor, The Sermon of Fastidious the Arian, and the Book of Fulgentius to Victor (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 95 (383-87)
- Sent with Letter 9: The Sermon of Fastidiosus the Arian (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 95 (387-92)
- Sent with Letter 9: The Book of St. Fulgentius the Bishop to Victor Against the Sermon of Fastidiosus the Arian (§§22) | CUA, Vol. 95 (392-423)
- Letter 10: The Letter of Scarila to Fulgentius, and the book of Fulgentius to Scarila (§§56) | CUA, Vol. 95 (423-72)
- Letter 11: The Letter of Ferrandus to Fulgentius (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 95 (472-76)
- Letter 12: The Letter of Fulgentius to Ferrandus | CUA, Vol. 95 (476-96)
- Letter 13: The Letter of Ferrandus to Fulgentius (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 95 (496-99)
- Letter 14: The Letter of Fulgentius to Ferrandus (§§47) | CUA, Vol. 95 (499-565)
St. Magnus Felix Ennodius (c. 473/74-521) | WEST
- The Life of St. Epiphanius | CUA, Vol. 15 (303-51)
St. Benedict (480-547) | WEST
- The Rule of St. Benedict (§§73) | St. Benedict, Fry, Rule (3-70)
St. Romanos the Melodist (late 400s-after 555) | EAST
- On the Repentance of the Ninevites (Wednesday of the 1st Week of Lent) (§§17) | PPS, Vol. 61 (3145)
- On Fasting (Wednesday of the 2nd week of Lent) (§§24) | PPS, Vol. 61 (47-67)
- On the Prodigal Son (Sunday of the 2nd week of Lent) (§§22) | PPS, Vol. 61 (69-91)
- On the Victory of the Cross (Wednesday of mid-Lent) (§§18) | PPS, Vol. 61 (93-109)
- A Prayer (Wednesday of the 5th week of Lent) (§§15) | PPS, Vol. 61 (111-19)
- On the Infernal Powers (Thursday of the 5th week of Lent) (§§23) | PPS, Vol. 61 (121-37)
- On the Rich Man and Lazarus (Thursday of the 6th week of Lent) (§§21) | PPS, Vol. 61 (139-57)
St. Dorotheus of Gaza (c. 505-c. 565) | EAST
- Discourse 1: On Renunciation | CS, Vol. 33 (77-92)
- Discourse 2: On Humility | CS, Vol. 33 (94-102)
- Discourse 3: On Conscience | CS, Vol. 33 (104-107)
- Discourse 4: On the Fear of God | CS, Vol. 33 (109-21)
- Discourse 5: On the Need for Consultation | CS, Vol. 33 (122-29)
- Discourse 6: On Refusal to Judge our Neighbor | CS, Vol. 33 (131-39)
- Discourse 7: On Self-Accusation | CS, Vol. 33 (140-47)
- Discourse 8: On Rancor or Animosity | CS, Vol. 33 (149-54)
- Discourse 9: On Falsehood | CS, Vol. 33 (156-62)
- Discourse 10: On Travelling the Way of God with Vigilance and Sobriety | CS, Vol. 33 (163-71)
- Discourse 11: On Cutting Off Passionate Desires Before They Become Rooted Habits of Mind | CS, Vol. 33 (172-81)
- Discourse 12: On the Fear of Punishment to Come and the Need for Never Neglecting One’s Salvation | CS, Vol. 33 (182-90)
- Discourse 13: On Accepting Temptations Calmly and with Gratitude | CS, Vol. 33 (192-99)
- Discourse 14: On Building up Virtues and Their Harmony | CS, Vol. 33 (201-11)
The Paschal Mystery
- On the Holy Lenten Fast | CS, Vol. 33 (215-19)
- Commentary on an Easter Hymn of St. Gregory Nazianzen | CS, Vol. 33 (220-25)
- Commentary on St. Gregory’s Hymn Sung in Honor of the Martyrs | CS, Vol. 33 (227-32)
Dialogues and Maxims
- Of the Relations Between the President and His Disciples in Monasteries | CS, Vol. 33 (237-40)
- Dialogue with the Cellarer | CS, Vol. 33 (241-43)
- Reply to Certain Hermits Who Asked Him About Holding Meetings | CS, Vol. 33 (244-48)
On Insensibility of Soul and the Flight of Love | CS, Vol. 33 (249-50) - Maxims on the Spiritual Life | CS, Vol. 33 (251-53)
St. Comghall (c. 510-520-597/602) | WEST
- The Rule of Comghall (§§29) | CS, Vol. 162 (31-36)
St. Ciarán (c. 516-c. 549) | WEST
- The Rule of Ciarán (§§16) | CS, Vol. 162 (45-47)
St. Martin of Braga (c. 520-580) | WEST
- Sayings of the Egyptian Fathers (§§109) | CUA, Vol. 62 (17-34)
- Driving Away Vanity (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 62 (35-41)
- Pride (§§10) | CUA, Vol. 62 (43-49)
- Exhortation to Humility (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 62 (51-57)
- Anger (§§10) | CUA, Vol. 62 (59-69)
- Reforming the Rustics (§§19) | CUA, Vol. 62 (71-85)
- Rules for an Honest Life (§§10) | CUA, Vol. 62 (87-97)
- Triple Immersion (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 62 (99-102)
- Easter (§§9) | CUA, Vol. 62 (103-09)
St. Barsanuphius (died c. 545) | EAST
- Prologue | PPS, Vol. 26 (57-58) | CUA, Vol. 113 (21-22)
- Letter 1: To John Beersheba | PPS, Vol. 26 (59-60) | CUA, Vol. 113 (23-24)
- Letter 2: To John Beersheba | CUA, Vol. 113 (24-25)
- Letter 3: To John Beersheba | CUA, Vol. 113 (25)
- Letter 4: To John Beersheba | CUA, Vol. 113 (26)
- Letter 5: To John Beersheba | CUA, Vol. 113 (26-27)
- Letter 6: To John Beersheba | PPS, Vol. 26 (60-61) | CUA, Vol. 113 (27-28)
- Letter 7: To John Beersheba | CUA, Vol. 113 (28)
- Letter 8: To John Beersheba | CUA, Vol. 113 (28-29)
- Letter 9: To John Beersheba | CUA, Vol. 113 (29-30)
- Letter 10: To John Beersheba | PPS, Vol. 26 (61-62) | CUA, Vol. 113 (30-31)
- Letter 11: To John Beersheba | CUA, Vol. 113 (31-32)
- Letter 12: To John Beersheba | CUA, Vol. 113 (32)
- Letter 13: To John Beersheba | CUA, Vol. 113 (32-33)
- Letter 14: To John Beersheba | CUA, Vol. 113 (33-34)
- Letter 15: To John Beersheba | CUA, Vol. 113 (34)
- Letter 16: To John Beersheba | CUA, Vol. 113 (34-35)
- Letter 17: To John Beersheba | PPS, Vol. 26 (62-64) | CUA, Vol. 113 (36-38)
- Letter 18: To John Beersheba | PPS, Vol. 26 (65) | CUA, Vol. 113 (38-39)
- Letter 19: To John Beersheba | CUA, Vol. 113 (39)
- Letter 20: To John Beersheba | CUA, Vol. 113 (39-40)
- Letter 21: To John Beersheba | CUA, Vol. 113 (40-41)
- Letter 22: To John Beersheba | CUA, Vol. 113 (41-43)
- Letter 23: To John Beersheba | PPS, Vol. 26 (65-66) | CUA, Vol. 113 (43-44)
- Letter 24: To John Beersheba | CUA, Vol. 113 (44-45)
- Letter 25: To John Beersheba | CUA, Vol. 113 (45)
- Letter 26: To John Beersheba | CUA, Vol. 113 (45-46)
- Letter 27: To John Beersheba | CUA, Vol. 113 (46-47)
- Letter 28: To John Beersheba | CUA, Vol. 113 (47)
- Letter 29: To John Beersheba | CUA, Vol. 113 (47)
- Letter 30: To John Beersheba | CUA, Vol. 113 (48)
- Letter 31: To John Beersheba | PPS, Vol. 26 (66-68) | CUA, Vol. 113 (48-50)
- Letter 32: To John Beersheba | CUA, Vol. 113 (50-51)
- Letter 33: To John Beersheba | CUA, Vol. 113 (51)
- Letter 34: To John Beersheba | CUA, Vol. 113 (51-52)
- Letter 35: To John Beersheba | PPS, Vol. 26 (68-69) | CUA, Vol. 113 (52)
- Letter 36: To John Beersheba | CUA, Vol. 113 (52-53)
- Letter 37: To John Beersheba | PPS, Vol. 26 (69-70) | CUA, Vol. 113 (53-54)
- Letter 38: To John Beersheba | CUA, Vol. 113 (54-55)
- Letter 39: To John Beersheba | PPS, Vol. 26 (70) | CUA, Vol. 113 (55)
- Letter 40: To John Beersheba | CUA, Vol. 113 (55-56)
- Letter 41: To John Beersheba | CUA, Vol. 113 (56)
- Letter 42: To John Beersheba | CUA, Vol. 113 (56)
- Letter 43: To John Beersheba | CUA, Vol. 113 (57)
- Letter 44: To John Beersheba | CUA, Vol. 113 (57-58)
- Letter 45: To John Beersheba | PPS, Vol. 26 (71-72) | CUA, Vol. 113 (58-59)
- Letter 46: To John Beersheba | CUA, Vol. 113 (60)
- Letter 47: To John Beersheba | CUA, Vol. 113 (60-61)
- Letter 48: To John Beersheba | PPS, Vol. 26 (72-74) | CUA, Vol. 113 (61-64)
- Letter 49: To John Beersheba | PPS, Vol. 26 (75-76) | CUA, Vol. 113 (64-65)
- Letter 50: To John Beersheba | CUA, Vol. 113 (65)
- Letter 51: To John Beersheba | CUA, Vol. 113 (65-66)
- Letter 52: To John Beersheba | CUA, Vol. 113 (66)
- Letter 53: To John Beersheba | CUA, Vol. 113 (66-67)
- Letter 54: To John Beersheba | CUA, Vol. 113 (67)
- Letter 55: To An Egyptian Monk | CUA, Vol. 113 (68-69)
- Letter 56: To Abba Paul | CUA, Vol. 113 (69-70)
- Letter 57: To Abba Paul | CUA, Vol. 113 (70-72)
- Letter 58: To Abba Paul | CUA, Vol. 113 (72-73)
- Letter 59: To Abba Euthymius | CUA, Vol. 113 (74-76)
- Letter 60: To Abba Euthymius | CUA, Vol. 113 (76-78)
- Letter 61: To Abba Euthymius | CUA, Vol. 113 (78-82)
- Letter 62: To Abba Euthymius | CUA, Vol. 113 (82-85)
- Letter 63: To Abba Euthymius | CUA, Vol. 113 (85)
- Letter 64: To Abba Euthymius | CUA, Vol. 113 (85-86)
- Letter 65: To Abba Euthymius | CUA, Vol. 113 (86-87)
- Letter 66: To Abba Euthymius | CUA, Vol. 113 (87-88)
- Letter 67: To Abba Euthymius | CUA, Vol. 113 (88-90)
- Letter 68: To Abba Euthymius | CUA, Vol. 113 (90-92)
- Letter 69: To Abba Euthymius | CUA, Vol. 113 (92-93)
- Letter 70: To Abba Euthymius | CUA, Vol. 113 (70-95)
- Letter 71: To Abba Euthymius | CUA, Vol. 113 (95-96)
- Letter 72: To an Elderly Monk Named Andrew | PPS, Vol. 26 (76-77) | CUA, Vol. 113 (97-98)
- Letter 73: To an Elderly Monk Named Andrew | PPS, Vol. 26 (77-78) | CUA, Vol. 113 (98-99)
- Letter 74: To an Elderly Monk Named Andrew | PPS, Vol. 26 (78-80) | CUA, Vol. 113 (99-100)
- Letter 75: To an Elderly Monk Named Andrew | CUA, Vol. 113 (100)
- Letter 76: To an Elderly Monk Named Andrew | CUA, Vol. 113 (100-1)
- Letter 77: To an Elderly Monk Named Andrew | CUA, Vol. 113 (101-3)
- Letter 78: To an Elderly Monk Named Andrew | PPS, Vol. 26 (80-81) | CUA, Vol. 113 (103-4)
- Letter 79: To an Elderly Monk Named Andrew | PPS, Vol. 26 (81-82) | CUA, Vol. 113 (104-5)
- Letter 80: To an Elderly Monk Named Andrew | CUA, Vol. 113 (105)
- Letter 81: To an Elderly Monk Named Andrew | CUA, Vol. 113 (106)
- Letter 82: To an Elderly Monk Named Andrew | CUA, Vol. 113 (106)
- Letter 83: To an Elderly Monk Named Andrew | CUA, Vol. 113 (106-7)
- Letter 84: To an Elderly Monk Named Andrew | CUA, Vol. 113 (107)
- Letter 85: To an Elderly Monk Named Andrew | CUA, Vol. 113 (107-8)
- Letter 86: To an Elderly Monk Named Andrew | PPS, Vol. 26 (83) | CUA, Vol. 113 (108)
- Letter 87: To an Elderly Monk Named Andrew | PPS, Vol. 26 (83-84) | CUA, Vol. 113 (109)
- Letter 88: To an Elderly Monk Named Andrew | CUA, Vol. 113 (109-10)
- Letter 89: To an Elderly Monk Named Andrew | CUA, Vol. 113 (110)
- Letter 90: To an Elderly Monk Named Andrew | CUA, Vol. 113 (110-12)
- Letter 91: To an Elderly Monk Named Andrew | CUA, Vol. 113 (112-13)
- Letter 92: To an Elderly Monk Named Andrew | CUA, Vol. 113 (113-14)
- Letter 93: To an Elderly Monk Named Andrew | CUA, Vol. 113 (114-16)
- Letter 94: To an Elderly Monk Named Andrew | CUA, Vol. 113 (116-17)
- Letter 95: To an Elderly Monk Named Andrew | CUA, Vol. 113 (117)
- Letter 96: To an Elderly Monk Named Andrew | CUA, Vol. 113 (118-19)
- Letter 97: To an Elderly Monk Named Andrew | CUA, Vol. 113 (119-21)
- Letter 98: To an Elderly Monk Named Andrew | CUA, Vol. 113 (121-22)
- Letter 99: To an Elderly Monk Named Andrew | CUA, Vol. 113 (122)
- Letter 100: To an Elderly Monk Named Andrew | CUA, Vol. 113 (122-23)
- Letter 101: To an Elderly Monk Named Andrew | CUA, Vol. 113 (123-24)
- Letter 102: To an Elderly Monk Named Andrew | CUA, Vol. 113 (124-25)
- Letter 103: To an Elderly Monk Named Andrew | CUA, Vol. 113 (125-26)
- Letter 104: To an Elderly Monk Named Andrew | CUA, Vol. 113 (126)
- Letter 105: To an Elderly Monk Named Andrew | PPS, Vol. 26 (84-85) | CUA, Vol. 113 (126-27)
- Letter 106: To an Elderly Monk Named Andrew | CUA, Vol. 113 (127-29)
- Letter 107: To an Elderly Monk Named Andrew | CUA, Vol. 113 (129)
- Letter 108: To an Elderly Monk Named Andrew | CUA, Vol. 113 (129-30)
- Letter 109: To an Elderly Monk Named Andrew | PPS, Vol. 26 (85-86) | CUA, Vol. 113 (130-31)
- Letter 110: To an Elderly Monk Named Andrew | CUA, Vol. 113 (131)
- Letter 111: To an Elderly Monk Named Andrew | CUA, Vol. 113 (131-32)
- Letter 112: To an Elderly Monk Named Andrew | CUA, Vol. 113 (132-33)
- Letter 113: To an Elderly Monk Named Andrew | PPS, Vol. 26 (86) | CUA, Vol. 113 (133)
- Letter 114: To an Elderly Monk Named Andrew | CUA, Vol. 113 (133-34)
- Letter 115: To an Elderly Monk Named Andrew | CUA, Vol. 113 (134-35)
- Letter 116: To an Elderly Monk Named Andrew | CUA, Vol. 113 (135)
- Letter 117: To an Elderly Monk Named Andrew | CUA, Vol. 113 (135-36)
- Letter 118: To an Elderly Monk Named Andrew | CUA, Vol. 113 (136-37)
- Letter 119: To an Elderly Monk Named Andrew | PPS, Vol. 26 (87-88) | CUA, Vol. 113 (137-38)
- Letter 120: To an Elderly Monk Named Andrew | CUA, Vol. 113 (138-39)
- Letter 121: To an Elderly Monk Named Andrew | CUA, Vol. 113 (139)
- Letter 122: To an Elderly Monk Named Andrew | CUA, Vol. 113 (139-40)
- Letter 123: To an Elderly Monk Named Andrew | CUA, Vol. 113 (140-41)
- Letter 124: To the Monk Theodore | CUA, Vol. 113 (142-44)
- Letter 125: To the Monk Theodore | PPS, Vol. 26 (88-90) | CUA, Vol. 113 (144-47)
- Letter 126: To the Monk Theodore | CUA, Vol. 113 (147-49)
- Letter 127: To the Monk Theodore | CUA, Vol. 113 (149-50)
- Letter 128: To the Monk Theodore | CUA, Vol. 113 (150-51)
- Letter 129: To the Monk Theodore | PPS, Vol. 26 (90-91) | CUA, Vol. 113 (151)
- Letter 130: To the Monk Theodore | CUA, Vol. 113 (151-152)
- Letter 131: To the Monk Theodore | CUA, Vol. 113 (153)
- Letter 132: To a Monk Who Used Riddles | CUA, Vol. 113 (154)
- Letter 133: To a Monk Who Used Riddles | CUA, Vol. 113 (154-55)
- Letter 134: To a Monk Who Used Riddles | CUA, Vol. 113 (155)
- Letter 135: To a Monk Who Used Riddles | CUA, Vol. 113 (155)
- Letter 136: To a Monk Who Used Riddles | CUA, Vol. 113 (155-57)
- Letter 137: To a Monk Who Used Riddles | CUA, Vol. 113 (157-58)
- Letter 137B: To a Monk Who Used Riddles | CUA, Vol. 113 (158-61)
- Letter 138: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (162-63)
- Letter 139: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (163-64)
- Letter 140: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (164)
- Letter 141: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (164-65)
- Letter 142: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (165)
- Letter 143: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (165-67)
- Letter 144: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (167-68)
- Letter 145: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (168)
- Letter 146: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (169)
- Letter 147: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (169)
- Letter 148: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (169-170)
- Letter 149: To a Hermit| CUA, Vol. 113 (170-71)
- Letter 150: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (172)
- Letter 151: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (172-73)
- Letter 152: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (174)
- Letter 153: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (174-75)
- Letter 154: To a Hermit | PPS, Vol. 26 (91-92) | CUA, Vol. 113 (175-76)
- Letter 155: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (176-77)
- Letter 156: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (177)
- Letter 157: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (177-78)
- Letter 158: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (178)
- Letter 159: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (178-79)
- Letter 160: To a Hermit | PPS, Vol. 26 (92) | CUA, Vol. 113 (179)
- Letter 161: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (179-80)
- Letter 162: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (180)
- Letter 163: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (180-81)
- Letter 164: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (181)
- Letter 165: To a Hermit| CUA, Vol. 113 (181-82)
- Letter 166: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (182-83)
- Letter 167: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (183)
- Letter 168: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (183-84)
- Letter 169: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (184-85)
- Letter 170: To a Hermit | PPS, Vol. 26 (93) | CUA, Vol. 113 (185)
- Letter 171: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (186)
- Letter 172: To a Hermit| CUA, Vol. 113 (186)
- Letter 173: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (186-87)
- Letter 174: To a Hermit| CUA, Vol. 113 (187)
- Letter 175: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (187)
- Letter 176: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (187)
- Letter 177: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (188)
- Letter 178: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (188)
- Letter 179: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (188-89)
- Letter 180: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (189)
- Letter 181: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (189)
- Letter 182: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (189-90)
- Letter 183: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (191)
- Letter 184: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (191-92)
- Letter 185: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (192)
- Letter 186: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (193-94)
- Letter 187: To a Hermit | PPS, Vol. 26 (93-96) | CUA, Vol. 113 (194-97)
- Letter 188: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (197-98)
- Letter 189: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (198-99)
- Letter 190: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (199)
- Letter 191: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (199-201)
- Letter 192: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (201)
- Letter 193: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (201-2)
- Letter 194: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (202)
- Letter 195: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (203)
- Letter 196: To a Hermit | PPS, Vol. 26 (96-98) | CUA, Vol. 113 (204-5)
- Letter 197: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (205-6)
- Letter 198: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (206)
- Letter 199: To a Hermit | PPS, Vol. 26 (98-100) | CUA, Vol. 113 (207-8)
- Letter 200: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (208-9)
- Letter 201: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (209-10)
- Letter 202: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (210-11)
- Letter 203: To a Hermit | PPS, Vol. 26 (100-1) | CUA, Vol. 113 (211-12)
- Letter 204: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (212-13)
- Letter 205: To a Hermit | PPS, Vol. 26 (101-2) | CUA, Vol. 113 (213-14)
- Letter 206: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (214)
- Letter 207: To a Hermit| CUA, Vol. 113 (214-15)
- Letter 208: To a Hermit | PPS, Vol. 26 (102-3) | CUA, Vol. 113 (215-16)
- Letter 209: To a Hermit| CUA, Vol. 113 (216-18)
- Letter 210: To a Hermit | CUA, Vol. 113 (218)
- Letter 211: To a Monk Who was a Priest | CUA, Vol. 113 (219-20)
- Letter 212: To the Same Monk | PPS, Vol. 26 (103-4) | CUA, Vol. 113 (220-21)
- Letter 213: To the Same Monk| CUA, Vol. 113 (221)
- Letter 214: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 113 (222)
- Letter 215: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 113 (223)
- Letter 216: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 113 (223)
- Letter 217: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 113 (224)
- Letter 218: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 113 (224)
- Letter 219: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 113 (224-25)
- Letter 220: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 113 (225)
- Letter 221: To a Group of Loving Monks | CUA, Vol. 113 (225)
- Letter 222: To the Same Monks | CUA, Vol. 113 (225)
- Letter 223: To the Same Monks | CUA, Vol. 113 (226)
- Letter 224: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 113 (227)
- Letter 225: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 113 (227-28)
- Letter 226: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 113 (228-31)
- Letter 227: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 113 (231-32)
- Letter 228: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 113 (232)
- Letter 229: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 113 (232-34)
- Letter 230: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 113 (234-35)
- Letter 231: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 113 (235-36)
- Letter 232: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 113 (236)
- Letter 233: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 113 (236-38)
- Letter 234: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 113 (238-39)
- Letter 235: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 113 (239)
- Letter 236: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 113 (240-41)
- Letter 237: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 113 (241-43)
- Letter 238: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 113 (243)
- Letter 239: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 113 (243-45)
- Letter 240: To the Same Monk | PPS, Vol. 26 (105-7) | CUA, Vol. 113 (245-47)
- Letter 241: To the Same Monk | PPS, Vol. 26 (107-8) | CUA, Vol. 113 (247-48)
- Letter 242: To the Same Monk | PPS, Vol. 26 (108-9) | CUA, Vol. 113 (249)
- Letter 243: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 113 (249–50)
- Letter 244: To a Monk | PPS, Vol. 26 (109-10) | CUA, Vol. 113 (250-51)
- Letter 245: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 113 (251)
- Letter 246: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 113 (251)
- Letter 247: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 113 (251-52)
- Letter 248: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 113 (252-53)
- Letter 249: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 113 (253-54)
- Letter 250: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 113 (254-55)
- Letter 251: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 113 (255)
- Letter 252: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (256-57)
- Letter 253: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (257)
- Letter 254: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (257-58)
- Letter 255: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (258)
- Letter 256: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (258-61)
- Letter 257: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (261-62)
- Letter 258: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (262-64)
- Letter 259: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (264-65)
- Letter 260: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (266)
- Letter 261: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (266-67)
- Letter 262: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (267-68)
- Letter 263: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (268)
- Letter 264: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (268-69)
- Letter 265: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (269-71)
- Letter 266: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (271)
- Letter 267: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (271-72)
- Letter 268: To Dorotheus of Gaza | PPS, Vol. 26 (110-11) | CUA, Vol. 113 (272-73)
- Letter 269: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (273-74)
- Letter 270: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (274)
- Letter 271: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (274-75)
- Letter 272: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (275)
- Letter 273: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (275)
- Letter 274: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (276)
- Letter 275: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (276)
- Letter 276: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (276-77)
- Letter 277: To Dorotheus of Gaza | PPS, Vol. 26 (111-12) | CUA, Vol. 113 (277)
- Letter 278: To Dorotheus of Gaza | PPS, Vol. 26 (112-13) | CUA, Vol. 113 (278)
- Letter 279: To Dorotheus of Gaza | PPS, Vol. 26 (113) | CUA, Vol. 113 (278-79)
- Letter 280: To Dorotheus of Gaza | PPS, Vol. 26 (113-14) | CUA, Vol. 113 (279)
- Letter 281: To Dorotheus of Gaza | PPS, Vol. 26 (114) | CUA, Vol. 113 (279)
- Letter 282: To Dorotheus of Gaza | PPS, Vol. 26 (114-15) | CUA, Vol. 113 (279-80)
- Letter 283: To Dorotheus of Gaza | PPS, Vol. 26 (115) | CUA, Vol. 113 (280)
- Letter 284: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (280)
- Letter 285: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (280-81)
- Letter 286: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (281-82)
- Letter 287: To Dorotheus of Gaza | PPS, Vol. 26 (115-16) | CUA, Vol. 113 (282)
- Letter 288: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (282-83)
- Letter 289: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (284)
- Letter 290: To Dorotheus of Gaza | PPS, Vol. 26 (116-17) | CUA, Vol. 113 (284)
- Letter 291: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (285)
- Letter 292: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (285)
- Letter 293: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (286)
- Letter 294: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (286)
- Letter 295: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (286-87)
- Letter 296: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (287)
- Letter 297: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (287)
- Letter 298: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (287)
- Letter 299: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (288)
- Letter 300: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (288)
- Letter 301: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (288-89)
- Letter 302: To Dorotheus of Gaza | PPS, Vol. 26 (117) | CUA, Vol. 113 (289)
- Letter 303: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (289)
- Letter 304: To Dorotheus of Gaza | PPS, Vol. 26 (117-18) | CUA, Vol. 113 (289-90)
- Letter 305: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (290-91)
- Letter 306: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (291)
- Letter 307: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (291-92)
- Letter 308: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (292)
- Letter 309: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (292-93)
- Letter 310: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (293)
- Letter 311: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (293-94)
- Letter 312: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (294)
- Letter 313: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (294-95)
- Letter 314: To Dorotheus of Gaza | PPS, Vol. 26 (118-19) | CUA, Vol. 113 (295)
- Letter 315: To Dorotheus of Gaza | PPS, Vol. 26 (119-20) | CUA, Vol. 113 (295-96)
- Letter 316: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (296-97)
- Letter 317: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (297)
- Letter 318: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (298)
- Letter 319: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (298)
- Letter 320: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (298-99)
- Letter 321: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (299)
- Letter 322: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (299-300)
- Letter 323: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (300)
- Letter 324: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (300-1)
- Letter 325: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (301)
- Letter 326: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (301)
- Letter 327: To Dorotheus of Gaza | PPS, Vol. 26 (120-21) | CUA, Vol. 113 (302)
- Letter 328: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (302-3)
- Letter 329: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (303-5)
- Letter 330: To Dorotheus of Gaza | PPS, Vol. 26 (121-22) | CUA, Vol. 113 (304-5)
- Letter 331: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (305)
- Letter 332: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (305-6)
- Letter 333: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (306-7)
- Letter 334: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (307)
- Letter 335: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (307-8)
- Letter 336: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (308)
- Letter 337: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (308)
- Letter 338: To Dorotheus of Gaza | CUA, Vol. 113 (308-9)
- Letter 339: To a Monk | PPS, Vol. 26 (122-23) | CUA, Vol. 113 (310-11)
- Letter 340: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 113 (311)
- Letter 341: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 113 (311-12)
- Letter 342: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 113 (313-14)
- Letter 343: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 113 (314-15)
- Letter 344: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 113 (315)
- Letter 345: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 113 (315-16)
- Letter 346: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 113 (316-17)
- Letter 347: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 113 (317-18)
- Letter 347B: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 113 (318-19)
- Letter 348: To the Brother of Barsanuphius | CUA, Vol. 113 (320)
- Letter 349: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (1)
- Letter 350: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (1)
- Letter 351: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (2)
- Letter 352: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (2)
- Letter 353: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (3)
- Letter 354:To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (3-4)
- Letter 355: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (4)
- Letter 356: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (4-5)
- Letter 357: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (5)
- Letter 358: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (5)
- Letter 359: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (5-6)
- Letter 360: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (6-7)
- Letter 361: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (7)
- Letter 362: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (7)
- Letter 363: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (7-8)
- Letter 364: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (8-10)
- Letter 365: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (10)
- Letter 366: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (10)
- Letter 367: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (11)
- Letter 368: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (11)
- Letter 369: To the Same Monk| PPS, Vol. 26 (123-125) | CUA, Vol. 114 (11-12)
- Letter 370: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (12-13)
- Letter 371: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (13-14)
- Letter 372: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (14)
- Letter 373: To a Monk | PPS, Vol. 26 (125) | CUA, Vol. 114 (14-15)
- Letter 374: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (15-16)
- Letter 375: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (16)
- Letter 376: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (16-18)
- Letter 377: To the Same Monk| CUA, Vol. 114 (18)
- Letter 378: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (18)
- Letter 379: To a Monk| CUA, Vol. 114 (19)
- Letter 380: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (19)
- Letter 381: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (20)
- Letter 382: To a Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (20-23)
- Letter 383: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (23-24)
- Letter 384: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (24-25)
- Letter 385: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (25-26)
- Letter 386: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (26-28)
- Letter 387: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (28-29)
- Letter 388: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (29-30)
- Letter 389: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (30-31)
- Letter 390: To a Group of Monks | CUA, Vol. 114 (31)
- Letter 391: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (32-33)
- Letter 392: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (33-34)
- Letter 393: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (34-35)
- Letter 394: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (35)
- Letter 395: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (35-36)
- Letter 396: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (36-37)
- Letter 397: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (37)
- Letter 398: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (37)
- Letter 399: To a Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (38)
- Letter 400: To the Same Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (38)
- Letter 401: To the Same Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (38-39)
- Letter 402: To the Same Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (39-40)
- Letter 403: To the Same Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (40)
- Letter 404: To the Same Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (125-26) | CUA, Vol. 114 (40-41)
- Letter 405: To the Same Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (127) | CUA, Vol. 114 (41-42)
- Letter 406: To a Layperson/Monk | PPS, Vol. 26 (128) | CUA, Vol. 114 (42-43)
- Letter 407: To the Same Layperson/Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (43)
- Letter 408: To a Layperson/Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (43-44)
- Letter 409: To the Same Layperson/Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (44-45)
- Letter 410: To the Same Layperson/Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (45)
- Letter 411: To a Layperson/Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (46)
- Letter 412: To the Same Layperson/Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (46-47)
- Letter 413: To a Layperson/Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (47)
- Letter 414: To a Layperson/Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (48)
- Letter 415: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (48)
- Letter 416: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (48-49)
- Letter 417: To a Layperson/Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (49)
- Letter 418: To a Layperson/Monk | PPS, Vol. 26 (128-29) | CUA, Vol. 114 (49)
- Letter 419: To a Layperson/Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (49-50)
- Letter 420: To the Same Layperson/Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (50)
- Letter 421: To a Layperson/Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (50)
- Letter 422: To a Layperson/Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (51)
- Letter 423: To a Layperson/Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (51)
- Letter 424: To a Layperson/Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (51-52)
- Letter 425: To a Layperson/Monk | PPS, Vol. 26 (129) | CUA, Vol. 114 (52-53)
- Letter 426: To a Layperson/Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (53-54)
- Letter 427: To a Layperson/Monk | PPS, Vol. 26 (129-30) | CUA, Vol. 114 (54)
- Letter 428: To a Layperson/Monk | PPS, Vol. 26 (130-31) | CUA, Vol. 114 (54-55)
- Letter 429: To a Layperson/Monk | PPS, Vol. 26 (131) | CUA, Vol. 114 (55)
- Letter 430: To a Layperson/Monk | PPS, Vol. 26 (131-32) | CUA, Vol. 114 (55-56)
- Letter 431: To a Layperson/Monk | PPS, Vol. 26 (132-33) | CUA, Vol. 114 (56-57)
- Letter 432: To a Layperson/Monk | PPS, Vol. 26 (133) | CUA, Vol. 114 (57)
- Letter 433: To a Layperson/Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (57-58)
- Letter 434: To a Layperson/Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (58)
- Letter 435: To a Layperson/Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (58)
- Letter 436: To a Layperson/Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (58-59)
- Letter 437: To a Layperson/Monk | PPS, Vol. 26 (134) | CUA, Vol. 114 (59)
- Letter 438: To a Layperson/Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (59)
- Letter 439: To a Layperson/Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (60)
- Letter 440: To a Layperson/Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (60)
- Letter 441: To a Layperson/Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (60-61)
- Letter 442: To a Layperson/Monk | PPS, Vol. 26 (134-35) | CUA, Vol. 114 (61)
- Letter 443: To a Layperson/Monk | PPS, Vol. 26 (135) | CUA, Vol. 114 (61-62)
- Letter 444: To a Layperson/Monk | PPS, Vol. 26 (135-36) | CUA, Vol. 114 (62)
- Letter 445: To a Layperson/Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (62-63)
- Letter 446: To a Layperson/Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (63)
- Letter 447: To a Layperson/Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (63)
- Letter 448: To a Layperson/Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (64-65)
- Letter 449: To a Layperson/Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (65)
- Letter 450: To a Monk | PPS, Vol. 26 (136) | CUA, Vol. 114 (65-66)
- Letter 451: To the Same Layperson/Monk | PPS, Vol. 26 (136-37) | CUA, Vol. 114 (66)
- Letter 452: To a Layperson/Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (66)
- Letter 453: To a Layperson/Monk | PPS, Vol. 26 (137-38) | CUA, Vol. 114 (67-68)
- Letter 454: To a Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (68-69)
- Letter 455: To the Same Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (69-71)
- Letter 456: To a Layperson/Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (71-72)
- Letter 457: To a Layperson/Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (72)
- Letter 458: To a Layperson/Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (72-73)
- Letter 459: To a Layperson/Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (73-74)
- Letter 460: To a Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (74)
- Letter 461: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (75)
- Letter 462: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (75-76)
- Letter 463: To a Devout Layman, the Future Abbot Aelianos | PPS, Vol. 26 (138-39) | CUA, Vol. 114 (77)
- Letter 464: To a Devout Layman, the Future Abbot Aelianos | CUA, Vol. 114 (78-79)
- Letter 465: To a Devout Layman, the Future Abbot Aelianos | CUA, Vol. 114 (79)
- Letter 466: To a Devout Layman, the Future Abbot Aelianos | CUA, Vol. 114 (79-80)
- Letter 467: To a Devout Layman, the Future Abbot Aelianos | CUA, Vol. 114 (80)
- Letter 468: To a Devout Layman, the Future Abbot Aelianos | CUA, Vol. 114 (80)
- Letter 469: To a Devout Layman, the Future Abbot Aelianos | CUA, Vol. 114 (81-82)
- Letter 470: To a Devout Layman, the Future Abbot Aelianos | PPS, Vol. 26 (139) | CUA, Vol. 114 (82)
- Letter 471: To a Devout Layman, the Future Abbot Aelianos | PPS, Vol. 26 (139-40) | CUA, Vol. 114 (83)
- Letter 472: To a Devout Layman, the Future Abbot Aelianos | PPS, Vol. 26 (140) | CUA, Vol. 114 (83)
- Letter 473: To a Devout Layman, the Future Abbot Aelianos | CUA, Vol. 114 (83-84)
- Letter 474: To a Devout Layman, the Future Abbot Aelianos | CUA, Vol. 114 (84)
- Letter 475: To a Devout Layman, the Future Abbot Aelianos | PPS, Vol. 26 (141) | CUA, Vol. 114 (84-85)
- Letter 476: To a Devout Layman, the Future Abbot Aelianos | PPS, Vol. 26 (141-42) | CUA, Vol. 114 (85)
- Letter 477: To a Devout Layman, the Future Abbot Aelianos | CUA, Vol. 114 (85-86)
- Letter 478: To a Devout Layman, the Future Abbot Aelianos | CUA, Vol. 114 (86)
- Letter 479: To a Devout Layman, the Future Abbot Aelianos | CUA, Vol. 114 (86-87)
- Letter 480: To a Devout Layman, the Future Abbot Aelianos | CUA, Vol. 114 (87)
- Letter 481: To a Devout Layman, the Future Abbot Aelianos | CUA, Vol. 114 (87)
- Letter 482: To a Devout Layman, the Future Abbot Aelianos | CUA, Vol. 114 (87-88)
- Letter 483: To a Monk | PPS, Vol. 26 (142-44) | CUA, Vol. 114 (89-91)
- Letter 484: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (91)
- Letter 485: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (92)
- Letter 486: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (92-93)
- Letter 487: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (93-94)
- Letter 488: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (94-95)
- Letter 489: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (95)
- Letter 490: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (95-96)
- Letter 491: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (96)
- Letter 492: To a Former Soldier, Now a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (97)
- Letter 493: To a Former Soldier, Now a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (97-98)
- Letter 494: To a Former Soldier, Now a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (98)
- Letter 495: To a Former Soldier, Now a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (98-100)
- Letter 496: To a Former Soldier, Now a Monk | PPS, Vol. 26 (144-45) | CUA, Vol. 114 (100)
- Letter 497: To a Former Soldier, Now a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (100-1)
- Letter 498: To a Former Soldier, Now a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (101-2)
- Letter 499: To a Former Soldier, Now a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (102-3)
- Letter 500: To a Former Soldier, Now a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (103)
- Letter 501: To a Former Soldier, Now a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (103-4)
- Letter 502: To a Former Soldier, Now a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (104)
- Letter 503: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (105-6)
- Letter 504: To a Monk | PPS, Vol. 26 (145-46) | CUA, Vol. 114 (106)
- Letter 505: To a Monk| CUA, Vol. 114 (107)
- Letter 506: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (107)
- Letter 507: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (107-8)
- Letter 508: To the Same Monk | PPS, Vol. 26 (146-47) | CUA, Vol. 114 (108)
- Letter 509: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (108-9)
- Letter 510: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (109-10)
- Letter 511: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (110-11)
- Letter 512: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (111-12)
- Letter 513: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (113)
- Letter 514: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (113-14)
- Letter 515: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (114)
- Letter 516: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (114-15)
- Letter 517: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (115)
- Letter 518: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (115-16)
- Letter 519: To a Monk | PPS, Vol. 26 (147) | CUA, Vol. 114 (116)
- Letter 520: To a Monk | PPS, Vol. 26 (147-48) | CUA, Vol. 114 (117)
- Letter 521: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (117)
- Letter 522: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (118)
- Letter 523: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (118)
- Letter 524: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (118-19)
- Letter 525: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (119)
- Letter 526: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (119-20)
- Letter 527: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (120)
- Letter 528: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (120-21)
- Letter 529: To a Monk | PPS, Vol. 26 (148) | CUA, Vol. 114 (121)
- Letter 530: To a Monk | PPS, Vol. 26 (148) | CUA, Vol. 114 (121)
- Letter 531: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (121-22)
- Letter 532: To a Monk | PPS, Vol. 26 (149-51) | CUA, Vol. 114 (122-24)
- Letter 533: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (125)
- Letter 534: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (125)
- Letter 535: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (125-26)
- Letter 536: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (126)
- Letter 537: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (126)
- Letter 538: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (126-27)
- Letter 539: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (127)
- Letter 540: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (127)
- Letter 541: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (127-28)
- Letter 542: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (128)
- Letter 543: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (128-29)
- Letter 544: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (129-30)
- Letter 545: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (130)
- Letter 546: To a Group of Monks | CUA, Vol. 114 (130-32)
- Letter 547: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (132)
- Letter 548: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (132-33)
- Letter 549: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (133-34)
- Letter 550: To a Group of Monks | CUA, Vol. 114 (134-35)
- Letter 551: To a Group of Monks | CUA, Vol. 114 (135-37)
- Letter 552: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (137)
- Letter 553: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (137-39)
- Letter 554: To the Same Monk | PPS, Vol. 26 (151-53) | CUA, Vol. 114 (139-40)
- Letter 555: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (140)
- Letter 556: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (140)
- Letter 557: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (140-41)
- Letter 558: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (141)
- Letter 559: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (141)
- Letter 560: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (141-42)
- Letter 561: To a Monk | PPS, Vol. 26 (153) | CUA, Vol. 114 (142)
- Letter 562: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (142)
- Letter 563: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (142-43)
- Letter 564: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (143)
- Letter 565: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (143)
- Letter 566: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (143-44)
- Letter 567: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (144-45)
- Letter 568: To an Abbot | CUA, Vol. 114 (145-46)
- Letter 569: To a Group of Monks | PPS, Vol. 26 (153-54) | CUA, Vol. 114 (146-47)
- Letter 570: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (147)
- Letter 570B: To Abba John, the Other Old Man | CUA, Vol. 114 (148)
- Letter 570C: To Abbot Seridos | CUA, Vol. 114 (149-51)
- Letter 571: To Abbot Aelioanos | CUA, Vol. 114 (152-53)
- Letter 572: To Abbot Aelioanos | CUA, Vol. 114 (153-55)
- Letter 573: To Abbot Aelioanos | CUA, Vol. 114 (155-57)
- Letter 574: To Abbot Aelioanos | CUA, Vol. 114 (157-58)
- Letter 575: To Abbot Aelioanos | CUA, Vol. 114 (158-60)
- Letter 576: To Abbot Aelioanos | CUA, Vol. 114 (160-62)
- Letter 577: To Abbot Aelioanos | CUA, Vol. 114 (162)
- Letter 578: To Abbot Aelioanos | CUA, Vol. 114 (162-63)
- Letter 579: To Abbot Aelioanos | CUA, Vol. 114 (163)
- Letter 580: To Abbot Aelioanos | CUA, Vol. 114 (163)
- Letter 581: To Abbot Aelioanos | CUA, Vol. 114 (163-64)
- Letter 582: To Abbot Aelioanos | CUA, Vol. 114 (164-65)
- Letter 583: To Abbot Aelioanos | CUA, Vol. 114 (165)
- Letter 584: To Abbot Aelioanos | CUA, Vol. 114 (165-67)
- Letter 585: To Abbot Aelioanos | CUA, Vol. 114 (167)
- Letter 586: To Abbot Aelioanos | CUA, Vol. 114 (168)
- Letter 587: To Abbot Aelioanos | CUA, Vol. 114 (168-69)
- Letter 588: To Abbot Aelioanos | CUA, Vol. 114 (169)
- Letter 589: To Abbot Aelioanos | CUA, Vol. 114 (169)
- Letter 590: To Abbot Aelioanos | CUA, Vol. 114 (169)
- Letter 591: To Abbot Aelioanos | CUA, Vol. 114 (170)
- Letter 592: To Abbot Aelioanos | CUA, Vol. 114 (170)
- Letter 593: To Abbot Aelioanos | CUA, Vol. 114 (171)
- Letter 594: To Abbot Aelioanos | CUA, Vol. 114 (171)
- Letter 595: To Abbot Aelioanos | CUA, Vol. 114 (171-72)
- Letter 596: To Abbot Aelioanos | CUA, Vol. 114 (172-73)
- Letter 597: To Abbot Aelioanos | CUA, Vol. 114 (173)
- Letter 598: To Abbot Aelioanos | CUA, Vol. 114 (173-74)
- Letter 599: To the Monks of the Monastery | CUA, Vol. 114 (175-76)
- Letter 599B: On the Death of the Other Old Man, John | CUA, Vol. 114 (177-78)
- Letter 600: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (179-82)
- Letter 601: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (182-83)
- Letter 602: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (183)
- Letter 603: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (183)
- Letter 604: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (183-88)
- Letter 605: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (188-89)
- Letter 606: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (190)
- Letter 607: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (190-95)
- Letter 608: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (196)
- Letter 609: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (196)
- Letter 610: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (196)
- Letter 611: To a Monk | PPS, Vol. 26 (155) | CUA, Vol. 114 (197)
- Letter 612: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (197-98)
- Letter 613: To a Monk | PPS, Vol. 26 (155-57) | CUA, Vol. 114 (198-200)
- Letter 614: To a Monk | PPS, Vol. 26 (157-60) | CUA, Vol. 114 (200-3)
- Letter 615: To the Same Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (203-5)
- Letter 616: To the Same Monk | PPS, Vol. 26 (161-62) | CUA, Vol. 114 (205-6)
- Letter 617: To a Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (162-63) | CUA, Vol. 114 (207-8)
- Letter 618: To a Monk | PPS, Vol. 26 (163-64) | CUA, Vol. 114 (208)
- Letter 619: To a Monk/Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (164) | CUA, Vol. 114 (208-9)
- Letter 620: To a Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (165) | CUA, Vol. 114 (209)
- Letter 621: To a Monk/Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (165-66) | CUA, Vol. 114 (209-10)
- Letter 622: To a Monk/Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (166) | CUA, Vol. 114 (210)
- Letter 623: To a Monk/Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (167) | CUA, Vol. 114 (210-11)
- Letter 624: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (211)
- Letter 625: To a Monk/Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (167) | CUA, Vol. 114 (211)
- Letter 626: To a Monk/Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (167-68) | CUA, Vol. 114 (211-12)
- Letter 627: To a Monk/Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (168-69) | CUA, Vol. 114 (212-13)
- Letter 628: To the Same Monk/Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (170) | CUA, Vol. 114 (213-14)
- Letter 629: To a Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (214-15)
- Letter 630: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (215)
- Letter 631: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (215)
- Letter 632: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (216)
- Letter 633: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (216)
- Letter 634: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (216-17)
- Letter 635: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (217)
- Letter 636: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (217)
- Letter 637: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (218)
- Letter 638: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (218)
- Letter 639: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (218-19)
- Letter 640: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (219)
- Letter 641: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (219)
- Letter 642: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (219-20)
- Letter 643: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (220)
- Letter 644: To the Same Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (220-22)
- Letter 645: To a Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (222-23)
- Letter 646: To the Same Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (223)
- Letter 647: To a Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (223-24)
- Letter 648: To a Monk/Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (170-71) | CUA, Vol. 114 (224-25)
- Letter 649: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (225)
- Letter 650: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (225)
- Letter 651: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (225-26)
- Letter 652: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (226)
- Letter 653: To a Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (171-72) | CUA, Vol. 114 (226-27)
- Letter 654: To the Same Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (172) | CUA, Vol. 114 (227)
- Letter 655: To a Monk/Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (173) | CUA, Vol. 114 (227-28)
- Letter 656: To a Monk/Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (173) | CUA, Vol. 114 (228)
- Letter 657: To a Monk/Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (174) | CUA, Vol. 114 (228)
- Letter 658: To a Monk/Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (174) | CUA, Vol. 114 (228-29)
- Letter 659: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (229-30)
- Letter 660: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (230-31)
- Letter 661 | CUA, Vol. 114 (231-32)
- Letter 662: To a Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (232)
- Letter 663: To a Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (232-33)
- Letter 664: To a Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (175) | CUA, Vol. 114 (233)
- Letter 665: To the Same Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (175) | CUA, Vol. 114 (233)
- Letter 666: To the Same Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (233)
- Letter 667: To a Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (233-34)
- Letter 668: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (234)
- Letter 669: To a Monk/Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (175-276) | CUA, Vol. 114 (234-35)
- Letter 670: To a Monk/Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (176) | CUA, Vol. 114 (235)
- Letter 671: To a Monk/Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (176-77) | CUA, Vol. 114 (235-36)
- Letter 672: To a Monk/Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (177) | CUA, Vol. 114 (236)
- Letter 673: To a Monk/Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (177-78) | CUA, Vol. 114 (236)
- Letter 674: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (236-37)
- Letter 675: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (237)
- Letter 676: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (237)
- Letter 677: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (237)
- Letter 678: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (238)
- Letter 679: To a Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (178) 238| CUA, Vol. 114 ()
- Letter 680: To the Same Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (178) | C238UA, Vol. 114 ()
- Letter 681: To a Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (238-39)
- Letter 682: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (239)
- Letter 683: To a Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (239-40)
- Letter 684: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (241)
- Letter 685: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (241-42)
- Letter 686: To a Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (178-79) | CUA, Vol. 114 (242)
- Letter 687: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (242)
- Letter 688: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (243)
- Letter 689: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (243)
- Letter 690: To Two Laypersons | CUA, Vol. 114 (243-45)
- Letter 691: To a Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (245-47)
- Letter 692: To a Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (247)
- Letter 693: To a Layman | CUA, Vol. 114 (247-48)
- Letter 694: To a Monk/Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (179) | CUA, Vol. 114 (248-49)
- Letter 695: To a Monk/Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (180) | CUA, Vol. 114 (249-50)
- Letter 696: To a Monk/Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (181) | CUA, Vol. 114 (250)
- Letter 697: To a Monk/Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (181) | CUA, Vol. 114 (250)
- Letter 698: To a Monk/Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (181-82) | CUA, Vol. 114 (250)
- Letter 699: To a Monk/Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (182) | CUA, Vol. 114 (251)
- Letter 700: To a Monk/Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (182-83) | CUA, Vol. 114 (251)
- Letter 701: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (252)
- Letter 702: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (252)
- Letter 703: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (252-53)
- Letter 704: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (253)
- Letter 705: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (253)
- Letter 706: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (253-54)
- Letter 707: To a Monk/Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (183) | CUA, Vol. 114 (254)
- Letter 708: To a Monk/Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (183-84) | CUA, Vol. 114 (254)
- Letter 709: To a Monk/Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (184) | CUA, Vol. 114 (254)
- Letter 710: To a Monk/Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (184) | CUA, Vol. 114 (255)
- Letter 711: To a Monk/Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (185) | CUA, Vol. 114 (255)
- Letter 712: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (255-56)
- Letter 713: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (256)
- Letter 714: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (256)
- Letter 715: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (256-57)
- Letter 716: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (257)
- Letter 717: To a Monk/Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (185) | CUA, Vol. 114 (257)
- Letter 718: To a Monk/Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (186) | CUA, Vol. 114 (257-58)
- Letter 719: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (258)
- Letter 720: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (258)
- Letter 721: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (258-59)
- Letter 722: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (259)
- Letter 723: To a Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (259)
- Letter 724: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (260)
- Letter 725: To a Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (186-87) | CUA, Vol. 114 (260)
- Letter 726: To a Monk/Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (187) | CUA, Vol. 114 (260-61)
- Letter 727: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (261)
- Letter 728: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (261-62)
- Letter 729: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (262)
- Letter 730: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (262-63)
- Letter 731: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (263)
- Letter 732: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (263-64)
- Letter 733: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (264)
- Letter 734: To a Priest | CUA, Vol. 114 (264)
- Letter 735: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (265)
- Letter 736: To a Monk/Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (188) | CUA, Vol. 114 (265)
- Letter 737: To a Monk/Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (188) | CUA, Vol. 114 (265)
- Letter 738: To a Monk/Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (188-89) | CUA, Vol. 114 (265-66)
- Letter 739: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (266)
- Letter 740: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (266)
- Letter 741: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (266)
- Letter 742: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (267)
- Letter 743: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (267)
- Letter 744: To a Monk/Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (189) | CUA, Vol. 114 (267-68)
- Letter 745: To a Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (268)
- Letter 746: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (269)
- Letter 747: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (269)
- Letter 748: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (269)
- Letter 749: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (269-70)
- Letter 750: To a Monk/Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (189-90) | CUA, Vol. 114 (270)
- Letter 751: To a Monk/Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (190) | CUA, Vol. 114 (270)
- Letter 752: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (270-71)
- Letter 753: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (271)
- Letter 754: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (271)
- Letter 755: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (271-72)
- Letter 756: To a Monk/Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (190-91) | CUA, Vol. 114 (272)
- Letter 757: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (272-73)
- Letter 758: To a Monk/Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (191) | CUA, Vol. 114 (273)
- Letter 759: To a Monk/Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (192) | CUA, Vol. 114 (273-74)
- Letter 760: To a Monk/Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (192) | CUA, Vol. 114 (274)
- Letter 761: To a Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (374)
- Letter 762: To the Same Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (274-75)
- Letter 763: To a Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (192-93) | CUA, Vol. 114 (275)
- Letter 764: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (275-76)
- Letter 765: To a Monk/Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (193) | CUA, Vol. 114 (276)
- Letter 766: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (276)
- Letter 767: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (276-77)
- Letter 768: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (277)
- Letter 769: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (277-78)
- Letter 770: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (278)
- Letter 771: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (279)
- Letter 772: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (279-80)
- Letter 773: To a Monk/Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (193-94) | CUA, Vol. 114 (280-81)
- Letter 774: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (281)
- Letter 775: To a Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (281)
- Letter 776: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (281-82)
- Letter 777: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (282)
- Letter 778A: To a Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (282)
- Letter 778B: To the Same Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (282-83)
- Letter 778C: To the Same Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114(283-84)
- Letter 778D: To the Same Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (284-85)
- Letter 779: To a Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (285)
- Letter 780: To the Same Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (285)
- Letter 781: To the Same Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (285-86)
- Letter 782: To the Same Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (286)
- Letter 783: To a Layman | CUA, Vol. 114 (286-87)
- Letter 784: To a Layman | CUA, Vol. 114 (287-88)
- Letter 785: To Certain Laypersons | CUA, Vol. 114 (288-89)
- Letter 786: To Certain Laypersons | CUA, Vol. 114 (289)
- Letter 787: To the Same Laypersons | CUA, Vol. 114 (289)
- Letter 788: To a Priest | CUA, Vol. 114 (290)
- Letter 789: To a Bishop | PPS, Vol. 26 (194-95) | CUA, Vol. 114 (291)
- Letter 790: To a Bishop | CUA, Vol. 114 (291-93)
- Letter 791: To a Bishop | CUA, Vol. 114 (293)
- Letter 792: To a Bishop | CUA, Vol. 114 (293-94)
- Letter 793: To a Bishop | CUA, Vol. 114 (294)
- Letter 794: To a Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (294-95)
- Letter 795: To a Bishop/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (295)
- Letter 796: To a Bishop/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (295)
- Letter 797: To a Bishop/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (295-96)
- Letter 798: To a Bishop/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (296)
- Letter 799: To a Bishop/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (296)
- Letter 800: To a Bishop/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (296-97)
- Letter 801: To a Bishop/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (297)
- Letter 802: To Parishioners | CUA, Vol. 114 (297-98)
- Letter 803: To the Same Parishioners | CUA, Vol. 114 (298)
- Letter 804: To a Bishop | CUA, Vol. 114 (299)
- Letter 805: To the Same Bishop | PPS, Vol. 26 (195) | CUA, Vol. 114 (299-300)
- Letter 806: To a Bishop/Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (195-96) | CUA, Vol. 114 (300)
- Letter 807: To a Bishop/Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (196-97) | CUA, Vol. 114 (300-1)
- Letter 808: To the Same Bishop/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (301-2)
- Letter 809: To a Bishop/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (302)
- Letter 810: To a Bishop/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (302-3)
- Letter 811: To a Bishop/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (303-4)
- Letter 812: To a Bishop/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (304)
- Letter 813: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (304-5)
- Letter 814: To a Bishop/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (305)
- Letter 815: To a Bishop/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (306)
- Letter 816: To a Bishop/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (306)
- Letter 817: To a Bishop/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (306-7)
- Letter 818: To a Bishop/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (307)
- Letter 819: To a Bishop | CUA, Vol. 114 (307-8)
- Letter 820: To a Bishop/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (308)
- Letter 821: To a Bishop | CUA, Vol. 114 (308-9)
- Letter 822: To a Bishop | CUA, Vol. 114 (309)
- Letter 823: To the Same Bishop | CUA, Vol. 114 (309-10)
- Letter 824: To the Same Bishop | CUA, Vol. 114 (310-11)
- Letter 825: To the Same Bishop | CUA, Vol. 114 (311)
- Letter 826: To the Same Bishop | CUA, Vol. 114 (311-13)
- Letter 827: To a Bishop/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (313)
- Letter 828: To a Bishop/Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (197-98) | CUA, Vol. 114 (313-14)
- Letter 829: To a Bishop/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (314)
- Letter 830: To a Bishop/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (314-15)
- Letter 831: To City Officials and a Bishop | CUA, Vol. 114 (315)
- Letter 832: To Neglectful Persons | CUA, Vol. 114 (315-16)
- Letter 833: To a Bishop | CUA, Vol. 114 (316)
- Letter 834: To the Same Bishop | CUA, Vol. 114 (316-17)
- Letter 835: To a Bishop | CUA, Vol. 114 (317)
- Letter 836: To a Bishop/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (318)
- Letter 837: To a Bishop/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (318-19)
- Letter 838: To a Bishop | PPS, Vol. 26 (198) | CUA, Vol. 114 (319)
- Letter 839: To a Bishop/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (319-20)
- Letter 840: To a Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (310)
- Letter 841: To a Bishop/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (321)
- Letter 842: To a Bishop/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (321-22)
- Letter 843: To Laypersons | CUA, Vol. 114 (322)
- Letter 844: To a Bishop | PPS, Vol. 26 (198) | CUA, Vol. 114 (322)
- Letter 845: To a Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (199) | CUA, Vol. 114 (323)
- Letter 846: To a Monk | CUA, Vol. 114 (323)
- Letter 847: To a Monk/Layperson | CUA, Vol. 114 (324)
- Letter 848: To a Monk/Layperson | PPS, Vol. 26 (199) | CUA, Vol. 114 (324)
St. Venantius Honorius Clementianus Fortunatus (c. 530-c. 600/609) | WEST
- Poem on Easter | ANF, Vol. 7 (329-30) | New Advent
St. Leander of Seville (c. 534-600/601) | WEST
- The Training of Nuns and the Contempt of the World (§§31) | CUA, Vol. 62 (183-228)
- Sermon of the Triumph of the Church for the Conversion of the Goths | CUA, Vol. 62 (229-35)
St. Gregory of Tours (c. 538-594) | WEST
- The Life of the Fathers (§§20) | DOML, Vol. 39 (1-297)| TTH, Vol. 1 (1-130)
- The Miracles of the Martyr Julian (§§50) | DOML, Vol. 39 (299-419)
- The Miracles of Bishop Martin (4 Books) | DOML, Vol. 39 (421-855)
St. Pope Gregory the Great (c. 540-604) | WEST
- Dialogues (4 Books) | CUA, Vol. 39 (3-275)
- Book of Pastoral Rule (4 Books) | PPS, Vol. 34 (27-212) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (1-72) | New Advent
- Testimonies of Gregory the Great on the Apocalypse | CUA, Vol. 144 (50-82)
- Moralia on Job/Moral Reflections on the Book of Job (35 Books) | CS, Vol. 249 (47-387) [Books 1-5] | CS, Vol. 257 (31-394) [Books 6-10] | CS, Vol. 258 (5-325) [Books 11-16]; CS, Vol. 259 (17-380) [Books 17-22] | CS, Vol. 260 (9-316) [Books 23-27] | CS, Vol. 261 (9-538) [Books 28-35]
Commentary on the Song of Songs
- Exposition on the Song of Songs (§§46) | CS, Vol. 244 (109-44)
- Paterius and St. Bede the Venerable, Excerpts from the Works of Gregory the Great on the Song of Songs | CS, Vol. 244 (149-80)
- William of Saint Thierry, Excerpts from the Books of Blessed Gregory on the Song of Songs | CS, Vol. 244 (186-240)
- Supplemental Texts | CS, Vol. 244 (244-48)
Homilies on the Gospels
- Homily 1: Who is my mother? (Matt. 12:46-50) | CS, Vol. 123 (5-9)
- Homily 2: By the Sea of Galilee (Matt. 4:18-22) | CS, Vol. 123 (10-13)
- Homily 3: There Will be Signs (Luke 21:25-33) | CS, Vol. 123 (15-20)
- Homily 4: The Record of John (John 1:19-27) | CS, Vol. 123 (21-27)
- Homily 5: Are You He Who is to Come? (Matt. 11:2-10) | CS, Vol. 123 (28-33)
- Homily 6: In the Fifteenth Year of the Reign of Tiberius Caesar (Luke 3:1-11) | CS, Vol. 123 (35-49)
- Homily 7: A Decree Went Out from Caesar Augustus (Luke 2:1-14) | CS, Vol. 123 (50-53)
- Homily 8: Now When Jesus Was Born (Matt. 2:1-12) | CS, Vol. 123 (54-60)
- Homily 9: A Treasure Hidden in a Field (Matt. 13:44-52) | CS, Vol. 123 (62-67)
- Homily 10: And Five of Them Were Wise (Matt. 25:1-13) | CS, Vol. 123 (68-75)
- Homily 11: Those Hired at the Eleventh Hour (Matt. 20:1-16) | CS, Vol. 123 (77-85)
- Homily 12: A Sower Went Out to Sow (Luke 8:4-15) | CS, Vol. 123 (87-92)
- Homily 13: A Blind Man Sat by the Wayside (Luke 18:31-43) | CS, Vol. 123 (94-100)
- Homily 14: Into the Wilderness (Matt. 4:1-11) | CS, Vol. 123 (101-106)
- Homily 15: I am the Good Shepherd (John 10:11-16) | CS, Vol. 123 (107-12)
- Homily 16: Which of You Convicts Me of Sin? (John 8:46-59) | CS, Vol. 123 (113-18)
- Homily 17: These Twelve Jesus Sent Out (Matt. 10:5-8) | CS, Vol. 123 (120-25)
- Homily 18: The Parables of the Talents (Matt. 25:14-30) | CS, Vol. 123 (126-32)
- Homily 19: The Harvest Truly is Great (Luke 10:1-7) | CS, Vol. 123 (134-49)
- Homily 20: Let Your Loins Be Girded (Luke 12:35-40) | CS, Vol. 123 (156)
- Homily 21: He is Risen (Mark 16:1-7) | CS, Vol. 123 (157-63)
- Homily 22: The First Day of the Week (John 20:1-9) | CS, Vol. 123 (164-74)
- Homily 23: A Village Called Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35) | CS, Vol. 123 (175-78)
- Homily 24: Jesus Stood On the Shore (John 21:1-14) | CS, Vol. 123 (179-86)
- Homily 25: Mary Stood Outside the Sepulcher (John 20:11-18) | CS, Vol. 123 (187-99)
- Homily 26: As the Father Sent Me, I Also Send You (John 20:19-29) | CS, Vol. 123 (200-11)
- Homily 27: This is My Commandment (John 15:12-16) | CS, Vol. 123 (212-20)
- Homily 28: Your Son Lives (John 4:46-53) | CS, Vol. 123 (221-24)
- Homily 29: Afterward He Appeared to the Eleven (Mark 16:14-20) | CS, Vol. 123 (226-34)
- Homily 30: If Anyone Loves Me, He Will Keep My Word (John 14:23-27) | CS, Vol. 123 (236-47)
- Homily 31: The Barren Fig Tree (Luke 13:6-13) | CS, Vol. 123 (249-55)
- Homily 32: Whoever Would Save His Life Will Lose It (Luke 9:23-27) | CS, Vol. 123 (257-66)
- Homily 33: He Went Into the Pharisee’s House and Sat at Table (Luke 7:36-50) | CS, Vol. 123 (268-78)
- Homily 34: One Sinner Who Repents (Luke 15:1-10) | CS, Vol. 123 (280-99)
- Homily 35: By Your Patience (Luke 21:9-19) | CS, Vol. 123 (301-10)
- Homily 36: A Certain Man Gave a Great Dinner (Luke 14:16-24) | CS, Vol. 123 (312-25)
- Homily 37: He Cannot Be My Disciple (Luke 14:16-33) | CS, Vol. 123 (327-37)
- Homily 38: Many Are Called, But Few Are Chosen (Matt. 22:2-14) | CS, Vol. 123 (339-56)
- Homily 39: If Only You Had Known (Luke 19:41-47) | CS, Vol. 123 (357-68)
- Homily 40: There Was a Certain Rich Man (Luke 16:19-31) | CS, Vol. 123 (370-86)
Book 1
- Letter 1 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (73) | New Advent
- Letter 2 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (73-74) | New Advent
- Letter 3 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (74) | New Advent
- Letter 4 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (74) | New Advent
- Letter 5 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (74-76) | New Advent
- Letter 6 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (76) | New Advent
- Letter 7 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (76-77) | New Advent
- Letter 9 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (77) | New Advent
- Letter 10 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (77-78) | New Advent
- Letter 11 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (78) | New Advent
- Letter 12 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (78) | New Advent
- Letter 16 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (78) | New Advent
- Letter 17 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (78-79) | New Advent
- Letter 18 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (79) | New Advent
- Letter 19 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (79) | New Advent
- Letter 20 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (79-80) | New Advent
- Letter 21 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (80) | New Advent
- Letter 25 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (80-82) | New Advent
- Letter 26 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (82) | New Advent
- Letter 27 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (82-83) | New Advent
- Letter 28 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (83) | New Advent
- Letter 29 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (83) | New Advent
- Letter 33 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (83) | New Advent
- Letter 34 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (84-85) | New Advent
- Letter 35 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (85) | New Advent
- Letter 36 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (85-86) | New Advent
- Letter 39 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (86) | New Advent
- Letter 41 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (87) | New Advent
- Letter 42 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (87) | New Advent
- Letter 43 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (87-88) | New Advent
- Letter 44 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (88-92) | New Advent
- Letter 46 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (93) | New Advent
- Letter 47 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (93) | New Advent
- Letter 48 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (93) | New Advent
- Letter 49 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (94) | New Advent
- Letter 50 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (94) | New Advent
- Letter 52 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (94-95) | New Advent
- Letter 56 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (95) | New Advent
- Letter 57 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (95) | New Advent
- Letter 58 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (95-96) | New Advent
- Letter 61 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (96) | New Advent
- Letter 62 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (96) | New Advent
- Letter 63 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (96-97) | New Advent
- Letter 66 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (97) | New Advent
- Letter 67 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (97) | New Advent
- Letter 72 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (97-98) | New Advent
- Letter 74 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (98) | New Advent
- Letter 75 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (98-99) | New Advent
- Letter 77 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (99) | New Advent
- Letter 78 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (99-100) | New Advent
- Letter 79 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (100) | New Advent
- Letter 80 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (100) | New Advent
Book 2
- Letter 3 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (101) | New Advent
- Letter 6 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (101) | New Advent
- Letter 7 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (102) | New Advent
- Letter 9 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (102) | New Advent
- Letter 10 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (102-03) | New Advent
- Letter 12 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (103) | New Advent
- Letter 15 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (103) | New Advent
- Letter 18 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (103-04) | New Advent
- Letter 19 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (104-05) | New Advent
- Letter 20 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (105) | New Advent
- Letter 22 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (105) | New Advent
- Letter 23 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (106) | New Advent
- Letter 26 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (106) | New Advent
- Letter 27 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (107) | New Advent
- Letter 29 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (107) | New Advent
- Letter 30 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (107-08) | New Advent
- Letter 32 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (108-10) | New Advent
- Letter 33 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (110) | New Advent
- Letter 34 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (110-11) | New Advent
- Letter 36 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (111) | New Advent
- Letter 37 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (111) | New Advent
- Letter 41 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (111-13) | New Advent
- Letter 42 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (113) | New Advent
- Letter 46 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (113-14) | New Advent
- Letter 47 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (114-15) | New Advent
- Letter 48 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (115-16) | New Advent
- Letter 49 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (116-17) | New Advent
- Letter 51 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (117-18) | New Advent
- Letter 52 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (118-19) | New Advent
- Letter 54 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (119-21) | New Advent
Book 3
- Letter 1 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (122) | New Advent
- Letter 2 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (122-23) | New Advent
- Letter 3 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (123) | New Advent
- Letter 5 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (123) | New Advent
- Letter 6 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (123-25) | New Advent
- Letter 7 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (125-26) | New Advent
- Letter 8 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (126-27) | New Advent
- Letter 9 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (127) | New Advent
- Letter 10 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (127) | New Advent
- Letter 12 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (127) | New Advent
- Letter 15 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (127-28) | New Advent
- Letter 22 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (128) | New Advent
- Letter 29 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (128-29) | New Advent
- Letter 30 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (129-30) | New Advent
- Letter 31 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (130) | New Advent
- Letter 32 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (130) | New Advent
- Letter 33 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (130-31) | New Advent
- Letter 35 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (131) | New Advent
- Letter 36 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (131) | New Advent
- Letter 38 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (131-32) | New Advent
- Letter 45 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (132) | New Advent
- Letter 46 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (132) | New Advent
- Letter 47 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (132-33) | New Advent
- Letter 48 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (134) | New Advent
- Letter 49 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (134-35) | New Advent
- Letter 51 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (135) | New Advent
- Letter 53 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (135-36) | New Advent
- Letter 56 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (136-38) | New Advent
- Letter 57 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (138-39) | New Advent
- Letter 59 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (139) | New Advent
- Letter 60 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (139-40) | New Advent
- Letter 65 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (140-41) | New Advent
- Letter 66 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (141-42) | New Advent
- Letter 67 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (142-43) | New Advent
Book 4
- Letter 1 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (144) | New Advent
- Letter 2 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (144-45) | New Advent
- Letter 3 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (145) | New Advent
- Letter 4 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (145-46) | New Advent
- Letter 5 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (146) | New Advent
- Letter 6 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (146) | New Advent
- Letter 7 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (146-47) | New Advent
- Letter 8 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (147) | New Advent
- Letter 9 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (147-48) | New Advent
- Letter 10 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (148-49) | New Advent
- Letter 11 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (149) | New Advent
- Letter 15 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (149-50) | New Advent
- Letter 18 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (150) | New Advent
- Letter 20 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (150-51) | New Advent
- Letter 21 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (151) | New Advent
- Letter 23 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (151) | New Advent
- Letter 24 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (152) | New Advent
- Letter 25 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (152) | New Advent
- Letter 26 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (152-53) | New Advent
- Letter 27 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (153-54) | New Advent
- Letter 29 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (154) | New Advent
- Letter 30 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (154-56) | New Advent
- Letter 31 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (156-57) | New Advent
- Letter 32 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (157) | New Advent
- Letter 33 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (157) | New Advent
- Letter 34 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (157-58) | New Advent
- Letter 35 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (158) | New Advent
- Letter 36 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (158-59) | New Advent
- Letter 38 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (159) | New Advent
- Letter 39 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (159-60) | New Advent
- Letter 46 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (160-61) | New Advent
- Letter 47 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (161) | New Advent
Book 5
- Letter 2 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (162) | New Advent
- Letter 4 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (162-63) | New Advent
- Letter 5 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (163) | New Advent
- Letter 8 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (163-64) | New Advent
- Letter 11 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (164) | New Advent
- Letter 15 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (164-65) | New Advent
- Letter 17 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (165-66) | New Advent
- Letter 18 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (166-69) | New Advent
- Letter 19 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (169) | New Advent
- Letter 20 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (169-71) | New Advent
- Letter 21 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (171-73) | New Advent
- Letter 23 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (173) | New Advent
- Letter 25 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (173) | New Advent
- Letter 26 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (173) | New Advent
- Letter 29 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (173) | New Advent
- Letter 30 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (174) | New Advent
- Letter 36 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (174) | New Advent
- Letter 39 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (174-75) | New Advent
- Letter 40 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (175-77) | New Advent
- Letter 41 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (177-78) | New Advent
- Letter 42 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (178) | New Advent
- Letter 43 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (178-80) | New Advent
- Letter 48 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (180-81) | New Advent
- Letter 49 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (181) | New Advent
- Letter 52 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (181-82) | New Advent
- Letter 53 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (182-83) | New Advent
- Letter 54 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (183-84) | New Advent
- Letter 55 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (184-85) | New Advent
- Letter 56 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (185) | New Advent
- Letter 57 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (185-86) | New Advent
- Letter 58 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (186-87) | New Advent
Book 6
- Letter 1 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (188) | New Advent
- Letter 2 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (188) | New Advent
- Letter 3 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (189) | New Advent
- Letter 5 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (189-90) | New Advent
- Letter 6 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (190) | New Advent
- Letter 7 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (190) | New Advent
- Letter 8 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (190-91) | New Advent
- Letter 9 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (191) | New Advent
- Letter 12 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (191-92) | New Advent
- Letter 14 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (192-93) | New Advent
- Letter 15 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (193) | New Advent
- Letter 16 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (193-94) | New Advent
- Letter 17 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (194) | New Advent
- Letter 18 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (194) | New Advent
- Letter 22 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (194) | New Advent
- Letter 24 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (194-95) | New Advent
- Letter 25 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (195-96) | New Advent
- Letter 26 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (196-97) | New Advent
- Letter 27 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (197) | New Advent
- Letter 29 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (198) | New Advent
- Letter 30 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (198-99) | New Advent
- Letter 32 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (199) | New Advent
- Letter 34 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (199-200) | New Advent
- Letter 35 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (200) | New Advent
- Letter 37 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (200-01) | New Advent
- Letter 43 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (201) | New Advent
- Letter 44 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (201) | New Advent
- Letter 46 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (201-02) | New Advent
- Letter 48 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (202) | New Advent
- Letter 49 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (202) | New Advent
- Letter 50 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (202) | New Advent
- Letter 51 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (202-03) | New Advent
- Letter 52 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (203) | New Advent
- Letter 53 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (203-04) | New Advent
- Letter 54 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (204) | New Advent
- Letter 55 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (204) | New Advent
- Letter 56 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (204-05) | New Advent
- Letter 57 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (205) | New Advent
- Letter 58 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (205) | New Advent
- Letter 59 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (205-06) | New Advent
- Letter 60 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (206-07) | New Advent
- Letter 61 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (207) | New Advent
- Letter 63 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (207-08) | New Advent
- Letter 65 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (208) | New Advent
- Letter 66 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (208-09) | New Advent
Book 7
- Letter 2 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (210) | New Advent
- Letter 4 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (210-13) | New Advent
- Letter 5 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (213) | New Advent
- Letter 6 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (213-14) | New Advent
- Letter 7 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (214-15) | New Advent
- Letter 11 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (215) | New Advent
- Letter 12 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (215-16) | New Advent
- Letter 13 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (216) | New Advent
- Letter 15 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (216-17) | New Advent
- Letter 17 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (217) | New Advent
- Letter 19 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (217-18) | New Advent
- Letter 20 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (218) | New Advent
- Letter 23 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (218-19) | New Advent
- Letter 25 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (219) | New Advent
- Letter 26 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (219-21) | New Advent
- Letter 27 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (221-22) | New Advent
- Letter 28 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (222) | New Advent
- Letter 30 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (222-24) | New Advent
- Letter 31 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (224) | New Advent
- Letter 32 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (224-25) | New Advent
- Letter 33 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (225-26) | New Advent
- Letter 34 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (226-27) | New Advent
- Letter 35 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (227-28) | New Advent
- Letter 38 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (228) | New Advent
- Letter 39 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (228) | New Advent
- Letter 40 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (228-29) | New Advent
- Letter 42 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (229) | New Advent
- Letter 43 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (229-30) | New Advent
Book 8
- Letter 1 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (231) | New Advent
- Letter 2 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (231-32) | New Advent
- Letter 3 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (232-33) | New Advent
- Letter 5 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (233) | New Advent
- Letter 6 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (233-34) | New Advent
- Letter 10 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (234) | New Advent
- Letter 13 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (234-35) | New Advent
- Letter 14 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (235) | New Advent
- Letter 15 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (235-36) | New Advent
- Letter 17 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (236) | New Advent
- Letter 18 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (236-37) | New Advent
- Letter 20 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (237) | New Advent
- Letter 21 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (237) | New Advent
- Letter 22 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (237-38) | New Advent
- Letter 23 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (238) | New Advent
- Letter 24 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (238-39) | New Advent
- Letter 29 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (239-40) | New Advent
- Letter 30 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (240-41) | New Advent
- Letter 33 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (241) | New Advent
- Letter 34 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (241-42) | New Advent
- Letter 35 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 12 (242-43) | New Advent
Book 9
- Letter 1 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (1) | New Advent
- Letter 2 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (1) | New Advent
- Letter 3 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (1-2) | New Advent
- Letter 4 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (2-3) | New Advent
- Letter 5 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (3) | New Advent
- Letter 6 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (3-4) | New Advent
- Letter 7 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (4) | New Advent
- Letter 8 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (4-5) | New Advent
- Letter 9 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (5) | New Advent
- Letter 10 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (5-6) | New Advent
- Letter 11 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (6-8) | New Advent
- Letter 12 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (8-9) | New Advent
- Letter 17 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (9) | New Advent
- Letter 18 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (9-10) | New Advent
- Letter 19 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (10) | New Advent
- Letter 23 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (10) | New Advent
- Letter 24 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (10-11) | New Advent
- Letter 26 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (11) | New Advent
- Letter 27 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (11) | New Advent
- Letter 33 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (11-12) | New Advent
- Letter 36 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (12) | New Advent
- Letter 41 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (12-13) | New Advent
- Letter 42 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (13) | New Advent
- Letter 43 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (13) | New Advent
- Letter 49 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (13-14) | New Advent
- Letter 55 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (14-15) | New Advent
- Letter 58 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (15) | New Advent
- Letter 59 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (15) | New Advent
- Letter 60 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (15-16) | New Advent
- Letter 61 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (16-17) | New Advent
- Letter 62 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (17) | New Advent
- Letter 65 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (17-18) | New Advent
- Letter 67 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (18) | New Advent
- Letter 68 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (18-19) | New Advent
- Letter 78 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (19-20) | New Advent
- Letter 79 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (20) | New Advent
- Letter 80 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (20) | New Advent
- Letter 81 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (20-21) | New Advent
- Letter 82 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (21) | New Advent
- Letter 91 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (21) | New Advent
- Letter 93 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (21-22) | New Advent
- Letter 94 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (22) | New Advent
- Letter 98 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (22-23) | New Advent
- Letter 105 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (23) | New Advent
- Letter 106 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (23-26) | New Advent
- Letter 107 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (26-27) | New Advent
- Letter 108 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (27-28) | New Advent
- Letter 109 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (28-29) | New Advent
- Letter 110 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (29-30) | New Advent
- Letter 111 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (30-31) | New Advent
- Letter 114 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (31-32) | New Advent
- Letter 115 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (32) | New Advent
- Letter 116 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (32-33) | New Advent
- Letter 117 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (33) | New Advent
- Letter 120 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (33-34) | New Advent
- Letter 121 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (34) | New Advent
- Letter 122 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (35-37) | New Advent
- Letter 123 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (37) | New Advent
- Letter 125 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (37-38) | New Advent
- Letter 127 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (38-42) | New Advent
Book 10
- Letter 10 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (43) | New Advent
- Letter 15 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (43) | New Advent
- Letter 18 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (43-44) | New Advent
- Letter 19 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (44) | New Advent
- Letter 23 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (44) | New Advent
- Letter 24 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (44-45) | New Advent
- Letter 31 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (45) | New Advent
- Letter 35 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (45-46) | New Advent
- Letter 36 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (46-47) | New Advent
- Letter 37 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (47) | New Advent
- Letter 39 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (47-49) | New Advent
- Letter 42 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (49-50) | New Advent
- Letter 62 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (50-51) | New Advent
- Letter 63 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (51) | New Advent
Book 11
- Letter 1 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (52) | New Advent
- Letter 12 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (52-53) | New Advent
- Letter 13 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (53-54) | New Advent
- Letter 25 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (54-55) | New Advent
- Letter 28 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (55-56) | New Advent
- Letter 29 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (56-57) | New Advent
- Letter 30 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (57-58) | New Advent
- Letter 32 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (58) | New Advent
- Letter 33 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (58-59) | New Advent
- Letter 35 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (59) | New Advent
- Letter 36 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (59-60) | New Advent
- Letter 37 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (60) | New Advent
- Letter 38 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (60) | New Advent
- Letter 40 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (60-61) | New Advent
- Letter 44 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (61-62) | New Advent
- Letter 45 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (62-67) | New Advent
- Letter 46 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (67-68) | New Advent
- Letter 47 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (68-69) | New Advent
- Letter 50 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (69) | New Advent
- Letter 54 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (69-70) | New Advent
- Letter 55 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (70) | New Advent
- Letter 56 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (70-71) | New Advent
- Letter 57 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (71) | New Advent
- Letter 58 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (71-72) | New Advent
- Letter 59 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (72) | New Advent
- Letter 60 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (72-73) | New Advent
- Letter 61 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (73) | New Advent
- Letter 62 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (73-74) | New Advent
- Letter 63 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (74) | New Advent
- Letter 64 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (74-81) | New Advent
- Letter 65 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (81) | New Advent
- Letter 66 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (81-82) | New Advent
- Letter 67 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (82-84) | New Advent
- Letter 68 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (84) | New Advent
- Letter 69 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (84) | New Advent
- Letter 76 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (84-85) | New Advent
- Letter 77 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (85-86) | New Advent
- Letter 78 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (86) | New Advent
Book 12
- Letter 1 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (87) | New Advent
- Letter 8 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (87-88) | New Advent
- Letter 24 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (88-89) | New Advent
- Letter 25 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (89) | New Advent
- Letter 28 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (89-90) | New Advent
- Letter 29 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (90-91) | New Advent
- Letter 32 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (91) | New Advent
- Letter 50 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (91) | New Advent
Book 13
- Letter 1 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (92-93) | New Advent
- Letter 5 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (93) | New Advent
- Letter 6 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (93-94) | New Advent
- Letter 7 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (94-95) | New Advent
- Letter 8 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (95) | New Advent
- Letter 9 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (95-96) | New Advent
- Letter 10 (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (96) | New Advent
- Letter 12 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (96-97) | New Advent
- Letter 18 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (97) | New Advent
- Letter 22 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (97-98) | New Advent
- Letter 26 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (98) | New Advent
- Letter 27 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (98-99) | New Advent
- Letter 31 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (99) | New Advent
- Letter 34 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (99-100) | New Advent
- Letter 38 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (100) | New Advent
- Letter 39 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (100-01) | New Advent
- Letter 40 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (101) | New Advent
- Letter 41 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (101-02) | New Advent
- Letter 42 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (102) | New Advent
Book 14
- Letter 2 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (103-04) | New Advent
- Letter 4 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (104) | New Advent
- Letter 7 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (104-05) | New Advent
- Letter 8 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (105-06) | New Advent
- Letter 12 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (106-07) | New Advent
- Letter 13 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (107) | New Advent
- Letter 16 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (107-09) | New Advent
- Letter 17 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 13 (109-11) | New Advent
St. Columban (543-615) | WEST
- The Rule of Colmcille (Columba) (§§29) | CS, Vol. 162 (39-41)
- The Rule of Columban | CS, Vol. 270 (49-224)
St. Modestus of Jerusalem (died 634) | EAST
- An Encomium on the Dormition of Our Most Holy Lady, Mary, Mother of God and Ever-Virgin (§§14) | PPS, Vol. 18 (83-100)
St. Anastasius I of Antioch (c. 558/559-70-c. 596-98) | EAST
- Homily 1: On the Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ (§§9) | PPS, Vol. 48 (131-42)
St. Isidore of Seville (c. 560-636) | WEST
- De Ecclesiasticis Officiis (2 Books) | ACW, Vol. 61 (27-113)
- Sententiae (3 Books) | ACW, Vol. 73 (37-218)
- On the Nature of Things (§§48) | TTH, Vol. 66 (103-76)
- The Verse Epistle of Ing Sisebut | TTH, Vol. 66 (257-59)
- The Poem of the Winds | TTH, Vol. 66 (265-66)
- The Etymologies (20 Books) | St. Isidore, Etymologies (39-406)
- Correspondence of Isidore and Braulio | St. Isidore, Etymologies (409-13)
St. Pope Agatho (c. 577-681) | WEST
St. John Climacus (c. 579-649) | EAST
- The Ladder of Divine Ascent (§§30) | CWS, Climacus, Ladder of Divine Ascent (73-291)
St. Maximus the Confessor (c. 580-662) | EAST
- On Difficulties in Sacred Scripture: The Responses to Thalassios (§§65) | CUA, Vol. 136 (69-557) | PPS, Vol. 25 (97-171) [§§1-2, 6, 17, 21-22, 42, 60-61, 64]
- The Ascetic Life (§§45) | ACW, Vol. 21 (103-35)
- The Four Centuries on Charity (§§400) | ACW, Vol. 21 (136-208) | CWS, Maximus the Confessor, Writings (35-87)
- On Difficulties in the Church Fathers/Book of Difficulties (Ambiguum) (Ambigua to Thomas and John) | DOML, Vol. 28 (1-451) | DOML, Vol. 29 (1-331) | PPS, Vol. 25 (45-95) [§§7-8, 42]
- Opusculum (Treatise) 6: On the Two Wills of Christ in the Agony of Gethsemane | PPS, Vol. 25 (173-76)
- Two Hundred Chapters on Theology (2 Books) | PPS, Vol. 53 (42-181)
- On the Ecclesiastical Mystagogy (§§24) | PPS, Vol. 59 (46-99) | CWS, Maximus the Confessor, Writings (183-214)
- The Life of the Virgin (§§134) | St. Maximus the Confessor, Shoemaker, Life of the Virgin (36-159)
- Disputation with Pyrrhus (§§220) | St. Maximus the Confessor, Farrell, Disputation with Pyrrhus (53-128)
- The Trial of Maximus (§§15) | CWS, Maximus the Confessor, Writings (17-28)
- Commentary on the Our Father | CWS, Maximus the Confessor, Writings (101-19)
- Chapters on Knowledge (2 Books) | CWS, Maximus the Confessor, Writings (129-70)
- Questions and Doubts | St. Maximus the Confessor, Prassas, Questions and Doubts (43-157)
St. Braulio of Saragossa/Zaragoza (585-651) | WEST
- Life of St. Emilian (§§38) | CUA, Vol. 63 (113-39)
- List of the Books of Isidore (§§17) | CUA, Vol. 63 (140-42)
- Letter 1: From St. Isidore to Archdeacon Braulio | CUA, Vol. 63 (15)
- Letter 2: From St. Isidore to Archdeacon Braulio | CUA, Vol. 63 (16)
- Letter 3: To St. Isidore | CUA, Vol. 63 (16-18)
- Letter 4: From St. Isidore to Bishop Braulio | CUA, Vol. 63 (18-19)
- Letter 5: To St. Isidore | CUA, Vol. 63 (19-24)
- Letter 6: From St. Isidore to Bishop Braulio | CUA, Vol. 63 (25)
- Letter 7 (scholarly numbering issue) | CUA, Vol. 63 (26)
- Letter 8: From St. Isidore to Bishop Braulio | CUA, Vol. 63 (26)
- Letter 9: To Iactatus the priest | CUA, Vol. 63 (26-28)
- Letter 10: To Iactatus the priest | CUA, Vol. 63 (28-30)
- Letter 11: To the priest, Tajo | CUA, Vol. 63 (30-33)
- Letter 12: To Floridius, Archdeacon | CUA, Vol. 63 (34-35)
- Letter 13: To Fronimian, priest and abbot | CUA, Vol. 63 (35-38)
- Letter 14: To Fronimian, priest and abbot | CUA, Vol. 63 (38-40)
- Letter 15: To Basilla | CUA, Vol. 63 (40-42)
- Letter 16: To Apicella | CUA, Vol. 63 (43)
- Letter 17: To Wiligildus, Bishop | CUA, Vol. 63 (43-45)
- Letter 18: To Pomponia, abbess | CUA, Vol. 63 (45-47)
- Letter 19: To Hojo and Eutrocia | CUA, Vol. 63 (47-49)
- Letter 20: To Hojo and Eutrocia | CUA, Vol. 63 (50-51)
- Letter 21: To Pope Honorius | CUA, Vol. 63 (51-56)
- Letter 22: To Bishop Eutropius | CUA, Vol. 63 (57-60)
- Letter 23: To Bishop Valentinus | CUA, Vol. 63 (60-62)
- Letter 24: To Bishop Valentinus | CUA, Vol. 63 (62-63)
- Letter 25: To Emilian, priest and abbot | CUA, Vol. 63 (63-65)
- Letter 26: From Emilian to Bishop Braulio | CUA, Vol. 63 (65)
- Letter 27: To Emilian, priest and abbot | CUA, Vol. 63 (66)
- Letter 28: To Ataulfus | CUA, Vol. 63 (67)
- Letter 29: To Gundeswinda and Givarius | CUA, Vol. 63 (68-69)
- Letter 30: To Wistremir | CUA, Vol. 63 (69-71)
- Letter 31: To King Chindaswinth | CUA, Vol. 63 (71-73)
- Letter 32: Unknown to Bishop Braulio | CUA, Vol. 63 (73-74)
- Letter 33: To King Chindaswinth | CUA, Vol. 63 (74-75)
- Letter 34: To Nebridius | CUA, Vol. 63 (75-76)
- Letter 35: From Eugene to Bishop Braulio | CUA, Vol. 63 (77-78)
- Letter 36: To Eugene, Bishop | CUA, Vol. 63 (78-83)
- Letter 37: From Bishops Braulio and Eutropius, and Celsus, to King Chindaswinth | CUA, Vol. 63 (83-85)
- Letter 38: To King Receswinth | CUA, Vol. 63 (85)
- Letter 39: From King Receswinth to Bishop Braulio | CUA, Vol. 63 (86)
- Letter 40: To King Receswinth | CUA, Vol. 63 (86-87)
- Letter 41: From King Receswinth to Bishop Braulio | CUA, Vol. 63 (87)
- Letter 42: To Tajo, priest and abbot | CUA, Vol. 63 (88-95)
- Letter 43: From Fructuosus to Bishop Braulio | CUA, Vol. 63 (96-99)
- Fragment of a Letter from Abbot Tajo to Bishop Braulio | CUA, Vol. 63 (88)
St. Carthage (500s) | WEST
- The Rule of Carthage | CS, Vol. 162 (61-73)
St. Pope Martin I (590 to 600-655) | WEST
- To the Church of Carthage (October 31, 649) | Neil and Allen, Conflict and Negotiation (204-10)
- To John, Bishop of Philadelphia (October 31, 649) | Neil and Allen, Conflict and Negotiation (210-18)
- To Bishop Antony of Bacatha (October 31, 649) | Neil and Allen, Conflict and Negotiation (218-20)
- To Bishop Theodore of Esbus (October 31, 649) | Neil and Allen, Conflict and Negotiation (220-21)
- To George, Archimandrite of the Monastery of Holy Theodosius (October 31, 649) | Neil and Allen, Conflict and Negotiation (221-22)
- To Pantaleon, a Cleric in Jerusalem (October 31, 649) | Neil and Allen, Conflict and Negotiation (222-26)
- To the Church of Jerusalem and Antioch (October 31, 649) | Neil and Allen, Conflict and Negotiation (226-30)
- To the Clergy and Laity of the Church of Thessalonica (November 649) | Neil and Allen, Conflict and Negotiation (230-35)
St. Pope Leo II (c. 611-683) | WEST
- To Ervigius, King of Spain (late 682-683) | Neil and Allen, Conflict and Negotiation (235-40)
St. Fructuosus of Braga (died 665) | WEST
- Rule for the Monastery of Compludo (§§24) | CUA, Vol. 63 (156-75)
- General Rule for Monasteries (§§20) | CUA, Vol. 63 (177-206)
- Pact | CUA, Vol. 63 (207-209)
- Monastic Agreement (§§9) | CUA, Vol. 63 (217-20)
- Letter to King Receswinth | CUA, Vol. 63 (210-12)
St. Isaac of Nineveh/Isaac the Syrian (c. 613-c. 700) | EAST
- First Discourse (§§39) | PPS, Vol. 11 (25-32)
- Second Discourse (§§35) | PPS, Vol. 11 (33-41)
- Third Discourse (§§67) | PPS, Vol. 11 (43-61)
- Fourth Discourse (§§90) | PPS, Vol. 11 (63-80)
- Fifth Discourse (§§86) | PPS, Vol. 11 (81-99)
- Sixth Discourse (§§29) | PPS, Vol. 11 (101-16)
St. Germanus of Constantinople (c. 634-733/40) | EAST
- Ecclesiastical History and Mystical Contemplation (§§43) | PPS, Vol. 8 (56-107)
Homilies and Orations
- Homily 1: On the Most Venerable Dormition of the Holy Mother of God (§§12) | PPS, Vol. 18 (153-66)
- Homily 2: An Encomium on the Holy and Venerable Dormition of Our Most Glorious Lady, the Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary (§§11) | PPS, Vol. 18 (169-79)
- On the Entrance into the Temple of the Supremely Holy Theotokos (§§19) | PPS, Vol. 35 (145-62)
- Encomium to the Holy Theotokos, When She Was Brought into the Temple (into the Holy of Holies) at the Age of Three by Her Parents (§§9) | PPS, Vol. 35 (163-72)
- Oration on the Annunciation of the Supremely Holy Theotokos (§§7) | PPS, Vol. 35 (221-46)
- Oration on the Consecration of the Venerable Church of Our Supremely Holy Lady, the Theotokos, and on the Holy Swaddling Clothes of Our Lord Jesus Christ (§§11) | PPS, Vol. 35 (247-55)
St. Julian of Toledo (642-90) | WEST
- Letter of Idalius of Barcelona to St. Julian of Toledo | ACW, Vol. 63 (363-66)
- Letter of Idalius of Barcelona to Suntfredus | ACW, Vol. 63 (366-67)
- Foreknowledge of the World to Come (3 Books) | ACW, Vol. 63 (371-464)
St. Anastasius of Sinai (died after 700) | EAST
- Homily on the Transfiguration | PPS, Vol. 48 (163-78)
St. Andrew of Crete/Jerusalem (c. 650-712/726/740) | EAST
- Homily 1: On the Dormition of Our Most Holy Lady, the Mother of God (§§9) | PPS, Vol. 18 (103-14)
- Homily 2: On the Dormition of Our Most Holy Lady, the Mother of God (§§16) | PPS, Vol. 18 (117-34)
- Homily 3: On the Dormition of Our Most Holy Lady, the Mother of God (§§15) | PPS, Vol. 18 (137-50)
- Homily 7: On the Transfiguration of Our Lord (§§) | PPS, Vol. 48 (181-201)
- On the Nativity of the Supremely Holy Theotokos, No. 1 (§§10) | PPS, Vol. 35 (71-84)
- On the Nativity of Our Supremely Holy Lady, the Theotokos, with Proof that She Descends from the Seed of David (§§11) | PPS, Vol. 35 (85-105)
- On the Birthday of Our Wholly Unblemished Lady, the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, and a Demonstration from Ancient History and From Diverse Testimonies that She is Descended from the Seed of David (§§10) | PPS, Vol. 35 (107-22)
- On the Holy Nativity of Our Supremely Holy Lady, the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary (§§7) | PPS, Vol. 35 (123-38)
- Oration on the Annunciation of the Supremely Holy Lady, Our Theotokos (§§16) | PPS, Vol. 35 (197-219)
St. Bede the Venerable (c. 672/73-735) | WEST
- On the Tabernacle (3 Books) | TTH, Vol. 18 (1-163)
- On the Temple (2 Books) | TTH, Vol. 21 (1-117)
- On the Nature of Things (§§51) | TTH, Vol. 56 (71-103)
- On Times (§§22) | TTH, Vol. 56 (106-31)
- On the Holy Places (§§19) | TTH, Vol. 28 (5-25)
- On the Resting-Places | TTH, Vol. 28 (29-34)
- On Eight Questions (§§8) | TTH, Vol. 28 (149-65)
Biblical Commentaries
- On Genesis (4 Books) |TTH, Vol. 48 (65-322) | ACT, Commentaries on Genesis 1-3, Severian of Gabala and Bede the Venerable (113-59) [Book 1]
- On First Samuel (4 Books) |TTH, Vol. 70 (95-523)
- Thirty Questions on the Book of Kings (§§30) | TTH, Vol. 28 (89-138)
- On What Isaiah Says | TTH, Vol. 28 (39-51)
- On Ezra and Nehemiah (3 Books) | TTH, Vol. 47 (1-226)
- On Tobias | TTH, Vol. 28 (57-79)
- Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles (§§29) | CS, Vol. 117 (3-197)
- Commentary on James | CS, Vol. 82 (7-65)
- Commentary on 1 Peter | CS, Vol. 82 (69-120)
- Commentary on 2 Peter | CS, Vol. 82 (123-56)
- Commentary on 1 John | CS, Vol. 82 (159-228)
- Commentary on 2 John | CS, Vol. 82 (231-34)
- Commentary on 3 John | CS, Vol. 82 (235-38)
- Commentary on Jude | CS, Vol. 82 (241-52)
- Commentary on Revelation (3 Books) | TTH, Vol. 58 (99-286) | ACT, Latin Commentaries on Revelation (110-95)
- The Capitula Lectionum on Revelation (ascribed to St. Bede) | TTH, Vol. 28 (287-91)
Book 1
- Homily 1: On Mark 1:4-8, in Advent | CS, Vol. 110 (1-8)
- Homily 2: On John 1:15-18, in Advent | CS, Vol. 110 (9-17)
- Homily 3: On Luke 1:26-28, in Advent | CS, Vol. 110 (19-28)
- Homily 4: On Luke 1:39-55, in Advent | CS, Vol. 110 (30-43)
- Homily 5: On Matthew 1:18-25, on the Eve of Christmas | CS, Vol. 110 (44-50)
- Homily 6: On Luke 2:1-14, Christmas | CS, Vol. 110 (52-64)
- Homily 7: On Luke 2:15-20, Christmas | CS, Vol. 110 (65-71)
- Homily 8: On John 1:1-14, Christmas | CS, Vol. 110 (73-83)
- Homily 9: On John 21:19-24, Feast of St. John the Evangelist | CS, Vol. 110 (85-94)
- Homily 10: On Matthew 2:13-23, Feast of the Holy Innocents | CS, Vol. 110 (96-102)
- Homily 11: On Luke 2:21, on the Octave Day of Christmas | CS, Vol. 110 (103-111)
- Homily 12: On Matthew 3:13-17, Epiphany | CS, Vol. 110 (113-23)
- Homily 13: On Matthew 19:27-29, Feast of St. Benedict Biscop | CS, Vol. 110 (125-32)
- Homily 14: On John 2:1-11, after Epiphany | CS, Vol. 110 (134-46)
- Homily 15: On John 1:29-34, after Epiphany | CS, Vol. 110 (148-55)
- Homily 16: On John 1:35-42, after Epiphany | CS, Vol. 110 (156-65)
- Homily 17: On John 1:43-51, after Epiphany | CS, Vol. 110 (166-77)
- Homily 18: On Luke 2:22-35, Feast of the Purification | CS, Vol. 110 (179-86)
- Homily 19: On Luke 2:42-52 | CS, Vol. 110 (187-94)
- Homily 20: On Matthew 16:13-19, Chair of St. Peter | CS, Vol. 110 (196-204)
- Homily 21: On Matthew 9:9-13, in Lent | CS, Vol. 110 (205-14)
- Homily 22: On Matthew 15:21-28, in Lent | CS, Vol. 110 (215-21)
- Homily 23: On John 5:1-18 | CS, Vol. 110 (222-33)
- Homily 24: On Matthew 16:27-17:9 | CS, Vol. 110 (234-44)
- Homily 25: On John 8:1-12, in Lent | CS, Vol. 110 (245-52)
Book 2
- Homily 1: On John 2:12-22, in Lent | CS, Vol. 111 (1-12)
- Homily 2: On John 6:1-14, in Lent | CS, Vol. 111 (13-21)
- Homily 3: On Matthew 21:1-9, Palm Sunday | CS, Vol. 111 (23-31)
- Homily 4: On John 11:55-12:11, Holy Week | CS, Vol. 111 (33-41)
- Homily 5: On John 13:1-17, Holy Thursday | CS, Vol. 111 (43-50)
- Homily 6: On Mark 7:31-37, Holy Saturday | CS, Vol. 111 (51-57)
- Homily 7: On Matthew 28:1-10, Easter Vigil | CS, Vol. 111 (58-68)
- Homily 8: On Matthew 28:16-20, Easter | CS, Vol. 111 (69-77)
- Homily 9: On Luke 24:36-47, after Easter | CS, Vol. 111 (78-87)
- Homily 10: On Luke 24:1-9, after Easter | CS, Vol. 111 (88-97)
- Homily 11: On John 16:5-15, after Easter | CS, Vol. 111 (98-107)
- Homily 12: On John 16:23-30, after Easter | CS, Vol. 111 (108-16)
- Homily 13: On John 16:16-22, after Easter | CS, Vol. 111 (117-23)
- Homily 14: On Luke 11:9-13, the Greater Litanies | CS, Vol. 111 (124-33)
- Homily 15: On Luke 24:44-53, Ascension | CS, Vol. 111 (135-47)
- Homily 16: On John 15:26-16:4, after Ascension | CS, Vol. 111 (149-62)
- Homily 17: On John 14:15-21, Pentecost | CS, Vol. 111 (164-77)
- Homily 18: John 3:1-16, the Octave of Pentecost | CS, Vol. 111 (178-86)
- Homily 19: On Luke 1:5-17, Vigil of the Nativity of John the Baptist | CS, Vol. 111 (188-200)
- Homily 20: On Luke 1:57-68, Nativity of John the Baptist | CS, Vol. 111 (202-10)
- Homily 21: On Matthew 20:20-23, Saints John and Paul (or St. James) | CS, Vol. 111 (211-19)
- Homily 22: On John 21:15-19, Saints Peter and Paul | CS, Vol. 111 (220-28)
- Homily 23: On Matthew 14:1-12, the Beheading of John the Baptist | CS, Vol. 111 (229-39)
- Homily 24: On John 10:22-30, Dedication of a Church | CS, Vol. 111 (241-53)
- Homily 25: On Luke 6:43-48, Dedication of a Church | CS, Vol. 111 (255-68)
Excerpts from the Works of St. Augustine on the Letters of the Blessed Apostle Paul
- St. Augustine’s Commentary: The Letter of Paul to the Church in Rome (§§1-125) | CS, Vol. 183 (19-105)
- St. Augustine’s Commentary: The First Letter of Paul to the Church at Corinth (§§126-221) | CS, Vol. 183 (109-72)
- St. Augustine’s Commentary: The Second Letter of Paul to the Church at Corinth (§§222-261) | CS, Vol. 183 (175-98)
- St. Augustine’s Commentary: The Letter of Paul to the Church in Galatia (§§262-308) | CS, Vol. 183 (201-30)
- St. Augustine’s Commentary: The Letter of Paul to the Church at Ephesus (§§309-339) | CS, Vol. 183 (233-51)
- St. Augustine’s Commentary: The Letter of Paul to the Church at Philippi (§§340-363) | CS, Vol. 183 (255-69)
- St. Augustine’s Commentary: The Letter of Paul to the Church at Colossae (§§364-386) | CS, Vol. 183 (273-82)
- St. Augustine’s Commentary: The First Letter of Paul to the Church in Thessalonika (§§387-393) | CS, Vol. 183 (285-88)
- St. Augustine’s Commentary: The Second Letter of Paul to the Church in Thessalonika (§§394-395) | CS, Vol. 183 (291-94)
- St. Augustine’s Commentary: The First Letter from Paul to Timothy (§§396-422) | CS, Vol. 183 (297-314)
- St. Augustine’s Commentary: The Second Letter from Paul to Timothy (§§423-437) | CS, Vol. 183 (317-25)
- St. Augustine’s Commentary: The Letter from Paul to Titus (§§438-441) | CS, Vol. 183 (329-30)
- St. Augustine’s Commentary: The Letter from Paul to the Hebrews (§§442-457) | CS, Vol. 183 (333-44)
St. Pope Gregory III (died 741) | WEST
“CC” stands for the collection of letters called Codex Epistolaris Carolinus.
- Letter 1 (CC): To Charles Martel (December 739-early 740) | TTH, Vol. 77 (148-51)
- Letter 2 (CC): To Charles Martel | TTH, Vol. 77 (151-52)
St. John of Damascus (c. 675/76-749) | EAST
- The Fount of Knowledge (§§68) | CUA, Vol. 37 (3-110)
- On Heresies (§§103) | CUA, Vol. 37 (111-63)
- Exposition of the Orthodox Faith (4 Books) | CUA, Vol. 37 (165-406) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 9 (1-101) | New Advent
- Canon for the Dormition of the Mother of God (Tone IV) | PPS, Vol. 18 (241-46)
- Treatise 1: On the Divine Images (§§68) | PPS, Vol. 24 (19-58)
- Treatise 2: On the Divine Images (§§66) | PPS, Vol. 24 (59-80)
- Treatise 3: On the Divine Images (§§138) | PPS, Vol. 24 (81-158)
- An Oration on the Nativity of the Holy Theotokos Mary (§§12) | PPS, Vol. 35 (53-70)
- Oration on the Transfiguration of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (§§20) | PPS, Vol. 48 (205-31)
- Homily 2: On the Holy and Glorious Dormition and Transformation of Our Lady Mary, Mother of God and Ever-Virgin (§§19) | PPS, Vol. 18 (203-23)
- Homily 3: A Discourse on the Dormition of Our Lady, the Mother of God (§§5) | PPS, Vol. 18 (231-38)
St. Boniface (c. 675-754) | WEST
- Letter 1 (9): Winfred to young Nithard, Urging him to pursue his studies (716-717) | St. Boniface, Letters (1-3)
- Letter 2 (10): Description of a Vision Seen by a Monk of the Monastery at Wenlock (716) | St. Boniface, Letters (3-9)
- Letter 3 (2): Bishop Daniel of Winchester gives Winfred a General Letter of Introduction (718) | St. Boniface, Letters (10)
- Letter 4 (12): Pope Gregory II Entrusts the Priests, Boniface, with the Mission to the Heathen (May 15, 719) | St. Boniface, Letters (10-11)
- Letter 5 (13): Abbess Egburga to Winfred (716-718) | St. Boniface, Letters (12-14)
- Letter 6 (14): The Abbess Eangyth and Her Daughter Heaburg [Bugga] to Boniface (719-722) | St. Boniface, Letters (14-18)
- Letter 7 (15): Bugga Congratulates Boniface Upon His Success in Frisia (c. 720) | St. Boniface, Letters (18-19)
- Letter 8 (16): The Oath of Bishop Boniface (November 30, 722) | St. Boniface, Letters (19)
- Letter 9 (17): Pope Gregory II Commends Bishop Boniface to All German Christians (December 1, 722) | St. Boniface, Letters (20-21)
- Letter 10 (18): Pope Gregory II Invests Boniface with Episcopal Authority (December 1, 722) | St. Boniface, Letters (21-22)
- Letter 11 (19): Pope Gregory II Commends Boniface to Thuringian Leaders (December 722) | St. Boniface, Letters (22-23)
- Letter 12 (20): Pope Gregory II Recommends Boniface to Charles Martel (December 722) | St. Boniface, Letters (23)
- Letter 13 (21): Pope Gregory III Calls Upon the Old Saxons to Give Up Their Heathen Religion and to Accept the Teachings of Boniface (738-739) | St. Boniface, Letters (23-25)
- Letter 14 (22): Charles Martel Commends Boniface to All Frankish Officials (723) | St. Boniface, Letters (25)
- Letter 15 (23): Bishop Daniel of Winchester Advises Boniface on the Method of Conversion (723-724) | St. Boniface, Letters (26-28)
- Letter 16 (24): Reply of Pope Gregory II to a Report of Boniface (December 4, 724) | St. Boniface, Letters (28-30)
- Letter 17 (25): Pope Gregory II Commends Boniface to the Thuringians (December 724) | St. Boniface, Letters (30-31)
- Letter 18 (26): Replies of Pope Gregory II to Questions of Boniface (November 22, 726) | St. Boniface, Letters (31-34)
- Letter 19 (27): Boniface Gives Advice to Abbess Bugga Regarding Her Pilgrimage to Rome (Before 738) | St. Boniface, Letters (34-35)
- Letter 20 (28): Pope Gregory II Promotes Boniface to the Rank of Missionary Archbishop and Sends Him the Pallium (c. 732) | St. Boniface, Letters (35-37)
- Letter 21 (29): The English Nun Lioba Asks the Prayers of Boniface for Her Parents (soon after 732) | St. Boniface, Letters (37-38)
- Letter 22 (30): Boniface Thanks the Abbess Eadburga for a Gift of Books (735-736) | St. Boniface, Letters (38-39)
- Letter 23 (32): Boniface to Bishop Pehthelm of Whithorn in Scotland on the Marriage of a Godfather with the Mother of a Child (735) | St. Boniface, Letters (39-40)
- Letter 24 (33): Boniface Asks Archbishop Nothelm of Canterbury to Forward a Copy of the Questions Sent to Pope Gregory I by the Anglo-Saxon Missionary, Augustine, and the Pope’s Answers Thereto (735) | St. Boniface, Letters (40-41)
- Letter 25 (34): Boniface Asks His Former Pupil, Abbot Duddo, to Send Him Certain Manuscripts (735) | St. Boniface, Letters (41-42)
- Letter 26 (35): Boniface Asks the Abbess Eadburga to Make Him a Copy of the Epistles of St. Peter in Letters of Gold (735) | St. Boniface, Letters (42-43)
- Letter 27 (36): Sigebald, a Priest, Renews His Request That He Might Consider Boniface His Bishop in Conjunction With His Regular Diocesan, Daniel of Winchester (732-745) | St. Boniface, Letters (43)
- Letter 28 (37): An Unnamed Person (Perhaps Lullus) Sends a Letter of Condolences to one Si(gebald) (735-786) | St. Boniface, Letters (44)
- Letter 29 (38): Boniface Requests the Prayers of Abbot Aldherius for Himself and for the German Idolaters (732-754) | St. Boniface, Letters (44-45)
- Letter 30 (40): Boniface Arranges the Affairs of the Monastery of Fritzlar After the Death of Abbot Wigbert (737-738) | St. Boniface, Letters (45-46)
- Letter 31 (41): Boniface Reports to the Brothers at Fritzlar and Elsewhere His Reception by Pope Gregory III (738) | St. Boniface, Letters (46)
- Letter 32 (42): Pope Gregory III Commends Boniface, On His Return from Rome, to All Bishops, Priests, and Abbots (c. 738) | St. Boniface, Letters (46-47)
- Letter 33 (43): Pope Gregory III to the Nobility and People of Hesse and Thuringia (c. 738) | St. Boniface, Letters (47-49)
- Letter 34 (44): Pope Gregory II to the Bishops in Bavaria and Alemmania (c. 738) | St. Boniface, Letters (49-50)
- Letter 35 (45): Pope Gregory III to Boniface, Organization of the Church in Bavaria (October 29, 739) | St. Boniface, Letters (50-52)
- Letter 36 (46): Boniface Calls Upon All Anglo-Saxons to Pray for the Conversion of the Saxons (c. 738) | St. Boniface, Letters (52-53)
- Letter 37 (47): Bishop Torthelm of Leicester to Boniface Regarding the Conversion of the Saxons (after 737) | St. Boniface, Letters (53-54)
- Letter 38 (48): Boniface Seeks Protection for His Mission in Thuringia from the Palace Mayor, Grifo (741) | St. Boniface, Letters (54-55)
- Letter 39 (49): Denehard, Lulus, and Burchard to Abbess Cuninburg Asking Her Prayers for Help (739-741) | St. Boniface, Letters (55-56)
- Letter 40 (50): Boniface to Pope Zacharias on His Accession to the Papacy (early 742) | St. Boniface, Letters (56-61)
- Letter 41 (51): Answers of Pope Zacharias to the Inquires of Boniface (April 1, 743) | St. Boniface, Letters (61-66)
- Letter 42 (52): Pope Zacharias Confirms the Establishment of the Bishopric of Buraburg (April 1, 743) | St. Boniface, Letters (66-67)
- Letter 43 (54): Cardinal-Deacon Gemmulus to Boniface: Apology for Delay in Sending a Copy of the Registrum of Pope Gregory I (742-743) | St. Boniface, Letters (68-69)
- Letter 44 (56): Karlmann, Palace Mayor of the Eastern Franks, Publishes the Decrees of the Synods of 742 and 743 | St. Boniface, Letters (69-72)
- Letter 45 (57): Pope Zacharias to Boniface in Regard to the Grant of the Pallium to the Archbishops of Rouen, Rheims, and Sens (June 22, 744) | St. Boniface, Letters (72-74)
- Letter 46 (58): Pope Zacharias Answers a Request of Boniface to Send the Pallium to Grimo of Rouen Alone and Denis the Accusation of Simony (November 5, 744) | St. Boniface, Letters (74-76)
- Letter 47 (59): Acts of the Roman Synod of October 25, 745, Condemnation of Aldebert and Clemens at the Suggestion of Boniface | St. Boniface, Letters (76-85)
- Letter 48 (60): Pope Zacharias to Boniface Regarding the Frankish Synods, Approving the Establishment of an Archbishopric at Cologone, Church Reforms (October 31, 745) | St. Boniface, Letters (85-89)
- Letter 49 (61): Pope Zacharias Urges the Frankish Clergy and Laity to Support the Reforms of Boniface (October 745) | St. Boniface, Letters (89-91)
- Letter 50 (62): The Roman Cardinal-Deacon Gemmulus Sends Boniface an Account of the Roman Synod of 745 (745) | St. Boniface, Letters (91-92)
- Letter 51 (63): Boniface to Bishop Daniel of Winchester, Describing the Obstacles to His Work and Asking for a Manuscript of the Prophets (742-746) | St. Boniface, Letters (92-95)
- Letter 52 (64): Bishop Daniel of Winchester Replies to the Inquires and Complaints of Boniface (742-746) | St. Boniface, Letters (95-99)
- Letter 53 (65): Boniface to Abbess Eadburga of Thanet (742-746) | St. Boniface, Letters (99-100)
- Letter 54 (68): Pope Zacharias to Boniface Concerning Cases of Rebaptism in Bavaria (July 1, 746) | St. Boniface, Letters (100-101)
- Letter 55 (69): Boniface to King Ethelbald of Mercia (745-746) | St. Boniface, Letters (101)
- Letter 56 (72): Ingalice, Priest, to Lullus, Deacon, Sending Him Some Small Gifts (c. 740-746) | St. Boniface, Letters (102)
- Letter 57 (73): A Letter of Advice from Boniface and Other Bishops to King Ethelbald of Mercia (746-747) | St. Boniface, Letters (102-108)
- Letter 58 (74): Boniface to a Priest, Herefrid, Concerning His Letter to King Ethelbald (746-747) | St. Boniface, Letters (108-109)
- Letter 59 (75): Boniface to Archbishop Egbert of York Concerning His Letter to King Ethelbald (746-747) | St. Boniface, Letters (110-11)
- Letter 60 (76): Boniface Requests Abbot Huethbert of Wearmouth to Send Him Some of the Works of Bede (746-747) | St. Boniface, Letters (111-12)
- Letter 61 (77): Pope Zacharias Informs Boniface That He Has Sent Copies of Certain Canons to Pippin (January 5, 747) | St. Boniface, Letters (112-13)
- Letter 62 (78): Boniface to Archbishop Cuthbert of Canterbury, Report of Frankish Synods, Complaints of Obstacles to His Mission (747) | St. Boniface, Letters (114-19)
- Letter 63 (79): An Anonymous Letter to One Andhemus Inquiring About Boniface (747-748) | St. Boniface, Letters (119-20)
- Letter 64 (80): Pope Zacharias to Boniface, Reviewing the Questions of Baptism, Heresy, and the Frankish Councils (May 1, 748) | St. Boniface, Letters (120-27)
- Letter 65 (81): King Aelbwald of East Anglia to Boniface (747-749) | St. Boniface, Letters (127-28)
- Letter 66 (82): Pope Zacharias Exhorts the Leading Frankish Bishops to Follow the Directions of Boniface () | St. Boniface, Letters (128-30)
- Letter 67 (83): Pope Zacharias to Certain Frankish Noblemen and Other People (748) | St. Boniface, Letters (130-32)
- Letter 68 (84): Theophylactus, Archdeacon of the Roman Church, Conveys to Boniface the Pope’s Approval of His Work (748) | St. Boniface, Letters (133-34)
- Letter 69 (85): Archdeacon Theophylactus to Boniface, Sending Congratulations on His Success and Recommendation of Archdeacon Lullus (746-747) | St. Boniface, Letters (134-35)
- Letter 70 (86): Boniface Reports to Pope Zacharias the Foundation of the Monastery at Fulda (751) | St. Boniface, Letters (135-37)
- Letter 71 (87): Pope Zacharias Replies to the Inquiries of Boniface (November 4, 751) | St. Boniface, Letters (137-42)
- Letter 72 (88): Elevation of Mainz to an Archbishopric (November 4, 751) | St. Boniface, Letters (142-43)
- Letter 73 (89): Papal Charter for the Monastery of Fulda (November 751) | St. Boniface, Letters (143-44)
- Letter 74 (90): Cardinal-Bishop Benedict to Boniface (November 751) | St. Boniface, Letters (144-45)
- Letter 75 (91): Boniface Begs Archbishop Egbert of York to Send Him Certain Works of Bede and Inquiries Regarding Procedure Against Immoral Priests (747-751) | St. Boniface, Letters (145-47)
- Letter 76 (93): Boniface Asks for the Support of Abbot Fulrad of St. Denis in His Petition to King Pippin in Behalf of His Anglo-Saxon Associates–Also for the Appointment of Lullus as His Successors (752?) | St. Boniface, Letters (147-48)
- Letter 77 (94): A Letter of Consolation from Boniface to the Abbess Bugga (732-754) | St. Boniface, Letters (148-50)
- Letter 78 (95): Boniface Commends a Messenger to Count Reginbert (732-754) | St. Boniface, Letters (150)
- Letter 79 (96): Boniface to Lioba, Abbess of Bischofsheim (735-754) | St. Boniface, Letters (150-51)
- Letter 80 (97): Cena Asks the Friendly Interest of Boniface (723-754) | St. Boniface, Letters (151)
- Letter 81 (99): Boniface Commends a Serf to the Priest Denehard (732-754) | St. Boniface, Letters (151-52)
- Letter 82 (101): The Priest Wigbert Writes to the Monks of Glastonbury on Account of His Arrival in Germany and His Reception by Boniface (732-754) | St. Boniface, Letters (152)
- Letter 83 (103): (Lullus) Asks Permission of Boniface to Remain in Thuringia for Purposes of Study (c. 739-741) | St. Boniface, Letters (153-54)
- Letter 84 (104): Boniface to Cardinal-Deacon Gemmulus (742-754) | St. Boniface, Letters (155)
- Letter 85 (105): King Ethelbert of Kent Sends Gifts to Boniface and Asks for a Pair of Falcons (748-754) | St. Boniface, Letters (155-57)
- Letter 86 (106): Boniface Asks Optatus, Abbot of Monte Cassino to Join Him in Mutual Fellowship of Prayer (750-754) | St. Boniface, Letters (157-58)
- Letter 87 (107): Boniface to King Pippin (753) | St. Boniface, Letters (158)
- Letter 88 (108): Boniface Greets the New Pope, Stephen II (752) | St. Boniface, Letters (159)
- Letter 89 (109): Boniface to Pope Stephen II Concerning the Dispute with Cologne About the Bishopric of Utrecht (753) | St. Boniface, Letters (159-61)
- Letter 90 (111): Archbishop Cuthbert of Canterbury to Bishop Lullus on the Death of Boniface (after July 5, 754) | St. Boniface, Letters (161-65)
- Letter 91 (112): Bishop Milret of Worcester to Lullus on the Death of Boniface (after June 5, 754) | St. Boniface, Letters (165-67)
- Letter 92 (115): Description of a Vision, Written to a Monk by an Unknown Author (after 757) | St. Boniface, Letters (167-69)
St. Pope Zachary (679-752) | WEST
“CC” stands for the collection of letters called Codex Epistolaris Carolinus.
- Letter 5 (CC): To Pippin (January 5, 747) | TTH, Vol. 77 (166-80)
St. Pope Paul I (700-767) | WEST
“CC” stands for the collection of letters called Codex Epistolaris Carolinus.
- Letter 12 (CC): An Injunction (762) | TTH, Vol. 77 (206-207)
- Letter 13 (CC): To Pippin (April/May 757) | TTH, Vol. 77 (208-209)
- Letter 14 (CC): To Pippin (beginning of 765) | TTH, Vol. 77 (209-13)
- Letter 15 (CC): To Pippin (758) | TTH, Vol. 77 (213-18)
- Letter 16 (CC): To Pippin (762-767) | TTH, Vol. 77 (219-22)
- Letter 17 (CC): To Pippin (761-766) | TTH, Vol. 77 (222-25)
- Letter 18 (CC): To Pippin (before June 28, 767) | TTH, Vol. 77 (225-27)
- Letter 19 CC): To Pippin (end of 760, 761/762) | TTH, Vol. 77 (227-29)
- Letter 20 (CC): To Pippin (764-766, March 767-June 28, 767) | TTH, Vol. 77 (229-34)
- Letter 21 (CC): To Pippin (April 760) | TTH, Vol. 77 (235-37)
- Letter 21a (CC): To Pippin (758-759) | TTH, Vol. 77 (237)
- Letter 22 (CC): To the Army of the Frankish Kingdom (758-767) | TTH, Vol. 77 (237-39)
- Letter 23 (CC): To Pippin (759-beginning of 760) | TTH, Vol. 77 (239-41)
- Letter 24 (CC): To Pippin (after April 760, mid 764) | TTH, Vol. 77 (241-43)
- Letter 25 (CC): To Pippin (758-763) | TTH, Vol. 77 (243-46)
- Letter 26 (CC): To Pippin (end of 764-end of 766) | TTH, Vol. 77 (247-51)
- Letter 27 (CC): To Pippin (758) | TTH, Vol. 77 (251-53)
- Letter 28 (CC): To Pippin (759, 761-766) | TTH, Vol. 77 (254-55)
- Letter 29 (CC): To Pippin (758-759) | TTH, Vol. 77 (255-57)
- Letter 30 (CC): To Pippin (758-767) | TTH, Vol. 77 (257-58)
- Letter 31 (CC): To Pippin (763) | TTH, Vol. 77 (259-60)
- Letter 32 (CC): To Pippin (January -March 764) | TTH, Vol. 77 (260-63)
- Letter 33 (CC): A Duplicate of Letter 32 | TTH, Vol. 77 (263)
- Letter 34 (CC): To Pippin (759, 761-766) | TTH, Vol. 77 (263-64)
- Letter 35 (CC): To Pippin (758-767) | TTH, Vol. 77 (265-66)
- Letter 36 (CC): From the Roman Senate and People to Pippin (757-58, 760) | TTH, Vol. 77 (266-68)
- Letter 37 (CC): To Pippin (760-766) | TTH, Vol. 77 (269-71)
- Letter 38 (CC): To Pippin (end of 763-beginning of 764) | TTH, Vol. 77 (271-73)
- Letter 39 (CC): To Pippin (758-763) | TTH, Vol. 77 (273-74)
- Letter 40 (CC): To Charles and Carloman (761-766) | TTH, Vol. 77 (274-76)
- Letter 41 (CC): To Charles and Carloman (763) | TTH, Vol. 77 (276-77)
- Letter 42 (CC): To Charles and Carloman (760-766) | TTH, Vol. 77 (277-78)
- Letter 43 (CC): To Pippin (758-767) | TTH, Vol. 77 (279-80)
St. John of Old Lavra/of the Ancient Caves of Palestine (700s) | EAST
- Homily 1: On the Dormition of the Holy Mother of God (§§14) | PPS, Vol. 18 (183-99)
St. Benedict of Aniane (747-821) | WEST
- Ardo, The Life of Benedict of Aniane (§§44) | CS, Vol. 220 (59-109)
St. Nicephorus I of Constantinople (c. 758-828) | EAST
St. Theodore the Studite (759-826) | EAST
- First Refutation of the Iconoclasts (§§20) | PPS, Vol. 6 (19-41) | ACW, Vol. 69 (45-61)
- Second Refutation of the Iconoclasts (§§48) | PPS, Vol. 6 (43-75) | ACW, Vol. 69 (62-87)
- Third Refutation of the Iconoclasts (§§13) | PPS, Vol. 6 (77-114) | ACW, Vol. 69 (88-119)
- Encomium on the Dormition of Our Holy Lady, the Mother of God (§§6) | PPS, Vol. 18 (249-56)
- Seven Chapters Against the Iconoclasts (§§7) | ACW, Vol. 69 (120-28)
- Some Questions Posted to the Iconoclasts (§§15) | ACW, Vol. 69 (129-34)
- Refutation and Subversion of the Impious Poems (§§35) | ACW, Vol. 69 (140-69)
- Letter to His Own Father Plato About the Veneration of the Sacred Images | ACW, Vol. 69 (135-39)
St. Gregory of Narek (c. 945-951-c. 1001-1011 | EAST
- Commentary on the Song of Songs | CS, Vol. 215 (77-208)
St. Symeon the New Theologian (949-1022) | EAST
- The Practical and Theological Chapters (§§100) | CS, Vol. 41 (33-103)
- The First Theological Discourse: Against Those Who Ascribe the Concept of Anteriority to the Father | CS, Vol. 41 (107-22)
- The Second Theological Discourse: Against Those Who Try to Theologize Without the Spirit | CS, Vol. 41 (123-33)
- The Third Theological Discourse: That if the Father is One Thing, Then So Too is the Son; and if the Son is Such, Then So Too is the Spirit; That the Three are One Spirit of the Same Glory, Essence, and Throne | CS, Vol. 41 (134-40)
- First Ethical Discourse | PPS, Vol. 14 (21-89)
- Second Ethical Discourse | PPS, Vol. 14 (83-115)
- Third Ethical Discourse | PPS, Vol. 14 (118-39)
- Fourth Ethical Discourse | PPS, Vol. 15 (12-42)
- Fifth Ethical Discourse | PPS, Vol. 15 (44-62)
- Sixth Ethical Discourse | PPS, Vol. 15 (64-80)
- Seventh Ethical Discourse | PPS, Vol. 15 (82-102)
- Eighth Ethical Discourse | PPS, Vol. 15 (104-10)
- Ninth Ethical Discourse | PPS, Vol. 15 (112-28)
- Tenth Ethical Discourse | PPS, Vol. 14 (142-70)
- Eleventh Ethical Discourse | PPS, Vol. 15 (130-53)
- Twelfth Ethical Discourse | PPS, Vol. 15 (155-62)
- Thirteenth Ethical Discourse | PPS, Vol. 15 (163-72)
- Fourteenth Ethical Discourse | PPS, Vol. 14 (172-81)
- Fifteenth Ethical Discourse | PPS, Vol. 15 (173-81)
- Mystical Prayer | PPS, Vol. 40 (33-35)
- Hymn 1 | PPS, Vol. 40 (35-43)
- Hymn 2 | PPS, Vol. 40 (44-48)
- Hymn 3 | PPS, Vol. 40 (48-49)
- Hymn 4 | PPS, Vol. 40 (49-52)
- Hymn 5 | PPS, Vol. 40 (53-55)
- Hymn 6 | PPS, Vol. 40 (55-56)
- Hymn 7 | PPS, Vol. 40 (56-57)
- Hymn 8 | PPS, Vol. 40 (58-61)
- Hymn 9 | PPS, Vol. 40 (62-63)
- Hymn 10 | PPS, Vol. 40 (64)
- Hymn 11 | PPS, Vol. 40 (64-68)
- Hymn 12 | PPS, Vol. 40 (68-73)
- Hymn 13 | PPS, Vol. 40 (73-77)
- Hymn 14 | PPS, Vol. 40 (77-81)
- Hymn 15 | PPS, Vol. 40 (81-91)
- Hymn 16 | PPS, Vol. 40 (91-93)
- Hymn 17 | PPS, Vol. 40 (93-119)
- Hymn 18 | PPS, Vol. 40 (119-26)
- Hymn 19 | PPS, Vol. 40 (126-32)
- Hymn 20 | PPS, Vol. 40 (133-41)
- Hymn 21 | PPS, Vol. 40 (141-57)
- Hymn 22 | PPS, Vol. 40 (158-65)
- Hymn 23 | PPS, Vol. 40 (165-82)
- Hymn 24 | PPS, Vol. 40 (182-94)
- Hymn 25 | PPS, Vol. 40 (194-99)
- Hymn 26 | PPS, Vol. 40 (200-04)
- Hymn 27 | PPS, Vol. 40 (204-10)
- Hymn 28 | PPS, Vol. 40 (210-18)
- Hymn 29 | PPS, Vol. 40 (218-29)
- Hymn 30 | PPS, Vol. 40 (230-48)
- Hymn 31 | PPS, Vol. 40 (248-55)
- Hymn 32 | PPS, Vol. 40 (255-60)
- Hymn 33 | PPS, Vol. 40 (260-65)
- Hymn 34 | PPS, Vol. 40 (265-70)
- Hymn 35 | PPS, Vol. 40 (271-74)
- Hymn 36 | PPS, Vol. 40 (275-78)
- Hymn 37 | PPS, Vol. 40 (278-80)
- Hymn 38 | PPS, Vol. 40 (280-84)
- Hymn 39 | PPS, Vol. 40 (285-87)
- Hymn 40 | PPS, Vol. 40 (288-91)
- Hymn 41 | PPS, Vol. 40 (291-301)
- Hymn 42 | PPS, Vol. 40 (302-10)
- Hymn 43 | PPS, Vol. 40 (310-15)
- Hymn 44 | PPS, Vol. 40 (316-29)
- Hymn 45 | PPS, Vol. 40 (329-33)
- Hymn 46 | PPS, Vol. 40 (334-35)
- Hymn 47 | PPS, Vol. 40 (335-38)
- Hymn 48 | PPS, Vol. 40 (339-45)
- Hymn 49 | PPS, Vol. 40 (345-48)
- Hymn 50 | PPS, Vol. 40 (349-60)
- Hymn 51 | PPS, Vol. 40 (360-66)
- Hymn 52 | PPS, Vol. 40 (366-71)
- Hymn 53 | PPS, Vol. 40 (372-82)
- Hymn 54 | PPS, Vol. 40 (382-88)
- Hymn 55 | PPS, Vol. 40 (388-96)
- Hymn 56 | PPS, Vol. 40 (396-97)
- Hymn 57 | PPS, Vol. 40 (397-98)
- Hymn 58 | PPS, Vol. 40 (398-410)
St. Anselm of Canterbury (1033/1034-1109 | WEST
- Letter 1: To Lanfranc, Archbishop of Canterbury (1070) | CS, Vol. 96 (73-74)
- Letter 2: To Odo and Lanzo (c.1070/1071) | CS, Vol. 96 (75-78)
- Letter 3: To Robert, the Monk (c. 1070) | CS, Vol. 96 (79-80)
- Letter 4: To Gundulf, the Monk (c. 1071) | CS, Vol. 96 (81-82)
- Letter 5: To Henry, the Monk (c. 1071) | CS, Vol. 96 (83-85)
- Letter 6: To Hugh the Prior | CS, Vol. 96 (86-87)
- Letter 7: To Gundulf, the Monk (c. 1071) | CS, Vol. 96 (87-89)
- Letter 8: To Herluin, the Monk (c. 1071) | CS, Vol. 96 (89-90)
- Letter 9: To Hernost, the Monk (not later than 1075) | CS, Vol. 96 (91-92)
- Letter 10: To Adelaide (c. 1071) | CS, Vol. 96 (92-93)
- Letter 11: To To the Abbot Gerbert (c. 1071) | CS, Vol. 96 (94-95)
- Letter 12: To Ralph (not later than 1078) | CS, Vol. 96 (95-97)
- Letter 13: To the same Ralph (c. 1071 or 1077) | CS, Vol. 96 (98-100)
- Letter 14: To Lanfranc, Archbishop of Canterbury (end of 1072/beginning of 1073) | CS, Vol. 96 (100-101)
- Letter 15: To Girard (before March 1073) | CS, Vol. 96 (102-103)
- Letter 16: To the Monk Gundulf (c. 1070-1077) | CS, Vol. 96 (103-104)
- Letter 17: To the Monk Henry (before 1074) | CS, Vol. 96 (105-107)
- Letter 18: To Abbot William (c. 1070-1077) | CS, Vol. 96 (108)
- Letter 19: From the Monk Avesgotus (c. 1073) | CS, Vol. 96 (109)
- Letter 20: To the Monk Avesgot (c. 1073) | CS, Vol. 96 (110-11)
- Letter 21: To William and Roger (before 1078) | CS, Vol. 96 (111-12)
- Letter 22: To His Uncles Lambert and Folcerald (before 1078) | CS, Vol. 96 (113)
- Letter 23: To Lanfranc, Archbishop of Canterbury (before 1078) | CS, Vol. 96 (114-15)
- Letter 24: To the Monk Henry (c. 1070-1078) | CS, Vol. 96 (116)
- Letter 25: To Lanfranc, Archbishop of Canterbury (c. summer 1072) | CS, Vol. 96 (117-18)
- Letter 26: To Abbot O (c. late 1072/early 1073) | CS, Vol. 96 (119)
- Letter 27: To Lanfranc, Archbishop of Canterbury (c. 1070-1078) | CS, Vol. 96 (119-20)
- Letter 28: To the Monk Gundulf (c. 1072) | CS, Vol. 96 (121)
- Letter 29: To the Monk Ralph (1075-1079) | CS, Vol. 96 (122-23)
- Letter 30: From Lanfranc, Archbishop of Canterbury (c. 1072/1073) | CS, Vol. 96 (123-25)
- Letter 31: From the Same to his Nephew Lanfranc and His Companion Wido (c. 1073) | CS, Vol. 96 (125-26)
- Letter 32: To Lanfranc, Archbishop of Canterbury (c. 1073) | CS, Vol. 96 (127)
- Letter 33: To the Monk Henry (c. 1073) | CS, Vol. 96 (128-29)
- Letter 34: To the Monk Gundulf (c. 1073) | CS, Vol. 96 (129)
- Letter 35: To the Monk Herluin (c. 1073) | CS, Vol. 96 (130-31)
- Letter 36: To Albert, the Physician (c. 1073) | CS, Vol. 96 (131-32)
- Letter 37: To the Novice, Lanzo (c. 1072-1073) | CS, Vol. 96 (133-37)
- Letter 38: To Arnulf, the Monk (before 1078) | CS, Vol. 96 (138)
- Letter 39: To Lanfranc, Archbishop of Canterbury (c. 1073-1077) | CS, Vol. 96 (139-41)
- Letter 40: To Henry, the Monk (c. 1073-1077) | CS, Vol. 96 (142-43)
- Letter 41: To the Monk Gundulf (not later than 1077) | CS, Vol. 96 (144)
- Letter 42: To the Monk Maurice (c. 1073/1074) | CS, Vol. 96 (145-46)
- Letter 43: To the Same (c. 1073/1074) | CS, Vol. 96 (147-48)
- Letter 44: To Albert, the Physician (c. 1073/1074) | CS, Vol. 96 (149-50)
- Letter 45: To Frodelina (c. 1074/1075) | CS, Vol. 96 (151-52)
- Letter 46: To William (c. 1074/1075) | CS, Vol. 96 (153-54)
- Letter 47: To the Monk Maurice (c. 1074/1075) | CS, Vol. 96 (154)
- Letter 48: To Prior Helgot (c. 1075/1078) | CS, Vol. 96 (155)
- Letter 49: To Lanfranc, Archbishop of Canterbury (c. 1074/1075) | CS, Vol. 96 (156-57)
- Letter 50: To the Monk Henry (c. 1075) | CS, Vol. 96 (157-58)
- Letter 51: To the Monks Herluin, Gundulf, and Maurice (c. 1074/1075) | CS, Vol. 96 (159-60)
- Letter 52: To Abbot (c. 1075) | CS, Vol. 96 (161-62)
- Letter 53: To Hernost, Bishop of Rochester (c. 1075/1076) | CS, Vol. 96 (162-63)
- Letter 54: To His Uncles Lambert and Folcerald (before 1078) | CS, Vol. 96 (164)
- Letter 55: To His Cousin Folcerald (c. 1070-1078) | CS, Vol. 96 (165-66)
- Letter 56: To His Cousin Peter (c. 1070-1078) | CS, Vol. 96 (167-68)
- Letter 57: To Lanfranc, Archbishop of Canterbury (c. 1075-1078) | CS, Vol. 96 (169)
- Letter 58: To Prior Henry (c. 1076/1077) | CS, Vol. 96 (170-71)
- Letter 59: To the Monk Gundulf (c. 1076) | CS, Vol. 96 (171-72)
- Letter 60: To the Monk Maurice (c. 1076-1078) | CS, Vol. 96 (172-73)
- Letter 61: To Fulk, Abbot-Elect (c. 1078) | CS, Vol. 96 (174-75)
- Letter 62: To Abbot Walter (before 1078) | CS, Vol. 96 (175-76)
- Letter 63: To Prior Henry (c. 1075-1076) | CS, Vol. 96 (177-79)
- Letter 64: To the Monk Maurice (c. 1076) | CS, Vol. 96 (180-81)
- Letter 65: To Abbot William (spring/summer 1078) | CS, Vol. 96 (181-86)
- Letter 66: To Lanfranc, Archbishop of Canterbury (c. 1076) | CS, Vol. 96 (187-88)
- Letter 67: To Prior Henry (c. 1076) | CS, Vol. 96 (189-90)
- Letter 68: To the Monk Gundulf (c. 1075/1076) | CS, Vol. 96 (190-91)
- Letter 69: To the Monk Maurice (c. 1076) | CS, Vol. 96 (191-92)
- Letter 70: From Durand, Abbot of La Chaise-Dieu (c. 1075-1076) | CS, Vol. 96 (193-94)
- Letter 71: To Duran, Abbot of Chaise-Dieu (c. 1075-1076) | CS, Vol. 96 (195-96)
- Letter 72: To Lanfranc, Archbishop of Canterbury (end of 1076) | CS, Vol. 96 (197-98)
- Letter 73: To Prior Henry (c. end of 1076) | CS, Vol. 96 (199-200)
- Letter 74: To the Monk Maurice (c. end of 1076) | CS, Vol. 96 (201-202)
- Letter 75: To the Monk Lanfranc (c. end of 1076) | CS, Vol. 96 (203-204)
- Letter 76: To Roger (c. spring 1077) | CS, Vol. 96 (204-205)
- Letter 77: To Lanfranc, Archbishop of Canterbury (c. spring 1077) | CS, Vol. 96 (205-207)
- Letter 78: To Gundulf, Bishop of Rochester (c. spring 1077) | CS, Vol. 96 (208-209)
- Letter 79: To the Monk Maurice (spring 1077) | CS, Vol. 96 (210)
- Letter 80: To Abbot Paul (summer 1077) | CS, Vol. 96 (211-13)
- Letter 81: To Hunfrid (c. 1077/1078) | CS, Vol. 96 (214-15)
- Letter 82: To Countess Ida (c. 1077/1078) | CS, Vol. 96 (216)
- Letter 83: To Abbot Rainald (c. 1078) | CS, Vol. 96 (217-18)
- Letter 84: To the Monk Gilbert (c. 1077/1078) | CS, Vol. 96 (219-20)
- Letter 85: To the Monk Walter (c. 1077/1078) | CS, Vol. 96 (220-22)
- Letter 86: To Countess Adela (c. 1077/1078) | CS, Vol. 96 (222-23)
- Letter 87: To Bishop Odo (early September 1078) | CS, Vol. 96 (224)
- Letter 88: From Abbot Fulk (September 1078-February 22, 1079) | CS, Vol. 96 (227-28)
- Letter 89: To Lanfranc, Archbishop of Canterbury (c. 1080) | CS, Vol. 96 (229-30)
- Letter 90: To Lanfranc, Archbishop of Canterbury (c. 1080) | CS, Vol. 96 (232-33)
- Letter 91: To Gundful, Bishop of Rochester (c. 1080) | CS, Vol. 96 (234-35)
- Letter 92: To Abbot Baldwin (c. 1080) | CS, Vol. 96 (235-36)
- Letter 93: To Prior Henry (c. 1080) | CS, Vol. 96 (236-37)
- Letter 94: To Richard and Rohais (c. 1080) | CS, Vol. 96 (237-38)
- Letter 95: To Odo (c. 1080) | CS, Vol. 96 (238-39)
- Letter 96: To Richard and the Other Monks (c. 1080-1081) | CS, Vol. 96 (239-41)
- Letter 97: To the Monk Maurice (c. 1083) | CS, Vol. 96 (242-45)
- Letter 98: To the Monks of Bec (c. 1079/1080) | CS, Vol. 96 (246-47)
- Letter 99: To the Novice Ralph (c. 1079/1080) | CS, Vol. 96 (248-49)
- Letter 100: To Hugh, Archbishop of Lyon (c. 1083/1084) | CS, Vol. 96 (250-51)
- Letter 101: To Helinand (c. 1079/1093) | CS, Vol. 96 (252-55)
- Letter 102: From St. Pope Gregory VII (c. 1079) | CS, Vol. 96 (256)
- Letter 103: To Lanfranc, Archbishop of Canterbury (c. 1084/1085) | CS, Vol. 96 (257-58)
- Letter 104: To the Brothers Living at Conflans (c. 1085) | CS, Vol. 96 (258-59)
- Letter 105: To Fulk, Abbot of Saint Pierre-Sur-Dives (c. 1085) | CS, Vol. 96 (260)
- Letter 106: To Gilbert, Abbot of Westminster (c. 1085) | CS, Vol. 96 (261-62)
- Letter 107: To Bishop G. (c. 1077-1093) | CS, Vol. 96 (262)
- Letter 108: To Mainer, Abbot of Saint Évroul (c. 1085) | CS, Vol. 96 (263)
- Letter 109: To Hugh, Archbishop of Lyon (c. 1085) | CS, Vol. 96 (264-65)
- Letter 110: To Abbot Henry (after Letter 55) | CS, Vol. 96 (266)
- Letter 111: To His Cousin Fulcerald (same time as Letter 110) | CS, Vol. 96 (267)
- Letter 112: To Hugh the Hermit (c. 1086) | CS, Vol. 96 (268-71)
- Letter 113: To Abbot Peter (c. 1087/1088) | CS, Vol. 96 (271-73)
- Letter 114: To Countess Ida (not later than 1093) | CS, Vol. 96 (274)
- Letter 115: To Wilencus (spring 1086) | CS, Vol. 96 (275-76)
- Letter 116: To the Monks of Bec (March 1086) | CS, Vol. 96 (277)
- Letter 117: To the Young Man William (spring 1086) | CS, Vol. 96 (278-81)
- Letter 118: To the Monks of Bec (shortly after Easter 1086) | CS, Vol. 96 (282-83)
- Letter 119: To the Monk Robert (spring 1086) | CS, Vol. 96 (284-85)
- Letter 120: To Haimo and Rainald, His Kinsmen (spring 1086) | CS, Vol. 96 (285-87)
- Letter 121: To Henry (spring 1086) | CS, Vol. 96 (288-90)
- Letter 122: To Walchelin, Bishop of Winchester (before 1093) | CS, Vol. 96 (291-92)
- Letter 123: To Ernulf, Abbot of Troarn (c. 1088) | CS, Vol. 96 (293)
- Letter 124: To Lanfranc, Archbishop of Canterbury (c. 1089) | CS, Vol. 96 (294)
- Letter 125: From Pope Urban II (early 1090) | CS, Vol. 96 (295-96)
- Letter 126: To Pope Urban II (c. 1091) | CS, Vol. 96 (297-99)
- Letter 127: To Pope Urban II (c. 1091) | CS, Vol. 96 (300-302)
- Letter 128: From John the Monk (c. 1090) | CS, Vol. 96 (302-303)
- Letter 129: To the Monk John (c. 1091) | CS, Vol. 96 (303-304)
- Letter 130: To Gilbert, Abbot of Westminster (c. 1086/1089) | CS, Vol. 96 (305-306)
- Letter 131: To Countess Ida (after 1086) | CS, Vol. 96 (307)
- Letter 132: To Abbot Robert (c. 1079/1089) | CS, Vol. 96 (308-309)
- Letter 133: To Lambert (c. 1079/1092) | CS, Vol. 96 (309-10)
- Letter 134: To Ermengard (c. 1079/1092) | CS, Vol. 96 (310-12)
- Letter 135: From William (before 1093) | CS, Vol. 96 (313)
- Letter 136: To Fulk, Bishop of Beauvais (c. 1091/1092) | CS, Vol. 96 (314-15)
- Letter 137: To the Monk Lanfranc (c. 1089/1092) | CS, Vol. 96 (316-18)
- Letter 138: To Prior Walter and the Monks of Saint Wandrille (c. 1089/1092) | CS, Vol. 96 (319-20)
- Letter 139: To Gilbert, Abbot of Saint Stephen, Caen (c. 1079/1092) | CS, Vol. 96 (320-21)
- Letter 140: To Prior Henry and the Brothers at Canterbury (c. 1091) | CS, Vol. 96 (322-23)
- Letter 141: To Gundful, Bishop of Rochester (c. 1091) | CS, Vol. 96 (324-25)
- Letter 142: To Gilbert, Abbot of Westminster (c. 1090/1091) | CS, Vol. 96 (325-26)
- Letter 143: To Walter (Prior of Saint Wandrille) (c. 1090/1091) | CS, Vol. 96 (327-28)
- Letter 144: To Girard, Bishop of Thérouanne (c. 1084/1092) | CS, Vol. 96 (328-29)
- Letter 145: To Abbot R. (c. 1090/1092) | CS, Vol. 96 (330)
- Letter 146: To the Monks John and Boso (c. 1090/1092) | CS, Vol. 96 (331-32)
- Letter 147: To the Prior Baldric and the Other Brothers of Bec (autumn/winter 1092) | CS, Vol. 96 (333)
- Letter 148: To the Monks of Bec (spring 1093) | CS, Vol. 97 (7-10)
- Letter 149: From Osbern, a Monk of Canterbury (March 6-September 25 1093) | CS, Vol. 97 (11-16)
- Letter 150: From Gundulf, Bishop of Rochester, to the Monks of Bec (March 6-August 15, 1093) | CS, Vol. 97 (18-19)
- Letter 151: To the Monks of Bec (c. May or June 1093) | CS, Vol. 97 (19-20)
- Letter 152: From Osbern, Monk of Canterbury (September 1093) | CS, Vol. 97 (22-23)
- Letter 153: From Robert, Duke of Normandy (c. June or July 1093) | CS, Vol. 97 (24)
- Letter 154: From William, Archbishop of Rouen (c. June or July 1093) | CS, Vol. 97 (25)
- Letter 155: From the Monks of Bec (c. July 1093) | CS, Vol. 97 (26-27)
- Letter 156: To Prior Baldric and the Other Monks of Bec (c. end of July or beginning of August 1093) | CS, Vol. 97 (28-35)
- Letter 157: To Prior Baldric and the Other Monks of Bec (c. end of July or beginning of August 1093) | CS, Vol. 97 (37-38)
- Letter 158: To Roger, Abbot of Lessay (August 1093) | CS, Vol. 97 (38-39)
- Letter 159: To Gilbert, Bishop of Everux (before December 4, 1093) | CS, Vol. 97 (40-44)
- Letter 160: To Fulk, Bishop of Beauvais (September or October 1093) | CS, Vol. 97 (44-47)
- Letter 161: To Geoffroy, Bishop of Paris (October or November 1093) | CS, Vol. 97 (48-50)
- Letter 162: To Waleran, Once Cantor of the Church of Paris (October or November 1093) | CS, Vol. 97 (51-53)
- Letter 163: To Eudo, the King’s Steward (September/October 1093) | CS, Vol. 97 (53-54)
- Letter 164: To Prior Baldric, and the Other Monks of Bec (October 1093) | CS, Vol. 97 (55-56)
- Letter 165: To Abbot William and the Monks of Bec (December 1093) | CS, Vol. 97 (57-59)
- Letter 166: To the Young Monks and Youths of Bec (c. December 1093) | CS, Vol. 97 (60-61)
- Letter 167: To Ida, Countess of Boulogne (c. December 1093) | CS, Vol. 97 (62-63)
- Letter 168: To the Nun Gunhilda, Daughter of King Harold (December 1093 or early 1094) | CS, Vol. 97 (64-68)
- Letter 169: To the Nun Gunhilda, Daughter of King Harold (early 1094) | CS, Vol. 97 (69-74)
- Letter 170: To Wulfstan, Bishop of Worcester (January or February 1094) | CS, Vol. 97 (75-76)
- Letter 171: From Wulfstan, Bishop of Worcester (January or February 1094) | CS, Vol. 97 (77-78)
- Letter 172: To Osbern, Bishop of Exeter (1094-1097) | CS, Vol. 97 (79-80)
- Letter 173: To Abbot William and the Monks of Bec (c. March 1094) | CS, Vol. 97 (91-82)
- Letter 174: To Boso, a Monk of Bec (c. 1094) | CS, Vol. 97 (82-83)
- Letter 175: To Ralph, Abbot of Séez and His Monks (c. 1094) | CS, Vol. 97 (84-85)
- Letter 176: To Hugh, Archbishop of Lyon (January 1095) | CS, Vol. 97 (86-89)
- Letter 177: To Osmund, Bishop of Salisbury (spring 1094) | CS, Vol. 97 (91)
- Letter 178: To Abbot William and the Monks of Bec (autumn 1094) | CS, Vol. 97 (93-94)
- Letter 179: To Baldric, Prior of Bec (autumn 1094) | CS, Vol. 97 (95-96)
- Letter 180: To Robert, Count of Flanders (December 1094 or early 1095) | CS, Vol. 97 (96-97)
- Letter 181: From Ivo, Bishop of Chartres (c. 1094) | CS, Vol. 97 (98-99)
- Letter 182: To Prior Henry and the Other Monks of Canterbury (c. 1095) | CS, Vol. 97 (100-101)
- Letter 183: To Abbess Eulalia and the Nuns of St. Edward, Shaftesbury (c. 1094 or 1095) | CS, Vol. 97 (102-103)
- Letter 184: To the Nun M., Daughter of Richard (1094 or 1095) | CS, Vol. 97 (103-104)
- Letter 185: To Abbess Matilda or Wilton and Her Nuns (c. 1094) | CS, Vol. 97 (105-106)
- Letter 186: ToLanfrid, Abbot of St. Wulmar (c. 1095) | CS, Vol. 97 (107-108)
- Letter 187: To Gervinus, Bishop of Amiens (1095 or 1096) | CS, Vol. 97 (109)
- Letter 188: To the Monk Richard (before October 1097) | CS, Vol. 97 (110)
- Letter 189: To William, Monk of Chester (1095 or 1096) | CS, Vol. 97 (111-13)
- Letter 190: To Osmund, Bishop of Salisbury (July or August 1095) | CS, Vol. 97 (114)
- Letter 191: To the Legate Walter, the Cardinal Bishop (June 1095) | CS, Vol. 97 (115-16)
- Letter 192: To the Legate Walter, the Cardinal Bishop (June or July 1095) | CS, Vol. 97 (117-21)
- Letter 193: To Pope Urban II (August or September 1095) | CS, Vol. 97 (122-24)
- Letter 194: To the Legate Walter, the Cardinal Bishop (August or September 1095) | CS, Vol. 97 (125)
- Letter 195: To Osmund, Bishop of Salisbury (c. 1096) | CS, Vol. 97 (126-27)
- Letter 196: To Richard, Monk of Bec (before November 1097) | CS, Vol. 97 (128-29)
- Letter 197: To Abbot Lambert (c. 1095-1097) | CS, Vol. 97 (129-30)
- Letter 198: To Domnald, Donatus and the Other Bishops in Ireland (February-May 1095) | CS, Vol. 97 (131-33)
- Letter 199: To the Monks of Bec (c. spring 1095) | CS, Vol. 97 (134-35)
- Letter 200: From Maurice, Bishop of London (May or June 1096) | CS, Vol. 97 (136)
- Letter 201: From the Clergy and People of Waterford (c. end of 1096) | CS, Vol. 97 (137-38)
- Letter 202: From Walchelin, Bishop of Winchester (after Letter 201) | CS, Vol. 97 (139)
- Letter 203: To the Prior and Monks of St. Albans (c. 1096 or 1097) | CS, Vol. 97 (140-41)
- Letter 204: To the Prior and Monks of St. Albans (c. 1096 or 1097) | CS, Vol. 97 (141-43)
- Letter 205: To Abbot William and the Monks of Bec (c. 1096 or 1097) | CS, Vol. 97 (144-45)
- Letter 206: To Pope Urban II (c. January 1098) | CS, Vol. 97 (146-48)
- Letter 207: From Bishop Malchus of Waterford (c. 1099) | CS, Vol. 97 (150)
- Letter 208: To Hugh, Archdeacon of Canterbury (June 1099-August 1100) | CS, Vol. 97 (151-53)
- Letter 209: To Boso, Monk of Bec (June 1099-August 1100) | CS, Vol. 97 (154-55)
- Letter 210: To Pope Paschal II (end of 1099 or beginning of 1100) | CS, Vol. 97 (156-58)
- Letter 211: To Burgundius and His Wife Richeza, His Sister (end of 1099 or beginning 1100) | CS, Vol. 97 (159-60)
- Letter 212: From Henry I, King of the English (on or shortly after August 5, 1100) | CS, Vol. 97 (162-63)
- Letter 213: From Pope Paschal II (February 24, 1101) | CS, Vol. 97 (164-65)
- Letter 214: To Pope Paschall II (September 1101) | CS, Vol. 97 (166-69)
- Letter 215: From Henry I, King of the English, to Pope Paschall II (c. January 1101) | CS, Vol. 97 (170-71)
- Letter 216: From Pope Paschal II to Henry I, King of the English (c. May or June 1101) | CS, Vol. 97 (172-76)
- Letter 217: To Pope Paschal II (late 1101 or early 1102) | CS, Vol. 97 (177-78)
- Letter 218: To Pope Paschal II (late 1101 or early 1102) | CS, Vol. 97 (179)
- Letter 219: To Pope Paschal II (late 1101 or early 1102) | CS, Vol. 97 (180-81)
- Letter 220: To Pope Paschal II (late 1101 or early 1102) | CS, Vol. 97 (181-82)
- Letter 221: From Henry I, King of the English, to Pope Paschal II (late 1101 or early 1102) | CS, Vol. 97 (183)
- Letter 222: From Pope Paschal II (April 15, 1102) | CS, Vol. 97 (184-85)
- Letter 223: From Pope Paschal II (April 15, 1102) | CS, Vol. 97 (187-90)
- Letter 224: From Pope Paschal II to Henry I, King of the English (April 15, 1102) | CS, Vol. 97 (191-92)
- Letter 225: From Pope Paschal II to Ranulf (April 15, 1102) | CS, Vol. 97 (193)
- Letter 226: From Pope Paschal II to Osbern, Bishop of Exeter (April 19, 1102) | CS, Vol. 97 (194-95)
- Letter 227: From Benedict (c. 1102) | CS, Vol. 97 (195-96)
- Letter 228: To Henry I, King of the English (c. 1102) | CS, Vol. 97 (197)
- Letter 229: To William, Bishop-Elect of Winchester (February or May 1102) | CS, Vol. 97 (198)
- Letter 230: To Rodbert, Seith and Edith (c. 1102) | CS, Vol. 97 (199-200)
- Letter 231: To the Monks of the Monastery of St. Werburgh at Chester (c. 1102) | CS, Vol. 97 (201-203)
- Letter 232: To the Monk Hugh (c. 1102) | CS, Vol. 97 (204-205)
- Letter 233: To Bernard, a Monk of Chester (c. 1102) | CS, Vol. 97 (206-207)
- Letter 234: To John, Provost of the Canons of Mont St. Eloi (c. 1102) | CS, Vol. 97 (208-209)
- Letter 235: To Baldwin, King of Jerusalem (c. spring 1102) | CS, Vol. 97 (210-11)
- Letter 236: To Stephen, Archdeacon of Winchester (spring or summer 1102) | CS, Vol. 97 (212)
- Letter 237: To Abbess Athelits and the Nuns of Romsey (spring or summer 1102) | CS, Vol. 97 (213-14)
- Letter 238: To Gerard, Archbishop of York (August 1102) | CS, Vol. 97 (215-16)
- Letter 239: From Hildebert, Bishop of Le Mans (c. 1101 or 1102) | CS, Vol. 97 (216-17)
- Letter 240: From Hildebert, Bishop of Le Mans (summer 1102) | CS, Vol. 97 (218-19)
- Letter 241: To Hildebert, Bishop of Le Mans (summer 1102) | CS, Vol. 97 (220)
- Letter 242: From Matilda, Queen of the English (c. 1102 or 1103) | CS, Vol. 97 (221-24)
- Letter 243: To Matilda, Queen of the English (c. 1102 or 1103) | CS, Vol. 97 (225-27)
- Letter 244: To Countess Ida (c. 1101 or 1102) | CS, Vol. 97 (227-28)
- Letter 245: To the Monk William (1101-1103) | CS, Vol. 97 (228-29)
- Letter 246: To Matilda, Queen of the English (autumn 1102) | CS, Vol. 97 (229-30)
- Letter 247: To Countess Ida (autumn 1102) | CS, Vol. 97 (230-31)
- Letter 248: To Robert, Count of Flanders (autumn 1102) | CS, Vol. 97 (231-32)
- Letter 249: To Clementia, Countess of Flanders (autumn 1102) | CS, Vol. 97 (233-34)
- Letter 250: To Gerard, Archbishop of York (October 1102) | CS, Vol. 97 (235-36)
- Letter 251: To Abbot Roger, and Robert and the Other Monks of St. Evroul (c. 1100-1102) | CS, Vol. 97 (236-37)
- Letter 252: To the Monks of the Monastery of St. Edmund (c. 1100-1102) | CS, Vol. 97 (239-40)
- Letter 253: To Gerard, Archbishop of York (autumn 1102) | CS, Vol. 97 (241)
- Letter 254: To Herbert, Bishop of Thetford (c. 1102 or 1103) | CS, Vol. 97 (242-43)
- Letter 255: From Gerard, Archbishop of York (c. autumn 1102) | CS, Vol. 97 (244-46)
- Letter 256: To Gerard, Archbishop of York (autumn 1102) | CS, Vol. 97 (247)
- Letter 257: To William, Archdeacon of Canterbury (autumn 1102) | CS, Vol. 97 (248–49)
- Letter 258: To Burgundius and Richeza (after 1100) | CS, Vol. 97 (250-51)
- Letter 259: From Hugh, Abbot of Cluny (1101-1103) | CS, Vol. 97 (252-53)
- Letter 260: From Hugh, Archbishop of Lyon (early 1103) | CS, Vol. 97 (254-55)
- Letter 261: To Hugh, Archbishop of Lyon (February-March 1103) | CS, Vol. 97 (256-57)
- Letter 262: To Humbert, Count and Marquess (c. 1102 or 1103) | CS, Vol. 97 (258-60)
- Letter 263: To Diacus, Bishop of St. James of Compostella (c. 1101-1103) | CS, Vol. 97 (261-62)
- Letter 264: To Burgundius and His Wife Richeza, Anselm’s Sister (c. winter 1099 or 1100) | CS, Vol. 97 (262-63)
- Letter 265: To Henry I, King of the English (January or February 1103) | CS, Vol. 97 (264)
- Letter 266: To William, Archbishop of Rouen (summer 1102) | CS, Vol. 97 (265-66)
- Letter 267: To Prior Elferus and the Other Monks of St. Edmund (summer 1102) | CS, Vol. 97 (267-68)
- Letter 268: To Richeza, His Sister (late 1102 or early 1103) | CS, Vol. 97 (268-69)
- Letter 269: To William, Archbishop of Rouen (summer 1102) | CS, Vol. 97 (269-70)
- Letter 270: To Earl Robert and the Others Holding Lands in the Diocese of St. David’s (c. 1100) | CS, Vol. 97 (271-72)
- Letter 271: To William, Archbishop of Rouen (summer 1102) | CS, Vol. 97 (273-74)
- Letter 272: To Pope Paschal II (c. 1100-1103) | CS, Vol. 97 (274-75)
- Letter 273: To Robert, Duke of Normandy (early 1103) | CS, Vol. 97 (276)
- Letter 274: To William, Archbishop of Rouen (early 1103) | CS, Vol. 97 (277-78)
- Letter 275: To Roger (early 1103) | CS, Vol. 97 (278)
- Letter 276: To Athelits (early 1103) | CS, Vol. 97 (279)
- Letter 277: To Malchus, Bishop of Waterford (c. 1100-1103) | CS, Vol. 97 (280)
- Letter 278: To Samuel, Bishop of Dublin (c. 1100-1103) | CS, Vol. 97 (281-82)
- Letter 279: To William, Archbishop of Rouen (c. 1100-1103) | CS, Vol. 97 (282)
- Letter 280: To Pope Paschal II (September or October 1102) | CS, Vol. 97 (28385)
- Letter 281: From Pope Paschal II (December 12, 1102) | CS, Vol. 97 (286-88)
- Letter 282: From Pope Paschal II (December 12, 1102) | CS, Vol. 97 (289-90)
- Letter 283: From Pope Paschal II to Gerard, Archbishop of York (December 12, 1102) | CS, Vol. 97 (290-91)
- Letter 284: From Cardinal John (December 1102) | CS, Vol. 97 (292-93)
- Letter 285: To Conus (summer 1103, possibly from Bec) | CS, Vol. 97 (294-96)
- Letter 286: To Ernulf the Prior and the Monks of Canterbury (June 1103, while at Bec) | CS, Vol. 97 (297-98)
- Letter 287: To Gundulf, Bishop of Rochester (June 1103, while at Bec) | CS, Vol. 97 (299-300)
- Letter 288: To Matilda, Queen of the English (June or July 1103, while at Bec) | CS, Vol. 97 (301-)
- Letter 289: To Ernulf the Prior and the Monks of Canterbury (June or July 1103, while at Bec) | CS, Vol. 97 (302-303)
- Letter 290: To Anselm, His Nephew (June or July 1103, while at Bec) | CS, Vol. 97 (304)
- Letter 291: To Prior Ernulf and the Monks of Canterbury (July 1103, while at Bec) | CS, Vol. 97 (305-306)
- Letter 292: To Prior Ernulf and the Monks of Canterbury (July 1103, from Bec) | CS, Vol. 97 (306-308)
- Letter 293: To Gundul, Bishop of Rochester (July 1103, while at Bec) | CS, Vol. 97 (308-309)
- Letter 294: To Henry I, King of the English (July 1103, while at Bec) | CS, Vol. 97 (310-11)
- Letter 295: To Ernulf the Prior and the Monks of Canterbury (July or August 1103, while at Bec) | CS, Vol. 97 (312)
- Letter 296: To Matilda, Queen of the English (shortly before August 15, 1103, at Bec) | CS, Vol. 97 (313-14)
- Letter 297: To Eustace, Father of Gosfrid, Monk of Bec (July or August 1103, while at Bec) | CS, Vol. 97 (314-15)
- Letter 298: To Matilda, Abbess of Caen (June-August 1103, while at Bec) | CS, Vol. 97 (316)
- Letter 299: To Gundul, Bishop of Rochester (early August 1103, while at Bec) | CS, Vol. 97 (318-19)
- Letter 300: To Gundulf, Bishop of Rochester (shortly before August 15, 1103, while at Bec) | CS, Vol. 97 (320-21)
- Letter 301: To Henry I, King of the English (en route to Rome, September 1103) | CS, Vol. 97 (322-23)
- Letter 302: To Abbot Gernont (August 15, 1103, while at Chartres) | CS, Vol. 97 (323-24)
- Letter 303: From Pope Paschal II (November 16, 1103, at the Lateran) | CS, Vol. 97 (325)
- Letter 304: From Pope Paschal II (November 1103, at the Lateran) | CS, Vol. 97 (326)
- Letter 305: From Pope Paschal to Henry I, King of the English (November 23, 1103, at the Lateran) | CS, Vol. 97 (327-29)
- Letter 306: To Gundulf, Bishop of Rochester (c. end of December 1103, from Lyon) | CS, Vol. 97 (330)
- Letter 307: To Ernulf, Prior of Canterbury (c. January or February 1104, from Lyon) | CS, Vol. 97 (331-32)
- Letter 308: To Henry I, King of the English (c. end of January 1104, from Lyon) | CS, Vol. 97 (333-34)
- Letter 309: To His Nephew Anselm (c. end of January 1104, from Lyon) | CS, Vol. 97 (335)
- Letter 310: From Prior Ernulf of Canterbury (1104, from Canterbury) | CS, Vol. 142 (7-9)
- Letter 311: To Prior Ernulf of Canterbury (1104 from Lyon) | CS, Vol. 142 (11-14)
- Letter 312: To the Monks of Canterbury (1104 from Lyon) | CS, Vol. 142 (15-16)
- Letter 313: To Antony, Subprior of Canterbury (1104 from Lyon) | CS, Vol. 142 (17)
- Letter 314: To Gundulf, Bishop of Rochester (1104 from Lyon) | CS, Vol. 142 (18-19)
- Letter 315: To Pope Paschal II (1104 while at Lyon) | CS, Vol. 142 (19-20)
- Letter 316: To Gundulf, Bishop of Rochester (Spring 1104 while at Lyon) | CS, Vol. 142 (21-22)
- Letter 317: From Matilda, Queen of the English (1104) | CS, Vol. 142 (22-24)
- Letter 318: From Henry I, King of the English (spring 1104) | CS, Vol. 142 (25)
- Letter 319: To Henry I, King of England (spring 1104 at Lyon) | CS, Vol. 142 (26-27)
- Letter 320: From Matilda, Queen of the English (1104) | CS, Vol. 142 (28-29)
- Letter 321: To Matilda, Queen of the English (1104) | CS, Vol. 142 (30-31)
- Letter 322: To William, Bishop-Elect of Winchester (1104-1105 while at Lyon) | CS, Vol. 142 (32-33)
- Letter 323: From Matilda, Queen of the English, to Pope Paschal II (1104) | CS, Vol. 142 (34-36)
- Letter 324: To Baldwin, King of Jerusalem (1104 or 1105) | CS, Vol. 142 (36-37)
- Letter 325: To Matilda, Countess of Tuscany (1104) | CS, Vol. 142 (38-39)
- Letter 326: From Gerard, Archbishop of York (1104) | CS, Vol. 142 (41-42)
- Letter 327: To Ordwy, a Monk of Canterbury (c. 1104 while at Lyon) | CS, Vol. 142 (43-44)
- Letter 328: To Anselm, His Nephew (c. 1104-1105 while at Lyon) | CS, Vol. 142 (44-45)
- Letter 329: To Matilda, Queen of the English (August 1104 while at Lyon) | CS, Vol. 142 (46-48)
- Letter 330: To Gundulf, Bishop of Rochester (August 1104 while at Lyon) | CS, Vol. 142 (48-50)
- Letter 331: To Ernulf, Prior of Canterbury (August 1104 while at Lyon) | CS, Vol. 142 (51-55)
- Letter 332: To the Monks of Canterbury (c. August 1104 while at Lyon) | CS, Vol. 142 (56-57)
- Letter 333: To Ulfric, Philip and William, Monks of Canterbury (c. August 1104 at Lyon) | CS, Vol. 142 (57-58)
- Letter 334: To Thidricus, Monk of Canterbury (August 1104 while at Lyon) | CS, Vol. 142 (59)
- Letter 335: To Warner, Monk of Canterbury (August 1104 while at Lyon) | CS, Vol. 142 (60-61)
- Letter 336: To Ordwy, Monk of Canterbury (August 1104 while at Lyon) | CS, Vol. 142 (62-63)
- Letter 337: To Eulalila, Abbess of St. Edward, Shaftesbury, and Her Nuns (August 1104 while at Lyon) | CS, Vol. 142 (63-65)
- Letter 338: To Pope Paschal II (autumn 1104 while at Lyon) | CS, Vol. 142 (65)
- Letter 339: To John, Bishop of Tusculum and John the Cardinal (autumn 1104 while at Lyon) | CS, Vol. 142 (66-67)
- Letter 340: To Pope Paschal II (autumn 1104 while at Lyon) | CS, Vol. 142 (67-68)
- Letter 341: From Philip I, King of the French (c. 1104 or 1105, sent to Lyon) | CS, Vol. 142 (68-69)
- Letter 342: From Louis IV, Designated King of the French (c. 1104 or 1105, sent to Lyon) | CS, Vol. 142 (69-70)
- Letter 343: To Rainalm, Resigned Bishop of Hereford (c. 1104 or 1105 while at Lyon) | CS, Vol. 142 (70-71)
- Letter 344: To William, Bishop-Elect of Winchester (1104 or 1105 while at Lyon) | CS, Vol. 142 (72-73)
- Letter 345: To Gunther, Canon of St. Quentis of Beauvais (1104 or 1105 while at Lyon) | CS, Vol. 142 (73-74)
- Letter 346: To Matilda, Queen of the English (1104 or 1105 while at Lyon) | CS, Vol. 142 (75-76)
- Letter 347: To Matilda, Queen of the English (1104 or 1105 while at Lyon) | CS, Vol. 142 (77-78)
- Letter 348: From Pope Paschal II to Henry I, King of the English (December 23, 1104 at the Lateran) | CS, Vol. 142 (78-80)
- Letter 349: To Prior Ernulf and the Monks of Canterbury (January or February 1105 while at Lyon) | CS, Vol. 142 (81-82)
- Letter 350: From Matilda, Marchioness of Tuscany, to Pope Paschal II Y (shortly before the Lenten Synod, February or March 1105) | CS, Vol. 142 (83)
- Letter 351: From Pope Paschal II to Henry I, King of the English (January or February 1105) | CS, Vol. 142 (84-86)
- Letter 352: From Paschal II to Matilda, Queen of the English (January or February 1105) | CS, Vol. 142 (87-88)
- Letter 353: From Pope Paschal II (March 26, 1105) | CS, Vol. 142 (88-89)
- Letter 354: From Pope Paschal II to Gerard, Archbishop of York (end of March 1105) | CS, Vol. 142 (90-91)
- Letter 355: To Farman, Ordwy, and Benjamin, Monks of Canterbury (1104 or 1105 at Lyon) | CS, Vol. 142 (92-94)
- Letter 356: To Haimo, the Sheriff (summer 1105) | CS, Vol. 142 (95)
- Letter 357: To Ernulf, Prior of Canterbury (summer 1105) | CS, Vol. 142 (96-97)
- Letter 358: To William Calvellus (summer 1105) | CS, Vol. 142 (98)
- Letter 359: To Gundulf, Bishop of Rochester (summer 1105) | CS, Vol. 142 (99-100)
- Letter 360: To William, Archdeacon of Canterbury (summer 1105) | CS, Vol. 142 (101)
- Letter 361: From Pope Paschal II to Robert, Count of Meulan (before March 26, 1105) | CS, Vol. 142 (102)
- Letter 362: From Gerard, Archbishop of York, to Pope Paschal II (c. June 1105) | CS, Vol. 142 (103104)
- Letter 363: From Gerard, Archbishop of York (June or July 1105) | CS, Vol. 142 (105-107)
- Letter 364: To Prior Ernulf and the Monks of Canterbury (July or August 1105 while at Bec) | CS, Vol. 142 (108-10)
- Letter 365: From Anonymous to Anselm (summer 1105, most likely before July 21) | CS, Vol. 142 (111-13)
- Letter 366: From Gilbert, Abbot of Westminster (summer 1105) | CS, Vol. 142 (113-15)
- Letter 367: From King Henry I (August or September 1105) | CS, Vol. 142 (116)
- Letter 368: To Henry I, King of the English (September or October 1105 while at Rheims) | CS, Vol. 142 (117-18)
- Letter 369: To Robert, Count of Meulan (September or October at 1105, while at Rheims) | CS, Vol. 142 (119-20)
- Letter 370: From King Henry I, King of the English (October 1105) | CS, Vol. 142 (120-21)
- Letter 371: From King Henry I, King of the English (October or November 1105) | CS, Vol. 142 (121)
- Letter 372: To Gerard, Archbishop of York (late 1105 or early 1106 while at Bec) | CS, Vol. 142 (122-23)
- Letter 373: From Gerard, Archbishop of York (late 1105 or early 1105 while at Bec) | CS, Vol. 142 (123-25)
- Letter 374: To Gundulf, Bishop of Rochester, Prior Ernulf and William, Archdeacon of Canterbury (late 1105 or early 1106 while at Bec) | CS, Vol. 142 (126-27)
- Letter 375: To Warner, the Novice (late 1105 or early 1106 while at Bec) | CS, Vol. 142 (128)
- Letter 376: To Prior Ernulf and the Monks of Canterbury (December 1105 or January 1106 while at Bec) | CS, Vol. 142 (129)
- Letter 377: From Henry I, King of the English (January 1106) | CS, Vol. 142 (130)
- Letter 378: To Henry I, King of the English (January or February 1106) | CS, Vol. 142 (131-32)
- Letter 379: To Thidricus, Monk of Canterbury (c. 1105 or 1106 while at Bec) | CS, Vol. 142 (133)
- Letter 380: To Prior Ernulf and William, Archdeacon of Canterbury (1105 or 1106 while at Bec) | CS, Vol. 142 (134-35)
- Letter 381: To Gundful, Bishop of Rochester (1105 or 1106 while at Bec) | CS, Vol. 142 (136)
- Letter 382: To Prior Alfer and the Monks of St. Edmunds (1105 or 1106 while at Bec) | CS, Vol. 142 (137)
- Letter 383: To Wido, the Monk (1104-1106) | CS, Vol. 142 (138)
- Letter 384: From Matilda, Queen of the English (summer 1106) | CS, Vol. 142 (139-40)
- Letter 385: To Matilda, Queen of the English (summer 1106) | CS, Vol. 142 (141)
- Letter 386: From Several English Bishops (February or March 1106) | CS, Vol. 142 (142)
- Letter 387: To Several English Bishops (c. March 1106) | CS, Vol. 142 (143-44)
- Letter 388: To Pope Paschal II (December 1105 while at Bec) | CS, Vol. 142 (145-46)
- Letter 389: To Hugh, Archbishop of Lyon (December 1105 while at Bec) | CS, Vol. 142 (147-48)
- Letter 390: From Hugh, Archbishop of Lyon (January or February 1106) | CS, Vol. 142 (149-50)
- Letter 391: To Henry I, King of the English (March or April 1106 while at Bec) | CS, Vol. 142 (151-52)
- Letter 392: From Henry I, King of the English (during the last week of April 1106 at Tonbridge) | CS, Vol. 142 (152-53)
- Letter 393: To Henry I, King of the English (May 1106 while at Bec) | CS, Vol. 142 (153-54)
- Letter 394: From Henry I, King of the English (shortly after Whitsun, May or June 1106) | CS, Vol. 142 ()
- Letter 395: From Queen Matilda, Queen of the English (May or June 1106) | CS, Vol. 142 (155)
- Letter 396: From Henry I, King of the English (February 1-7, 1106) | CS, Vol. 142 (156)
- Letter 397: From Pope Paschal II (March 23, 1106 at Benevento) | CS, Vol. 142 (157-59)
- Letter 398: From Pope Paschal II to Archbishop William of Rouen (March 28, 1106 at Benevento) | CS, Vol. 142 (161)
- Letter 399: From Henry I, King of the English (June 1106 at Windsor) | CS, Vol. 142 (162)
- Letter 400: From Matilda, Queen of the English (June 1106) | CS, Vol. 142 (163)
- Letter 401: From Henry I, King of the English (c. October 1, 1106) | CS, Vol. 142 (164-65)
- Letter 402: To Henry I, King of the English and Duke of the Normans (October 1106 from Canterbury) | CS, Vol. 142 (166)
- Letter 403: To Eulalia, Abbess of Shaftesbury, and Her Nuns (autumn 1106) | CS, Vol. 142 (167-68)
- Letter 404: To Henry I, King of the English and Duke of the Normans (late 1106) | CS, Vol. 142 (169)
- Letter 405: To Mabilia, a Nun (c. autumn or winter 1106-1107) | CS, Vol. 142 (170-71)
- Letter 406: To Matilda, Queen of the English (possibly winter 1106-1107) | CS, Vol. 142 (172-73)
- Letter 407: To Helgot, Abbot of St. Ouen (winter or spring 1106-1107) | CS, Vol. 142 (173-74)
- Letter 408: To Prior Elfer and the Monks of Bury St. Edmunds (c. winter 1106-1107) | CS, Vol. 142 (175-76)
- Letter 409: From Hugh, Abbot of Cluny (c. November 1106) | CS, Vol. 142 (176-77)
- Letter 410: To P., a Monk of St. Martin of Séez () | CS, Vol. 142 (177-78)
- Letter 411: From Hugh, Abbot of Cluny (winter 1106-1107) | CS, Vol. 142 (179-80)
- Letter 412: To Earl Hugh (before July 27, 1101) | CS, Vol. 142 (180-81)
- Letter 413: To Alexander, King of the Scots (February or March 1107) | CS, Vol. 142 (182-83)
- Letter 414: To Robert and His Nuns (1106-1109) | CS, Vol. 142 (184-86)
- Letter 415: To Walram, Bishop of Naumburg (before December 1105) (missing) | CS, Vol. 142 (187)
- Letter 416: From Walram, Bishop of Naumburg (before August 1106) (missing) | CS, Vol. 142 (188)
- Letter 417: To Walram, Bishop of Naumburg (c. 1107) (missing) | CS, Vol. 142 (188)
- Letter 418: To Turold, Monk of Bec (c. 1107) | CS, Vol. 142 (189-90)
- Letter 419: To William, Archbishop of Rouen (c. 1107) | CS, Vol. 142 (190-91)
- Letter 420: To Basilia (c. 1107) | CS, Vol. 142 (191-92)
- Letter 421: To Lambert, Abbot of St. Bertin (winter 1106-1107) | CS, Vol. 142 (193-94)
- Letter 422: From Pope Paschal II (May 30, 1107 at Troyes) | CS, Vol. 142 (194-95)
- Letter 423: From Pope Paschal II (c. May 30, 1107 at Troyes) | CS, Vol. 142 (196)
- Letter 424: To Henry I, King of the English (c. 1107) | CS, Vol. 142 (197-98)
- Letter 425: To Ernulf, Abbot of Troarn (c. 1107) | CS, Vol. 142 (198-200)
- Letter 426: From Muirchertach, King of Ireland (1106 or 1107) | CS, Vol. 142 (201)
- Letter 427: To Muirchertach, King of Ireland (1106 or 1107) | CS, Vol. 142 (202-203)
- Letter 428: From Gilbert, Bishop of Limerick (c. 1107) | CS, Vol. 142 (204)
- Letter 429: To Gilbert, Bishop of Limerick (c. 1107) | CS, Vol. 142 (205)
- Letter 430: To Pope Paschal II (1107 or 1108) | CS, Vol. 142 (206-207)
- Letter 431: To Adrian, an Apostate Monk of Canterbury (probably 1106-1109) | CS, Vol. 142 (207-208)
- Letter 432: To Jotserann, Archbishop of Lyon (1107-1109) | CS, Vol. 142 (209)
- Letter 433: From the Monk Walter (winter 1106 or 1107) | CS, Vol. 142 (210-12)
- Letter 434: To the Monk Walter (winter 1106-1107) | CS, Vol. 142 (212-13)
- Letter 435: To Muirchertach, King of Ireland () | CS, Vol. 142 (214-16)
- Letter 436: To Odo, Monk and Cellarer (1100-1109) | CS, Vol. 142 (216-18)
- Letter 437: To Lambert, Bishop of Arras (1100-1109) | CS, Vol. 142 (218)
- Letter 438: From Lambert, Bishop of Arras (c. 1108-1109) | CS, Vol. 142 (219)
- Letter 439: To Lambert, Bishop of Arras (c. 1108 or 1109) | CS, Vol. 142 (220)
- Letter 440: From Gerard, Archbishop of York (spring 1108) | CS, Vol. 142 (220-21)
- Letter 441: To Pope Paschal II (shortly after Whitsun 1108) | CS, Vol. 142 (221-22)
- Letter 442: To Ranulf, Bishop of Durham (July or August 1108) | CS, Vol. 142 (223)
- Letter 443: To Thomas, Archbishop-elect of York (late August 1108) | CS, Vol. 142 (224-25)
- Letter 444: From Thomas, Archbishop-elect of York (August 1108) | CS, Vol. 142 (226-27)
- Letter 445: To Thomas, Archbishop of York (late August 1108) | CS, Vol. 142 (228)
- Letter 446: To Gosfrid (1100-1109) | CS, Vol. 142 (229-30)
- Letter 447: To Asser, Archbishop of Lund (c. 1104-1109) | CS, Vol. 142 (230-31)
- Letter 448: To Countess Atla (c. 1107-1109) | CS, Vol. 142 (231-32)
- Letter 449: To Hacon, Earl of Orkney (c. 1106-1109) | CS, Vol. 142 (233-34)
- Letter 450: To Prior John and the Monks of Bath (c. 1106-1109) | CS, Vol. 142 (234-36)
- Letter 451: To Pope Paschal II (August 1108) | CS, Vol. 142 (236-38)
- Letter 452: From Pope Paschal II (October 12, 1108 at Benevento) | CS, Vol. 142 (239)
- Letter 453: From Thomas, the Archbishop-elect of York (early October 1108) | CS, Vol. 142 (240-41)
- Letter 454: From the Chapter of the Church of York (October 1108) | CS, Vol. 142 (242-43)
- Letter 455: To Thomas, Archbishop-elect of York (October 1108) | CS, Vol. 142 (244)
- Letter 456: From Thomas, Archbishop-elect of York (November 1108) | CS, Vol. 142 (245)
- Letter 457: From Pope Paschal II to Henry I, King of the English (November 21, 1108 at Troia, Apulia) | CS, Vol. 142 (245-46)
- Letter 458: From Pope Paschal II (November 21, 1108 at Troia, Apulia) | CS, Vol. 142 (247-48)
- Letter 459: From Pope Paschal II (November 21, 1108 at Troia, Apulia) | CS, Vol. 142 (249)
- Letter 460: From Pope Paschal II to Henry I, King of the English (November 21, 1108 at Troia, Apulia) | CS, Vol. 142 (250-51)
- Letter 461: From Henry I, King of the English (c. autumn 1108) | CS, Vol. 142 (251-52)
- Letter 462: To Henry I, King of the English (winter 1108) | CS, Vol. 142 (254-55)
- Letter 463: To Pope Paschal II (1100-1109) | CS, Vol. 142 (255-56)
- Letter 464: To Samson, Bishop of Worcester (c. December 1108) | CS, Vol. 142 (256-57)
- Letter 465: From Samson, Bishop of Worcester (December 1108 or January 1109) | CS, Vol. 142 (258-59)
- Letter 466: To Count Elias (1100-1109) | CS, Vol. 142 (259-60)
- Letter 467: To Robert, Count of Meulan (early 1109) | CS, Vol. 142 (260-61)
- Letter 468: To William, Abbot of Bec (early 1109) | CS, Vol. 142 (261-62)
- Letter 469: To Ralph, Bishop of Chichester (possibly early 1109) | CS, Vol. 142 (262-63)
- Letter 470: From King Henry I (December 1108 or January 1109) | CS, Vol. 142 (263)
- Letter 471: To Bishop R. (March or April 1109) | CS, Vol. 142 (264)
- Letter 472: To Thomas, Archbishop-elect of York (March or April 1109) | CS, Vol. 142 (265-66)
- Letter 473: To Robert, Bishop of Lincoln, and Others (c. 1094-97) | CS, Vol. 142 (266-67)
- Letter 474: To the Monks of Canterbury (c. 1093-1097) | CS, Vol. 142 (268)
- Letter 475: To all the Faithful of Christ Church (c. 1109) | CS, Vol. 142 (269)
St. Hildegard of Bingen (c. 1098-1179) | WEST
- Solutions to 38 Questions (§§38) | CS, Vol. 253 (39-88)
Homilies on the Gospels
- Homilies 1-2 on Luke 16:1-9, The Eighth Sunday After Pentecost | CS, Vol. 241 (29-36)
- Homilies 3-4 on John 6:1-4, The Last Sunday Before Advent | CS, Vol. 241 (37-45)
- Homilies 5-6 on Matthew 1:18-21, The Eve of the Lord’s Birth | CS, Vol. 241 (46-49)
- Homilies 7-8 on Luke 2:1-14, The Lord’s Birth | CS, Vol. 241 (50-54)
- Homily 9 on John 1:1-14, The Lord’s Birth | CS, Vol. 241 (55-61)
- Homilies 10-11 on Matthew 2:13-18, | CS, Vol. 241 (62-66)
- Homilies 12-13 on Matthew 2:1-2, The Feast of the Epiphany | CS, Vol. 241 (67-74)
- Homilies 14-15 on Luke 2:42-52, The Sunday in the Octave of the Epiphany | CS, Vol. 241 (75-80)
- Homilies 16-17 on John 2:1-11, The Second Sunday After the Epiphany | CS, Vol. 241 (81-86)
- Homilies 18-19 on Matthew 8:1-13, The Third Sunday After the Epiphany | CS, Vol. 241 (87-93)
- Homilies 20-21 on Luke 2:22-32, The Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary | CS, Vol. 241 (94-99)
- Homilies 22-23 on Matthew 20:1-16, Septuagesima Sunday | CS, Vol. 241 (100-107)
- Homilies 24-25 on Matthew 4:1-11, The First Sunday of Lent | CS, Vol. 241 (108-16)
- Homilies 26-27 on Luke 15:11-32, Sabbath Before the Third Sunday of Lent | CS, Vol. 241 (117-26)
- Homilies 28-29 on Mark 16:1-7, The Sunday of the Resurrection | CS, Vol. 241 (127-31)
- Homilies 30-31 on John 10:11-16, The Second Sunday After Easter | CS, Vol. 241 (132-34)
- Homilies 32-33 on Mark 16:14-20, The Lord’s Ascension | CS, Vol. 241 (135-38)
- Homilies 34-36 on John 3:1-15, The Finding of the Holy Cross | CS, Vol. 241 (139-48)
- Homilies 37-38 on Luke 16:19-31, The Octave of Pentecost | CS, Vol. 241 (149-57)
- Homilies 39-40 on Luke 14:16-24, The Third Sunday After Pentecost | CS, Vol. 241 (158-63)
- Homilies 41-42 on Luke 1:57-68, The Nativity of Saint John the Baptist | CS, Vol. 241 (164-68)
- Homilies 43-45 on Luke 5:1-11, The Fourth Sunday After Pentecost | CS, Vol. 241 (169-75)
- Homilies 46-48 on Luke 19:41-47, The Ninth Sunday After Pentecost | CS, Vol. 241 (176-80)
- Homilies 49-50 on Mark 7:31-37, The Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost | CS, Vol. 241 (181-84)
- Homilies 51-52 on Luke 18:10-14, The Tenth Sunday After Pentecost | CS, Vol. 241 (185-89)
- Homilies 53-56 on Luke 21:25-33, The First Sunday of Advent | CS, Vol. 241 (190-98)
- Homilies 57-58 on Luke 19:1-10, The Dedication of a Church | CS, Vol. 241 (199-204)
Other Documents
- Liturgy of St. James (§§50) | ANF, Vol. 7 (537-50) | New Advent
- Liturgy of Saint Mark (§§23) | ANF, Vol. 7 (551-60) | New Advent
- The Liturgy of the Blessed Apostles (§§20) | ANF, Vol. 7 (561-68) | New Advent
Apostolic Constitutions and Canons
- Didascalia Apostolorum (§§64) (200s) | R. Hugh Connolly, trans., Didascalia Apostolorum: The Syriac Version, Translated and Accompanied by the Verona Latin Fragments (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2009), 1-259.
- Apostolic Constitutions (8 Books) (c. 375-80) | ANF, Vol. 7 (391-505) | New Advent
New Testament Apocrypha and Other Literature
- The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs (§§12) | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- Excerpts of Theodotus, or Selections from the Prophetic Scriptures (§§63) | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- The Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- The Gospel of the Nativity of Mary | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- The History of Joseph the Carpenter | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- The Gospel of Thomas | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- The Arabic Gospel of the Infancy of the Savior | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- The Gospel of Nicodemus | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- The Letter of Pontius Pilate Concerning Our Lord Jesus Christ | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- The Report of Pilate the Procurator Concerning Our Lord Jesus Christ | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- The Report of Pontius Pilate | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- The Giving Up of Pontius Pilate | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- The Death of Pilate | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- The Narrative of Joseph | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- The Avenging of the Savior | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- Acts of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- Acts of Paul and Thecla | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- The Acts of Barnabas | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- The Acts of Philip | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- Acts and Martyrdom of the Holy Apostle Andrew | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- Acts of Andrew and Matthias | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- Acts of Peter and Andrew | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- Acts and Martyrdom of St. Matthew the Apostle | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- Acts of the Holy Apostle Thomas | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- Consummation of Thomas the Apostle | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- Martyrdom of the Holy and Glorious Apostle Bartholomew | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- Acts of the Holy Apostle Thaddaeus | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- Acts of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- Revelation of Moses | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- Revelation of Esdras | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- Revelation of Paul | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- Revelation of Paul | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- Revelation of John | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- The Book of John Concerning the Falling Asleep of Mary | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- The Passing of Mary | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- The Gospel of Peter | ANF, Vol. 9 ()
- The Diatessaron of Tatian | ANF, Vol. 9 ()
- The Revelation of Peter | ANF, Vol. 9 ()
- The Vision of Paul | ANF, Vol. 9 ()
- The Apocalypse of the Virgin | ANF, Vol. 9 ()
- The Apocalypse of Sedrach | ANF, Vol. 9 ()
- The Testament of Abraham | ANF, Vol. 9 ()
- The Acts of Xanthippe and Polyxena | ANF, Vol. 9 ()
- The Narrative of Zosimus | ANF, Vol. 9 ()
- The Apology of Aristides the Philosopher | ANF, Vol. 9 ()
- The Passion of the Scillitan Martyrs | ANF, Vol. 9 ()
- Pope Zephyrinus, Letter 1: To the Bishops of Sicily | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- Pope Zephyrinus, Letter 2: To the Bishops of the Province of Egypt | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- Pope Callistus, Letter 1: To Bishops Benedictus | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- Pope Callistus, Letter 2: To the Bishops of Gaul | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- Pope Urban I: Letter to All Christians | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- Pope Pontianus, Letter 1: To Felix Subscribonius | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- Pope Pontianus, Letter 2: To All Bishops | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- Pope Anterus: The Letter | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- Pope Fabian, Letter 1: To All the Ministers of the Catholic Church | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- Pope Fabian, Letter 2: To All the Bishops of the East | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- Pope Fabian, Letter 3: To Bishop Hilary | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- Decrees of Pope Fabian | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
Memoirs of Edessa and Ancient Syriac Documents
- The Story Concerning the King of Edessa | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- A Canticle of Mar Jacob the Teacher on Edessa | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- Extracts from Various Books Concerning Abgar the King and Addaeus the Apostle | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- The Teaching of Addaeus the Apostle | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- The Teaching of the Apostles | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- The Teaching of Simon Cephas in the City of Rome | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- Acts of Sharbil | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- The Martyrdom of Barsamya | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- Martyrdom of Habib the Deacon | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- Martyrdom of the Holy Confessors Shamuna, Guria, and Habib | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- Moses of Chorene | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- Homily on Habib the Martyr | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- Homily on Guria and Shamuna | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- Bardesan | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- A Letter of Mara, Son of Serapion | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
- Ambrose | ANF, Vol. 8 ()
Syriac Poems and Hymns (Anonymous)
- The Rivers of Pishon and Jordan (Gen. 2:11, Matt. 3:13), anonymous dialogue poem (§§25) | PPS, Vol. 45 (32-35)
- Abel and Cain (Gen. 4), anonymous dialogue poem (§§56) | PPS, Vol. 45 (51-60)
- Abraham and Isaac (Gen. 22), anonymous dialogue poem | PPS, Vol. 45 (66-75)
- Abraham and Isaac (Gen. 22), anonymous narrative poem | PPS, Vol. 45 (76-84)
- Joseph and Potiphar’s Wife (Gen. 38), anonymous dialogue poem (§§18) | PPS, Vol. 45 (105-107)
- Elijah and the Widow of Sarepta (1 Kings 17), anonymous narrative poem | PPS, Vol. 45 (117-26)
- The Angel and Zechariah (Luke 1:11-20), anonymous dialogue poem (§§48) | PPS, Vol. 45 (128-35)
- The Angel and Mary (Luke 1:26-38), anonymous dialogue poem (§§54) | PPS, Vol. 45 (136-43)
- Mary and Joseph (Matt. 1:18-24), anonymous dialogue poem (§§55) | PPS, Vol. 45 (144-51)
- Mary and Joseph (Matt. 1:18-24), anonymous narrative poem | PPS, Vol. 45 (152-66)
- Mary and the Magi (Matt. 2:11), anonymous dialogue poem (§§53) | PPS, Vol. 45 (168-76)
- John the Baptist and Christ (Matt. 3:14-15), anonymous dialogue poem (§§50) | PPS, Vol. 45 (177-84)
- The Sinful Woman and Satan (Luke 7:36-48), anonymous dialogue poem (§§60) | PPS, Vol. 45 (202-10)
- The Two Thieves (Luke 23:39-41), anonymous dialogue poem (§§51) | PPS, Vol. 45 (211-19)
- The Cherub and the Thief (Luke 23:43), anonymous dialogue poem (§§51) | PPS, Vol. 45 (221-29)
- The Risen Christ and Mary (John 20:15-16), anonymous dialogue poem (§§26) | PPS, Vol. 45 (237-39)
- Annunciation, anonymous hymn (§§14) | PPS, Vol. 45 (241-44)
- Epiphany, anonymous hymn (§§26) | PPS, Vol. 45 (254-58)
- Resurrection, anonymous hymn (§§6) | PPS, Vol. 45 (265-67)
- Baptism, anonymous baptismal hymn (§§22) | PPS, Vol. 45 (271-74)
- Marriage, anonymous marriage hymn (§§11) | PPS, Vol. 45 (280-81)
- Death, anonymous dialogue between Body and Soul (§§47) | PPS, Vol. 45 (283-89)
Odes of Solomon
- Ode 1: My Wreathed-Crown | Charlesworth, Odes of Solomon (1)
- Ode 2:(Lost) | Charlesworth, Odes of Solomon (2)
- Ode 3: The Beloved | Charlesworth, Odes of Solomon (3-5)
- Ode 4: God’s Sanctuary | Charlesworth, Odes of Solomon (7-8)
- Ode 5: Praising the Lord for Grace and Salvation | Charlesworth, Odes of Solomon (9-10)
- Ode 6: Praising the Holy Spirit | Charlesworth, Odes of Solomon (13-15)
- Ode 7: The Course of Joy | Charlesworth, Odes of Solomon (17-19)
- Ode 8: Fruits of the Lord | Charlesworth, Odes of Solomon (21-23)
- Ode 9: The Wreathed-Crown of the True Covenant | Charlesworth, Odes of Solomon (25-26)
- Ode 10: The Fruit of the Lord’s Peace | Charlesworth, Odes of Solomon (27-28)
- Ode 11: The Lord’s Paradise | Charlesworth, Odes of Solomon (31-34)
- Ode 12: The Ineffable Word | Charlesworth, Odes of Solomon (35-36)
- Ode 13: The Lord is Our Mirror | Charlesworth, Odes of Solomon (39)
- Ode 14: The Odes of Your Truth | Charlesworth, Odes of Solomon (40)
- Ode 15: The Lord is My Sun | Charlesworth, Odes of Solomon (43-44)
- Ode 16: My Work is the Lord’s Psalm | Charlesworth, Odes of Solomon (45-48)
- Ode 17: My Wreathed-Crown is Living | Charlesworth, Odes of Solomon (49-51)
- Ode 18: The Love of the Most High | Charlesworth, Odes of Solomon (53-54)
- Ode 19: The Cup of Milk | Charlesworth, Odes of Solomon (55-56)
- Ode 20: A Wreathed-Crown From His Tree | Charlesworth, Odes of Solomon (58-60)
- Ode 21: The Lord’s Grace | Charlesworth, Odes of Solomon (61-62)
- Ode 22: The Holy Ones’ Dwelling Place | Charlesworth, Odes of Solomon (65-66)
- Ode 23: Joy is For the Elect Ones | Charlesworth, Odes of Solomon (67-70)
- Ode 24: Our Lord Messiah | Charlesworth, Odes of Solomon (71-73)
- Ode 25: My Helper | Charlesworth, Odes of Solomon (75-76)
- Ode 26: The Odists Stand in Serenity | Charlesworth, Odes of Solomon (77-79)
- Ode 27: The Upright Cross | Charlesworth, Odes of Solomon (81)
- Ode 28: Immortal Life Embraced Me | Charlesworth, Odes of Solomon (83-85)
- Ode 29: The Lord is My Hope | Charlesworth, Odes of Solomon (87-88)
- Ode 30: The Lord’s Living Spring | Charlesworth, Odes of Solomon (89-90)
- Ode 31: Immortal Life | Charlesworth, Odes of Solomon (92-94)
- Ode 32: Joy From the Heart | Charlesworth, Odes of Solomon (95)
- Ode 33: The Perfect Virgin is Judge | Charlesworth, Odes of Solomon (97-98)
- Ode 34: The Simple Heart | Charlesworth, Odes of Solomon (100)
- Ode 35: The Lord’s Dew | Charlesworth, Odes of Solomon (102)
- Ode 36: The Lord’s High Place | Charlesworth, Odes of Solomon (105-106)
- Ode 37: The Lips of My Heart | Charlesworth, Odes of Solomon (107)
- Ode 38: The Light of Truth | Charlesworth, Odes of Solomon (109-12)
- Ode 39: The Lord’s Power | Charlesworth, Odes of Solomon (113-14)
- Ode 40: The Lord’s Odes of Immortality | Charlesworth, Odes of Solomon (116)
- Ode 41: Our Hearts Meditate In His Love | Charlesworth, Odes of Solomon (119-21)
- Ode 42: The Righteous One, Our Savior | Charlesworth, Odes of Solomon (123-25)
Moralia Et Ascetica Armeniaca: The Oft-Repeated Discourses (Armenia)
- Discourse 1: On the Most Holy Trinity | CUA, Vol. 143 (61-63)
- Discourse 2: On the Distinct Persons of the Holy Trinity | CUA, Vol. 143 (64-79)
- Discourse 3: Insights into Faith | CUA, Vol. 143 (80-83)
- Discourse 4: Reproof of Erroneous Reasoning (About Creation) and (Admonition Unto) Devotion to the Worship of God (As Creator) | CUA, Vol. 143 (84-93)
- Discourse 5: Affirmation of Truth and Guidance Through Life-Giving Counsel | CUA, Vol. 143 (94-106)
- Discourse 6: Reproof of Masked Things That Exposes What is Concealed | CUA, Vol. 143 (107-17)
- Discourse 7: On Mandates for Created Beings | CUA, Vol. 143 (118-27)
- Discourse 8: Reproof of Heedless Living and (Admonition Unto) Devotion to Virtue in General | CUA, Vol. 143 (128-37)
- Discourse 9: Teaching About the Essential Fast Established by the Lord | CUA, Vol. 143 (138-49)
- Discourse 10: On the Beneficence of the Generously Benevolent Will (of God) and Admonition Unto Goodness and Beyond, In Accordance with True Virtue Practiced to the Glory of the Most Holy Trinity | CUA, Vol. 143 (150-65)
- Discourse 11: On the Virtuous Life Crowned with Utmost Goodness by the Blessed One | CUA, Vol. 143 (166-89)
- Discourse 12: Teaching About the Provident Creator’s Care, Condemnation of Disobedience and Defiance, and Guidance Unto Morality–the Goodness of Morals | CUA, Vol. 143 (190-99)
- Discourse 13: A Review of the Goodness of Memorial Services, Demonstrating Openly Their Hidden Benefits That Lead to Virtuous Deeds, to the Living Hope, to the armies of the Wakeful Beings Who Here Accomplished What is Pleasing to God | CUA, Vol. 143 (200-210)
- Discourse 14: On Human Nature, Which si by God’s Provident Care | CUA, Vol. 143 (211-15)
- Discourse 15: Exposition on the Human Soul | CUA, Vol. 143 (216-22)
- Discourse 16: On Edification From the Teaching About the Martyrs | CUA, Vol. 143 (223-26)
- Discourse 17: On Thoughtful Discretion (and the) Advantages of Readiness, with Honor for the Heedful and Punishment for the Heedless | CUA, Vol. 143 (227-31)
- Discourse 18: Praising God with the Assembly of the Courageous (and) Virtuous Martyrs for (His) Benevolence | CUA, Vol. 143 (232-37)
- Discourse 19: Admonition Unto Repentance with Confession | CUA, Vol. 143 (238-46)
- Discourse 20: Guidance Through Essential Counsel: Fundamentals of Knowledge and Understanding | CUA, Vol. 143 (247-63)
- Discourse 21: A Few Words on the Gift of Wisdom Bestowed by the Holy Spirit | CUA, Vol. 143 (264-65)
- Discourse 22: On the Unchangeable Essence of God’s Being | CUA, Vol. 143 (266-69)
- Discourse 23: Counsel to Ascetics and General Directives That Promote Virtue | CUA, Vol. 143 (270-88)
- A Prayer for When One is Caught in a Snare, Said by St. Gregory the Illuminator | CUA, Vol. 143 (291-92)
Writings of Early Irish Monks
- The Rule of the Grey Monks (§§10) | CS, Vol. 162 (51-52)
- An Incomplete Fragment| CS, Vol. 162 (77-79)
- The Rule of the Céli Dé | CS, Vol. 162 (83-96)
- The Rule of Tallaght (§§106) | CS, Vol. 162 (99-130)
- Testimony to the Monastery of Sinchell The Younger | CS, Vol. 162 (135-36)
- The Homily of Cambrai Fragment | CS, Vol. 162 (139-41)
- A Treatise on the Eucharist (§§86) | CS, Vol. 162 (147-55)
- The Alphabet of Devotion (§§38) | CS, Vol. 162 (161-69)
- Litany of the Trinity | CS, Vol. 162 (173-77)
- Litany of Jesus Christ | CS, Vol. 162 (178-80)
- Litany of Our Lady | CS, Vol. 162 (181-83)
- Invocation of Saint Michael | CS, Vol. 162 (184-85)
- Poems | CS, Vol. 162 (189-202)
- Latin Hymns | CS, Vol. 162 (203-209)
Conflict Between Antioch and Alexandria
Julian of Halicarnassus (died after 527) | EAST | Julian of Halicarnassus (Wikipedia)
- First Letter to Severus, Patriarch of Antioch (after 518) | Neil and Allen, Conflict and Negotiation (101-103)
- First Letter from Severeus to Julian | Neil and Allen, Conflict and Negotiation (103-104)
- Second Letter to Severus | Neil and Allen, Conflict and Negotiation (104-105)
- Second Letter from Severus to Julian | Neil and Allen, Conflict and Negotiation (105-11)
Theodosius I of Alexandria (died 566) | EAST | Pope Theodosius I of Alexandria (Wikipedia)
- Synodical Letter of Theodosius (June 535) | Neil and Allen, Conflict and Negotiation (111-18)
- Response of Severus, Patriarch of Antioch, to Theodosius’s Synodical Letter (July 26, 535) | Neil and Allen, Conflict and Negotiation (119-39)
- Letter to the Eastern Bishops (564, or shortly after) | Neil and Allen, Conflict and Negotiation (139-42)
Jacob Baradaeus (c. 500-578) | EAST | Jacob Baradaeus (Wikipedia)
- Letter of Jacob Baradaeus to Conon and Eugenius (c. 568) | Neil and Allen, Conflict and Negotiation (142-44)
- Letter of Jacob to John, Eunomius, Stephen, and Longinus (c. 568) | Neil and Allen, Conflict and Negotiation (144-46)
Letters of Bishops
- Letter of the Eastern Bishops to the Bishops in Constantinople (c. 568) | Neil and Allen, Conflict and Negotiation (146-52)
- Letter of the Anti-Chalcedonian Bishops to the Faithful (probably 569) | Neil and Allen, Conflict and Negotiation (153-61)
Roman State and Christian Church
- Document 1: Trajan, Rescript on Trials of Christians (c. 113) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (1)
- Document 2: Hadrian, rescript on Trials of Christians (c. 121) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (6)
- Document 3: Aurelius, Letter on Trials of Christians (c. 161) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (8-9)
- Document 4: Gallien, Rescript on Restoration of Christians’ Property (260) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (14)
- Document 5: Aurelian, Rescript on Restoration of Christians’ Property (273 or 274) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (16)
- Document 6: Maximian I, Letter on Persecution of Christians (c. 301) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (17-18)
- Document 7: Galerius, Edict on Toleration of Christians (311) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (19-20)
- Document 8: Sabinus, Letter on Maximin II’s Orders About Christians (311) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (23)
- Document 9: Maximin II, Rescript on Anti-Christian Petitions (311 or 312) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (24-26)
- Document 10: Constantine I, Letter on Restitution of Property to the Church (313) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (28)
- Document 11: Licinius, Edict on Military Prayer (313) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (29)
- Document 12: Constantine I and Licinius, Letter on Restoration of the Church (313) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (30-32)
- Document 13: Maximin II, Letter on Behalf of Christians (313) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (36-37)
- Document 14: Maximin II, Edict on Behalf of Christians (313) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (39-40)
- Document 15: Constantine I, Letter on State Subsidies to Churches and on Seducers of Christians (313) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (41-42)
- Document 16: Constantine I, Letter on Clerical Exemption from Public Duties (313) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (44)
- Document 17: Constantine I, Letter on the Donatist Schism (313) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (47)
- Document 18: Constantine I, Letter on the Donatist Schism (313) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (51-52)
- Document 19: Constantine I, Letter on the Donatist Schism (313) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (54-56)
- Document 20: Constantine I, Letter on a Donatist Appeal from Catholic Bishops (314) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (59-61)
- Document 21: Constantine I, Maximin II, Licinius, Rescript on a Donatist Forger (315) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (63-64)
- Document 22: Constantine I, Letter on Personal Cognition of Donatist Bishops’ Appeal (315) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (65-66)
- Document 23: Constantine I, Mandate on Jewish Molestation of Christians (315) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (66)
- Document 24: Constantine I, Letter on Personal Cognition of the Donatist Schism (315) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (68-69)
- Document 25: Annian, Julian, Letter on Transportation for Donatist Clergy (316) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (71)
- Document 26: Constantine I, Mandate on Manumission in Church (316) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (72)
- Document 27: Constantine I, Letter on Caecilian’s Innocence (316) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (73)
- Document 28: Constantine I, Edict on Episcopal Jurisdiction (318) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (74)
- Document 29: Constantine I, Mandate on Clerical Exemption from Public Duties (319) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (76)
- Document 30: Constantine I, Mandate on Clerical Exemption from Public Duties (319?) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (77)
- Document 31: Constantine I, Edict on Rescission of Penalties for Celibacy and for Childlessness (320) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (78)
- Document 32: Constantine I, Edict on Clerical exemption from Taxation (320) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (79-80)
- Document 33: Constantine I, Mandate on Admission of Poor Persons to the Clericate (320) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (81-82)
- Document 34: Constantine I, Mandate on Recognition of Sunday (321) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (82)
- Document 35: Constantine I, Mandate on Manumission in Church (321) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (84-85)
- Document 36: Constantine I, Edict on Legacies to the Church (321) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (85-86)
- Document 37: Constantine I, Mandate on Emancipation and Manumission on Sunday (321) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (86-87)
- Document 38: Constantine I, Edict on Military Prayer (321?) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (88)
- Document 39: Constantine I, Letter on Toleration of Donatists (321 or 322) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (89-90)
- Document 40X: Constantine I, Letter on Transfer of Heretics’ Oratories to the Church (322 or 332) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (90-92)
- Document 41: Constantine I, Mandate on Clerical Immunity from Pagan Sacrifices (323) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (92)
- Document 42: Licinius, Rescript on Punishment of Christians (c. 323) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (94)
- Document 43: Constantine I, Constantine II, Constantius II, Letter and Rescript on Status of Orcistus (323-31) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (95-97)
- Document 44: Constantine I, Letter on Condemnation of Idolatry and on Behalf of Peace (324) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (98-101)
- Document 45: Constantine I, Letter on Repair and Construction of Churches (324) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (103-104)
- Document 46: Constantine I, Edict on Behalf of Christians (324) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (106-12)
- Document 47: Constantine I, Letter on the Arian Controversy (324) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (114-18)
- Document 48: Constantine I, Letters on the Convocation of the Nicene Council (324-325) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (123-24)
- Document 49: Constantine I, Decree and Orations on Conciliar Procedure (325) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (127-33)
- Document 50: Constantine I, Letter on Exile of Eusebius (325) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (136-39)
- Document 51: Constantine I, Letter on Conformity with Orthodoxy (325) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (142)
- Document 52: Constantine I, Letter on the Paschal Question (325) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (143-45)
- Document 53: Constantine I, Letter on Conformity with Orthodoxy (325) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (150-51)
- Document 54: Constantine I, Letter on Erection of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher (326) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (153-54)
- Document 55: Constantine I, Mandate on Exclusion of Rich Persons from the Clericate (326) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (156-57)
- Document 56: Constantine I, Mandate on Clerical Privileges (326) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (157)
- Document 57: Constantine I, Mandate on Privileges for Novatians (326) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (158)
- Document 58: Constantine I, Letter on Recall of Arius (327-334) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (159)
- Document 59: Constantine I, Letter on Clerical Exemption from Public Duties and on Construction of a Basilica in Numidia (330) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (160-62)
- Document 60: Constantine I, Mandate on Clerical Exemption from Senatorial Service (330) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (163)
- Document 61: Constantine I, Letters on Episocpal Elections (330) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (164-67)
- Document 62: Unknown Emperor, Law on Clerical Defendants in Lawsuits (330-534) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (169-70)
- Document 63: Constantine I, Letter on Suppression of Idolatry and on Erection of a Basilica at Mambre (332) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (172-73)
- Document 64: Constantine I, Letter on Preparation of Copies of the Bible (333) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (174-75)
- Document 65: Constantine I, Rescript on Confirmation of Episcopal Jurisdiction (333) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (177-78)
- Document 66: Constantine I, Letter on Arianism (c. 333) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (182)
- Document 67: Constantine I, Rescript on Arianism (c. 333) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (185-91)
- Document 68: Constantine I, Letter on Accusations Against Athanasius and on Punishment of Rioters (334) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (194-96)
- Document 69: Constantine I, Letter on Adherence to Athanasius (334) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (198-200)
- Document 70: Constantine I, Rescript on John archaph’s Conformity with Orthodoxy (334) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (201)
- Document 71: Constantine I, Letter on Readmission of Heretics (334 or 335) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (202)
- Document 72: Constantine I, Letter on Readmission of Heretics (335) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (203)
- Document 73: Constantine I, Letter on Conciliar Unity (335) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (204-205)
- Document 74: Dionysius, Letter on Conciliar Procedure (335) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (207)
- Document 75: Constantine I, Letter on Transfer of the Tyrian Council to Constantinople (335) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (208-209)
- Document 76: Constantine I, Letter on Jewish Molestation of Christians (335-336) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (214)
- Document 77: Constantine II, Letter on Recall of Athanasius (337) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (216)
- Document 78: Hemerius, Letter on Erection of a Church in Egypt (c. 337) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (218)
- Document 79: Constantius II, Mandate on Jewish Ownership of Christian Slaves (339) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (219)
- Document 80: Constantius II, Mandate on Jewish Proselytism Among Christian Women (339) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (220)
- Document 81: Constantius II, Constans I, Mandate on Exemption of Clergymen’s Sons from Civic Duties (342?) | RSCC, Vol. 1 220-21()
- Document 82: Constantius II, Mandate on Redemption of Christian Prostitutes (343) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (221)
- Document 83: Constantius II, Letter on Clerical Exemption from Taxation (343) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (222)
- Document 84: Constantius II, Letters on Recall of Athanasius (345-346) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (223-24)
- Document 85: Constantius II, Letter on Recall of Athanasius (346) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (225-26)
- Document 86: Constantius II, Letter on Recall of Athanasius and on Enforcement of Laws Against Riot (346) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (227-28)
- Document 87: Constantius II, Mandate on Rescission of Statutes Against Athanasius and on Clerical Exemption from Public Duties (346) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (230)
- Document 88: Constantius, Mandate on Dispatch of Documents About Athanasius (346) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (231)
- Document 89: Constantius II, Mandate on Clerical Exemption from Civic Duties (349) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (231)
- Document 90: Constantius II, Letter on Episcopal Duties (350) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (232-33)
- Document 91: Constantius II and Julian II, Mandate on Christian Converts to Judaism (352 or 357) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (233)
- Document 92: Constantius II, Mandate on Rape of Religious Women (354) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (234)
- Document 93: Constantius II, Letter on Ecclesiastical Unity (355) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (235-36)
- Document 94: Constantius II, Edict on Ecclesiastical Unity (355) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (237)
- Document 95: Constantius II and Pope Liberius, Colloquy on Adherence to the Milanese Council (355) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (238-41)
- Document 96: Constantius II, Constans I, Letter on Episocpal Defendants in Lawsuits (355) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (245-46)
- Document 97: Constantius II, Julian II, Mandate on Clerical Exemption from Taxation (356) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (246)
- Document 98: Constantius II, Letter on Disparagement of Athanasius (357) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (247-49)
- Document 99: Constantius II, Letter on Return of Frumentius (357) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (251-52)
- Document 100: Constantius II, Letter on Condemnation of Athanasius (357) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (253)
- Document 101: Constantius II, Julian II, Mandate on Privileges of the Roman Church (357) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (253)
- Document 102: Constantius II, Julian II, Letter on Clerical Exemption from Taxation and Public Duties (357) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (254)
- Document 103: Constantius II, Letter on Expulsion of Anomoeans from Antioch (358) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (255-56)
- Document 104: Constantius II, Letter on Conciliar Faith and Unity (359) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (257-58)
- Document 105: Constantius II, Rescript on Detention of the Riminese Council (359) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (259)
- Document 106: Constantius II, Mandate on Ecclesiastical Exemption from Taxation (360?) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (261)
- Document 107: Constantius II, Julian II, Letter on Clerical Exemption from Taxation and Public Duties (360) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (263-64)
- Document 108: Constantius II, Julian II, Edict on Clerical Exemption from Public Duties (361) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (266)
- Document 109: Constantius II, Mandate on Clergymen’s Property (361) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (266-68)
- Document 110: Constantius II, Mandate on Admission of Imperial Officials to the Clericate (361) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (268-69)
- Document 111: Julian II, Letter on Pagan Riots in Alexandria (362) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (270-71)
- Document 112: Julian II, Letter on recall of Aetius (362) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (273-74)
- Document 113: Julian II, Mandate on Christian Writings (362) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (275)
- Document 114: Julian II, Mandate on Recall of Decurions from the Clericate (362) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (276)
- Document 115: Julian II, Edict on Exile of Athanasius (362) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (276-77)
- Document 116: Julian II, Letter on Christian Teachers (362) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (278-79)
- Document 117: Julian II, Edict on Christian Riots in Bostra (362) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (281-83)
- Document 118: Julian II, Edict on Clerical Exemption from Public Duties (362) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (285)
- Document 119: Julian II, Letter on Preference of Pagans Over Christians (362) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (285)
- Document 120: Julian II, Rescript on Recall of Donatists (362) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (287-88)
- Document 121: Julian II, Mandate on Exile of Athanasius (362) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (288-89)
- Document 122: Julian II, Mandate on Exile of Athanasius (362) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (289-91)
- Document 123: Julian II, Edict on Christian Riots in Edessa (362 or 363) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (293)
- Document 124: Petitions of Arians to Jovian, and Jovian’s Answers (363) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (294-96)
- Document 125: Jovian, Letter on recall of Athanasius (363 or 364) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (299)
- Document 126: Jovian, Mandate on Proposals to Religious Women (364) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (299-300)
- Document 127: Valentinian I, Valens, Mandate on Taxation of Christian Merchants (364) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (300-301)
- Document 128: Valentinian I, Valens, Mandate on Merchants’ Charity to Christian Paupers (364) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (303)
- Document 129: Valentinian, Valens, Edict on Exclusion of Rich Plebeians from the Clericate (364) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (304)
- Document 130: Valentinian I, Valens, Edict on Admission of Curials to the Clericate (364) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (304-305)
- Document 131: Valentinian I, Subscription on Laic Interference with Clerical Concerns (364) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (305)
- Document 132: Valentinian I, Valens, Mandate on Condemnation of Christians to the Arena (365) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (306)
- Document 133: Valentinian I, Valens, Mandate on Exclusion of Bakers from the Clericate (365) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (306)
- Document 134: Valentinian I, Valens, Mandate on Christian Custodians for Pagan Temples (365) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (309)
- Document 135: Valentinian I, Valens, Gratian, Mandate on Amnesty for Prisoners at Eastertide (367) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (309-10)
- Document 136: Valentinian I, Rescript on Laic Judgment in Clerical Cases (367) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (311)
- Document 137: Valentinian I, Valens, Gratian, Letter on Recall of Ursinians (367) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (312)
- Document 138: Valentinian I, Valens, Gratian, Letter on restoration of a Roman Basilica (367) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (313)
- Document 139: Valentinian I, Valens, Gratian, Letter on Protection of Graves (367-75) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (314)
- Document 140: Valentinian I, Valens, Gratian, Mandate on expulsion of Ursinians from Rome (368) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (315-16)
- Document 141: Valentinian I, Valens, and Gratian, Rescript on Ecclesiastical Disturbances (368) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (317)
- Document 142: Valentinian I, Valens, Gratian, Rescript on Schismatical Assemblies (368) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (318-19)
- Document 143: Valentinian I, Valens, Gratian, Rescript on Schismatical Assemblies (368) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (319)
- Document 144: Valentinian I, Valens, Mandate on Judicial Process Against Christians on Sunday (368-373) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (320)
- Document 145: Valentinian I, Valens, Gratian, Mandate on Amnesty for Prisoners at Eastertide (368) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (321)
- Document 146: Valentinian I, Valens, Gratian, Mandate on Ecclesiastical Appeals (369) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (321-22)
- Document 147: Valentinian I, Valens, Mandate on Admission to Ascetic Life (370 or 371) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (323)
- Document 148: Valentinian I, Valens, Mandate on Confirmation of Constantius II’s Pro-Christian Legislation (370) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (323-24)
- Document 149: Valentinian I, Valens, Gratian, Mandate on Exemption from Capitation (370) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (325)
- Document 150: Valentinian I, Valens, Gratian, Letter on Donations and Legacies to Clergymen at their Solicitation (370) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (326)
- Document 151: Valentinian I, Valens, Mandate on Recall of Curials from the Clericate (370) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (327-28)
- Document 152: Valentinian I, Valens, Gratian, Letter on Measures Against Ursinians (370-372) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (328-29)
- Document 153: Valentinian I, Valens, Gratian, Letter on Measures Against Ursinians (370-372) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (330)
- Document 154: Valentinian I, Valens, Gratian, Mandate on Release of Chrisian Players from the Theater (371) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (331)
- Document 155: Valentinian I, Valens, Gratian, Mandate on Clerical Exemption from Senatorial Service (371) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (332)
- Document 156: Valentinian I, Valens, Mandate on Manichaeism (372) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (333)
- Document 157: Valentinian I, Valens, Gratian, Mandate on Donations and Legacies to Bishops and Virgins at their Solicitation (372) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (334)
- Document 158: Valentinian I, Valens, Mandate on Rebaptism (373) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (335)
- Document 159: Valentinian I, Valens, Gratian, Letter on Consubstantiality (375) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (336-38)
- Document 160: Valens, Gratian, Valentinian II, Mandate on Confiscation of Heretics’ Churches (376 or 380) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (342)
- Document 161: Valens, Gratian, Valentinian II, Letter on Episcopal Jurisdiction in Ecclesiastical Interests (376) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (343)
- Document 162: Valens, Gratian, Valentinian II, Mandate on Clerical Exemption from Public Duties (377) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (344)
- Document 163: Valens, Gratian, Valentinian II, Mandate on Rebaptism (377) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (344-45)
- Document 164: Gratian, Valentinian II, Rescript on Papal Jurisdiction (378) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (346-48)
- Document 165: Gratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Mandate on Clerical Exemption from Taxation (379) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (351)
- Document 166: Gratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Mandate on Prohibition of Heresies (379) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (352)
- Document 167: Gratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Edict on Establishment of the Catholic Religion (380) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (354)
- Document 168: Gratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Edict on Sacrilege (380) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (356)
- Document 169: Gratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Mandate on Suspension of Criminal Cases During Lent (380) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (359)
- Document 170: Gratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Mandate on Exemption of Christian Actresses from the Theater (380) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (360)
- Document 171: Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Arcadius, Letter on Amnesty for Prisoners at Eastertide (380 or 381) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (361)
- Document 172: Gratian, Mandate on Convocation of the Aquileian Council (380 or 381) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (362-63)
- Document 173: Gratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Mandate on Heretical Assemblies and on Adherence to the Nicene Creed (381) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (364-65)
- Document 174: Gratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Mandate on Clerical Exemption from Capitation (381) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (366)
- Document 175: Gratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Mandate on Apostate Christians’ Wills (381) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (367)
- Document 176: Gratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Mandate on Testamentary Restrictions for Manichaeans (381) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (367-69)
- Document 177: Gratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Mandate on Return of Apostate Actresses to the Theater (381) | RSCC, Vol. 1 (370)
- Document 178: Theodosius I, Edict on Exemption of Bishops as Witnesses in Lawsuits (381) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (371)
- Document 179: Gratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Mandate on Heretics’ Incapacity to Build Churches (381) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (371-72)
- Document 180: Gratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Mandate on Amnesty for Prisoners at Eastertide (381) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (372-73)
- Document 181: Gratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Mandate on Interment in Constantinople (381) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (373-74)
- Document 182: Gratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Mandate on Transfer of Churches to Orthodox Bishops (381) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (375-76)
- Document 183: Gratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Mandate on Exemption of Christian Actresses from the Theater (381) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (377)
- Document 184: Mandate of Gratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Mandate on True Worship of God (381) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (377-78)
- Document 185: Gratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Mandate on Special Courts for Prosecution of Heretics (382) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (378-79)
- Document 186: Gratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Mandate on Ecclesiastical Exemption from Public Duties (382) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (380)
- Document 187: Gratian, Valentinina II, Theodosius I, Mandate on Disposition of Remarried Persons’ Property (382) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (382)
- Document 188: Gratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Mandate on Clergymen’s Prior Discharge of Public Duties (383) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (383)
- Document 189: Gratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Mandate on Apostate Christians’ Wills (383) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (384)
- Document 190: Gratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Mandate on Apostate Christians’ Wills and on Penalties for Manichaeans (383) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (385-86)
- Document 191: Gratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Mandate on Heretics’ Use of Churches (383) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (387)
- Document 192: Gratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Mandate on Suppression of Heretics (383) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (387-88)
- Document 193: Gratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Mandate on Curials’ Surrender of Property Before Admission to the Clericate (383) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (388)
- Document 194: Gratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Mandate on Heretical Assemblies (383) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (389)
- Document 195: Gratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Arcadius, Rescript on Luciferians (383 or 384) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (390-91)
- Document 196: Gratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Mandate on Expulsion of Heretical Clergymen from Constantinople (384) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (392-93)
- Document 197: Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Arcadius, Letter on Clerical Immunity from Secular Courts (384?) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (393-94)
- Document 198: Gratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Mandate on Amnesty for Prisoners at Eastertide (384) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (394-95)
- Document 199: Gratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Mandate on Jewish Ownership of Christian Slaves (384) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (395-96)
- Document 200: Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Arcadius, Letter on Papal Election (385) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (396-97)
- Document 201: Gratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Mandate on Amnesty for Prisoners at Eastertide (385) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (397-98)
- Document 202: Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Arcadius, Mandate on Clerical Exemption from the Public Post (385) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (399)
- Document 203: Maximus, Rescript on Support of Orthodoxy (385) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (399-400)
- Document 204: Gratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Mandate on Exemption of Priests from Torture (385?) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (402-403)
- Document 205: Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Arcadius, Mandate on Indulgences to Arians (386) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (404)
- Document 206: Gratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Mandate on Veneration for Martyrs (386) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (405-406)
- Document 207: Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Arcadius, Letter on Amnesty for Prisoners at Eastertide (386) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (407-408)
- Document 208: Gratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Mandate on Prohibition of Christians as Chief Priests (386) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (409-10)
- Document 209: Gratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Mandate on Suspension of Litigation on Sunday (386) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (411)
- Document 210: Gratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Mandate on Substitutes for Decurions Before Admission to the Clericate (386) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (411-12)
- Document 211: Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Arcadius, Rescript on Construction of St. Paul’s Basilica (386) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (412-13)
- Document 212: Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Arcadius, Mandate on Illegal Detention of Ecclesiastical Land (387) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (414)
- Document 213: Gratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Mandate on Suppression of Apollinarians (388) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (415-16)
- Document 214: Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Arcadius, Mandate on Prohibition of Jewish-Chrsitian Marriage (388) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (416)
- Document 215: Gratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Mandate on Oppression of Heretics (388) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (418)
- Document 216: Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Arcadius, Mandate on Public Discussion of Religion (388) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (419)
- Document 217: Gratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Mandate on Arian Pretentions (388?) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (419-20)
- Document 218: Valentinians II, Theodosius I, Arcadius, Rescript on Testamentary Restrictions for Eunomians (389) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (420-21)
- Document 219: Valentinians II, Theodosius I, Arcadius, Mandate on Penalties for Manichaeans (389) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (422)
- Document 220: Valentinians II, Theodosius I, Arcadius, Mandate on Paschal Days and Sundays as Legal Holidays (389) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (423-24)
- Document 221: Valentinians II, Theodosius I, Arcadius, Mandate on Prohibition of Corporal Punishment Duering Lent (389) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (426)
- Document 222: Valentinians II, Theodosius I, Arcadius, Mandate on Expulsion of Clerical Heretics from Their Religious Assemblies (389) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (426)
- Document 223: Valentinians II, Theodosius I, Arcadius, Mandate on Treasure-Trove (390) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (427)
- Document 224: Valentinians II, Theodosius I, Arcadius, Mandate on Exemption of Clerical Property from Municipal Levy (390) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (428-29)
- Document 225: Valentinians II, Theodosius I, Arcadius, Mandate on Deaconesses’ Legacies (390) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (429-31)
- Document 226: Valentinians II, Theodosius I, Arcadius, Mandate on Ecclesiastical Exemption from Public Duties (390) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (432)
- Document 227: Valentinians II, Theodosius I, Arcadius, Mandate on Rescission of Law on Deaconesses’ Legacies (390) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (433-34)
- Document 228: Valentinians II, Theodosius I, Arcadius, Mandate on Sequestration of Monks (390) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (434)
- Document 229: Valentinians II, Theodosius I, Arcadius, Mandate on Religious Significance of the Decurionate (390) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (435-36)
- Document 230: Valentinians II, Theodosius I, Arcadius, Mandate on Profaners of Baptism (391) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (436-37)
- Document 231: Valentinians II, Theodosius I, Arcadius, Mandate on Dishonor for Apostate Nobles (391) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (437-38)
- Document 232: Valentinians II, Theodosius I, Arcadius, Letter on Expulsion of Heretics from Communities (391) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (438)
- Document 233: Valentinians II, Theodosius I, Arcadius, Mandate on Admission of Curials to the Clericate (391) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (439)
- Document 234: Valentinians II, Theodosius I, Arcadius, Mandate on Clerical Interference in Criminal Cases (392) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (440-41)
- Document 235: Theodosius I, Arcadius, Honorius, Mandate on Clerical Interest in Appeals (392) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (441-42)
- Document 236: Valentinians II, Theodosius I, Arcadius, Mandate on Suppression of Circensian Contests on Sunday (392) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (442)
- Document 237: Valentinians II, Theodosius I, Arcadius, Mandate on Restoration of Monks (392) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (444)
- Document 238: Valentinians II, Theodosius I, Arcadius, Mandate on Suspension of Litigation at Eastertide (392) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (444-45)
- Document 239: Valentinians II, Theodosius I, Arcadius, Mandate on Heretical Ordination and Worship (392) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (445-46)
- Document 240: Valentinians II, Theodosius I, Arcadius, Mandate on Disturbers of Religion (392) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (446)
- Document 241: Theodosius I, Arcadius, Honorius, Mandate on Sanctuary (392) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (447)
- Document 242: Theodosius I, Arcadius, Honorius, Mandate on Pagan Rites Offensive to Christianity (392) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (448-49)
- Document 243: Gratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Mandate on Prohibition of Spectacles on Sunday (392-395) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (451)
- Document 244: Theodosius I, Arcadius, Honorius, Mandate on Christian Acts of Anti-Semitism (393) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (452)
- Document 245: Theodosius I, Arcadius, Honorius, Mandate on Heretical Consecration of Bishops (394) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (452-53)
- Document 246: Theodosius I, Arcadius, Honorius, Mandate on Testamentary Rights of Eumonians (394) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (453)
- Document 247: Theodosius I, Arcadius, Honorius, Mandate on Association of Christians with Players (394) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (454)
- Document 248: Theodosius I, Arcadius, Honorius, Mandate on Heretical Instruction (394) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (455)
- Document 249: Arcadius, Honorius, Mandate on Theodosius I’s Legislation on Heresy (395) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (456)
- Document 250: Arcadius, Honorius, Mandate on Confirmation of ecclesiastical Privileges (395) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (457)
- Document 251: Arcadius, Honorius, Mandate on Heretical Assemblies (395) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (457-58)
- Document 252: Arcadius, Honorius, Mandate on Testamentary Rights on Eunomians (395) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (458)
- Document 253: Arcadius, Honorius, Mandate on Penalties for Deviation from Christianity (395) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (459-60)
- Document 254: Arcadius, Honorius, Mandate on Definition of Heretics (395) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (460)
- Document 255: Arcadius, Honorius, Mandate on Divine Oaths in Pacts and in Transactions (395) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (461-62)
- Document 256: Arcadius, Honorius, Mandate on Heretics in Governmental Service (395) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (463)
- Document 257: Arcadius, Honorius, Mandate on Christian Officials in Egypt (396) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (464)
- Document 258: Arcadius, Honorius, Mandate on Expulsion of Heretics from Constantinople (396) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (465)
- Document 259: Arcadius, Honorius, Mandate on Apostate Christians’ Wills (396) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (466)
- Document 260: Arcadius, Honorius, Mandate on Expulsion of Eunomians from Municipalities (396) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (467)
- Document 261: Arcadius, Honorius, Mandate on Confirmation of Ecclesiastical Privileges (397) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (467-68)
- Document 262: Arcadius, Honorius, Mandate on Confirmation of Papal Privileges (397) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (468)
- Document 263: Arcadius, Honorius Mandate on Religious Significance of the Decurionate (397) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (469)
- Document 264: Arcadius, Honorius, Mandate on Expulsion of Apollinarians from Constantinople (397) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (469-70)
- Document 265: Arcadius, Honorius, Mandate on Confirmation of Ecclesiastical Privileges (397) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (470)
- Document 266: Arcadius, Honorius, Mandate on Sanctuary (397) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (471)
- Document 267: Arcadius, Honorius, Mandate on Clerical Privileges (397) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (471-72)
- Document 268: Arcadius, Honorius, Mandate on Penalties for Eunomians and Montanists (398) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (472-73)
- Document 269: Arcadius, Honorius, Mandate on Ordination of Monks in a Shortage of secular Clergymen (398) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (473-74)
- Document 270: Arcadius, Honorius, Mandate on recruitment of Clergymen from Local Districts (398) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (474)
- Document 271: Arcadius, Honorius, Mandate on Restriction of Episcopal Jurisdiction (398) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (475)
- Document 272: Arcadius, Honorius, Mandate on Clerical Interference in Criminal Cases (398) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (476-77)
- Document 273: Arcadius, Honorius, Mandate on Sanctuary (398) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (478)
- Document 274: Arcadius, Honorius, Mandate on Clerical Exemption for Guildsmen (399) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (479)
- Document 275: Arcadius, Honorius, Mandate on Punishment of Manichaeans (399) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (480)
- Document 276: Arcadius, Honorius, Mandate on Penalties for Impairment of Ecclesiastical Privileges (399) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (480-81)
- Document 277: Arcadius, Honorius, Mandate on Rescission of Disabilities for Eunomians (399) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (481-82)
- Document 278: Arcadius, Honorius, Mandate on Episcopal Jurisdiction in ecclesiastical Interests (399) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (482)
- Document 279: Arcadius, Honorius, Mandate on Suppression of Shows on Sunday (399) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (483)
- Document 280: Arcadius, Honorius, Mandate on Clerical Exemption from Senatorial Service (399) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (483-84)
- Document 281: Arcadius, Honorius, Mandate on Suppression of Spectacles on Certain Holy Days (400) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (484)
- Document 282: Arcadius, Honorius, Mandate on Clerical Exemption from Taxation and Public Labor (401) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (485)
- Document 283: Arcadius, Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on Tumultuous Assemblies (404) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (486)
- Document 284: Arcadius, Edict on Chrysostom’s Adherents (404) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (486)
- Document 285: Arcadius, Honorius, Mandate on Expulsion of Foreign Clergymen from Constantinople (404) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (488)
- Document 286: Arcadius, Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandatet on Tumultuous Assemblies (404) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (489-90)
- Document 287: Arcadius, Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on Illicit Assemblies (404) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (490)
- Document 288: Arcadius, Honorius, Theodosius II, Letter on Episcopal Deposition of Bishops (405) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (491-92)
- Document 289: Arcadius, Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on Rebaptism (405) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (493-95)
- Document 290: Arcadius, Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on Rebaptism (405) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (495-96)
- Document 291: Arcadius, Honorius, Theodosius II, Edict on Rebaptism (405) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (496)
- Document 292: Arcadius, Honorius, Theodosius II, Edict on Manichaeans and Donatsits (405) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (497)
- Document 293: Arcadius, Honorius, Mandate on Rescission of Julian II’s Rescript on Behalf of Donatists (405) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (497)
- Document 294: Arcadius, Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on Christian Unity (405) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (498)
- Document 295: Honorius, Letter on Convocation of a Thessalonican Council (405) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (499)
- Document 296: Arcadius, Honorius, Theodosius II, Letter on Swift Justice for Donatists (405) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (500)
- Document 297: Arcadius, Rescript on Chrysostom’s Adherents (406) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (501)
- Document 298: Arcadius, Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on Juristic Restrictions for Manichaeans, Phrygians, and Priscillians (407) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (502-503)
- Document 299: Arcadius, Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on Confession of Catholicism as a Test of Orthodoxy (407) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (504)
- Document 300 Arcadius, Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on Advocates as Representatives of the Church (407) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (505)
- Document 301: Honorius, Theodosius II, Letter on Suppression of Heretics and Pagans (407-408) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (506-507)
- Document 302: Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on Trial of Bandits During Lent or at Eastertide (408) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (509)
- Document 303: Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on Jewish Sacrilege Offensive to Christians (408) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (510)
- Document 304: Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on Employment of Christians at Court (408) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (511)
- Document 305: Honorius, Theodosius II, Letter on Disturbance of Sacraments (408) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (511-12)
- Document 306: Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on Schismatical Assemblies (408) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (512)
- Document 307: Arcadius, Honorius, Letter on Return of Ex-Clergymen to Civil Duties (408) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (513-14)
- Document 308: Honorius, Letter on Christian Supervision of Restoration of Captives (408) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (515-17)
- Document 309: Arcadius, Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on Confirmation of Episcopal Jurisdiction (408) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (519)
- Document 310: Honorius, Theodosius II, Letter on Sacrilege and on Enforcement of Laws on Heretics, Schismatics, and Non-Christians (409) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (520-23)
- Document 311: Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on Selection of Christians as Civic Defenders (409) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (524-25)
- Document 312: Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on Episcopal Interest in Prisoners (409) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (525-26)
- Document 313: Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on Conversion of Astrologers (409) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (526-27)
- Document 314: Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on Capitation for Rural Clergymen (409) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (528)
- Document 315: Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on Penalties for Caelicolans and Christian Converts to Judaism (409) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (529)
- Document 316: Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on Suppression of Amusements on Sunday (409) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (531)
- Document 317: Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on Petitions from Heretics or Pro-heretical Persons (409) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (531-32)
- Document 318: Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on Speedy Trial of Lawsuits Involving the Church (409) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (532)
- Document 319: Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on Limitation of Corpse-Carriers in Constantinople (409) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (533)
- Document 320: Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on Heretics in Governmental Service (410) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (533-34)
- Document 321: Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on Disabilities for Eunomians (410) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (534-55)
- Document 322: Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on Return of Clergymen to Civic Status (410) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (536)
- Document 323: Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on Heretical assemblies (410) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (537)
- Document 324: Honorius, Theodosius II, Letter on the Carthaginian Conference Between Catholics and Donatists (410) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (538-39)
- Document 325: Marcelline, Edict on the Carthaginian Conference Between Catholics and Donatists (411) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (541-43)
- Document 326: Marcelline, Edict on Procedure at the Carthaginian Conference Between Catholics and Donatists (411) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (544-48)
- Document 327: Honorius, Theodosius II, Letter on ecclesiastical Exemption from Public Duties (411?) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (549-50)
- Document 328: Marcelline, Edict on Donatism (411) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (551-53)
- Document 329: Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on Penalties for Donatists (412) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (554-55)
- Document 330: Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on exile of Jovinian (412?) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (556)
- Document 331: Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on Recovery of Exposed Children (412) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (557-58)
- Document 332: Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on Christian Immunity from Jewish Prosecutions (412?) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (558-59)
- Document 333: Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on Jewish Reverence for Christianity (412 or 418) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (559-60)
- Document 334: Document X: Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on Confirmation of Episcopal Jurisdiction (412) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (560-61)
- Document 335: Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on Rebaptism and on Celebration of Easter (413) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (563-64)
- Document 336: Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on Rebaptism (413) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (564-65)
- Document 337: Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on Penalties for Donatists and Heretics (414) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (565-67)
- Document 338: Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on Validity of Proceedings at the Carthaginian Conference Between Catholics and Donatists (414) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (568)
- Document 339: Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on Heretical Assemblies (415) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (568)
- Document 340: Honorius, Theodosius II, Edict on Allocation of Pagan religious Property to the Church (415) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (569)
- Document 341: Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on Punishment of Jewish Proselytizers of Christians (415) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (570)
- Document 342: Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on Penalties for Montanists (415) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (571-72)
- Document 343: Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on Penalties for Eunomians (415) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (572-74)
- Document 344: Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on Jewish Ownership of Christian Slaves (415) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (574)
- Document 345: Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on ecclesiastical Liability to Public Duties (415) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (575)
- Document 346: Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on Return of Lukewarm Jewish Christians to Judaism (416) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (576)
- Document 347: Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on ecclesiastical Sick-Nurses (416) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (577-78)
- Document 348: Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on Jewish Ownership of Christian Slaves (417) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (579)
- Document 349: Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on ecclesiastical Sick-Nurses (418) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (580)
- Document 350: Honorius, Theodosius II, Rescript on Condemnation of Pelagius and Caelestius (418) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (582-84)
- Document 351: Palladius, Monaxius, Agricola, Edict on Condemnation of Pelaganism (418) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (585-86)
- Document 352: Honorius, Rescript on Papal Election (419) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (587-88)
- Document 353: Honorius, Rescript on a Priestly Petition (419) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (588-89)
- Document 354: Honorius, Letter on the Eulalian-Bonifacian Schism (419) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (590-91)
- Document 355: Honorius, Mandate on Roman Celebration of Easter (419) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (591)
- Document 356: Honorius, Letter on Roman Celebration of Easter (419) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (592-93)
- Document 357: Honorius, Oration on Roman Celebration of Easter (419) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (593-94)
- Document 358: Honorius, Edict on Roman Celebration of Easter (419) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (594-95)
- Document 359: Honorius, Letter on Convocation of the Spoletan Council (419) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (596)
- Document 360: Honorius, Letter on Convocation of the Spoletan Council (419) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (597)
- Document 361: Placidia, Letter on Convocation of the Spoletan Council (419) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (598)
- Document 362: Placidia, Letter on Convocation of the Spoletan Council (419) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (599)
- Document 363: Constantius, Letter on Execution of Imperial Orders About Eulalians (419) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (600)
- Document 364: Honorius, Letter on Penalties for Eulalians (419) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (601-602)
- Document 365: Honorius, Rescript on Confirmation of Papal Election (419) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (603-604)
- Document 366: Honorius, Mandate on Cancellation of a Conciliar Convocation (419) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (605)
- Document 367: Largus, Letter on Cancellation of a Conciliar Convocation (419) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (606)
- Document 368: Honorius, Theodosius II, Letter on Condemnation of Pelagianism (419) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (606-607)
- Document 369: Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on Episcopal Intercession for Shipwrights (419) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (608)
- Document 370: Honorius, Theodosius II, Edict on Sanctuary and on Episcopal Visitation of Prisons (419) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (609-10)
- Document 371: Honorius, Rescript on Papal Election (420) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (611-12)
- Document 372: Honorius, Theodosius II, Letter on Clerical Cohabitation and on Delation About Rapists of Consecrated Virgins (420) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (612-13)
- Document 373: Constantius III, Letter on Expulsion of Pelagians from Rome (421) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (615)
- Document 374: Volusian, Edict on Expulsion of Pelagians from Rome (421) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (616)
- Document 375: Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate, Letter, Rescript on Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction in Illyricum (421-423) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (617-19)
- Document 376: Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on Christian Restitution to Jews (423) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (622)
- Document 377: Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on Ecclesiastical Exemption from Public Duties (423) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (623)
- Document 378: Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on Jewish Circumcision of Christians (423) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (624)
- Document 379: Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on Jewish Ownership of Christian Slaves (423) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (625)
- Document 380: Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on Confirmation of Laws on Heretics (423) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (625)
- Document 381: Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on Enforcement of Laws on Heretics (423) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (626)
- Document 382: Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on Penalties for Heretics and for Christian Plunderers of Non-Christians (423) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (627)
- Document 383: Honorius, Theodosius II, Mandate on Heretics in Governmental Service (423) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (629)
- Document 384: Theodosius II, Rescript on Ecclesiastical Exemption from Capitation (424) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (630)
- Document 385: Theodosius II, Valentinian III, Mandate on Prohibition of Amusements on Certain Holy Days (425) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (630-31)
- Document 386: Theodosius II, Valentinian III, Mandate on restraint of Reverence to Imperial Images (425) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (632)
- Document 387: Theodosius II, Valentinian III, Mandate on Confirmation of Episcopal Jurisdiction, on Heresy, and on Christian Slaves (425) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (633-34)
- Document 388: Theodosius II, Valentinian III, Mandate on Expulsion of Heretics from Rome (425) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (635)
- Document 389: Theodosius II, Valentinian III, Mandate on Punishment of Heresy, Perfidy, Schism, Pagan Superstition, and Religious Error (425) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (636)
- Document 390: Theodosius II, Valentinian III, Mandate on Confirmation of Ecclesiastical Privileges (425) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (636-37)
- Document 391: Theodosius II, Valentinian III, Mandate on Apostate Christians’ Wills (426) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (637-38)
- Document 392: Theodosius II, Valentinian III, Mandate on Testamentary Benefits for Christian Converts (426) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (638-39)
- Document 393: Theodosius II, Valentinian III, Mandate on the Sign of the Cross (427 or 447) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (640)
- Document 394: Theodosius II, Valentinian III, Mandate on Episcopal Interest in Freedom of Prostitutes (428) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (641)
- Document 395: Theodosius II, Valentinian III, Mandate on Penalties and Disabilities for Heretics and Schismatics (428) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (642-44)
- Document 396: Theodosius II, Valentinian III, Law on Seduction from Orthodoxy (c. 429) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (646)
- Document 397: Theodosius II, Valentinian III, Letter on Convocation of the Ephesian Council (430) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (646-48)
- Document 398: Theodosius II, Valentinian III, Letter on Conciliar Attendance (430) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (649-51)
- Document 399: Theodosius II, Valentinian III, Mandate on Procedure in Lawsuits Against Clergymen and on Sanctuary (430) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (652-53)
- Document 400: Theodosius II, Valentinian III, Mandate on Sanctuary (431) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (654-59)
- Document 401: Theodosius II, Valentinian III, Letter on conciliar Procedure (431) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (662-63)
- Document 402: Candidian, Edict on Conciliar Procedure (431) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (665-66)
- Document 403: Candidian, Letter on Conciliar Procedure (431) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (667)
- Document 404: Candidian, Edict on Conciliar Procedure (431) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (668-69)
- Document 405: Theodosius II, Valentinian III, Letter on Conciliar Procedure (431) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (669-70)
- Document 406: Theodosius II, Valentinian III, Letter on Conciliar Depositions (431) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (672-73)
- Document 407: Theodosius I, Bishop Theodoret, Colloquy on Conciliar Decisions (431) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (674-75)
- Document 408: Theodosius II, Valentinian III, Letter on Dissolution of the Ephesian Council (431) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (676)
- Document 409: Theodosius II, Letter on Dissolution of the Ephesian Council (431) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (677-78)
- Document 410: Isidore, Letter on Commitment of Nestorius to a Monastery (431) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (678-79)
- Document 411: Theodosius II, Letters on Ecclesiastical Peace and Unity (432) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (680-82)
- Document 412: Theodosius II, Valentinian III, Letter on Ecclesiastical Peace and Unity (432) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (684-86)
- Document 413: Theodosius II, Valentinian III, Mandate on Sanctuary (432) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (687)
- Document 414: Domitian, Letter on Ecclesiastical Peace and Unity (c. 434) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (688-89)
- Document 415: Dionysius, Letters on Ecclesiastical Peace and Unity (c. 434) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (690-91)
- Document 416: Titus, Letter on ecclesiastical Peace and Unity (c. 434) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (692-93)
- Document 417: Interpretation of Mandate on Exile of Meletius (c. 434) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (694)
- Document 418: Titus, Letter on ecclesiastical Peace and Unity (c. 434) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (695)
- Document 419: Dionysius, Letter on Ecclesiastical Peace and Unity (c. 434) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (696)
- Document 420: Titus, Letter on Exile of Alexander (c. 434) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (697-98)
- Document 421: Theodosius II, Valentinian III, Mandate on Clerics’ and Monks’ Inheritances (434) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (698-99)
- Document 422: Theodosius II, Valentinian III, General Law on Nestorianism (435) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (700-701)
- Document 423: Isidore, Bassus, Reginus, Edict on Destruction of Nestorius’ Writings (435) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (703-704)
- Document 424: Theodosius II, Valentinian III, Mandate on Erection of the Cross on Sites of Heathen Shrines (435) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (705)
- Document 425: Interpretation of Mandate on Exile of Nestorius (436) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (706)
- Document 426: Theodosius II, Letter on Exile of Irenaeus and Photius (436) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (707-708)
- Document 427: Theodosius II, Valentinian III, Letter on Ecclesiastical Peace and Unity (436) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (709)
- Document 428: Theodosius II, Valentinian III, Mandate on Episcopal Exemption from Taxation (436) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (710)
- Document 429: Theodosius II, Valentinian III, Letter on Disabilities for Jews, Samaritans, Heretics, and Pagans (438) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (711-14)
- Document 430: Theodosius II, Valentinian III, Mandate on Corpse-Carriers’ Service to the Church (439) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (716)
- Document 431: Theodosius II, Valentinian III, Letter on retention of Certain Ships for Public Service (439) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (717-18)
- Document 432: Theodosius II, Valentinian III, Mandate on Clerical Misuse of Imperial Insignia (439) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (719)
- Document 433: Theodosius II, Valentinian III, Letter on Successions to Clerical Estates (439) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (720-22)
- Document 434: Theodosius II, Valentinian III, Mandate on ecclesiastical Levies for Imperial Tours (440-441) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (723)
- Document 435: Theodosius II, Valentinian III, Letter on Cancellation of Clerical exemption from Public Duties (441) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (724)
- Document 436: Theodosius II, Valentinian III, Mandate on Privilege for the Nobility (442) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (726)
- Document 437: Theodosius II, Valentinian III, Mandate on ecclesiastical Privileges (445) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (726-27)
- Document 438: Theodosius II, Valentinian III, Mandate on Ecclesiastical Levies for Imperial Tours (445) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (727-28)
- Document 439: Theodosius II, Valentinian III, Rescript on Recall of Roman Guildsmen from the Clericate (445) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (728-29)
- Document 440: Theodosius II, Valentinian III, Letter on Penalties for Manichaenas (445) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (730-31)
- Document 441: Theodosius II, Valentinian III, Rescript on Privilege of Clergy for Tenant Farmers (445) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (731-32)
- Document 442: Theodosius II, Valentinian III, Rescript on Papal Jurisdiction (445) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (733-34)
- Document 443: Theodosius II, Valentinian III, Letter on Clerical Violators of Sepulchers (447) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (736-39)
- Document 444: Theodosius II, Valentinian III, Letter on Exclusion of Palatines from the Clericate (447) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (740-41)
- Document 445: Theodosius II, Mandate on Condemnation of Porphyry, Nestorius, and Irenaeus (448) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (741-42)
- Document 446: Hormisdas, Albinus, Edict on Condemnation of Porphyry, Nestorius, and Irenaeus (448) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (743-44)
- Document 447: Theodosius II, Mandate on Trial of Three Bishops by an Episcopal Commission (448) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (745)
- Document 448: Theodosius II, Mandate on Admission of a Layman to a Synod (448) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (746)
- Document 449: Theodosius II, Valentinian III, Letter on Convocation of the Ephesian Council (449) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (747-48)
- Document 450: Theodosius II, Valentinian III, Letter on Conciliar Attendance (449) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (749-50)
- Document 451: Theodosius II, Letter on Conciliar Attendance (449) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (750-51)
- Document 452: Theodosius II, Letter on Conciliar Attendance (449) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (751-52)
- Document 453: Theodosius II, Mandate on Conciliar Discipline (449) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (752-53)
- Document 454: Theodosius II, Mandate on Conciliar Discipline (449) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (754)
- Document 455: Theodosius II, Letter on Conciliar Maintenance of Orthodoxy (449) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (755-56)
- Document 456: Theodosius II, Valentinian III, Mandate on Conciliar Action About Ibas (449) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (756-57)
- Document 457: Elpidius, Mandate on Conciliar Procedure (449) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (758-59)
- Document 458: Theodosius II, Letter on Presidency of the Ephesian Council (449) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (760)
- Document 459: Theodosius II, Edict on Confirmation of the Ephesian Council (449 or 450) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (761-65)
- Document 460: Theodosius II, Letter on Orthodoxy (449 or 450) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (767)
- Document 461: Valentinian III, Marcian, Letter on Convocation of a Council (450) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (767-68)
- Document 462: Marcian, Letter on Convocation of a Council (450) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (768-69)
- Document 463: Pulcheria, Rescript on Convocation of a Council (450) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (769-70)
- Document 464: Valentinian III, Marcian, Letter on Convocation of the Chalcedonian Council (451) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (771-72)
- Document 465: Marcian, Edict on Decorum in Churches (451) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (772-73)
- Document 466: Pulcheria, Letter on Conciliar Attendance (451) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (773-74)
- Document 467: Valentinian III, Marcian, Letter on Conciliar Procedure (451) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (775)
- Document 468: Valentinian III, Marcian, Rescript on Transfer of the Council from Nicaea to Chalcedon (451) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (775-76)
- Document 469: Valentinian III, Marcian, Letter on T transfer of the Council from Nicaea to Chalcedon (451) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (777-78)
- Document 470: Imperial Commissioners, Decrees on Conciliar Procedure (451) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (779-85)
- Document 471: Marcian, Mandate on Conciliar Procedure (451) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (791)
- Document 472: Marcian, Oration and Decrees on Conciliar Procedure (451) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (793-95)
- Document 473: Valentinian III, Marcian, Mandate on Conciliar Procedure (451) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (799-800)
- Document 474: Valentinian III, Marcian, Mandate on Confirmation of Ecclesiastical Privileges (451) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (800)
- Document 475: Valentinian III, Marcian, Letter on Confirmation of the Chalcedonian Council (451) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (801-803)
- Document 476: Valentinian III, Marcian, Edict on Confirmation of the Chalcedonian Council (452) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (804-805)
- Document 477: Marcian, Constitution on Confirmation of the Chalcedonian Council (452) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (808-10)
- Document 478: Valentinian III, Letter on Episcopal Judgment and on Various Matters (452) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (811-15)
- Document 479: Valentinian III, Marcian, Mandate on Confirmation of the Chalcedonian Council (452) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (818-19)
- Document 480: Valentinian III, Marcian, Letter on Confirmation of the Chalcedonian Council and on Penalties for Eutychians (452) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (820-23)
- Document 481: Marcian, Letter on Conformity with Orthodoxy (452) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (826-28)
- Document 482: Valentinian III, Marcian, Letter on Confirmation of the Chalcedonian Council (453) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (829-30)
- Document 483X: Marcian, Letter on Lawlessness of Theodosius (453) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (831-33)
- Document 484: Marcian, Rescript on Lawlessness of Palestinian Monks (453) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (835-39)
- Document 485: Pulcheria, Letter on Anathematization of Heretics (453) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (840-42)
- Document 486: Pulcheria, Rescript on Anathematization of Heretics (453) | RSCC, Vol. 2 (842-44)
- Document 487: Marcian, Mandate on Lawlessness of Theodosius and on Condemnation of Heretics (453) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (845-47)
- Document 488: Marcian, Letter on Religious Women’s Legacies (455) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (849-51)
- Document 489: Marcian, Letter on Penalties for Eutychians and Apollinarians (455) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (852-55)
- Document 490: Marcian, Mandate on Patriarchal Jurisdiction in Ecclesiastical Interests (456) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (859)
- Document 491: Marcian, Mandate on Clerical Defendants in Lawsuits (456?) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (859-60)
- Document 492: Leo I, Edict on Burial of Heretics (457) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (861)
- Document 493: Leo I, Edict on Episcopal Interest in Manumission and in Restraint of Actresses (457-467) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (862)
- Document 494: Leo I, Edict on Clerical Manumission of Prostitutes (457-467) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (862-63)
- Document 495: Leo I, Letter on an Alexandrian Dispute (458) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (863-64)
- Document 496: Leo I and Majorian, Letter on regulations for Nuns (458) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (866-68)
- Document 497: Leo I, Majorian, Letter on Admission of Curials to the Clericate (458) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (870-71)
- Document 498: Leo I, Mandate on respect for the Cross and Relics (459) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (872-73)
- Document 499: Majorian, Law on Ecclesiastical Privilege (missing) (459-460?) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (873)
- Document 500: Leo I, Majorian, Mandate on Forced Ordination to the Clericate (460) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (874-75)
- Document 501: Leo I, Mandate on Sanctuary (466) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (876-78)
- Document 502: Leo I, Mandate on Ex-Officials to the Clericate (466) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (878-79)
- Document 503: Leo I, Mandate on Alienation of Ecclesiastical Property to Heretics (466-472?) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (879-80)
- Document 504: Unknown Emperor, Law on Disturbance of Churches (466-534) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (880)
- Document 505: Unknown Emperor, Law on Decorum in Church (466-534) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (881)
- Document 506: Leo I, Anthemius, Mandate on restriction of the Legal Profession to Christians (468) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (882)
- Document 507: Leo I, Mandate on Episcopal Interest in Legacies for Ransom of Captives (468) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (883-84)
- Document 508: Leo I, Anthemius, Mandate on Episcopal Election (469) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (884-85)
- Document 509: Leo I, Anthemius, Mandate on Observance of Sunday (469) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (887)
- Document 510: Leo I, Anthemius, Mandate on Alienation of Ecclesiastical Property (470) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (889-91)
- Document 511: Leo I, Mandate on Orthodoxy for Civil Officials (470?) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (892)
- Document 512: Leo I, Anthemius, Mandate on Restriction of Monks to Monasteries (471) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (893)
- Document 513: Leo I, Mandate on Biblical Oaths in Sales (472) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (893-94)
- Document 514: Leo I, Anthemius, Mandate on Clerical Wills (472) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (895)
- Document 515: Leo I, Anthemius, Mandate on Clerical Defendants in Lawsuits (472) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (896-98)
- Document 516: Leo I, Anthemius, Mandate on Foster-Fathers’ Management of Wards’ Property (472) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (901)
- Document 517: Leo I, Anthemius, Mandate on Prenuptial Gifts in Mixed Betrothals (472) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (902)
- Document 518: Leo I, Anthemius, Mandate on Privileges for Ecclesiastical Institutions (472) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (903-904)
- Document 519: Glycerius, Edict on Simoniacal Ordinations (473) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (904-906)
- Document 520: Himelco, Dioscore, Aurelian, Protadius, Edict on Simoniacal Ordination (473) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (907-908)
- Document 521: Leo I, Zeno, Mandate on Treasure-Trove (474) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (909-10)
- Document 522: Zeno, Law on Promises About Shrines and Charitable Institutions (474-477) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (911)
- Document 523: Zeno, Edict of the Urban Episcopate (474-484?) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (912-13)
- Document 524: Basiliscus, Mark, Letter and Edict on the Christian Faith (475) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (915-18)
- Document 525: Zeno, Mandate on Concubines’ Marriages and on Legitimation of Children (477) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (921-22)
- Document 526: Zeno, Mandate on rescission of Basiliscus’ Ecclesiastical Legislation (477) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (923)
- Document 527: Zeno, Letter on Ecclesiastical Unity (482) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (925-27)
- Document 528: Zeno, Mandate on Admission of Tenant Farmers to Ascetic Life and of Slaves to the Clericate (484) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (934)
- Document 529: Zeno, Mandate on Admission of Slaves to Ascetic Life (484) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (936)
- Document 530: Unknown Emperor, Law on ecclesiastical Exaction of Offerings (484-524) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (937-38)
- Document 531: Unknown Emperor, Law on Monastic Discipline (484-524) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (939)
- Document 532: Unknown Emperor, Law on the Bible’s Use in Official Investigation (485-534) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (940)
- Document 533: Zeno or Anastasius I, Law on Right of Residence for Manichaeans (487 or 510) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (940)
- Document 534: Anastasius I, Law on Episcopal Interest in Purchase of Grain (491-505) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (941)
- Document 535: Anastasius I, Law on Episcopal Interest in Military Payment (491-505) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (942)
- Document 536: Anastasius I, Mandate on Soldiers as Guards for Churches (491-518) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (943)
- Document 537: Anastasius I, Law on Alienation of ecclesiastical Property (491-518) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (944-45)
- Document 538: Anastasius I, Law on Christian Funerals in Constantinople (491-518) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (947)
- Document 539: Unknown Emperor, Law on Episcopal Interest in Purchase of Grain (491-534) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (948)
- Document 540: Anastasius I, Mandate on Selection of Civic Defenders (503 or 504) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (949)
- Document 541: Anastasius I, Mandate on Selection of Christians as Civic Defenders (505) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (949-50)
- Document 542: Anastasius I, Letter on Anathematization of Heretics (505) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (950-51)
- Document 543: Anastasius I, Letter on Summoning Severus to Court (507 or 508) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (953-54)
- Document 544: Anastasius I, Letter on Convocation of the Heraclean Council (514) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (955-56)
- Document 545: Anastasius I, Letter on Ecclesiastical Unity (515) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (956-57)
- Document 546: Anastasius I, Letter on Ecclesiastical Unity (515-516) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (958-60)
- Document 547: Anastasius I, Letter on Ecclesiastical Unity (516) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (961-62)
- Document 548: Anastasius I, Letter on Ecclesiastical Unity (516) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (963-64)
- Document 549: Justin I, Letter on Ecclesiastical Unity (518) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (965)
- Document 550: Justinian I, Letter on Ecclesiastical Unity (518) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (966-67)
- Document 551: Justinian I, Letter on Expulsion of Monks from Rome (519) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (968-69)
- Document 552: Justinian I, Letter on Theopaschism (519) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (971)
- Document 553: Justinian I, Letter on Theopaschism (519) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (972-73)
- Document 554: Justin I, Letter on Ecclesiastical Unity (519) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (973-74)
- Document 555: Justin I, Edict on Orthodoxy for Soldiers (519 or 520) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (975-76)
- Document 556: Justin I, Letter on Ecclesiastical Unity (520) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (977)
- Document 557: Justin I, Letter on Episcopal Appointments (520) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (978-79)
- Document 558: Justin I, Letter on Diptychs of Eastern Churches (520) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (979-80)
- Document 559: Justin I, Mandate on a Religious Celebration at Cyrus (520) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (981-83)
- Document 560: Justin I, Letter on Diptychs of Eastern Churches (520) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (984-85)
- Document 561: Justinian I, Letter on Diptychs of Eastern Churches (520) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (987-88)
- Document 562: Justinian I, Letter on Theopaschism (520) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (989-90)
- Document 563: Justinian I, Letter on Diptychs of Eastern Churches (520) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (991-92)
- Document 564: Justinian I, Letter on Ecclesiastical Unity (520) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (993)
- Document 565: Justin I, Mandate on Clerical Intervention in Probate (524) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (994)
- Document 566: Unknown Emperor, Law on monastic Rights (525?) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (994-95)
- Document 567: Justin I, Justinian I, Law on Penalties for Heretics (527) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (995-98)
- Document 568: Justin I, Justinian I, Rescript on an Oratory’s Estates (527) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1000)
- Document 569: Justinian I, Edict on Penalties for Heretics (527?) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1002-1003)
- Document 570: Justinian I, Law on Orthodox Children as Heirs of Heretical Parents (527-529) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1004)
- Document 571: Justinian I, Law on Disabilities for Heretics (527-529) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1004)
- Document 572: Justinian I, Mandate on Manichaeans’ Wills (527-529) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1005)
- Document 573: Justinian I, Law on Disabilities for Manichaeans (527-529) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1006-1007)
- Document 574: Justinian I, Law on Disabilities for Samaritans (527-529) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1007-1008)
- Document 575: Justinian I, Law on Disabilities for Heretics (527-529) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1008-11)
- Document 576: Justinian I Mandate on Sanctuary (527-534) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1012-13)
- Document 577: Justinian I, Constitution on Status of the Smyrnan Church (527-565) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1014)
- Document 578: Justinian I, Edict on Composition of the Code (528) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1016)
- Document 579: Justinian I, Mandate on Selection of Bishops, on Management of Ecclesiastical Property, on Clerical Duties (528) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1017-21)
- Document 580: Justinian I, Letter on Episcopal Journeys to Constantinople (528) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1022-23)
- Document 581: Justinian I, Mandate on Donations for Pious Purposes (528) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1024)
- Document 582: Justinian I, Mandate on Episcopal Interest in Disputed Loans (528) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1025)
- Document 583: Justinian I, Law on Episcopal Information About Pagans (528?) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1026-27)
- Document 584: Justinian I, Law on Ecclesiastical Exclusion from Military Provisioning (c. 528) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1027-28)
- Document 585: Justinian I, Law on Legacies to Clergymen or Churches or Charities (528-529) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1028-29)
- Document 586: Justinian I, Mandate on Episcopal Interest in Prisoners (529) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1029-30)
- Document 587: Justinian I, Mandate on Episcopal Interest in Exiles (529) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1031)
- Document 588: Justinian I, Mandate on Segregation of Monks and Nuns (529) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1032-34)
- Document 589: Justinian I, Mandate on Episcopal Interest in Private Prisoners (529) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1034)
- Document 590: Justinian I, Mandate on Confirmation of the Code (529) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1035)
- Document 591: Justinian I, Mandate on Episcopal Interest in Foundlings’ Rights (529) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1036)
- Document 592: Justinian I, Mandate on Biblical Oaths Before Judicial Torture of Slaves (529) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1037)
- Document 593: Justinian I, Mandate on Episcopal Interest in Gambling (529) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1038)
- Document 594: Justinian I, Mandate on Oaths in Lawsuits (529) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1039-40)
- Document 595: Justinian I, Mandate on Donations and Legacies to ecclesiastical Institutions (529) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1040)
- Document 596: Justinian I, Mandate on Donations for Pious Purposes (529) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1042)
- Document 597: Justinian I, Mandate on the Church as Depository of Disputed Revenue (529) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1043-44)
- Document 598: Justinian I, Mandate on Alienation of Ecclesiastical Property (529) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1044-45)
- Document 599: Justinian I, Mandate on Orthodox Children’s Rights in Heretical Parents’ Property (529) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1047)
- Document 600: Justinian I, Law on Conversion of Pagans to Christianity (529?) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1048-50)
- Document 601: Justinian I, Mandate on Donations for Pious Purposes or to Religious Persons (530) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1050-51)
- Document 602: Justinian I, Mandate on Manumission in Church (530) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1052)
- Document 603: Justinian I, Mandate on the Bible’s Significance in Lawsuits (530) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1053)
- Document 604: Justinian I, Mandate on Prescription Affecting the Church (530) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1054)
- Document 605: Justinian I, Mandate on Biblical Oaths in Lawsuits (530) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1055-57)
- Document 606: Justinian I, Mandate on Episcopal Interest in Municipal Matters (530) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1058-61)
- Document 607: Justinian I, Mandate on Manumission in Church (530) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1064)
- Document 608: Justinian I, Mandate on Episcopal Interest in Guardianship (530) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1065-66)
- Document 609: Justinian I, Mandate on Foster-Daughters’ Marriages (530) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1067-68)
- Document 610: Justinian I, Mandate on Episcopal Interest in Prenuptial Settlements by Lunatics’ Children (530) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1068-69)
- Document 611: Justinian I, Mandate on Episcopal Jurisdiction in Clerical Lawsuits (530) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1069-71)
- Document 612: Justinian I, Mandate on Legacies to the Church (530) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1072-76)
- Document 613: Justinian I, Mandate on Clerical Celibacy (530) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1078-79)
- Document 614: Justinian I, Mandate on Abbatial Election (530) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1080-81)
- Document 615: Justinian I, Mandate on Legacies to the Church (530) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1082-83)
- Document 616: Justinian I, Mandate on Disabilities for Heretics (530) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1084-86)
- Document 617: Justinian I, Letter on Composition of the Digest (530) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1087-88)
- Document 618: Justinian I, Edict on Contractual Usage of ecclesiastical Property (530) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1089-90)
- Document 619: Justinian I, Mandate on Biblical Oaths in Lawsuits (531) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1092-95)
- Document 620: Justinian I, Mandate on Episocpal Celibacy (531) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1096)
- Document 621: Justinian I, Mandate on Episocpal Interest in Guardianship (531) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1097)
- Document 622: Justinian I, Mandate on Heretics’ Evidence in Court (531) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1099-100)
- Document 623: Justinian I, Mandate on Clerical Interest in Property Left to Prisoners and Paupers as Heirs (531) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1101-1102)
- Document 624: Justinian I, Mandate on Clerical Wills (531) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1103-1104)
- Document 625: Justinian I, Mandate on Clerical Lawsuits (531) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1105)
- Document 626: Justinian I, Mandate on Heretics as Soldiers’ Heirs (531) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1107)
- Document 627: Justinian I, Mandate on Episcopal Interest in Detention and in Debt (531) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1107-1108)
- Document 628: Justinian I, Mandate on Clerical Exemption from Guardianship (531) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1109)
- Document 629: Justinian I, Mandate on Clerical Candidates, on Ex-Clergymen, and on Admission to Ascetic Life (531) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1110-14)
- Document 630: Justinian I, Mandate on Imperial Property for ecclesiastical Purposes (531) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1115-16)
- Document 631: Justinian I, Mandate on Rescission of the Claudian Senatus-consult (531-534) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1118)
- Document 632: Justinian I, Law on Episocpal Interest in payment of Rent (531-534) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1119-20)
- Document 633: Justinian I, Rescript on Governors’ Grant of Sanctuary and on Extortion from Heretics (531-535) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1121-22)
- Document 634: Justinian I, Mandate on Ecclesiastical Interest in Creditors’ Possession of Debtors’ Property (532) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1123-24)
- Document 635: Justinian I, Rescript on Episcopal Interest in Guardianship (533) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1124)
- Document 636: Justinian I, Edict on Theopaschism (533) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1125-27)
- Document 637: Justinian I, Letter on Condemnation of Heretics (533) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1128-31)
- Document 638: Justinian I, Mandate on Rapists of Religious Women (533) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1132-33)
- Document 639: Justinian I, Edict on Use of His Institutes (533) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1134-35)
- Document 640: Justinian I, Statues on Legacies to the Church (533) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1136-37)
- Document 641: Justinian I, Statutes on Sacred and Religious Thinks (533) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1138-39)
- Document 642: Justinian I, Edict on Confirmation of the Digest (533) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1145-46)
- Document 643: Justinian I, Statute on Invalidity of Heretics’ Oaths (533) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1147)
- Document 644: Justinian I, Statute on Vows (533) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1148)
- Document 645: Pope John II, Justinian I, Letters on Theopaschism (533-534) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1149-54)
- Document 646: Justinian I, Mandate on the Office Staff of the Praetorian Prefect of Africa and on the Said Dioceses’s Entire Statue (534) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1157-59)
- Document 647: Justinian I, Edict on Non-Catholic Ownership of Christian Slaves (534) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1162)
- Document 648: Justinian I, Mandate on Legacies to ecclesiastical Institutions (534) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1163-64)
- Document 649: Justinian I, Rescript on Episcopal Interest in Actresses (534) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1165-66)
- Document 650: Justinian I, Mandate on Episcopal Interest in Actresses and Danseuses (534) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1167-68)
- Document 651: Justinian I, Mandate on Episcopal Jurisdiction in Clerical Misconduct (534) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1169-73)
- Document 652: Justinian I, Mandate on Admission to Religious Life (534?) | RSCC, Vol. 3 (1176-78)
Miscellaneous Documents
- Anonymous Greek Scholia on the Apocalypse (§§39) | CUA, Vol. 144 (107-49)
- Anonymous Incomplete Greek Homily on the Transfiguration | PPS, Vol. 48 (157-60)
- Pseudo-John Chrysostom (Sicily, 14th century), Discourse for the Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ (§§6) | PPS, Vol. 48 (319-24)
- Pseudo-Methodius, Apocalypse (Greek and Latin) | DOML, Vol. 14 (1-139)
- An Alexandrian World Chronicle (2 Books) | DOML, Vol. 14 (141-311)
- Liber Pontificalis/The Book of Pontiffs (Peter to Stephen V) | TTH, Vol. 6 (1-90) | TTH, Vol. 13 (1-233) | TTH, Vol. 20 (308)
- Incomplete Commentary on Matthew, Opus Imperfectum (27 Homilies) | ACT, Incomplete Commentary on Matthew, Vol. 1 (1-209) [Homilies 1-27]
- Incomplete Commentary on Matthew, Opus Imperfectum (27 Homilies) | ACT, Incomplete Commentary on Matthew, Vol. 2 (1-209) [Homilies 28-54]
- Reference Bible, On the Mysteries in the Apocalypse of John (700s) | Gumerlock, Latin Commentaries on the Apocalypse (44-84)
- Chronicon Paschale | TTH, Vol. 7 (1-188)
- Irish Reference Bible | Gumerlock, Seven Seals of the Apocalypse (32-33) [Apoc. 5:1-3]
- Celtic Catechism | Gumerlock, Seven Seals of the Apocalypse (34-35) [Apoc. 5:1-3]
- The Confession of Prous Boneta | Gumerlock, Seven Seals of the Apocalypse (61-63)
- The Dialogue on Political Science | TTH, Vol. 52 (123-88)
- The Coming of the Holy Cross (Latin Version) | TTH, Vol. 39 (63-80)
- Story of the Discovery of the Honorable and Life-Giving Cross (Greek Version) | TTH, Vol. 39 (81-91)
- The Edict of Constantine to Pope Silvester (The Donation of Constantine) (§§20) | TTH, Vol. 39 (92-115)
The Lateran Synod (649)M
- Session 1 (October 5, 649) | TTH, Vol. 61 (113-31)
- Session 2 (October 8, 649) | TTH, Vol. 61 (139-89)
- Session 3 (October 17, 649) | TTH, Vol. 61 (200-236)
- Session 4 (October 19, 649) | TTH, Vol. 61 (244-85)
- Session 5 (October 31, 649) | TTH, Vol. 61 (301-88)
Letters of St. Pope Martin I
- Encyclical Letter | TTH, Vol. 61 (398-408)
- To Bishop Amandus | TTH, Vol. 61 (408-12)
- St. Pope Martin I and the Synod, To Constans II | TTH, Vol. 61 (412-17)
Quinisext Council/Council of Trullo (691/92)
- The Address to the Emperor | TTH, Vol. 74 (71-76)
- The Canons | TTH, Vol. 74 (77-177)
- The Subscriptions | TTH, Vol. 74 (178-191)
Ecumenical Council of Nicaea (325)
Ecumenical Council of Constantinople (381)
Ecumenical Council of Ephesus (431)
Before the Council
- Protest Concerning Nestorius | TTH, Vol. 72 (95-97)
- Nestorius, First Letter to St. Pope Celestine (§§3) | TTH, Vol. 72 (98-100)
- Nestorius, Second Letter to St. Pope Celestine (§§3) | TTH, Vol. 72 (100-102)
- St. Cyril of Alexandria, To His Apocrisiarii at Constantinople (§§8) | TTH, Vol. 72 (104-108)
- St. Cyril of Alexandria, To Acacius of Beroea | TTH, Vol. 72 (108-109)
- Acacius, To St. Cyril of Alexandria | TTH, Vol. 72 (109-11)
- St. Cyril of Alexandria, Letter to His Critics | TTH, Vol. 72 (112)
- St. Cyril of Alexandria, First Letter to Nestorius (§§4) | TTH, Vol. 72 (113-15)
- Nestorius, First Letter to St. Cyril of Alexandria | TTH, Vol. 72 (115)
- St. Cyril of Alexandria, Second Letter to Nestorius (§§7) (February 430) | TTH, Vol. 72 (117-20)
- Nestorius, Second Letter to St. Cyril of Alexandria (§§9) (June 430) | TTH, Vol. 72 (122-27)
- St. Cyril of Alexandria, Letter to St. Pope Celestine (§§6) | TTH, Vol. 72 (128-31)
- St. Cyril of Alexandria, Instructions to His Deacon Posidonius | TTH, Vol. 72 (132-33)
- St. Pope Celestine, To St. Cyril of Alexandria (§§7) (August 10, 430) | TTH, Vol. 72 (134-37)
- St. Pope Celestine, To Nestorius (§§18) (August 10, 430) | TTH, Vol. 72 (137-45)
- St. Pope Celestine, To the Clergy and Laity of Constantinople (§§22) (August 10, 430) | TTH, Vol. 72 (145-54)
- St. Pope Celestine, To John of Antioch, Juvenal of Jerusalem, Rufus of Thessalonica, and Flavian of Philippi (§§5) (August 10, 430) | TTH, Vol. 72 (154-56)
- St. Cyril of Alexandria, To Juvenal of Jerusalem | TTH, Vol. 72 (157-58)
- St. Cyril of Alexandria, To John of Antioch | TTH, Vol. 72 (158-59)
- St. Cyril of Alexandria, Third Letter to Nestorius (§§12) | TTH, Vol. 72 (161-71)
- St. Cyril of Alexandria, To the Clergy and Laity of Constantinople | TTH, Vol. 72 (171-73)
- St. Cyril of Alexandria, To the Monks of Constantinople | TTH, Vol. 72 (173-74)
- John of Antioch, To Nestorius (§§5) | TTH, Vol. 72 (176-80)
- Nestorius, To John of Antioch (§§10) | TTH, Vol. 72 (180-84)
- John of Antioch, To Firmus of Caesarea (§§5) (Winter 430/31) | TTH, Vol. 72 (185-86)
- Nestorius, Third Letter to St. Pope Celestine (§§2) | TTH, Vol. 72 (187-88)
- Petition from Basil the Deacon and Other Monks (§§5) | TTH, Vol. 72 (189-94)
- Imperial Letter of Convocation (§§3) (November 19, 430) | TTH, Vol. 72 (197-99)
- Theodosius II, To St. Cyril of Alexandria (§§5) (November 430) | TTH, Vol. 72 (199-201)
- Sacra Sent to Acacius of Beroea and Symeon Stylites (November 430) | TTH, Vol. 72 (201-202)
- St. Pope Celestine, To St. Cyril of Alexandria (May 7, 431) | TTH, Vol. 72 (203-204)
- St. Pope Celestine, To Theodosius II (May 8, 431) | TTH, Vol. 72 (204-205)
- St. Pope Celestine, Memorandum to His Legates (May 8, 431) | TTH, Vol. 72 (205-206)
- St. Cyril of Alexandria, First Letter to the Clergy and Laity of Alexandria | TTH, Vol. 72 (206-207)
- St. Cyril of Alexandria, To the Clergy and Laity of Alexandria | TTH, Vol. 72 (207-208)
- John of Antioch, To St. Cyril of Alexandria | TTH, Vol. 72 (208-209)
- Protest at the Early Meeting of the Council | TTH, Vol. 72 (210-13)
- Theodosius II, To the Council | TTH, Vol. 72 (214-16)
Session (June 22, 431)
- Session (June 22, 431) | TTH, Vol. 72 (223-91)
After the Session of June 22, 431
Cyril and His Allies
- Notification Sent to Nestorius of his deposition (June 23, 431) | TTH, Vol. 72 (299)
- Notification of Nestorius’s Deposition to the Clergy of Constantinople | TTH, Vol. 72 (299-300)
- Letter of the Council to the Clergy and Laity of Constantinople | TTH, Vol. 72 (300)
- (Third) Letter of Cyril to the Clergy and Laity of Alexandria | TTH, Vol. 72 (301)
- (Fourth) Letter of Cyril to the Clergy and Laity of Alexandria | TTH, Vol. 72 (302)
- Cyril to the Monastic Fathers | TTH, Vol. 72 (303)
Candidianus and Nestorius
- Protest by Count Candidianus to the Council (June 22, 431) | TTH, Vol. 72 (305-307)
- Protest by Candidianus After the Deposition of Nestorius (June 23, 431) | TTH, Vol. 72 (308)
- Instructions from Candidianus to the Council (June 23, 431) | TTH, Vol. 72 (308-309)
- Report of Nestorius to Theodosius II After the Session of June 22 | TTH, Vol. 72 (309-12)
Repercussions in Constantinople
- Memorandum of the Bishops in Constantinople (including): Letter by Cyril to the Bishops of Comarius and Potamon and Others | TTH, Vol. 72 (315-19)
- Letter of Dalmatius of Constantinople to the Council | TTH, Vol. 72 (320)
- Letter of the Council to Dalmatius | TTH, Vol. 72 (320-21)
After the Arrival of the John of Antioch and His Travelling Party
- Session of the Easterns of June 26 | TTH, Vol. 72 (324-31)
- First Report of the Easterns to Theodosius II | TTH, Vol. 72 (331-32)
- Letter of the Easterners to the Clergy of Constantinople | TTH, Vol. 72 (332)
- Letter of the Easterners to the Senate of Constantinople | TTH, Vol. 72 (333-34)
- Letter of the Easterners to the Laity of Constantinople | TTH, Vol. 72 (334-35)
- Letter of Memnon of Ephesus to the Clergy of Constantinople | TTH, Vol. 72 (336-38)
Preaching in Ephesus
- Homily of Cyril Against Nestorius (June 28, 431?) | TTH, Vol. 72 (339-43)
- Homily of Reginus of Cyprus (June 28, 431?) | TTH, Vol. 72 (343-45)
Further Activities of the Eastern Bishops
- Second Session of the Easterners (June 29, 431?) | TTH, Vol. 72 (347-48)
- Letter of the Eastern Bishops to the Clergy of Hierapolis | TTH, Vol. 72 (349-51)
- Letter of the Easterners to the [Cyrillian] Council | TTH, Vol. 72 (351-52)
The First Imperial Intervention and Both Parties’ Responses
- (First) Report from the Council to Theodosius II | TTH, Vol. 72 (353-56)
- Theodosius to the Council (June 29, 431) | TTH, Vol. 72 (356-58)
- Reply of the Council to Theodosius (July 1, 431) | TTH, Vol. 72 (358-63)
- (Second) Report of the Easterners to Theodosius II (July 1, 431) | TTH, Vol. 72 (364-66)
Arrival of the Roman Legates and Further Sessions of Cyril’s Council
- Session of July 10 | TTH, Vol. 72 (368-75)
- Session of July 11 | TTH, Vol. 72 (375-81)
- (Second) Report from the Council to Theodosius II | TTH, Vol. 72 (381-82)
- Letter of the Council to the Clergy and Laity of Constantinople | TTH, Vol. 72 (384-85)
- Session of July 16 | TTH, Vol. 72 (386-93)
- Session of July 17 | TTH, Vol. 72 (393-98)
- Conciliar Encyclical | TTH, Vol. 72 (398-401)
- (Third) Report from the Council to Theodosius II | TTH, Vol. 72 (402-404)
- Letter of the Council to Celestine | TTH, Vol. 72 (405-10)
- Homily of Cyril Against John of Antioch | TTH, Vol. 72 (410-13)
Before the Cyrillian Sessions of July 16-17
- (Third) Report of the Easterners to Theodosius II | TTH, Vol. 72 (414-16)
- (Fourth) Report of the Easterners to Theododius II | TTH, Vol. 72 (416-17)
- Report of the Easterners to the Empresses | TTH, Vol. 72 (417-18)
- Letter of the Easterners to the Prefect and the Magister | TTH, Vol. 72 (418-19)
- Letter of the Easterners to the Praepositus and Scholasticus | TTH, Vol. 72 (419-20)
After the Session of July 16-17
- (Fifth) Report of the Easterners to Theododius II | TTH, Vol. 72 (421-23)
- Letter of Count Irenaeus to the Easterners | TTH, Vol. 72 (423-25)
- Letter of Nestorius to the Eunuch Scholasticus | TTH, Vol. 72 (426-29)
“Session” (July 22, 431)
- “Session” (July 22, 431) | TTH, Vol. 72 (444-85)
From the End of July Until Nestorius’s Retirement
- Sacra Sent through Count John (August 431) | TTH, Vol. 72 (491-92)
- Count John, Report from Ephesus | TTH, Vol. 72 (493-95)
- Council of Ephesus, Reply to the Sacra | TTH, Vol. 72 (495-96)
- Easterners, Reply to the Sacra | TTH, Vol. 72 (498-500)
- Eastern Bishops, To the Clergy of Antioch | TTH, Vol. 72 (501-503)
- Eastern Bishops, To Acacius of Beroea | TTH, Vol. 72 (503-504)
- Council of Ephesus, To Theodosius II | TTH, Vol. 72 (505-506)
- Bishops in Constantinople, To the Council of Ephesus (August 13, 431) | TTH, Vol. 72 (508-509)
- Council of Ephesus, To the Bishops in Constantinople | TTH, Vol. 72 (509-11)
- St. Cyril of Alexandria, To the Clergy of Constantinople | TTH, Vol. 72 (511-13)
- Clergy of Constantinople, Petition to Theodosius II | TTH, Vol. 72 (513-15)
- St. Cyril of Alexandria, To Three Bishops in Constantinople | TTH, Vol. 72 (516-17)
- Council of Ephesus, To the Bishops and Clergy in Constantinople | TTH, Vol. 72 (517-19)
- Alypius the Presbyter, To St. Cyril of Alexandria | TTH, Vol. 72 (519-20)
- Clergy of Constantinople, To the Council of Ephesus | TTH, Vol. 72 (521)
- Council of Ephesus, Decree Against the Messalians | TTH, Vol. 72 (523-24)
- Council of Ephesus, Session Protocol of August 31 on the Bishops of Cyprus | TTH, Vol. 72 (525-31)
- Bishops of Bizye and Coela, Petition to the Council of Ephesus | TTH, Vol. 72 (532-33)
- Council of Ephesus, To the Bishops of Pamphylia | TTH, Vol. 72 (534-35)
- Antiochus the Praetorian Prefect, To Nestorius | TTH, Vol. 72 (537)
- Nestorius, Letter to Antiochus the Praetorian Prefect | TTH, Vol. 72 (537-38)
From the Colloquia at Chalcedon to the Dissolution of the Council
- Mandate to the Envoys of the Council of Ephesus | TTH, Vol. 72 (545-48)
- Mandate to the Envoys of the Easterners | TTH, Vol. 72 (549-52)
- Report to Theodosius II Sent via the Envoys of the Cyrillian Council | TTH, Vol. 72 (552-54)
- Imperial Sacra Sent to Flavian of Philippi at Chalcedon | TTH, Vol. 72 (554-55)
- Eastern Delegates, First Letter to Those at Ephesus (September 11, 431) | TTH, Vol. 72 (555)
- Eastern Delegates, Letter to Those at Ephesus | TTH, Vol. 72 (556)
- Easterners at Ephesus, To Those at Constantinople | TTH, Vol. 72 (557-59)
- Easterners at Ephesus, Report to Theodosius II | TTH, Vol. 72 (560-61)
- John of Antioch and Others, To Rufus of Thessalonica | TTH, Vol. 72 (561-65)
- Theodoret, To Alexander of Hierapolis | TTH, Vol. 72 (566-68)
- A List of Gifts from St. Cyril of Alexandria to People at Court | TTH, Vol. 72 (569-71)
- First Sacra Dissolving the Council | TTH, Vol. 72 (578-79)
- Eastern Delegates, First Petition | TTH, Vol. 72 (579-82)
- Eastern Delegates, Second Petition | TTH, Vol. 72 (582-84)
- Eastern Delegates, Third Petition | TTH, Vol. 72 (585-86)
- Eastern Delegates, Third Letter to Those at Ephesus | TTH, Vol. 72 (588-89)
- Final Sacra Dissolving the Council | TTH, Vol. 72 (589-90)
- Theodoret, Homily Delivered at Chalcedon | TTH, Vol. 72 (594-97)
- John of Antioch, Homily Delivered at Chalcedon | TTH, Vol. 72 (598-99)
- Maximian of Constantinople, To St. Cyril of Alexandria | TTH, Vol. 72 (599-600)
- St. Cyril of Alexandria, To Maximian’s Consecrators | TTH, Vol. 72 (601-602)
- Synod at Constantinople, To the Bishops of Epirus Vetus | TTH, Vol. 72 (603-604)
- Synod of Constantinople, To the Clergy and Laity of Tenedos | TTH, Vol. 72 (605–606)
- Peter of Traianopolis, To the Synod at Constantinople | TTH, Vol. 72 (607-608)
- Julian of Sardica, To the Synod at Thessalonica | TTH, Vol. 72 (609-10)
- Acacius of Beroea, To Alexander of Hierapolis | TTH, Vol. 72 (611-13)
Ecumenical Council of Chalcedon (451)
Documents Before the Council
- Marcian, Letter to St. Pope Leo (September 450) | TTH, Vol. 45, Volume 1 (92-93)
- Marcian, Letter to St. Pope Leo (November 22, 450) | TTH, Vol. 45, Volume 1 (93)
- Pulcheria, Letter to St. Pope Leo (November 22, 450) | TTH, Vol. 45, Volume 1 (93-94)
- St. Pope Leo, Letter to Pulcheria (April 13, 451) | TTH, Vol. 45, Volume 1 (94-96)
- St. Pope Leo, Letter to Marcian (April 23, 451) | TTH, Vol. 45, Volume 1 (96-98)
- Marcian, Letter to St. Pope Leo (May 23, 451) | TTH, Vol. 45, Volume 1 (98-99)
- St. Pope Leo, Letter to Marcian (June 24, 451) | TTH, Vol. 45, Volume 1 (99-100)
- St. Pope Leo, Letter to Marcian (June 256, 451) | TTH, Vol. 45, Volume 1 (100-101)
- St. Pope Leo, Letter to Bishop Paschasinus (June 24, 451) | TTH, Vol. 45, Volume 1 (101-103)
- St. Pope Leo, Letter to the Council (June 26, 451) | TTH, Vol. 45, Volume 1 (103-105)
- St. Pope Leo, Letter to Pulcheria (July 20, 451) | TTH, Vol. 45, Volume 1 (105-107)
- Marcian, First Letter to the Council (September 451) | TTH, Vol. 45, Volume 1 (107)
- Pulcheria, Letter to the Governor of Bithynia (September 451) | TTH, Vol. 45, Volume 1 (107-108)
- Marcian, Second Letter to the Council (September 451) | TTH, Vol. 45, Volume 1 (108-109)
- Marcian, Third Letter to the Council (September 22, 451) | TTH, Vol. 45, Volume 1 (109-10)
- Session 1, Debate Over Ephesus II, Home Synod of 448 (October 8, 451) | TTH, Vol. 45, Volume 1 (122-365)
- Session 2, Debate Over the Faith (October 10, 451) | TTH, Vol. 45, Volume 2 (5-28)
- Session 3, Trial of Dioscorus (October 13, 451) | TTH, Vol. 45, Volume 2 (38-116)
- Session 4, Tome of Leo, Egyptian Bishops and Constantinopolitan Monks (October 17, 451 | TTH, Vol. 45, Volume 2 (121-63)
- Session on Carosus and Dorotheus (October 20, 451) | TTH, Vol. 45, Volume 2 (166-68)
- Session on Photius and Eustathius (October 20, 451) | TTH, Vol. 45, Volume 2 (171-82)
- Session 5, The Definition of the Faith (October 22, 451) | TTH, Vol. 45, Volume 2 (194-205)
- Session 6, Promulgation of the Definition (October 25, 451) | TTH, Vol. 45, Volume 2 (208-43)
- Session 7, Patriarchate of Jerusalem (October 26, 451) | TTH, Vol. 45, Volume 2 (245-49)
- Session 8, Theodoret of Cyrus (October 26, 451) | TTH, Vol. 45, Volume 2 (252-57)
- Session 9, Ibas of Edessa, Day 1 (October 26, 451) | TTH, Vol. 45, Volume 2 (259-64)
- Session 10, Ibas of Edessa, Day 2 (October 27, 451) | TTH, Vol. 45, Volume 2 (273-309)
- Session on Domnus | TTH, Vol. 45, Volume 2 (311-12)
- Session 11, Bassianus and Stephen of Ephesus, Day 1 (October 29, 451) | TTH, Vol. 45, Volume 3 (3-17)
- Session 12, Bassianus and Stephen of Ephesus, Day 2 (October 30, 451) | TTH, Vol. 45, Volume 3 (19-22)
- Session 13, Nicomedia and Nicaea (October 30, 451) | TTH, Vol. 45, Volume 3 (24-33)
- Session 14, Athanasius and Sabianus of Perrhe (October 31, 451) | TTH, Vol. 45, Volume 3 (36-61)
- Session 15, Leo, Letter 93 (October 31, 451) | TTH, Vol. 45, Volume 3 (63-66)
- Session 16, Canon 28 (November 1, 451) | TTH, Vol. 45, Volume 3 (73-91)
- Canons (1-27) | TTH, Vol. 45, Volume 3 (94-103)
Documents After the Council
- Address of the Council to Marcian | TTH, Vol. 45, Volume 3 (111-20)
- The Council Father to St. Pope Leo | TTH, Vol. 45, Volume 3 (120-28)
- First Edict Confirming Chalcedon | TTH, Vol. 45, Volume 3 (128-30)
- Second Edict Confirming Chalcedon | TTH, Vol. 45, Volume 3 (130-31)
- Third Edict Confirming Chalcedon | TTH, Vol. 45, Volume 3 (131-33)
- Fourth Edict Confirming Chalcedon | TTH, Vol. 45, Volume 3 (133-36)
- Marcian, Letter to St. Pope Leo (December 18, 451) | TTH, Vol. 45, Volume 3 (136-38)
- Anatolius of Constantinople, Letter to St. Pope Leo (December 451) | TTH, Vol. 45, Volume 3 (138-42)
- St. Pope Leo, Letter to Marcian (May 22, 452) | TTH, Vol. 45, Volume 3 (142-45)
- St. Pope Leo, Letter to Anatolius of Constantinople (May 22, 452) | TTH, Vol. 45, Volume 3 (146-50)
- Marcian, Letter to St. Pope Leo (February 15, 453) | TTH, Vol. 45, Volume 3 (150-51)
- St. Pope Leo, Letter to Marcian (March 21, 453) | TTH, Vol. 45, Volume 3 (151-52)
- St. Pope Leo, Letter to the Council (March 21, 453) | TTH, Vol. 45, Volume 3 (153-54)
- Marcian, Letter to the Monks of Alexandria | TTH, Vol. 45, Volume 3 (154-56)
Ecumenical Council of Constantinople II (553)
Letters from Africa (545-46)
- Bishop Pontianus, To Emperor Justinian | TTH, Vol. 51 (111-12)
- Ferrandus, Letter 6: To the Deacons of Rome (§§10) | TTH, Vol. 51 (112-21)
Justinian’s Edict on the Orthodox Faith (551)
- Emperor Justinian, On the Orthodox Faith (551) | TTH, Vol. 51 (129-59)
Letters By or On Pope Vigilius (551-52)
- Pope Vigilius, Letter of Excommunication to Ascidas and Menas | TTH, Vol. 51 (161-65)
- Church of Milan, To the Frankish Envoys | TTH, Vol. 51 (165-70)
- Pope Vigilius, Encylical: Dum in Sanctae Euphemiae | TTH, Vol. 51 (170-79)
The Acts of the Council (553)
- Session 1 (May 5, 553) | TTH, Vol. 51 (184-204)
- Session 2 (May 8, 553) | TTH, Vol. 51 (206-18)
- Session 3 (May 9, 553) | TTH, Vol. 51 (219-24)
- Session 4 (May 12, 553) | TTH, Vol. 51 (231-70)
- Session 5 (May 17, 553) | TTH, Vol. 51 (283-368)
- Session 6 (May 19, 553) | TTH, Vol. 51, Volume 2 (5-71)
- Session 7 (May 26, 553) | TTH, Vol. 51, Volume 2 (74-101)
- Session 8 (June 2, 553) | TTH, Vol. 51, Volume 2 (106-39)
Pope Vigilius’s Two Constituta (553-54)
- Pope Vigilius, First Constitutum | TTH, Vol. 51, Volume 2 (145-213)
- Pope Vigilius, Second Letter to Eutychius of Constantinople | TTH, Vol. 51, Volume 2 (215-18)
- Pope Vigilius, Second Constitutum | TTH, Vol. 51, Volume 2 (221-69)
Anti-Origenist Canons
- The Canons of 543 (§§9) | TTH, Vol. 51, Volume 2 (281)
- Emperor Justinian, Letter to the Holy Council About Origen and Those Like-Minded | TTH, Vol. 51, Volume 2 (282-84)
- The Canons of 553 (§§15) | TTH, Vol. 51, Volume 2 (284-86)
Ecumenical Council of Nicaea II (787)
Documents Before the Council
- Sacra of the Emperors Constantine and Eirene to Pope Hadrian | TTH, Vol. 68 (85-88)
- The Apologia of Patriarch Tarasios | TTH, Vol. 68 (88-90)
- A Short Account of the Events Before the Council | TTH, Vol. 68 (91-92)
The Council
- Session 1 | TTH, Vol. 68 (98-140)
- Session 2 | TTH, Vol. 68 (153-95)
- Session 3 | TTH, Vol. 68 (205-33)
- Session 4 | TTH, Vol. 68 (259-377)
- Session 5 | TTH, Vol. 68 (388-423)
- Session 6 | TTH, Vol. 68 (438-546)
- Session 7 | TTH, Vol. 68 (555-78)
Letters, Encomium, and Canons of the Council
- Letter from Tarasios and the Council to the Emperors | TTH, Vol. 68 (580-85)
- Letter from the Council to the Clergy of Constantinople | TTH, Vol. 68 (586-90)
- Encomium by Deacon Epiphanios | TTH, Vol. 68 (594-605)
- The Canons | TTH, Vol. 68 (610-24)
Tarasios, Letters Written After the Council
- First Letter to Pope Hadrian | TTH, Vol. 68 (626-29)
- Second Letter to Pope Hadrian | TTH, Vol. 68 (631-38)
- Letter to John the Presbyter | TTH, Vol. 68 (639-44)
The Greek Appendix
- How to Understand the Incommunicable Name of God | TTH, Vol. 68 (646-50)
- Tarasios, Letter to the Bishops of Sicily | TTH, Vol. 68 (651-55)
- The So-Called “Eighth” Session | TTH, Vol. 68 (658-61)
- Eusebius, Letter to Constantia | TTH, Vol. 68 (665-681)
- The Horos of 754 | TTH, Vol. 68 (668-84)
Ecumenical Council of Constantinople III (869-70)
The Sessions of the Council
- Anastasius, Preface | TTH, Vol. 79 (83-102)
- Session 1 | TTH, Vol. 79 (109-41)
- Session 2 | TTH, Vol. 79 (146-57)
- Session 3 | TTH, Vol. 79 (162-77)
- Session 4 | TTH, Vol. 79 (184-218)
- Session 5 | TTH, Vol. 79 (221-31)
- Session 6 | TTH, Vol. 79 (236-60)
- Session 7 | TTH, Vol. 79 (267-327)
- Session 8 | TTH, Vol. 79 (331-46)
- Session 9 | TTH, Vol. 79 (352-75)
- Session 10 | TTH, Vol. 79 (386-437)
Letters Sent After the Council
- Encyclical Letter of the Council | TTH, Vol. 79 (441-48)
- Letter of the Council to Pope Hadrian | TTH, Vol. 79 (449-51)
- Letter of the Emperors to All the Patriarchs | TTH, Vol. 79 (452-53)
- Letter of Patriarch Ignatius to Pope Hadrian | TTH, Vol. 79 (453-56)
- Letter of the Emperors to Pope Hadrian | TTH, Vol. 79 (456-58)
- Letter of Pope Hadrian to the Emperors | TTH, Vol. 79 (458-61)
Mathetes (c. late first/early second century) | EAST/WEST?
- Letter to Diognetus (§§12) | ANF, Vol. 1 (25-30) | Holmes, Apostolic Fathers (293-301) | New Advent
The Shepherd of Hermas (early to mid-100s) | EAST/WEST?
- The Shepherd of Hermas (3 Books) | ANF, Vol. 2 (9-55) | Holmes, Apostolic Fathers (206-87) | New Advent
Aristo of Pella (c. 100-c. 160) | EAST
- Fragments from the Disputation of Jason and Papiscus | ANF, Vol. 8 (749-50) | New Advent
Tatian the Syrian (c. 120-c. 180) | EAST
- Address to the Greeks (§§42) | ANF, Vol. 2 (65-83) | New Advent
- Diatessaron of Tatian (§§55) | New Advent
Theophilus, Bishop of Caesarea Maritima (died 195) | EAST
- Fragment from Letter on the Question of the Passover, Written in the Name of the Synod of Caesarea | ANF, Vol. 8 (774)
Polycrates of Ephesus (c. 130-196) | EAST
- Fragment of Letter to St. Pope Victor on the Day of Keeping Passover | ANF, Vol. 8 (773-74)
Rhodon (late 100s) | EAST
- Fragment (c. 180) | ANF, Vol. 8 (766)
Pseudo-Irenaeus (late 100s) | EAST/WEST?
- Letter of the Churches of Vienna and Lugdunum to the Churches of Asia and Phrygia (177) | ANF, Vol. 8 (778-84)
Maximus II, Bishop of Jerusalem (late 100s) | EAST
- Fragment of a Book Concerning Matter, That it is Not the Cause of Evil | ANF, Vol. 8 (767-72)
Apollonius of Ephesus (late 100s to early 200s) | EAST
- Fragments from the book Concerning Montanism (§§5) | ANF, Vol. 8 (775-76)
Commodianus (mid 200s) | WEST?
- In Favor of Christian Discipline, Against the gods of the Heathens (§§80) | ANF, Vol. 4 (203-18) | New Advent
Tertullian (c. 155-c. 220) | WEST
- The Apology (§§50) | ANF, Vol. 3 (17-55) | New Advent
- On Idolatry | ANF, Vol. 3 (61-76) | New Advent
- The Shows, or De Spectaculis | ANF, Vol. 3 (79-91) | New Advent
- The Chaplet, or De Corona | ANF, Vol. 3 (93-103) | New Advent
- To Scapula | ANF, Vol. 3 (105-08) | New Advent
- Ad Nationes, with Fragment | ANF, Vol. 3 (109-50) | New Advent
- An Answer to the Jews | ANF, Vol. 3 (151-73) | New Advent
- The Soul’s Testimony | ANF, Vol. 3 (175-79) | New Advent
- A Treatise on the Soul | ANF, Vol. 3 (181-235) | New Advent
- The Prescription Against Heretics | ANF, Vol. 3 (243-65) | New Advent
- Against Marcion (5 Books) | ANF, Vol. 3 (269-474) | New Advent
- Against Hermogenes | ANF, Vol. 3 (477-502) | New Advent
- Against the Valentinians | ANF, Vol. 3 (503-20) | New Advent
- On the Flesh of Christ | ANF, Vol. 3 (521-42) | New Advent
- On the Resurrection of the Flesh | ANF, Vol. 3 (545-94) | New Advent
- Against Praxeas | ANF, Vol. 3 (597-627) | New Advent
- Scorpiace | ANF, Vol. 3 (633-48) | New Advent
- Against All Heresies (§§8) | ANF, Vol. 3 (649-54) | New Advent
- On Repentance | ANF, Vol. 3 (658-66) | New Advent
- On Baptism | ANF, Vol. 3 (669-79) | New Advent
- On Prayer (§§29) | PPS, Vol. 29 (41-64) | ANF, Vol. 3 (681-91) | New Advent
- Ad Martyras (§§6) | ANF, Vol. 3 (693-96) | New Advent
- The Martyrdom of Perpetua and Felicitas | ANF, Vol. 3 (699-706) | New Advent
- Of Patience (§§16) | ANF, Vol. 3 (707-17) | New Advent
- On the Pallium (§§6) | ANF, Vol. 4 (5-12) | New Advent
- On the Apparel of Women (§§13) | ANF, Vol. 4 (14-25) | New Advent
- On the Veiling of Virgins (§§17) | ANF, Vol. 4 (27-37) | New Advent
- To His Wife (§§6) | ANF, Vol. 4 (39-49) | New Advent
- On Exhortation to Chastity (§§8) | ANF, Vol. 4 (50-58) | New Advent
- On Monogamy (§§17) | ANF, Vol. 4 (59-72) | New Advent
- On Modesty (§§22) | ANF, Vol. 4 (74-101) | New Advent
- On Fasting (§§17) | ANF, Vol. 4 (102-14) | New Advent
- De Fuga in Persecutione (§§14) | ANF, Vol. 4 (116-25) | New Advent
Doubtful Works
- A Strain of Jonah the Prophet (Doubtful) | ANF, Vol. 4 (127-29) | New Advent
- A Strain of Sodom (Doubtful) | ANF, Vol. 4 (129-32) | New Advent
- Genesis (Doubtful) | ANF, Vol. 4 (132-35) | New Advent
- A Strain of the Judgment of the Lord (Doubtful) | ANF, Vol. 4 (135-41) | New Advent
- Five Books in Reply to Marcion (Doubtful) | ANF, Vol. 4 (142-65) | New Advent
Sextus Julius Africanus (c. 160-c. 240) | EAST
- Letter to Aristides (§§6) | ANF, Vol. 6 (125-27) | New Advent
- Narrative of Events Happening in Persian on the Birth of Christ | ANF, Vol. 6 (128-30) | New Advent
- Fragments of the Five Books of the Chronography | ANF, Vol. 6 (130-38) | New Advent
- The Passion of St. Symphorosa and Her Seven Sons (§§4) | ANF, Vol. 6 (138-39) | New Advent
Origen (c. 184-c. 253) | EAST
- De Principiis | ANF, Vol. 4 (239-382) | New Advent
- Against Celsus | ANF, Vol. 4 (395-669) | New Advent
- On Prayer (§§34) | PPS, Vol. 29 (111-214) | ACW, Vol. 19 (11-92)
- Exhortation to Martyrdom (§§51) | ACW, Vol. 19 (93-130)
- Treatise on the Passover (§§50) | ACW, Vol. 54 (27-56)
- Dialogue with Heraclides and His Fellow Bishops on the Father, the Son, and the Soul (§§28) | ACW, Vol. 54 (57-78)
Biblical Commentaries
- Commentary on the Song of Songs (4 Books) | ACW, Vol. 26 (21-263)
- Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew (14 Books, some missing) | ANF, Vol. 9 (412-512) | New Advent
- Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew 17:1-9 | PPS, Vol. 48 (55-66)
- Commentary on the Gospel of John (10 Books, some missing) | CUA, Vol. 80 (31-327) | ANF, Vol. 9 (297-408) | New Advent
- Commentary on Romans (Books 1-5) | CUA, Vol. 103 (53-378)
- Commentary on Romans (Books 6-10) | CUA, Vol. 104 (1-310)
Homilies on Genesis
- Homily 1 (§§17) | CUA, Vol. 71 (47-71)
- Homily 2 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 71 (72-88)
- Homily 3 (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 71 (89-102)
- Homily 4 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 71 (103-111)
- Homily 5 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 71 (112-20)
- Homily 6 (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 71 (121-26)
- Homily 7 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 71 (127-35)
- Homily 8 (§§10) | CUA, Vol. 71 (136-47)
- Homily 9 (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 71 (148-56)
- Homily 10 (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 71 (157-67)
- Homily 11 (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 71 (168-75)
- Homily 12 (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 71 (176-84)
- Homily 13 (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 71 (185-95)
- Homily 14 (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 71 (196-202)
- Homily 15 (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 71 (203-13)
- Homily 16 (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 71 (214-24)
Homilies on Exodus
- Homily 1 (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 71 (227-38)
- Homily 2 (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 71 (239-47)
- Homily 3 (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 71 (248-59)
- Homily 4 (§§9) | CUA, Vol. 71 (260-74)
- Homily 5 (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 71 (275-84)
- Homily 6 (§§14) | CUA, Vol. 71 (285-99)
- Homily 7 (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 71 (300-315)
- Homily 8 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 71 (316-33)
- Homily 9 (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 71 (334-45)
- Homily 10 (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 71 (346-54)
- Homily 11 (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 71 (355-66)
- Homily 12 (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 71 (367-74)
- Homily 13 (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 71 (375-87)
Homilies on Leviticus
- Homily 1 (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 83 (29-38)
- Homily 2 (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 83 (39-51)
- Homily 3 (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 83 (52-69)
- Homily 4 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 83 (70-87)
- Homily 5 (§§9) | CUA, Vol. 83 (88-115)
- Homily 6 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 83 (116-28)
- Homily 7 (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 83 (129-52)
- Homily 8 (§§15) | CUA, Vol. 83 (153-75)
- Homily 9 (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 83 (176-201)
- Homily 10 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 83 (202-07)
- Homily 11 (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 83 (208-17)
- Homily 12 (§§2) | CUA, Vol. 83 (218-31)
- Homily 13 (§§2) | CUA, Vol. 83 (232-44)
- Homily 14 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 83 (245-55)
- Homily 15 (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 83 (256-60)
- Homily 16 (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 83 (261-77)
Homilies on Numbers
- Homily 1: Numbers 1:1-54 (§§) | ACT, Homilies on Numbers: Origen (2-5)
- Homily 2: Numbers 2:1-34 (§§) | ACT, Homilies on Numbers: Origen (6-8)
- Homily 3: Numbers 3:5-39 (§§) | ACT, Homilies on Numbers: Origen (9-12)
- Homily 4: Numbers 3:39-4:49 (§§) | ACT, Homilies on Numbers: Origen (13-16)
- Homily 5: Numbers 4:1-49 (§§) | ACT, Homilies on Numbers: Origen (16-20)
- Homily 6: Numbers 11:16-25; 12:1-15 (§§) | ACT, Homilies on Numbers: Origen (20-24)
- Homily 7: Numbers 12:1-15; 13:18-34; 14:1-8 (§§) | ACT, Homilies on Numbers: Origen (24-32)
- Homily 8: Numbers 13:18-34; 14:1-38 (§§) | ACT, Homilies on Numbers: Origen (32-35)
- Homily 9: Numbers 17:1-28 (LXX), 16:36-17:13 (§§) | ACT, Homilies on Numbers: Origen (35-44)
- Homily 10: Numbers 18:1-7 (§§) | ACT, Homilies on Numbers: Origen (44-49)
- Homily 11: Numbers 18:8-32 (§§) | ACT, Homilies on Numbers: Origen (49-62)
- Homily 12: Numbers 21:16-23 (§§) | ACT, Homilies on Numbers: Origen (62-71)
- Homily 13: Numbers 21:24-35; 22:1-14 (§§) | ACT, Homilies on Numbers: Origen (71-79)
- Homily 14: Numbers 22:15-28 (§§) | ACT, Homilies on Numbers: Origen (79-85)
- Homily 15: Numbers 22:31-41; 23:1-10 (§§) | ACT, Homilies on Numbers: Origen (85-90)
- Homily 16: Numbers 23:11-24 (§§) | ACT, Homilies on Numbers: Origen (91-101)
- Homily 17: Numbers 23:25-30; 24:1-9 (§§) | ACT, Homilies on Numbers: Origen (101-10)
- Homily 18: Numbers 24:10-19 (§§) | ACT, Homilies on Numbers: Origen (110-16)
- Homily 19: Numbers 24:20-24 (§§) | ACT, Homilies on Numbers: Origen (116-22)
- Homily 20: Numbers 25:1-10 (§§) | ACT, Homilies on Numbers: Origen (122-31)
- Homily 21: Numbers 26 (§§) | ACT, Homilies on Numbers: Origen (131-34)
- Homily 22: Numbers 27:1-23 (§§) | ACT, Homilies on Numbers: Origen (134-39)
- Homily 23: Numbers 28:1-29:39 (§§) | ACT, Homilies on Numbers: Origen (139-47)
- Homily 24: Numbers 28-30 (§§) | ACT, Homilies on Numbers: Origen (147-53)
- Homily 25: Numbers 31:1-54 (§§) | ACT, Homilies on Numbers: Origen (153-60)
- Homily 26: Numbers 31-32 (§§) | ACT, Homilies on Numbers: Origen (160-67)
- Homily 27: Numbers 33:1-49 (§§) | ACT, Homilies on Numbers: Origen (168-83)
- Homily 28: Numbers 34-35 (§§) | ACT, Homilies on Numbers: Origen (183-87)
Homilies on Joshua
- Homily 1 (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 105 (26-36)
- Homily 2 (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 105 (37-40)
- Homily 3 (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 105 (41-50)
- Homily 4 (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 105 (51-58)
- Homily 5 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 105 (59-66)
- Homily 6 (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 105 (67-73)
- Homily 7 (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 105 (74-84)
- Homily 8 (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 105 (85-94)
- Homily 9 (§§10) | CUA, Vol. 105 (95-108)
- Homily 10 (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 105 (109-14)
- Homily 11 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 105 (115-19)
- Homily 12 (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 105 (120-24)
- Homily 13 (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 105 (125-29)
- Homily 14 (§§2) | CUA, Vol. 105 (130-37)
- Homily 15 (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 105 (138-50)
- Homily 16 (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 105 (151-56)
- Homily 17 (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 105 (157-62)
- Homily 18 (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 105 (163-67)
- Homily 19 (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 105 (168-72)
- Homily 20 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 105 (173-83)
- Homily 21 (§§2) | CUA, Vol. 105 (184-88)
- Homily 22 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 105 (189-94)
- Homily 23 (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 105 (195-203)
- Homily 24 (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 105 (204-07)
- Homily 25 (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 105 (208-14)
- Homily 26 (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 105 (215-20)
Homilies on Judges
- Homily 1 (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 119 (39-50)
- Homily 2 (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 119 (51-60)
- Homily 3 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 119 (61-69)
- Homily 4 (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 119 (70-75)
- Homily 5 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 119 (76-83)
- Homily 6 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 119 (84-93)
- Homily 7 (§§2) | CUA, Vol. 119 (94-99)
- Homily 8 (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 119 (100-110)
- Homily 9 (§§2) | CUA, Vol. 119 (111-18)
Homilies on 1 Kings
- Homily 1: 1 Kings 28 (§§10) | CUA, Vol. 97 (319-33)
Homilies on the Psalms
- Homily 1 on Psalm 15 (§§9) | CUA, Vol. 141 (37-57)
- Homily 2 on Psalm 15 (§§10) | CUA, Vol. 141 (58-75)
- Homily 1 on Psalm 36 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 141 (76-89)
- Homily 2 on Psalm 36 (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 141 (90-100)
- Homily 3 on Psalm 36 (§§12) | CUA, Vol. 141 (101-19)
- Homily 4 on Psalm 36 (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 141 (120-37)
- Homily 1 on Psalm 36 [37] (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 146 (76-93)
- Homily 2 on Psalm 36 [37] (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 146 (94-107)
- Homily 3 on Psalm 36 [37] (§§12) | CUA, Vol. 146 (108-32)
- Homily 4 on Psalm 36 [37] (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 146 (133-53)
- Homily 5 on Psalm 36 [37] (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 146 (154-70)
- Homily 1 on Psalm 37 [38] (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 146 (171-89)
- Homily 2 on Psalm 37 [38] (§§9) | CUA, Vol. 146 (190-202)
- Homily 1 on Psalm 38 [39] (§§11) | CUA, Vol. 146 (203-20)
- Homily 2 on Psalm 38 [39] (§§11) | CUA, Vol. 146 (221-37)
- Homily 1 on Psalm 67 (§§10) | CUA, Vol. 141 (138-57)
- Homily 2 on Psalm 67 (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 141 (158-77)
- Homily 1 on Psalm 73 (§§10) | CUA, Vol. 141 (178-91)
- Homily 2 on Psalm 73 (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 141 (192-202)
- Homily 3 on Psalm 73 (§§10) | CUA, Vol. 141 (203-19)
- Homily on Psalm 74 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 141 (220-27)
- Homily on Psalm 75 (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 141 (228-37)
- Homily 1 on Psalm 76 (§§9) | CUA, Vol. 141 (238-52)
- Homily 2 on Psalm 76 (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 141 (253-63)
- Homily 3 on Psalm 76 (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 141 (264-75)
- Homily 4 on Psalm 76 (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 141 (276-86)
- Homily 1 on Psalm 77 (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 141 (287-302)
- Homily 2 on Psalm 77 (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 141 (303-18)
- Homily 3 on Psalm 77 (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 141 (319-24)
- Homily 4 on Psalm 77 (§§11) | CUA, Vol. 141 (325-40)
- Homily 5 on Psalm 77 (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 141 (341-51)
- Homily 6 on Psalm 77 (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 141 (352-61)
- Homily 7 on Psalm 77 (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 141 (362-77)
- Homily 8 on Psalm 77 (§§9) | CUA, Vol. 141 (378-94)
- Homily 9 on Psalm 77 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 141 (395-408)
- Homily 1 on Psalm 80 (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 141 (409-24)
- Homily 2 on Psalm 80 (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 141 (425-38)
- Homily on Psalm 81 (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 141 (439-50)
Homilies on Isaiah
- Homily 1 (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 142 (39-50) | ACW, Vol. 68 (884-90)
- Homily 2 (§§2) | CUA, Vol. 142 (51-58) | ACW, Vol. 68 (890-94)
- Homily 3 (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 142 (59-66) | ACW, Vol. 68 (894-98)
- Homily 4 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 142 (67-76) | ACW, Vol. 68 (898-902)
- Homily 5 (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 142 (77-85) | ACW, Vol. 68 (902-07)
- Homily 6 (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 142 (86-105) | ACW, Vol. 68 (907-18)
- Homily 7 (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 142 (106-16) | ACW, Vol. 68 (918-24)
- Homily 8 (§§2) | CUA, Vol. 142 (117-21) | ACW, Vol. 68 (924-26)
- Homily 9 | CUA, Vol. 142 (122-25) | ACW, Vol. 68 (926-28)
Homilies on Ezekiel
- Homily 1: The Vision of the Prophet (Ezekiel 1:1-6, 2:1ff) (§§16) | ACW, Vol. 62 (25-45)
- Homily 2: Against the False Prophets (Ezekiel 13:1-19) (§§5) | ACW, Vol. 62 (46-53)
- Homily 3: Against the False Prophets and Elders (Ezekiel 13:1, 17-22; 14:1-8) (§§8) | ACW, Vol. 62 (54-63)
- Homily 4: The Famine and the Ferocious Beasts (Ezekiel 14:12-22) (§§8) | ACW, Vol. 62 (64-77)
- Homily 5: Sword, Death, Vine (Ezekiel 14:13-21; 15:1-4) (§§5) | ACW, Vol. 62 (78-85)
- Homily 6: Iniquities of Jerusalem (Ezekiel 16:2-16) (§§11) | ACW, Vol. 62 (86-98)
- Homily 7: The Beneficial Effects of God’s Turning Away (Ezekiel 16:16-30) (§§10) | ACW, Vol. 62 (99-109)
- Homily 8: Brothels, Head and Base of Streets, Gifts ((Ezekiel 16:30-33) (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 62 (110-15)
- Homily 9: Iniquities, Pride, Relative Justification (Ezekiel 16:45-52) (§§5) | ACW, Vol. 62 (116-27)
- Homily 10: Shame, Return, Restoration (Ezekiel 16:52-63) (§§5) | ACW, Vol. 62 (128-36)
- Homily 11: The Two Eagles, the Cedar, the Flourishing Vince (Ezekiel 17:1-7) (§§5) | ACW, Vol. 62 (137-46)
- Homily 12: Interpretation (Ezekiel 17:12-24) (§§5) | ACW, Vol. 62 (147-53)
- Homily 13: The Prince of Tyre, Pharaoh (Ezekiel 28:12-23) (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 62 (154-65)
- Homily 14: The Closed Gate (Ezekiel 44:1-3) (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 62 (166-69)
Homilies on Jeremiah
- Homily 1: Jeremiah 1:1-10 (§§16) | CUA, Vol. 97 (3-22)
- Homily 2: Jeremiah 2:21-22 (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 97 (23-27)
- Homily 3: Jeremiah 2:31 (§§2) | CUA, Vol. 97 (28-29)
- Homily 4: Jeremiah 3:6-11 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 97 (30-39)
- Homily 5: Jeremiah 3:22-4:8 (§§17) | CUA, Vol. 97 (40-61)
- Homily 6: Jeremiah 5:3-5 (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 97 (62-67)
- Homily 7: Jeremiah 5:18-19 (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 97 (68-73)
- Homily 8: Jeremiah 10:12-14 (§§9) | CUA, Vol. 97 (74-84)
- Homily 9: Jeremiah 11:1-10 (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 97 (85-93)
- Homily 10: Jeremiah 11:18-12:9 (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 97 (94-102)
- Homily 11: Jeremiah 12:11-13:11 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 97 (103-109)
- Homily 12: Jeremiah 13:12-17 (§§13) | CUA, Vol. 97 (110-29)
- Homily 13: Jeremiah 15:5-7 (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 97 (130-34)
- Homily 14: Jeremiah 5:10-19 (§§18) | CUA, Vol. 97 (135-56)
- Homily 15: Jeremiah 15:10 and 17:5 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 97 (157-65)
- Homily 16: Jeremiah 16:16-17:1 (§§10) | CUA, Vol. 97 (166-79)
- Homily 17: Jeremiah 17:11-16 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 97 (180-87)
- Homily 18: Jeremiah 18:1-16 (§§10) | CUA, Vol. 97 (188-206)
- Homily 19: Jeremiah 20:1-7 (§§15) | CUA, Vol. 97 (207-20)
- Homily 20: Jeremiah 20:7-12 (§§9) | CUA, Vol. 97 (221-44)
- Homily 27 (50): Jeremiah 27:23-29 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 97 (245-59)
- Homily 28 (51): Jeremiah 28:6-9 (§§12) | CUA, Vol. 97 (260-73)
Homilies on Song of Songs
- Homily 1 | ACW, Vol. 26 (266-83)
- Homily 2 | ACW, Vol. 26 (284-305)
Homilies and Fragments on Luke
- Homily 1 on Luke 1:1-4 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 94 (5-9)
- Homily 2 on Luke 1:6 (§§) | CUA, Vol. 94 ()
- Homily 3 on Luke 1:11 (§§) | CUA, Vol. 94 ()
- Homily 4 on Luke 1:13-17 (§§) | CUA, Vol. 94 ()
- Homily 5 on Luke 1:22 (§§) | CUA, Vol. 94 ()
- Homily 6 on Luke 1:24-32 (§§) | CUA, Vol. 94 ()
- Homily 7 on Luke 1:39-45 (§§) | CUA, Vol. 94 ()
- Homily 8 on Luke 1:46-51 (§§) | CUA, Vol. 94 ()
- Homily 9 on Luke 1:56-64 (§§) | CUA, Vol. 94 ()
- Homily 10 on Luke 1:67-76 (§§) | CUA, Vol. 94 ()
- Homily 11 on Luke 1:80-2:2 (§§) | CUA, Vol. 94 ()
- Homily 12 on Luke 2:8-11 (§§) | CUA, Vol. 94 ()
- Homily 13 on Luke 2:13-16 (§§) | CUA, Vol. 94 ()
- Homily 14 on Luke 2:21-24 (§§) | CUA, Vol. 94 ()
- Homily 15 on Luke 2:25-29 (§§) | CUA, Vol. 94 ()
- Homily 16 on Luke 2:33-34 (§§) | CUA, Vol. 94 ()
- Homily 17 on Luke 2:33-38 (§§) | CUA, Vol. 94 ()
- Homily 18 on Luke 2:40-49 (§§) | CUA, Vol. 94 ()
- Homily 19 on Luke 2:40-46 (§§) | CUA, Vol. 94 ()
- Homily 20 on Luke 2:49-51 (§§) | CUA, Vol. 94 ()
- Homily 21 on Luke 3:1-4 (§§) | CUA, Vol. 94 ()
- Homily 22 on Luke 3:5-8 (§§) | CUA, Vol. 94 ()
- Homily 23 on Luke 3:9-12 (§§) | CUA, Vol. 94 ()
- Homily 24 on Luke 3:15-16 (§§) | CUA, Vol. 94 ()
- Homily 25 on Luke 3:15 (§§) | CUA, Vol. 94 ()
- Homily 26 on Luke 3:16-17 (§§) | CUA, Vol. 94 ()
- Homily 27 on Luke 3:18-22 (§§) | CUA, Vol. 94 ()
- Homily 28 on Luke 3:23-38 (§§) | CUA, Vol. 94 ()
- Homily 29 on Luke 4:1-4 (§§) | CUA, Vol. 94 ()
- Homily 30 on Luke 4:5-8 (§§) | CUA, Vol. 94 ()
- Homily 31 on Luke 4:9-12 (§§) | CUA, Vol. 94 ()
- Homily 32 on Luke 4:14-20 (§§) | CUA, Vol. 94 ()
- Homily 33 on Luke 4:23-27 (§§) | CUA, Vol. 94 ()
- Homily 34 on Luke 10:25-37 (§§) | CUA, Vol. 94 ()
- Homily 35 on Luke 12:57-59 (§§) | CUA, Vol. 94 ()
- Homily 36 on Luke 17:20-21, 23 (§§) | CUA, Vol. 94 ()
- Homily 37 on Luke 19:29-40 (§§) | CUA, Vol. 94 ()
- Homily 38 on Luke 19:41-45 (§§) | CUA, Vol. 94 ()
- Homily 39 on Luke 20:21-40 (§§) | CUA, Vol. 94 ()
- Fragments on Luke | CUA, Vol. 94 ()
Other Works
- Fragments from the Philocalia (§§2) | CUA, Vol. 97 (277-79)
- Fragments from the Catena (§§71) | CUA, Vol. 97 (280-316)
- Africanus, Letter to Origen | ANF, Vol. 4 (385) | New Advent
- Letter to Africanus | ANF, Vol. 4 (386-92) | New Advent
- Letter to Gregory | ANF, Vol. 4 (393-94) | New Advent
- Letter to Gregory Thaumaturgus (§§3) | ANF, Vol. 9 (295-96) | New Advent
Caius the Presbyter (200s) | WEST
- Fragments | ANF, Vol. 5 (601-04) | New Advent
Asterius Urbanus (200s) | WEST/EAST?
- Fragments of Writings of Asterius Urbanus (§§10) | ANF, Vol. 7 (335-27) | New Advent
Theodotus (200s) | WEST/EAST?
Minucius Felix (died c. 250) | WEST
- The Octavius (§§41) | ANF, Vol. 4 (173-98) | New Advent
Novatian (c. 200-c. 258) | WEST
- The Trinity (§§31) | CUA, Vol. 67 (23-111) | ANF, Vol. 5 (611-44)
- The Spectacles/Shows (§§10) | CUA, Vol. 67 (123-33)
- Jewish Food (Meats) (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 67 (143-56) | ANF, Vol. 5 (645-50)
- In Praise of Purity (§§14) | CUA, Vol. 67 (165-76)
- A Treatise Against the Heretic Novatian by an Anonymous Bishop (§§17) | ANF, Vol. 5 (657-63)
- A Treatise on Re-Baptism by an Anonymous Writer (§§19) | ANF, Vol. 5 (667-78)
- Letter 1: To Cyprian (Letter 30 in St. Cyprian’s correspondence) (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 67 (187-94)
- Letter 2: To Cyprian (Letter 31 in St. Cyprian’s correspondence) (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 67 (195-201)
- Letter 3: To Cyprian (Letter 36 in St. Cyprian’s correspondence) (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 67 (201-04)
Firmilian of Cappadocia (died c. 269) | WEST
Theognostus of Alexandria (c. 210-c. 270) | EAST
- Fragments from Seven Books of Hypotyposes or Outlines (§§3) | ANF, Vol. 6 (155-56) | New Advent
Malchion of Antioch (200s) | EAST
- Letter Against Paul of Samosata, in the name of the Synod of Antioch (§§5) | ANF, Vol. 6 (169-71) | New Advent
- Fragments of the same Letter from the Synod of Antioch | ANF, Vol. 6 (171) | New Advent
- Fragments from the Acts of the Disputation Conducted by Malchion Against Paul of Samosata | ANF, Vol. 6 (172) | New Advent
Archelaus, Bishop of Carrhae (died late 200s) | EAST
- The Acts of the Disputation with the Heresiarch Manes (§§55) | ANF, Vol. 6 (179-233) | New Advent
- Fragment from the same Disputation (§§3) | ANF, Vol. 6 (234-35) | New Advent
Alexander, Bishop of Lycopolis (died early 300s) | EAST
- Of the Manichaeans (§§26) | ANF, Vol. 6 (241-52) | New Advent
Lactantius (c. 250-c. 325) | WEST
- The Divine Institutes (7 Books) | CUA, Vol. 49 (15-541) | ANF, Vol. 7 (9-223) | New Advent
- The Epitome of the Divine Institutes (§§73) | ANF, Vol. 7 (224-55) | New Advent
- A Treatise on the Anger of God (§§23) | ANF, Vol. 7 (259-80) | New Advent
- On the Workmanship of God, or the Formation of Man (§§20) | ANF, Vol. 7 (281-300) | New Advent
- Of the Manner in Which the Persecutors Died (§§52) | ANF, Vol. 7 (301-22) | New Advent
- The Phoenix | ANF, Vol. 7 (324-26) | New Advent
- A Poem on the Passion of the Lord | ANF, Vol. 7 (327-28) | New Advent
- Fragments of Lactantius (§§4) | ANF, Vol. 7 (323) | New Advent
Arnobius (died c. 330) | WEST
- The Seven Books of Arnobius Against the Heathen (7 Books) | ACW, Vol. 7 (58-227) (Books 1-3) | ACW, Vol. 8 (375-539) (Books 4-7) | ANF, Vol. 6 (413-540) | New Advent
Eusebius of Caesarea (c. 260/265-339) | EAST
- Church History (10 Books) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 1 (81-387) | New Advent
- Life of Constantine (4 Books) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 1 (481-559) | New Advent
- Oration in Praise of Constantine (§§18) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 1 (581-610) | New Advent
- Against Marcellus (2 Books) | CUA, Vol. 135 (75-155)
- On Ecclesiastical Theology (3 Books) | CUA, Vol. 135 (159-337)
- Commentary on Isaiah (§§411) | ACT, Commentary on Isaiah, Eusebius of Caesarea (1-321)
The Proof of the Gospel (15 Books, some missing) | Eusebius, The Proof of the Gospel (1-237)
Emperor Constantine the Great (c. 272-337) | EAST/WEST
- Eusebius of Caesarea, Oration to the Assembly of the Saints (§§26) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 1 (561-80) | TTH, Vol. 39 (1-62) | New Advent
Gaius Marius Victorinus (290-364) | WEST
- Reply of Victorinus (4 Books) | CUA, Vol. 69 (89-303)
- On the Necessity of Accepting “Homoousion” | CUA, Vol. 69 (305-11)
- Hymn 1 | CUA, Vol. 69 (315-19)
- Hymn 2 | CUA, Vol. 69 (320-23)
- Hymn 3 | CUA, Vol. 69 (324-35)
- Letter from Candidus to Victorinus, on the Divine Begetting | CUA, Vol. 69 (47-57)
- Letter to Candidus | CUA, Vol. 69 (59-83)
- Letter from Candidus to Victorinus | CUA, Vol. 69 (85-88)
Firmicus Maternus (300s) | WEST
- The Error of the Pagan Religions (§§29) | ACW, Vol. 37 (43-117)
Daniel of Scetis (300s) | EAST
Lives of Abba Daniel of Scetis
- Greek Accounts | CS, Vol. 219 (43-96)
- The Coptic Life of Daniel | CS, Vol. 219 (105-25)
- The Ethiopic Life of Daniel | CS, Vol. 219 (131-80)
- Syriac Accounts | CS, Vol. 219 (183-205)
- Armenian Accounts | CS, Vol. 219 (210-42)
- Latin Accounts | CS, Vol. 219 (245-62)
- Old Church Slavonic Accounts | CS, Vol. 219 (263-67)
- Arabic Accounts | CS, Vol. 219 (269-79)
Pseudo-Clement (mid 300s) | EAST/WEST?
- The Second Letter/Homily of Clement (§§20) | ANF, Vol. 7 (517-23) | Holmes, Apostolic Fathers (77-86) | New Advent
- First Letter Concerning Virginity | ANF, Vol. 8 (X) | New Advent
- Second Letter Concerning Virginity | ANF, Vol. 8 (X) | New Advent
- Recognitions of Clement | ANF, Vol. 8 (X) | New Advent
- Homily 1 | ANF, Vol. 8 (X) | New Advent
- Homily 2 | ANF, Vol. 8 (X) | New Advent
- Homily 3 | ANF, Vol. 8 (X) | New Advent
- Homily 4 | ANF, Vol. 8 (X) | New Advent
- Homily 5 | ANF, Vol. 8 (X) | New Advent
- Homily 6 | ANF, Vol. 8 (X) | New Advent
- Homily 7 | ANF, Vol. 8 (X) | New Advent
- Homily 8 | ANF, Vol. 8 (X) | New Advent
- Homily 9 | ANF, Vol. 8 (X) | New Advent
- Homily 10 | ANF, Vol. 8 (X) | New Advent
- Homily 11 | ANF, Vol. 8 (X) | New Advent
- Homily 12 | ANF, Vol. 8 (X) | New Advent
- Homily 13 | ANF, Vol. 8 (X) | New Advent
- Homily 14 | ANF, Vol. 8 (X) | New Advent
- Homily 15 | ANF, Vol. 8 (X) | New Advent
- Homily 16 | ANF, Vol. 8 (X) | New Advent
- Homily 17 | ANF, Vol. 8 (X) | New Advent
- Homily 18 | ANF, Vol. 8 (X) | New Advent
- Homily 19 | ANF, Vol. 8 (X) | New Advent
- Homily 20 | ANF, Vol. 8 (X) | New Advent
- Letter of Peter to James | ANF, Vol. 8 (X) | New Advent
- Letter to the Corinthians based on a Later Manuscript | ANF, Vol. 9 (X) | New Advent
- The Second Letter/Homily of Clement based on a Later Manuscript | ANF, Vol. 9 (X) | New Advent
- The Testament of the Lord (first four centuries?) (2 Books) | PPS, Vol. 58 (75-166)
Tyconius (died 390) | WEST
- Book of Rules (§§7) | Tyconius, Babcock, Rules (27-187)
- Exposition of the Apocalypse | CUA, Vol. 134 (27-187)
Nemesius of Emesa (late 300s) | EAST
- On the Nature of Man (§§43) | TTH, Vol. 49 (35-221)
Ammianus Marcellinus (c. 330-c. 391-400) | PAGAN
Paulinus the Deacon (died 400s) | WEST
- The Life of St. Ambrose (§§56) | CUA, Vol. 15 (33-66)
Rufinus of Aquileia (344/45-411) | WEST
- Inquiry About the Monks in Egypt (§§35) | CUA, Vol. 139 (59-215)
- On the Falsification of the Books of Origen (§§16) | CUA, Vol. 120 (123-37)
- History of the Church (11 Books) | CUA, Vol. 133 (19-482)
- Treatise on the Adulteration of the Works of Origen (397) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (421-27) | New Advent
- Apology Addressed to St. Pope Anastasius (§§8) (400) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (430-32) | New Advent
- Apology Against Jerome (2 Books) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (435-82) | New Advent
- On the Creed (§§48) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (542-63) | New Advent
Prefaces and Conclusions
- Preface: Pamphilus, Apology for Origen (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 120 (35-38) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (420-21) | New Advent
- Preface to the Commentary on the Benedictions of the Twelve Patriarchs, Book 1 (§§3) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (417-18) | New Advent
- Preface to the Commentary on the Benedictions of the Twelve Patriarchs, Book 2 (§§2) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (418-19) | New Advent
- Preface to the Translation of Origen’s Περί Ἀρχῶυ, Books 1-2 (397) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (427-28) | New Advent
- Preface to the Translation of Origen’s Περί Ἀρχῶυ, Book 3-4 (c. 398) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (429) | New Advent
- Preface to His Translation of the Recognitions of Clement | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (563-64) | New Advent
- Preface to His Translation of the Sayings of Xystus | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (564) | New Advent
- Preface to His Translation of the Church History of Eusebius | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (565) | New Advent
- Preface to His Translation of Origen on Psalms 36-38 (c. 398-407) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (566) | New Advent
- Preface to His Translation of Origen’s Commentary on Romans (c. 407) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (566-67) | New Advent
- Conclusion to His Translation of Origen’s Commentary on Romans (c. 407) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (567-68) | New Advent
- Preface to His Translation of Origen on Numbers (c. 407) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (568) | New Advent
- Preface to Origen’s Homilies on Joshua | CUA, Vol. 105 (23-25)
- Preface to Origen’s Homilies on Psalms 36 [37]-38 [39] | CUA, Vol. 146 (75)
- Preface to Origen’s Commentary on Romans (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 103 (51-52)
- Epilogue to Origen’s Commentary on Romans (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 104 (311-13)
- Prologue of Rufinus (to De Principiis) | ANF, Vol. 4 (237-38) | New Advent
Evagrius Ponticus/the Solitary (345-99) | EAST
- Ad Monachos (§§137) | ACW, Vol. 59 (41-66)
- Praktikos (§§100) | CS, Vol. 4 (12-42)
- Chapters on Prayers (§§153) | CS, Vol. 4 (52-80)
Talking Back
- Loukos, Letter to Evagrius | CS, Vol. 229 (45)
- Evagrius, Letter 4 (§§5) | CS, Vol. 229 (47-48)
- Talking Back (8 Books) | CS, Vol. 229 (49-173)
Prudentius (348-c. 405-13) | WEST
- A Hymn for Cock-Crow | CUA, Vol. 43 (3-8)
- A Morning Hymn | CUA, Vol. 43 (8-14)
- A Hymn Before the Repast | CUA, Vol. 43 (14-24)
- A Hymn After the Repast | CUA, Vol. 43 (24-29)
- A Hymn for the Lighting of the Lamp | CUA, Vol. 43 (29-38)
- A Hymn Before Sleep | CUA, Vol. 43 (39-45)
- A Hymn for the Times of Fasting | CUA, Vol. 43 (45-55)
- A Hymn After Fasting | CUA, Vol. 43 (56-59)
- A Hymn for Every Hour | CUA, Vol. 43 (59-69)
- A Hymn for the Burial of the Dead | CUA, Vol. 43 (69-77)
- A Hymn for Christmas Day | CUA, Vol. 43 (78-83)
- A Hymn for Epiphany | CUA, Vol. 43 (83-92)
- Hymn in Honor of the Holy Martyrs Emeterius and Chelidonius of Calahorra | CUA, Vol. 43 (95-105)
- Hymn in Honor of the Passion of the Blessed Martyr Lawrence | CUA, Vol. 43 (105-28)
- Hymn in Honor of the Passion of the Most Holy Martyr in Eulalia | CUA, Vol. 43 (128-37)
- Hymn in Honor of the Eighteen Holy Martyrs of Saragossa | CUA, Vol. 43 (137-45)
- Hymn: The Passion of the Holy Martyr Vincent | CUA, Vol. 43 (146-67)
- A Hymn in Honor of the Most Blessed Martyrs Fructuosus, Bishop of the Church of Tarragona, and Augurius and Eulogius, Deacons | CUA, Vol. 43 (168-75)
- Hymn in Honor of the Martyr Quirinus, Bishop of the Church of Siscia | CUA, Vol. 43 (176-79)
- Hymn: On a Spot in Calahorra Where Martyrs Suffered and Where Now is a Baptistery | CUA, Vol. 43 (180-81)
- Hymn: The Passion of St. Cassian of Forum Cornelii | CUA, Vol. 43 (182-89)
- Hymn: Discourse of the Martyr St. Romanus Against the Pagans | CUA, Vol. 43 (190-239)
- Hymn: To Bishop Valerian on the Passion of the Most Blessed Martyr Hippolytus | CUA, Vol. 43 (240-59)
- Hymn: The Passion of the Apostles Peter and Paul | CUA, Vol. 43 (260-65)
- Hymn: The Passion of Cyprian | CUA, Vol. 43 (266-73)
- Hymn: The Passion of Agnes | CUA, Vol. 43 (274-80)
- Poem: The Divinity of Christ | CUA, Vol. 52 (3-40)
- Poem: The Origin of Sin | CUA, Vol. 52 (43-75)
- Poem: The Spiritual Combat | CUA, Vol. 52 (79-110)
- Poem: Against Symmachus (2 Books) | CUA, Vol. 52 (113-76)
- Poem: Scenes from Sacred History, or Twofold Nourishment | CUA, Vol. 52 (179-95)
- Poem: Epilogue | CUA, Vol. 52 (199-200)
Theodore of Mopsuestia (c. 350-428) | EAST
- In Opposition to the Allegorists | Theodore of Mopsuestia, Frederick G. McLeod, trans., Theodore of Mopsuestia (London: Routledge, 2009), 75-79.
- Psalm 8 | Theodore of Mopsuestia, Frederick G. McLeod, trans., Theodore of Mopsuestia (London: Routledge, 2009), 80-85.
- The Creation of Adam and Eve | Theodore of Mopsuestia, Frederick G. McLeod, trans., Theodore of Mopsuestia (London: Routledge, 2009), 86-94.
- On the Incarnation | Theodore of Mopsuestia, Frederick G. McLeod, trans., Theodore of Mopsuestia (London: Routledge, 2009), 126-47.
- In Opposition to Apollinaris | Theodore of Mopsuestia, Frederick G. McLeod, trans., Theodore of Mopsuestia (London: Routledge, 2009), 148-57.
- Catechetical Homilies | Theodore of Mopsuestia, Frederick G. McLeod, trans., Theodore of Mopsuestia (London: Routledge, 2009), 158-70.
- Conciliar Anathemas | Theodore of Mopsuestia, Frederick G. McLeod, trans., Theodore of Mopsuestia (London: Routledge, 2009), 171-75.
Biblical Commentaries
- Commentary on the Prophet Hosea | CUA, Vol. 108 (37-102)
- Commentary on the Prophet Joel | CUA, Vol. 108 (103-25)
- Commentary on the Prophet Amos | CUA, Vol. 108 (126-73)
- Commentary on the Prophet Obadiah | CUA, Vol. 108 (174-84)
- Commentary on the Prophet Jonah | CUA, Vol. 108 (185-205)
- Commentary on the Prophet Micah | CUA, Vol. 108 (206-44)
- Commentary on the Prophet Nahum | CUA, Vol. 108 (245-65)
- Commentary on the Prophet Habakkuk | CUA, Vol. 108 (266-85)
- Commentary on the Prophet Zephaniah | CUA, Vol. 108 (286-305)
- Commentary on the Prophet Haggai | CUA, Vol. 108 (306-21)
- Commentary on the Prophet Zechariah | CUA, Vol. 108 (322-97)
- Commentary on the Prophet Malachi | CUA, Vol. 108 (398-423)
- Commentary on John (7 Books) | ACT, Commentary on the Gospel of John, Theodore of Mopsuestia (1-169)
- Commentary on John’s Gospel | Theodore of Mopsuestia, Frederick G. McLeod, trans., Theodore of Mopsuestia (London: Routledge, 2009), 95-108.
- Commentary on Galatians | WGRW, Vol. 26 (3-169)
- Commentary on Ephesians | WGRW, Vol. 26 (171-289)
- Commentary on Philippians | WGRW, Vol. 26 (291-361)
- Commentary on Philippians 2:5-11 | Theodore of Mopsuestia, Frederick G. McLeod, trans., Theodore of Mopsuestia (London: Routledge, 2009), 109-17.
- Commentary on Colossians | WGRW, Vol. 26 (363-437)
- Commentary on 1 Thessalonians | WGRW, Vol. 26 (439-93)
- Commentary on 2 Thessalonians | WGRW, Vol. 26 (495-523)
- Commentary on 1 Timothy | WGRW, Vol. 26 (525-681)
- Commentary on 2 Timothy | WGRW, Vol. 26 (683-737)
- Commentary on Titus | WGRW, Vol. 26 (739-71)
- Commentary on Philemon | WGRW, Vol. 26 (773-805)
Severian of Gabala (355-408/425) | EAST
- Homily 1: On the First Day of Creation | ACT, Commentaries on Genesis 1-3, Severian of Gabala and Bede the Venerable (23-31)
- Homily 2 the Second Day of Creation, and In Response to the Person Who Claims We Christians Should Not Say in the Sanctus “Lord Sabaoth” | ACT, Commentaries on Genesis 1-3, Severian of Gabala and Bede the Venerable (31-39)
- Homily 3: On the Third Day of Creation, and About Resurrection | ACT, Commentaries on Genesis 1-3, Severian of Gabala and Bede the Venerable (39-48)
- Homily 4: On the Fourth Day of Creation | ACT, Commentaries on Genesis 1-3, Severian of Gabala and Bede the Venerable (48-61)
- Homily 5: On the Fifth Day of Creation | ACT, Commentaries on Genesis 1-3, Severian of Gabala and Bede the Venerable (61-73)
- Homily 6: On the Sixth Day of Creation, on the First-Formed, On the Serpent, On the Tree of Knowledge, On Life in the Garden and God’s Converse with Adam | ACT, Commentaries on Genesis 1-3, Severian of Gabala and Bede the Venerable (73-87)
- Homily 7: How Adam Was Given His Soul, and On the Passion of Christ | ACT, Commentaries on Genesis 1-3, Severian of Gabala and Bede the Venerable (87-93)
- On the Good Bandit (§§21) | PPS, Vol. 4 (87-100)
- On the Cross and the Bandit (§§18) | PPS, Vol. 4 (105-14)
Palladius of Galatia (c. 363-420s) | EAST
- The Lausiac History (§§71) | CUA, Vol. 34 (17-155)
- Dialogue on the Life of St. John Chrysostom (§§20) | ACW, Vol. 45 (11-151)
Sulpicius Severus (c. 363-c. 425) | WEST
- Life of St. Martin (§§27) | CUA, Vol. 7 (101-40) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 11 (3-17) | New Advent
- Dialogue 1: Concerning the Virtues of the Monks of the East (§§27) | CUA, Vol. 7 (161-99) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 11 (24-37) | New Advent
- Dialogue 2: Concerning the Virtues of St. Martin (§§14) | CUA, Vol. 7 (201-24) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 11 (37-46) | New Advent
- Dialogue 3: The Virtues of St. Martin Continued (§§18) | CUA, Vol. 7 (225-51) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 11 (46-54) | New Advent
- St. Martin and the Condemnation of Priscillian, from Chronicles (Book 2, §§49-50) | CUA, Vol. 7 (252-54)
- Sacred History (2 Books) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 11 (71-122) | New Advent
- Letter 1: To Eusebius | CUA, Vol. 7 (141-45) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 11 (18-19) | New Advent
- Letter 2: To the Deacon Aurelius | CUA, Vol. 7 (147-52) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 11 (19-21) | New Advent
- Letter 3: To Bassula, His Mother-in-Law | CUA, Vol. 7 (153-59) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 11 (21-23) | New Advent
- Letter 1: To his Sister, Claudia, Concerning the Last Judgment (Doubtful) (§§7) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 11 (55-58) | New Advent
- Letter 2: To his Sister, Claudia, Concerning Virginity (§§19) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 11 (58-67) | New Advent
- Letter 3: To the Bishop, Holy Paul (Doubtful) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 11 (67-68) | New Advent
- Letter 4: To the Bishop, Holy Paul, On His Wisdom and Gentleness (Doubtful) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 11 (68) | New Advent
- Letter 5: To an Unknown Person, Entreating Him to Deal Gently with his Brother (Doubtful) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 11 (68-69) | New Advent
- Letter 6: To Salvius, on a Complaint About the Plundering of the Country (Doubtful) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 11 (69-70) | New Advent
- Letter 7: To an Unknown Person, Begging the Favor of a Letter (Doubtful) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 11 (70) | New Advent
Ambrosiaster/Pseudo-Ambrose (wrote c. 366-384) | WEST
Biblical Commentaries
- Commentary on Romans | ACT, Commentaries on Romans, 1-2 Corinthians, Ambrosiaster (1-118)
- Commentary on 1 Corinthians | ACT, Commentaries on Romans, 1-2 Corinthians, Ambrosiaster (119-206)
- Commentary on 2 Corinthians | ACT, Commentaries on Romans, 1-2 Corinthians, Ambrosiaster (207-65)
- Commentary on Galatians | ACT, Commentaries on Galatians-Philemon, Ambrosiaster (1-34)
- Commentary on Ephesians | ACT, Commentaries on Galatians-Philemon, Ambrosiaster (35-63)
- Commentary on Philippians | ACT, Commentaries on Galatians-Philemon, Ambrosiaster (64-80)
- Commentary on Colossians | ACT, Commentaries on Galatians-Philemon, Ambrosiaster (81-100)
- Commentary on 1 Thessalonians | ACT, Commentaries on Galatians-Philemon, Ambrosiaster (101-12)
- Commentary on 2 Thessalonians | ACT, Commentaries on Galatians-Philemon, Ambrosiaster (113-19)
- Commentary on 1 Timothy | ACT, Commentaries on Galatians-Philemon, Ambrosiaster (120-41)
- Commentary on 2 Timothy | ACT, Commentaries on Galatians-Philemon, Ambrosiaster (142-54)
- Commentary on Titus | ACT, Commentaries on Galatians-Philemon, Ambrosiaster (155-60)
- Commentary on Philemon | ACT, Commentaries on Galatians-Philemon, Ambrosiaster (161-63)
Philostorgius (368-c. 439) | EAST
- Church History (12 Books) | WGRW, Vol. 23 (1-163)
- Appendix 1: Beginning of the Passion of Artemius with Philostorgius’s Remarks About Artemius | WGRW, Vol. 23 (165-70)
- Appendix 2: From the Passion of Artemius, Defense of Christianity Against the Emperor Julian | WGRW, Vol. 23 (171-78)
- Appendix 3: The Premetaphrastic Martyrdom of Artemius on the Twentieth of the Same Month the Martyrdom of the Great, Holy, and Glorious Martyr and Wonder-Worker Artemius Bless Us | WGRW, Vol. 23 (179-84)
- Appendix 4: Beginning of the Life of Theodore Hegumenos of the Monastery of Chora, Life and Manners of Our Saintly Father Theodore, Monk and Superior of the Monastery of Chora | WGRW, Vol. 23 (185-86)
- Appendix 5: From the Unedited Life of Constantine of the Codex Angelicus A, Concerning the Defeat and Death of Licinius | WGRW, Vol. 23 (187-92)
- Appendix 6: Life and Martyrdom of Lucian of Antioch | WGRW, Vol. 23 (193-203)
- Appendix 7: Fragments of an Arian Historian | WGRW, Vol. 23 (205-38)
- Supplement: New Fragments of Philostorgius on the Life of Constantine | WGRW, Vol. 23 (239-49)
Paulus Orosius of Braga (c. 375/85-c. 420) | WEST
Socrates of Constantinople (c. 380-after 439) | EAST
Egeria (pilgrimage from c. 381/2-84) | WEST
- Diary of a Pilgrimage (§§49) | ACW, Vol. 38 (49-128)
Julian of Eclanum (c. 386-c. 455) | WEST
- Exposition of the Book of Job | ACT, Commentaries on Job, Hosea, Joel, and Amos, Julian of Eclanum (1-105)
- Commentary on the Prophet Hosea | ACT, Commentaries on Job, Hosea, Joel, and Amos, Julian of Eclanum (106-94)
- Commentary on the Prophet Joel | ACT, Commentaries on Job, Hosea, Joel, and Amos, Julian of Eclanum (195-220)
- Commentary on the Prophet Amos | ACT, Commentaries on Job, Hosea, Joel, and Amos, Julian of Eclanum (221-76)
Theodoret of Cyrus (c. 393-c. 458/466) | EAST
- Ecclesiastical History (5 Books) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (33-159) | New Advent
- Dialogues (3 Dialogues) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (160-244) | New Advent
- Demonstrations by Syllogisms that God is Immutable (§§12) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (245-46) | New Advent
- Proofs that the Union Was Without Confusion (§§12) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (246-48) | New Advent
- Proof that the Divinity of the Savior is Impassible (§§16) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (248-49) | New Advent
- On Divine Providence (10 Discourses) | ACW, Vol. 49 (9-154)
- A Cure for Pagan Maladies (12 Discourses) | ACW, Vol. 67 (17-268)
- A History of the Monks of Syria (§§32) | CS, Vol. 88 (3-205)
Questions on the Octateuch
- The Questions on Genesis (§§112) | LEC, Vol. 1 (2-221)
- The Questions on Exodus (§§72) | LEC, Vol. 1 (222-345)
- The Questions on Leviticus (§§38) | LEC, Vol. 2 (2-85)
- The Questions on Numbers (§§51) | LEC, Vol. 2 (86-169)
- The Questions on Deuteronomy (§§46) | LEC, Vol. 2 (170-259)
- The Questions on Joshua (§§20) | LEC, Vol. 2 (260-307)
- The Questions on Judges (§§28) | LEC, Vol. 2 (308-61)
- The Questions on Ruth (§§2) | LEC, Vol. 2 (362-75)
Biblical Commentaries
- Commentary on Jeremiah (§§52) | Theodoret of Cyrus, Robert Charles Hill, trans., Commentaries on the Prophets, Vol. 1 (Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2006), 21-168.
- Commentary on Baruch (§§5) | Theodoret of Cyrus, Robert Charles Hill, trans., Commentaries on the Prophets, Vol. 1 (Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2006), 169-80.
- Commentary on Lamentations (§§4) | Theodoret of Cyrus, Robert Charles Hill, trans., Commentaries on the Prophets, Vol. 1 (Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2006), 181-95.
- Commentary on Ezekiel (§§48) | Theodoret of Cyrus, Robert Charles Hill, trans., Commentaries on the Prophets, Vol. 2 (Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2006), 27-286.
- Commentary on Daniel (§§12) | WGRW, Vol. 7 (2-329)
- Preface on the Twelve Prophets | Theodoret of Cyrus, Robert Charles Hill, trans., Commentaries on the Prophets, Vol. 3 (Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2006), 33-35.
- Commentary on Hosea (§§14) | Theodoret of Cyrus, Robert Charles Hill, trans., Commentaries on the Prophets, Vol. 3 (Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2006), 37-83.
- Commentary on Joel (§§3) | Theodoret of Cyrus, Robert Charles Hill, trans., Commentaries on the Prophets, Vol. 3 (Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2006), 85-102.
- Commentary on Amos (§§9) | Theodoret of Cyrus, Robert Charles Hill, trans., Commentaries on the Prophets, Vol. 3 (Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2006), 103-28.
- Commentary on Obadiah | Theodoret of Cyrus, Robert Charles Hill, trans., Commentaries on the Prophets, Vol. 3 (Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2006), 129-34.
- Commentary on Jonah (§§4) | Theodoret of Cyrus, Robert Charles Hill, trans., Commentaries on the Prophets, Vol. 3 (Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2006), 135-48.
- Commentary on Micah (§§7) | Theodoret of Cyrus, Robert Charles Hill, trans., Commentaries on the Prophets, Vol. 3 (Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2006), 149-75.
- Commentary on Nahum (§§3) | Theodoret of Cyrus, Robert Charles Hill, trans., Commentaries on the Prophets, Vol. 3 (Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2006), 177-89.
- Commentary on Habakkuk (§§3) | Theodoret of Cyrus, Robert Charles Hill, trans., Commentaries on the Prophets, Vol. 3 (Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2006), 191-206.
- Commentary on Zephaniah (§§3) | Theodoret of Cyrus, Robert Charles Hill, trans., Commentaries on the Prophets, Vol. 3 (Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2006), 207-19.
- Commentary on Haggai (§§2) | Theodoret of Cyrus, Robert Charles Hill, trans., Commentaries on the Prophets, Vol. 3 (Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2006), 221-28.
- Commentary on Zechariah (§§14) | Theodoret of Cyrus, Robert Charles Hill, trans., Commentaries on the Prophets, Vol. 3 (Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2006), 229-77.
- Commentary on Malachi (§§4) | Theodoret of Cyrus, Robert Charles Hill, trans., Commentaries on the Prophets, Vol. 3 (Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2006), 279-93.
- Preface to the Commentary on the Fourteen Letters of St. Paul | Theodoret of Cyrus, Robert Charles Hill, trans., Commentary on the Letters of St. Paul, Volume 1 (Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2001), 35-39.
- Commentary on Romans (§§16) | Theodoret of Cyrus, Robert Charles Hill, trans., Commentary on the Letters of St. Paul, Volume 1 (Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2001), 42-139.
- Commentary on 1 Corinthians (§§16) | Theodoret of Cyrus, Robert Charles Hill, trans., Commentary on the Letters of St. Paul, Volume 1 (Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2001), 158-238.
- Commentary on 2 Corinthians (§§13) | Theodoret of Cyrus, Robert Charles Hill, trans., Commentary on the Letters of St. Paul, Volume 1 (Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2001), 255-98.
- Commentary on Galatians (§§6) | Theodoret of Cyrus, Robert Charles Hill, trans., Commentary on the Letters of St. Paul, Volume 2 (Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2001), 1-24.
- Commentary on Ephesians (§§6) | Theodoret of Cyrus, Robert Charles Hill, trans., Commentary on the Letters of St. Paul, Volume 2 (Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2001), 31-57.
- Commentary on Philippians (§§4) | Theodoret of Cyrus, Robert Charles Hill, trans., Commentary on the Letters of St. Paul, Volume 2 (Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2001), 64-80.
- Commentary on Colossians (§§4) | Theodoret of Cyrus, Robert Charles Hill, trans., Commentary on the Letters of St. Paul, Volume 2 (Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2001), 84-102.
- Commentary on 1 Thessalonians (§§5) | Theodoret of Cyrus, Robert Charles Hill, trans., Commentary on the Letters of St. Paul, Volume 2 (Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2001), 107-21.
- Commentary on 2 Thessalonians (§§3) | Theodoret of Cyrus, Robert Charles Hill, trans., Commentary on the Letters of St. Paul, Volume 2 (Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2001), 125-33.
- Commentary on Hebrews (§§13) | Theodoret of Cyrus, Robert Charles Hill, trans., Commentary on the Letters of St. Paul, Volume 2 (Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2001), 136-96.
- Commentary on 1 Timothy (§§6) | Theodoret of Cyrus, Robert Charles Hill, trans., Commentary on the Letters of St. Paul, Volume 2 (Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2001), 208-31.
- Commentary on 2 Timothy (§§4) | Theodoret of Cyrus, Robert Charles Hill, trans., Commentary on the Letters of St. Paul, Volume 2 (Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2001), 236-49.
- Commentary on Titus (§§3) | Theodoret of Cyrus, Robert Charles Hill, trans., Commentary on the Letters of St. Paul, Volume 2 (Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2001), 252-58.
- Commentary on Philemon | Theodoret of Cyrus, Robert Charles Hill, trans., Commentary on the Letters of St. Paul, Volume 2 (Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2001), 261-65.
Commentary on the Psalms
- Preface (§§10) | CUA, Vol. 101 (39-45)
- Commentary on Psalm 1 (§§11) | CUA, Vol. 101 (46-51)
- Commentary on Psalm 2 (§§13) | CUA, Vol. 101 (52-59)
- Commentary on Psalm 3 (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 101 (60-62)
- Commentary on Psalm 4 (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 101 (63-67)
- Commentary on Psalm 5 (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 101 (68-72)
- Commentary on Psalm 6 (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 101 (73-76)
- Commentary on Psalm 7 (§§9) | CUA, Vol. 101 (77-81)
- Commentary on Psalm 8 (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 101 (82-86)
- Commentary on Psalm 9 (§§12) | CUA, Vol. 101 (87-93)
- Commentary on Psalm 10 (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 101 (94-98)
- Commentary on Psalm 11 (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 101 (99-101)
- Commentary on Psalm 12 (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 101 (102-103)
- Commentary on Psalm 13 (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 101 (104-105)
- Commentary on Psalm 14 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 101 (106-110)
- Commentary on Psalm 15 (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 101 (111-12)
- Commentary on Psalm 16 (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 101 (113-18)
- Commentary on Psalm 17 (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 101 (119-22)
- Commentary on Psalm 18 (§§22) | CUA, Vol. 101 (123-32)
- Commentary on Psalm 19 (§§9) | CUA, Vol. 101 (133-38)
- Commentary on Psalm 20 (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 101 (139-40)
- Commentary on Psalm 21 (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 101 (141-44)
- Commentary on Psalm 22 (§§19) | CUA, Vol. 101 (145-55)
- Commentary on Psalm 23 (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 101 (156-58)
- Commentary on Psalm 24 (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 101 (159-62)
- Commentary on Psalm 25 (§§10) | CUA, Vol. 101 (163-68)
- Commentary on Psalm 26 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 101 (169-71)
- Commentary on Psalm 27 (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 101 (172-77)
- Commentary on Psalm 28 (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 101 (178-80)
- Commentary on Psalm 29 (§§9) | CUA, Vol. 101 (181-86)
- Commentary on Psalm 30 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 101 (187-91)
- Commentary on Psalm 31 (§§12) | CUA, Vol. 101 (192-97)
- Commentary on Psalm 32 (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 101 (198-201)
- Commentary on Psalm 33 (§§9) | CUA, Vol. 101 (202-206)
- Commentary on Psalm 34 (§§10) | CUA, Vol. 101 (207-211)
- Commentary on Psalm 35 (§§13) | CUA, Vol. 101 (212-17)
- Commentary on Psalm 36 (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 101 (218-21)
- Commentary on Psalm 37 (§§14) | CUA, Vol. 101 (222-28)
- Commentary on Psalm 38 (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 101 (229-32)
- Commentary on Psalm 39 (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 101 (233-36)
- Commentary on Psalm 40 (§§10) | CUA, Vol. 101 (237-42)
- Commentary on Psalm 41 (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 101 (243-47)
- Commentary on Psalm 42 (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 101 (248-51)
- Commentary on Psalm 43 (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 101 (252-53)
- Commentary on Psalm 44 (§§10) | CUA, Vol. 101 (254-58)
- Commentary on Psalm 45 (§§13) | CUA, Vol. 101 (259-67)
- Commentary on Psalm 46 (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 101 (268-72)
- Commentary on Psalm 47 (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 101 (273-75)
- Commentary on Psalm 48 (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 101 (276-80)
- Commentary on Psalm 49 (§§12) | CUA, Vol. 101 (281-87)
- Commentary on Psalm 50 (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 101 (288-93)
- Commentary on Psalm 51 (§§14) | CUA, Vol. 101 (294-303)
- Commentary on Psalm 52 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 101 (304-307)
- Commentary on Psalm 53 (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 101 (308-310)
- Commentary on Psalm 54 (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 101 (311-13)
- Commentary on Psalm 55 (§§15) | CUA, Vol. 101 (314-22)
- Commentary on Psalm 56 (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 101 (323-26)
- Commentary on Psalm 57 (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 101 (327-30)
- Commentary on Psalm 58 (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 101 (331-35)
- Commentary on Psalm 59 (§§13) | CUA, Vol. 101 (336-43)
- Commentary on Psalm 60 (§§9) | CUA, Vol. 101 (344-48)
- Commentary on Psalm 61 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 101 (349-52)
- Commentary on Psalm 62 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 101 (353-56)
- Commentary on Psalm 63 (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 101 (357-60)
- Commentary on Psalm 64 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 101 (361-63)
- Commentary on Psalm 65 (§§10) | CUA, Vol. 101 (364-70)
- Commentary on Psalm 66 (§§11) | CUA, Vol. 101 (371-76)
- Commentary on Psalm 67 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 101 (377-79)
- Commentary on Psalm 68 (§§26) | CUA, Vol. 101 (380-94)
- Commentary on Psalm 69 (§§18) | CUA, Vol. 101 (395-403)
- Commentary on Psalm 70 (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 101 (404-405)
- Commentary on Psalm 71 (§§12) | CUA, Vol. 101 (406-412)
- Commentary on Psalm 72 (§§13) | CUA, Vol. 101 (413-20)
- Commentary on Psalm 73 (§§13) | CUA, Vol. 102 (3-9)
- Commentary on Psalm 74 (§§14) | CUA, Vol. 102 (10-17)
- Commentary on Psalm 75 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 102 (18-21)
- Commentary on Psalm 76 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 102 (22-24)
- Commentary on Psalm 77 (§§9) | CUA, Vol. 102 (25-28)
- Commentary on Psalm 78 (§§24) | CUA, Vol. 102 (29-40)
- Commentary on Psalm 79 (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 102 (41-44)
- Commentary on Psalm 80 (§§10) | CUA, Vol. 102 (45-50)
- Commentary on Psalm 81 (§§9) | CUA, Vol. 102 (51-55)
- Commentary on Psalm 82 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 102 (56-57)
- Commentary on Psalm 83 (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 102 (58-61)
- Commentary on Psalm 84 (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 102 (62-66)
- Commentary on Psalm 85 (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 102 (67-71)
- Commentary on Psalm 86 (§§10) | CUA, Vol. 102 (72-76)
- Commentary on Psalm 87 (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 102 (77-80)
- Commentary on Psalm 88 (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 102 (81-84)
- Commentary on Psalm 89 (§§23) | CUA, Vol. 102 (85-96)
- Commentary on Psalm 90 (§§11) | CUA, Vol. 102 (97-102)
- Commentary on Psalm 91 (§§9) | CUA, Vol. 102 (103-107)
- Commentary on Psalm 92 (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 102 (108-111)
- Commentary on Psalm 93 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 102 (112-16)
- Commentary on Psalm 94 (§§11) | CUA, Vol. 102 (117-22)
- Commentary on Psalm 95 (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 102 (123-26)
- Commentary on Psalm 96 (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 102 (127-31)
- Commentary on Psalm 97 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 102 (132-35)
- Commentary on Psalm 98 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 102 (136-39)
- Commentary on Psalm 99 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 102 (140-43)
- Commentary on Psalm 100 (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 102 (144-45)
- Commentary on Psalm 101 (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 102 (146-48)
- Commentary on Psalm 102 (§§11) | CUA, Vol. 102 (149-54)
- Commentary on Psalm 103 (§§10) | CUA, Vol. 102 (155-60)
- Commentary on Psalm 104 (§§17) | CUA, Vol. 102 (161-70)
- Commentary on Psalm 105 (§§16) | CUA, Vol. 102 (171-79)
- Commentary on Psalm 106 (§§17) | CUA, Vol. 102 (180-87)
- Commentary on Psalm 107 (§§18) | CUA, Vol. 102 (188-96)
- Commentary on Psalm 108 (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 102 (197-99)
- Commentary on Psalm 109 (§§14) | CUA, Vol. 102 (200-207)
- Commentary on Psalm 110 (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 102 (208-13)
- Commentary on Psalm 111 (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 102 (214-16)
- Commentary on Psalm 112 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 102 (217-19)
- Commentary on Psalm 113 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 102 (220-22)
- Commentary on Psalm 114 (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 102 (223-24)
- Commentary on Psalm 115 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 102 (225-28)
- Commentary on Psalm 116 (§§12) | CUA, Vol. 102 (229-34)
- Commentary on Psalm 117 (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 102 (235-37)
- Commentary on Psalm 118 (§§13) | CUA, Vol. 102 (238-44)
- Commentary on Psalm 119 (§§86) | CUA, Vol. 102 (245-78)
- Commentary on Psalm 120 (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 102 (279-81)
- Commentary on Psalm 121 (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 102 (282-83)
- Commentary on Psalm 122 (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 102 (284-85)
- Commentary on Psalm 123 (§§2) | CUA, Vol. 102 (286-87)
- Commentary on Psalm 124 (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 102 (288-89)
- Commentary on Psalm 125 (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 102 (290-91)
- Commentary on Psalm 126 (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 102 (292-93)
- Commentary on Psalm 127 (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 102 (294-96)
- Commentary on Psalm 128 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 102 (297-99)
- Commentary on Psalm 129 (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 102 (300-301)
- Commentary on Psalm 130 (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 102 (302-303)
- Commentary on Psalm 131 (§§2) | CUA, Vol. 102 (304-305)
- Commentary on Psalm 132 (§§11) | CUA, Vol. 102 (306-310)
- Commentary on Psalm 133 (§§3) | CUA, Vol. 102 (311-12)
- Commentary on Psalm 134 (§§2) | CUA, Vol. 102 (313-14)
- Commentary on Psalm 135 (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 102 (315-18)
- Commentary on Psalm 136 (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 102 (319-22)
- Commentary on Psalm 137 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 102 (323-25)
- Commentary on Psalm 138 (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 102 (326-28)
- Commentary on Psalm 139 (§§12) | CUA, Vol. 102 (329-34)
- Commentary on Psalm 140 (§§6) | CUA, Vol. 102 (335-37)
- Commentary on Psalm 141 (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 102 (338-40)
- Commentary on Psalm 142 (§§4) | CUA, Vol. 102 (341-42)
- Commentary on Psalm 143 (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 102 (343-45)
- Commentary on Psalm 144 (§§8) | CUA, Vol. 102 (346-50)
- Commentary on Psalm 145 (§§12) | CUA, Vol. 102 (351-56)
- Commentary on Psalm 146 (§§7) | CUA, Vol. 102 (357-59)
- Commentary on Psalm 147 (§§10) | CUA, Vol. 102 (360-64)
- Commentary on Psalm 148 (§§9) | CUA, Vol. 102 (365-69)
- Commentary on Psalm 149 (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 102 (370-71)
- Commentary on Psalm 150 (§§5) | CUA, Vol. 102 (372-74)
- Letter 1 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (250) | New Advent
- Letter 2 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (250) | New Advent
- Letter 3 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (250-51) | New Advent
- Letter 4 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (251) | New Advent
- Letter 5 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (251) | New Advent
- Letter 6 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (251-52) | New Advent
- Letter 7 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (252) | New Advent
- Letter 8 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (252) | New Advent
- Letter 9 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (252) | New Advent
- Letter 10 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (252) | New Advent
- Letter 11 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (253) | New Advent
- Letter 12 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (253) | New Advent
- Letter 13 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (253) | New Advent
- Letter 14 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (254-55) | New Advent
- Letter 15 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (255) | New Advent
- Letter 16 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (255-56) | New Advent
- Letter 17 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (256) | New Advent
- Letter 18 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (256-57) | New Advent
- Letter 19 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (257) | New Advent
- Letter 20 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (257) | New Advent
- Letter 21 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (257-59) | New Advent
- Letter 22 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (259) | New Advent
- Letter 23 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (259) | New Advent
- Letter 24 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (259) | New Advent
- Letter 25 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (259) | New Advent
- Letter 26 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (260) | New Advent
- Letter 27 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (260) | New Advent
- Letter 28 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (260) | New Advent
- Letter 29 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (260) | New Advent
- Letter 30 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (260) | New Advent
- Letter 31 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (260-61) | New Advent
- Letter 32 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (261) | New Advent
- Letter 33 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (261) | New Advent
- Letter 34 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (261-62) | New Advent
- Letter 35 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (262) | New Advent
- Letter 36 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (262) | New Advent
- Letter 37 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (262) | New Advent
- Letter 38 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (262-63) | New Advent
- Letter 39 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (263) | New Advent
- Letter 40 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (263) | New Advent
- Letter 41 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (263) | New Advent
- Letter 42 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (263-64) | New Advent
- Letter 43 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (264) | New Advent
- Letter 44 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (264-65) | New Advent
- Letter 45 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (265) | New Advent
- Letter 46 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (265) | New Advent
- Letter 47 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (265-66) | New Advent
- Letter 48 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (266) | New Advent
- Letter 49 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (266) | New Advent
- Letter 50 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (266) | New Advent
- Letter 51 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (266) | New Advent
- Letter 52 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (266-67) | New Advent
- Letter 53 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (267) | New Advent
- Letter 54 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (267) | New Advent
- Letter 55 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (267) | New Advent
- Letter 56 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (267) | New Advent
- Letter 57 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (267) | New Advent
- Letter 58 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (267) | New Advent
- Letter 59 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (267-68) | New Advent
- Letter 60 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (268) | New Advent
- Letter 61 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (268) | New Advent
- Letter 62 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (268) | New Advent
- Letter 63 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (268-69) | New Advent
- Letter 64 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (269) | New Advent
- Letter 65 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (269) | New Advent
- Letter 66 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (269) | New Advent
- Letter 67 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (269) | New Advent
- Letter 68 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (269) | New Advent
- Letter 69 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (269-70) | New Advent
- Letter 70 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (270) | New Advent
- Letter 71 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (270-71) | New Advent
- Letter 72 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (271) | New Advent
- Letter 73 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (271) | New Advent
- Letter 74 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (271) | New Advent
- Letter 75 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (271-72) | New Advent
- Letter 76 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (272) | New Advent
- Letter 77 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (272-74) | New Advent
- Letter 78 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (274-75) | New Advent
- Letter 79 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (275) | New Advent
- Letter 80 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (276) | New Advent
- Letter 81 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (276-77) | New Advent
- Letter 82 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (277-78) | New Advent
- Letter 83 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (278-80) | New Advent
- Letter 84 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (280-81) | New Advent
- Letter 85 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (281) | New Advent
- Letter 86 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (281-82) | New Advent
- Letter 87 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (282-83) | New Advent
- Letter 88 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (283) | New Advent
- Letter 89 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (283) | New Advent
- Letter 90 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (283-84) | New Advent
- Letter 91 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (284) | New Advent
- Letter 92 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (284) | New Advent
- Letter 93 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (284) | New Advent
- Letter 94 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (284-85) | New Advent
- Letter 95 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (285) | New Advent
- Letter 96 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (285) | New Advent
- Letter 97 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (285-86) | New Advent
- Letter 98 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (286) | New Advent
- Letter 99 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (286) | New Advent
- Letter 100 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (286) | New Advent
- Letter 101 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (286-87) | New Advent
- Letter 102 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (287) | New Advent
- Letter 103 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (287) | New Advent
- Letter 104 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (287-88) | New Advent
- Letter 105 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (288) | New Advent
- Letter 106 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (288) | New Advent
- Letter 107 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (288-89) | New Advent
- Letter 108 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (289) | New Advent
- Letter 109 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (289-90) | New Advent
- Letter 110 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (290) | New Advent
- Letter 111 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (290-91) | New Advent
- Letter 112 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (291-92) | New Advent
- Letter 113 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (293-95) | New Advent
- Letter 114 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (295) | New Advent
- Letter 115 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (295) | New Advent
- Letter 116 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (295-96) | New Advent
- Letter 117 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (296) | New Advent
- Letter 118 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (296) | New Advent
- Letter 119 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (296-97) | New Advent
- Letter 120 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (297) | New Advent
- Letter 121 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (297-98) | New Advent
- Letter 122 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (298) | New Advent
- Letter 123 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (298-99) | New Advent
- Letter 124 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (299) | New Advent
- Letter 125 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (299-300) | New Advent
- Letter 126 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (300) | New Advent
- Letter 127 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (300) | New Advent
- Letter 128 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (300-301) | New Advent
- Letter 129 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (301) | New Advent
- Letter 130 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (301-303) | New Advent
- Letter 131 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (303) | New Advent
- Letter 132 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (303-304) | New Advent
- Letter 133 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (304) | New Advent
- Letter 134 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (304-305) | New Advent
- Letter 135 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (305-06) | New Advent
- Letter 136 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (306) | New Advent
- Letter 137 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (306-307) | New Advent
- Letter 138 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (307-308) | New Advent
- Letter 139 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (308) | New Advent
- Letter 140 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (308-309) | New Advent
- Letter 141 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (309) | New Advent
- Letter 142 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (309-310) | New Advent
- Letter 143 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (310) | New Advent
- Letter 144 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (310-12) | New Advent
- Letter 145 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (312-16) | New Advent
- Letter 146 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (316-23) | New Advent
- Letter 147 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (323-24) | New Advent
- Letter 148 (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (324) | New Advent
- Letter 149 (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (324) | New Advent
- Letter 150 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (324-25) | New Advent
- Letter 151 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (325-32) | New Advent
- Letter 152 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (333) | New Advent
- Letter 153 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (333-34) | New Advent
- Letter 154 (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (334) | New Advent
- Letter 155 (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (334) | New Advent
- Letter 156 (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (334) | New Advent
- Letter 157 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (334-35) | New Advent
- Letter 158 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (335) | New Advent
- Letter 159 (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (335) | New Advent
- Letter 160 (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (335) | New Advent
- Letter 161 (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (335) | New Advent
- Letter 162 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (336) | New Advent
- Letter 163 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (336) | New Advent
- Letter 164 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (336-37) | New Advent
- Letter 165 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (337) | New Advent
- Letter 166 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (337-39) | New Advent
- Letter 167 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (339-40) | New Advent
- Letter 168 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (340-41) | New Advent
- Letter 169 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (341-42) | New Advent
- Letter 170 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (342-44) | New Advent
- Letter 171 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (344) | New Advent
- Letter 172 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (344-45) | New Advent
- Letter 173 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (345) | New Advent
- Letter 174 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (345) | New Advent
- Letter 175 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (345) | New Advent
- Letter 176 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (345-46) | New Advent
- Letter 177 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (346) | New Advent
- Letter 178 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (346) | New Advent
- Letter 179 (omitted) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (346) | New Advent
- Letter 180 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (346-47) | New Advent
- Letter 181 | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (347-48) | New Advent
Leporius the Monk (late 300s/early 400s) | WEST
Salvian the Presbyter (400s) | WEST
- The Governance of God (8 Books) | CUA, Vol. 3 (25-232)
- The Four Books of Timothy to the Church (4 Books) | CUA, Vol. 3 (269-371)
- Letter to the Monks at Lerins | CUA, Vol. 3 (237-40)
- Letter to Bishop Eucherius | CUA, Vol. 3 (240-41)
- Letter to Bishop Agrycius | CUA, Vol. 3 (241)
- Letter to Hypatius and Quieta | CUA, Vol. 3 (241-50)
- Letter to Cuttura | CUA, Vol. 3 (251-52)
- Letter to Limenius | CUA, Vol. 3 (253)
- Letter to Aper and Verus | CUA, Vol. 3 (253-55)
- Letter to Bishop Eucherius | CUA, Vol. 3 (255-56)
- Letter to Bishop Salonius | CUA, Vol. 3 (256-63)
Sozomen (c. 400-c. 450) | EAST
- Church History (323-425) (9 Books) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 2 (236-427) | New Advent
Diadochus of Photikē (c. 400-c. 486) | EAST
- Discourses on Judgment and Spiritual Discernment (§§100) | CS, Vol. 239 (67-128)
- Homily on the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ | CS, Vol. 239 (131-35)
- The Vision of Saint Diadochus, Bishop of Photikē in Epiros (§§29) | CS, Vol. 239 (139-48)
- The Catechesis of Diadochus Himself: Questions and Responses (§§9) | CS, Vol. 239 (151-54)
Gennadius of Constantinople (died 471) | EAST
- Lives of Illustrious Men (§§99) | NPNF, 2nd, Vol. 3 (385-402) | New Advent
Gennadius of Massilia (died c. 496) | WEST
Pope Anastasius II (died 498) | WEST
- Letter to Emperor Anastasius (§§8) (496) | Neil and Allen, Conflict and Negotiation (43-49)
Julianus Pomerius (died c. 499-505) | WEST
- The Contemplative Life (3 Books) | ACW, Vol. 4 (13-169)
Avitus of Vienne (c. 450-517/518 or 519) | WEST
- Against the Arians | TTH, Vol. 38 (167-90)
- Dedicatory Letter for De spiritalis historiae gestis, to Apollinaris, Bishop of Valence | TTH, Vol. 38 (260-62)
- Dedicatory Letter for De consolatoria castitatis laude, to Apollinaris, Bishop of Valence | TTH, Vol. 38 (263-64)
- Homily 6: On Rogations | TTH, Vol. 38 (381-88)
- Homily 25: On the Martyrs of Aguane | TTH, Vol. 38 (379-81)
- Letter 2: Against the Eutychian Heresy (§§18) | TTH, Vol. 38 (93-106)
- Letter 3: Against the Eutychian Heresy (§§19) | TTH, Vol. 38 (108-23)
- Letter 4: To Gundobad “on sudden penitence” | TTH, Vol. 38 (194-200)
- Letter 5: To Gundobad | TTH, Vol. 38 (210-12)
- Letter 6: To Gundobad (or possibly Sigismund) | TTH, Vol. 38 (213-16)
- Letter 7: To Victorius, Bishop of Grenoble | TTH, Vol. 38 (296-302)
- Letter 8: To the Pope | TTH, Vol. 38 (222-24)
- Letter 9: To the Patriarch of Constantinople | TTH, Vol. 38 (135-36)
- Letter 10: To Eustorgius, Bishop of Milan | TTH, Vol. 38 (351-52)
- Letter 11: To Caesarius, Bishop of Arles | TTH, Vol. 38 (358-59)
- Letter 12: To Maximus, Bishop of Pavia | TTH, Vol. 38 (352-53)
- Letter 13: From Apollinaris, Bishop of Valence, to Avitus | TTH, Vol. 38 (245)
- Letter 14: To Apollinaris, Bishop of Valence | TTH, Vol. 38 (246-47)
- Letter 15: To Contumeliosus, Bishop of Riez | TTH, Vol. 38 (265)
- Letter 16: From Victorius, Bishop of Grenoble, to Avitus | TTH, Vol. 38 (287)
- Letter 17: To Victorius, Bishop of Grenoble | TTH, Vol. 38 (288-89)
- Letter 18: To Victorius, Bishop of Grenoble | TTH, Vol. 38 (289-90)
- Letter 19: To Viventiolus, Priest | TTH, Vol. 38 (268-69)
- Letter 20: To St. Pope Symmachus | TTH, Vol. 38 (154-55)
- Letter 21: From Gundobad to Avitus | TTH, Vol. 38 (202)
- Letter 22: To Gundobad | TTH, Vol. 38 (202-203)
- Letter 23: To Sigismund | TTH, Vol. 38 (228-30)
- Letter 24: To Apollinaris, vir illustris | TTH, Vol. 38 (338)
- Letter 25: To the Patriarch of Jerusalem | TTH, Vol. 38 (155-56)
- Letter 26: To Stephanus, Bishop of Lyons | TTH, Vol. 38 (302-303)
- Letter 27: To Apollinaris, Bishop of Valence | TTH, Vol. 38 (248-49)
- Letter 28: To [Stephanus], Bishop of Lyons | TTH, Vol. 38 (304-305)
- Letter 29: From Sigismund to St. Pope Symmachus | TTH, Vol. 38 (226-27)
- Letter 30: To Gundobad | TTH, Vol. 38 (204-207)
- Letter 31: To Sigismund | TTH, Vol. 38 (231-32)
- Letter 32: To Sigismund | TTH, Vol. 38 (241-42)
- Letter 34: To Faustus and Symmachus | TTH, Vol. 38 (160-62)
- Letter 35: To Liberius, Praetorian Prefect of the Gauls | TTH, Vol. 38 (355-56)
- Letter 36: To Apollinaris, vir illustris | TTH, Vol. 38 (339-40)
- Letter 37: To Aurelianus, vir illustris | TTH, Vol. 38 (325-26)
- Letter 38: To the Deacon Helpidius | TTH, Vol. 38 (360-61)
- Letter 39: To Senarius, vir illustrissimus | TTH, Vol. 38 (124-25)
- Letter 40: To Peter, Bishop of Ravenna | TTH, Vol. 38 (126-27)
- Letter 41: To St. Pope Hormisdas | TTH, Vol. 38 (128-29)
- Letter 42: From St. Pope Hormisdas to Avitus and All the Suffragan Bishops of the Viennensis | TTH, Vol. 38 (129-33)
- Letter 43: To Eufrasius, Bishop of Auvergne | TTH, Vol. 38 (341-42)
- Letter 44: To Gundobad | TTH, Vol. 38 (217-19)
- Letter 45: To Sigismund | TTH, Vol. 38 (234-35)
- Letter 46: To Clovis, King of the Franks | TTH, Vol. 38 (369-73)
- Letter 46A: From Sigismund to Anastasius | TTH, Vol. 38 (137-38)
- Letter 47: From Sigismund to Vitalinus, Senator | TTH, Vol. 38 (138-39)
- Letter 48: To Celer, Senator | TTH, Vol. 38 (140)
- Letter 49: To Sigismund | TTH, Vol. 38 (142-43)
- Letter 50: To Arigius, vir illustrissimus | TTH, Vol. 38 (327-30)
- Letter 51: To Apollinaris, vir illustris | TTH, Vol. 38 (343-46)
- Letter 52: To Apollinaris, vir illustris | TTH, Vol. 38 (348-49)
- Letter 53: To Heraclius, vir illustrissimus | TTH, Vol. 38 (316-18)
- Letter 54: From Heraclius to Avitus | TTH, Vol. 38 (318-20)
- Letter 55: To Ansemundus, Count of Vienne | TTH, Vol. 38 (292-94)
- Letter 56: To Messianus, vir illustrissimus | TTH, Vol. 38 (330)
- Letter 57: To Viventiolus, the Rhetor | TTH, Vol. 38 (271-73)
- Letter 58: To Stephanus, Bishop of Lyons | TTH, Vol. 38 (311-12)
- Letter 59: To Viventiolus, Bishop of Lyons | TTH, Vol. 38 (273)
- Letter 60: To Gemellus, Bishop of Vaison | TTH, Vol. 38 (312)
- Letter 61: To Apollinaris, Bishop of Valence | TTH, Vol. 38 (249)
- Letter 62: To Victorius, Bishop of Grenoble | TTH, Vol. 38 (312-13)
- Letter 63: To Claudius, Bishop of Besançon | TTH, Vol. 38 (313)
- Letter 64: To Gregorius, Bishop of Langres | TTH, Vol. 38 (314)
- Letter 65: [Missing]
- Letter 66: To Maximus, Bishop of Geneva | TTH, Vol. 38 (276)
- Letter 67: To Viventiolus, Bishop of Lyons | TTH, Vol. 38 (273-74)
- Letter 68: To Viventiolus, Bishop of Lyons | TTH, Vol. 38 (274)
- Letter 69: To Viventiolus, Bishop of Lyons | TTH, Vol. 38 (275)
- Letter 70: To Constantius, Bishop (of Martingny?) | TTH, Vol. 38 (306-307)
- Letter 71: From Apollinaris, Bishop of Valence, to Avitus | TTH, Vol. 38 (249)
- Letter 72: To Apollinaris, Bishop of Valence | TTH, Vol. 38 (250-51)
- Letter 73: To Viventiolus, Bishop of Lyons | TTH, Vol. 38 (275)
- Letter 74: To Maximus, Bishop of Geneva | TTH, Vol. 38 (277-79)
- Letter 75: To Victorius, Bishop of Grenoble | TTH, Vol. 38 (307-308)
- Letter 76: To Sigismund | TTH, Vol. 38 (236)
- Letter 77: To Sigismund | TTH, Vol. 38 (236-37)
- Letter 78: From Sigismund to the Byzantine Emperor, Anastasius | TTH, Vol. 38 (143-44)
- Letter 79: To Sigismund | TTH, Vol. 38 (238)
- Letter 80: To Ansemundus, vir illustrissimus | TTH, Vol. 38 (331-32)
- Letter 81: To Ansemundus, vir illustrissimus | TTH, Vol. 38 (332)
- Letter 82: To Valerianus, vir illustrissimus | TTH, Vol. 38 (333)
- Letter 83: To Ceretius, vir illustrissimus | TTH, Vol. 38 (333-34)
- Letter 84: To Helladius, vir illustris | TTH, Vol. 38 (334)
- Letter 85: To Ruclo, vir illustrissimus | TTH, Vol. 38 (334-35)
- Letter 86: From Leonianus the Archdeacon to Sapaudus, vir spectabilis | TTH, Vol. 38 (282-84)
- Letter 87: To Apollinaris, Bishop of Valence | TTH, Vol. 38 (253-56)
- Letter 88: To Apollinaris, Bishop of Valence | TTH, Vol. 38 (258)
- Letter 90: To Quintianus, Bishop of Clermont | TTH, Vol. 38 (309-10)
- Letter 91: To Sigismund | TTH, Vol. 38 (239-40)
- Letter 92: To Sigismund | TTH, Vol. 38 (240-41)
- Letter 93: From Sigismund to the Byzantine Emperor, Anastasius | TTH, Vol. 38 (146-48)
- Letter 94: From Sigismund to the Byzantine Emperor, Anastasius | TTH, Vol. 38 (150-53)
- Letter 95: To Heraclius, vir illustrissimus | TTH, Vol. 38 (321-22)
- Letter 96: From Heraclius to Avitus | TTH, Vol. 38 (323)
Eugippius (c. 460-c. 535) | WEST
- Memorandum (§§46) | CUA, Vol. 55 (57-100)
- Poem: On the Day of St. Severin | CUA, Vol. 55 (104-09)
- Letter to Paschasius | CUA, Vol. 55 (47-55)
- From Paschasius to Eugippius | CUA, Vol. 55 (101-02)
Pope John II (c. 475-535) | WEST
Emperor Justinian I (482-565) | EAST
Leontius of Constantinople (c. 485-c. 545) | EAST
- Homily 14: For the Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ | PPS, Vol. 48 (115-27)
Cassiodorus (c. 485-c. 585) | WEST
- Brief Explanations on the Apocalypse (§§22) | CUA, Vol. 144 (15-37) | Gumerlock, Seven Seals of the Apocalypse (49-51) [Apoc. 5-8]
- Institutions of Divine and Secular Learning (2 Books) | TTH, Vol. 42 (105-233)
- On the Soul (§§18) | TTH, Vol. 42 (237-83)
Explanation of the Psalms
- Psalm 1 (§§6) | ACW, Vol. 51 (45-57)
- Psalm 2 (§§14) | ACW, Vol. 51 (57-68)
- Psalm 3 (§§9) | ACW, Vol. 51 (68-73)
- Psalm 4 (§§10) | ACW, Vol. 51 (73-80)
- Psalm 5 (§§13) | ACW, Vol. 51 (80-89)
- Psalm 6 (§§11) | ACW, Vol. 51 (89-99)
- Psalm 7 (§§18) | ACW, Vol. 51 (99-109)
- Psalm 8 (§§10) | ACW, Vol. 51 (109-16)
- Psalm 9 (§§39) | ACW, Vol. 51 (116-34)
- Psalm 10 (§§8) | ACW, Vol. 51 (134-39)
- Psalm 11 (§§9) | ACW, Vol. 51 (139-45)
- Psalm 12 (§§6) | ACW, Vol. 51 (145-49)
- Psalm 13 (§§7) | ACW, Vol. 51 (149-55)
- Psalm 14 (§§5) | ACW, Vol. 51 (155-60)
- Psalm 15 (§§11) | ACW, Vol. 51 (160-67)
- Psalm 16 (§§15) | ACW, Vol. 51 (167-75)
- Psalm 17 (§§51) | ACW, Vol. 51 (176-95)
- Psalm 18 (§§15) | ACW, Vol. 51 (195-203)
- Psalm 19 (§§10) | ACW, Vol. 51 (203-208)
- Psalm 20 (§§14) | ACW, Vol. 51 (208-15)
- Psalm 21 (§§32) | ACW, Vol. 51 (215-34)
- Psalm 22 (§§6) | ACW, Vol. 51 (235-41)
- Psalm 23 (§§9) | ACW, Vol. 51 (241-46)
- Psalm 24 (§§22) | ACW, Vol. 51 (246-56)
- Psalm 25 (§§12) | ACW, Vol. 51 (256-62)
- Psalm 26 (§§14) | ACW, Vol. 51 (262-70)
- Psalm 27 (§§9) | ACW, Vol. 51 (271-76)
- Psalm 28 (§§10) | ACW, Vol. 51 (276-83)
- Psalm 29 (§§13) | ACW, Vol. 51 (283-89)
- Psalm 30 (§§25) | ACW, Vol. 51 (289-304)
- Psalm 31 (§§11) | ACW, Vol. 51 (304-13)
- Psalm 32 (§§22) | ACW, Vol. 51 (314-24)
- Psalm 33 (§§23) | ACW, Vol. 51 (324-35)
- Psalm 34 (§§28) | ACW, Vol. 51 (335-49)
- Psalm 35 (§§13) | ACW, Vol. 51 (349-57)
- Psalm 36 (§§40) | ACW, Vol. 51 (357-76)
- Psalm 37 (§§23) | ACW, Vol. 51 (376-87)
- Psalm 38 (§§14) | ACW, Vol. 51 (357-97)
- Psalm 39 (§§18) | ACW, Vol. 51 (397-407)
- Psalm 40 (§§14) | ACW, Vol. 51 (407-15)
- Psalm 41 (§§12) | ACW, Vol. 51 (415-23)
- Psalm 42 (§§5) | ACW, Vol. 51 (423-27)
- Psalm 43 (§§26) | ACW, Vol. 51 (427-39)
- Psalm 44 (§§18) | ACW, Vol. 51 (439-52)
- Psalm 45 (§§12) | ACW, Vol. 51 (452-58)
- Psalm 46 (§§10) | ACW, Vol. 51 (459-63)
- Psalm 47 (§§15) | ACW, Vol. 51 (463-70)
- Psalm 48 (§§21) | ACW, Vol. 51 (470-79)
- Psalm 49 (§§23) | ACW, Vol. 51 (479-92)
- Psalm 50 (§§21) | ACW, Vol. 51 (492-512)
- Psalm 51 (§§11) | ACW, Vol. 52 (1-7)
- Psalm 52 (§§7) | ACW, Vol. 52 (7-13)
- Psalm 53 (§§9) | ACW, Vol. 52 (13-17)
- Psalm 54 (§§24) | ACW, Vol. 52 (17-30)
- Psalm 55 (§§13) | ACW, Vol. 52 (30-38)
- Psalm 56 (§§12) | ACW, Vol. 52 (38-45)
- Psalm 57 (§§12) | ACW, Vol. 52 (45-51)
- Psalm 58 (§§18) | ACW, Vol. 52 (51-61)
- Psalm 59 (§§14) | ACW, Vol. 52 (62-70)
- Psalm 60 (§§9) | ACW, Vol. 52 (70-75)
- Psalm 61 (§§13) | ACW, Vol. 52 (75-82)
- Psalm 62 (§§12) | ACW, Vol. 52 (83-89)
- Psalm 63 (§§11) | ACW, Vol. 52 (90-96)
- Psalm 64 (§§14) | ACW, Vol. 52 (96-106)
- Psalm 65 (§§20) | ACW, Vol. 52 (106-16)
- Psalm 66 (§§8) | ACW, Vol. 52 (116-21)
- Psalm 67 (§§36) | ACW, Vol. 52 (121-40)
- Psalm 68 (§§37) | ACW, Vol. 52 (141-61)
- Psalm 69 (§§6) | ACW, Vol. 52 (161-65)
- Psalm 70 (§§24) | ACW, Vol. 52 (165-79)
- Commentary on the Eight Decades that Relate to the New Testament | ACW, Vol. 52 (181)
- Psalm 71 (§§19) | ACW, Vol. 52 (183-96)
- Psalm 72 (§§28) | ACW, Vol. 52 (196-209)
- Psalm 73 (§§23) | ACW, Vol. 52 (209-24)
- Psalm 74 (§§11) | ACW, Vol. 52 (224-31)
- Psalm 75 (§§13) | ACW, Vol. 52 (231-38)
- Psalm 76 (§§21) | ACW, Vol. 52 (238-50)
- Psalm 77 (§§72) | ACW, Vol. 52 (250-75)
- Psalm 78 (§§13) | ACW, Vol. 52 (275-83)
- Psalm 79 (§§20) | ACW, Vol. 52 (283-92)
- Psalm 80 (§§17) | ACW, Vol. 52 (292-301)
- Psalm 81 (§§8) | ACW, Vol. 52 (301-06)
- Psalm 82 (§§19) | ACW, Vol. 52 (306-13)
- Psalm 83 (§§13) | ACW, Vol. 52 (313-20)
- Psalm 84 (§§14) | ACW, Vol. 52 (320-27)
- Psalm 85 (§§17) | ACW, Vol. 52 (327-36)
- Psalm 86 (§§7) | ACW, Vol. 52 (336-42)
- Psalm 87 (§§19) | ACW, Vol. 52 (342-51)
- Psalm 88 (§§53) | ACW, Vol. 52 (351-70)
- Psalm 89 (§§17) | ACW, Vol. 52 (370-79)
- Psalm 90 (§§16) | ACW, Vol. 52 (379-87)
- Psalm 91 (§§16) | ACW, Vol. 52 (387-94)
- Psalm 92 (§§6) | ACW, Vol. 52 (394-98)
- Psalm 93 (§§23) | ACW, Vol. 52 (399-408)
- Psalm 94 (§§11) | ACW, Vol. 52 (408-15)
- Psalm 95 (§§13) | ACW, Vol. 52 (415-24)
- Psalm 96 (§§12) | ACW, Vol. 52 (424-30)
- Psalm 97 (§§9) | ACW, Vol. 52 (430-36)
- Psalm 98 (§§9) | ACW, Vol. 52 (436-43)
- Psalm 99 (§§5) | ACW, Vol. 52 (443-46)
- Psalm 100 (§§8) | ACW, Vol. 52 (446-53)
- Psalm 101 (§§29) | ACW, Vol. 53 (1-18)
- Psalm 102 (§§22) | ACW, Vol. 53 (18-29)
- Psalm 103 (§§35) | ACW, Vol. 53 (29-49)
- Psalm 104 (§§44) | ACW, Vol. 53 (49-65)
- Psalm 105 (§§48) | ACW, Vol. 53 (65-82)
- Psalm 106 (§§43) | ACW, Vol. 53 (82-95)
- Psalm 107 (§§14) | ACW, Vol. 53 (95-102)
- Psalm 108 (§§31) | ACW, Vol. 53 (102-15)
- Psalm 109 (§§7) | ACW, Vol. 53 (116-24)
- Psalm 110 (§§10) | ACW, Vol. 53 (125-31)
- Psalm 111 (§§10) | ACW, Vol. 53 (131-37)
- Psalm 112 (§§9) | ACW, Vol. 53 (137-40)
- Psalm 113 (§§26) | ACW, Vol. 53 (141-50)
- Psalm 114 (§§9) | ACW, Vol. 53 (150-55)
- Psalm 115 (§§19) | ACW, Vol. 53 (155-59)
- Psalm 116 (§§2) | ACW, Vol. 53 (160-62)
- Psalm 117 (§§29) | ACW, Vol. 53 (162-73)
- Psalm 118 (§§176) | ACW, Vol. 53 (174-259)
- Psalm 119 (§§7) | ACW, Vol. 53 (259-65)
- Psalm 120 (§§8) | ACW, Vol. 53 (265-70)
- Psalm 121 (§§9) | ACW, Vol. 53 (270-77)
- Psalm 122 (§§4) | ACW, Vol. 53 (277-81)
- Psalm 123 (§§8) | ACW, Vol. 53 (281-87)
- Psalm 124 (§§5) | ACW, Vol. 53 (287-91)
- Psalm 125 (§§6) | ACW, Vol. 53 (291-96)
- Psalm 126 (§§5) | ACW, Vol. 53 (296-301)
- Psalm 127 (§§6) | ACW, Vol. 53 (301-06)
- Psalm 128 (§§8) | ACW, Vol. 53 (306-11)
- Psalm 129 (§§8) | ACW, Vol. 53 (311-16)
- Psalm 130 (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 53 (316-21)
- Psalm 131 (§§18) | ACW, Vol. 53 (321-32)
- Psalm 132 (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 53 (332-37)
- Psalm 133 (§§3) | ACW, Vol. 53 (337-41)
- Psalm 134 (§§21) | ACW, Vol. 53 (341-50)
- Psalm 135 (§§26) | ACW, Vol. 53 (351-59)
- Psalm 136 (§§9) | ACW, Vol. 53 (359-65)
- Psalm 137 (§§8) | ACW, Vol. 53 (365-71)
- Psalm 138 (§§23) | ACW, Vol. 53 (371-85)
- Psalm 139 (§§14) | ACW, Vol. 53 (386-92)
- Psalm 140 (§§10) | ACW, Vol. 53 (392-99)
- Psalm 141 (§§8) | ACW, Vol. 53 (399-406)
- Psalm 142 (§§12) | ACW, Vol. 53 (406-13)
- Psalm 143 (§§15) | ACW, Vol. 53 (413-22)
- Psalm 144 (§§21) | ACW, Vol. 53 (422-32)
- Psalm 145 (§§10) | ACW, Vol. 53 (432-38)
- Psalm 146 (§§11) | ACW, Vol. 53 (438-44)
- Psalm 147 (§§20) | ACW, Vol. 53 (444-49)
- Psalm 148 (§§14) | ACW, Vol. 53 (449-57)
- Psalm 149 (§§8) | ACW, Vol. 53 (457-61)
- Psalm 150 (§§6) | ACW, Vol. 53 (461-69)
Letters (Variae)
Book 1
- Letter 1: Theoderic to Imperator Anastasias (§§6) (c. 508) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (35-36)
- Letter 2: King Theoderic to Theon, Vir Spectabilis (§§7) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (36-37)
- Letter 3: King Theoderic to Cassiodorus, Vir Illustris and Patrician (§§8) (c. 507) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (38-39)
- Letter 4: King Theoderic to the Senate of Rome (§§18) (c. 507) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (39-42)
- Letter 5: King Theoderic to Florianus, Vir Spectabilis (§§3) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (42-43)
- Letter 6: King Theoderic to Agapitus, Vir Illustris and Praefectus Urbis (§§3) (c. 507-09) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (43-44)
- Letter 7: King Theoderic to Felix, Vir Clarissimus (§§3) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (44)
- Letter 8: King Theoderic to Amabilis, Agent of the Court (§§3) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (44-45)
- Letter 9: King Theoderic to Eustorgius, Venerable Bishop of Milan (§§3) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (45-46)
- Letter 10: King Theoderic to Boethius, Vir Illustris and Patrician (§§7) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (46-47)
- Letter 11: King Theoderic to Servatus, Dux of Raetia (§§3) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (47-48)
- Letter 12: King Theoderic to Eugentitus, Vir Illustris and Magister Officiorum (§§4) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (48-49)
- Letter 13: King Theoderic to the Senate of Rome (§§3) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (49-50)
- Letter 14: King Theoderic to Faustus, Praefectus Praetorio (§§2) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (50)
- Letter 15: King Theoderic to Festus, Vir Illustris and Patrician (§§3) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (50-51)
- Letter 16: King Theoderic to Julianus, Comes Patrimonii (§§4) (c. 508-08) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (51)
- Letter 17: King Theoderic to All Goths and Romans Settled at Dertona (§§4) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (52)
- Letter 18: King Theoderic to Domitianus and Wilia (§§4) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (53)
- Letter 19: King Theoderic to Saturninus and Umbisuus, Viri Spectabiles (§§2) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (54)
- Letter 20: King Theoderic to Albinus and Avienus, Viri Illustres and Patricians (§§5) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (54-55)
- Letter 21: King Theoderic to Maximianus, Vir Illustris, and Andreas, Vir Spectabilis (§§3) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (55-56)
- Letter 22: King Theoderic to Marcellus, Vir Spectabilis and Advocatus Fisci (§§4) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (56-57)
- Letter 23: King Theoderic to Caelianus and Agapitus, Viri Illustres and Patricians (§§3) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (57)
- Letter 24: King Theoderic to All Goths (§§3) (c. 508) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (58)
- Letter 25: King Theoderic to Sabinianus, Vir Spectabilis (§§3) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (58-59)
- Letter 26: King Theoderic to Faustus, Praefectus Praetorio (§§3) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (59-60)
- Letter 27: King Theoderic to Speciosus (§§5) (c. 509) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (95-96)
- Letter 28: King Theoderic to All Goths and Romans (§§3) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (61)
- Letter 29: King Theoderic to All Lucristani Settled on the River Isonzo (§§2) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (61-62)
- Letter 30: King Theoderic to the Senate of Rome (§§5) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (62-63)
- Letter 31: King Theoderic to the People of Rome (§§4) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (63-64)
- Letter 32: King Theoderic to Agapitus, Vir Illustris and Praefectus Urbis (§§4) (c. 507-09) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (64-65)
- Letter 33: King Theoderic to Agapitus, Vir Illustris and Praefectus Urbis (§§2) (c. 507-09) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (65-66)
- Letter 34: King Theoderic to Faustus, Praefectus Praetorio (§§2) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (66)
- Letter 35: King Theoderic to Faustus, Praefectus Praetorio (§§4) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (66-67)
- Letter 36: King Theoderic to Ferriolus, Vir Spectabilis (§§2) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (67-68)
- Letter 37: King Theoderic to Crispianus (§§5) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (68-69)
- Letter 38: King Theoderic to Boio, Vir Spectabilis (§§2) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (69-70)
- Letter 39: King Theoderic to Festus, Vir Illustris and Patrician (§§2) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (70)
- Letter 40: King Theoderic to Osuin, Vir Illustris and Comes (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (70-71)
- Letter 41: King Theoderic to Agapitus, Vir Illustris and Praefectus Urbis (c. 507-09) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (71-72)
- Letter 42: King Theoderic to Artemidorus, Vir Illustris and Praefectus Urbis (§§4) (c. 509-10) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (72)
- Letter 43: King Theoderic to the Senate of Rome (§§5) (c. 509-10) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (72-73)
- Letter 44: King Theoderic to the Senate of Rome (§§4) (c. 509-10) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (74)
- Letter 45: King Theoderic to Boethius, Vir Illustris and Patrician (§§12) (c. 507) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (74-77)
- Letter 46: Theoderic to Gundobad, King of the Burgundians (§§3) (c. 507) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (77-78)
Book 2
- Letter 1: King Theoderic to the Most Dutiful Imperator Anastasius (§§4) (c. 511) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (79-80)
- Letter 2: King Theoderic to Felix, Vir Illustris and Consul (§§6) (c. 511) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (80-82)
- Letter 3: King Theoderic to the Senate of Rome (§§7) (c. 511) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (82-83)
- Letter 4: King Theoderic to Ecdicius, Vir Honestus (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (84)
- Letter 5: King Theoderic to Faustus, Praefectus Praetorio (§§2) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (84-85)
- Letter 6: King Theoderic to Agapitus, Vir Illustris and Patrician (§§2) (c. 509-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (85)
- Letter 7: King Theoderic to Suna, Vir Illustris and Comes (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (85-86)
- Letter 8: King Theoderic to Severus, Venerable Bishop (c. 508) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (86)
- Letter 9: King Theoderic to Faustus, Praefectus Praetorio (§§2) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (86-87)
- Letter 10: King Theoderic to Speciosus, Vir Devotus and Comitiacus (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (87)
- Letter 11: King Theoderic to Probinus, Vir Illustris and Patrician (§§3) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (88)
- Letter 12: King Theoderic to the Comes of the Siliquatarii and to the Agens Curas Portus (§§2) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (89)
- Letter 13: King Theoderic to Frumarith, Saio (§§2) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (89-90)
- Letter 14: Theoderic to Symmachus, Patrician (§§5) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (90-91)
- Letter 15: King Theoderic to Venantius, Vir Illustris (§§4) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (91-92)
- Letter 16: King Theoderic to the Senate of Rome (§§6) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (92-94)
- Letter 17: King Theoderic to the Honorati, Possessores, Defensores, and Curiales of the City of Trento (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (94)
- Letter 18: King Theoderic to Bishop Gudila (§§3) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (94-96)
- Letter 19: King Theoderic to All Goths and Romans or Those Who Preside at Ports and Border Fortresses (§§3) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (95-96)
- Letter 20: King Theoderic to Wiligis, Saio (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (96)
- Letter 21: King Theoderic to Johannus, Apparitor (§§4) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (96–97)
- Letter 22: King Theoderic to Festus, Vir Illustris and Patrician (§§2) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (97-98)
- Letter 23: King Theoderic to Ampelius, Despotius, and Theodulus, Viri Spectabiles (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (98)
- Letter 24: King Theoderic to the Senate at Rome (§§5) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (98-99)
- Letter 25: Edict of King Theoderic (§§3) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (100)
- Letter 26: King Theoderic to Faustus, Prefectus Praetorio (§§5) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (100-101)
- Letter 27: King Theoderic to All Jews Settled at Genoa (§§2) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (102)
- Letter 28: King Theoderic to Stephanus, Comes Primi Ordinis, and Former Princeps of Our Officium (§§5) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (102-3)
- Letter 29: King Theoderic to Adila, Vir Spectabilis and Comes (§§2) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (103-4)
- Letter 30: King Theoderic to Faustus. Praefectus Praetorio (§§3) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (104-5)
- Letter 31: King Theoderic to Dromonarii (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (105)
- Letter 32: King Theoderic to the Senate of Rome (§§4) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (105-6)
- Letter 33: King Theoderic to Decius, Vir Illustris and Patrician (§§3) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (106-7)
- Letter 34: King Theoderic to Artemidorus, Praefectus Urbis (§§2) (c. 509-10) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (107-8)
- Letter 35: King Theoderic to Vir Spectabilis (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (108)
- Letter 36: Edict of King Theodoric (§§3) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (108-9)
- Letter 37: King Theoderic to Faustus, Praefectus Praetorio (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (109)
- Letter 38: King Theoderic to Faustus, Praefectus Praetorio (§§3) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (110)
- Letter 39: King Theoderic to Aloisius, Architect (§§12) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (110-13)
- Letter 40: King Theoderic to Boethius, Patrician (§§17) (c. 507) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (113-17)
- Letter 41: King Theoderic to Clovis, King of the Franks (§§4) (c. 507) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (117-18)
Book 3
- Letter 1: King Theoderic to Alaric, King of the Goths (§§4) (c. 507) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (119-20)
- Letter 2: King Theoderic to Gundobad, King of the Burgundians (§§4) (c. 507) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (120-21)
- Letter 3: A Common Letter of King Theoderic to the King of the Herules, the King of Warni, and the King of the Thuringians (§§4) (c. 507) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (121-22)
- Letter 4: King Theoderic to Clovis, King of the Franks (§§5) (c. 507) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (122-23)
- Letter 5: King Theoderic to Inportunus, Vir Illustris and Patrician (§§6) (c. 509-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (123-24)
- Letter 6: King Theoderic to the Senate of Rome (§§7) (c. 509-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (124-26)
- Letter 7: King Theoderic to Januarius, Venerable Bishop of Salona (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (126-27)
- Letter 8: King Theoderic to Venatius, Vir Spectabilis and Corrector of Lucania and Bruttium (§§2) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (127)
- Letter 9: King Theoderic to the Possessores, Defensores, and Curiales Settled at Aestuna (§§3) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (128)
- Letter 10: King Theoderic to Festus, Viri Illustris and Patrician (§§2) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (128-29)
- Letter 11: King Theoderic to Argolicus, Vir Illustris and Praefectus Urbis (§§5) (c. 510-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (129-30)
- Letter 12: King Theoderic to the Senate of Rome (§§3) (c. 510-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (130-31)
- Letter 13: King Theoderic to Sunivadus, Vir Spectabilis (§§2) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (131-32)
- Letter 14: King Theoderic to Aurigenes, Venerable Bishop (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (132)
- Letter 15: King Theoderic to Theodahad, Vir Spectabilis (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (132-33)
- Letter 16: King Theoderic to Gemellus, Vir Spectabilis (§§3) (c. 508) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (133)
- Letter 17: King Theoderic to All the Provincials of Gaul (c. 508) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (133-34)
- Letter 18: King Theoderic to Gemellus, Vir Spectabilis (§§2) (c. 508-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (134-35)
- Letter 19: King Theoderic, a Notice to Daniel (§§2) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (135)
- Letter 20: King Theoderic to Trivuila, Saio, and Ferrocinctus, Apparator (§§4) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (136)
- Letter 21: King Theoderic to Faustus, Vir Illustris (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (137)
- Letter 22: King Theoderic to Artemidorus, Vir Illustris (c. 510-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (137-38)
- Letter 23: King Theoderic to Colosseus, Vir Illustris and Comes (§§4) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (138-39)
- Letter 24: King Theoderic to All Romans and Barbarians Settled throughout Pannonia (§§4) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (139)
- Letter 25: King Theoderic to Simeon, Vir Clarissimus and Comes (§§2) (c. 506-7) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (139-40)
- Letter 26: King Theoderic to Osuin, Vir Illustris and Comes (c. 506-7) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (140-41)
- Letter 27: King Theoderic to Johannus, Vir Spectabilis and Consular of Campania (§§3) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (141)
- Letter 28: King Theoderic to Cassiodorus, Vir Illustris and Patrician (§§2) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (141-42)
- Letter 29: King Theoderic to Argolicus, Vir Illustris and Praefectus Urbis (c. 510-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (142-43)
- Letter 30: King Theoderic to Argolicus, Vir Illustris and Praefectus Urbis (§§2) (c. 510-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (143)
- Letter 31: King Theoderic to the Senate of Rome (§§5) (c. 510-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (144-45)
- Letter 32: King Theoderic to Gemellus, Vir Spectabilis (§§2) (c. 510) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (145)
- Letter 33: King Theoderic to Argolicus, Vir Illustris and Praefectus Urbis (§§3) (c. 510-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (145-46)
- Letter 34: King Theoderic to the Citizens of Massilia (§§3) (c. 508-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (146-47)
- Letter 35: King Theoderic to Romulus (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (147)
- Letter 36: King Theoderic to Arigernus, Vir Illustris and Comes (§§2) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (147-48)
- Letter 37: King Theoderic to Peter, Bishop (§§2) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (148)
- Letter 38: King Theoderic to Vuandil (§§2) (c. 508) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (148-49)
- Letter 39: King Theoderic to Felix, Vir Illustris and Comes (§§2) (c. 512) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (149)
- Letter 40: King Theoderic to All Provincials Settled in Gaul (§§2) (c. 510) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (149-50)
- Letter 41: King Theoderic to Gemelius, Vir Spectabilis (§§3) (c. 508-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (150)
- Letter 42: King Theoderic to All Provincials Settled in Gaul (§§3) (c. 508-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (150-51)
- Letter 43: King Theoderic to Unigis, Spatharius (§§3) (c. 508-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (151-52)
- Letter 44: King Theoderic to All Possessors of Arles (§§3) (c. 508-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (152)
- Letter 45: King Theoderic to Arigernus, Vir Illustris and Comes (§§2) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (152-53)
- Letter 46: King Theoderic to Adeodatus (§§5) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (153-54)
- Letter 47: King Theoderic to Faustus, Praefectus Praetorio (§§5) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (154-56)
- Letter 48: King Theoderic to All Goths and Romans Settled Near the Fortress of Verruca (§§5) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (156-57)
- Letter 49: King Theoderic to the Honorati, Possessores, Defensores, and Curiales of Catana (§§3) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (157-58)
- Letter 50: King Theoderic to the Provincials of Noricum (§§3) (c. 507) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (158)
- Letter 51: King Theoderic to Faustus. Praefectus Praetorio (§§13) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (158-61)
- Letter 52: King Theoderic to Consularis, Vir Illustris (§§9) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (161-63)
- Letter 53: King Theoderic to Apronianus, Vir Illustris and Comes Privatarum (§§6) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (163-64)
Book 4
- Letter 1: King Theoderic to Hermanfrid, King of the Thuringians (§§4) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (165-66)
- Letter 2: King Theoderic to the King of the Herules (§§4) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (166-67)
- Letter 3: King Theoderic to Senarius, Vir Illustris and Comes Privatarum (§§4) (c. 509) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (167-68)
- Letter 4: King Theoderic to the Senate of Rome (§§5) (c. 509) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (168-69)
- Letter 5: King Theoderic to Amabilis, Vir Devotus and Comes (§§3) (c. 508-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (169-70)
- Letter 6: King Theoderic to Symmachus, Vir Illustris and Patrician (§§3) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (170)
- Letter 7: King Theoderic to Senatius, Vir Illustris and Comes Privatarum (§§3) (c. 509-10) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (170-71)
- Letter 8: King Theoderic to Honorati, Possessores, and Curiales of Forli (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (171)
- Letter 9: King Theoderic to Osuin, Vir Illustris and Comes (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (171-72)
- Letter 10: King Theoderic to Johannus, Vir Spectabilis and Consularis of Campania (§§3) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (172-73)
- Letter 11: King Theoderic to Senarius, Vir Illustris and Comes Privatarum (c. 509-10) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (173)
- Letter 12: King Theoderic to Marabadus, Vir Illustris and Comes, and to Gemellus, Vir Spectabilis (§§3) (c. 508-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (173-74)
- Letter 13:King Theoderic to Senarius, Vir Illustris and Comes Privatarum (§§2) (c. 509-10) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (174-75)
- Letter 14: King Theoderic to Gesila, Saio (§§2) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (175)
- Letter 15: King Theoderic to Benenatus, Vir Spectabilis (§§2) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (175-76)
- Letter 16: King Theoderic to the Senate of Rome (§§3) (c. 509-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (176-77)
- Letter 17: King Theoderic to Ibba, Dux and Vir Sublimis (§§3) (c. 508-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (177)
- Letter 18: King Theoderic to Anna, Comes and Vir Spectabilis (§§2) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (177-78)
- Letter 19: King Theoderic to Gemellus Vir Spectabilis (§§3) (c. 508-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (178)
- Letter 20: King Theoderic to Geberic, Vir Spectabilis (§§2) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (178-79)
- Letter 21:King Theoderic to Gemellus, Vir Spectabilis (§§2) (c. 508-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (179)
- Letter 22: King Theoderic to Argolicus, Vir Illustris and Praefectus Urbis (§§4) (c. 510-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (179-80)
- Letter 23: King Theoderic to Arigernus, Vir Illustris and Comes (§§3) (c. 510-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (180-81)
- Letter 24: King Theoderic to Helpidius, Deacon (§§2) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (181-82)
- Letter 25: King Theoderic to Argolicus, Vir Illustris and Praefectus Urbis (§§3) (c. 510-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (182)
- Letter 26: King Theoderic to All Inhabitants of Massilia (§§) (c. 508-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (182-83)
- Letter 27: King Theoderic to Tutizar. Saio (§§5) (c. 508-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (183-84)
- Letter 28: King Theoderic to Duda, Vir Spectabilis and Comes (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (184)
- Letter 29: King Theoderic to Argolicus, Vir Illustris and Praefectus Urbis (§§3) (c. 510-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (184-85)
- Letter 30: King Theoderic to Albinus, Vir Illustris and Patrician (§§3) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (185)
- Letter 31: King Theoderic to Aemilianus, Venerable Bishop (§§2) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (186)
- Letter 32: King Theoderic to Duda, Saio (§§3) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (186-87)
- Letter 33: King Theoderic to All Jews living in Genoa (§§2) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (187)
- Letter 34: King Theoderic to Duda, Saio (§§3) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (187-88)
- Letter 35: King Theoderic to the Agents of Albinus, Vir Illustris (§§3) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (188-89)
- Letter 36: King Theoderic to Faustus, Praefectus Praetorio (§§3) (c. 509) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (189)
- Letter 37: King Theoderic to Theodagunda, Femina Illustris (§§3) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (190)
- Letter 38: King Theoderic to Faustus, Praefectus Praetorio (§§3) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (190-91)
- Letter 39: King Theoderic to Theodahad, Vir Illustris (§§5) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (191-92)
- Letter 40: King Theoderic to the Agents of Probinus, Vir Illustris (§§3) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (192)
- Letter 41: King Theoderic to Johannus, Archiater (§§3) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (193)
- Letter 42: King Theoderic to Argolicus, Praefectus Urbis (§§4) (c. 510-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (193-94)
- Letter 43: King Theoderic to the Senate of Rome (§§4) (c. 509-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (194-95)
- Letter 44: King Theoderic to Antonius, Venerable Bishop of Polensis (§§2) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (195)
- Letter 45: King Theoderic to the Comites, Defensores, and Curiales of Pavia (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (196)
- Letter 46: King Theoderic to Marabadus, Vir Illustris (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (196)
- Letter 47: King Theoderic to Gudisal, Saio (§§7) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (197-98)
- Letter 48: King Theoderic to Eusebius, Vir Illustris (§§2) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (198)
- Letter 49: King Theoderic to All Provincials, the Long-haired Defensores, and Curiales Living in Siscia nad Savia (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (198-99)
- Letter 50: King Theoderic to Faustus, Praefectus Praetorio (§§7) (c. 511) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (199-200)
- Letter 51: King Theoderic to Symmachus, Patrician (§§12) (c. 507-11) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (200-2)
Book 5
- Letter 1: King Theoderic to the King of the Warni (§§3) (c. 523-526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (203-4)
- Letter 2: King Theoderic to the Haesti (§§3) (c. 523-526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (204-5)
- Letter 3: King Theoderic to Honoratus, Vir Illustris and Quaestor (§§5) (c. 524) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (205-6)
- Letter 4: King Theoderic to the Senate of Rome (§§7) (c. 524) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (206-8)
- Letter 5: King Theoderic to Mannila, Saio (§§4) (c. 523-526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (208-9)
- Letter 6: King Theoderic to Stabularius, Comitiacus (§§2) (c. 523-526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (209-10)
- Letter 7: King Theoderic to Johannus, Vir Clarissimus and Acarius (§§3) (c. 523-526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (210)
- Letter 8: King Theoderic to Anastasius, Consularis (§§2) (c. 523-526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (211)
- Letter 9: King Theoderic to the Possessores of Feltria (§§2) (c. 523-526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (211)
- Letter 10: King Theoderic to Veranus, Saio (§§3) (c. 523-526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (212)
- Letter 11: King Theoderic to the Gepids Sent to Gaul (c. 525-526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (212-13)
- Letter 12: King Theoderic to Theodahad, Vir Illustris (§§3) (c. 523-526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (213-14)
- Letter 13: King Theoderic to Eutropius and Agroecius (c. 523-526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (214)
- Letter 14: King Theoderic to Severinus, Vir Illustris (§§9) (c. 523-526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (214-16)
- Letter 15: King Theoderic to All Possessores Living in the Province of Savia (§§3) (c. 525-526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (216)
- Letter 16: King Theoderic to Abundantius, Praefectus Praetorio (§§5) (c. 523-526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (217-18)
- Letter 17: King Theoderic to Abundantius, Praefectus Praetorio (§§6) (c. 525-526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (218-19)
- Letter 18: King Theoderic to Wilia, Vir Illustris and Comes Patrimonii (§§3) (c. 525-526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (219-20)
- Letter 19: King Theoderic to Gudinandus, Saio (c. 525-526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (220)
- Letter 20: King Theoderic to Aliulfus, Saio (§§3) (c. 525-526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (220-21)
- Letter 21: King Theoderic to Capuanus, Vir Spectabilis (§§3) (c. 523-526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (221-22)
- Letter 22: King Theoderic to the Senate of Rome (§§5) (c. 523-526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (222-24)
- Letter 23: King Theoderic to Abundantius, Praefectus Praetorio (c. 525-526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (224)
- Letter 24: King Theoderic to Epiphanius, Vir Spectabilis and Consularis of Dalmatia (§§2) (c. 525-526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (224-25)
- Letter 25: King Theoderic to Bacauda, Vir Spectabilis (c. 523-526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (225)
- Letter 26: King Theoderic to All Goths Settled in Picenum and Samnium (§§2) (c. 523-526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (225-26)
- Letter 27: King Theoderic to Guduin, Saio (§§2) (c. 523-526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (226)
- Letter 28: King Theoderic to Carinus, Vir Illustris (c. 523-526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (226-27)
- Letter 29: King Theoderic to Neudes, Vir Illustris (§§3) (c. 523-526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (227-28)
- Letter 30: King Theoderic to Guduin, Vir Spectabilis (c. 523-526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (228)
- Letter 31: King Theoderic to Decoratus, Vir Devotus (§§2) (c. 523-526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (228-29)
- Letter 32: King Theoderic to Brandila (§§3) (c. 523-526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (229)
- Letter 33: King Theoderic to Wilitancus, Dux (§§4) (c. 523-526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (229-30)
- Letter 34: King Theoderic to Abudnantius, Praefectus Praetorio (§§5) (c. 523-526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (230-31)
- Letter 35: King Theoderic to Liuvirit, Comes, and to Ampelius, Vir Illustris (§§2) (c. 523-526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (231-32)
- Letter 36: King Theoderic to Starcedius, Vir Spectabilis (§§2) (c. 523-526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (232-33)
- Letter 37: King Theoderic to the Jews of Milan (§§3) (c. 523-526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (233)
- Letter 38: King Theoderic to All Possessores (§§2) (c. 523-526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (233-34)
- Letter 39: King Theoderic to Ampelius, Vir Illustris, and to Liuvirit, Vir Spectabilis (§§15) (c. 523-526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (234-37)
- Letter 40: King Theoderic to Cyprian, Comes Sacrarum (§§7) (c. 524) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (237-38)
- Letter 41: King Theoderic to the Senate of Rome (§§6) (c. 524) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (238-39)
- Letter 42: King Theoderic to Maximus, Vir Illustris and Consul (§§12) (c. 523) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (239-42)
- Letter 43: King Theoderic to Thrasamundus, King of the Vandals (§§4) (c. 511) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (242-43)
- Letter 44: King Theoderic to Thrasamundus, King of the Vandals (§§4) (c. 511) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (243-44)
Book 6
- Letter 1: Formula for the Consul (§§8) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (245-46)
- Letter 2: Formula for a Patrician (§§4) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (246-47)
- Letter 3: Formula for the Praefectus Praetorio (§§9) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (247-49)
- Letter 4: Formula for the Praefectus Urbis (§§7) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (249-50)
- Letter 5: Formula for the Quaestor (§§6) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (250-52)
- Letter 6: Formula for the Magister (§§8) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (252-53)
- Letter 7: Formula for the Comes Sacrarum Largitionum (§§9) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (254-55)
- Letter 8: Formula for the Comes Privatarum (§§7) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (255-57)
- Letter 9: Formula for the Comes Patrimonii (§§8) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (257-59)
- Letter 10: Formula for Formula by Which Men Become Proceres by Titular Appointment (§§4) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (259-60)
- Letter 11: Formula for a Titular Illustris (§§2) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (260-61)
- Letter 12: Formula for Comes Primi Ordinis (§§5) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (261-62)
- Letter 13: Formula for What Is Given to a Comitiacus When He Completes Service for a Magister Scrinii (§§7) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (262-63)
- Letter 14: Formula for Those Who Must Be Restored to the Senate (§§3) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (263-64)
- Letter 15: Formula for the Vicarius of the City of Rome (§§4) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (264-65)
- Letter 16: Formula for the Notarius (§§4) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (265-66)
- Letter 17: Formula for the Referendarius (§§5) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (266-67)
- Letter 18: Formula for the Praefectus Annonae (§§7) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (267-69)
- Letter 19: Formula for the Comes Archiatrorum (§§9) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (269-71)
- Letter 20: Formula for a Consularis (§§5) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (271-72)
- Letter 21: Formula for the Rector Provinciae (§§5) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (272-74)
- Letter 22: Formula for the Comes of Syracuse (§§3) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (274)
- Letter 23: Formula for the Comes of Naples (§§5) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (275-76)
- Letter 24: Formula for the Honorati, Possessores, and Curiales of the City of Naples (§§2) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (276)
- Letter 25: Formula for the Princeps Militum Concerning the Above-Mentioned Comes | Cassiodorus, The Variae (276-77)
Book 7
- Letter 1: Formula for the Comes of a Province (§§5) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (278-79)
- Letter 2: Formula for the Praeses (§§3) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (279-80)
- Letter 3: Formula for the Comes of the Goths of a Particular City (§§3) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (280-81)
- Letter 4: Formula for the Dux of Raetia (§§4) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (281-82)
- Letter 5: Formula for the Curator Palatii (§§6) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (282-83)
- Letter 6: Formula for the Comes of the Aqueducts (§§6) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (283-84)
- Letter 7: Formula for the Praefectus Vigilum of Rome (§§4) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (285-86)
- Letter 8: Formula for the Praefectus Vigilum of Ravenna (§§4) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (286-87)
- Letter 9: Formula for the Comes of Portus at Rome (§§3) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (287)
- Letter 10: Formula for the Tribunus Voluptatum (§§3) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (288)
- Letter 11: Formula for a Defensor of Any City (§§2) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (289)
- Letter 12: Formula for the Curator of a City (§§2) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (289-90)
- Letter 13: Formula for the Comes of Rome (§§4) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (290-91)
- Letter 14: Formula for the Comes of Ravenna (§§3) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (291)
- Letter 15: Formula to the Praefectus Urbis Concerning the Appointment of an Architect in Rome (§§5) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (291-93)
- Letter 16: Formula for the Comes of the Islands of Curitana and Celsina (§§2) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (293)
- Letter 17: Formula Concerning the Praepositus of the Lime Kilns (§§2) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (293-94)
- Letter 18: Formula Concerning the Weapon Smiths (§§2) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (294-95)
- Letter 19: Formula to the Praefectus Praetorio Concerning the Weapon Smiths | Cassiodorus, The Variae (295)
- Letter 20: Formula for the Bina and Terna, If Collected by a Governor | Cassiodorus, The Variae (295-96)
- Letter 21: Formula for the Bina and Terna, If Collected by a Magistrate’s Staff | Cassiodorus, The Variae (296)
- Letter 22: Formula for Advising Ille and Ille, the Scriniarii, Concerning the Bina and Terna | Cassiodorus, The Variae (296-97)
- Letter 23: Formula for the Vicarius of Portus | Cassiodorus, The Variae (297)
- Letter 24: Formula for the Princeps of Dalmatia (§§3) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (297-98)
- Letter 25: Formula for the Letter Sent to a Comes for Introducing the Princeps (§§2) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (298-99)
- Letter 26: Formula for the Comites of Diverse Cities (§§3) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (299)
- Letter 27: Formula for the Honorati, Possessores, and Curiales Concerning the Above-Mentioned Comes | Cassiodorus, The Variae (299-300)
- Letter 28: Formula for the Princepts Militum of the Comes of the Above-Mentioned City (§§2) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (300)
- Letter 29: Formula Concerning the Guard of the City Gates (§§2) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (300-1)
- Letter 30: Formula for the Tribunus of Provincials (§§2) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (301)
- Letter 31: Formula for (§§2) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (301-2)
- Letter 32: Formula by Which the Mint Is Conferred (§§4) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (302-3)
- Letter 33: Formula Providing for the Passage of Legates to Diverse Nations | Cassiodorus, The Variae (303)
- Letter 34: Formula for a Noncompulsory Summons to the Princeps (§§2) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (303-4)
- Letter 35: Formula for a Summons Granted to a Petitioner (§§2) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (304)
- Letter 36: Formula for Leave of Absence (§§2) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (304-5)
- Letter 37: Formula for the Rank Spectabilis | Cassiodorus, The Variae (305)
- Letter 38: Formula for the Rank Clarissimus | Cassiodorus, The Variae (305-6)
- Letter 39: Formula for Legal Guardianship (§§2) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (206)
- Letter 40: Formula for the Confirmation of Matrimony and Granting Legitimacy to Children (§§3) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (307)
- Letter 41: Formula for Coming of Age (§§2) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (307-8)
- Letter 42: Formula for an Edict to the Quaestor, So That He May Sponsor One Who Deserves a Saio (§§2) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (307-9)
- Letter 43: Formula for Approving a Clerk for the Chancery | Cassiodorus, The Variae (309)
- Letter 44: Formula Concerning Proposals for the Ownership of Public Property | Cassiodorus, The Variae (309-10)
- Letter 45: Formula by Which the Tax is Remitted for One Possessing a Single House Too Heavily Assessed (§§2) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (310)
- Letter 46: Formula by Which Marriage to a Cousin May Become Legitimate (§§2) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (311)
- Letter 47: Formula to the Praefectus Praetorio, So That the Property of Curiales May Be Sold by Decree (§§3) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (311-12)
Book 8
- Letter 1: King Athalaric to Imperator Justin (§§5) (c. 526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (313-14)
- Letter 2: King Athalaric to the Senate of Rome (§§10) (c. 526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (314-16)
- Letter 3: King Athalaric to the Roman People (§§5) (c. 526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (316-17)
- Letter 4: King Athalaric to Various Romans Settled throughout Italy and Dalmatia (§§3) (c. 526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (317-18)
- Letter 5: King Athalaric to Various Goths Settled throughout Italy (§§3) (c. 526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (318-19)
- Letter 6: King Athalaric to Liberius, Praefectus Praetorio Galliarum (§§3) (c. 526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (319)
- Letter 7: King Athalaric to All Provincials Settled throughout Gaul (§§3) (c. 526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (319-20)
- Letter 8: King Athalaric to Victorinus, Venerable Bishop (§§3) (c. 526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (320-21)
- Letter 9: King Athalaric to Tuluin, Vir Illustris (§§8) (c. 526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (321-23)
- Letter 10: King Athalaric to the Senate of Rome (§§11) (c. 526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (323-25)
- Letter 11: Tuluin to the Senate of Rome (§§4) (c. 526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (325-26)
- Letter 12: King Athalaric to Arator, Vir Illustris (§§8) (c. 526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (326-28)
- Letter 13: King Athalaric to Ambrosius, Vir Illustris and Quaestor (§§7) (c. 526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (328-29)
- Letter 14: King Athalaric to the Senate of Rome (§§5) (c. 526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (330-31)
- Letter 15: King Athalaric to the Senate of Rome (§§3) (c. 526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (331-32)
- Letter 16: King Athalaric to Optilo, Comes Sacrarum (§§7) (c. 527) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (332-33)
- Letter 17: King Athalaric to the Senate of Rome (§§7) (c. 527) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (334-35)
- Letter 18: King Athalaric to Fidelis, Vir Illustris and Quaestor (§§5) (c. 527) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (335-36)
- Letter 19: King Athalaric to the Senate of Rome (§§6) (c. 527) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (336-37)
- Letter 20: King Athalaric to Avienus, Vir Illustris and Praefectus Praetorio (§§6) (c. 527) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (338-39)
- Letter 21: King Athalaric to Cyrpianus, Vir Illustris and Patrician (§§7) (c. 527) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (339-41)
- Letter 22: King Athalaric to the Senate of Rome (§§5) (c. 527) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (341-42)
- Letter 23: King Athalaric to Bergantinus, Vir Illustris and Comes Patrimonii (§§4) (c. 526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (342-43)
- Letter 24: King Athalaric to the Clergy of the Church of Rome (§§6) (c. 527) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (343-44)
- Letter 25: King Athalaric to Johannus, Spectabilis and Referendarius (§§4) (c. 527) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (344-35)
- Letter 26: King Athalaric to All Inhabitants of Reate and Nursia (§§4) (c. 526 ) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (345-46)
- Letter 27: King Athalaric to Dumerit, Saio, and to Florentianus, Vir Devotus and Comitiacus (§§2) (c. 527) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (346-47)
- Letter 28: King Athalaric to Cunigastus, Vir Illustris (§§3) (c. 527) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (347)
- Letter 29: King Athalaric to the Honorati, Possessores, and Curiales of Parma (§§2) (c. 527) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (347-48)
- Letter 30: King Athalaric to Genesius, Vir Spectabilis (§§2) (c. 527) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (348-49)
- Letter 31: King Athalaric to Severus, Vir Spectabilis (§§9) (c. 527) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (349-50)
- Letter 32: King Athalaric to Severus, Vir Spectabilis (§§5) (c. 527) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (351-52)
- Letter 33: King Athalaric to Severus, Vir Spectabilis (§§8) (c. 527) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (352-54)
Book 9
- Letter 1: King Athalaric to Hilderic, King of the Vandals (§§4) (c. 526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (355-56)
- Letter 2: Edict of King Athalaric (§§6) (c. 527) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (356-58)
- Letter 3: King Athalaric to Bergantinus, Vir Illustris and Comes Patrimonii (§§5) (c. 527) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (358-60)
- Letter 4: King Athalaric to Abundantius, Praefectus Praetorio (§§3) (c. 526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (360-61)
- Letter 5: King Athalaric to Bishops and Honorati (§§3) (c. 527-28) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (361-62)
- Letter 6: King Athalaric to the Primiscrinius (§§6) (c. 527-28) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (362-63)
- Letter 7: King Athalaric to Reparatus, Praefectus Urbis (§§6) (c. 527-28) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (363-64)
- Letter 8: King Athalaric to Osuin, Comes (§§3) (c. 526-27) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (365)
- Letter 9: King Athalaric to All Romans and Goths (§§5) (c. 526-27) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (365-66)
- Letter 10: King Athalaric to the Honorati, Possessores, and Defensores of Syracuse and to All Provincials (§§6) (c. 526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (366-67)
- Letter 11: King Athalaric to Gildila, Vir Sublimis and Comes of Syracuse (§§3) (c. 526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (368)
- Letter 12: King Athalaric to Victor and Witigisclus, Vires Spectabiles (§§4) (c. 526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (368-69)
- Letter 13: King Athalaric to Wilia, Vir Illustris and Comes Patrimonii (§§3) (c. 526) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (369)
- Letter 14: King Athalaric to Gildila, Vir Sublimis and Comes of Syracuse (§§10) (c. 527) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (370-72)
- Letter 15: King Athalaric to Pope John (§§11) (c. 533) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (372-74)
- Letter 16: King Athalaric to Salventius, Vir Illustris and Praefectus Urbis (§§3) (c. 533) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (374-75)
- Letter 17: King Athalaric to Salventius, Vir Illustris and Praefectus Urbis (§§5) (c. 533 or 534) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (375-76)
- Letter 18: Edict of King Athalaric (§§12) (c. 533) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (376-79)
- Letter 19: King Athalaric to the Senate of Rome (§§4) (c. 533) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (379-80)
- Letter 20: King Athalaric to All Governors of the Provinces (§§2) (c. 533) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (380)
- Letter 21: King Athalaric to the Senate of Rome (§§9) (c. 533) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (380-82)
- Letter 22: King Athalaric to Paulinus, Vir Clarissimus and Consul (§§5) (c. 533) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (382-83)
- Letter 23: King Athalaric to the Senate of Rome (§§6) (c. 533) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (383-85)
- Letter 24: King Athalaric to Senator, Praefectus Praetorio (§§12) (c. 533) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (385-87)
- Letter 25: King Athalaric to the Senate of Rome (§§12) (c. 533) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (387-89)
Book 10
- Letter 1: Queen Amalasuntha to Imperator Justinian (§§3) (c. 534) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (390-91)
- Letter 2: King Theodahad to Imperator Justinian (§§4) (c. 534) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (391-92)
- Letter 3: Queen Amalasuntha to the Senate of Rome (§§7) (c. 534) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (392-93)
- Letter 4: King Theodahad to the Senate of Rome (§§8) (c. 534) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (393-94)
- Letter 5: King Theodahad to His Man, Theodosius (§§3) (c. 534) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (395-96)
- Letter 6: King Theodahad to Patricius, Vir Illustris and Quaestor (§§6) (c. 534) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (396-97)
- Letter 7: King Theodahad to the Senate of Rome (§§5) (c. 534) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (397-98)
- Letter 8: Queen Amalasuntha to Justinian, Augustus (§§2) (c. 534) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (398-99)
- Letter 9: King Theodahad to Justinian, Augustus (§§2) (c. 534) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (399)
- Letter 10: Queen Amalasuntha to Theodora, Augusta (c. 534) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (399-400)
- Letter 11: King Theodahad to Maximus, Vir Illustris and Domesticus (§§5) (c. 535) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (400-1)
- Letter 12: King Theodahad to the Senate of Rome (§§4) (c. 535) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (401-2)
- Letter 13: King Theodahad to the Senate of Rome (§§6) (c. Late 534 or Early 535) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (402-4)
- Letter 14: King Theodahad to the Roman People (§§5) (c. Late 534 or Early 535) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (404-5)
- Letter 15: King Theodahad to the Imperator Justinian (c. 535) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (405)
- Letter 16: King Theodahad to the Senate of Rome (§§2) (c. 535) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (405-6)
- Letter 17: King Theodahad to the Roman People (§§2) (c. 535) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (406)
- Letter 18: King Theodahad to the Senate of Rome (§§3) (c. Late 534 or Early 535) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (406-7)
- Letter 19: King Theodahad to Justinian, Augustus (§§5) (c. 535) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (408-9)
- Letter 20: King Theodahad to Theodora, Augusta (§§5) (c. 535) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (409-10)
- Letter 21: Queen Gudeliva to Theodora, Augusta (§§2) (c. 535) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (410)
- Letter 22: King Theodahad to the Imperator Justinian (§§3) (c. 535) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (410-11)
- Letter 23: King Theodahad to Theodora, Augusta (§§4) (c. 535) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (411-12)
- Letter 24: Queen Gudeliva to Theodora, Augusta (§§3) (c. 535) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (412-13)
- Letter 25: King Theodahad to the Imperator Justinian (§§2) (c. 535) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (413)
- Letter 26: King Theodahad to the Imperator Justinian (§§4) (c. 535) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (413-14)
- Letter 27: King Theodahad to Senator, Praefectus Praetorio (§§3) (c. 535-36) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (414-15)
- Letter 28: King Theodahad to Senator, Praefectus Praetorio (§§4) (c. 535-36) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (415-16)
- Letter 29: King Theodahad to Wisibad, Comes (§§4) (c. 535-36) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (416-17)
- Letter 30: King Theodahad to Honorius, Praefectus Urbis (§§8) (c. 535 or 536) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (417-19)
- Letter 31: King Witigis to All Goths (§§4) (c. 536) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (419-20)
- Letter 32: King Witigis to the Imperator Justinian (§§4) (c. 536-40) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (420-22)
- Letter 33: King Witigis to the Magister Officiorum (§§3) (c. 536-40) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (422)
- Letter 34: King Witigis to His Bishops (c. 536-40) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (423)
- Letter 35: King Witigis to the Praefectus of Thessalonica (c. 536 or 537) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (423)
Book 11
- Preface: (§§9) (c. 538-54) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (424-26)
- Letter 1: Praefectus Praetorio Senator to the Senate of Rome (§§20) (c. 533) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (426-31)
- Letter 2: Praefectus Praetorio Senator to Pope John (§§7) (c. 533) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (431-32)
- Letter 3: Praefectus Praetorio Senator to Various People (§§7) (c. 533) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (432-33)
- Letter 4: Praefectus Praetorio Senator to Ambrosius, Vir Illustris and Vices Agens (§§3) (c. 533) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (434)
- Letter 5: Praefectus Praetorio Senator to Ambrosius, Vir Illustris and Vices Agens (§§6) (c. 533-35) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (434-36)
- Letter 6: Praefectus Praetorio Senator to Johannus, Cancellarius (§§6) (c. 533) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (436-37)
- Letter 7: Praefectus Praetorio Senator to All Magistrates of the Provincials (§§6) (c. 533) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (437-39)
- Letter 8: Edict of Praefectus Praetorio Senator to the Provinces (§§9) (c. 533) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (439-41)
- Letter 9: Praefectus Praetorio Senator to Magistrates of the Provincials (§§5) (c. 533) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (441–42)
- Letter 10: Praefectus Praetorio Senator to Beatus, Vir Clarissimus (§§4) (c. 533-38) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (442-43)
- Letter 11: Edict Concerning Prices that Must Be Preserved at Ravenna (§§2) (c. 533-38) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (443)
- Letter 12: Edict Concerning Prices along the Via Flaminia (§§3) (c. 533-38) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (443-444)
- Letter 13: The Senate of Rome to Justinian, Augustus (§§6) (c. 535) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (444-45)
- Letter 14: Praefectus Praetorio Senator to Gaudiosus, Cancellarius of the Province of Liguria (§§6) (c. 533-38) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (445-47)
- Letter 15: Praefectus Praetorio Senator to the Ligurians (§§2) (c. 534-35) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (447-48)
- Letter 16: Praefectus Praetorio Senator to the Ligurians (§§4) (c. 534-35) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (448-49)
- Letter 17: Annual Promotions of the Praetorian Staff, Which Occur on the Birthday of the Lord (§§2) (c. 533-38) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (449)
- Letter 18: Concerning One Who Leaves the Office of Cornicularius (c. 533-38) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (449-50)
- Letter 19: Concerning One Who Receives the Office of Cornicularius (c. 533-38) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (450)
- Letter 20: Concerning One Who Leaves the Office of Primiscrinius (c. 533-38) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (450)
- Letter 21: Concerning One Who Receives the Office of Primiscrinius (c. 533-38) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (450-51)
- Letter 22: Concerning the Scriniarius Actorum (c. 533-38) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (451)
- Letter 23: Concerning the Office of Correspondence (c. 533-38) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (451)
- Letter 24: Concerning the Scriniarius of the Office of Military Affairs (c. 533-38) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (451)
- Letter 25: Concerning the Primicerius of the Exeptores (c. 533-38) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (451-52)
- Letter 26: Concerning the Sixth Cohort of Scholarii (c. 533-38) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (452)
- Letter 27: Concerning the Rank of Praerogativarius (c. 533-38) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (452)
- Letter 28: Concerning the Commentariensis (c. 533-38) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (452-53)
- Letter 29: Concerning the Regendarius (c. 533-38) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (453)
- Letter 30: Concerning the Primicerius Deputatorum and the Primicerius Augustalium (c. 533-38) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (453)
- Letter 31: Concerning One Who Leaves the Office of Primicerius Singulariorum(c. 533-38) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (453-54)
- Letter 32: Concerning One Who Receives the Office of Primicerius Singulariorum (c. 533-38) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (454)
- Letter 33: Concerning Those Who Must Be Granted a Delegatoria (c. 533-38) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (454-55)
- Letter 34: A Response to the Petition of Anthianus (c. 533-38) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (455)
- Letter 35: A Delegatoria (§§3) (c. 535) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (455-56)
- Letter 36: Praefectus Praetorio Senator to Anatolicus, Cancellarius of the Province of Samnium (§§5) (c. 533-38) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (456-57)
- Letter 37: Praefectus Praetorio Senator to Lucinus, Vir Clarissimus and Cancellarius of Campania (§§4) (c. 533-38) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (457-58)
- Letter 38: Praefectus Praetorio Senator to Johannus, Canonicarius of Tuscany (§§6) (c. 535) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (458-59)
- Letter 39: Praefectus Praetorio Senator to Vitalianus, Vir Clarissimus and Cancellarius of Lucania and Bruttium (§§5) (c. 533-38) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (460-61)
- Letter 40: Indulgentia (§§9) (c. 533-38) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (461-63)
Book 12
- Letter 1: Praefectus Praetorio Senator to the Various Cancellarii of Individual Provinces (§§5) (c. 533-38) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (464-65)
- Letter 2: Praefectus Praetorio Senator to All Governors of the Provinces (§§6) (c. 534) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (465-67)
- Letter 3: Praefectus Praetorio Senator to All Saiones Who Are Assigned to Cancellarii (§§4) (c. 533-38) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (467-68)
- Letter 4: Praefectus Praetorio Senator to the Canonicarius of Venetia (§§6) (c. 533-38) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (468-70)
- Letter 5: Praefectus Praetorio Senator to Valerianus, Vir Spectabilis (§§9) (c. 535/536) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (470-72)
- Letter 6: Praefectus Praetorio Senator to All Agents Administrating Contracts for the Prefecture (§§3) (c. 533-38) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (472-73)
- Letter 7: Praefectus Praetorio Senator to the Canonicarius of the Veneti (§§2) (c. 536) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (473)
- Letter 8: Praefectus Praetorio Senator to the Consular of the Province of Liguria (§§3) (c. 533-38) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (474)
- Letter 9: Praefectus Praetorio Senator to Paschasius, Praefectus Annonae (§§4) (c. 533-35) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (474-75)
- Letter 10: Praefectus Praetorio Senator to the Various Cancellarii of the Provinces (§§3) (c. 533-38) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (476)
- Letter 11: Praefectus Praetorio Senator to Peter, Vir Clarissimus and Distributor of Preserved Foods (§§3) (c. 533-37) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (476-77)
- Letter 12: Praefectus Praetorio Senator to Anastasius, Cancellarius of Lucania and Bruttium (§§5) (c. 533-38) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (477-78)
- Letter 13: An Edict (§§4) (c. 533-38) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (479)
- Letter 14: Praefectus Praetorio Senator to Anastasius, Cancellarius of Lucania and Bruttium (§§6) (c. 533-38) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (480-81)
- Letter 15: Praefectus Praetorio Senator to Maximus, Vir Clarissimus and Cancellarius of Lucania and Bruttium (§§7) (c. 533-38) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (481-83)
- Letter 16: A Canonicaria (§§4) (c. 537) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (483-84)
- Letter 17: King Athalaric to Johannis, Siliquatarius of Ravenna (§§2) (c. 533-34) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (484-85)
- Letter 18: Praefectus Praetorio Senator to Constantinianus, Vir Experientissimus (§§3) (c. 535) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (485-86)
- Letter 19: Praefectus Praetorio Senator to Maximus, Vicarius of Rome (§§4) (c. 535) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (486-87)
- Letter 20: Praefectus Praetorio Senator to Thomas and Peter, Viri Clarissimi and Arcarii (§§5) (c. 536) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (487-88)
- Letter 21: Praefectus Praetorio Senator to Deusdedit, Scriba at Ravenna (§§5) (c. 533-38) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (488-89)
- Letter 22: Praefectus Praetorio Senator to the Provincials of Istria (§§7) (c. 537-38) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (489-91)
- Letter 23: Praefectus Praetorio Senator to Laurentius, Vir Experientissimus (§§2) (c. 537-38) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (491)
- Letter 24: Praefectus Praetorio Senator to the Tribuni Maritimorum (§§7) (c. 537-38) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (491-93)
- Letter 25: Praefectus Praetorio Senator to Ambrosius, Vir Illustris and Vices Agens (§§7) (c. 536) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (493-95)
- Letter 26: Praefectus Praetorio Senator to Paulus, Vir Strenuus (§§3) (c. 537-38) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (495-96)
- Letter 27: Praefectus Praetorio Senator to Datius, Bishop of Milan (§§3) (c. 535-36) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (496-97)
- Letter 28: An Edict (§§10) (c. 535-36) | Cassiodorus, The Variae (497-99)
Arator (c. 490-after 544) | WEST
- Historia Apostolica (2 Books) |TTH, Vol. 73 (119-224)
- Letter to Pope Vigilius | TTH, Vol. 73 (119-20)
- Letter to Florianus | TTH, Vol. 73 (225-26)
- Letter to Parthenius | TTH, Vol. 73 (227-32)
Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite (late 400s-early 500s) | EAST
- The Divine Names (§§13) | CWS, Pseudo-Dionysius, Complete Works (49-131)
- The Mystical Theology (§§5) | Pseudo-Dionysius, Colm Luibheid, trans., The Complete Works (New York: Paulist Press, 1987), 135-41.
- The Celestial Hierarchy (§§15) | CWS, Pseudo-Dionysius, Complete Works (145-91)
- The Ecclesiastical Hierarchy (§§5) | CWS, Pseudo-Dionysius, Complete Works (195-259)
- Letter 1: To the monk Gaius | CWS, Pseudo-Dionysius, Complete Works (263)
- Letter 2: To the same monk Gaius | CWS, Pseudo-Dionysius, Complete Works (263)
- Letter 3: To the same Gaius | CWS, Pseudo-Dionysius, Complete Works (264)
- Letter 4: To the same monk Gaius | CWS, Pseudo-Dionysius, Complete Works (264-65)
- Letter 5: To Dorotheus, the deacon | CWS, Pseudo-Dionysius, Complete Works (265-66)
- Letter 6: To the priest Sosipater | CWS, Pseudo-Dionysius, Complete Works (266)
- Letter 7:To Polycarp, a hierarch (§§3) | CWS, Pseudo-Dionysius, Complete Works (266-69)
- Letter 8: To the monk Demophilus, concerning one’s proper work, and kindness (§§6) | CWS, Pseudo-Dionysius, Complete Works (269-80)
- Letter 9: To Titus the hierarch, asking by letter what is the house of wisdom, what is the mixing bowl, and what are its foods and drinks (§§6) | CWS, Pseudo-Dionysius, Complete Works (280-88)
- Letter 10: To John the theologian, apostle and evangelist, an exile on the island of Patmos | CWS, Pseudo-Dionysius, Complete Works (288-89)
Pantoleon, Deacon (early 500s?) | EAST
- Sermon on the Transfiguration | PPS, Vol. 48 (107-12)
Timothy of Jerusalem (500s) | EAST
- Homily on the Cross and the Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ | PPS, Vol. 48 (145-53)
Pseudo-Zachariah Rhetor (500s) | EAST
- The Chronicle of Pseudo-Zachariah Rhetor (12 Books, some missing) | TTH, Vol. 55 (95-455)
Agapetus (500s) | EAST
- Advice to the Emperor Justinian (§§72) | TTH, Vol. 52 (99-121)
Apringius of Beja (500s) | WEST
- Explanation of the Revelation (fragments) | ACT, Latin Commentaries on Revelation (23-62) | Gumerlock, Seven Seals of the Apocalypse (27-29) [Tract on Apoc. 5:1-7]
Cyril of Scythopolis (c. 525-c. 559) | EAST
- Life of Euthymius (§§60) | CS, Vol. 114 (1-83)
- Life of Sabas (§§90) | CS, Vol. 114 (93-209)
- Life of John the Hesychast (§§28) | CS, Vol. 114 (220-42)
- Life of Cyriacus (§§21) | CS, Vol. 114 (245-59)
- Life of Theodosius (§§5) | CS, Vol. 114 (262-67)
- Life of Theognius | CS, Vol. 114 (269-71)
- Life of Abraamius (§§10) | CS, Vol. 114 (273-80)
Paul the Silentiary (died 575-580) | EAST
- Description of Hagia Sophia | TTH, Vol. 52 (189-212)
Evagrius Scholasticus (c. 536-594) | EAST
- Ecclesiastical History (6 Books) | TTH, Vol. 33 (1-317)
Paschasius of Dumium (mid 500s) | WEST
- Questions and Answers of the Greek Fathers (§§44) | CUA, Vol. 62 (117-71)
Andrew of Caesarea (563-614) | EAST
- Commentary on the Apocalypse (§§24) | CUA, Vol. 123 (19-203)
Pope John IV (died 642) | WEST
- Apology for Pope Honorius (Spring 641, after the death of Heraclius) | Neil and Allen, Conflict and Negotiation (178-86)
Pope Theodore II (died 649) | WEST
- Synodical Letter to Paul, Patriarch of Constantinople (end of 642/beginning of 643) | Neil and Allen, Conflict and Negotiation (186-93)
- To the Bishops Who Consecrated Paul, Patriarch of Constantinople, on account of the Ex-Patriarch Pyrrhus (c. 643) | Neil and Allen, Conflict and Negotiation (193-95)
- To Emperor Constantine (c. 643) | Neil and Allen, Conflict and Negotiation (196-98)
- From Emperor Constantine to Pope Theodore I (c. 643) | Neil and Allen, Conflict and Negotiation (199-201)
- From the African Churches to the Holy Roman Bishop Theodore (646) | Neil and Allen, Conflict and Negotiation (201-204)
Oecumenius (600s?) | EAST
- Commentary on the Apocalypse (§§12) | CUA, Vol. 112 (19-203)
John, Archbishop of Thessalonica (600s) | EAST
- The Dormition of Our Lady, the Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary (§§14) | PPS, Vol. 18 (47-67)
Theoteknos, Bishop of Livias (600s) | EAST
- An Encomium on the Assumption of the Holy Mother of God (§§10) | PPS, Vol. 18 (71-80)
Pope Stephen II (714-757) | WEST
- Letter 3 (CC): To King Pippin, Charles, Carloman, and all the Franks | TTH, Vol. 77 (153-58)
- Letter 4 (CC): To King Pippin, Charles, Carloman, and all the Franks (c. February 24, 756) | TTH, Vol. 77 (159-64)
- Letter 6 (CC): To Pippin (c. February 24, 756) | TTH, Vol. 77 (181-87)
- Letter 7 (CC): To Pippin (755) | TTH, Vol. 77 (188-91)
- Letter 8 (CC): To Pippin (March/April 757) | TTH, Vol. 77 (191-97)
- Letter 9 (CC): To Pippin, Charles, and Carloman (755) | TTH, Vol. 77 (198-202)
- Letter 10 (CC): To Pippin (753-757) | TTH, Vol. 77 (203-204)
- Letter 11 (CC): To the Franks (753-757) | TTH, Vol. 77 (204-205)
Antipope Constantine II (died c. 769) | WEST
“CC” stands for the collection of letters called Codex Epistolaris Carolinus.
- Letter 98 (CC): To Pippin (767) | TTH, Vol. 77 (428-30)
- Letter 99 (CC): To Pippin (after August 31, 767) | TTH, Vol. 77 (430-35)
Pope Stephen III (720-772) | WEST
“CC” stands for the collection of letters called Codex Epistolaris Carolinus.
- Letter 44 (CC): To Charles and His Mother (end of 769-771) | TTH, Vol. 77 (281-82)
- Letter 45 (CC): To Charles and Carloman (769-beginning of 771) | TTH, Vol. 77 (283-88)
- Letter 46 (CC): To Charles and His Mother (771) | TTH, Vol. 77 (288-90)
- Letter 47 (CC): To Charles and Carloman (769-770) | TTH, Vol. 77 (290-92)
- Letter 48 (CC): To Carloman (770/771) | TTH, Vol. 77 (293-94)
Pope Hadrian I (700-795) | WEST
“CC” stands for the collection of letters called Codex Epistolaris Carolinus.
- Letter 49 (CC): To Charles (May 778) | TTH, Vol. 77 (295-98)
- Letter 50 (CC): To Charles (775) | TTH, Vol. 77 (298-301)
- Letter 51 (CC): To Charles (november 775) | TTH, Vol. 77 (302-305)
- Letter 52 (CC): To Charles (October 27, 775) | TTH, Vol. 77 (305-307)
- Letter 53 (CC): To Charles (775) | TTH, Vol. 77 (308-10)
- Letter 54 (CC): To Charles (end of 774) | TTH, Vol. 77 (310-12)
- Letter 55 (CC): To Charles (early summer-end of 774) | TTH, Vol. 77 (312-14)
- Letter 56 (CC): To Charles (early-September 781) | TTH, Vol. 77 (315-16)
- Letter 57 (CC): To Charles (776-780) | TTH, Vol. 77 (317)
- Letter 58 (CC): To Charles (end of 775) | TTH, Vol. 77 (318-20)
- Letter 59 (CC): To Charles (end of 775) | TTH, Vol. 77 (320-22)
- Letter 60 (CC): To Charles (February 7, 776) | TTH, Vol. 77 (322-24)
- Letter 61 (CC): To Charles (779/780) | TTH, Vol. 77 (324-27)
- Letter 62 (CC): To Charles (774-780) | TTH, Vol. 77 (327-28)
- Letter 63 (CC): To Charles (summer-end of 775) | TTH, Vol. 77 (328-30)
- Letter 64 (CC): To Charles (779/780) | TTH, Vol. 77 (330-32)
- Letter 65 (CC): To Charles (774-780) | TTH, Vol. 77 (332-34)
- Letter 66 (CC): To Charles (781-786) | TTH, Vol. 77 (334-36)
- Letter 67 (CC): To Charles (781-791) | TTH, Vol. 77 (336-38)
- Letter 68 (CC): To Charles (end of 781-early 782) | TTH, Vol. 77 (339-40)
- Letter 69 (CC): To Charles (781-April 783) | TTH, Vol. 77 (340-42)
- Letter 70 (CC): To Charles (781-783) | TTH, Vol. 77 (343)
- Letter 71 (CC): To Charles (788/789) | TTH, Vol. 77 (344-45)
- Letter 72 (CC): To Charles (781-784) | TTH, Vol. 77 (345-49)
- Letter 73 (CC): To Charles (May 778) | TTH, Vol. 77 (350-51)
- Letter 74 (CC): To Charles (784-791) | TTH, Vol. 77 (352-53)
- Letter 75 (CC): To Charles (May-October 783) | TTH, Vol. 77 (353-55)
- Letter 76 (CC): To Charles (May-September 781) | TTH, Vol. 77 (356-58)
- Letter 77 (CC): To Charles (784-791) | TTH, Vol. 77 (358-60)
- Letter 78 (CC): To Charles (end of 781-April 783) | TTH, Vol. 77 (361-62)
- Letter 79 (CC): To Charles (May/June 781-783/784) | TTH, Vol. 77 (362-63)
- Letter 80 (CC): To Charles (early-July 786) | TTH, Vol. 77 (364-65)
- Letter 81 (CC): To Charles (after April 787) | TTH, Vol. 77 (366-67)
- Letter 82 (CC): To Charles (784-791) | TTH, Vol. 77 (367-69)
- Letter 83 (CC): To Charles (784-791) | TTH, Vol. 77 (369-70)
- Letter 84 (CC): To Charles (784-791) | TTH, Vol. 77 (371)
- Letter 85 (CC): To Charles (784-791) | TTH, Vol. 77 (372-78)
- Letter 86 (CC): To Charles (788) | TTH, Vol. 77 (378-80)
- Letter 87 (CC): To Charles (784-791) | TTH, Vol. 77 (381-82)
- Letter 88 (CC): To Charles (788) | TTH, Vol. 77 (382-85)
- Letter 89 (CC): To Charles (784-791) | TTH, Vol. 77 (386-88)
- Letter 90 (CC): To Charles (end of 787-beginning of 780) | TTH, Vol. 77 (389-91)
- Letter 91 (CC): To Charles (beginning of 786) | TTH, Vol. 77 (392-94)
- Letter 92 (CC): To Charles (after January 22, 788) | TTH, Vol. 77 (394-96)
- Letter 93 (CC): To Charles (780-April 783) | TTH, Vol. 77 (397-98)
- Letter 94 (CC): To Charles (784-791) | TTH, Vol. 77 (398-400)
- Letter 95 (CC): To Bishop Egila in Spain (785-791) | TTH, Vol. 77 (401-403)
- Letter 96 (CC): To Bishop Egila and Presbyter John (772-791) | TTH, Vol. 77 (403-13)
- Letter 97 (CC): To the Bishops of Spain (785-792) | TTH, Vol. 77 (413-27)
Kosmas Vestitor (c. 730-c. 850) | EAST
- Sermon on the Holy Joachim and Anna, Glorious Parents of the Theotokos Mary (§§8) | PPS, Vol. 35 (139-44)
Alcuin of York (c. 735-804) | WEST
- Pseudo-Alcuin, On the Seven Seals | Gumerlock, Seven Seals of the Apocalypse (30-32)
- Question and Answer Manual on the Apocalypse | Gumerlock, Seven Seals of the Apocalypse (53-54) [Apoc. 5-6]
Theodulf of Orleans (c. 750/60-821) | WEST
- Exposition on the Apocalypse of John (810) | Gumerlock, Carolingian Commentaries (33-64)
Theodore Abū Qurrah (c. 750-c. 825) | EAST
Jonas of Orleans (c. 760-843) | WEST
- De Institutione Regia (17) | Jonas of Orleans, De Institutione Regia (1-62)
Smaragdus of Saint-Mihiel (c. 770-c. 840) | WEST
- Homily on the Feast of Michael the Archangel, Apocalypse 1 (812) | Gumerlock, Carolingian Commentaries (83-85)
- Homily on the Eighth Sunday After Pentecost, Apocalypse 4 (812) | Gumerlock, Carolingian Commentaries (86-89)
- Against the Exposition of Bede on This Reading (Apocalypse 4) (812) | Gumerlock, Carolingian Commentaries (89-95)
- Homily on the Feast of the Holy Innocents, Apocalypse 14 (812) | Gumerlock, Carolingian Commentaries (96-99)
- Commentary on the Rule of Saint Benedict (3 Books) | CS, Vol. 212 (43-537)
- The Crown of Monks (§§101) | CS, Vol. 245 (1-229)
Amalar of Metz (c. 775-c. 850) | WEST
- On the Liturgy (4 Books) | DOML, Vol. 35 (2-485) [Books 1-2] | DOML, Vol. 36 (2-625) [Books 3-4]
Mena of Nikiou (700s) | EAST
- The Life of Isaac of Alexandria | CS, Vol. 107 (43-76)
- The Martyrdom of Saint Macrobius | CS, Vol. 107 (113-27)
Pisentius of Coptos (700s) | EAST
- The Life of Onnophrius (§§37) | CS, Vol. 140 (145-66)
- A Discourser on Saint Onnophrius | CS, Vol. 140 (175-88)
Zacharias of Sakhā (700s) | EAST
- The Life of John the Little | CS, Vol. 234 (63-257)
John of Euboea (mid 800s) | EAST
- Homily on the Conception of the Holy Theotokos (§§23) | PPS, Vol. 35 (173-95)
Emperor Leo VI, “the Wise” (886-912) | EAST
- Homily 10: On the Transfiguration | PPS, Vol. 48 (237-50)
- Homily 11: On the Transfiguration | PPS, Vol. 48 (251-54)
- Homily 39: On the Transfiguration | PPS, Vol. 48 (255-57)
Odo of Glanfeuil (800s) | WEST
- The Life of Maurus | CS, Vol. 223 (59-99)
- The Little Book of Miracles | CS, Vol. 223 (115-43)
Grimlaicus (800s or 900s) | WEST
- The Rule for Solitaries (§§69) | CS, Vol. 200 (25-172)
Cormac mac Cuilennáin (died 908) | WEST
- The Rule of Cormac Mac Ciolionáin (§§14) | CS, Vol. 162 (55-57)
Anselm of Havelberg (c. 1100-1158) | WEST
- Anticimenon: On the Unity of the Faith and the Controversies with the Greeks (3 Books) | CS, Vol. 232 (43-211)
Philagathus of Cerami (died after 1154) | EAST
- Homily 31: On the Saving Transfiguration (§§39) | PPS, Vol. 48 (261-80)
Nephytos the Recluse/of Cyprus (1134-1214) | EAST
- Catechesis on the Holy and Radiant Transfiguration of our God and Savior | PPS, Vol. 48 (283-85)
Joachim of Fiore (c. 1135-1202) | WEST
- On the Seven Seals | Gumerlock, Seven Seals of the Apocalypse (55-60)
Niketas Choniatēs (c. 1155-1217) | EAST
- The Annals of Niketas Choniatēs Beginning with the Reign of John Komnenos and Ending with the Fall of Constantinople (10 Parts) | Niketas, Magoulias, Annals (3-362)
Hugh of Saint Cher (c. 1200-1263) | WEST
- Exposition on the Apocalypse | Gumerlock, Seven Seals of the Apocalypse (35-36) [Apoc. 5:1]
Nicholas of Gorran (1232-1295) | WEST
- On the Apocalypse of the Apostle John | Gumerlock, Seven Seals of the Apocalypse (37-39) [Apoc. 5:1]
Theoleptos of Philadelphia (c. 1250-1322) | EAST
- Catechesis for the Feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (§§9) | PPS, Vol. 48 (289-92)
Nikephoros Choumnos (c. 1250/55-1327) | EAST
- On the Holy Transfiguration of Christ (§§24) | PPS, Vol. 48 (297-315)
Vital du Four (1260-1327) | WEST
- Commentaries on the Apocalypse | Gumerlock, Seven Seals of the Apocalypse (61) [Apoc. 8:1]
Gregory of Sinai/the Sinaite (c. 1260s-1346) | EAST
- Discourse of our Holy Father Gregory the Sinaite on the Holy Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ (§§28) | PPS, Vol. 48 (327-47)
Peter Auriol (c. 1280-1322) | WEST
- Compendium on Holy Scripture | Gumerlock, Seven Seals of the Apocalypse (63-72) [Apoc. 6-8]
Gregory Palamas (c. 1296-1359) | EAST
- Homily 34: On the Venerable Transfiguration of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (§§18) | PPS, Vol. 48 (355-66)
- Homily 35: For the Same Transfiguration of the Lord (§§18) | PPS, Vol. 48 (367-78)
Giyorgis of Segla/Enzira Sebhat (c. 1365-1425) | EAST
- The Harp of Glory: An Alphabetical Hymn of Praise for the Ever-Blessed Virgin Mary | PPS, Vol. 39 (25-159)
Giovanni Nanni (1437-1502) | WEST
- Gloss on the Apocalypse | Gumerlock, Seven Seals of the Apocalypse (72) [Apoc. 4-7]