March 1, 2025
by Joshua Charles

Ultimate Church Fathers | Library of Books

The Fathers of the Church (Catholic University of America)

Short citations: CUA, Vol. X (pages)

Popular Patristics (St. Vladimir’s Seminary)

Short citations: PPS, Vol. X (pages)

Ancient Christian Writers (The Newman Press)

Short citations: ACW, Vol. X (pages)

Ancient Christian Texts (IVP Academic)

Short citations listed after each book since they are un-numbered volumes.

Translated Texts for Historians (University of Liverpool)

Short citations: TTH, Vol. X (pages)

Cistercian Studies (Cistercian Publications)

Short citations: CS, Vol. X (pages)

Writings from the Greco-Roman World (Society of Biblical Literature)

Short citations: WGRW, Vol. X (pages)

Holy Cross Orthodox Press

Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library (Harvard)

Short citations: DOML, Vol. X (pages)

Roman State & Christian Church (Wipf & Stock)

Short citations: RSCC, Vol. X (pages)

Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture (IVP)

Short citations: ACCS, Old Testament/New Testament, Vol. X (pages)

The Classics of Western Spirituality (Paulist)

Short citations listed after each book since they are un-numbered volumes.

The Faith of the Early Fathers (Jurgens)

Short citations: Jurgens, Faith of the Fathers, Vol. X (pages)

The Library of Early Christianity (CUA)

Short citations: LEC, Vol. X (pages)

Other Books

Short citations listed after each book since they are un-numbered volumes.

Secondary Sources

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