Church Fathers
- St. Barnabas (first century)
- St. Pope Clement I (died 99) | WEST
- St. Ignatius of Antioch (died c. 107) | EAST
- St. Quadratus of Athens (died 129) | EAST
- St. Papias of Hierapolis (c. 60-c. 130) | EAST
- St. Polycarp (69-155) | EAST
- St. Justin Martyr (c. 100-165) | EAST
- St. Hegesippus (c. 110-c. 180) | EAST
- St. Melito of Sardis (died c. 180) | EAST
- St. Theophilus of Antioch (died c. 183-85) | EAST
- St. Irenaeus of Lyon (c. 130-c. 202) | EAST/WEST
- St. Athenagoras of Athens (c. 133-c. 190) | EAST
- St. Apollinaris Claudius (late 100s) | EAST | St. Apollinaris Claudius (Wikipedia)
- St. Pantaenus of Alexandria (died c. 200) | EAST | St. Pantaenus of Alexandria (Wikipedia)
- St. Serapion of Antioch (died 211) | EAST | St. Serapion of Antioch (Wikipedia)
- St. Clement of Alexandria (c. 150-c. 215) | EAST
- St. Dionysius of Corinth (early to mid-100s) | EAST
- St. Hippolytus of Rome (c. 170-c. 235) | WEST
- St. Alexander of Cappadocia/Jerusalem (died 251) | EAST
- St. Pope Cornelius (died 253) | WEST
- St. Cyprian of Carthage (c. 210-258) | WEST
- St. Pontius of Carthage (early 200s-c. 262) | WEST
- St. Dionysius of Alexandria (died 264) | EAST
- St. Pope Dionysius of Rome (died 268) | WEST
- St. Gregory Thaumaturgus (c. 213-270) | EAST
- St. Anatolius of Laodicea (died 283) | EAST
- St. Theonas of Alexandria (died 300) | EAST
- St. Victorinus of Pettau/Petovium (died 303/304) | WEST | Victorinus of Pettau (Wikipedia)
- St. Phileas of Thmuis (died c. 306) | EAST
- St. Pamphilus of Caesarea (died 309) | EAST
- St. Peter of Alexandria (died 311) | EAST
- St. Methodius of Olympus (died c. 311) | EAST
- St. Pierius of Alexandria (died c. 312) | EAST
- St. Alexander of Alexandria (died 326/328) | EAST
- St. Aphrahat the Persian (c. 280-c. 345) | EAST
- St. Pope Julius I (280-352) | WEST | Pope Julius I (Wikipedia)
- St. Macarius of Egypt/the Great/the Spirit Bearer (c. 300-c. 391) | EAST
- St. Hilary of Poitiers (c. 310-c. 367) | WEST
- St. Didymus the Blind (c. 313-398) | EAST
- St. Serapion of Thmuis (died c. 360) | EAST
- St. Athanasius (c. 296/98-373) | EAST
- St. Optatus of Milevis (300s) | WEST
- St. Paphnutius of Thebes (300s) | EAST | Paphnutius of Thebes (Wikipedia)
- Desert Fathers (300s) | EAST
- St. Pope Damasus I (c. 305-384) | WEST | Pope Damasus I (Wikipedia)
- St. Ephrem the Syrian (c. 306-373) | EAST | Ephrem the Syrian (Wikipedia)
- St. Pacian of Barcelona (c. 310-391) | WEST
- St. Epiphanius of Cyprus/Salamis (c. 310/320-403) | EAST
- St. Cyril of Jerusalem (c. 313-386) | EAST
- St. Gregory Nazianzus (c. 329-390) | EAST | Gregory of Nazianzus (Wikipedia)
- St. Basil (330-379) | EAST
- St. Pope Siricius I (334-399) | WEST
- St. Gregory of Nyssa (c. 335-395) | EAST
- St. Nicetas of Remesiana (c. 335-414) | WEST
- St. Ambrose of Milan (c. 340-397) | WEST
- St. Jerome (c. 342/347-420) | EAST/WEST
- St. Pope Anastasius I (died 401) | WEST
- St. Chromatius of Aquileia (died c. 406/407) | WEST
- St. John Chrysostom (c. 347-407) | EAST
- St. Pope Innocent I (died 417) | WEST
- St. Shenoute (c. 348-465) | EAST | Shenoute (Wikipedia)
- St. Augustine (354-430) | WEST
- St. Paulinus of Nola (c. 354-431) | WEST
- St. John Cassian (c. 360-c. 435) | EAST
- St. Possidius (died c. 437) | WEST | Possidius (Wikipedia)
- St. Pope Celestine I (c. 376-432) | WEST | Pope Celestine I (Wikipedia)
- St. Cyril of Alexandria (c. 376-444) | EAST
- St. Valerian of Abbenza (377-457) | WEST
- St. Peter Chrysologus (c. 380-c. 450) | WEST
- St. Maximus of Turin (c. 380-c. 465) | WEST
- St. Proclus of Constantinople (c. 390-446) | EAST
- St. Prosper of Aquitaine (c. 390-c. 455) | WEST
- St. Simeon Stylites (c. 390-459) | EAST | Simeon Stylites (Wikipedia)
- St. Pope Leo the Great (c. 400-461) | WEST
- St. Hilary of Arles (c. 403-c. 449) | WEST
- St. Vincent of Lérins (died c. 445) | WEST
- St. Patrick of Ireland (400s) | WEST
- St. Mark the Monk/Eremita (400s) | EAST
- St. Sechnall of Ireland (died c. 447/448) | WEST | Secundinus (Wikipedia)
- St. Quodvultdeus of Carthage (died c. 450) | WEST
- St. Isaiah the Solitary (died 491) | EAST | Isaiah the Solitary (Wikipedia)
- St. Pope Gelasius I (died 496) | WEST
- St. Pope Symmachus (died 514) | WEST | Pope Symmachus (Wikipedia)
- St. Pope Hormisdas (c. 450-523) | WEST | Pope Hormisdas (Wikipedia)
- St. Jacob of Serug (c. 451-521) | EAST
- St. Ailbe (died 528) | WEST | Ailbe of Emly (Wikipedia)
- St. Caesarius of Arles (c. 468/470-542) | WEST
- St. Fulgentius of Ruspe (c. 472/467-527/533) | WEST | Fulgentius of Ruspe (Wikipedia)
- St. Magnus Felix Ennodius (c. 473/74-521) | WEST
- St. Benedict (480-547) | WEST | Benedict of Nursia (Wikipedia)
- St. Romanos the Melodist (late 400s-after 555) | EAST
- St. Dorotheus of Gaza (c. 505-c. 565) | EAST | Dorotheus of Gaza (Wikipedia)
- St. Comghall (c. 510-520-597/602) | WEST | Comgall (Wikipedia)
- St. Ciarán (c. 516-c. 549) | WEST | Ciarán of Clonmacnoise (Wikipedia)
- St. Martin of Braga (c. 520-580) | WEST
- St. Barsanuphius (died c. 545) | EAST
- St. Venantius Honorius Clementianus Fortunatus (c. 530-c. 600/609) | WEST
- St. Leander of Seville (c. 534-600/601) | WEST
- St. Gregory of Tours (c. 538-594) | WEST
- St. Pope Gregory the Great (c. 540-604) | WEST
- St. Columban (543-615) | WEST | Columbanus (Wikipedia)
- St. Modestus of Jerusalem (died 634) | EAST
- St. Anastasius I of Antioch (c. 558/559-70-c. 596-98) | EAST
- St. Isidore of Seville (c. 560-636) | WEST
- St. Pope Agatho (c. 577-681) | WEST
- St. John Climacus (c. 579-649) | EAST
- St. Maximus the Confessor (c. 580-662) | EAST
- St. Braulio of Saragossa/Zaragoza (585-651) | WEST
- St. Carthage (500s) | WEST | Carthage the Elder (Wikipedia)
- St. Pope Martin I (590 to 600-655) | WEST | Pope Martin I (Wikipedia)
- St. Pope Leo II (c. 611-683) | WEST | Pope Leo II (Wikipedia)
- St. Fructuosus of Braga (died 665) | WEST
- St. Isaac of Nineveh/Isaac the Syrian (c. 613-c. 700) | EAST
- St. Germanus of Constantinople (c. 634-733/40) | EAST
- St. Julian of Toledo (642-90) | WEST
- St. Anastasius of Sinai (died after 700) | EAST
- St. Andrew of Crete/Jerusalem (c. 650-712/726/740) | EAST
- St. Bede the Venerable (c. 672/73-735) | WEST
- St. Pope Gregory III (died 741) | WEST | Pope Gregory III (Wikipedia)
- St. John of Damascus (c. 675/76-749) | EAST
- St. Boniface (c. 675-754) | WEST | Saint Boniface (Wikipedia)
- St. Pope Zachary (679-752) | WEST | Pope Zachary (Wikipedia)
- St. John of Old Lavra/of the Ancient Caves of Palestine (700s) | EAST
- St. Benedict of Aniane (747-821) | WEST | Benedict of Aniane (Wikipedia)
- St. Nicephorus I of Constantinople (c. 758-828) | EAST | Nikephoros I of Constantinople (Wikipedia)
- St. Theodore the Studite (759-826) | EAST
- St. Gregory of Narek (c. 945-951-c. 1001-1011 | EAST | Gregory of Narek (Wikipedia)
- St. Symeon the New Theologian (949-1022) | EAST
- St. Anselm of Canterbury (1033/1034-1109 | WEST | Anselm of Canterbury (Wikipedia)
- St. Hildegard of Bingen (c. 1098-1179) | WEST | Hildegard of Bingen (Wikipedia)
Ecclesiastical Writers
- Mathetes (c. late first/early second century) | EAST/WEST?
- The Shepherd of Hermas (early to mid-100s) | EAST/WEST?
- Aristo of Pella (c. 100-c. 160) | EAST
- Tatian the Syrian (c. 120-c. 180) | EAST | Tatian (Wikipedia)
- Theophilus, Bishop of Caesarea Maritima (died 195) | EAST | Theophilus, Bishop of Caesarea Maritima (Wikipedia)
- Polycrates of Ephesus (c. 130-196) | EAST | Polycrates of Ephesus (Wikipedia)
- Rhodon (late 100s) | EAST
- Pseudo-Irenaeus (late 100s) | EAST/WEST?
- Maximus II, Bishop of Jerusalem (late 100s) | EAST | Maximus II, Bishop of Jerusalem (Wikipedia)
- Apollonius of Ephesus (late 100s to early 200s) | EAST | Apollonius of Ephesus (Wikipedia)
- Commodianus (mid 200s) | WEST? | Commodian (Wikipedia)
- Tertullian (c. 155-c. 220) | WEST
- Sextus Julius Africanus (c. 160-c. 240) | EAST
- Origen (c. 184-c. 253) | EAST
- Caius the Presbyter (200s) | WEST
- Asterius Urbanus (200s) | WEST/EAST?
- Theodotus (200s) | WEST/EAST?
- Minucius Felix (died c. 250) | WEST | Marcus Minucius Felix (Wikipedia)
- Novatian (c. 200-c. 258) | WEST
- Firmilian of Cappadocia (died c. 269) | WEST | Firmilian (Wikipedia)
- Theognostus of Alexandria (c. 210-c. 270) | EAST
- Malchion of Antioch (200s) | EAST
- Archelaus, Bishop of Carrhae (died late 200s) | EAST
- Alexander, Bishop of Lycopolis (died early 300s) | EAST
- Lactantius (c. 250-c. 325) | WEST
- Arnobius (died c. 330) | WEST
- Eusebius of Caesarea (c. 260/265-339) | EAST
- Emperor Constantine the Great (c. 272-337) | EAST/WEST | Constantine the Great (Wikipedia)
- Gaius Marius Victorinus (290-364) | WEST
- Firmicus Maternus (300s) | WEST
- Daniel of Scetis (300s) | EAST | Daniel of Scetis (Wikipedia)
- Pseudo-Clement (mid 300s) | EAST/WEST?
- Tyconius (died 390) | WEST
- Nemesius of Emesa (late 300s) | EAST | Nemesius of Emesa (Wikipedia)
- Ammianus Marcellinus (c. 330-c. 391-400) | PAGAN
- Paulinus the Deacon (died 400s) | WEST
- Rufinus of Aquileia (344/45-411) | WEST | Tyrannius Rufinus (Wikipedia)
- Evagrius Ponticus/the Solitary (345-99) | EAST
- Prudentius (348-c. 405-13) | WEST
- Theodore of Mopsuestia (c. 350-428) | EAST
- Severian of Gabala (355-408/425) | EAST | Severian of Gabala (Wikipedia)
- Palladius of Galatia (c. 363-420s) | EAST
- Sulpicius Severus (c. 363-c. 425) | WEST
- Ambrosiaster/Pseudo-Ambrose (wrote c. 366-384) | WEST | Ambrosiaster (Wikipedia)
- Philostorgius (368-c. 439) | EAST | Philostorgius (Wikipedia)
- Paulus Orosius of Braga (c. 375/85-c. 420) | WEST
- Socrates of Constantinople (c. 380-after 439) | EAST | Socrates of Constantinople (Wikipedia)
- Egeria (pilgrimage from c. 381/2-84) | WEST
- Julian of Eclanum (c. 386-c. 455) | WEST | Julian of Eclanum (Wikipedia)
- Theodoret of Cyrus (c. 393-c. 458/466) | EAST | Theodoret (Wikipedia)
- Leporius the Monk (late 300s/early 400s) | WEST
- Salvian the Presbyter (400s) | WEST
- Sozomen (c. 400-c. 450) | EAST
- Diadochus of Photikē (c. 400-c. 486) | EAST | Diadochus of Photiki (Wikipedia)
- Gennadius of Constantinople (died 471) | EAST
- Gennadius of Massilia (died c. 496) | WEST
- Pope Anastasius II (died 498) | WEST
- Julianus Pomerius (died c. 499-505) | WEST
- Avitus of Vienne (c. 450-517/518 or 519) | WEST | Avitus of Vienne (Wikipedia)
- Eugippius (c. 460-c. 535) | WEST
- Pope John II (c. 475-535) | WEST | Pope John II (Wikipedia)
- Emperor Justinian I (482-565) | EAST | Justinian I (Wikipedia)
- Leontius of Constantinople (c. 485-c. 545) | EAST
- Cassiodorus (c. 485-c. 585) | WEST
- Arator (c. 490-after 544) | WEST
- Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite (late 400s-early 500s) | EAST
- Pantoleon, Deacon (early 500s?) | EAST
- Timothy of Jerusalem (500s) | EAST
- Pseudo-Zachariah Rhetor (500s) | EAST | Pseudo-Zacharias Rhetor (Wikipedia)
- Agapetus (500s) | EAST | Agapetus (deacon) (Wikipedia)
- Apringius of Beja (500s) | WEST | Apringius (Wikipedia)
- Cyril of Scythopolis (c. 525-c. 559) | EAST
- Paul the Silentiary (died 575-580) | EAST | Paul the Silentiary (Wikipedia)
- Evagrius Scholasticus (c. 536-594) | EAST
- Paschasius of Dumium (mid 500s) | WEST
- Andrew of Caesarea (563-614) | EAST
- Pope John IV (died 642) | WEST | Pope John IV (Wikipedia)
- Pope Theodore II (died 649) | WEST | Pope Theodore I (Wikipedia)
- Oecumenius (600s?) | EAST
- John, Archbishop of Thessalonica (600s) | EAST
- Theoteknos, Bishop of Livias (600s) | EAST
- Pope Stephen II (714-757) | WEST | Pope Stephen II (Wikipedia)
- Antipope Constantine II (died c. 769) | WEST | Antipope Constantine II (Wikipedia)
- Pope Stephen III (720-772) | WEST | Pope Stephen III (Wikipedia)
- Pope Hadrian I (700-795) | WEST | Pope Adrian I (Wikipedia)
- Kosmas Vestitor (c. 730-c. 850) | EAST
- Alcuin of York (c. 735-804) | WEST | Alcuin (Wikipedia)
- Theodulf of Orleans (c. 750/60-821) | WEST
- Theodore Abū Qurrah (c. 750-c. 825) | EAST | Theodore Abū Qurrah (Wikipedia)
- Jonas of Orleans (c. 760-843) | WEST | Jonas of Orléans (Wikipedia)
- Smaragdus of Saint-Mihiel (c. 770-c. 840) | WEST
- Amalar of Metz (c. 775-c. 850) | WEST | Amalarius (Wikipedia)
- Mena of Nikiou (700s) | EAST
- Pisentius of Coptos (700s) | EAST
- Zacharias of Sakhā (700s) | EAST
- John of Euboea (mid 800s) | EAST
- Emperor Leo VI, “the Wise” (886-912) | EAST
- Odo of Glanfeuil (800s) | WEST | Odo of Glanfeuil (Wikipedia)
- Grimlaicus (800s or 900s) | WEST | Grimlaicus (Wikipedia)
- Cormac mac Cuilennáin (died 908) | WEST | Cormac mac Cuilennáin (Wikipedia)
- Anselm of Havelberg (c. 1100-1158) | WEST | Anselm of Havelberg (Wikipedia)
- Philagathus of Cerami (died after 1154) | EAST
- Nephytos the Recluse/of Cyprus (1134-1214) | EAST
- Joachim of Fiore (c. 1135-1202) | WEST | Joachim of Fiore (Wikipedia)
- Niketas Choniatēs (c. 1155-1217) | EAST | Niketas Choniatēs (Wikipedia)
- Hugh of Saint Cher (c. 1200-1263) | WEST | Hugh of Saint-Cher (Wikipedia)
- Nicholas of Gorran (1232-1295) | WEST | Nicholas of Gorran (Wikipedia)
- Theoleptos of Philadelphia (c. 1250-1322) | EAST
- Nikephoros Choumnos (c. 1250/55-1327) | EAST
- Vital du Four (1260-1327) | WEST | Vital du Four (Wikipedia)
- Gregory of Sinai/the Sinaite (c. 1260s-1346) | EAST
- Peter Auriol (c. 1280-1322) | WEST | Petrus Aureoli (Wikipedia)
- Gregory Palamas (c. 1296-1359) | EAST
- Giyorgis of Segla/Enzira Sebhat (c. 1365-1425) | EAST
- Giovanni Nanni (1437-1502) | WEST | Annius of Viterbo (Wikipedia)
- Timothy of Antioch/Jerusalem (500s-700s?) | EAST