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Erick Ybarra

Classical Christian Thought


“Sts. Peter and Paul, the two chief Apostles, both proclaimed that the incorruptible Word of God in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, when proclaimed and believed, is God’s very own power to save our souls. They gave their life and blood so that human beings might, through mind and body, ongoingly worship the Trinity as living sacrifices through faith. This faith comes from hearing and understanding the Word. It is this Word that transformed the Greco-Roman world and spread East and West, transforming philosophy, conduct, and human culture, making what became known as Christendom. Her former glory has in recent times been eclipsed by the onset of vain, empty, and erroneous belief systems.  In her debt, Eternal Christendom is the apostolate we’ve desperately needed, dedicating itself to faithfully picking up the Great Tradition that set ablaze Christian civilization and restoring it to the hearts of modern man. No other mission is more important to our culture’s needs, and I can think of no better man than Joshua Charles, both Founder and President, to lead the way to chase this blessed vision.”


Erick Ybarra is a revert to the Catholic faith from Protestantism and has spent almost two decades studying the doctrinal nature of the divisions that exist within Christendom. He is a popular speaker at Classical Christian Thought and the author of several books such as The PapacyThe FilioqueThe Just Shall Live by Faith, and Melchizedek and the Last Supper. He has made countless appearances in public venues such as Pints with AquinasIntellectual Catholicism, and Meaning of Catholic. He resides in Central Florida with his wife and 6 children.

You can read more about Erick Ybarra and his initiatives here: www.erickybarra.com

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