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Jonathan Arrington

Independent Scholar

Patrologist, Classical Languages


Jonathan was formerly Southern Baptist, and converted to the Catholic Faith while in college at Furman University. He then spent 6 years in the three seminaries of Apostolic Life that are dedicated to the Extraordinary Form or Traditional Latin Mass. During that time, he taught Latin and Greek, and led scholas, and has continued to teach the classical languages and lead choirs since he left priestly formation. Jonathan finished work for the STD in Patristics at the Augustinianum in Rome. During his stay in Rome, he taught for Christendom College, Thomas More College, Newman College Ireland, and the Angelicum (Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas). While in the Eternal City he married his beloved wife Carey, where they also had their first three children. They now have 7 children and live just outside Atlanta, GA, where Jonathan is choir director at the FSSP Parish and teaches Carmelite monks Latin, Greek, Theology and Sacred Music.

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