Our Logo

Eternal Christendom’s logo captures the essence of Christendom as the civilization born from the heart of the Catholic Church by the uniting and fulfillment of revealed religion from Israel, philosophy from the Greeks, and laws and institutions from Rome by the Incarnation of Jesus Christ, who purchased this kingdom with His own blood.

The providential intersection of these three civilizations in “the fullness of time” (Gal. 4:4) was not lost on many Church Fathers, many of whom considered it a preparation for the coming of Christ.

They particularly noted the presence of three languages above Our Lord’s head when He died on the cross—Hebrew, Greek, and Latin—all translating: “Jesus King of the Jews.”

Symbolism in Our Logo


The Jerusalem Cross

The Ten Commandments


The Parthenon

The Colosseum

Truth, Goodness, Beauty
Crown of Victory

The Holy Trinity

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