Category: Becoming Catholic


Quote Archive—Holy Mary, Mother of God, New Eve, Ever-Virgin

This Quote Archive on the Holy Mary, Mother of God, New Eve, Ever-Virgin, is part of the Becoming Catholic series. Each archive of quotes is intended to serve as a reference source on the various topics addressed in the articles. They are periodically updated as more research is completed. Apostolic

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Quote Archive—Purgatory

This Quote Archive on Purgatory is part of the Becoming Catholic series. Each archive of quotes is intended to serve as a reference source on the various topics addressed in the articles. They are periodically updated as more research is completed. Apostolic Era Documents Ancient Christian Inscription: Varius Epitaphs (c.

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Quote Archive—Intercession of the Saints

This Quote Archive on the Intercession of the Saints is part of the Becoming Catholic series. Each archive of quotes is intended to serve as a reference source on the various topics addressed in the articles. They are periodically updated as more research is completed. Apostolic Era Documents Shepherd of

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Quote Archive—Mortal Sin: Christians Can Lose Their Salvation

This Quote Archive on Mortal Sin is part of the Becoming Catholic series. Each archive of quotes is intended to serve as a reference source on the various topics addressed in the articles. They are periodically updated as more research is completed. Apostolic Era Documents The Didache (Ch. 16) (c.

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Quote Archive—The Sacrament of Confession

This Quote Archive on the Sacrament of Confession is part of the Becoming Catholic series. Each archive of quotes is intended to serve as a reference source on the various topics addressed in the articles. They are periodically updated as more research is completed. Apostolic Era Documents The Didache (§§4,

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Quote Archive—The Sacrament of Confirmation

This Quote Archive on the Sacrament of Confirmation is part of the Becoming Catholic series. Each archive of quotes is intended to serve as a reference source on the various topics addressed in the articles. They are periodically updated as more research is completed. St. Theophilus of Antioch (died c.

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Quote Archive—The Sacrifice of the Eucharist

This Quote Archive on the Sacrifice of the Eucharist is part of the Becoming Catholic series. Each archive of quotes is intended to serve as a reference source on the various topics addressed in the articles. They are periodically updated as more research is completed. Apostolic Era Documents The Didache

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Quote Archive—The Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist

This Quote Archive on the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist is part of the Becoming Catholic series. Each archive of quotes is intended to serve as a reference source on the various topics addressed in the articles. They are periodically updated as more research is completed. St. Ignatius

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Quote Archive—Baptismal Regeneration

This Quote Archive on Baptismal Regeneration is part of the Becoming Catholic series. Each archive of quotes is intended to serve as a reference source on the various topics addressed in the articles. They are periodically updated as more research is completed. Apostolic Era Documents The Shepherd of Hermas (Book

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