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Patrick Madrid

Catholic Author

Relevant Radio Host

“I warmly and enthusiastically welcome the arrival of Eternal Christendom, a new apostolate under the gifted direction of Joshua Charles. Joshua’s conversion to the Catholic Church is yet another example of God‘s grace working powerfully in the lives of countless men and women who truly seek to know the truth and to follow God’s will. Many Protestants on the journey home to the Catholic Church were imbued by others with antipathy, suspicion, and even outright hostility toward the Catholic Faith. As one who has made the journey himself, Joshua is well-equipped to share through Eternal Christendom the timeless riches of Scripture and the powerful Catholic testimony of the Church Fathers, demonstrating conclusively, to anyone who has eyes to see and ears to hear, that the early Church was Catholic and that Jesus Christ wants everyone to enter into this Church that He founded on the rock of Peter.”


Patrick hosts the daily “Patrick Madrid Show” heard nationally on Relevant Radio’s 225 stations and globally on the Relevant Radio app. The author or editor of 26 books, he has taught apologetics at Holy Apostles College & Seminary, Saint Patrick’s Seminary & University, and Franciscan University of Steubenville. He and his wife Nancy have been married for over 40 years and have 11 children and over 30 grandchildren (so far).

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